MaturaSolutionsAdv - Progress Answer Key B
MaturaSolutionsAdv - Progress Answer Key B
MaturaSolutionsAdv - Progress Answer Key B
Unit 1 5 royalty
1 Writing
1B 2B 3E 4C 5A 8
Content (maximum 4 points)
Vocabulary 1 point for content of each
2 paragraph.
1A 2C 3A 4C 5C
Form (maximum 2 points)
3 2 points for good sentence
1 disadvantaged structure and paragraphing.
2 impartial 1 point for reasonable structure.
3 illiterate
4 underestimate Range (maximum 2 points)
5 irreplaceable 2 points for using a good range of
vocabulary and structures.
4 1 point for using a reasonable
1 The local people are staunchly range of vocabulary and structures.
opposed to the new development. 0 points for using a poor range of
2 My younger brother resolutely vocabulary and structures.
refuses to eat green vegetables!
3 It’s largely believed that global Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
temperatures will rise over the next 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
decade. 1 point for accuracy between 70
4 The driver categorically denied and 80%.
causing the accident.
5 After crashing the stolen car, the
teenagers promptly abandoned it
next to the road.
1aI bC cC
2aC bI cI
3aI bC cC
1 were brought up
2 stand up to them
3 was not passed on
4 will look for it
5 looking forward to it
6 tore it up
1 sense of identity
2 people move / records get lost
3 celebrities
4 secure or content / happy
Unit 2 Writing
Reading 6
1 Content (maximum 4 points)
1D 2A 3C 4E 5F 1 point for content of each
2 Form (maximum 2 points)
1 throb 2 points for good sentence
2 behaved structure and paragraphing.
3 reaching 1 point for reasonable structure.
4 skinned
5 single Range (maximum 2 points)
6 minded 2 points for using a good range of
7 witted vocabulary and structures.
8 buster 1 point for using a reasonable
9 sounding range of vocabulary and structures.
10 budget 0 points for using a poor range of
vocabulary and structures.
3 Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
1 as 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
2 As 1 point for accuracy between 70
3 like and 80%.
4 like
5 like
6 like
7 as
8 like
9 as
10 Unlike
1 used to go
2 left
3 had been snowing
4 was scraping
5 slipped
6 fell
7 realised
8 was not moving
9 had hit
10 were flying
1B 2C 3A 4A 5B
Unit 3 Writing
Reading 7
1 Content (maximum 4 points)
1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 1 point for content of each
2 Form (maximum 2 points)
1 bone 2 points for good sentence
2 sound / fast structure and paragraphing.
3 brand 1 point for reasonable structure.
4 wide
5 fighting Range (maximum 2 points)
2 points for using a good range of
3 vocabulary and structures.
1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 1 point for using a reasonable
6 C 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 A range of vocabulary and structures.
0 points for using a poor range of
Grammar vocabulary and structures.
1C Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
2C 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
3 He’s learned a lot 1 point for accuracy between 70
4C and 80%.
6 We’ve known
7 He’s been coughing
8 I’ve been trying
1 going
2 investing
3 to happen / will happen
4 to move
5 changing
6 being criticised
7 start
1D 2A 3C 4B 5E
Unit 4 Writing
Reading 7
1 Content (maximum 4 points)
1C 2B 3A 4B 5B Half a point for content of
introduction and conclusion.
Vocabulary 1 point for content of paragraphs 2,
2 3 and 4.
1 adaptation
2 heart Form (maximum 2 points)
3 alterations 2 points for good sentence
4 Enforced structure and paragraphing.
5 modifications 1 point for reasonable structure.
6 conversion
7 direction Range (maximum 2 points)
8 evolve 2 points for using a good range of
9 adjustment vocabulary and structures.
10 stormy 1 point for using a reasonable
range of vocabulary and structures.
Grammar 0 points for using a poor range of
3 vocabulary and structures.
1B 2A 3A 4C 5A
Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
4 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
1 The hotel we celebrated my 1 point for accuracy between 70
sister’s wedding at has been and 80%.
demolished (now).
2 The shares I invested in last year
have (since) gone down in value.
3 A lot of books published in the
1950s have gone out of print.
4 The person I spoke to on the
phone gave me directions to the
5 The car outside your house used
to belong to my brother.
1 had, wouldn’t get / wouldn’t be
2 would have passed, had focused
3 wouldn’t be, had saved
4 had taken, would have been
5 had been driving, wouldn’t be
1T 2F 3F 4T 5T
1 …if I should have (invited her).
2 …and she said that she would.
3 …but I didn’t mean to (be).
1 Fred warned me not to say
anything to Brad.
2 Mark promised to be there by
3 Rose recommended the new
restaurant in Market Street.
4 Tina suggested having a coffee
after work.
5 Dave accused me of telling Dad
that he’d lost a lot of money.
A actor, fear
B supermarket worker, work
C businessman, inconsistency
D student, socialising
Unit 7 Writing
Reading 8
1 Content (maximum 4 points)
1F 2F 3F 4F 5T Half a point each for content of
introduction and final paragraph.
Vocabulary 1 point for content of paragraphs 2,
2 3 and 4.
1C 2C 3A 4A 5B
6 C 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 A Form (maximum 2 points)
2 points for good sentence
3 structure and paragraphing.
1 back 1 point for reasonable structure.
2 away
3 down Range (maximum 2 points)
4 out 2 points for using a good range of
5 up vocabulary and structures.
1 point for using a reasonable
4 range of vocabulary and structures.
1 admission 0 points for using a poor range of
2 emissions vocabulary and structures.
3 existence
4 guidance Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
5 persecution 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
1 point for accuracy between 70
Grammar and 80%.
1 It was Ben who broke the DVD
player – not me!
2 The film is worth seeing.
3 Not only did he win a Golden
Globe for his performance, but he
also won an Oscar.
4 It’s tiring having to go football
training straight after work.
5 Never (before) have I read such a
sarcastic report!
1 to see
2 having
3 taking
4 waiting
5 missing
1C 2B 3A 4D 5C
Unit 8 Writing
Reading 7
1 Content (maximum 4 points)
1C 2A 3A 4B 5B 1 point for content of each
2 Form (maximum 2 points)
1 trousers 2 points for good sentence
2 hat structure and paragraphing.
3 cuff 1 point for reasonable structure.
4 collar
5 cap Range (maximum 2 points)
2 points for using a good range of
3 vocabulary and structures.
1 light 1 point for using a reasonable
2 rich range of vocabulary and structures.
3 rotten 0 points for using a poor range of
4 stale vocabulary and structures.
5 tough
Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
4 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
1B 2A 3C 4B 5C 1 point for accuracy between 70
6B 7C 8A 9 C 10 C and 80%.
1 will be able to apply
2 wouldn’t want
3 don’t have to hand / needn’t hand
4 must have been / would have
5 might take
6 needn’t have gone
7 must have been
8 were able to give
9 would always buy
10 wouldn’t tell
1F 2T 3T 4T 5T
Unit 9 Writing
Reading 7
1 Content (maximum 4 points)
1F 2F 3T 4F 5T Half a point each for content of
introduction and conclusion.
Vocabulary 1 point for content of paragraphs 2,
2 3 and 4.
1 floods
2 dawned Form (maximum 2 points)
3 hiccups 2 points for good sentence
4 splashed structure and paragraphing.
5 breath 1 point for reasonable structure.
6 talks
7 scarred Range (maximum 2 points)
2 points for using a good range of
3 vocabulary and structures.
1 leaked 1 point for using a reasonable
2 get range of vocabulary and structures.
3 cropped 0 points for using a poor range of
4 let vocabulary and structures.
5 keep
6 broken Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
7 dropped 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
8 will go 1 point for accuracy between 70
and 80%.
1 a was being interviewed b was
2 a have been built b hasn’t been
3 a was sent b hadn’t been
4 a are taken b is being updated
c cannot be accessed
1 is regarded
2 It is accepted
3 are believed
4 is considered
5 are seen
6 It is felt
1T 2F 3T 4T 5T