2 Marks-Unit-4
2 Marks-Unit-4
2 Marks-Unit-4
The figure of merit of AM system is 1/3 when the modulation is 100 percent and that of
FM is (3/2) mf2.The use of FM offers improved noise performance over AM when (3/2)mf2 >
1/3.mf –modulation index in FM.
The loss of the message signal x (t) in an envelope detector due to the presence of the
large noise is known as the Threshold effect.
The threshold effect is also defined as when a noise is large compared to the signal at the
input of the envelope detector, the detected output has a message signal completely
mingled with noise. it means that if the i/p signal to noise ratio(Si/Ni) is below a certain
level called threshold level.
Noise power of FM detector varies inversely with carrier power. The decrease in noise
power with an increase in carrier power is called noise-quieting effect.
5. Write the figure of merit (g) for an FM system?
When the interference is stronger then it will suppress the desired FM input. When the
interference signal and FM input are of equal strength, the receiver fluctuates back and
forth between them .This phenomenon is known as the capture effect.
We may also define as in low noise case; the distortion produced by the noise at the o/p
of FM detector is negligible in comparison to the desired modulating signal. And noise
almost suppressed by the signal. This phenomenon is called as capture effect.
As the input noise power is increased the carrier to noise ratio is decreased the receiver
breaks and as the carrier to noise ratio is reduced further crackling sound is heard and the
output SNR cannot be predicted by the equation. This phenomenon is known as threshold
It is also defined as when the SNR becomes even slightly less than unity, an impulse of
noise is generated. This noise impulse appears at the output of the detector in the form of
click sound. If the SNR ratio is further decreased so that the ratio is moderately less than
unity, the impulses are generated rapidly and clicks merge in to spluttering sound. This
phenomenon is known as “threshold effect”.
9. What is Pre-emphasis?
The pre modulation filtering in the transistor, to raise the power spectral density of the
base band signal in its upper-frequency range is called pre emphasis (or pre distortion)
Pre emphasis is particularly effective in FM systems which are used for
Transmission of audio signals.
The figure of merit of an AM system with 100 percent modulation is 1/3.This means that
other factors being equal an AM system must transmit three times as much average power as a
suppressed system in order to achieve the same quality of noise performance.
The sampling rate of 2fm samples per second for a signal bandwidth of fm Hertz is called
the Nyquist rate. Its reciprocal 1/fm is called the Nyquist interval.
13. Compare AM to FM
* In AM system there are three frequency FM system has infinite number of sidebands in
components and hence the bandwidth is addition to a single carrier. Hence its Bandwidth is
finite. infinite.
*The amplitude of modulated wave in AM The amplitude of frequency modulated wave in FM
is dependent of modulation index. is independent of modulation index.
*In AM, most of the transmitted Power is
In FM, noise is very less.
r (t) and q(t) are the amplitude and phase of the band pass signal noise. And y(t) is the relative
We know that in amplitude modulation system, a large carrier is accompanied with the two upper
and lower sidebands. For calculating the noise performance we have to take the input and output
signal power and noise power and then we have to calculate the figure of merit by using the
= VC CoswCt+VmCoswmt
Therefore the input power is the mean square value of carrier and message component then
W.k.t in general especially in AM, FM the i/p noise Narrow Band noise is assumed as
white Gaussian noise. And we know the power spectral density of white noise, is
Output power:
The o/p of envelope detector contains the detected o/p with noise, hence equation will
There fore
If we take trigonometric expression then A(t),f(t) will be varying amplitude and phase
The time varying amplitude A(t) is the envelope of S(t)AM and therefore the output of the
envelope detector will be envelope A(t).
In small noise case the noise is taken to be much smaller than signal. that is
It is clear from the phasor diagram, that if nS (t) is much smaller then f(t) is also much
smaller. So it may be assumed to be zero.
This equation implies the o/p of envelope detector contains a carrier component and
useful information x (t) and noise component nC(t).
Under large noise case the noise is dominated mostly hence the performance of the
envelope detector varies fully.
That is
It is clear that a from the above equation w.k.t the o/p x (t) (modulating signal) is
multiplied with large noise. So it carries no useful information.
The loss of the message x (t) is an envelope detector due to the presence of the large
noise is known as the threshold effect.
The threshold effect is defied as when a noise is large compared to the signal at the
i/p of the envelope detector, the detected o/p has a message signal completely
mingled with noise.
It means that if the i/p signal to noise ratio (Si/Ni) is below a certain level called
threshold level.
The o/p noise signal n0(t) at the o/p of the detector is nC (t). so the power spectrum is
[Contains only nC (t) terms, so Sno (w) =Snc (w).so o/p power spectral density is h]
From this equation it is clear that the noise performance improves in reduction in carrier
amplitude A. And w.k.t if figure of merit is increased noise will be reduced.
So the greatest values of g that may be achieved depend on the minimum possible value
of carrier amplitude A.
When we use synchronous detection method rather than envelope detection method for
AM demodulation the noise performance is identical in small noise case but it is very
quite and complex compare to Envelope method.
Vm (t) = VmCoswmt
And df/dt = wC
There fore
Noise power:
W.k.t the power spectrum density of a white Gaussian noise
The output noise power may be computed assuming the message signal term x (t) to be zero. I.e.
assume the signal at the detector
gi (t) = ACoswCt+ni(t) [ The i/p signal to the detector will have a carrier + noise
There fore
In which we are not considering about amplitude parameter A(t), we are considering only
frequency component q(t).
Now we will consider two noise case. That is whether the noise signal is low or high
compare to carrier amplitude, in q(t)
W.k.t the o/p noise power also depends on instantaneous frequency (wi)
nd (t) α wi
And nd (t) =K wi
Now to determine average o/p noise power the noise at discriminator nd (t) o/p is
proportional to the derivative of nS (t). so nd(t) is calculated by passing nS(t) through
differentiator and w.k.t the property of Fourier transform that the differentiation w.r.t
time ‘t‘corresponds to multiplication of Fourier transform by j2πf.
Sn0 (f) =
Equation (1) states that noise power of FM detector varies inversely with carrier power. The
decrease in noise power with an increase in carrier power is called noise – quieting effect
Capture effect:-
The phase deviation produced by the noise signal in FM is much smaller than the phase
deviation produced by the modulating signal provided that noise is smaller than carrier.
Hence in low noise case, the distortion produced by noise at the output of FM detector is
negligible in comparison to the desired modulating signal. And noise is almost
suppressed by the signal. This phenomena is called “capture effect”
Whenever FM signals from two transmitters operated on the same or nearly same carrier
freq. The signal of a weak magnitude is suppressed by the strong signal. The weak
signal is noise.
FM Threshold effect:
The output signal to noise ratio of an FM receiver is valid only if the carrier – to – noise
ratio, measured at the discriminator input, is high compared with unity.
The input nose power is reduced by increasing carrier- noise - ratio. If the carrier –
noise- ratio is less, then it will produce a crackling sound. This phenomenon is known as
the threshold effect.
For a qualitative discussion of the FM threshold effect, consider the first case when there
is no signal present, so that the carrier wave is unmodulated. Then the frequency
discriminator input will be
If we take the phasor diagram if carrier to noise ratio is large, nC (t) and nS (t) is smaller
than carrier amplitude.
W.k.t the o/p signal is taken as the receiver o/p measured in the absence of noise.
The carrier to noise ratio is calculated when there is unmodulated carrier signal. It is
represented as r
Practically the threshold effect may be avoided when carrier to noise ratio is more than
Phasor representation of FM:-
In communication systems for reducing the threshold level we are using FMFB
technique. (Frequency modulated feedback loop technique). This contains a VCO
(Voltage controlled oscillator).
From the above diagram we may note that a conventional FM Receives Local Oscillator
may be replaced with a VCO.
W.K.T The operation of the block diagram. Here we are providing a negative feed back
from output, because this process provides a high signal-noise-ratio, because Local
Oscillator frequency is taken from demodulated output.
So it provides high SNR at the input side for that we are using FMFB technique for
threshold reduction.
The noise Power density at the demodulated output rises parabolically with increase in
I.e. The power spectral density of the message usually falls off at the higher frequencies.
The Power spectral density of the noise is usually increases with frequency.
We are increasing the magnitude of high frequency components of the modulating signal
by pre-emphasis circuit. Hence the signal to noise ratio is increased. As a De-emphasis
circuit is used to restore the original information.
In this process the high frequency components of the noise at the discriminator Output
are also reduced. Therefore the o/p signal to noise ratio is increased. This is used in
commercial FM Radio transmission and reception.
In order to produce an undistorted version of the original message at the receiver output,
the pre-emphasis filter in the transmitter and de-emphasis filter in the receiver must
ideally have frequency responses that are the inverse of each other.
That is ,if HPe(f) designates the frequency response of the pre-emphasis filter, then the
frequency response Hde(f) of the de-emphasis filter must ideally be(ignoring transmission
But generally from our noise analysis in FM systems, assuming high carrier to noise ratio
the power spectrum density is calculated as
N0 =
Because of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis the output signal to noise ratio improvement
factor is
There fore
The depth of modulation have limitation in AM. But in FM the depth of modulation can
be increased to any value by increasing the deviation. This does not cause any distortion
in FM signal.
Since guard bands are provided in FM, there is less possibility of adjacent channel
Since space waves are used for FM, the radius of propagation is limited to line of sight.
Hence it is possible to operate several independent transmitters on same frequency with
minimum interference.
A special case of narrow band FM (or) PM where mf is less than one has a limited
number of side band pairs. Hence FM and PM is similar to AM except that it has superior
noise behaviour than AM.
Since FM uses UHF and VHF ranges the noise interference is minimum compared to AM
which uses MF and HF ranges.
Since FM uses UHF and VHF range of frequencies, its area of reception is limited only to
line of sight. This is much lower than area covered by AM.
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