Configuring Qos Policing
Configuring Qos Policing
Configuring Qos Policing
Traffic Marking
Traffic Classification
The following conditions, are recognized and trigger action by the policer depending on the defined data
Policer Action
Condition Color Description (only one allowed per condition)
Conform Green The packet traffic data rate is within The policer either transmits these
the defined boundaries. packets as is, or changes the value
in the header (DSCP, precedence,
or CoS) and then transmits these
Exceed Yellow The packet traffic data rate exceeds The policer can drop or markdown
the defined boundary. these packets.
Violate Red The packet traffic data rate violates The policer can drop or markdown
the defined boundaries. these packets.
Configuring Policing
You can configure a single- or dual-rate policer.
This section includes the following topics:
• Configuring 1-Rate and 2-Rate, 2-Color and 3-Color Policing, page 4-3
• Configuring Ingress and Egress Policing, page 4-7
• Configuring Markdown Policing, page 4-7
• Verifying the Policing Configuration, page 4-8
Note Specify the identical value for pir and cir to configure 1-rate 3-color policing.
Argument Description
cir Committed information rate, or desired bandwidth, specified as a bit rate
or a percentage of the link rate. Although a value for cir is required, the
argument itself is optional. The range of values is 1 to 80000000000; the
range of policing values that are mathematically significant is 8000 to 80
percent Specifies the rate as a percentage of the interface rate. The range of values
is 1 to 100%.
bc Indication of how much the cir can be exceeded, either as a bit rate or an
amount of time at cir. The default is 200 milliseconds of traffic at the
configured rate. The default data rate units are bytes, and the Gigabit per
second (gbps) rate is not supported for this parameter.
pir Peak information rate, specified as a PIR bit rate or a percentage of the link
rate. There is no default. The range of values is 1 to 80000000000; the
range of policing values that are mathematically significant is 8000 to 80
Gbps. The range of percentage values is 1 to 100%.
be Indication of how much the pir can be exceeded, either as a bit rate or an
amount of time at pir. When the bc value is not specified, the default is
200 milliseconds of traffic at the configured rate. The default data rate
units are bytes, and the Gigabit per second (gbps) rate is not supported for
this parameter.
Note You must specify a value for pir before the device displays this
conform Single action to take if the traffic data rate is within bounds. The basic
actions are transmit or one of the set commands listed in Table 4-4. The
default is transmit.
exceed Single action to take if the traffic data rate exceeds the specified
boundaries. The basic actions are drop or markdown. The default is drop.
violate Single action to take if the traffic data rate violates the configured rate
values. The basic actions are drop or markdown. The default is drop.
Although all the arguments in Table 4-1 are optional, you must specify a value for cir. In this section,
cir indicates what is its value but not necessarily the keyword itself. The combination of these arguments
and the resulting policer types and actions are shown in Table 4-2.
The policer actions that you can specify are described in Table 4-3 and Table 4-4.
Action Description
drop Drops the packet. This is only available when the packet exceeds or
violates the parameters.
set dscp dscp table Sets the specified fields from a table map and transmits the packet. For
{cir-markdown-map | more information on the system-defined, or default table maps, see
pir-markdown-map} Chapter 3, “Configuring QoS Marking Policies.” This is available only
when the packet exceeds the parameters (use the cir-markdown-map) or
violates the parameters (use the pir-markdown-map).
Action Description
transmit Transmits the packet. This is available only when the packet conforms
to the parameters.
set-prec-transmit Sets the IP precedence field to a specified value and transmits the
packet. This is available only when the packet conforms to the
set-dscp-transmit Sets the DSCP field to a specified value and transmits the packet. This
is available only when the packet conforms to the parameters
set-cos-transmit Sets the CoS field to a specified value and transmits the packet. This is
available only when the packet conforms to the parameters
set-qos-transmit Sets the QoS group internal label to specified value and transmits the
packet. This action can be used only in input policies and is available
only when the packet conforms to the parameters
set-discard-class-transmit Sets the discard-class internal label to a specified value and transmits
the packet. This action can be used only in ingress policies and is
available only when the packet conforms to the parameters
Note The policer can only drop or markdown packets that exceed or violate the specified parameters. See
Chapter 3, “Configuring QoS Marking Policies” for information on marking down packets.
The data rates used in the police command are described in Table 4-5.
Rate Description
bps Bits per second (default)
kbps 1,000 bits per seconds
mbps 1,000,000 bits per second
gbps 1,000,000,000 bits per second
Burst sizes used in the police command are described in Table 4-6.
Speed Description
bytes bytes
kbytes 1,000 bytes
mbytes 1,000,000 bytes
ms milliseconds
us microseconds
Note Specify the identical value for pir and cir to configure 1-rate 3-color policing.
1. config t
2. policy-map [type qos] [match-first] policy-map-name
3. class [type qos] {class_map_name | class-default}
4. police [cir] {committed-rate [data-rate] | percent cir-link-percent} [bc committed-burst-rate
[link-speed]] [pir] {peak-rate [data-rate] | percent cir-link-percent} [be peak-burst-rate
[link-speed]] {conform {transmit | set-prec-transmit | set-dscp-transmit | set-cos-transmit |
set-qos-transmit | set-discard-class-transmit} [exceed {drop | set dscp dscp table
{cir-markdown-map}} [violate {drop | set dscp dscp table {pir-markdown-map}}]]}
5. show policy-map [type qos] [policy-map-name]
6. copy running-config startup-config
Command Purpose
Step 1 config t Places you into CLI Global Configuration mode.
switch# config t
Step 2 policy-map [type qos] [match-first] Creates or accesses the policy map named
policy-map-name policy-map-name, and then enters policy-map mode.
The policy-map name can contain alphabetic, hyphen,
switch(config)# policy-map policy1 or underscore characters, is case sensitive, and can be
switch(config-pmap-qos)# up to 40 characters.
Step 3 class [type qos] {class_map_name | Creates a reference to class_map_name, and enters
class-default} policy-map class configuration mode. The class is
added to the end of the policy map. Specify
switch(config-pmap-qos)# class class-default to select all traffic that is not matched by
class-default classes in the policy map so far.
Step 4 police [cir] {committed-rate Polices cir in bits or as a percentage of the link rate.
[data-rate] | percent cir-link-percent} The conform action is taken if the data rate is <= cir.
[[bc committed-burst-rate
[link-speed]][pir] {peak-rate
If be and pir are not specified, all other traffic takes the
[data-rate] | percent cir-link-percent} violate action. If be or violate are specified, then the
[[be peak-burst-rate [link-speed]] exceed action is taken if the data rate <= pir, and the
[conform {transmit | set-prec-transmit | violate action is taken otherwise. The actions are
set-dscp-transmit | set-cos-transmit | described in Table 4-3 and Table 4-4. The data rates
set-qos-transmit |
set-discard-class-transmit} [exceed
and link speeds are described in Table 4-5 and
{drop | set dscp dscp table Table 4-6.
{cir-markdown-map}} [violate {drop |
set dscp dscp table
Example #1: This first example shows a 1-rate, 2-color policer that
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# police cir transmits if the data rate is within 200 milliseconds of
256000 conform transmit violate set dscp
dscp table pir-markdown-map
traffic at 256000 bps and marks DSCP to the values
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# that are configured in table map if the data rate is
Example #2: This second example shows a 1-rate, 3-color policer
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# police cir that transmits if the data rate is within 200
256000 pir 256000 conform transmit
exceed set dscp dscp table
milliseconds of traffic at 256000 bps, and marks DSCP
cir-markdown-map violate drop to the values that are configured in table map if the data
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# rate is violated.
Note You must specify identical values for cir and
Step 5 show policy-map [type qos] (Optional) Displays information about all configured
[policy-map-name] policy maps or a selected policy map of type QoS.
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# show
Command Purpose
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves the running configuration
persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# copy
to the startup configuration.
running-config startup-config
1. config t
2. policy-map [type qos] [match-first] policy-map-name
3. class [type qos] {class_map_name | class-default}
4. police [cir] {committed-rate [data-rate] | percent cir-link-percent} [bc committed-burst-rate
[link-speed]] [pir] {peak-rate [data-rate] | percent cir-link-percent} [be peak-burst-rate
[link-speed]] {conform action [exceed {drop | set dscp dscp table cir-markdown-map} [violate
{drop | set dscp dscp table pir-markdown-map}]]}}
5. show policy-map [type qos] [policy-map-name]
6. copy running-config startup-config
Command Purpose
Step 1 config t Places you into CLI Global Configuration mode.
switch# config t
Step 2 policy-map [type qos] [match-first] Creates or accesses the policy-map named
policy-map-name policy-map-name, and then enters policy-map mode.
The policy-map name can contain alphabetic, hyphen,
switch(config)# policy-map policy1 or underscore characters, is case sensitive, and can be
switch(config-pmap-qos)# up to 40 characters.
Command Purpose
Step 3 class [type qos] {class_map_name | Creates a reference to class_map_name, and enters
class-default} policy-map class configuration mode. The class is
added to the end of the policy map. Specify
switch(config-pmap-qos)# class class-default to select all traffic not matched by
class-default classes in the policy map so far.
Step 4 police [cir] {committed-rate Polices cir in bits or as a percentage of the link rate.
[data-rate] | percent cir-link-percent} The conform action is taken if the data rate is <= cir.
[[bc | burst] burst-rate [link-speed]]
[[be | peak-burst] peak-burst-rate
If be and pir are not specified, all other traffic takes
[link-speed]] [conform action [exceed the violate action. If be or violate are specified, then
set dscp dscp table cir-markdown-map the exceed action is taken if the data rate <= pir, and
[violate set dscp dscp table the violate action is taken otherwise. The actions are
pir-markdown-map]]] described in Table 4-3 and Table 4-4. The data rates
and link speeds are described in Table 4-5 and
Table 4-6.
Example: This example shows a 1-rate, 3-color policer that
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# police cir transmits if the data rate is within 300 milliseconds of
256000 be 300 ms conform transmit exceed
set dscp dscp table cir-markdown-map
traffic at 256000 bps; marks down DSCP using the
violate drop system-defined table map if the data rate is within 300
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# milliseconds of traffic at 256000 bps; and drops
packets otherwise.
Step 5 show policy-map [type qos] (Optional) Displays information about the policy map
[policy-map-name] configuration.
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# show
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves the running configuration
persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it
switch(config-pmap-c-qos)# copy
to the startup configuration.
running-config startup-config
Example Configurations
The following are examples of how to configure policing:
config t
policy-map policy1
class one_rate_2_color_policer
police cir 256000 conform transmit violate drop
config t
policy-map policy2
class one_rate_2_color_policer_with_dscp_markdown
police cir 256000 conform set-dscp-transmit af11 violate set dscp dscp table
config t
policy-map policy3
class one_rate_3_color_policer
police cir 256000 pir 256000 conform transmit exceed set dscp dscp table
cir-markdown-map violate drop