Quantum Dots in A Polymer Composite: A Convenient Particle-in-a-Box Laboratory Experiment
Quantum Dots in A Polymer Composite: A Convenient Particle-in-a-Box Laboratory Experiment
Quantum Dots in A Polymer Composite: A Convenient Particle-in-a-Box Laboratory Experiment
842 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 85 No. 6 June 2008 • www.JCE.DivCHED.org • © Division of Chemical Education
In the Laboratory
electron because the Coulombic attraction between the hole
and the electron is screened (11). The emission wavelength
from the semiconductor nanocrystal can then be related to the
particle size using
cuvette holder
h 2 1 1 LED
%E r
E gap (3) source
8 r2 me mh
hc samples
which adds the band gap energy of the bulk semiconductor, Egap,
to the quantum confinement term. ΔE(r) is the fluorescence
emission peak energy in Joules and Egap for CdSe = 1.74 eV. Figure 1. Ocean Optics modular spectrophotometer.
Seven samples of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals dispersed in a
composite of polyurethane/acrylic acid, each containing differ-
ent sized crystals, were used as received from Evident Technolo- 250 red–orange
Mmax = 617.8 nm
gies (Troy, NY). The nanocrystal concentration was < 3%. A
sample of polymer composite without nanocrystals was used to 200
obtain a background spectrum. Fluorescence spectra were taken green #1
using a modular spectrophotometer (USB 2000 FLG, Ocean Intensity 150 Mmax = 524.0 nm
Optics Inc., FL), as shown in Figure 1. The setup consisted of a FWHM
gated spectrofluorometer (350–1000 nm), a 380 nm LED exci- 100 = 30.3 nm
tation light source (45 mW output), two fiber-optic cables, and FWHM
= 35.5 nm
a cuvette holder with four optical windows. The optical cables 50
were positioned at a 90° angle on the cuvette holder. Each spec-
trum was collected in a few seconds. The peak maximum and 0
line width were determined using the Ocean Optics software 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
(OOIBase32). Wavelength / nm
© Division of Chemical Education • www.JCE.DivCHED.org • Vol. 85 No. 6 June 2008 • Journal of Chemical Education 843
In the Laboratory
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levels should, in theory, be a very narrow delta function with 6. Lagally, M. G. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 277–279.
infinitesimal line width. The quantum dot/polymer composite 7. Lasher, D. P.; DeGraff, B. A.; Augustine, B. H. J. Chem. Educ.
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to clarify these concepts.
Supporting JCE Online Material
This work is supported by The University of Oklahoma
Abstract and keywords
and a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation
(CHE-0449622). Full text (PDF)
Links to cited JCE articles
Literature Cited
Color figures
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844 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 85 No. 6 June 2008 • www.JCE.DivCHED.org • © Division of Chemical Education