Android Quiz Application FFFF
Android Quiz Application FFFF
Android Quiz Application FFFF
Chapter 1
Overview In today’s world, Smart phones has changed our lives and has
become an indispensable part of our lives because of its specialty to simplify
our routine work and thereby saving our time. A Smartphone with an Android
OS offers excellent functionality to the users offering a distinct experience.
Android is a Linux based operating system and it was bought by Google in
2007.There are tons of application available and one of the prime reason for this
vast number is android being an open source. On the other hand, android based
device like mobile, tab are very user friendly. A survey has done by “Light
Castle Partners” research wing which indicates that though other operating
system mobile users exist but the majority users are goes with android operating
The main objective of “Lets Quiz” is to facilitate a user friendly environment
for all users and reduces the manual effort. In past days quiz is conducted
manually but in further resolution of the technology we are able to generate the
score and pose the queries automatically. The functional requirements include
creating users that are going to participate in the quiz, automatic score and
report generation and administrative tasks like add, delete, update for admin
privilege users. In this application, all the permissions lies with the
administrator i.e., specifying the details of the quiz with checking result will
show to interviewee or not, addition of question and answers marks for each
question, Set timer for each quiz and generate report with score for each quiz.
1.3 Motivation
The Books has fiver chapters. Different chapters contain various table and
figure which are relevant with this online Quiz project. The chapters are
respectively Introduction, Proposed Model, Implementation, User Manual and
conclusion. Introduction has described the objective of this online quiz
application project. Second chapter, Proposed Model describes the model design
for online quiz application. Third Chapter, Implementation describes the
technical configuration which has done for this project. Fourth Chapter, User
Manual describes the guideline for any UI user. Last chapter, Conclusion
describes the summary of this literature. References and sample Code are
attached at the end of this book.
1.5 Summary
Proposed Model
1.2 Purpose of the project
This Project main purpose is to develop Online Quiz system named ‘Android
Quiz Application’. The application (Android Quiz Application) will provide
online based quiz with multiple choice question (MCQ). This quiz application
will support android base operating system. With this application, users or any
organization can perform actions like
• Administrative Task
• Interviewee Task
Addition, Deletion and update for questions, answers are the main part of
administrative task. Quizzes, Users also can add, delete and update from user
interface (UI). As a result, the following tasks are define as administrative task.
• View Result
Select any Quiz or subject which he /she wants to give Examination. One
interviewee can give Quiz only for one time. Once a quiz has finished, it
become 5 inactive to that user. Finally, Score can be shown considering the quiz
has been taken from any individuals. As a result, the following tasks are defined
as interviewee task.
• Finish Quiz
Following figure 2, shows the client-server view for ‘LETS QUIZ’ online
application. Administrator and Interviewee user login to the application from
any android platform which is define as Client side. On the other hand,
application server or web server and Database server are defined as server site.
Application server communicates with the database where all the information is
store. Client side and server side communicate between them with Http/Https.
After login with username and password, Role for that particular user will
verify from server database. 2. If user is administrator, following options shall
be managed.
• Quiz
• Report
• Users
4. If user is interviewee, all active quiz list will enable for giving test.
5. Quiz will execute with certain time limit. Quiz will finish after that time or all
question answered.
2.4 Summary
Both administrative and others work can be execute through user interface.
Add, delete, edit are belong to administrative work. Interviewee users can sit for
any quiz. One quiz appear only one time to any interviewee user. Timer has set
to each Quiz and Score will visible if it is set by administrator who creates that
1.4 Hardware and Software Requirement
TOOLS (Software):
• Microsoft Windows 7
• Node.js
• Android SDK
• Titanium SDK
• MySQL Database
• Java Script
Software Requirements:
WINDOWS OS (10/8.1/8/ 7)
The biggest problem for us in this project has been constantly to think like a
child. It has been really tough to think what design, graphics, will attract them
and will make it not just learning but fun while learning. There has been no such
pattern neither such standard according to which we could follow to build our
• The other problem has been the sound adjustment of each specific letter
and some of the background sound which adds a little glitter to our
• One of the chapters was the toughest in regard with the setting of the
pictures and giving the sound to it as the coding was lengthy and a bit
• To think like a child was the biggest challenge as it requires getting into
their thinking and even starting acting as a child to give the real figure.
Feasibility studies aim to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and
weaknesses of the existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and
threats as presented by the environment, the resources required to carry through,
and ultimately the prospects for success. In its simplest terms, the two criteria to
judge feasibility are cost required and value to be attained. As such, a
welldesigned feasibility study should provide a historical background of the
business or project, description of the product or service, accounting statements,
details of the operations and management, marketing research and policies,
financial data, legal requirements and tax obligations. Generally, feasibility
studies precede technical development and project implementation.
Preliminary investigation examine project feasibility, the likelihood the system
will be useful to the organization. The main objective of the feasibility study is
to test the Technical, Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new
modules and debugging old running system. All system is feasible if they are
unlimited resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study
portion of the preliminary investigation:
• Technical Feasibility
• Behavioral Feasibility
• Economical Feasibility
Hence this project has good technical feasibility.
People are inherently instant to change and computers have been known to
facilitate change. An estimate should be made to how strong a reaction the user
staff is likely to have towards the development of the computerized system.
The staff is accustomed to computerized systems. These kinds of systems are
becoming more common day by day for evaluation of the software engineers.
Hence, this system is operationally feasible. As this system is technically,
economically and operationally feasible, this system is judged feasible.
The role of interface design is to reconcile the differences that prevail among the
software engineer’s design model, the designed system meet the end user
requirement with economical way at minimal cost within the affordable price by
encouraging more of proposed system. Economic feasibility is concerned with
comparing the development cost with the income/benefit derived from the
developed system. In this we need to derive how this project will help the
management to take effective decisions.
Economic Feasibility is mainly concerned with the cost incurred in the
implementation of the software. Since this project is developed using platform
visual studio and language C# which is more commonly available and even the
cost involved in the installation process is not high.
The system once developed must be used efficiently. Otherwise there is no
meaning for developing the system. For this a careful study of the existing system
and its drawbacks are needed. The user should be able to distinguish the existing
one and proposed one, so that one must be able to appreciate the characteristics
of the proposed system, the manual one is not highly reliable and also is
considerably fast. The proposed system is efficient, reliable and also quickly
Chapter 3
Requirement Analysis
3.1 Technologies Used
• Microsoft Windows 7
• Node.js
• Android SDK
• Titanium SDK
• MySQL Database
• Java Script
It should be mentioned that all tools and technology are installed for
development work at windows 7 operating system 64 bit platform. Windows 7
3.1.2 Java Development Kit (JDK)
The Android SDK (software development kit) is a set of development tools used
to develop applications for Android platform. The Android SDK includes the
• Required libraries
• Debugger
• An emulator
A core set of packages and classes
• A set of Intents
The API Level identifier serves a key role in ensuring the best possible
experience for users and application developers:
• It lets applications describe the framework API revision that they require
Windows, Linux, and Mac OS .The following platforms are supported by the
Intel HAXM.
• Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
3.1.8 PHP
PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also
used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP code can be simply
mixed with HTML code, or it can be used in combination with various engines
and web frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter,
which is usually implemented as a web server's native module or a Common
Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. After the PHP code is interpreted and
executed, the web server sends resulting output to its client.
4.2 Review
There has been a number of such software in the past that have been made
related to Quiz Application. A number of it are still available at Google Play
Store. We focus here to present every content such that it look like the easy way
of Quiz Test.
Our project is easy participate or to learn at from the beginner level.
Demand for component-based software development is increasing exponentially
due to highly dynamic environments confronting software systems in today’s
world. This is a result of factors such as frequent changes in business (user)
requirements and challenging development schedules. Many of these challenges
are indeed directly related to rapid changes in software and hardware
technologies. To deal with this environment, this project develops a tool to
generate component-based software from object-oriented design. It is expected
that this tool will facilitate the transformation of object-oriented legacy system
to component-based system by using their design parameters or build a new
component-based system.
5.1 Flowchart
Description for flow chart
1. After login with username and password, Role for that particular user will
verify from server database.
2. If user is administrator, following options shall be managed.
• Quiz
• Question and Answer
• Report
• Users
Above four options can be add, edit and delete by administrator.
3. Score report will show to administrator in read only mode.
4. If user is interviewee, all active quiz list will enable for giving test.
5. Quiz will execute with certain time limit. Quiz will finish after that time or all
question answered.
5.2 Data Flow Diagram
5.3 ER Diagram
ER-Login Pannel
ER-Admin Login Diagram
5.4 Snapshot of the project
The software has been really amazing as we all even enjoyed while we step by
step close to its completion. The intended audience is the children as such we
thoroughly enjoyed it and as inputs from teachers who have children has even
been inspirational for us. The project has been up to our expectation as per the
performance and we expect it to deliver to the audience as well. The software is
not just made for children at home but also it can be used at schools for to teach
hundreds of student at one time.
The software performance has been absolutely up to the expectation and it can be
used for real life teaching whether at home or at school catering to the needs of
hundreds of children.
The project development period was really a very enriching and informative
experience for me. I got the feel of the industry and the field, besides developing
our programming skills. I got to learn various practical applications of the
commonly used software’s besides learning some rare packages. The making of
the project has enhanced our practical knowledge and taught us how to work in
teamwork. The project is the outcome of our continual teamwork. The regular
guidance and constant watch never let us frivolous and kept us aware of what was
going on in other parts of the department and the world. In the end, we would
once again thank all the persons who made such kind of project work possible for
Our project provide very easy way of learning of the English basics in form of
interactive way of English education basics except the grammar. We hope
everyone enjoy who will use this project. Our main goal is to impart the basics of
English in easy way of learning through software and also arise the interests.