Test 1 11.A És 12.C

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11.A és 12.C



1) Fill in the sentences with both / neither / all / none.

1. I wrote two e-mails but _________ times it returned unread.

2. __________ Helen and you are really clever.
3. There are four windows in this room but __________ of them has a curtain.
4. There were 78 passengers in the plane and __________ of them were afraid.
5. Have you drunk __________ the mineral water?
6. George and Paul play the guitar but __________ of them plays in a band.
7. __________ Mary nor Jill could answer my question.
8. __________ of my grandmothers lives in Budapest.
9. __________ of the three dogs in the house barks loudly at night.
10. Two girls were walking in the street and I smiled at __________ of them because I knew
them for a long time.

10 p
2) Make agreeing sentences using ’so’ or ’neither’ and the subjects given in brackets.

1. Larry eats a lot. (I) __________

2. Charly talked to the manager. (Bill) __________
3. Paul doesn't go to the theatre very often. (I) __________
4. They have already been to Australia. (he) __________
5. Robert won't arrive early. (Rose) __________
10 p
3) Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ott van hét fiú, de egyikük sem a barátom.

2. Ebben a cirkuszban az összes majom mókás.
3. Nem szoktunk brandyt inni. Peter sem.
4. Sem a kutyám, sem a macskám nem iszik tejet.
5. Mindketten ettünk pizzát.

10 p



1) Read the following text and decide whether the statements after it are true or false
according to the text. Write A, B or C in the boxes.
o A = true
o B = false
o C = the text doesn’t say

A Hundred Billion Hamburgers

Once upon a time, a businessman called Ray Kroc discovered a restaurant owned by two
brothers. This restaurant only served a few things: hamburgers, French fries, milk shakes and
Coca-Cola. But it was clean and cheap and the service was very quick. Mr Kroc liked it so
much that he paid the brothers so that he could use the idea and their name: McDonald's.
Beef, big business and fast service were the ingredients that Mr Kroc used in his first
restaurant. It opened in 1955. Four years later, there were 100 of them.
Kroc knew Americans. They liked success. So he put signs saying how many millions of
McDonald's hamburgers people had already bought. In just four years, it was one hundred
million. Now, there are more than 13,000 McDonald's restaurants all around the world.
Anyone who wants to open a McDonald's must first work in one for a week. Then, they do a
nine-month training programme in the restaurants and at the "McDonald's University" in
Chicago. They learn there the McDonald's philosophy: quality control, service, clean
restaurants and cheap prices. McDonald's has strict rules. Hamburgers must be served before
they are ten minutes old, and French fries must be served before they are seven minutes old.
McDonald's always looks for new methods to attract customers, from drive-in windows to
birthday parties. Chicken, fish, salad, and in some places, pizza are now on the menu. The
international popularity of McDonald's shows they know the recipe for success.

1. Ray Kroc was a cook.

2. He invented the name 'Mc Donald's'.
3. The original restaurant served a lot of different types of food.
4. Ray Kroc liked the restaurant of the two brothers because it was cheap and clean.
5. There were a lot of waiters in the restaurant.
6. The first Mc Donald's opened in the nineteenth century.
7. Advertising was an important part of Mc Donald's restaurants' success.
8. You can open a Mc Donald's restaurant, if you wish, tomorrow.
9. The food served in Mc Donald's can't be more than 10 minutes old.
10. It is very important for Mc Donald's to have happy customers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 p


2) Read the following text and give short answers (maximum 5 words) to the questions
after it.

God Save the Cream

As an American who lives most of the year in Britain, I may be especially alive to the charms
of everyday British life. Yet, the many Britons who are, as I am, holidaying in the US this
summer might also be coming to appreciate that there’s no place like home. I’m not talking
about rush-hour London or polluted beaches, of course. I’m talking about dairy products.
The British tend not to take their dairy industry seriously. I do. I adore British dairy products.
British milk is simply pasteurised, whereas American agri-business takes milk apart, heats it
to temperatures common to the planet Mercury, and then puts Humpty-Dumpty together
again, a project famously unsuccessful. So dreary is even the full-fat version in the US that on
cereal I actually prefer rice milk. As British superstores drive milk’s price to rock bottom and
the country’s dairy farmers out of business, here I am wishing to pay more for this rare
product. You have wonderful milk. Nurture it. American milk is rubbish.
Moreover, exiled from Britain for two months now, I am developing double-cream
withdrawal symptoms. Those little plastic tubs with the pull-tops – you take them for granted,
don’t you? Well, even in New York City it is flat-out impossible to find cream that isn’t
“ultra-pasteurised”. The first thing I do on return to London is go buy 250ml of double cream.
I can’t use it all. It spoils. I throw it away. I glory in its spoilage. Because American cream
never spoils. It has the shelf-life of toxic waste. The theory seems to run that you market a
product that never goes off by ensuring that it tastes awful to begin with.

1. What nationality is the writer? ________________________________

2. What does the writer especially like in Britain? ________________________________
3. What kind of milk does the writer prefer? ________________________________
4. What is the writer’s opinion about American milk? ________________________________
5. How long has he been in America now? ________________________________
6. What is he missing the most? ________________________________
7. Why does he love British cream? ________________________________
8. What is wrong with never spoiling cream? ________________________________




You are doing a summer course in England. The editor of the online course magazine
has asked you to answer this week’s letters. This is one of them:

I want to start a slimming diet, but I have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to what to eat, how
often to eat, where to get what, etc. I don't like the idea of starving, since I don't want to drop
dead from malnutrition. Also, I like sweets and I find it hard to cut down on them. But how
can I keep a slimming diet with eating sweets?
Any ideas?
Jane, 16

Write a letter of about 110 words to Michelle in which you give your opinion and
give her advice. Include the following points:

• Your opinion about slimming diets.

• The importance of healthy food.
• What dishes she should eat and what can substitute sweets.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Jane,


Elérhető Elért
A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése 5
Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás 2
Szövegalkotás 4
Szókincs, kifejezésmód 5
Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás 5
Íráskép 1
Összesen 22


Elérhető Elért

Grammar and

Written Composition 22



70 – 60 p (100-86 %) = jeles
59 – 49 p (85-70 %) = jó
48 – 38 p (69-54 %) = közepes
37 – 27 p (53-38 %) = elégséges
26 – 0 p (37-0 %) = elégtelen


Grammar and Vocabulary

1. both
2. both
3. none
4. all
5. all
6. neither
7. neither
8. neither
9. none
10. both

1. So do I.
2. So did Bill.
3. Neither do I.
4. So has he.
5. Neither will Rose.

1. There are seven boys but none of them is my friend.
2. All of the monkeys in this circus are funny. / All monkeys in this circus are funny.
3. We don’t drink brandy. Neither does Peter.
4. Neither my dog nor my cat drinks milk.
5. Both of us ate pizza. / We both ate pizza.

Reading Comprehension

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. American
2. dairy products
3. rice milk
4. It is rubbish.
5. (for) two months
6. double cream
7. It spoils.
8. It tastes awful.

Written Composition

Dear Jane,

I have read your problem and I think I can help you.

First of all, let me tell you my opinion about slimming diets. I think these kinds of diets are
important for people who are overweight because being fat is not only unhealthy but it is not
too nice either. However, you should be careful with slimming diets. A lot of people,
especially teenage girls and young women tend to overdo it. I mean, some of them are not fat
at all and others think that it is all about starving.

In my opinion, it is a lot more important to eat healthy food like fruit, vegetables, cereals and
dairy products. You shouldn’t cut down on them even if you keep a strict diet. They help you
keep fit as they contain lots of vitamins, fibres and protein.

You should keep a balanced diet, and eat everything you desire – but only small portions and
of course you should avoid eating fatty food.

As for sweets, I don’t think you have to ban them from your menu, but instead of chocolates
and candies you could try fruit, yoghurt or cottage cheese – sweetened with a little honey if
you wish.

Last but not least, don’t forget to do exercises regularly.

I hope my advice can help you.

Best wishes,


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