Wide-Lite Spectra VIII Commercial Outdoor Bulletin 1989

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l5O to lqtO $ratt HID
W de Lte Spectra Vll Cutoff um narres pro
vide precjse cutoff distribution and un form
illLraainat on at wide spacing for commerc a
applicat ons W th opt onal brackets lhe
qp.c-'a vlll l-"ir" .. ic dr 6..6116, . .Ho.a
lor tennis court lghtlng.

I Park ng Areas
I Malls
I Parks
I Roadways
I Perimeters
I Tennis Courts

One-plece extruded alLrminum slde and mpact and shock resistant c ear iempered
tormed a uminum sheet top, m lered and giass ens sea ed by a one plece extruded
fuly sealed No cover seams or exposed high temperature gasket
D REFLECTOR Sientcuard pre'wlred h gh power lactor
High purity anodized aluminum sheet wlth designed for - 20'F start ng for meta
reflectance up to B5o/o halide/nlercury vapor ( 40'F HPS) Operat
r g d P - or 'i re\'rdLlo ooes ro o
ceed T 65 Capac tor ls separate and
lldexed socl.el provrdes p'ope pos I o^
replaceable Co wind ngs are copper. Core
ng tor arched arc tube meta halide amps.
and co are encapsulated nasold poyes-
Patented "Stab ux" socket holds g ass end
ter res n coanpoLrnd. L mitlng temperature oi
of lamp n alignment cr t ca to the prec - lhe insta lat on ls c ass H (180'C) with tern tr GASKETS
s on optics oi the fixture. perature r se n the wlndings one fu class H gh temperature gaskets provlde pos t ve
! LAi,IP ACCESS below weatherproof sea.
Extruded alurninum door frame and ens tr FINISH
assemb y covers entire fixture bottom and Dark bronze U/lraClad polyester powder
ls equipped wth two release atches ior coating provides exceptional weather
access without tools to the opt ca resistance
Pub lshed three-year limlted warranty

Cholce ol factory installed mountlng brack-
ets provides flexlbilty and ease oi
insta at on
I o"oa"r*G GurDE spEcrBA vr L'MTNATRES OP
- Bai ast Datal':r
ONS (Factory lnstalled)

Description Component Catalog No.

Catalog Numbey''r Line Line Current Ballast Esl. Shpg.
(with surlace lul Akl.) Voltage Starling Oper Type Wt. (lbs.) Tellon@ Lens T
1000 Watt Melal l-la ide/Mercury Vapor
Ava ab e for 400w or 250w fix
s8M1000( )(') sDB 120/208 1070 I2i 5 3 FeS 100 tures Not recommended when
240i271 46t44 manulaclurers data recomrnends
480 23 'Use ls su tab e enclosed f x
400 watl l\,letal Halde/Mercury vapor ture'. G ass ens must be used.
s8r,4400 ( )('lsDB 1201208 455 4 0123 Feg 60
2441217 201175 Order ng example: S8S 400 1T
480 l0 277 S DB.
250 Wan Metal Halde/Mercury Vapor
s8M 250 (
)O S-DB 120t208 292 2511 44 Feq 55
Photocell Twist-Lock Receptacle P
1 2t1 08 ony
175 Wat ,ietal Halide/l\lercury Vapor Photoce I not ncluded Ordering
s8M r75 ( )C)S DB 12Ot2A8 214 I 8n 04 Reg 55 examp e S8M 1000 1 277 S P
2441277 9/ 78
1000 Watt High Pressure Sod um
s8s 1000 (
) (') s DB T20/208 1090 9 2/5 3 Reg 102 Surface Mounting Bracket S
2441277 ,16/4 0 For mount ng Spectra V I I xtures
480 2.3
to stra ght or square po es.
400 Watl High Pressure Sodium
s8s 400 ( (') s DB 120/208 465 4 312 98 Feg 62 (Mount ng bo ts inc uded.) Order
244t271 2 15/1 86 jng exampe SBN/ 1000 1 277 S
480 107 DB
250 Watl High Pressure Sodium
s8s 250 ( ) c) s DB 120/208 300 275116 Reg 62 Mast Fitter l\,1

240t277 1 38/1 2 For 2" standard pole top tenon

150 Wati High Pressure Sodium 5sV('?) (lVin mum tenon helght 4%".)
s8s-rs0-()-c)HX,55-s-DB 120/208 188 2 811 6 HRAT 60 Ordering examp e: SBM 1000 1
2401277 1 25t1 4
277 M-43
ssv HPs amp)HPr- s.g e vorage ba asrs'.r 12ov 208! 240!.277! ana 4U0v T. spe.ly add volaqe lo.alaog .lmber Surlace lvlounling Bracket for Tennis
Exampe SBS 400 1 277 S DB
(l) Specty rellector llpe rrom d stnblion q! de Court Application
(2) S!lableallmeolpr.lrnglorGELLlls0 Syva.aLUlsorssa.dWesr.!JholreCls0s5s Spe. i.r' ss! o. order For mount ng SBM]-1000-7 tenn s
'Less lha. operalr.g court ightlng lxtures Factory n
CAUftaN HID lunn anes shaul.l be apetated an gratnded sysrenrs ont Lingrctr .|ed pawet dB! nbj! or systens nej/ .any
htgh ltansient valta1es whtch can cause lalute al ary lype elect'ical eqLtpnent sta led; tllts f xture by approx
mate y 5" or 10'. Order ng
example: SBMI 1AAA 7 277
For doub e courts
N4etal Halide Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium 108' wide S5DEG
(coated) (clea0 (clea0 For doub e courts
IES IES IES 120' wi.l-. Sl ODEG
Roadway Boadway Roadway
Backlight Shields
Catalog Class. Catalog Class. Catalog Class.
Number Cutoff Number Cutoff Number Culofi nterna sh elds for furlher reduc
Type Type Type t on of ight beh nd po e. Consu t
'1000w lactory.
1000w 1000w
s8M,1000-1 lt s sBL4 1000 l ts s8s r 000 l S
s8l\,1 T 000-2 VS sBM-1000-2 VS sBS-1000-2 IVS EFFECTIVE
s8M 1000 4 S sBM-1000,4 N/ sBs-1000-4 l tv
400w 400w 400w
sBM-400-l IVS s8M 400 1 It s sBs,400-1 ls Top View
sBM-400-2 S s8M 400 2 t s SBS 4OO 2 Is
s8N,4 400,4 S sBM-400-4 M SBS 4OO 4 l M
s8N/ 250 1
sBM-250 2
sBM-250 2

sBs-250-2 IVS
ll -B
sBM-250-4 S sBM 250-4 lt M sBs,250-4 S
NOTES: 1 Consult lhe lactory ior comp ele photcmelric data, nc ud ng thal ior ower watlage amps c
2 Meta ha de fixlures are provlded wlh positon orenled sockels ior arched a.c tubes 45'
3 Standard llnlsh is Ult,aclad Datk Btonze EIf.
Consult the tactory lor ava labi 1y of Type rej eclor lor 250 FIPS Lamps otv. Projected
Fixlures W nd Area (Ap)
Spectra Vlll Per PoLe D recion n Sq Fi.

1000w 363
400w 1 A 205
B 142
c 183
250w', 1 A 145
c i25
Reflector Type 1 Reflector Type 2 Reflector Type 4
4N 3H 4N
/-. \ 3H
28 2H
\( - - ))

1H 1H
0 0 l( r'7 \ \l 0
1H '.\ 1H

2l i' t-,

4H 3H 4H
4H3H2H1H O 1H2H3H4H 3H 2H lH O lH 2H 3H 4H3H2H1H O 1H2H3H4H
Narrow l\,1edium Wide
Typical distr but on for Typ ca distr bution lor area Typ ca roadway distribut on.
perimeter ighting lso ux ighting. lso ux rawing
d lso ux drawing of one
drawlng shows dlstribution shows d str but on achieved wldebeam f ood ight per pole
achieved frorn one narrow from one medlum beam with clear lamp. 5 to 1
beam I oodl ght per pole wlth f lood ight per po e wlth c ear spac ng with 3 lo 1
clear lamp. (Narrow beam lamp. When four medium uniformity. (Wlde beam
f oodl ghts have type 1 beam floodl ghts are used flood ights have type 4
rei ectors, Examp e: per po e with c ear lamps, a reflectors. Example: SBM
s8M 400 1.) 5 to 1 spac ng wth 4 to l 400-4.)
average to mln mum
Lrniformity can be ach eved
(Medium beam f oodl ghts
have type 2 ref ectors.
Exan, p e: SBM-400-2 )


Photometric distribution is asymnnetr c with one or two areas

of peak cand epower occurring between 60'and 67.5'above
vertical. H gh ang e cutoff of ight meets IES definit on of cutoff
dlstributlon; ie., candlepower does not nurnerically exceed 2-
1/21" al an arg e of 90' above nadir (horizontal) nor 1 0% at a
vertical ang e of B0'above nadir

Candlepo\rer Distribution


sPB-14, sPB-14- SPB-14- SPB-]4- SPB,14, SPB,14,

Dtt4 4090 DB DM218O-DB DMlO-DB DM,209O.DB D 13090-DB Dtv120-DB

End View Side View Standard S Arm

B c D
1000w 36" 12" 10 1,2"
400w 27" I 1t4" 1B 3r4' 1 1t2"
250w' B 1r 16" I4 5r8" 7 1t2'.
175w 8,1116" l4 s,B' 7 1i2'
'\ol dDo .ble'or 585-205-l )pe l qF . lo
CofsLr I lactory lor dimens ons


h'aa 11)

%' Dia (a) 438 D a Typ

400W 58400 M' Mastfitter
and Below 63Da.

Adapler PIale SW' Dr ll l\,lount Configuraton

For Speclra V ll With
(atlaches to S bracke0. 'S Surlace Arm on
L sripft Io' 2' sld Slraight Square Poles
P pe Tenon (By Olhers)
1000W 581000 M' ,lastfilter

AOCESSORIES lFietd Insratted;

Description Component Catalog No. Pole l\,4ount Adapter Brackets

Catalog No. SPB-14-( .
) DB
Fused Ballasl
Fuses are KTK 30 amp un ess other-
Perm ts nsta at on of Spectra LumV
na res with Surface l\4ount ng Brackets
w se spec lied Ava ab e at extra cost
Orderlng examp e: T to top of po es Po e top lenon rnust be
4" OD and a rn n mum 7" in length n
I20v or 277v systems F1-KlT
20Bv 240v, or 4B0v systems F2-K|T { c udes sct screws
Est Shpg Wt lB bs
Wall N4ounting Bracket SW 'Spec iy nrrmber ol f xtures to be
Avaiable at extra cost Foranountna
moLrnled for bracket (see rrroLrntlng
Spectra V Lum nalres w th sLrrface
conf gural on)
arms to wa s or other f at surfaces
(N/ount ng hardware not lncluded ) DMl O 1 te 180'
Order ng examp e: SBM-1000'l DM2090 2 tes 90'
277-SW DB sPB-1 4Dt!14090-DB DM2l80 2 tes I B0' SPB ]4 DI\'3120-DB
Dl\43090 3 tes 90"
DN,13120 3 les I20'
Dt/4090 4 iT-.s 90'

a GI{JT= company
P O BOX 606 Speclcalofs and dimens ons BULLETIN 0372 ] ]89
SAN MARCOS TEXAS 78666 are sLrblect to change
(512)392-s82r FAX (512) 353 5822 Copyr glri 1989

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