Internet of Things (Iot) and Human Computer Interaction: Olja Rastic-Dulborough
Internet of Things (Iot) and Human Computer Interaction: Olja Rastic-Dulborough
Internet of Things (Iot) and Human Computer Interaction: Olja Rastic-Dulborough
Olja Rastic-Dulborough
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom
[email protected]
General Terms
Design, Experimentation, Human Factors
Internet of Things, Human-Computer Interaction
Internet of things can be introduced as the concept where objects Figure 1 1996 view on trends in computing [11]
in our environment, through some new properties, become smart Some 20 years later, the reality is somewhat more complex, and
and begin autonomously communicating with each other and we’re still grasping at the edges of ‘calming’ the technology that
humans, through networks supported by interfaces. Opportunities surrounds us. Looking at the prognosis for the next decade and
for meaningful benefits to humans and the environment are many beyond, Figure 2 illustrates that we are in the early stages of
and varied so only a small subset of examples can be mentioned seamlessly integrating computing into our lives.
here. Specifically, the focus of this paper is to present the recent
efforts and developments in the areas of interactive systems, with
new affordances of the Internet of things and related technologies; 3. INTERACTION RESEARCH FOR IoT
emergence of and need for new and innovative ways in which Apart from architecture, physical device, security and protocol
human-computer interaction can support these. In section two concerns, amongst others, there are many human-centred issues
some background is given, section three looks at different being addressed. One looks at how best to present the data
approaches researchers are taking to interaction for the internet of collected from the real world and make it meaningful to humans.
things. Section four reviews the research, conclusions made in We look at several approaches to solving the interaction
section five. complexities in the Internet of Things.
3.1 Embedded interaction
2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK Embedded interaction is a concept where ordinary objects are
15 years since Internet of Things as a term was first mentioned, enhanced with input and output facilities so that they perform
the field is entering a new phase of rapid expansion in all areas of their original function as well as providing a way for data to be
business, industry, domestic and personal devices. Building on a collected about the user behaviour. Combining data from several
networked device’s ability to be uniquely identifiable, which can objects and interaction with them over time can result in emergent
communicate and interact with other devices, objects and humans knowledge available to the user or the context aware environment
[8]; the combination of research and development efforts both in to make suggestions for lifestyle improvements.
academia and industry has opened up new avenues of exploration
A study carried out by Kranz, Holleis and Schmidt [6]
for how the ubiquitous connectivity can enhance our every-day
concentrated on designing prototypes for novel ways humans can
lives. Because of the organic growth and development by different
use everyday objects incorporating embedded interaction and
stakeholders, multiple standards are in existence. Although there
technologies which take advantage of the Internet of things
are efforts to standardise protocols, guidelines and processes; it is
affordances. They coin the term ‘netgets’ to describe objects or
recognised that doing this too early would restrict the
artefacts as specialized networked gadgets with sensors and
development along many lines of investigation. Instead, it is
actuators which can be embedded into anything. Netgets let users
interesting to take stock of the concerns and the state of things as
seamlessly manipulate digital information and data in the context
Xie, Kumar, Chen at all [12] have done. Going back to the early
of real world usage. Examples range from context aware kitchen
days when ubiquitous computing was first being defined, the table
utensils, interactive fabrics to using small embedded objects.
in Fig 1 neatly summarises the realization of the ‘father of
Along the way, guidelines, frameworks and a toolkit are produced
ubiquitous computing’ Mark Weiser about the future of
and recommended for future development of similar devices.
Figure 2 Recent predictions for the IoT domains and stages by Xie, Kumar, Chen et al [12]