Setup Devenv m1 v6
Setup Devenv m1 v6
Setup Devenv m1 v6
A lot of the things you do here, you will also do when you set
yourself up at an in-office internship too. Look like an amazing hire
when you breeze through dev environment setup!
REPL (Mac)
(best if you have not set up a dev Setting up your dev environment for task
environment before) 1
(Windows) (Linux)
Setting up your dev environment for task Setting up your dev environment for task
1 1
JPMorgan Chase Software Engineering Virtual Experience
Approximately 3 minutes.
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
Using REPL
● REPL is an online coding platform that developers can use to run simulated
applications / tests without having to worry about installing dependencies on
their local machines
● For “Module 1 - Interface with a stock price data feed”, we’ve set up two
REPL environments: Python2 Env and Python3 Env (click on the link of the
environment you want to use and you should end up on a page like the one
shown in the next slide)
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● To get started, read thru the “Instructions” file in the REPL by clicking on the
“Instructions” file on the left hand side of the screen
● To make the files show, you must click the “File” icon. (also boxed in red)
JPMorgan Chase Software Engineering Virtual Experience
● First you must have git installed in your system. Git is used by most
programmers today to collaborate with code/software projects. To install git,
follow this quick guide. You know you have installed successfully when you
get a version output on your terminal by typing `git --version`:
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● This command will download the code repositories from github to your
machine in the current working directory of the terminal you executed the
command in. Downloading the 2 repositories above will give you options later
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
note: the image above and in the next slide just does not contain the
other repository but it should if you did the previous slides and execute
the ls command. `ls` just lists the files/folders in the current directory
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
note: If you choose to work using python3 and your system has version python3
or above instead of python2.7.x, then choose to go into the other repository
you downloaded instead. (otherwise, use the other repo above)
cd JPMC-tech-task-1-py3
note: `cd` means change directory. `ls` lists contents in the current
directory. Check this for more info on cd
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
python --version
If ever you encounter an error when starting the server application, see troubleshooting in this slide
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● If you did encounter issues, check if the commonly encountered issues listed
in the next few slides will solve your problem:
○ dateutil dependency
○ Socket unavailable
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
In this case, you must install pip first. pip is python’s package manager for
installing python dependencies. Make sure you install pip for the right Python
version you’re working with in this project. You can check your pip version by
pip --version and it will tell which python version it maps too
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
If you don’t have curl, just install it in your system. For mac, it’s this way
Then just run the script using python:
//if python --version = 2.7+ this will install pip for python2
//if python --version = 3+ this will install pip for python3
Afterwards, you can rerun the server and then rerun the client
Note: For the command above, whatever python version your pip corresponds to (i.e. the output
of pip --version, that is the python version that will have the dependency installed). So if you’re
pip corresponds to python2.7.x then doing the command above will install python-dateutil for
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
note: the example here is from windows but a similar error might appear for mac
This is most likely because you have a firewall open preventing you from accessing 8080. You can try the
following workarounds:
- Temporarily turn off your firewall
- Using any text editor, open the or in the repository using your code editor and look
for the line where it says port = 8080. change that to port = 8085
- Similarly, open the or and change the line where it has 8080 to 8085
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
In this case make sure you're only running one instance of the because it hooks itself to port 8080,
and once that port is used nothing else can use it. If you want to free that up, terminate the old
you're running from one of your terminals by hitting cmd+c. Alternatively you can kill the process listening on
a port (i.e. in this case 8080) by following this guide
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● You can also submit your query in the module page’s support modal that pops
out when you click the floating element on the page (see image below)
JPMorgan Chase Software Engineering Virtual Experience
● First you must have git installed in your system. Git is used by most
programmers today to collaborate with code/software projects.To install git,
follow this quick guide. You know you have installed successfully when you
get this output on your command line (cmd). (any git version should suffice but the
latest is recommended)
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● This command will download the code repositories from github to your
machine in the current working directory of the terminal you executed the
command in. Downloading the 2 repositories above will give you options later
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
note: the image above just does not contain the other repository but it
should if you did the previous slides and execute the dir command. `dir`
will list the contents of the current directory
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
cd JPMC-tech-task-1-py3
note: `cd` means change directory ( more on cd )
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
python --version
(any python 2.7.x > = 2.7.16 should suffice but the latest Sometimes your system might
have it as
2.7.x is recommended (2.7.17);
any python 3.x >= 3.6is fine, latest is recommended (3.8.0)) python3 --version
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
cd \Users\insidesherpa\JPMC-tech-task-1
cd \Users\insidesherpa\JPMC-tech-task-1-py3
note: the example above isn’t what you’re going to type on your system.
You have a different user account in \Users where you probably cloned
the repo. Use that instead...
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
If ever you encounter an error when starting the server application, see troubleshooting in this slide
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● If you did encounter issues, check if the commonly encountered issues listed
in the next few slides will solve your problem:
○ dateutil dependency
○ python not recognized or not returning in your command line
○ Socket unavailable
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
In this case, you must install pip first. pip is python’s package manager for
installing python dependencies. Make sure you install pip for the right Python
version you’re working with in this project. You can check your pip version by
pip --version and it will tell which python version it maps too
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
If you don’t have curl, just install it in your system. For mac, it’s this way
Then just run the script using python:
//if python --version = 2.7+ this will install pip for python2
//if python --version = 3+ this will install pip for python3
○ Make sure you open a new command line too and use that instead after doing this
● To edit your system path environment variable it’s similar to the slides here.
● Alternatively you can access it doing something like:
○ C:\\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe <parameters> (similar for python3x if it was installed in C:\\)
○ <parameters> could be something like C:\\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install python-dateutil
○ Take note though, this assumes that you have your python installed in drive C:\\
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
Afterwards, you can rerun the server and then rerun the client
Note: For the command above, whatever python version your pip corresponds to (i.e. the output
of pip --version, that is the python version that will have the dependency installed). So if you’re
pip corresponds to python2.7.x then doing the command above will install python-dateutil for
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
note: the example here is from windows but a similar error might appear for mac
This is most likely because you have a firewall open preventing you from accessing 8080. You can try the
following workarounds:
- Temporarily turn off your firewall
- Using any text editor, open the or in the repository using your code editor and look
for the line where it says port = 8080. change that to port = 8085
- Similarly, open the or and change the line where it has 8080 to 8085
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
In this case make sure you're only running one instance of the because it hooks itself to port 8080,
and once that port is used nothing else can use it. If you want to free that up, terminate the old
you're running from one of your terminals by hitting cmd+c. Alternatively you can kill the process listening on
a port (i.e. in this case 8080) by following this guide
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● You can also submit your query in the module page’s support modal that pops
out when you click the floating element on the page (see image below)
JPMorgan Chase Software Engineering Virtual Experience
● First you must have git installed in your system.Git is used by most
programmers today to collaborate with code/software projects.You can install
git by simply running the command below in your terminal (ctrl+alt+t):
● You’ll know you have git if you get a similar result on your terminal:
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● This command will download the code repositories from github to your
machine in the current working directory of the terminal you executed the
command in. Downloading the 2 repositories above will give you options later
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
note: the image above just does not contain the other repository but it
should if you did the previous slides and execute the ls command. `ls`
just lists the contents in the current directory
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
cd JPMC-tech-task-1
note: If you choose to work using python3 and your system has version
python3 or above instead of python2.7.x, then choose to go into the other
repository you downloaded instead. (otherwise, use the other repo above).
cd JPMC-tech-task-1-py3
note: `cd` means change directory. Check this for more info on how to use cd
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
python --version
(any python 2.7.x > = 2.7.16 should suffice Sometimes your system might
have it as
but the latest 2.7.x is recommended (2.7.17);
any python 3.x >= 3.6is fine, latest is recommended (3.8.0)) python3 --version
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
If ever you encounter an error when starting the server application, see troubleshooting in this slide
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● If you did encounter issues, check if the commonly encountered issues listed
in the next few slides will solve your problem:
○ dateutil dependency
○ Socket unavailable
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
In this case, you must install pip first. pip is python’s package manager for
installing python dependencies. Make sure you install pip for the right Python
version you’re working with in this project. You can check your pip version by
pip --version and it will tell which python version it maps too
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
If you don’t have curl, just install it in your system. For mac, it’s this way
Then just run the script using python:
//if python --version = 2.7+ this will install pip for python2
//if python --version = 3+ this will install pip for python3
Afterwards, you can rerun the server and then rerun the client
Note: For the command above, whatever python version your pip corresponds to (i.e. the output
of pip --version, that is the python version that will have the dependency installed). So if you’re
pip corresponds to python2.7.x then doing the command above will install python-dateutil for
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
note: the example here is from windows but a similar error might appear for mac
This is most likely because you have a firewall open preventing you from accessing 8080. You can try the
following workarounds:
- Temporarily turn off your firewall
- Using any text editor, open the or in the repository using your code editor and look
for the line where it says port = 8080. change that to port = 8085
- Similarly, open the or and change the line where it has 8080 to 8085
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
In this case make sure you're only running one instance of the because it hooks itself to port 8080,
and once that port is used nothing else can use it. If you want to free that up, terminate the old
you're running from one of your terminals by hitting cmd+c. Alternatively you can kill the process listening on
a port (i.e. in this case 8080) by following this guide
Setting up your dev environment for the program!
● You can also submit your query in the module page’s support modal that pops
out when you click the floating element on the page (see image below)