CASHFLOW The Board Game Personal Financial Statement PDF

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RAT RACE Phase 1: GET OUT of the RAT RACE!

ET OUT of the RAT RACE! Build up your Passive Income to be greater than your Total Expenses

Income Profession
Description Cash Flow
Salary: Dream
Real Estate/Business: (Person on your right)

$ Salary

Passive Income
(Cash Flow from Interest/Dividends
and Real Estate/Business)

If Passive Income
is greater than
$ Total Income Total Expenses,
Expenses you’re out of the
Rat Race!
Home Mortgage Payment:
School Loan Payment: $ Total Expenses
Car Loan Payment:
Credit Card Payment:
Other Expenses:
Bank Loan Payment: (10% of Bank Loan Total) = $
Monthly Cash Flow
Per Child Expense: x (# of Children):

Assets Liabilities
Savings: Home Mortgage:
Precious Metals, Etc.: School Loans:
Stocks/Funds/CDs: # of Shares: Cost/Share: Car Loans:
Credit Card Debt:
Bank Loan:

Real Estate/Business: Down Payment: Cost: Real Estate/Business: Mortgage/Liability:

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