Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Practical Research 1: January 27, 2020

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January 27, 2020


7:45 – 8:45 Grade 11 - CANAPE

3:00 – 4:00 Grade 11 - GIGABYTE

I. Objectives
A.    Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the range of research
topics in the area of inquiry.
B.      Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate clearly statement of research problem
C.    Learning Competencies: The learner
1. designs a research project related to daily life
2. writes a research title
D.     Competency Code : CS_RS11-IIIc-e-1
II. Subject Matter
A.    Content : Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
B.      References: K12 Basic Education Curriculum  Senior High School Curriculum
Practical Research 1, Baraceros Esther L.
Research Methods and Statistics, Beins, Bernard C. & McCarthy,
Maureen A. (2012)
C.    Materials: Powerpoint presentation, laptop, projector
D.     Value Focus: Social Awareness/Curiosity/Inquisitiveness
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review Ask:
 What are the characteristics of a qualitative research?
 What are the kinds of qualitative research?
 What are the strength and weaknesses of qualitative
2. Motivation Ask:
 What are the problems that you encounter as a student?
 What topic interests you the most?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Activity Direction: Group the class into 8 groups. Let each group think of
the things they want to research on based on the problem they
encounter as a student and topics which they are interested to.
Let each group make a research title out of the topics or
problems that they talk about as a group. Write it in a ¼ sheet
of paper.

2. Analysis Ask:
1. How was the activity?
2. What insight have you gather during the activity?
3. What are your reflections?

3. Abstraction   Let us check if your title will be researchable and is

acceptable as qualitative research.
1. What is

4. Application Direction: the class will be divided into 5 groups. The teacher
will flash phrases or words and they will determine whether it
is a characteristics, strength, weakness, or kinds of qualitative
1. Time consuming (weakness)
January 27, 2020

2. Participant observation (kinds)

3. Methods are interactive and humanistic (characteristics)
4. In-depth interviewing (kinds
5. Offers best answer to a problem (strength)

IV. Evaluation Direction: Identify the following:

1. It follows productive process of reasoning. What is it?

(qualitative research)
2. It demand immersion in the natural setting. What is it?
(participants’ observation)
3. It is a narrative inquiry that requires a great deal of
sensitivity between participant and researcher. What is it?
4. It resembles conversations but with pre-determined
response categories. What it is? (In-Depth interviewing)
5. Where qualitative research do takes place? (Natural

V. Assignment Study on the importance of qualitative research across fields.

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