PRACTICAL Questions Papers

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Computer Practical Examination Dec-2019


Course name: MCA 1st year(Master of Computer Application)/PGDCA/MSCCS-P

Practical subject code:MCA/PGDCA/MSCCS-P (Subject Code: 106)

Practical subject name:Practical-1

Examination scheme:MAX Marks: 100 MIN Marks: 36

Q1. Draft a letter to intimate the students about the confirmation of adddmission with the role
Q2. Create a presenation of five slides and add slide transtions and add animation.
Q3. Create a webpage to display five images with different text headding tags.
Q4. Create a program to swap values of two different classes using friend function.
Q5. Create a well formed xml file for displaying a bookstore with book ISBN No,name,Author,
price tags.
Q6. Write a program to implement sorting (any type) using object as argument.
Q7. Write a program to print largest number of given three numbers.

Computer Practical Examination Dec-2019

Course name: MCA 1st year(Master of Computer Application)/PGDCA/MSCCS-P

Practical subject code:MCA/PGDCA/MSCCS-P (Subject Code: 106)

Practical subject name:Practical-1

Examination scheme:MAX Marks: 100 MIN Marks: 36

Q1. Draft a letter to intimate the students about the confirmation of adddmission with the role
Q2. Create a presenation of five slides and add slide transtions and add animation.
Q3. Create a webpage to display five images with different text headding tags.
Q4. Create a program to swap values of two different classes using friend function.
Q5. Create a well formed xml file for displaying a bookstore with book ISBN No,name,Author,
price tags.
Q6. Write a program to implement sorting (any type) using object as argument.
Q7. Write a program to print largest number of given three numbers.
Computer Practical Examination Dec-2019
Course name: MCA 2ND year(Master of Computer Application)/MSCCS-F

Practical subject code:MCA (Subject Code: 206)

Practical subject name:Practical-II

Examination scheme:MAX Marks: 100 MIN Marks: 36

Q1. Write a program to find out the sum of array elements.

Q2. Explain an entity relationship (E-R Diagram) with example.
Q3. Write a program to search an element in an array.
Q4. Write a shell script program to addion of two numbers.
Q5. Write a program to implement a stack using array.
Q6. Write a program to perform postfix evalution by stack.

Computer Practical Examination Dec-2019

Course name: MCA 2ND year(Master of Computer Application)/MSCCS-F

Practical subject code:MCA (Subject Code: 206)

Practical subject name:Practical-II

Examination scheme:MAX Marks: 100 MIN Marks: 36

Q1. Write a program to find out the sum of array elements.

Q2. Explain an entity relationship (E-R Diagram) with example.
Q3. Write a program to search an element in an array.
Q4. Write a shell script program to addion of two numbers.
Q5. Write a program to implement a stack using array.
Q6. Write a program to perform postfix evalution by stack.
Computer Practical Examination Dec-2019
Course name: MCA 3rd year(Master of Computer Application)

Practical subject code:MCA (Subject Code: 306)

Practical subject name:Practical-III

Examination scheme:MAX Marks: 100 MIN Marks: 36

Q1. Write a program to draw line using DDA algorithm.

Q2. Explain basic Shell Commands like as: ls,pwd,mkdir,cd,cat,banner,touch, file,wc,sort
grep and dfspace.
Q3.Develop a html page with the help of external stylesheet to show five photos with
different headings.
Q4. Write a shell script program to addion of two numbers.
Q5.Write a program to caluclate factorial of given number using javascript.
Q6.Write a shell script program to count words in a file.

Computer Practical Examination Dec-2019

Course name: MCA 3rd year(Master of Computer Application)

Practical subject code:MCA (Subject Code: 306)

Practical subject name:Practical-III

Examination scheme:MAX Marks: 100 MIN Marks: 36

Q1. Write a program to draw line using DDA algorithm.

Q2. Explain basic Shell Commands like as: ls,pwd,mkdir,cd,cat,banner,touch, file,wc,sort
grep and dfspace.
Q3.Develop a html page with the help of external stylesheet to show five photos with
different headings.
Q4. Write a shell script program to addion of two numbers.
Q5.Write a program to caluclate factorial of given number using javascript.
Q6.Write a shell script program to count words in a file.

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