MIT18 02SC MNotes m1 PDF
MIT18 02SC MNotes m1 PDF
MIT18 02SC MNotes m1 PDF
Matrix Algebra
Matrix algebra.
Previously we calculated the determinants of square arrays of numbers. Such arrays are
important in mathematics and its applications; they are called matrices. In general, they
need not be square, only rectangular.
A rectangular array of numbers having m rows and n columns is called an m × n matrix.
The number in the i-th row and j-th column (where 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n) is called the
ij-entry, and denoted aij ; the matrix itself is denoted by A, or sometimes by (aij ).
Two matrices of the same size are equal if corresponding entries are equal.
Two special kinds of matrices are the row-vectors: the 1 × n matrices (a1 , a2 , . . . , an );
and the column vectors: the m × 1 matrices consisting of a column of m numbers.
From now on, row-vectors or column-vectors will be indicated by boldface small
letters; when writing them by hand, put an arrow over the symbol.
Matrix operations
There are four basic operations which produce new matrices from old.
1. Scalar multiplication: Multiply each entry by c : cA = (caij )
2. Matrix addition: Add the corresponding entries: A + B = (aij + bij ); the two
matrices must have the same number of rows and the same number of columns.
3. Transposition: The transpose of the m × n matrix A is the n × m matrix obtained by
making the rows of A the columns of the new matrix. Common notations for the transpose
are AT and A′ ; using the first we can write its definition as AT = (aji ).
If the matrix A is square, you can think of AT as the matrix obtained by flipping A over
around its main diagonal.
2 −3 1 5
Example 1.1 Let A = 0 1 , B = −2 3 . Find A + B, AT , 2A − 3B.
−1 2 −1 0
3 2
2 0 −1
Solution. A + B = −2 4 ; AT = ;
−3 1 2
−2 2
4 −6 −3 −15 1 −21
2A + (−3B) = 0 2 + 6 −9 = 6 −7 .
−2 4 3 0 1 4
A · B = C
m×n n×p m×p
cij = aik bkj
Example 1.2 ( 2 1 −1 ) 4 = ( −2 + 4 − 2 ) = ( 0 ) ;
1 4 5 2 0 1 1 0 −1 1 0 0
2 ( 4 5 ) = 8 10 ; 1 −1 −2 0 2 1 = 3 −2 −6
−1 −4 −5 1 1 1 −1 0 2 0 2 2
The two most important types of multiplication, for multivariable calculus and
differential equations, are:
1. AB, where A and B are two square matrices of the same size — these can
always be multiplied;
2. Ab, where A is a square n × n matrix, and b is a column n-vector.
0 0 1
I is called the identity matrix of order 3. There is an analogously defined square identity
matrix In of any order n, obeying the same multiplication laws.
M-4. In general, for two square n×n matrices A and B, AB =6 BA: matrix multiplication
is not commutative. (There are a few important exceptions, but they are very special — for
example, the equality AI = IA where I is the identity matrix.)
M-5. For two square n × n matrices A and B, we have the determinant law:
For 2 × 2 matrices, this can be verified by direct calculation, but this naive method is
unsuitable for larger matrices; it’s better to use some theory. We will simply assume it in
these notes; we will also assume the other results above (of which only the associative law
M-2 offers any difficulty in the proof).
M-6. A useful fact is this: matrix multiplication can be used to pick out a row or column
of a given matrix: you multiply by a simple row or column vector to do this. Two examples
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