Innovative and Highly Productive Joining Technologies For Multi-Material Lightweight Car Body Structures PDF
Innovative and Highly Productive Joining Technologies For Multi-Material Lightweight Car Body Structures PDF
Innovative and Highly Productive Joining Technologies For Multi-Material Lightweight Car Body Structures PDF
(Submitted August 16, 2013; in revised form March 8, 2014; published online April 8, 2014)
Driven by increasing costs for energy and raw material and especially by the European CO2-emission laws,
automotive industry faces the challenge to develop more lightweight and at the same time still rigid and
crash-stable car bodies, that are affordable for large-scale production. The implementation of weight-
reduced constructions depends not only on the availability of lightweight materials and related forming
technologies, but also on cost-efficient and reliable joining technologies suitable for multi-material design.
This article discusses the challenges and requirements for these technologies, based on the example of
joining aluminium with press-hardened boron steels, what is considered as a very important material
combination for affordable future lightweight mobility. Besides a presentation of recent developments for
extending the process limits of conventional mechanical joining methods, new promising technologies such
as resistance element welding are introduced. In addition, the performance, advantages, and disadvantages
of the presented technologies are compared and discussed.
bolt and the workpieces, cause a quasi-adiabatic local temper- due to the high strength of the boron steel. The bolt joint shows
ature increase, improving the flow properties of the metal cracks around the formed hole (low ductility of 22MnB5) and a
workpiece and also enabling the joining of high-strength strongly deformed bolt tip (high-strength of 22MnB5). It is
materials (Ref 20). The bolt joint is a result of bolt anchoring in obvious, that without any modification, boron steels cannot
the base sheet, according to the principles of positive fit by the be joined with these technologies. One possible solution to over-
use of a profiled shaft. In addition, a force fit is achieved by an come the lack of suitable joining methods is a modification
elastic deformation of the parts in the joining area, resulting in the mechanical properties of the brittle, martensitic boron steel
radial holding forces around the bolt. Similar to the semi- A recent, public-funded research project performed in a
tubular self-pierce rivets, the tensile strength of the bolt material cooperation of three German research institutes investigated the
cannot be increased limitless. Due to the intense loads during potential of ‘‘local conditioning’’ of boron steels (Ref 22). In
joining process, micro-cracks can be initiated at the profiled addition to the conventional hot-stamping process, a separate
shaft when using too brittle bolt material. These cracks result in process step is required in order to enable the use of
very poor performance under fatigue loads (Ref 20). A conventional mechanical joining processes in the subsequent
comparable process principle called punch-nailing is presented assembly process (see Fig. 4).
by Wiethop et al. (Ref 21). In contrast the high-speed bolt During this process step, a short-cycle, controlled, and
shown in Fig. 2c, the punch-nail has a flat tip, which punches process-capable local heat treatment by induction or laser
out a plug during joining process. This plug must be collected heating is performed. In order to preserve the crash-relevant
somehow after joining, what limits the application for punch- part properties and to avoid global part deformation, the heat
nailing to joints with two-sided accessibility. treatment is only applied locally to the areas where mechanical
In order to demonstrate the process limitations of the above joining is necessary in the subsequent assembly process.
mentioned methods, Fig. 3a shows microsections of multi-mate- Despite mechanical joining elements usually require only
rial joints with a ductile micro-alloyed steel (HC340 + Z100), diameters from 3 to approx. 6 mm, investigations were done
which mechanical properties are within the application range of the with a conditioned area of 12 mm diameter in order to
joining methods. In contrast to this, joining attempts with press- compensate the positioning tolerances of robot-integrated
hardened boron steel are displayed in Fig. 3b. As expected, the joining equipment in series production.
clinched sample failed by cracks in the boron part due to the low By annealing the martensite or by a controlled transforma-
ductility of 22MnB5. The SPR joint failed by buckling of the rivet, tion of martensite to a mainly ferrite-perlite structure via
Fig. 4 Process concept for local conditioning of hot-stamped parts, enabling the application of conventional mechanical joining methods [illus-
tration based on (Ref 25)]
different heat treatment profiles, the mechanical properties hardness, tensile strength and yield strength can be reduced
(tensile strength, hardness, ductility) of the joining zone can be significantly in a defined area and elongation at crack can be
adjusted to the individual process limits of the mechanical increased. Investigations on the mechanical properties of the
joining methods. Several temperature profiles with different locally conditioned zone showed a tensile strength of approx.
cycle times were investigated. In contrast to already known 650 MPa and elongation at crack of about 25% (Ref 22),
principles of heat-assisted joining like presented in (Ref 23), the enabling clinching. These properties required a local condi-
modification of mechanical properties is permanently. There- tioning process time of 25 s. Further investigations showed
fore, the joining equipment does not contact materials with high further process time reduction potential.
temperatures and the lifetime of the joining tools can be A much shorter temperature profile was applied, when the
increased. Another advantage is, that the part can be locally parts should be joined with self-pierce riveting or high-speed
conditioned outside the car body assembly shop and handled bolt joining, as these processes only require a slightly reduction
and processed in subassemblies and later in the final assembly of the hardness of the boron steel. This was be realized by
(Ref 22). annealing the martensite microstructure at 700 °C for 4 s. The
Exemplary results are shown in Fig. 5 and 6. It can be cycle time is within acceptable ranges for a series production.
observed, that the microstructure can be transformed into more Figure 3c shows that the developed local conditioning pro-
ductile microstructures like ferrite-perlite. Therewith, the cess extends the application range of the above mentioned
Fig. 6 Illustration of measurement results of a Vickers hardness scan on surface after local conditioning (Ref 22)
mechanical joining technologies to ultra-high-strength boron Very promising approaches for joining low-ductile and high-
steels. In Chapter 4, selected results on mechanical testing strength materials in multi-material joints are the so-called
under tensile shear loads of the joints are shown. thermal-mechanical joining processes (Ref 7). These processes
are based on an intelligent combination of thermal and
mechanical joining principles (Ref 26-28). In addition, these
processes can be combined with adhesive bonding (Ref 28-30).
3. Development of New Joining Technologies Figure 7b shows the resistance element welding (REW)
for Joining UHSS to Aluminium process. Figure 7c shows the friction element welding (FEW)
process. Miles et al. (Ref 26) present a comparable process
Another option to solve the challenges when joining boron called friction bit welding. A common characteristic of these
steels with aluminium is the development of new joining processes is the use of an auxiliary joining element made of
principles. Figure 7 shows the process steps of three selected steel, which is joined by RSW or friction welding with the
methods. boron steel part, while the non-ferrous cover sheet is joined
Figure 7a shows a self-pierce riveting process with solid with a positive and a force lock to the auxiliary element (Ref 7).
rivets. As illustrated, the joint is based mainly on a positive lock The use of an additional steel joining element allows evading
created by forming the die-sided aluminium sheet into a ring the welding incompatibility of dissimilar material joints (Ref
groove at the rivet (Ref 25). In addition, force fits between the 28). As there is no forming or punching of the boron steel sheet
joined sheets and rivet shaft as well as an axial force caused by required, these processes are highly suitable for all kind of
axial tensile stress in the rivet (transmitted by countersunk head advanced high-strength steels with relatively low ductility, for
to the joined parts) can be observed. In contrast to the classic instance martensitic steels with tensile strength of more than
SPR process with semi-hollow rivets, the solid rivet is not 1800 MPa (Ref 30). Nevertheless, the occurring process
formed in order to create interlock. As already explained above, temperatures have an effect on the microstructure in the joining
this allows the use of ultra-high-strength materials for the rivet zone, comparable with the effects when applying classic RSW.
(Ref 7, 24, 25). There are different rivet types with more than The heat-affected zones can be observed on etched microsec-
one ring groove available (Ref 25). tions, displayed in Fig. 8b and c.
Fig. 8 Etched microsections of aluminium-to-boron-steel joints. (a) Self-pierce riveting with solid high-strength rivets; (b) Resistance element
welding; (c) Friction element welding (Ref 30)