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Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme


NO ation CODE (17300)
TH TU PR HRS. Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
1 Applied Mathematics $ AMS 17301 03 -- -- 03 100 40 -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Basic Electronics (Electrical) BEE 17321 04 -- 02 03 100 40 25# 10 -- -- 25@ 10
Electrical & Electronic
3 EEM 17322 03 -- 02 03 100 40 50# 20 -- -- 25@ 10
Electrical Circuits and
4 ECN 17323 04 01 02 03 100 40 50# 20 -- -- 25@ 10 50
5 Electrical Power Generation EPG 17324 03 -- -- 03 100 40 -- -- -- -- -- --
6 Computer Programming CPR 17022 -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 25@ 10
7 Electrical Workshop EWO 17023 -- -- 02 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 25@ 10
8 Professional Practices-I PPO 17024 -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20
Total 17 01 15 -- 500 -- 125 -- -- -- 175 -- 50
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 33 Hrs.
Total Marks : 850
@ - Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $ - Common to all branches

Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Term Work, SW- Sessional Work
¾ Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional
work (SW).
¾ Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms
¾ Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering & Technology

Semester : Third
Subject Title : Applied Mathematics
Subject Code : 17301
Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
Applied mathematics is designed for its applications in engineering and technology. It
includes the topics integration, differential equation, probability distribution. The connection
between applied mathematics and its applications in real life can be understood and appreciated.
Derivatives are useful to find slope of the curve, maxima and minima of function, radius of
curvature. Integral calculus helps in finding the area. In analog to digital converter and modulation
system integration is important. Differential equation is used in finding curve. Probability is used
in Metrology and quality control.
The fundamentals of this topic are directly useful in understanding engineering applications in
various fields.

General Objectives:
Students will be able to:
1. Apply derivatives to find slope, maxima, minima and radius of curvature.
2. Apply integral calculus to solve different engineering problems.
3. Apply the concept of integration for finding area.
4. Apply differential equation for solving problems in different engineering fields.
5. Apply the knowledge of probability to solve the examples related to the production process.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Apply the principles of mathematics to solve examples in all branches
of Engineering Diploma.

Solving problems Solving problems on Solving examples of Solving different
of tangent, normal. methods of integration differential equations examples on
Finding maxima, and its properties. of first order and binomial,
minima and radius Finding area. first degree. poisson and
of curvature normal

Methods of finding Methods of Formulae for
Methods of finding integration, definite differential binomial,
slope, curvature, integration and its equations of first normal, and
maxima and minima properties order and first poisson
degree distribution

Geometrical meaning Integration of Order and degree of
of derivatives, standard functions. differential Probability of
increasing and Rules of equation. repeated trails
decreasing functions integration, Formation of of random
integration by parts, differential experiments
partial fractions equation

First order and Derivatives, Integration, Permutation ,
second order notation of definition of Combination,
derivatives integration, differential probability of
definition of equation an event

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme


Topic and Contents Hours Marks

Topic-1 Applications of Derivative
Specific objectives :
¾ Find slope, curvature, maximum and minimum value of functions
related to different engineering applications.
06 16
• Examples for finding slope , equations of tangent and normal to
the curve
• Maxima and minima.
• Radius of curvature.
Topic-2 Integral Calculus
2.1 Integration ------------------------- 20
Specific objectives :
¾ Integrate function using different method.
• Definition of integration as anti derivative, rules of integration.
• Integration of standard functions
• Methods of integration
Integration by substitution.
Integration by partial fractions.
Integration by parts and generalized rule by parts.
2.2 Definite Integrals ---------------------------------- 16
Specific objectives : 44
¾ Solve problems on definite integrals using the properties. 08
• Definite integral- Definition, examples.
• Properties of definite integrals without proof and simple
2.3 Application of Definite Integrals -----------------------08
Specific objectives :
¾ Find area.
• Area under a curve.
• Area between two curves.

Topic 3 - Differential Equation.

3.1 Differential equation
Specific objectives :
¾ Solve the differential equation of first order and first degree
¾ Solve different engineering problems using differential equation
• Differential equation- Definition, order and degree of a
differential equation. Formation of differential equation
containing single constant.
10 20
• Solution of differential equation of first order and first degree
for following types
Variable separable form,
Equation reducible to variable separable form.
Linear differential equation.
Homogeneous differential equation.
Exact differential equation.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Topic 4 - Probability
4.1 Probability
Specific objectives : ---------------------------- 08
¾ Solve different engineering problems related to probability process.
• Definition of random experiment, sample space, event,
occurrence of event and types of event (impossible, mutually
exclusive, exhaustive, equally likely)
• Definition of probability, addition and multiplication theorems of
4.2 Probability Distribution ---------------------- 12
• Binomial distribution
• Poisson’s Distribution
• Normal distribution
Total 48 100

Learning Resources:
1) Books:

Title Authors Publication
Pune Vidyarthi Girha
1 Mathematic for Polytechnic S. P. Deshpande
Prakashan’ Pune
2 Calculus : Single Variable Robert. T. Smith Tata McGraw Hill

3 Higher Engineering mathematics B. V Ramana Tata McGraw Hill

4 Higher Engineering mathematics H. K. Dass S .Chand Publication

Khanna Publication, New
5 Higher Engineering Mathematics B. S. Grewal
Pune Vidyarthi Griha
6 Applied Mathematics P. N. Wartikar
Prakashan, pune

2) Websites :

i) www.khan academy

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE/EP
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Basic Electronics (Electrical)
Subject Code : 17321

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

04 -- 02 03 100 25# -- 25@ 150

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

Electronics plays very important role in our day to day life. Basic electronics is the base for
all engineering trades. It starts with the semiconductor material. Next the working principle of PN
junction will help the students to understand the working of most of the semiconductor devices.
Study of optical diodes gives basics for all optical devices such as scanner, Xerox machine, fax
machine etc. Students should understand basics of power supply, since most of the electronic
devices work on DC power supply. Study of MOSFET is essential since 95% of the semiconductor
market is devices are controlled by MOSFETs. Introduction to digital electronics gives the students
idea about working of microprocessor.

Students will be able to:
1. Define the scope of electronics.
2. State some applications of electronics in our day-to-day life.
3. State the latest trends in the field of electronics.
4. Draw the symbol, characteristics & applications of some important active devices.
5. Testing of active & passive components.
6. List the specifications of active & passive components.
7. Reading the data sheets of electronic components.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

1) Develop circuits of rectifier, filter, regulator, power supplies,

Applications and amplifiers using semiconductor devices.
2) Use the knowledge for study high level subjects.

DC Power Amplifiers
Procedure supply

Zener Filters Biasing of

regulator transistor

Sp. Diodes: Optical diodes, Rectifier BJT, UJT, JFET,
Zener, point LED, IRLED, MOSFET, Power
contact, Photodiode & BJT, Power
Schottkey, cter LASER diode MOSFET

PN junction
Concepts Gates

Devices Number

Passive Semiconductor Digital

Facts Devices Theory, P & N Electronics

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Topic and Detailed Content Hours Marks

Topic 1: Semiconductor Diode
Specific Objectives:
¾ Select specific diode according to application.
¾ Select the diode with required specification.

1.1 Semiconductor Theory
• Review of semiconductor theory (No questions to be set in Theory Paper)
• Intrinsic semiconductor, Extrinsic semiconductor, doping, dopant
• Trivalent & pentavalent impurities, P- Type and N- Type semiconductor.
1.2 Semiconductor Diode
• PN Junction.
• Junction theory: Barrier voltage, Depletion region, Junction capacitance,
Forward and reverse biased junction
• V- I characteristics of P-N junction diode. 08 12
• Circuit diagram for characteristics( Forward & Reverse)
1.3 Specifications of diode
• Forward Voltage Drop, Reverse Saturation Current, Maximum Forward
Current, Power Dissipation.
• Ideal Diode Model.
1.4 Zener diode
• Construction & symbol
• Circuit diagram for characteristics( Forward & Reverse)
• Specification of zener diode: zener voltage( VZ), Maximum power
dissipation( PD(max)) , Break over current(IZK), zener resistance.
• Special purpose diodes: Schottkey diode, Point-contact diode, Varacter
diode (Construction, symbol, Characteristics and applications).
• Optical diodes: LED, IRLED, Photodiode and LASER diode (Symbol,
operating principle and applications of each)
Topics 2: Rectifiers and Filters
Specific Objectives:
¾ Select the specific rectifier & filter according to the requirement
¾ Lists various types of filter circuits with advantages & disadvantages.
2.1 Rectifiers
• Need of rectifier
• Types of rectifier: Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier( Bridge and
Centre tapped)
• Working with waveform(IP /OP waveformsfor voltage and current, 06 08
Average (DC) value of current and voltage ( No derivation)
• Ripple, ripple factor, ripple frequency, PIV of diode used, transformer
utilization factor, efficiency of rectifier.
• Comparison of three types of rectifiers (HWR. FWR (bridge & centre
2.2 Filters
• Need of filters
• Types of filters: shunt capacitor, series inductor, LC filter, π filter (circuit
diagram, operation, DC O/P voltage, ripple factor (formula), ripple

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frequency, Dependence of ripple factor on load.

• I/P and O/P waveforms, Limitations and Advantages of all types of filters.
Topic : 3 Bipolar Junction Transistor
Specific Objectives:
¾ Identify the transistor configuration according to application.
¾ Lists types of biasing & coupling.
¾ Select the specific amplifier type according to application.
3.1 Transistor 16 Marks
• Transistor definition
• Types: NPN, PNP junction transistors (Symbols, operating principle
(NPN only)
• Transistor configuration: Common emitter (CE), common collector (CC),
common base (CB).
• Characteristics in CE configuration (Circuit diagram, I/P and O/P
characteristics, different points of characteristics (Cut-off, Active and
Saturation), input resistance, output resistance, current gain (α and β )
Transistor Biasing:
• Need of biasing, DC load line, Operating point
• Types of biasing circuits: Fixed bias circuit, Base biased with emitter
feedback, Base biased with collector feedback, Voltage divider bias,
Emitter biased
3. 2 Transistor as an amplifier ( CE configuration only) 12 Marks
• Graphical representation, Current gain, Voltage gain, Power gain (No
derivation), Input output resistance, Phase shift between input and output. 24 36
• AC Load line
• Single Stage CE amplifier: Circuit diagram, Function of each component,
Frequency response and bandwidth.
Need of Cascaded amplifier
• Types of coupling : RC couple, Transformer couple, Direct couple
(Circuit diagram and function of each component)
• Application of each amplifier
• Transistor as a switch – (Circuit diagram, operation, application)
3.3 Power amplifier 08 Marks
• Introduction, classification : class A, class B, class AB, class C
(Efficiency of each).
• Single stage class A power amplifier (Circuit operation, IP/OP
waveforms, graphical analysis and efficiency)
• Transformer couple resistive load single stage power amplifier.
• Class A push pull amplifier.
• Class B push pull amplifier.
• Class AB push pull amplifier.
• Concept of cross over distortion.
• Need of heat sink.
• Symbol, characteristics and working principle of UJT.
Topic : 4 Field Effect Transistor (Unipolar Transistor)
Specific Objectives:
¾ Differentiate between BJT & FET. 08 12
¾ Identify the type of unipolar transistor to suit the application.

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4.1 FET
• Types, Symbols and working principle
• Characteristics of FET, Circuit diagram for drain characteristics,
Operating regions of characteristics.
• Drain resistance, Mutual capacitance, amplification factor and their
relation, Pinch off voltage of FET
• Comparison of BJT and FET.(Types of carriers, switching speed,
Thermal stability, space in case of IC fabrication, control parameter,
input impedance, offset voltage, power gain at audio frequencies)
• Types, symbol, working principle
• Application of FET and MOSFET.
Topic : 5 Regulated Power Supply
Specific Objectives:
¾ Identify the regulator IC with specification.
¾ Select the regulator IC to meet the application.
• Definition of regulator, Need of regulator, Voltage regulation factor,
• Concept of load regulation and line regulation
04 12
• Zener diode as a voltage regulator.
• Basic block diagram of DC power supply
• Transistorized Series voltage regulator, Transistorized Shunt voltage
regulator, (Circuit diagram and operation)
Regulator IC’s
• IC’s 78XX, 79XX (Functional Pin diagram)
• IC 723 as fixed, variable and Dual regulator.
Topic: 6 Oscillators
Specific Objectives:
¾ State the concept of feedback & Barkhausen criteria.
¾ Select the specific oscillator circuit according to application.
• Definition and block diagram of oscillator.
• Concept of feedback, Types of feedback, Positive feedback, Negative
feedback, Barkhausen’s criterion 08 12
Classification of oscillators
• LC oscillators
• Hartley oscillators
• Colpitt’s oscillators
• RC oscillator
• Crystal Oscillator
(Circuit Diagram & Working)
Topic : 7 Digital Electronics
Specific Objectives:
¾ Identify various gates with truth table.
¾ Describe the basics of Micro Processor.
06 08
• Digital circuit, Digital signal, Use of digital circuit and signal.
• Number System: Introduction to binary, octal decimal and hexadecimal
number system
Logic Gates
• Logic symbol, Logical expression and truth table of AND, OR, NOT,
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EX-OR, & EX-NOR gates.

• Universal gates : NAND gate and NOR gate
• Application of Digital Electronics
• Basic block diagram of Microprocessor.
Total 64 100

Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:
1. Identification & selection of components.
2. Interpretation of circuits.
3. Understand working of rectifier, filter, amplifier & oscillator circuits.

Motor Skills:
1. Ability to draw the circuits
2. Ability to measure various parameters.
3. Ability to test the components using multimeter.
4. Ability to read data sheets of components.
5. Follow standard test procedures.

List of Practicals:
1. Forward & Reverse characteristics of diode.
2. Forward & Reverse characteristics of zener diode.
3. Study of Rectifiers (Half wave & Full wave) & Filters(Capacitor & Inductor Filter)
4. Input & output characteristics of transistor in CE mode.
5. Characteristics of FET.
6. Characteristics of UJT.
7. Load & Line regulation characteristics of Zener Diode Regulator.
8. Frequency response of single stage RC coupled amplifier.
9. Determine waveforms of LC & RC oscillator circuits.
10. Verifying truth tables of logic gates using ICs.

Learning Resources:
Author Title Publisher
N. N. Bhargava, D.C.
Basic Electronics & Linear
1 Kulashreshtha, S.C. Gupta – Tata McGraw Hill
TTTI Chandigharh
Albert Malvino
2 Electronic Principles Tata McGraw Hill
David J Bates
3 Debashis De Basic Electronics Pearson
B Basavaraj
4 Basic Electronics Vikas
H N Shivashankar
Vijar Baru
5 Rajendra Kaduskar Basic Electronics Engineering Dreamtech
Sunil T. Gaikwad
6 J. P. Bandyopadhyay Basic Electronics Engineering Vikas
7 David A Bell Electronic Devices & circuits Oxford

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE /EP
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Electrical & Electronic Measurement
Subject Code : 17322
Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- 02 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

This is the core technology subject. The electrical diploma holder has to work in industry as
technical person in middle level management. He has to work as production, maintenance, testing
engineer in various industries like power generation, transmission, distribution, traction etc. and has
to deal with different electrical machines and equipments. While performing above task he has to
measure different electrical parameters and quantities therefore he must require the skills for these
measurements and broad idea of different meters and equipments.

General Objectives:
The Students will be able to: -
1. To know the vocabulary of electrical measurement system
2. Identify various measuring instruments
3. To read different meters properly
4. Select proper meter / equipment for particular measurement
5. calibrate various types of meters/ instruments as per ISS

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Learning Structure:
Measure current, voltage power, energy, p.f., frequency in electrical
Application Installation system and industries for monitoring and control

Use of different measurement Methods equipment and meters.

Extension of meter ranges and


of phase
Measurement of voltage, Measurement of circuit components (R, sequence
current, power and energy L, C), Frequency & Power Factor

Construction, operation & Construction of Construction of

Classification of different Ohmmeter, megger, Inductor and Capacitor
Principle measuring instrument like V, Kelvin Bridge, bridges, LCR meter
W, f, P, A, Trivector meter Wheatstone Bridge,
sychronoscope, clip-on meter LCR meter

Principles of operation of different types of

measuring instruments like Ammeter,
Principles of operation of Ohm
Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Frequency and
Power Factor Meter, Trivectormeter, meter, megger, Wheatstone bridge,
Concept Sychronoscope, Energy Meter Kelvin bridge, LCR meter, phase
sequence, Inductance bridges

Error in the Concept of measurement, Concept of phase sequence,

measuring extension of range of meter, Earth resistance Insulation
instruments power factor measurement, Resistance, Low and
calibration etc. Medium Resistance

Current, Voltage, Power, Energy, Power Factor, Frequency,

Facts Ammeter, Power Factor Meter etc.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Topics and contents Hours Marks
Topic 1: Fundamentals of Measurements.
¾ Understand different terms in measurement system.
¾ Explain development of different torques in measurement system.
• Significance and purpose of electrical measurement systems.
• Various electrical effects employed in measuring instruments.
• Desirable characteristics of measuring instruments: accuracy, 07 14
sensitivity, selectivity, reproducibility, precision, errors, drift
• Common errors in analog measuring instruments.
• Classification of measuring instruments.
• Different torques in analog instruments: Deflecting, controlling and
damping torque.
¾ Methods of developing these torques
Topic 2: Measurement of Voltage and Current.
¾ Identify different parts of indicating instruments.
¾ Select proper meter for particular application.
• Constructional features and working principles used in PMMC and MI
• Comparison between PMMC and MI instruments.
• Basic arrangements of using above instruments for measurement of
voltage and current in single phase circuits.
• Extension of Range of ammeters and voltmeters.
10 24
¾ D. C. Ammeters: Using Shunts: calculations of shunt
resistance and simple numerical
¾ D. C. Voltmeters: Using Multipliers: calculations of multiplier
resistance and simple numericals
¾ A. C. Ammeters: Using Current transformers: Construction
and principle of operation, precautions
¾ A. C. Voltmeters :Using Potential transformers Construction
and principle of operation, precautions
• Calibration of Ammeter and Voltmeter: Concept of Standard meter,
Calibration Procedure
Topic 3: Concept of Power and Power Measuring Instruments:
¾ Know Significance of power factor in power measurement.
¾ Use appropriate method for power measurements using wattmeter
• Concept of impedance triangle in A.C. circuit-R-L,R-C and R-L-C
series circuit.
• Concept of Power factor and its significance.
06 12
• Active, Reactive and apparent power, their equations, relations and
• Power Triangle : concept of lagging and leading power factor
• Constructional features of Dynamometer type instruments and its use
as a wattmeter for single phase circuits.
• Multiplying factor of wattmeter.
• Different errors in wattmeter and their compensations.
Topic 4: Measurement of three phase a. c. Power 06 12

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

¾ Use appropriate methods for measurement of 3-ph Power

¾ Verify power measured analytically and by using phasor diagrams
• One wattmeter method: Measurement of active and reactive power.
Advantages and Limitations
• Two wattmeter method: Measurement of active and reactive power.
Advantages and Limitations
• Effect of Power factor on wattmeter reading in two wattmeter method.
• Extension of ranges
(Simple numericals on above )
Topic 5: Measurement of Electrical Energy
¾ Make connections of single phase energy meter.
¾ Calibrate 1-ph energy meter
¾ Choose energy meter of appropriate rating
• Concept of electrical energy
• Constructional features and working principle of single phase and 05 10
three phase induction type energy meter.
• Different types of errors and their compensations.
• Calibration of single phase induction type energy meter by direct
• Digital Energy meter: Working principle, advantages over analog
Topic 5: Measurement of Circuit Parameters.
¾ Measure different resistances by selecting correct method of
¾ Use LCR meter for measurement of L, C and R.
¾ Classify the resistance
• Classification of resistance.-Low, Medium and High.
07 14
• Methods of measurement of low and medium resistance by simple V-I
method and by using digital multimeter.
• Constructional features working principles and applications of megger
and earth tester.
• Comparison and applications of –analog and digital multimeter.
• Working of L-C-R meter for measurement of inductance and
Topic 6: Constructional features, working principles and applications of
Other meters.
¾ Select a meter for measuring P.F, Frequency and Phase sequence
¾ Use Clip On Meter efficiently
• Single phase and three phase power factor meter.(Only dynamometer
type) 07 14
• Frequency meter.(Only Weston type)
• Phase sequence indicator(Rotating type only)
• Clip on ammeter.
• Block diagram of C.R.O. and function generator, function of each
block and applications of C.R.O. and function generator in
Total 48 100

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:
1. Apply different Measuring skill.
2. Select proper equipment.
Motor Skills:
1. Measurement of electrical quantities
2. Connections skill.
3. Handling of meters

List of Practical’s:
1. To know measuring instruments on the basis of symbols on dial like, type, class position
and scale.
2. To identify the components of PMMC and MI instruments, using working models.
3. To extend range of voltmeter and ammeter by using PT and CT.
4. To measure power in a single phase circuit by electro-dynamic watt-meter.
5. To measure active and reactive power of three phase balanced load using single
6. To measure active power of three-phase balanced load using two watt-meters.
7. To calibrate single phase energy meter by direct loading.
8. To use digital multi-meter and clamp on meter for measurement of AC/DC current,
AC/DC voltage and resistance.
9. To use megger for various measurements.
10. To measure supply frequency and power factor in single-phase circuit.

Learning Resources:

1. Books:

Name of the Author Title of the Book Name of the Publisher
Electrical & Electronics
1. A.K.Sawhney Dhanpatrai & sons
Measurements & Instrumentation
Electrical Measurements &
2. N.V. Suryanarayna S, Chand & co.
Measuring Instruments
Fundamentals of Electrical
3. C.T. Baldwin --
Electrical Measurements &
4. R.K. Rajput S. Chand & co.
Measuring Instruments

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2. ISO, IS, BS standards, Data Sheets, IE Rules Handbook

ISO: 1248, 1765, 6236, 9223, 8945, 2442

3. Websites

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE / EP
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Electrical Circuits and Networks
Subject Code : 17323
Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

04 01 02 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
In order to understand electrical machines, power system, controls and measurements,
knowledge of electrical circuit and network is very important. Study of electrical network lays the
foundation to understand subjects of application level.
The study of this subject will facilitate student to understand concept and principles of
circuits and circuit analysis. It helps also students in fault finding and troubleshooting.

General Objectives:
The student will be able to:
1) Understand basic elements of the circuit, terminology used and various quantities
2) Use network theorems for solution of DC network.
3) Realize the importance of series ac circuit and parallel ac circuit.
4) Know the relations between phase and line values of various quantities in three phase ac
5) Calculate various parameters of a.c. circuits.

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Learning Structure:

Solve and Analyse A.C. and D.C. Circuits, Network and Polyphase
Applications circuits.

Series and Combinational Polyphase Circuit

Procedure Parallel A.C. Circuits
Circuits and And Electrical
Resonance in RL- Network
C Circuits

Determination of Phasor Mesh and D.C. Source

Principles Circuits Diagrams Nodal Network Conversion
Parameters and And Methods Analysis Theorem & Transient
Power p.f. for Solving of s, Response
Calculation Electrical Circuits
A.C. & D.C. Circuit

Ohms Law, KCL and KVL Division Law of Response of

Concepts Applicable Current Applicable A.C. to R, L C
To A.C. and D.C. Circuits To A.C. and D.C.

Facts Concept of Basic Circuit Electrical Circuit Terminology

Elements. R.L.C.

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Note: All Network Theorems should be taught for DC supply & Superposition Theorem
should be taught for both AC & DC supply.

Topic and Contents Hours Marks

Topic 1. Review Of Basic Concepts Of Electric Circuit:
Specific Objectives:
¾ Understand generation of a.c. supply and concept of phasor
¾ Define various terms related with a.c. supply.
¾ Draw sinusoidal a.c. waveform and phasor diagram.
¾ Calculate r.m.s., average ,instantaneous value and amplitude of a.c.
1.1 Basic Electric Circuit Elements R, L, C. 06 12
1.2 Simple one loop a.c. generator to produce sinusoidal a.c e.m.f.
1.3 Sinusoidal a.c. waveform and definitions of various terms such as frequency,
time-period, cycle, amplitude, average value, r,m,s value, crest factor ,form
factor .(Simple numericals)
1.4 Concept of phasor.
1.5 Response of pure R, L, and C to sinusoildal a.c. supplies.
1.6 Phasor representation of alternating quantity and concept of phase
angle.(Simple numericals)
Topic 2. Single Phase A.C. Series Circuits :
Specific Objectives:
¾ Calculate current, reactance and impedance of series a.c. circuit.
¾ Draw phasor diagram of series a.c. circuit.
¾ Calculate various powers, and p.f. of series a.c. circuit.
12 20
2.1 Series a.c. circuits R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits.
Impedance, reactance, phasor diagram, impedance triangle, power factor,
active(real) power, apparent power , reactive power, power triangle
(Derivations and Numericals).
2.2 Series Resonance, quality factor (Derivations and Numericals).
2.3 Solution for AC Series circuit by using complex algebra.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Topic 3. Single Phase A.C. Parallel Circuits:

Specific Objectives: The students will be able to :
¾ Calculate current, reactance and impedance of parallel a.c.circuit.
¾ Draw phasor diagram of parallel a.c.circuit.
¾ Calculate various powers, and p.f. of parallel a.c. circuit.
3.1 Parallel AC circuits
¾ Resistance in parallel with pure inductance. 08 12
¾ Resistance in parallel with capacitance.
¾ Series combination of resistance and inductance in parallel with
Concept of Admittance, Conductance & Susceptance, Solution by admittance
method and impedance method.(Numericals only)
3.2 Parallel resonance, quality factor.
3.3 Comparison of series and parallel circuits
Topic 4. Polyphase A.C. Circuits :
Specific Objectives:
¾ Calculate current, reactance and impedance of each phase of polyphase
a.c. circuit.
¾ Calculate line quantities.
¾ Draw phasor diagram of polyphase a.c. circuit.
¾ Calculate various powers, and p.f. of polyphase a.c. circuit.

10 18
4.1 Advantages of polyphase circuits over single phase circuits
4.2Generation of three phase e. m. f.
4.3 Phase sequence, polarity marking.
4.4 Types of three-phase connections.
4.5 Concept of unbalanced load and balanced load.
4.6 Line, phase quantities and power in three phase system with balanced star
and Delta connected load & their interrelationship.(Derivations and numerical)
Topic 5 : Principles of Circuit Analysis (ONLY DC Circuits):
Specific Objectives:
¾ Realize importance of source transformations and λ /∆ or∆ / λ
¾ Solve examples of simple d.c. circuits by mesh or node analysis.
08 12
5.1Source transformation (No Numericals).
5.2Star/delta & Delta/star transformations (No Numericals).
5.3Mesh analysis (Numericals with two equations).
5.4Node analysis (Numericals with two equations).
Topic 6 : Network Theorems:
Note: Simple Numericals on DC Circuits only with maximum two
16 20
simultaneous equations
Specific Objectives:

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

¾ Calculate the current in a given network by applying proper therom.

¾ Realize importance of maximum power transfer thermo.
6.1 Superposition Theorem for both AC Voltage & DC Source.
6.2 Thevenin’s Theorem
6.3 Norton’s Theorem
6.4 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Topic 7 : Initial And Final Conditions Of Elements In A Network :
Specific Objectives:
¾ Understand importance of initial and final conditions.
¾ Use such initial and final conditions in switching circuits and electronic
04 06
Concept of initial and final conditions in switching circuits.
Meaning of t = 0 -, t = 0+ and t = ∞.
R,L, and C at initial conditions
R,L, and C at final conditions
Total 64 100

Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:
1. Distinguish between series and parallel a.c. circuits
2. Interpret electrical circuit diagram.
3. Identify safety equipments required.
4. Decide the procedure for setting experiments.
Motor Skills:
1. Connect as per circuit diagram along with various required proper range meters.
2. Measure electrical current, voltage drop, power etc.
3. Select proper supply for a given experiment.(a.c. or d.c.)
4. Use safety devices while working.

List of Practicals:
All Experiments Are Compulsory.
1. To determine impedance, phase angle and plot phasor diagram of R-L a.c. series circuit. To
calculate also active, reactive and apparent power consumed in R-L series circuit
2. To determine impedance, phase angle and plot phasor diagram of R-C a.c. series circuit. To
calculate also active, reactive and apparent power consumed in R-C series circuit.
3. To determine impedance, phase angle and plot phasor diagram of R-L-C a.c. series circuit. To
calculate also active, reactive and apparent power consumed in R-L-C series circuit.
4. To obtain resonance in R-L-C a.c. series circuit either
¾ By varying L or C or
¾ By using variable frequency supply.
5. a. To measure current of each branch of R-C parallel a. c. circuit

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

b. To calculate p. f., active, reactive and apparent power taken by same R-C parallel
a. c. circuit (Resistor in parallel with capacitor)
6. a. To measure current of each branch of RL-C parallel a. c. circuit
b. To calculate also p.f., active, reactive and apparent power taken by the a. c. circuit.
(series connection of resistor and inductor in parallel with capacitor)
7. To verify line and phase values for balanced three phase load and to calculate all types of power.
¾ Star connected
¾ Delta connected
8. To verify superposition therom.
9. To verify Thevenin’s and Norton’s therom.
10. To verify maximum power transfer theorem.

Learning Resources:
1. Books:

Author Title Edition Publisher
A Text Book of
Electrical Multicolour Edition S. Chand & Co.
B. L. Theraja
1 Technology Vol-I 2005 And Subsequent Ramnagar
A. K. Theraja
(Basic Electrical Reprint New Delhi
Any Edition After
2 V. N. Mittle Basic Electrical Engg. Tata McGraw-Hill
Second And Any Pearson Education,
3 Edward Hughes Electrical Technology
Subsequent Edition New Delhi
4 A. Sudhakar Circuit and network Fourth Edition Tata McGraw Hill
R.S. Ananda Basic Electrical
5 Second Edition Pearson
Murthy Engineering
6 P.Ramesh Babu Electric Circuits First Edition Scitech
Richard C. Dorf WILLEY student
7 and James A. Electric Circuits Sixth Edition WILLEY INDIA
Svoboda Edition
Dreamtech Press
Sunil T. Basic Electrical
8 First Edition 19-A
Gaikwad Engineering
Daryaganj, N.Delhi
Oxford Univesity
9 David A. Bell Electric Circuits Seventh Edition
Vikas Publishing
K Murugesh Elements of Electrical
10 First Edition House Pvt Ltd.
Kumar Engg.

2. Websites:
www.wikipedia.com , www.youtube.com , www.norsa.com, www.dreamtechpress.com

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE/EP
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Electrical Power Generation
Subject Code : 17324
Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100

¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

Electrical energy plays vital role in the development and industrialization of the country.
The development of the country is best judged by its power generation capacity and usage. It is a
driving force in the development hence it is necessary to understand the basic concepts and
principles of energy generation.
The subject content on factors governing selection and location of site, block diagrams or
typical layout of various power plants and economics of power generation will be useful in
effective and efficient running of power plants.
This subject is the building block for further studies in transmission, distribution, utilization
and protection of power system for smooth and stable operation.

General Objectives:
The students will be able to:
1. Classify the different sources of electric power generation.
2. Decide the various factors governing selection of site for power plant and list their merits.
3. Describe principle and operation of power generation.
4. Identify and describe the function of each component of power plant.
5. Select the power generation technique based on economy.
6. Compare between various sources of power generation.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Learning Structure:


Diploma holders can operate control & maintain various equipment in power stations.
Also they can select proper method of power generation in given situation by comparing
generation methods on different parameters.

Operation & Control of Operation of Wind
Thermal Power Station, Power Station, Solar Steps in Economics In
Hydro Power Station, Power, Tidal Power and Power-Generation
Neuclear Power Station Geothermal Power, Bio
and Diesel Power Station Mass and Bio Gas Power
and Fuel Cells

Factors Related to
Methods of generating Methods of generating Power plants economics
power from power from
Conventional Energy Non-Conventional
Sources. Energy Sources.

Different types of Loads

such as Domestic,
Electric Power Generation from Thermal, Commercial & Industrial
Hydro, Neuclear sources and Non Loads
conventional sources

Facts Power plant, generators, sources of non-conventional energy

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme


Topics and Contents Hours Marks

Topic 1: Basics of Power Generation
Specific objectives:
• State the importance of electrical energy in the growth of a country.
• List the various energy sources.
03 06
o Importance of electrical power in day today life
1.2 Various sources of energy
1.3 Overview of electrical power Generation in India and future perspectives
Topic 2 : Thermal Power Station
Specific Objectives:
¾ List various Thermal Power Stations in India.
¾ State the function of various elements of a Thermal Power Plant.
2.1 List of Thermal Power Station in Maharashtra state with their
2.2 Factors governing selection of site for Thermal station.
2.3 Schematic block diagram of Coal Fired Power Station.
2.4 Constituents of steam power plant and Their function.
• Coal handling unit (Various stages in coal handling unit).
• Boiler (Fire tube and water tube boilers).
• Super-heater and re-heater 10 24
• Steam prime movers.
• Condensers
• Spray ponds and cooling towers.
• Turbo alternator (salient features).
2.5 Flue gas flow diagram of thermal Power plant with function of each part
• Draught Systems: Natural draught, Mechanical draught, Forced , induced
and balanced draught: definition and working only
• Economizer
• Feed water heater
• Ash precipitators.
2.6 Ash Disposal and Dust Collection.
o Merits and demerits of Steam Power Plant
Topic 3 : Hydro Electric Power Plants
Specific Objectives:
¾ List various Hydro Power plants
¾ Describe the process of Hydrology.
¾ Classify Hydro Electric plants on various parameters.
3.1 List of Hydro Electric Power Stations in Maharashtra state with their
capacity. 08 18
3.2 Factors governing selection of site for Hydro Electric power plant.
3.3 Definition of the terms and their significance in capacity of power plant:
Hydrology, surface Runoff, Evaporation and precipitation
3.4 Schematic arrangement of Hydro
Electric Power Plant and function of Elements listed below:
• Storage Reservoir, Dam, Fore bay, Spillway, Intake, Surge tank, Penstock,
Trash rack, Tail Race, Prime movers or water turbines, power house

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

3.6 Classification of Hydro Electric power plants

• According to water flow regulation
• According to load.
• According to head.
• Pumped storage power plants.
3.7 Advantages and disadvantages of Hydro Electric Power Plant.
3.8 Salient features of Hydro generator
Topic 4 : Nuclear Power Station
Specific Objectives:
¾ List various Nuclear Power Stations in India
¾ Identify elements of typical Nuclear Power Plant.
4.1 List of nuclear power stations in Maharashtra state and the Country with
their capacities.
4.2 Factors governing Selection of site for the nuclear power plant
4.3 A brief review of atomic physics
• Radioactive isotopes, mass energy equivalence, binding energy and mass
defect, nuclear chain reaction, multiplication factor, critical size.
4.4 Nuclear fuels: Uranium, thorium, plutonium
4.5 Main parts of reactors and their Function
¾ Fuel, reactor core, moderator, shielding, control rods, reflectors, coolant, 10 20
reactor vessel.
4.6 Classification of nuclear reactors
¾ Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (AGC)
¾ Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
¾ Pressurized water reactor (PWR)
¾ Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)
4.7 Control of Nuclear Reactor
¾ By using control rods
¾ Control through flow of coolant.
4.8 Disposal of Nuclear waste and Nuclear Shielding.
4.9 Schematic arrangement of typical Nuclear Power Plant.
4.10 Advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear Power Station.
Topic 5 : Diesel Electric Power Plant
Specific Objectives:
• Identify the elements of medium size Diesel Power Plant.
• Use of diesel power plant as Captive Power
• Selection of Diesel generating set as uninterrupted power supply or standby
5.1 Elements of diesel Electric Power Plant With their functions.
Diesel engine, Fuel system, Air Intake System, Exhaust system, Engine 05 12
Starting system.
5.2 Layout of a medium size Diesel Electric Power Plant
5.3 Different types of engine and their working.
5.4 Applications of diesel power plants.
5.5 Advantages and disadvantages of Diesel Electric Power Plant.
5.6 Captive Power Generation
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Types of Captive Power Plant

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Topic 6 : Economics Of Power Generation

Specific Objectives:
• State the significance of different load curves in power generation.
• Identify the factors affecting cost of generation.
• Decide rating and units of generators to meet the given load
6.1 Terms commonly used in system operation: connected load, firm power, cold
reserve, hot reserve, spinning reserve. 08 12
6.2 Curves used in system operation such as Load-curve, load durationcurve,
integrated duration curve. (Simple numerical based on plotting above curves.)
6.3 Factors affecting the cost of Generation: Average demand, Maximum demand,
demand factor, plant capacity factor, plant use factor, diversity factor, load
factor and plant load factor (Simple numerical based on above)
6.4 Choice of Size & number of Generator Units, difficulties involved in it.
Topic 7 : Interconnected Power Systems
Specific Objectives :
i. Distinguish various types of power plants.
ii. State merits of combined operation of power plants.
iii. State factors considered for selection of plant.
iv. State merits of interconnection of Power systems.
Contents: 04 08
7.1 Combined operation of power stations.
7.2 Comparison of various types of power stations
7.3 Advantages of Interconnection.
7.4 Base load & peak loads, load allocation among various types of power
7.5 Inter connection of power stations at state and national level
Total 48 100

Learning Resources:

Author Title Publisher
1 J. B. Gupta A course in Electrical Power S. K. Kataria & Sons
Eurasia Publishing House
2 B. R. Gupta Generation of Electrical Energy
Pvt. Ltd
Soni, Gupta,
3 A course in Electrical Power Dhanapatrai and Sons
Electric Power Generation,
4 S. N. Singh PHI Learning
transmission and distribution
Elements of Electrical Power Station
5 M. V. Deshpande PHI Learning

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE / EP
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Computer Programming
Subject Code : 17022
Teaching and Examination Scheme

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

-- -- 04 -- -- -- -- 25@ 25

For any engineering, computer software skills are mandatory. Computer has became
important part of any learning process. Therefore, it is necessary for any engineering student to
have basic idea about computer languages. ‘C’ is most widely used general purpose powerful,
efficient and compact language. This subject covers C as a basic logic development language.
MATLAB is said to be the language of engineers. It is widely used in mathematics, science
and engineering. The MATLAB is used in this subject to solve common mathematical problems
and to write simple program to plot simple graph.

General Objectives:
1. Describe concepts, variables and constants.
2. Write simple input/output program.
3. Write simple programs related to condition handling.
4. Write a program related to looping.
5. Understand concept of function.
6. MATLAB as a mathematical problem solving tool.
7. To draw 2 D plots using MATLAB.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Use of computer software to find performance of the circuit by simulation
method. Use C language for writing small programs and using MATLAB to
solve Matrices and to plot simple 2D graphs

Procedure For given conditions calculate the performance using computer software.
Draw waveform using software.

Rules used for writing programs.

Principle Representation of circuit on computer to simulate the circuit conditions

Facts Computer programs, Available Websites for searching the topics, Circuit
parameters and performance using normal methods

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme


Note: Theory to be completed in the allotted practical hours.

Topic and Contents

Topic 1: Basics of C
¾ History of C.
¾ C character set, tokens, variable, constant, keywords, data types
¾ Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical).
¾ Formatted input, output statement (printf, scanf).
Topic 2: Decision Making
¾ Decision making using If-Else statement, switch case statement,.
¾ Decision making using loop statements like while, do-while, for.
Topic 3: Arrays
¾ Declaring one dimensional array, simple programs on arrays such as largest of
array, sorting array.
Topic 4: Functions
¾ Necessity of functions, defining user defined functions, calling functions, call by
value, call by reference
Topic 5: MATLAB Environment
¾ Command window, Command history, Workspace, Edit window, Help window
¾ Elementary built in functions.
Topic 6 Matrices in MATLAB:
¾ Entering data in Matrices ,Matrix Subscripts /Indices, Some useful commands
related to Matrices such as det, rank, trace, inv, norm, transpose, zeros, ones, eye,
arithmetic operations on matrices ,arrays, Relational operators
Topic 7 Programming in MATLAB & Graphics
¾ MATLAB editor: Creating M Files Function subprograms
¾ 2 D PLOTS : printing labels, grid and axes box, entering text in a plot ,
axis control
¾ Multiple plots :using plot , hold ,line commands
¾ Specialized 2 D plots using Polar, area, bar, hist, pie, stem function
Topic 8 Fundamentals of Simulink
¾ Simulink Modelling : Collecting blocks to create a model , modifying block
parameters, labeling blocks, commonly used blocks

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

1. Related theory as mentioned above will be taught while performing the respective
2. The term work will consist of print outs of programs developed by the students in the
(The teacher shall ensure that each student actually performs the practical before taking the
print outs.)

Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:
1. To understand the output of a program.
2. To understand and use the conditions in a program.
3. To understand the idea of a loop
4. To read and initialize the array
5. To analyze the program

Motor Skills:
1. Ability to operate a keyboard and machine
2. Ability to edit and debug a program
3. Ability to compile and execute the program
4. Ability to write a programs using Library functions

List of Practical:
1. Write a program to display a number in decimal, octal and hexadecimal form by using
different format specifies.
2A. Write a program to display largest of three integer numbers.
2B. Write a program to display remarks such as distinction, first class, second class, pass
class and fail according to the marks.
3. Write a program for arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division of two numbers using switch case statement.
4. Write program to display reverse of a given number using for loop.
5A. Write a program to display multiplication table of a given number using do while loop.
5B. Write a program to display sum of first n numbers using while loop.
6. Write a program to accept one dimensional array and display the array in ascending
7. Write a program to swap two numbers using call by value, call by reference.
8. Understand commands in MATLAB. (General, Directory, Workspace, Termination,
9. Use MATLAB to enter a data in matrix and practice the functions such as sum, mean,
length, max and min.
10. Understand special matrix functions such as zeros, eye, ones, det, inv and find in

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

11. Write commands to create two matrices of 3 * 3 size and perform addition, subtraction,
multiplication, right division, left division using MATLAB.
11. Write a program in MATLAB to plot a curve given by equation y = sin(x), y=cos(x),
y=x2 (Use hold command)
13. Write a program in MATLAB to illustrate the use of subplot command.
14. Create a Simulink model to verify Ohm’s Law.

Learning Resources:
1. Books:

Author Title Publisher
1 Balgurusamy Programming in ANSI C Tata McGraw Hill
Harshal Arolkar
2 Simplyfying C DreamTech
Sonal Jain
Kashi Nath Dey
3 C programming Essentials Pearson
Samir Bandopadhyay
MATLAB & its application in
4 Bansal Goel Sharma Pearson
5 Agam Kumar Tyagi MATLAB and Simulink Oxford

6 K K Sharrna MATLAB Demystified Vikas

MATLAB an Introduction with
7 Amos Gilat Willey India Edition

2. Websites: www.vikaspublishing.com/teachersmanual.aspx

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE / EP
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Electrical Workshop
Subject Code : 17023

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

-- -- 02 -- -- -- -- 25@ 25

NOTES: Related theory will be taught during practical period.

A technician should also have the practical skills regarding wiring , in order to provide
him/her the various ways, techniques of fault finding while working on the shop floor. These skills
will be developed when he/she actually performs the work.

Skills to be developed:
Intellectual Skills:
• Identify various electrical accessories, & appliances.
• Draw & understand the wiring diagrams& specifications.
• Prepare schedule of material.
• Use methods of wiring.
Motor Skills:
• Lay wires/cables for making connections
• Fix the accessories at proper place
• Test the circuit

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Domestic wiring, Domestic appliances: maintenance, repairs and

operation, mounting of lamps, tubes and accessories

Procedure Circuit Wiring, fixing of Holders, sockets, switches. Supply

connection, Safety precautions

Concept Holding Accessories, Plug – Socket, Fluorescent Tube, Vapour

lamps, Contorl of Lamps

Facts Lighting Accessories, Light Fittings, Domestic Appliences

MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 35 17023 EE/EP3

w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Contents: Practical:

Sr Title of Practical & Contents

Study of different lighting accessory:
Draw label diagram, Typical location function & applications, Specifications for
any one accessory from given below categories of accessory.
A] Controlling accessory [Switches] - Iron clad double pole, Double pole
with Indicator, Piano type switch [One way & two way control].
B] Holding accessory [Holder] - Batten, Pendant, Angle, Screw type.
1 06
C] Outlet accessory [Plug-Socket] –Two pin, Three pin, Ceiling rose, Adapter.
D] Safety Accessory – Fuses-ceramic, HRCtype, Circuit breaker - Miniature,
Earth leakage
E] Indicators sign- LED lamp , Neon, coulored lamps[Red , Yellow, Blue]
F] Meters- Ameter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Power Factor meter, Frequency Meter,
Multimeter, Megger
Study of Different Light Fittings:
Draw label diagram, Typical location working function & applications,
Specifications, List of spare parts of an accessory from list given below.

A] Fluorescent Tube Light Fitting -

2 08
i] Choke coil ballast type ii] Electronic ballast type iii] Compact fluorescent tube
light fitting.
B] Gas Filled Bulb Type Light Fitting -
i] Sodium vapour light fitting ii] Metal halide light fitting.
iii] LED type light fitting iv] Incandescent light fitting.
Study of Different Domestic Appliances:
Draw label diagram, Typical location & applications, Specifications, List of spare
parts Internal connection diagram for any two accessory from list given below.
3 08
i] Mixer& food processor ii] Water heater-Instant & Storage type.
iii] Washing machine iv] Soldering gun & Electric iron.
v] Vacuum Cleaner.
Mini Project
Draw labeled circuit diagram, List accessory used, Their specifications, &Wiring
up of simple electrical circuit on test board with appropriate testing results under
guidance of supervisor/Teacher.
4 10
i] Circuit consists of Mains DP switch, one lamp, one socket, two switches.
ii] Circuit consist of Mains DP switch, one call bell, one lamp control from
two places, three switches [Two switches are two way controlled].
iii] Circuit consists of Mains DP switch, One power socket of five in one type.
Total 32

Title of ref. book Author Publication Edition
Electric wiring estimation & Khanna Publ.
1 S. L. Uppal ---
costing New Delhi
Khanna Publ.
2 Study of electrical appliances K. B. Bhatia ---
New Delhi

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE / EP
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Professional Practices-I
Subject Code : 17024

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

-- -- 03 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50

Notes 1: The teachers are encouraged to develop a “Speakers Bank”, a list of various experts from
Industry and Educational Institutes who can speak on different topics. Similarly they should also
prepare a directory of various nearby industries from their branch of Engineering, for the student’s
visits. Preferably, the students should visit the industries in a batch of not more than 20.Where
possible, the polytechnics should encourage the students to visit nearby industries during winter or
summer vacations, for a period of 1 to 2 weeks and prepare a detail report and this can be included
in the report of “Industrial Visit” in Professional Practice, scheduled for the next semester.

In the changing world scenario, the Diploma Engineers are expected to acquire various
skills which include ability to communicate effectively, to present a topic, to share ideas, to prepare
reports etc. and shape up their own personality. They are also expected to acquire technical
information on various topics related to their branch of study, in addition to the various subjects
included in their curriculum.
These acquired skills and enhanced confidence level are going to help them get a good job,
based on personal interviews and aptitude tests.
Visits to various nearby industries, lectures on technical subjects by experts, seminars on
variety of subjects, group discussion, browsing internet and collection of information, preparing
reports are some of the activities suggested under Professional Practice.

General Objectives:
Student will be able to:
1. Acquire information from different sources.
2. Prepare notes for given topic.
3. Present given topic in a seminar.
4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.
5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Learning Structure:

Use learning to learn skills in presenting identified contents of curriculum.

Application Use these skills in the world of work to perform the activities efficiently
and report the same inappropriate way to superiors

Use reading techniques and Prepare notes for presentation of

Procedure information search engines content in soft and hard copy,
training in industry (optional)

Principles of Effective and Principles of learning to learn,

Principle efficient Reading and Body language, Voice modulation
information search

Contents of identified topics Self Learner


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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

Topic and Contents Hours

Topic 1:
Specific Objectives:
¾ Make student aware about industrial atmosphere
¾ Understand the general working of an industry
Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by the
individual student, to form a part of the term work.
Following are the suggested type of Industries/ Fields – (Minimum three visits).
Contents: 14
1.1 Industrial Visits:
i) Visit to 110/33/11kv sub- station (Compulsory)
ii) Visit to transformer manufacturing industry.
iii) Visit to electronics industry.
iv) Visit to hydro-electric/ thermal power plant (Compulsory)
v) Visit to non conventional power generation station-wind /solar power.
vi) Visit to multi storied building for the study of electrical installations
Topics 2:
Specific Objectives:
¾ Students will get feel of new technology introduced in industry
¾ Get introduced to recent development in technology
Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert to be organized on any Two topics of
the following suggested areas or any other suitable topics:
i) Role of Power Factor Improvement a tool in reducing cost of generation.
ii) New trends to built pollution free environment.
iii) Software for drafting.
iv) Special purpose wiring in chemical/hazardous industries.
v) Non conventional energy sources with special focus on use of biomass, solid
vi) waste.
vii) Automotive wiring & lightning.
viii) viii) Effect of transmission and distribution losses on cost of energy generation.
3. Information Search The students should collect information individually and write
a report/prepare a note on the any one from below given topics as part of term work.
Any other topic for information search may be selected by the faculty members. Some of
the suggested topics are -
a) Electrical wiring accessories 06
b) Elevators installation and operation
c) Street Light accessories and factures
d) Alternative fuels and energy options.
e) Collection of data for comparison of transformer companies.
4. Group Discussion :
The students should discuss in group of four to six students and write a brief report on the
any one from below given topics as part of term work. Any other topic for group
discussions may be selected by the faculty members. Some of the suggested topics are -
i) Electrically operated motor cars and scooters/motor bikes.
ii) Load shading and remedial measures.
iii) Safety in day to day life.
iv) Conventional and non-conventional energy sources
v) Electrical energy conservation.

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w.ef. Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme

vi) Pollution control (All types).

5. Seminar:
The students should select a topic for Seminar based on recent developments &
emerging technologies in Electrical &electronics engineering field. Each student shall 10
submit a report of at least 06 pages and deliver a seminar (Presentation time – 10
Total 48

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