What's Risk Got To Do With It?

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Lesson 2 Student Printable

What’s Risk Got To Do With It?

What is risk?
A standard definition would be chance of loss: of life, property, health, comfort, success. What is your definition of risk?

What types of risk do we face?

Many people think of risk only as involving things that are considered dangerous. In reality, risk is a part of everyday life. It’s
just that some risks are greater or more obvious than others, and people tend to notice those and associate them with the
word “risk.” For example, which of these two activities makes you think of risk: walking down stairs or motorcycle racing?

Motorcycle racing is generally considered higher risk than walking down stairs. But what if there is ice on the stairs, if your
shoes are untied, or if the stairs are in bad shape?

Some general categories of risk that we face might be:

• Risk that comes with action: skateboarding, driving, eating junk food all the time

• Risk that comes with lack of action: not wearing a seatbelt, failing to study for a test

• Risks you know about but don’t think will happen to you: getting struck by a car

• Everyday risks worth taking: trying out for the soccer or basketball teams; introducing yourself to a person you would like
to know; public speaking

What other categories of risk would you add to this list? Give some examples.

How do we protect ourselves from risk?

It is impossible to eliminate all risk from our lives. But there are things we can do to protect ourselves and reduce the chance of
bad things happening:

• Avoid dangerous situations and activities.

• Use protective devices and preventive measures.

• Arm yourself with knowledge. Have the facts and skills that enable you to make good decisions.

• Have insurance. Protect yourself from financial loss due to illness, injury, death, property damage and loss.
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What’s risk go to do with it?

The bottom line is you want to find ways to reduce the negative impact of risk in your life. List risks you might face daily and
ways you protect yourself.

The risk (and what can happen) Type of risk (from list) Ways to protect yourself

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