Analysis of WAN Devices and Facilities

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Analysis of WAN Devices and Facilities

Wide Area Network (WAN) is nothing but interconnection of two or more Local Area
Networks in order to communicate with each other. It basically covers large geographical
area by inter connecting LANs into WAN .this linking can be done in different ways
such as using a private leased lines called T- carriers and SONET, used by many
multi national companies and other way is to use public networks for communication
that is internet or telephone network. WANs can be used to communicate employees at
the LANs at any of the branch offices which may be situated at any part of world and
can transfer files and information data with secured environment ( 3Com corporation,
2006) .WANs can also be constructed by using circuit switching and packet switching
methods with less cost. TCP/IP protocol is used to transfer data between the networks for
addressing purpose. X.25 is considered as key WAN protocol used in early days of WAN
and still used today by Frame Relay for many functions (Groth, David 2005).
1 WAN Devices

WANs use different types of devices depending upon situation but few basic devices
used by them are as follows:
 WAN Switches
 Access Servers
 Modems
 ISDN Terminal adapter
 Access Routers
WAN Switches:
WAN switches are used for WAN links to connect a network, these devices are used to
transfer data between the WAN and other networks. WAN communication is often called
a service. WAN services can be done in three switching technologies (Cisco systems
2006).A WAN switch is a intelligent device that used for multi port internetworking in
carrier networks. The main function of these devices is to switch traffic at Frame Relay,
X.25 and SMDS, and engage at the data link layer of the OSI reference model.Fig1
shows the link of routers to remote end of a WAN which are employed by WAN switches
( 2006). The Cisco BPX 8600 Series are provide multi service switches that
allows scalable set of resolutions to cost-effective transfer of ATM, Frame Relay and
voice in average sized PoPs..

Fig1: WAN switch connected to routers (Cisco Systems 2006)

Access Servers:
Access Server is a device that connects modems at the user ends to WAN cloud.
The main function of access server is to set dial out and dial in connections into WAN.
Access Server acts as mediator between WAN cloud and Modems. Fig2: shows an access
server concentrating dial-out connections into a WAN. AS5350 Access Server is Cisco
product that supports two, four, eight port configurations and allows data, voice and fax
services to universal ports at any point of time . these devices provide high performance
and reliability solutions to the network more suitable for ISP(Cisco systems , chapter 3

Fig2: Access server setting connections into WAN (Cisco Systems 2006)

A Modem is a device connected two ends of computer in a network its main function is
to interpret analog and digital data and transfer the information over telephone line.
modem is used to transfer analogy data into digital data vice versa .Modem at source
end converts digital data into analog data that allows transmission using telephone line
at destination end these analog signals are again converted into digital data to the
computer. Fig3: shows a modem-to-modem communication through a WAN.( Scott
Mueller 1990)

Fig3: modem to modem communication in wan network (Cisco Systems 2006)


A CSU/DSU (Channel Service unit/Data Service unit) is a “digital-interface device used

to connect a router to a digital circuit such as a T-carrier line or SONET” (Cisco System
2005).A CSU/DSU device functions at the layer 1 of the OSI model i.e at physical layer.
Its function is to send data connections, note signal timing and convert the single polar
digital data stream into bipolar digital data stream that allows line transmission in the
network. The CSU/DSU device also executes some error checking and loop back
functions. The function of CSU is to accept and send signals from LAN end to the WAN
line and allows a barrier for electrical interference from either side of the unit, and it can
also echo loop back. The function of DSU is to supervise line control, and transfer input
and output among RS-232C, RS-449 frames from the LAN network and Time Division
multiplexing (TDM) DSX frames on the T1 line of WAN network. DSU also supervises
timing errors , signal regeneration and testing functions. The DSU is like an interface to
the Data Terminal equipment ( Feb2006).

Fig4: CSU/DSU between Switch and Terminal (Cisco system 2006)

ISDN Terminal Adapter

An ISDN terminal adapter is a device that links a end computer or terminal to the ISDN
network. It mainly used to connect ISDN BRI links to other ports such as EIA/TIA-232
on a router. Terminal adapter is fundamentally an ISDN modem perform all the functions
of modem except modulation and demodulation .TA may also have interface and codec
for one or more telephone lines. they typically link to minimum rate interface S0 to U0 .
Devices connected to ISDN network such as Ethernet normally does routing function
(Mahler 1999).


Fig5 Terminal adapter connected to ISDN and other interfaces (Cisco Systems 2006)

WAN circuits technologies can be classified as follows they are:

Dedicated Physical circuits: these networks use a physical line among the carries for
private use for any time access .these are faster and more noise free transmission but
difficult design and very expensive. T carrier service ranges from 64kbps for T1 to 1.544
Mbps for T4
Packet Switched circuits: In this type of network messages are split into small
segments .were user sets a link fro carrier cloud and pays for the connection into the
network and number of packets transferred. X.25, Frame relay, ATM and SMDs are the
few examples.
Circuit switched Networks: in these services allow you to define end nodes of the
WAN without knowing other interconnecting circuits through cloud. Here user dial the
number of destinations nodes to set a temporary link .Pots is the oldest dial-up service .
VPN Networks: A VPN provides a packet over the internet cloud were the transmitter
and receiver have devices that permit each other to send data over internet in encrypted
form. they in expensive ,traffic delays are not predictable.

1.2 WAN Facilities:

WANs provide following services to the companies they are Traditional telecoms
networks, xDSL, ISDN, broadband ISDN, PDH, SDH/SONET, Cordless Systems and
Wireless local loop.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

DSL is device that allows high speed, reliable communication between offices over
traditional copper wire and this can be easily connected to most regions from ISPs, local
phone companies or alternative exchange carriers. Although they a bit more expensive
than 56 Kbps or ISDN access, but affordable to small companies. DSL is considered as
an good connecting device for WANs networks. DSL delivers high speed data transfer
and reliable it also reduces the barrier of dial up connection because it is always open or
on. DSL transfers at high speed of 1.54 Mbps there are different types DSL we can
choose depending on ISP and telephone. DSL enables remote computer to access and use
data at the main branch of company. It does not require dialup connections and there fore
supports new users (Cisco systems 2006).

ISDN (Integrated System Digital Network)

ISDN is circuit switch technology used for WAN connection that was designed to
support digital data (voice, data, fax and video) facilities over telephone line. ISDN have
data rate between 128 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps and its effective data rate ranges from 122 Kbps
to 1.3 Mbps. these technologies difficult integrate because there must be physical link
and posses moderate relative cost with high speed dial capability preferable for
backup link. ISDN is a set of rules for linking and collapsing connection in a network
(Glossary of telecommunications Terms Aug 1996).
Broadband ISDN:B-ISDN as ISDN is a circuit switched type of technology used by
telecommunication industry for digital data transfer between the WANs. B-ISDN is
asynchronous mode of transfer intended to transmit both synchronous and asynchronous
voice data with in the network. B-ISDN provides interactive services such as video
conference, video mail and messaging applications. It also provides distribution services
such as Television broadcasting. B-ISDN has effective data rate between 300Mbps to
1200Mbps and high relative cost (William Stallings 1995).
PDH (Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy):
The word “Plesiochronous” was deduced from a Greek language where “Plesio” refers
to near and “Chronos” means to time. Plesiochronous systems execute transfer of data
rates that are running at the equivalent rate but may have some variation on the speed
around a nominal rate. The versions used by U.S and Europe are not same but have some
similar principles .PDH basic data transfer range is 2.048Mb/s, where the transmission
split into two channels one for signalling(30*64 Kbps) and other for
Synchronisation(2*64 Kbps). The 2M bits can be used for non speech function that
transfers data .By combining transmission of multiple 2 Mbit/s data streams can be
established .There is additional bit that can be used for stuffing. The main problem in
PDH was its high cost to bandwidth and digital devices. Multiplexing technology was
designed to solve this problem by allowing slight non synchronous rate. PDH had some
demerits of breaking through in digital transmission system. PDH had rigid asynchronous
multiplexing structure and limited management capability.

Many telecommunication companies started replacing PDH with SDH equipment
responsible for higher transmission rates. SDH and North American ONET (Synchronous
Optical Network) are equally the same technologies. SDH is known as physical layer
technology which is layer one of the OSI stack. The digital transmission system
development was started in the early 70s, which was posted on pulse code Modulation
method. Digital system became more complex in 80’s, there was a great demand for
some of the features which actually was not supported by the existing system. Due to this
there is a high order multiplexing through hierarchy increase of bit rates up to 140 Mbps
or 565 Mbps in Europe. Due to this there was a problem that was high cost of bandwidth
and digital devices. Telephone companies are replacing there PDH instruments with SDH
instruments which is capable of much higher transmission rates. Transmission rate of
SDH is gigabit per second range. This SDH is designed to provide some multiplexing
schemes and universal transmission.

Cordless systems:
Cordless system is a telephone device with a wireless handset that transmit signal via
radio waves with a base station associated with fixed line called POTS and can be
controlled at its base station such as in a house. The cordless device needs to be powered
by a battery that can be recharged at the base station.
2. Effective data rates, Reliability, Cost and Network integration issues in WAN:

POTS is a circuit Switched type of technology in WANs that dial up service whose
nominal date rates ranges between 33.6Kbps to 56 Kbps and effective data rate ranges
between 33 to 300Kbps.These technology are low in cast and highly reliable but very
difficult to integrate.
ISDN and B-ISDN both use circuit switched technology with effective data rates
between 122Kbps to 1.3 Mbps and 300 mbps to 1200 Mbps respectively. ISDN
technology has moderate cost and reliability and difficult to integrate where as B-
ISDN has high relative cost and low reliability and difficult to integrate.

T carriers and SONET use dedicated circuit technology with effective date rates
ranging between 53Kbps to 218 Mbps and 48 Mbps to 9.1Gbps respectively. Both the
technologies are highly reliable and moderate in integration issues but relative cost for
SONET is high and for T- carrier is moderate.

X.25 and ATM are the technologies that use packet switched services where data is
transmitted in the form of segments and its effective data rate transfer ranges between 50
Kbps to 1.5Mbps and 84 Mbps to 16Gps respectively. ATM has moderate reliability and
network integration issues where its relative cost is high. X.25 has moderate relative cost
and high reliability issues but is very difficult to integrate into WAN. X.25 provides
slower service but guaranties error free delivery (Fitzgerald 2007).

Frame relay and SMDS technologies use packet switched services where SMDS is a
non standardised service that offers relative data rates at a speed 45 Kbps to 36 Mbps
and moderate relative cost with low reliability issue . Frame relay is newer packet
switching service with higher relative data rates ranging between 56Kbps to 44Mbps .
Frame relay can be integrated moderately with minimum cost.
VPN technology uses VPN services that provides a packet service network over the
internet .These technologies have sender and receiver have VPN devices that transfer
date at effective speed ranging between 50Kbps to 1.5 Mbps. These technology have
very low relative cost and less reliable in data transmission ( Dennis 2007).

3.1 Analysis on Public and Private Data networks

Telephone network system that are developed for transferring voice signal, they are still
being used for efficient analog data transmission. However, network design may vary on
a large scale in different parts of World. These networks can be classified as follows:
1) Public Data Networks 2)Private Data Networks
Public Data Networks:
Public Data networks are normally used by the public as the name implies in the same
way as public telephone networks .these networks mainly allow their users with the
connections they need to adopt and transfer analog data. Connection links acts as data
transfer carriers that allow type and nature of transmitted data to unlike information
services provided by specified Information organisation to service different users .Few
public data networks also provide E-mail and other service. There are about 66 public
data networks in world wide were ACUNET and INFONET was the first public data
Networks developed by Tymshare Corporation in 1969 and Computer science
Corporation of EI Segundo in US . UK uses PSS (Packet Switching Service) and IPSS
(International Packet Switching service) developed in 1980. Australia uses ACSNET data
network developed by Australian Computer Science Network in 1978. East part of Asia
uses SDNNET developed by System Development Network in 1982 (Hamad Al-Sulaiym

IPSS (International Packet Switching Service):

The International Packet Switched Service (IPSS) was developed by a UK’s General Post
Office, Western Union International and Tymnet in 1978. This network raised from
Europe ,United States and was extended to Canada ,Hong Kong ,and Australia by 1981,
by the end of 1990 it covered the whole world. Individual users and Companies can
connect to this network by using PSS(Packet Switch Stream ) ,Modem or an X.25 PAD
(Packet Assembler /Dissembler) and leased line used to connect various databases and
mainframes Systems. X.25 is packet switching technology which splits messages into
segments. X.25 is an older service but delivers information without error. Customers can
connect to public data networks by using ATM, IP and X.25 etc protocol by paying
monthly subscriptions (Hamad Al-Sulaiym 1997).

Private Data Networks:

Private Data Network is a type of network that is used by organization or an industry
group. These networks can be deployed by connecting private leased lines from common
carriers. It can also be deployed by VPN over Internet .VPN provides a packet service
network over Internet. VPN networks basically has two devices each at sender and
receiver end that encrypts the incoming data through VPN tunnel .VPN are less
expensive and posses unpredictable traffic delays. There are about 30 Private Data
Networks in the world out of which SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment)
was first developed by Air Defence System in 1963 at USA. UK uses
GDC(Government Data Network) a packet switching network being installed by
Racal Data Group Ltd. European countries use a shared Private Data network called

3.2 Interconnectivity issues related Public and Private Data networks

All the digital devices are becoming communication limited where movement of data is
not control logic limited cost , better performance ,size and power in systems are key
problems. Interconnection network provides solution to this crisis. A well designed
interconnection makes efficient use of data transfer providing high bandwidth and
reliability, low latency and less error transfer with a less cost and power.
Interconnectivity networks found in digital devices are of all sizes and types. These
networks can be used in to systems ranging super computer to a normal Desktop, Storage
switch, router and dedicate leased lines. As the system complexity and integration is
increasing is helping many designers to develop efficient route packets. The main
principle of interconnection networks are relatively simple to design if they understand
the basic principle of network .private data network can be interconnected to public data
network depending up on criteria using various protocol such as X.25,ATM, Frame
relays and PPP(Bailey A. 1994).

3.3 Protocols suits :

High-Level Data Link Control is a bit oriented protocol developed by ISO for data
transfer standardisation .this protocol supports both half duplex and full duplex mode of
transfer. it is one the oldest data link layer protocols used in WAN. This protocol is
widely implemented because it supports point to point, and multi-point networks, on
both switched or non-switched links. HDLC was designed to permit synchronous,
protocol transparent data transmission. HDLC also has many off shoots. HDLC is a easy ,
efficient, and substantially used standard for layer 2 point to point connections. The main
demerits of this protocol is inability to support authentication and many other features of
PPP. HDLC contains five fields flag, Address, control, FCS and flag field.

Flag Address field Control field Information FCS Flag

HDLC frame structure
Fig7: HDLC header frame (
Point –to-point (PPP) is single protocol refers to suite of protocols .it is layered protocol
which has link control protocol that establishes link, configuration and testing. PPP was
designed for establishing links with in the network and transfer data packets between
two ends .these links are full duplex and bidirectional that can transmit data in both ways.
PPP protocol main function is to establish a connection in wide range of terminal,
bridges and router . header size of PPP is about 8 bytes excluding information. Its header
consists of following fields they are address, control bit, protocol field , FCS field and
information field.

Address Control Protocol Information FCS

1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes variable 2 bytes
Fig 8: Header structure of PPP (
PPP protocols come under the data link layer of OSI model. PPP suite contain several
other protocols such as PAP,LCP,LQP ,MPPC,BSD .The main advantages of PPP are
multi range of features that authenticate each other network to connect ADSL and
Internet (Cisco systems 2006).

X.25 protocol suite is “CCITT’s recommendation for the interface between a DTE and
DCE over a Public Data Network”. X.25 overlays the first three layers of OSI model i.e
Physical, data link layer and network layer. X.25 suite contains following sub procedures
they are ADCCP, HDLC, LAPB, MLP, X.25 packets, X.29 and X.75. X.25 is packet
switch of technology where data rates transfer at 56Kbps to 2Mbps. X.25 packets
contain following fields LGN,LCN, PR , PS and user information. X.25 provides slow
service but it is reliable and free from errors

  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Pkt. Type P(R) M P(S) 0
User data
X.25 packet structure for Modulo 8
X.25 header packet
Frame Relay
Frame relay protocol is a high functioning packet switching circuit in WANs .Its carrier
use statistical multiplexing technique to establish virtual connection across network
which frame relay better management .Frame relay can handle different types of data
such as multimedia, voice, data and video. Frame relay is not ideal in some situations
because it is delay tolerant traffic that may burst. Frame relay protocols come under
physical and data link layer of OSI model. The improved reliability of leased lines and
altered error-handling mechanism at end stations permits the Frame Relay protocol to
dispose erroneous frames and saves the time.
ATM is based on the cell switching technology were the cells have fixed length of 53
bytes which provides very fast switching. ATM consist of a protocol suite which builds
a mechanism to transfer all traffic on a stream of fixed 53-byte packets called cells.
ATM is a connection-oriented technology hence a fixed-size packet can ensure that the
switching and multiplexing function could be carried out quickly and easily.
ATM model is of into 2 forms: one for the user end to network interface(UNI) and the
other for the network node interface(NNI) which can be divided into the three layers :
the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) the ATM layer and the physical layer. By using the
ATM adaptation layer the higher layer protocols are interfaced to the ATM layer by
which the atm cells can be transferred both ways ,when passing the information which is
received from the Atm layer the AAL must reassemble all the payloads into the format
which is understood by the higher layers.

3Com white paper technical brief 1995- 2006.


Groth , David; Toby Skandier (2005). 'Network+ Study Guide, Fourth Edition'.
Sybex, Inc.. ISBN 0-7821-4406-3.

Internetworking Technologies Handbook

Chapter 3 Introduction to WAN Technologies
WAN Devices

Upgrading and Repairing PCs - 16th Edition - Scott Mueller

Mahler, Kevin. CCNA Training Guide. Indianapolis: New Riders, 1999.

Wiliam Stalings, ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame relay and ATM, Prentice
Hall, 1995

Bailey A. Integrated Network Management DATAPRO,

November 1994.

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