Section 05 - Concrete (Structural) : Concrete BBB/S05/ Page 1 of 7

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Gewan Island - Qatar BOQ

Item Description Qty Unit Rate (QR) Amount

Supply Install Total QR.


Cemented Sand Aggregate Infill as Specified

A Balancing Layer Above Raft 36755 m3

Cast-in-place concrete, Grade C28/35 MPa,

Sulphate Resisting Cement (Type V) as
specified; including all necessary formwork
and complying with specifications; plain

B Blinding under foundations, ground beams,

slabs on grade, machine bases, beds, pits,
trenches and the like 9585 m3 120 1,150,200

C Blinding under external landscape stairs,

ramps, decks, slabs on grade, and the like
located above ground floor slab limits
(outside buildings limits) 65 m3 120 7,800

Cast-in-place concrete, Grade C32/40 MPa,

Moderately Sulphate Resisting Cement
(Type II) as specified; including all necessary
formwork and complying with specifications;

D Slab on grade (including channels, trenches,

pits and the like), 10740 m3

Cast-in-place concrete, Grade C40/50 MPa,

Triple Blended Moderately Sulphate
Resisting Cement (Type II) as specified;
including all necessary formwork and
complying with specifications; reinforced

E Raft Foundations 77850 m3

F Machine Bases /Concrete Pads / Pedestals

95 m3

G Basement Walls 4140 m3

H Walls (Shear/Core/Ramp walls) 2470 m3

J Watertanks Walls 1010 m3

K Columns 6545 m3


CONCRETE Q18020-0100D-PK3-BBB-TD-BOQ-PMC-02-00.1 BBB/S05/ Page 1 of 7

Gewan Island - Qatar BOQ

Item Description Qty Unit Rate (QR) Amount

Supply Install Total QR.

CONCRETE Q18020-0100D-PK3-BBB-TD-BOQ-PMC-02-00.1 BBB/S05/ Page 2 of 7

Gewan Island - Qatar BOQ

Item Description Qty Unit Rate (QR) Amount

Supply Install Total QR.

A Slabs (Including flat Beams and attached

Drop Panels) 32955 m3

B Inclined Slabs (Ramps) 290 m3

C Drop beams (Drop Part Below Slab Only) 3000 m3

D Staircases 295 m3

E Upstands and Parapets 1815 m3

F External landscape stairs, ramps, decks,

slabs on grade, and the like located above
ground floor slab limits (outside buildings
limits) 365 m3

Deformed steel reinforcement; Grade 500


G All bars reinforcement 20500 T

Steel Waterproofing Membrane and

Protective Coating

H Crystalline waterproofing to all internal

surfaces of water tanks; sides, top and
bottom. 5300 m2

J Approved Self-Adhering Waterproofing

Membrane as specified, applied to all
substructure in contact with soil 80445 m2


CONCRETE Q18020-0100D-PK3-BBB-TD-BOQ-PMC-02-00.1 BBB/S05/ Page 3 of 7

Gewan Island - Qatar BOQ

Item Description Qty Unit Rate (QR) Amount

Supply Install Total QR.


Page 1 of 3 1,158,000

Page 2 of 3 -


CONCRETE Q18020-0100D-PK3-BBB-TD-BOQ-PMC-02-00.1 BBB/S05/ Page 4 of 7

结构名称 数量 钢筋 模板 混凝土 架子
8563.5 77850
基础 8 411.4 550 3740 500 90
地下室 墙板 4 66 1105 300 1428 500 90
part4 柱子 58 1161 213 3248 500 90
楼梯间 2 20 700 100 1100 500 90
地下室地坪 510
地下室顶板 8 411.4 550 3740 500 90
地上部分 墙板 4 66 1105 300 1428 500 90
part4 柱子 58 1161 213 3248 500 90
楼梯间 2 20 700 100 1100 500 90
地下室地坪 510
30 367400 98.24 120 448800
30 15 162870 542.90 450 135000
30 15 159600 749.30 650 138450
30 15 92500 925.00 850 85000
782370 179.73 807250
30 367400 98.24 120 448800
30 15 162870 542.90 450 135000
30 15 159600 749.30 650 138450
30 15 92500 925.00 850 85000
模板 钢筋 混凝土
c101 25 0.55 1 6.5 503.75 17.875 89.375
C103 3 0.55 1 6.5 60.45 2.145 10.725
C107 4 0.55 1 6.5 80.6 2.86 14.3
C3101 6 0.55 1.2 6.5 136.5 5.148 25.74
C3102 1 0.55 1.2 6.5 22.75 0.858 4.29
C3103 1 0.55 1.2 6.5 22.75 0.858 4.29
C3104 2 0.55 1.2 6.5 45.5 1.716 8.58
C3105 1 0.55 1.6 6.5 27.95 1.144 5.72
C3106 1 0.55 1.6 6.5 27.95 1.144 5.72
C3107 1 0.55 1.4 6.5 25.35 1.001 5.005
C3108 8 0.55 1.2 6.5 182 6.864 34.32
C3109 1 0.55 1.4 6.5 25.35 1.001 5.005

1160.9 42.614 213.07

St 3A1 23.4 0.25 6.5 304.2 7.605 38.025 456.3

St 3A2 19.22 0.35 6.5 249.86 8.7451 43.7255 374.79
11.42 0.25 6.5 148.46 3.7115 18.5575 222.69

702.52 20.0616 100.308 1053.78

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