High Accuracy and Cost-Efficiency: Leitz PMM-F

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Leitz PMM-F

High accuracy and cost-efficiency

Coordinate measuring Koordinatenmessgeräte

machines and gear undinspection centers
Assured decisions. Act economically.

Uncertainty of measurement can How big can a measurement uncertainty Economic rules of metrology
finally be made a thing of the past; actually be? In order to answer this With parts becoming more and more
as tolerances are becoming tighter question clearly, the tolerance that will complex and tolerances becoming ever
the decision as to whether a part is be checked must also be taken into con- smaller, the requirements in metrology
rejected or not becomes highly reli- sideration. With this in mind, a Directive of are changing. The selection of the correct
ant on the measurement certainty the Association of the German Automotive measuring device is becoming more and
of the process. What is required industry has this to say: »The capability more important. In order to make a certain
is a coordinate measuring machine of the measuring device is determined by decision for the measuring device to be
with as high a measurement the ratio of its measurement uncertainty to used, the capability of the measuring device
certainty as possible. the tolerance.« This expert panel requires must be proven for every feature that is to
that the uncertainty of the testing process be measured.
should only be one-tenth to one-fifth of the

feature tolerance. The high-precision coordinate measuring
machines of the Leitz brand from Hexagon
Metrology ensure low measurement inac-
curacies in production, which remain stable
over a long period. They ensure definite
Costs “cost-effective” CMM decisions in the production process.

Benefits for
the customer

Investment …with Leitz, the measurement accuracy
Leitz CMM
- certain testing decisions for the production in production is perfect, for our stringent
- high measurement throughput
- machine structures stable over a long time
- high availability requirements. That is why we decided
on such a coordinate measuring machine.
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Geert van Landuyt, C.O.O., TOELEVERINGSBEDRIJF VAN LANDUYT NV

Optimise production. Measuring device capability Cp:

Ensure quality. The ratio of the standard deviation to the tolerance (s/T) is critical.
Measuring device suitability:

0.2 * T
Cp = ≥ 1.33 gives s ≤≤ 0.2 * 10 µm
Day after day, our commercial decisions are 4*s 4 * 1.33

directed at the cost-effective manufacturing s = 0.38 µm

of products or the optimization of processes. T = smallest tolerance to be measured, e.g. 10 µm
Cp = Measuring device capability index for testing devices, e.g. Cp ≥ 1.33

The manufacturing costs of products are in- Workpiece series can be effectively checked
fluenced by the production costs as well as by means of pallet measurements. For this
by the reworking and rejection costs. With purpose, the Leitz PMM-F offers customized
that, the costs for quality assurance are an manual or fully automatic pallet feeders.
important decisive factor for the selection of
the correct coordinate measuring machine.
Due to an excellent range of capabilities
and the orientation towards large parts, the
Leitz PMM-F from Hexagon Metrology is
repeatedly the favoured option.

Apart from a correctly selected measure-

ment accuracy, short measurement cycle
times and high throughput are a necessity
to satisfy the requirements of production.
Important specifications for a coordinate
measuring machine with the maximum pos-
sible throughput and low testing costs are:

- high probing rates

- High-Speed-Scanning (HSS)
- fast axis accelerations
- fast movement speeds
- Variable High-Speed-Scanning (VHSS)

Selecting a measurement uncertainty that

is as small as possible gives the production
a greater scope for the exploitation of the
permissible component tolerances. Specific
savings can be obtained from the correct
decisions regarding the measured parts.

Excellent machine dynamics. Maintenance-free.

For large workpieces, the Leitz PMM-F Modern, flexible production systems for No foundation required
has outstanding capability parameters: mechanical parts require fast and precise A wear-free and maintenance-free concept
This coordinate measuring machine is information about the stability of machining with a longer life demonstrates the innova-
equipped to meet the most stringent process. That is precisely where the power tive, stable-value placement of the Leitz
requirements in production-related of the Leitz PMM-F can be seen. PMM-F. As against the traditional measur-
metrology. For this purpose, use in an ing instruments in bridge construction, no
expanded temperature range is possible, Superior overall concept foundation is required. The Leitz PMM-F
without tight climatic requirements The mechanical total device concept of the is placed directly on the ground with the
having to be taken into consideration. Leitz PMM-F with base, sides, crossbeam help of active damping systems. Simple
and slides is designed as a bridge construc- installation and modification are thus easily
tion as a robust and stable structure. This possible.
rigid design in conjunction with an active
pneumatic vibration damping system Owing to this considerably lower invest-
makes the Leitz PMM-F insensitive to vibra- ment, the inspection costs are also signifi-
tions and oscillations. cantly lower. Thus, soon after its procure-
ment, the Leitz PMM-F is significantly more
High resolution steel scales with incremen- economical than traditional measuring
tal, opto-electronical transducers as well as instruments. The Leitz PMM-F coordinate
dual scales in X-direction provide high- measuring machine from Hexagon Metrol-
est accuracy. The X-axis is fitted on both ogy GmbH is available in the measurement
sides with drive and length measurement ranges 3000 x 2000 x 1000 mm and
systems. As a result, the machine dynamics 3000 x 2000 x 1600 mm.
is positively affected, and measurement er-
rors owing to rotation, and perpendicularity
errors and contouring errors are avoided.

Fast measurement on a large scale.
Leitz PMM-F.
The range of applications requiring Whether it be in machine building, in the
highly accurate measurements is optics-precision engineering industry,
extensive. This means that the co- the automobile industry or aviation and
ordinate measuring machine should aerospace: whenever the reliable measure-
be capable of providing benefits for ment of precision parts in areas related
all areas in question. Thus, the Leitz to production is involved, one turns to the
PMM-F has a presence in the qual- Leitz PMM-F
ity assurance of the production in
widely varying branches of industry. High reproducibility
The Leitz PMM-F provides a very high ac-
curacy in the entire measurement volume. A
very good measuring instrument capability
is obtained through high reproducibility of
the measurement results. Short measure-
ment times are ensured through high
movement speed up to 600 mm/s and an
acceleration up to 3000 mm/s² and a prob-
ing speed of up to 35 hits/min.
The Leitz PMM-F guarantees a reduction
of the testing costs from the high part
throughput. This is made possible by the
large accessibility as well as an optimum
link to manual or automatic part feeding
systems. Here, a great deal of value is
placed on a uniform and simple operation
with a customer-oriented user interface.

Reducing downtimes
The placement of this coordinate measuring
machine aims at reducing downtimes and
thus lowering the costs in the production.
The Leitz PMM-F can also be used as a
measurement center for large gears up to
diameters of 1950 mm and for the measure-
ment of gear cutting tools.

Superior machine design. Proven materials.

The basic mechanical principle of The definitive material that is used in the of expansion is almost the same, so that
the Leitz PMM-F was developed from guiding cheeks and the crossbeam is gran- deflections owing to the influences of tem-
the proven PMM bridge series. The ite. Aluminum has been avoided in all the perature are not possible.
result is a very intrinsically rigid and structures that determine the accuracy, in
solid construction which purposefully order to ensure insensitivity to temperature
realizes the principle of the overhead and a high degree of stability. Air bearings, guided in a friction-free
crossbeam, the »Gantry Design«. manner
Superior machine design forms the Solid machine base of granite. The crossbeam has supporting and guiding
basis of the successful deployment in The »Gantry Design« comprises a stable air bearings and is guided exactly at the
production-related areas. machine base in U-form with granite guid- granite surface. Next to these are the preci-
ing cheeks in the X-direction, a moveable sion scales, which contain »Dual Scales«
granite crossbeam (Y) with measurement in both X-directions. Thus, every measure-
slide and a Z-ram. The crossbeam is driven ment position of the crossbeam is acquired
on both sides by precise ball screws, which exactly and taken into consideration in the
are connected to the crossbeam by means measurement values. All moving compo-
of a patented coupling mechanism in such nents are guided in a friction-free manner
a way that no undesired lateral forces are by means of pre-stressed, wear-free air
transmitted. bearings.

The construction of the Leitz PMM-F is The precision scales of the Leitz PMM-F
robust and compact. It guarantees the are made of ceramic and are continuously
rigidity of the measuring axes and is the scanned optically. The electronic interpola-
basis of a high, uniform accuracy in the tion of the scales results in a resolution of
entire measurement volume. Deformations 20 nanometers. Through integrated tem-
during the movement processes as well as perature sensors, temperature-dependent
during probing and scanning are eliminated residual deviations of the scales and the
and do not have any effect on the measure- workpiece are calculated automatically.
ment result. The decisive materials have
been selected in a way that their coefficient

pmm-f 1000

pmm-f 1000

Air bearings with electronic gap

width monitoring.

Setting the standards. Stability and durability.

The intelligent and stable construction Economical usage in the production pro- The Leitz PMM-F has the most comprehen-
of the Leitz PMM-F makes precision cess over several years is ensured. sive safety and anti-collision system among
measurements over a very long period all coordinate measuring machines:
possible. Here, mechanical changes The machine base of solid granite is con-
are mostly eliminated. structed to be stable over a long period, and The probe head, styli and the Z-ram are pro-
the moving drive units work in a wear-free tected by sensors, which set the machine
manner. into emergency stop mode in case of a colli-
sion. Expensive repairs will not be required,
Servo-drives with ball screws make high the »Cost of Ownership« is minimal across
accelerations possible without compro- the operating life.
mises in the positioning accuracy. Very
high speeds are reached even on very Regarding the safety of the operator, new
short paths. standards are set by the opto-electronic
transducers and also by the electrical and
The supporting as well as the guiding air mechanical safety functions .
bearings are equipped with the largest pos-
sible bearing base, which results in an ac- With the metrologically unique design the
curate and wear-free movement sequence. mass ratios remain mostly constant during
operation. The electronic controller has
An electronic controller constructed accord- thus been optimized to the most favorable
ing to the most modern considerations car- machine dynamics.
ries out the complex movement sequences
and measurement data evaluations. If The measurement time is optimized by
customer service is required, the »Remote means of the optional automatic styli
Diagnostic« function facilitates fast assess- changer rack. This can also be designed in
ments and hence keeps the downtimes a customer-specific manner – for example
short. as a multi-state, swiveling stylus holder.

of known and unknown

Highly accurate sensors.

Dynamic single point probing.

Taking measurements fast and accurately

with high-precision sensors – that is what
the measurement heads of the LSP-S series
have been developed for and are used in the
Leitz PMM-F.

The LSP-S series provides functions like: measurement value. Deflection exceeding
the linear measurement range leads into a
- dynamic single-point probing safety zone for protection from damage in
- self-centering probing case of unwanted deflection.
- High-Speed-Scanning (HSS)
- self-centering scanning With its outstanding P-value* the Leitz-
- Variable High-Speed-Scanning (VHSS) LSP-S probing system also makes form and
roundness measurements possible, even
The deflection of the probing system is ac- with very small tolerances.
quired and interpolated electromagnetically
with high resolution. During the dynamic The axes of the probe head are not clamped
single point probing, many measurement during the measurement; this means that
points are recorded very fast along the the deflection of the measurement system
linear sensor characteristic. From this, a always takes place perpendicular to the
precise measurement point is calculated. workpiece surface. The actual direction of
the normal to the surface is determined in
The high probing reproducibility is obtained every probing point.
from the large bearing base of the collet.
This is a precondition for the horizontal What is involved here is an almost main-
surface styli extensions up to 800 mm tenance-free measurement head, since no
length and 1000 g weight for measurement maintenance-intensive, self-moving parts or
on large components. active force generators are present.

With the automatic stylus changing for There is an optional temperature sensor to
more throughput, different styli configura- automatically acquire workpiece tempera-
tions can be changed quickly and without tures during the measurement process. This
any re-calibration. results in more flexibility and a significant
time saving.
The measurement head has a large
* P = volumetric probing deviation according to ISO
linear-active measurement range with 10360-2.
highly sensitive sensors for obtaining the

Sequence of a dynamic single point probing




Move-in Retract

High-Speed-Scanning. Fast and precise.

With High-Speed-Scanning, a very Scanning with high speeds places the most Unknown contours – free-formed sur-
large number of measurement points stringent demands on the rigidity of the faces
is determined in the shortest possible instruments, the electronic controller as Workpiece contours for which there is
time. The focus is on the exact evalua- well as the application software. With its in- no desired or pre-defined path are often
tion of profiles or contours with a high novative design, the Leitz PMM-F is among measured, for the highest precision, using
measurement throughput. With the the most accurate and fastest measuring the »Closed-Loop-Scanning«, scanning in
large quantity of measurement points, instruments. a closed control loop. This applies equally
standardized filters can be used for a to »Reverse Engineering«. Typical examples
clear depiction of the contour. HSS / VHSS scanning of known contours are gears, cams, screws and compressors.
The HSS controls the movements of the
machine with maximum speed. Here known Self-centering scanning
contours from CAD calculations or previous Often, the task consists of centering in
measurements are used. The speed gets set specially shaped recesses or grooves – for
automatically with reference to the speci- example, with a Gothic profile – and scan-
fied parts tolerance: The smaller the toler- ning along the grooves. The measurement
ance, the more precise is the movement. head controls the measuring machine
Parts with a greater tolerance are scanned across its spatial deflection in such a way
that much faster. that the stylus ball remains permanently
centered during the scanning process.
Part contours with different curves are Here, measurement values are supplied by
scanned optimally with regard to accuracy the centering scan-track – such as control
and throughput. Whereas gentle curves curves in the objective support.
can be moved through quickly, the speed
through sharp curves is reduced by the
Variable High-Speed-Scanning (VHSS). Typi-
cal examples are holes, turbines, gears and
stepping gears.

Intelligent software. Benefit from alternatives.

The total system is rounded off by PC-DMIS is the software for CAD-based, the Leitz brand can therefore also be used
an intelligent, powerful software. computer-simulated program generation. with the QUINDOS software as gear mea-
There is a choice between two solutions The software offers: easy program genera- surement centers.
here: PC-DMIS or QUINDOS. User-friendly tion, use of CAD-data, graphics-oriented,
and CAD-based, both guarantee user-friendly interface and powerful tools QUINDOS 7 has a built-in CAD-Core. Thus,
efficient programming as well as a for depiction of the result. all geometries can be displayed in the 3D-
highly efficient evaluation of the depiction: special set points, the touched
measurement data. With PC-DMIS CAD++, apart from the mea- points, calculated elements and coordinate
surement of regular geometries, acquisition measurement systems. With the option
of free-formed surfaces is also possible. »QplusViewer«, 3D-CAD models can be
With it, three-dimensional surfaces can imported, within which the measurement
be measured very fast using the scanning points can be generated, displayed and
function. evaluated.

QUINDOS is the software for almost all

industrial applications – from simple parts
to complex geometries. With more than
thirty options, this software provides a vast

Another focal point is the measurement of

gears of all types, as well as gear cutting
tools. Coordinate measuring machines of


Added value. Applications and systems engineering.

The choice of the correct coordinate The essential features of systems engineer- Network integration – linking to databases
measuring machine for different ing are: and CAD systems.
applications is the first definitive
decision for ensuring quality in pro- Measurement rooms – innovative climate Apart from the procurement costs for a
duction. The second decision aims at controlled rooms provide the foundation coordinate measuring machine, the associ-
integration and at a concept directed for ultra-accurate measurement results, ated system integration is a one-off invest-
at added value: systems engineering. possible only on the basis of constant ment decision for ensuring, in the long
temperature. term, a comprehensive economical viability
for the user.
Measurement programs – the generation
of part measurement programs together Every measurement that is to be carried
with the training of the personnel involved out for the quality assurance in production
with the coordinate measuring machine can only be as meaningful as the executing
to establish the quality assurance of the technology allows it and the concept of the
production over the long term. system integration actually ensures this.

Clamping devices – professional clamping

of the workpieces as the basis of reproduc-
ibility of the measurement results.

Feeding systems – automatic feeding of

workpieces to keep idle times as short
as possible and if required, to even use
unmanned shifts for measurements.

The Leitz brand as part of Hexagon Metrology
stands for high accuracy coordinate measuring
machines, gear inspection centers and probes. Leitz
measurement systems master quality assurance
tasks equally well both in metrology labs as well as
on the shop floor. The development and production
are located in Wetzlar, Germany. For more than 30
years Leitz has been offering its customers the best
innovative measurement technology available. The
primary goal remains offering modern solutions for
demanding measurement tasks.

Hexagon Metrology
Hexagon Metrology is part of the Hexagon group
and brings leading brands from the field of indus-
trial metrology under one roof.

Hexagon Metrology GmbH

Leitz Division
Siegmund-Hiepe-Straße 2 – 12
35578 Wetzlar

E-mail [email protected]
Phone +49 (0) 6441 207 0
Fax +49 (0) 6441 207 122



© 2009 Hexagon Metrology GmbH. All rights reserved.

Due to continuing product development, Hexagon
Metrology GmbH reserves the right to change product

specifications without prior notice.

Version 01/2009. Printed in Switzerland. January 2009.

ISO 14001 ISO 9001:2000 VDA 6.4

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