Implement Occupational Health and Safety Procedures: D1.HRS - CL1.07 D1.HOT - CL1.03 D2.TCC - CL1.03 Assessor Manual

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Implement occupational health and

safety procedures
Assessor Manual
Implement occupational
health and safety


Assessor Manual
William Angliss Institute of TAFE
555 La Trobe Street
Melbourne 3000 Victoria
Telephone: (03) 9606 2111
Facsimile: (03) 9670 1330


Project Director: Wayne Crosbie

Chief Writer: Alan Hickman
Subject Writer: Alan Hickman
Project Manager/Editor: Alan Maguire
DTP/Production: Daniel Chee, Mai Vu

© William Angliss Institute of TAFE 2012

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, repackaged, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form by any means whatsoever without the prior permission of the copyright
This booklet was produced by William Angliss Institute of TAFE to be used for the ASEAN Australia
Development Cooperation Program (AADCP) Phase II:"Toolbox Development for a Priority Tourism
Labour Division" Project.

Every effort has been made to ensure that this booklet is free from errors or omissions. However, you
should conduct your own enquiries and seek professional advice before relying on any fact, statement or
matter contained in this book. William Angliss Institute of TAFE is not responsible for any injury, loss or
damage as a result of material included or omitted from this course. Information in this module is current
at the time of publication. The time of publication is indicated in the date stamp at the bottom of each
Some images appearing in this resource have been purchased from various stock photography suppliers
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Additional images have been sourced from Flickr and are used under:
File name: AM_Implement_OHS_procedures_190312_V2.docx
Table of Contents

Competency Standard .......................................................................................................... 7

Oral Questions .................................................................................................................... 13
Written Questions ............................................................................................................... 17
Answers to Written Questions ............................................................................................. 25
Observation Checklist ......................................................................................................... 33
Third Party Statement ......................................................................................................... 37
Competency Recording Sheet ............................................................................................ 39

© ASEAN 2012
Assessor Manual
Implement occupational health and safety procedures
© ASEAN 2012
Assessor Manual
Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency standard

Competency Standard


UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to implement occupational health and safety procedures in a range
of settings within the in the hotel and travel industries workplace context


Element 1: Provide information on health and safety procedures Unit Variables

1.1 Explain relevant health and safety information, including The Unit Variables provide advice to interpret the scope and context of
enterprise specific details, accurately and clearly to staff this unit of competence, allowing for differences between enterprises
and workplaces. It relates to the unit as a whole and facilitates holistic
1.2 Make health and safety information accessible to staff assessment.
Element 2: Implement and monitor procedures for controlling This unit applies to implementing occupational health and safety
hazards and risks procedures in a range of settings within the labour divisions of the hotel
and travel industries and may include:
2.1 Identify and report workplace hazards and risks promptly by
maintaining close contact with day to day workplace operations 1. Front Office
2. Housekeeping
2.2 Implement and monitor risk control procedures in accordance
with enterprise and legal requirements 3. Food and Beverage Service
2.3 Evaluate and adjust risk control procedures as required 4. Food Production
5. Travel Agencies
Element 3: Implement and monitor health and safety training
6. Tour Operation
3.1 Identify health and safety training needs through regular
workplace monitoring

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency standard

3.2 Arrange training interventions as appropriate on a timely basis Relevant health and safety information may include:
Roles and responsibilities of personnel
Element 4: Maintain health and safety records
Legal obligations
4.1 Complete records accurately in accordance with enterprise and
legal requirements Participative arrangements for health and safety
Location of relevant health and safety information, procedures and
4.2 Aggregate information and data from work area records are used
to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work
area Specific risks and necessary control measures
Codes of practice.
Hazards and risks may include:
Fire and emergency
Crowd related risks
Bomb scares
Theft and armed robbery
Equipment failure
Equipment related hazards
Manual handling
Slips, trips and falls
Drugs and alcohol in the workplace
Violence in the workplace
Hazardous substances.
Control procedures may include:
Engineering controls

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency standard

Administrative controls
Personal protective clothing and equipment.
Training interventions may include:
Information sessions
Fact sheets and other literature
Practical demonstrations
Health and safety team meetings.
Records may include:
Health and safety injury register
Number of near-misses
Health and safety improvement ideas submitted by team members
Medical records
Health and safety training records
Team member hazards reports.
Assessment Guide
The following skills and knowledge must be assessed as part of this
The enterprise’s policies and procedures in regard to implementing
health and safety
Understanding of the basic principles of health and safety, including
risk identification, assessment and control
Demonstrated ability to monitor health and safety within the context
of an established system where policies, procedures and programs
to control health and safety already exist.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency standard

Linkages To Other Units

This is a core unit that underpins effective performance in all other
units. Combined training and assessment may be appropriate.
Critical Aspects of Assessment
Evidence of the following is essential:
The ability to identify potential occupational health and safety
problems and take appropriate corrective action
Demonstrated understanding of legal requirements and the
principles occupational health and safety
Demonstrated ability to maintain a safe working environment using
appropriate risk control procedures.
Resource Implications
Training and assessment to include access to a real or simulated
workplace; access to workplace standards, procedures, policies,
guidelines, tools and equipment.
Context of Assessment
This unit may be assessed on or off the job:
Assessment should include practical demonstration of occupational
health and safety procedures either in the workplace or through a
simulation activity, supported by a range of methods to assess
underpinning knowledge
Assessment must relate to the individual’s work area or area of

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10 Assessor Manual
Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency standard

Assessment should include practical demonstration of the ability to

implement occupational health and safety procedures either in the
workplace or through a simulation activity, supported by a range of
methods to assess underpinning knowledge
Assessment must include project or work activities that allow the
candidate to respond to multiple and varying occupational health
and safety situations that require the application of health and safety
policies, procedures and laws.
Assessment Methods
The following methods may be used to assess competency for this unit:
Case studies
Observation of practical candidate performance
Oral and written questions
Portfolio evidence
Problem solving
Role plays
Third party reports completed by a supervisor
Project and assignment work.

Key Competencies in this Unit

Level 1 = competence to undertake tasks effectively
Level 2 = competence to manage tasks
Level 3 = competence to use concepts for evaluating

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency standard

Key Competencies Level Examples

Collecting, organizing
and analysing 2 Implement procedures correctly

Communicate health and safety

Communicating ideas
2 messages and procedures to
and information
team members

Planning and organizing

2 Prioritize actions

Identify and implement

Working with others and
2 opportunities for health and
in teams
safety improvements

Using mathematical
ideas and techniques

Use relevant enterprise

Solving problems 2 procedures to resolve health
and safety problems

Using technology -

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Oral Questions

Oral Questions
Student name

Assessor name


Unit of competency Implement occupational health and safety procedures


Instructions 1. Ask student questions from the attached list to confirm

knowledge, as necessary
2. Place tick in boxes to reflect student achievement (Competent
‘C’ or Not Yet Competent ‘NYC’)
3. Write short-form student answer in the space provided for each

1. Tell me how you communicate and explain necessary OHS information to  
staff in your workplace.

2. How do you make current and relevant OHS information available to staff  
in your workplace?

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Oral Questions

3. Give me an example of a time when you identified and reported a  
workplace risk/hazard: how did you become aware of the problem, and
how did you report it?

4. Tell me of a risk control measure being used in your workplace: what is it  

intended to control, and how do you monitor its effectiveness?

5. Give me an example of a workplace situation where you have evaluated a  

workplace risk control procedure and have found it necessary to make
adjustments to it.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Oral Questions

6. Tell me how you identify OHS training requirements for staff in your  

7. Tell me about a training intervention you have provided for staff at your  
workplace to address identified OHS training need: what was provided?
How did you arrange/organise it?

8. What OHS records are you required to complete in your workplace, and  
when/on what occasions are they required to be completed?

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Oral Questions

9. Tell me how you use OHS records maintained in your workplace: what do  
you use them for?

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

Written Questions
Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Answer all the following questions and submit to your Trainer.

1. Identify four employer responsibilities applicable across all business types.








2. Identify four employee responsibilities applicable across all business types.








3. What is the name given to the common law obligation on businesses to take action to
prevent foreseeable harm coming to staff, customers and members of the public as a
result of the operation of the business?


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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

4. Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following question: ‘Should workplace OHS involve
‘participative arrangements’ whereby workers are involved in identifying and
addressing workplace risks/hazards’?


5. List three ways supervisors/managers with OHS responsibilities can discharge their
duty to make sure staff are aware of relevant OHS information.







6. Identify five generic examples of OHS information that should be communicated to












7. List three ways employers may make workplace OHS information available to staff.







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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

8. Identify six possible generic risks that could occur in a workplace.







9. What are the three steps in the risk/hazard management process?





10. Should businesses strive to create ‘safe place’ or ‘safe person’?


11. What is identified in the notes as ‘usually the best option’ for reporting an identified
workplace hazard?


12. What must happen if workers are involved in work where an immediate threat to safety
is identified?



13. List the six control classifications available under ‘The Hierarchy of Controls’ from most
effective to least effective (1 – 6).







© ASEAN 2012
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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

14. Why are the lower levels of control available under ‘The Hierarchy of Control’ regarded
as ineffective and inappropriate for implementation on their own in a workplace





15. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: ‘Using personal protective
equipment and clothing is the best and most effective way of addressing identified
workplace risk/hazards’.


16. In relation to evaluating risk control procedures in the workplace list three topics to be
addressed when planning the evaluation process.







17. What are the two questions that should be asked to help determine the effectiveness
of a control measure?





18. What two actions should follow from a situation where risk controls have been found
not to be working effectively?





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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

19. What are the five steps in the process of evaluating health and safety performance in
the workplace?











20. Give three examples of ‘quantitative’ measures that could be established when
seeking to evaluate the performance of the workplace in relation to OHS.






21. Give three examples of ‘qualitative’ measures that could be established when seeking
to evaluate the performance of the workplace in relation to OHS?





22. What is meant by the ‘OHS training gap’?





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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

23. What are the three elements of ‘competencies’?




24. Identify three ways a workplace can identify the training gap for employees.







25. What must occur once an OHS training need for a worker has been identified?



26. Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following question: ‘Should managers and supervisors
receive OHS training’?


27. Give four examples of training interventions that can be used to provide OHS training
in the workplace.






28. Give three reasons why it is important for businesses to keep OHS records.





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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

29. List five requirements applying to the completion of OHS records in the workplace.










30. Identify five details that must be included when completing a record of a workplace
injury in the ‘Injury Register’.









31. Identify four examples of OHS records and documentation that may need to be
maintained in the workplace.






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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Written Questions

32. List three possible uses that can be made of OHS information collected in a workplace.




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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

Answers to Written Questions

Implement occupational health and safety procedures –
The following are model answers only – Trainers/Assessors must use discretion when
determining whether or not an answer provided by a Student is acceptable or not.

1. Identify four employer responsibilities applicable across all business types.

Any from the following:

Providing safety training and clear safety rules
Encouraging a Health and Safety Committee or similar body
Maintaining an injury register
Adhering to all workplace agreements and contracts
Providing information and written instructions in appropriate languages other than
English where significant workers are from a non-English speaking background
Providing all necessary safety equipment to allow staff to perform required work
Maintaining a safe workplace for their employees and monitoring health and safety
Providing well-lit and ventilated places to work
First aid must be provided to all employees when and where necessary.

2. Identify four employee responsibilities applicable across all business types.

Any from the following:

Work in a way to ensure personal safety and the safety of others
Use safety equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the
directions and training of the employee
Use all safety equipment when and where required according to workplace
instructions and training
Follow all occupational health and safety procedures, practices and protocols in
line with establishment requirements and the training received in relation to these
Report accidents, injuries or illness to the appropriate person
Report any equipment in need of repair
Adhere to all legally imposed OHS requirements
Not interfere or get in the way of a person (such as a first aid provider) who is
trying to assist another in need.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

3. What is the name given to the common law obligation on businesses to take
action to prevent foreseeable harm coming to staff, customers and members of
the public as a result of the operation of the business?

Duty of Care.

4. Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following question: ‘Should workplace OHS involve
‘participative arrangements’ whereby workers are involved in identifying and
addressing workplace risks/hazards’?


5. List three ways supervisors/managers with OHS responsibilities can discharge

their duty to make sure staff are aware of relevant OHS information.

Verbal advice or notification

Provision of printed material to support the verbal advice
Practical instruction and demonstration of safe working procedures for tasks new
staff are expected to perform when they commence employment as part of their
allocated workplace duties.

6. Identify five generic examples of OHS information that should be communicated

to staff.

Any from the following:

Details of the organisation’s OHS policy
All OHS policies and procedures relating to the job position of the new staff
Details of the hazard identification procedures applied by the workplace including
relevant documentation, existing examples of completed hazard identifications and
identification of past instances where and how workplace hazards have been
identified and addressed
Identification for individual staff regarding their liability should they fail to comply
with required OHS procedures
Explanation of the OHS consultative/participative arrangements within the business
Notification regarding the application of risk assessment documents the property
Details of specific existing risk control measures introduced into the workplace
Presentation and explanation of all relevant Codes applicable to the work the
individual staff member is required to perform
Explanation of the OHS training available within the workplace
Provision of OHS updates
Location of the first aid kits within the property
Location of fire fighting equipment including alarms, hoses, extinguishers, and fire
Explanation of the ‘Emergency Management Plans’ (EMPs) for the venue.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

7. List three ways employers may make workplace OHS information available to

Any from the following:

Placed on the workplace intranet
Located in all staff rooms
Inclusion in to staff room handbooks or manuals
Embedded within all workplace training notes and materials
Included in staff handbooks
Inserted into the workplace ‘Policies and procedures’ manual
Included into the Induction and Orientation procedures for the business
In a workplace OHS/other ‘library’.

8. Identify six possible generic risks that could occur in a workplace.

Any from the following:

Fire and other emergencies such as gas leaks
Crowd related risks
Bomb threats
Theft and armed robbery
Equipment failure and related hazards
Manual handling
Slips, trips and falls
Drugs and alcohol in the workplace
Violence in the workplace
Hazardous substances.

9. What are the three steps in the risk/hazard management process?

Identifying hazards in the workplace

Assessing the risks to health and safety which those hazards pose
Implementing suitable measures to control the risks.

10. Should businesses strive to create ‘safe place’ or ‘safe person’?

Safe place.

11. What is identified in the notes as ‘usually the best option’ for reporting an
identified workplace hazard?

Verbal report.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

12. What must happen if workers are involved in work where an immediate threat to
safety is identified?

Work must immediately stop until appropriate control measures are implemented.

13. List the six control classifications available under ‘The Hierarchy of Controls’
from most effective to least effective (1 – 6)?

Must be in the following order:

1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering controls
5. Administrative controls
6. Personal protective clothing and equipment.

14. Why are the lower levels of control available under ‘The Hierarchy of Control’
regarded as ineffective and inappropriate for implementation on their own in a
workplace situation?

Because they rely on ‘safe person’, that is, on people acting correctly.

15. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: ‘Using personal protective
equipment and clothing is the best and most effective way of addressing
identified workplace risk/hazards’.


16. In relation to evaluating risk control procedures in the workplace list three
topics to be addressed when planning the evaluation process.

Who will do the checks

When they will be done
What will be evaluated or assessed as part of the checking process.

17. What are the two questions that should be asked to help determine the
effectiveness of a control measure?

To what extent has the control effectively addressed the identified hazard?
Has a new hazard been created by virtue of the introduction of the control?

18. What two actions should follow from a situation where risk controls have been
found not to be working effectively?

Immediately resolve the situation

Report to the appropriate person for their follow-up and action.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

19. What are the five steps in the process of evaluating health and safety
performance in the workplace?

Step 1 – Know what the OHS objectives are for the business
Step 2 – Develop OHS performance measures
Step 3 – Collect information on your measures of effectiveness
Step 4 – Analyse the results and decide upon improvements
Step 5 – Implement changes and start again.

20. Give three examples of ‘quantitative’ measures that could be established when
seeking to evaluate the performance of the workplace in relation to OHS?

Any from the following:

The number of incidents
The number of employees trained
The number of work procedures developed or reviewed
The number of hazards identified and eliminated.

21. Give three examples of ‘qualitative’ measures that could be established when
seeking to evaluate the performance of the workplace in relation to OHS?

Any from the following:

The types of issues being raised by employees and HSRs
Employee level of awareness of workplace health and safety policy
How OHS performance is being taken into account in relation to the performance
assessment of supervisors and managers
Evidence management is leading by example.

22. What is meant by the ‘OHS training gap’?

The difference between the OHS competencies staff need in order to perform their job
safely, and the OHS competencies they actually possess.

23. What are the three elements of ‘competencies’?

The necessary knowledge

The necessary skills
The ‘right’ attitude.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

24. Identify three ways a workplace can identify the training gap for employees.

Any from the following:

Undertaking an OHS Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Observing staff performance
Speaking to staff
Looking at their personnel file/records to determine their existing skill/competency
Employing the services of an outside consultant with specialist OHS knowledge
and expertise.

25. What must occur once an OHS training need for a worker has been identified?

Action must be taken to address that need.

26. Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following question: ‘Should managers and
supervisors receive OHS training’?


27. Give four examples of training interventions that can be used to provide OHS
training in the workplace.

Any from the following:

Information sessions
Workplace mentoring and coaching
Practical demonstrations
Health and safety meetings.

28. Give three reasons why it is important for businesses to keep OHS records?

Any from the following:

Meet legally imposed compliance requirements
Help track and monitor workplace health and safety
Use as reference sources
Demonstrate evidence of responsible management of workplace OHS matters.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

29. List five requirements applying to the completion of OHS records in the

Any from the following:

Ease of access
Completion of a specified form/report
Completion of records, reports or forms within a set time
Need to make nominated documents available to OHS Inspectors on request
Filing of nominated documents for a set period.

30. Identify five details that must be included when completing a record of a
workplace injury in the ‘Injury Register’.

Any from the following:

Worker's name and job details
Time and date of injury
Exact location where injury or illness occurred
How it happened
The nature of the injury or illness and the body parts affected
Names of any witnesses
Name of person entering details in the register
Date employer was notified.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Answers to Written Questions

31. Identify four examples of OHS records and documentation that may need to be
maintained in the workplace.

Any from the following:

Information provided to employees as necessary to enable them to perform their
work in a safe manner without risks to health
Records relating to the health and safety of the employees
Injury register
Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods/Chemicals register
Training action plans
Training records
Incident notification
Consultation records
Checklists completed when undertaking workplace OHS inspections
Hazard identification and risk assessment reports and records
Team member hazard reports
Results of investigations in workplace OHS events (including ‘near misses’)
Reports provided by Inspectors from the local OHS authority/agency
Documentation relating to the insurance of workers to cover them for workplace
accidents, injury or illness
Agreed Issue Resolution procedures
Monitoring reports
Return to Work documentation
Records from suppliers stating the products they supply are safe and compliant
with all legislated requirements.

32. List three possible uses that can be made of OHS information collected in a

Any from the following:

Identifying need for OHS training
Identifying workplace hazards
Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of workplace OHS policies, practices
and protocols
Providing a basis/source of data for considerations relating to risk assessment
analysis and/or risk control development
Providing evidence regarding the implementation of OHS initiatives.

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Observation Checklist

Observation Checklist
Student name

Assessor name


Unit of competency Implement occupational health and safety procedures


Dates of observation

Instructions 1. Over a period of time observe the student completing each of

the following tasks:
a. Provide information on health and safety procedures
b. Implement & monitor procedures for controlling hazards &
c. Implement and monitor health and safety training
d. Maintain health and safety records
2. Enter the date on which the tasks were undertaken
3. Place a tick in the box to show they completed each aspect of
the task to the standard expected in the enterprise
4. Complete the feedback sections of the form, if required.

Did the candidate….. Yes No

Element 1: Provide information on health and safety procedures

Explain relevant health and safety information, including enterprise specific  

details, accurately and clearly to staff

Make health and safety information accessible to staff  

Element 2: Implement and monitor procedures for controlling hazards and risks

Identify and report workplace hazards and risks promptly by maintaining close  
contact with day to day workplace operations

Implement and monitor risk control procedures in accordance with enterprise  

and legal requirements

Evaluate and adjust risk control procedures as required  

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Observation Checklist

Did the candidate….. Yes No

Element 3: Implement and monitor health and safety training

Identify health and safety training needs through regular workplace monitoring  

Arrange training interventions as appropriate on a timely basis  

Element 4: Maintain health and safety records

Complete records accurately in accordance with enterprise and legal  


Aggregate information and data from work area records are used to identify  
hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area

Did the student’s overall performance meet the standard?  

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Observation Checklist

Feedback to student and trainer/assessor


Improvements needed:

General comments:

Candidate signature Date

Assessor signature Date

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Observation Checklist

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Third Party Statement

Third Party Statement

Student name:

Name of third party: Contact no

Relationship to  Employer  Supervisor  Colleague  Other

student: Please specify:_______________________________________________
Please do not complete the form if you are a relative, close friend or have a
conflict of interest]

Unit of competency: Implement occupational health and safety procedures


The student is being assessed against industry competency standards and we are seeking
your support in the judgement of their competence.
Please answer these questions as a record of their performance while working with you.
Thank you for your time.

Do you believe the trainee has demonstrated the following skills? Not
Yes No
(tick the correct response] sure

Explains OHS requirements to staff   

Makes OHS information available in the workplace   

Monitors the workplace and identifies and reports hazards and risks   

Implements appropriate risk control procedures to address identified   

workplace risks and hazards

Evaluates and takes appropriate action on risk control measures that   

have been applied in the workplace

Identifies and arranges for delivery of OHS training in the workplace   

for staff as required

Completes designated workplace OHS records when required   

Uses OHS workplace records to identify hazards and evaluate   


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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Third Party Statement

Comments/feedback from Third Party to Trainer/Assessor:

Third party signature: Date:

Send to:

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency Recording Sheet

Competency Recording Sheet

Name of Student

Name of Assessor/s

Unit of Competency Implement occupational health and safety procedures D1.HOT.CL1.03

Date assessment commenced

Date assessment finalised

Assessment decision Competent / Not Yet Competent (Circle one)

Follow up action required

(Insert additional work and
assessment required to achieve

Comments/observations by

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency Recording Sheet

Place a tick () in the column to reflect evidence obtained to determine Competency of the student for each Performance Criteria.

Element & Performance Criteria Observation 3rd Party Oral Written Work
of skills Statement Questions Questions Projects
Element 1: Provide information on health and
safety procedures

Explain relevant health and safety information,

including enterprise specific details, accurately and      
clearly to staff

Make health and safety information accessible to staff      

Element 2: Implement and monitor procedures for

controlling hazards and risks

Identify and report workplace hazards and risks

promptly by maintaining close contact with day to day      
workplace operations

Implement and monitor risk control procedures in      

accordance with enterprise and legal requirements

Evaluate and adjust risk control procedures as required      

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Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency Recording Sheet

Place a tick () in the column to reflect evidence obtained to determine Competency of the student for each Performance Criteria.

Observation 3rd Party Oral Written Work

Element & Performance Criteria Other
of skills Statement Questions Questions Projects

Element 3: Implement and monitor health and

safety training

Identify health and safety training needs through      

regular workplace monitoring

Arrange training interventions as appropriate on a      

timely basis

Element 4: Maintain health and safety records

Complete records accurately in accordance with      

enterprise and legal requirements

Aggregate information and data from work area records

are used to identify hazards and monitor risk control      
procedures in work area

© ASEAN 2012
Assessor Manual 41
Implement occupational health and safety procedures
Competency Recording Sheet

© ASEAN 2012
42 Assessor Manual
Implement occupational health and safety procedures

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