Prediction of Asteroid Diameter With The Help of Multi-Layer Perceptron Regressor
Prediction of Asteroid Diameter With The Help of Multi-Layer Perceptron Regressor
Prediction of Asteroid Diameter With The Help of Multi-Layer Perceptron Regressor
Computer Science and Engineering Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College West Bengal, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract - Predicting the diameter of an asteroid with help of artificial neural network technique. We have used Multilayer
Perceptron Regressor algorithm to estimate the diameter of the asteroid with higher accuracy and least error.
International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN(p): 2394-2835 Volume-6, Issue-4, Apr.-2019
we have removed those rows from the dataset, we
have also removed those rows in which albedo value
is missing. Missing values of absolute magnitude(H)
is filled with the mode of the entire column of ”H”.
Columns like “condition_code”, ”neo”, ”pha” are
transformed from object type to integer type.
Columns like ”extent”,
”rot_per”,”n_del_obs_used”,”n_dop_obs used” were
also removed from the dataset because almost eighty
percent of the data were missing from these columns.
E. Data Visualizations
All the visualizations are done with seaborn library in
python. The visualization made form the dataset
indicates relationship between different parameters of
an asteroid.
Fig. 4. Scatter plot between asteroid MOID and absolute
International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN(p): 2394-2835 Volume-6, Issue-4, Apr.-2019
Analysis of different algorithm for prediction of Explained Variance Score :0.9332152304
diameter of an asteroid and finally comparing them r2-Score :0.9332148418
with MultiLayer Perceptronalgorithm:-
Before fitting and evaluating the model we have also AdaBoost Regressor - It is a boosting algorithm
pre-processed the training and test data with which boosts the performance of the base estimator
MaxAbsScaler algorithm, which is imported from model. It is a meta-estimator that begins by fitting a
sklearn.preprocessing. This estimator scales and regressor on the original dataset and then fits
translates each feature individually such that the additional copies of the
maximal absolute value of each feature in the training regressor on the same dataset and the weights of
set will be 1.0. It does not shift/center the data, and instances are adjusted according to the error of the
thus does not destroy any sparsity. current prediction. To implement it we have imported
Gradient Boosting Regressor - Gradient boosting is AdaBoost Regressor from sklearn.ensemble. Here the
a machine learning technique for regression and ’base estimator’ which is the base estimator from
classification problems, where it works on reducing which the boosted ensemble is built is taken as a
error sequentially. It builds an additive model in a Decision Tree Regressor which is imported from
forward stage wise manner. To implement it we have sklearn.trees and in this Decision Tree Classifier we
imported Gradient Boosting Regressor from have set ”max_features” to ”auto”, ”max_depth”
sklearn.ensemble. We have used ”huber” as the loss which is the maximum depth of the tree is set to 30.
function to be optimized. ”max_features” is set to In AdaBoost
”auto” which means max features = n_features. Regressor ”n_estimators” is set to 100, ”loss”
”learning rate” is set to 0.4. ”warm_start” is set to function is set to ”exponential” and ”learning_rate” is
”True” as a result the regressor model to reuse the set to 0.5. Model evaluation in case of AdaBoost
solution of the previous call to fit and add more Regressor is given below.
estimators to the ensemble. Model evaluation in case Mean Absolute Error:0.4111519233
of Gradient Boosting Regressor is given below. Mean Squared Error : 6.3205563183
Mean Absolute Error:0.4607025067 Median Absolute Error :0.1960000000
Mean Squared Error : 6.8237488992 Explained Variance Score :0.9373877402
Median Absolute Error :0.2290790857 r2-Score :0.9373877184
Explained Variance Score :0.9324036603
r2-Score :0.9324030249 MultiLayer Perceptron Regressor - It is basically
based on the concept of artificial neural networks. It
XGBoost Regressor - It is an extreme gradient utilizes back propagation for training, this model
boosting algorithm. To implement it we have optimizes the squared- loss using stochastic gradient
imported XGB Regressor from xgboost. We have set descent. To implement it we have imported
”n estimators” which is the number of trees in a forest MLPRegressor from sklearn.neural network. It has a
to 1000. Model evaluation in case of XG Boosting linear activation function in all neurons which is
Regressor is given below. a linear function which maps the weighted inputs
to the output of each neuron, here it is set to ”tanh”,
Mean Absolute Error:0.4164732536 the hyperbolic tan function, returns f(x) =
Mean Squared Error : 5.3267230111 tanh(x).”max_iter” which is the maximum number of
Median Absolute Error :0.2137639141 iterations is set to 1000 and ”warm start” is set to
Explained Variance Score :0.9472328399 ”True”. Model evaluation in case of MLP Regressor
r2-Score :0.9472327649 is given below.
Mean Absolute Error:0.4306106593
Random Forest Regressor - It is a meta estimator Mean Squared Error : 3.3754211434
that fits a number of classifying decision trees on Median Absolute Error :0.2242921644
various sub-samples of the dataset and uses averaging Explained Variance Score :0.9665631410
to improve the predictive accuracy and control over- r2-Score :0.9665626238
fitting. To implement it we have imported Random From the above observations taken we could
Forest Regressor from sklearn.ensemble. Here conclude that the MultiLayer Perceptron algorithm
”n_estimators” is set to 100, ”warm_start” is set to performs the best in this case. Therefore we came up
”True”, ”oob_score” is set to ”True” to use out-of- with the result that MultiLayer Perceptron algorithm
bag samples to estimate the r2 on unseen data. Model should be the base supervised learning algorithm to
evaluation in case of Random Forest Regressor is predict the diameter of an asteroid.
given below. G. Visualization of Model performance with the
Mean Absolute Error:0.4040615222 help of Residual Plot
Mean Squared Error : 6.7417979790 X-axis indicates the Predicted value and Y-axis
Median Absolute Error :0.2009400000 indicates the Residual value, Residual value =
Actual value - Pre- dicted value
Prediction of Asteroid Diameter with the Help of Multi-Layer Perceptron Regressor
International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN(p): 2394-2835 Volume-6, Issue-4, Apr.-2019
International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN(p): 2394-2835 Volume-6, Issue-4, Apr.-2019
Total error for each output neuron, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT