Construction of Decks

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5.1.- Description of the works
5.2.- Materials, Plant and Equipment
6.1- Witness and Hold Points
The purpose of this Method Statement is to Surveying as built
provide an outline procedure which will positions of both
enable those people involved in the crossheads.
construction of the decks to do so in a diligent
manner and to follow the correct technical Section Organise human and
standards. Manager mechanical means.
/Site Agent
In addition it provides the frame work to
undertake the work in a safer manner and Foreman Organise human and
with due care of environmental matters mechanical means;
execute works as per this
2. - SCOPE Method Statement;
guarantee works are
This scope of works involves all in-situ done in a safe manner.
activities required for the construction of
decks including, assembling of the Quality and Monitor all the aspects
reinforcement, shuttering the reinforcement, Environment of works regarding
setting levels and pouring the concrete for all Manager quality or environment
new decks over the entire M50 project. on the site

Safety Monitor all the aspects

3. - RELATED DOCUMENTS Officer of works affecting safety
on site
- System of General Procedures
- PR-FCC-100-Quality Management- 5. - PROCEDURE
- PR-FCC-305–Project Documentation 5.1.- Description of the works
The sequence of works will be as follows:
- PR-FCC-308–Project Quality Plan
 Following on from the erection of the
- PR-FCC-327-Environmental Planning beams and the placing of the precast
- PR-FCC-314-Process Control slabs, the steel and the formwork will
be placed following the relevant
- Schedule 4 of the Contract design drawings.
- SRW 1700
 No lane closures will be required on
- Relevant Design Drawings for decks. the underneath road. The deck pour
will be carried out during the day.
 A proper inspection will be carried out
to ensure that the precast slabs and the
GRC Panels (if existing) are sealed
4- RESPONSIBILITIES propely before the pour.
 The top of the beam will be scabbled
where “the hardened surface skin and
laitance” are removed – SRW1710.1
Surveyor Marking position and
level of the beams before  The formwork for the side and around
the lift. the deck most be of good quality (eg
marine plywood) in order to achieve  Once shuttering is in place the position
the F4 finish as stated in the drawings. of the steel will be rechecked and that
NRA SRW 1708.4 states that “the adequate cover according to the
resulting finish shall be of smooth and drawings is in place.
of uniform texture and appearance
 A survey crew will mark the top of the
without discolouration. The formwork
design level for the deck on the
lining shall leave no stain on the
shutters with a string line or by means
concrete and shall be so joined and
of a fillet timber fixed on the shutter
fixed to its backing that it imparts no
face so operatives will know what
level to pour concrete to.
 Steel which complies with BS4449
 Once everything is secured and a
and from an approved source to be
preconcrete inspection is signed off
delivered and stored at each structure
concreting may begin.
on a clean surface. The steel
reinforcement will then be assembled  If a concrete pump is required for the
insitu. Steel will be transport up to the pour it should be on site 30mins prior
platform around the deck by use of a to pour for set up.
crane under the direction of a
 A designated banksman will be on site
to aid the concrete lorry into position
 All steel will be tied in accordance prior placement of the concrete
with design drawings and schedules
 Area will be barriered off with
with reinforcement laps in accordance
relevant signage & fire extinguishers
with the drawings and SRW 1716
in place if necessary.
 Starter bars for a diaphragm will be
 A designated area shall be appointed
included in the deck if necessary.
to wash out the concrete lorries.
 Spacer bars in accordance with SRW
 Test Consult will be informed the
1714 will be placed to ensure the
previous day before the concrete pour
nominal cover is maintained as stated
with details such as quantity, grade of
on relevant drawings.
concrete that will be used etc, so
 The shutters/formwork shall be provision will be made for level of
cleaned of any contaminants or testing that is required.
laitance from previous pours while on
Slump test will be carried out for each
the ground. They shall also be treated
load prior to being poured to ensure
with a release agent.
slump of concrete is within the
 A chambered fillet or a patterned specified tolerances and cubes will be
finish will be placed on all the taken in accordance with
formwork where required if stated on specifications for testing. If slump of
the relevant drawings. concrete is out of tolerance the load
will be rejected for use by the
 The shutters/formwork shall be
production department who will be
clamped and bolted as per the
supervising the concrete pour.
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Concrete pour sequence will be as per
 Joints in the shutters shall be
permanent design drawings provided
adequately sealed so to ensure no loss
by the designer. It will be poured as
of grout during pouring.
per designed pour sequence.
 Temporary propping shall be put in
 Concrete skip or pump will be used to
place to ensure the verticality of the
pour the concrete into the deck from a
formwork and to ensure that it does
not collapse during pouring.
controlled height not exceeding  2-3 No Certified Scaffolders
 3 No General operatives
 Concrete to be sufficiently vibrated
 Shutters / Formwork
during placement with 2-3 long pokers
ranging in size from 50mm-100mm. A  Steel Reinforcement
back up poker and generator should be
 Mobile Crane / Lifting Machine eg
there if one breaks down. The
concrete will be sufficiently vibrated
for a period to ensure all air is  Boots Vests Hardhat are mandatory on
eliminated. site. Any other PPE required i.e.
goggles, face shield for cutting &
 During the pour, shutters will be
grinding, gloves, safety glasses.
continuously monitored to ensure
there is no grout loss.  Readymix concrete
 Finish for decks is F4 as stated  Concrete pump / skip
 Scaffolding
 In order to avoid cold joints operatives
 Temporary propping
will continuously vibrate placed
concrete to keep it “alive” before fresh  Stainless Steel tying wire
concrete is placed on top of it. No area
 2 Generators
of placed concrete will be left
unvibrated for greater than 30minutes  2 – 3 vibrating pokers
before fresh concrete is placed on top
 Scabbling equipment
of it. The quality department will
advise the production team on a  Air hose
suitable pour sequence.
 Screeds / trowels
 All operatives will wear gloves and
 Formwork release agent
safety glasses during concrete pour.
All spillages will be cleaned from  Chambered fillet / patterned finishes
 Curing agent / curing covers
 Concrete will be finished to a pre
determined level by M50 D&C 6.-QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT
engineers as stated earlier.
Before the beginning of the executions of
 Concrete will sprayed with a curing
decks all the MAR’s shall be presented and
agent once poured and cured
accordingly as stated further in this approval.
method statement.
 All shutters once struck will be Curing the concrete
removed by a mobile crane, stacked
neatly and moved on to the next pad to The concrete shall be cured in different ways
be poured. Striking of formwork will depending on the prevailing weather
be done in accordance with SRW conditions which will be monitored from
1710.4 weather forecasts and temperature measured
on the day of concrete pours. The use of
5.2.- Materials, Plant and Equipment water, damp hessian, frost blankets, curing
 1 No Banks man membrane, polythene or chemical curing
compound shall be in accordance with Cl.
 2 No Carpenter 1710/5 and Table 17/6 of the NRA SRW.
 4 No Steel Fixers
Cold weather working from the mixer and compaction in its final
1. Cold Weather Work (Clause 1710.6) – “Cement shall not be allowed to come into
NRA SRW states that “concrete shall not contact with wáter at a temperatura greater than
be placed below 2°C on a rising 60 degrees Celsius.”
thermometer or below 4°C on a falling
thermometer unless the following
requirements are met”:

 “The aggregate and water used in the

mix shall be free from snow, ice and
 “The surface temperature of the
concrete at the time of placing shall be
at least 5°C and shall not exceed
 “The surface temperature of the
concrete shall be maintained at not less
than 5°C until the concrete reaches a
strength of 5 N\mm2 as determined by
tests on cubes that were cured under
identical conditions to the structural
concrete, in a manner approved by the
 “Before placing concrete, the
formwork, reinforcement, prestressing
steel and any surface with which the
fresh concrete will be in contact shall
be free from snow, ice and frost.”
 “Cement shall not be allowed to come
into contact with water at a temperature
greater than 60°C.”
 “Additionally, NRA Specification
Clause 1710.3 states that the
temperature of the fresh concrete at the
time of placement shall be not less than
5°C, unless any other value is
specified, or permitted, by the

Hot weather working

Clause 1710.6 – NRA SRW states that “during

hot weather the Contractor shall ensure the
constituent materials of the concrete are
sufficiently cool to prevent the concrete
stiffening in the intervakl between its discharge
6.1- Witness and Hold Points Concrete washout areas are waterproof holes.
These areas should be maintained to provide
According to Schedule 10 Part 1 Clause 2 & adequate holding capacity with minimum
3: freeboard of 4 in. The maintained should
include removing and disposing of hardened
“All quality and Environmental concrete and returning the facilities to
documentation shall indicate points where no functional condition.
further work or activity shall proceed without
the documented authorisation of the The concrete removed from the concrete
designated person identified in the related washout areas will be treated like an inert
work instruction, method statement, waste.
inspection and test plan, design review plan,
design verification plan, operation and
maintenance manual or other control
document (“Hold Points”)”
All Quality and Environmental
documentation shall allow for the Authority’s
Representative and/or PPP Co’s
Representative to be given the opportunity to
indicate “Witness Points” which mean points
at which the Contractor shall give due notice
to the Authority’s Representative and/or PPP
Co’s Representative and allow time and
provide facilities for the Authority’s
Representative and/or PPP Co’s
Representative to witness the process at that

The attached ITP table indicates the hold and

witness points applicable to this Method
Statement. Please note this is a generic
method statement that should be used with all
structural elements.

6.2- Concrete Washout areas

M50 forepersons will prevent the discharge of

pollutants to storm water and soil from
concrete waste by conducting washout offsite,
performing onsite washout in a designated
area, and training employee and

Adjacent to each concrete area, according to

European normative, temporary concrete
washout areas should be installed. These areas
will be signalised to inform concrete
equipment operators to utilize the proper
Lifting & Assembling Re Bar Mediun Pre fabbing area to be barriered off with crowd Low
Risk Assessment Hazards
control barriers and relevant signage in place.
All waste to be skipped daily.
Hot works permit to be issued daily High
A site survey
Relevant fire or damage
extinguishers to be inresulting
place at from
all times The tracing,
the striking of overhead services such services.
Lowering steel reinforcement into Medium as electricity
All operative to wear correct gloves
Place Excavator / mobile crane to lower cages into place Low
(Cuts to hands) Re bar caps to be used where appropriate Unloading/lo
Banks manMovement of are
to insure all plant andwhen
clear lowering re High
vehicles bearing in mi
bar producing transport accidents and the traffic routes
striking of pedestrians/operatives cables.
Safe site entr
Injury caused by the affects of manual Medium Activities, which involve the manual handling of room and go
handling on the body. heavy materials to be assessed. Reversing to
Where practical, avoid exposing persons to manual haul roads to
handling injuries by using mechanical means to do possible.
the handling or substituting lighter loads for the Persons invo
heavy ones or using a number of persons to lift the area to be pro
load. clothing.
Where persons are subjected to a considerable Drivers not t
amount of manual handling cause those persons to certain that th
be instructed in safe handling techniques.
Tipping area
Overturning of Vehicles tippers to be
condition fre
Drivers to sta
Drivers / operatives being struck by Anyone work
loose material during loading wearing PPE
operations. toe boats etc.
All area to be
Slips trips & falls All waste to
Execution ar
Barriers to be
excavations m
Spotter to rev
Concreting Driver will n
do so.
Drivers to we
Driver to rele
All concrete
safety glasse
All spillages
Items of plan
Injury caused by the use of defective they are used
items of plant or equipment.  In g
 App
be C
 Ade
details of the
procedures to
Injury cased by a lack of knowledge in Medium The knowledge and experience of the individuals who
respect of basic maintenance and To High will use the plant and equipment to be assessed.
operating procedures. Suitable training to be provided and recorded, as

Noise from the varoius machines / High Noisy areas should be accurately defined using a noise
excavators / pumping equipment meter. Low
vibrators etc leading to hearing loss. Ear defenders to be provided, maintained and worn.
White fingers from excessive vibration Noise control measures to be practised. These include,
closing plant engine covers or erecting earth, plywood
or some other dense material screen in the path of the
Rotation between operatives during vibration of
concrete and scabbling Low

Persons incapacitated to work due to Low Persons under the suspicion of drugs and alcohol to be
influence of drugs and alcohol disciplined and removed from site.

The undermining of adjacent structures Medium The stability of adjacent structures to be assessed and
leading to their collapse. where appropriate precautions taken. This may require
a structural survey

Overall Environment media including Variabl Comply with any environmental impact Low
wildlife and plants e assessment/study and any other contract environmental
Un Loading Shutters Un loading area to be clear of all unnecessary
Crushing injury High personnel
All Slings to be choked & visually checked
All certs will be in M50 D&C safety office Low
Tag lines to be on all lifts
Banks man to be in full view of truck crane operator

Installing Shutter All carpenters to operate a buddy system at all times Low
High lifting shutters and timbers
All off cuts to be removed on an ongoing basis
Carpenters will hand ball shutters into excavations and
assemble them.
All clips not used to replaced in silages

Removing Shutters All shutters to be de nailed as they are stripped. Low

High All shutters be stacked neatly
All material to be lashed or weighed down when not in
All shutters to be stacked on skids.
All bundles to be no more than waste high

ITP, Structures


placeConfirm risk assessments and Method Statements are in Each Structure Method Statement I (H.P.) W.P. M M M Engineers Level Book

Verify that main setting out is completed in the area and Each Structure Relevant drawings I (H.P.) W.P. W.P. M M Survey book

Confirm all materials are approved for use Each Structure Cl 1705 I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) H.P. W.P. H.P. RAM & RSF Product Certificate
Signed delivery docket 12 Hours notice

Set out structure Each Location Relevant drawings I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M Survey

Excavate and approve subformation Each Formation DrawingsLevel as specified on I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) H.P. I(H.P .) H.P. RISF

prepare formation Each Formation DrawingsLevel as specified on I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M MAR

Approve formation Each Formation Bearing capacity required I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) I (H.P.) I (H.P.) I (H.P.) RISF& Laboratory 24 Hours notice

Place blinding Each Formation Relevant drawings I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RIW 3 Hours notice

Confirm all Pile testing carried out and results satisfactory Each Formation (where applicable) Laboratory Reports I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M Lab results

Cut/Trim pile heads (where applicable) Each Formation Sound concrete at cut-off I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M survey 0
level. As drawings Cl. 1603.21

Prepare Construction joints ( where applicable ) Each Location Agreed position and finish. Cl I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RCPI / RIW 0

Fix Reinforcement: schedule bars, stars bars, laps, cover Each Location Relevant drawings / schedules I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RCPI 0
(minimum/maximum), spacers, joints, surfaces clean, wire... & Cl 1714

Prior to erect Formwork: finish, joint prep., cleanliness, joints Each Location Line & level of works schedulr I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RCPI 0
tight, release agent, Setting out and level check... tolerance / Cl 1710.1 & 2 / Cl

Fix cast-in items Each Location Relevant drawings I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RCPI 0

Ensure correct quantity and grade of concrete is ordered Each Location Relevant drawings I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RCPI 0

Cl. 1710.6 & 7 ITE

I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RIW M
Cl. 1710.6 & 7
I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) H.P. I (W.P.) H.P. RCPI

Relevant drawings 1
Product Certificate 12 Hours

Cl. 1710.3 I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RIW

Cl. 1710.3 I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M POUR RECORD SHEET 3

Cl. 1727
Pour record sheet
I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M ILAB Accredited Lab 24 Hours notice
/Laboratory results

Cl. 1710.3 I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M Monthly inspection


Relevant drawings / Cl. 1710 I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M PIR/RIW Product Certificate 12 Hours

Relevant drawings / Cl. 1710 I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) I (H.P.) I (W.P.) (H.P.)I PIR 8

Relevant drawings / Schedules & Cl 1709 I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) I (H.P.) I (W.P.) (H.P.)I ITWP-N6CL-17.02 noticeProduct Certificate 12 Hours 9

Relevant drawings / Schedules & Cl 1709

I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M M RIW noticeProduct Certificate 12 Hours

Relevant drawings / Schedules I & N (H.P.) I (H.P.) W.P. M W.P Survey book / RIW

I: Inspection W .P.: Witness Point PTP: Permission to Pour RIE: Req. Inspection of Eathw

N: Notification H .P.: Hold Point RW: Specification for Road Works RSF: Reception & Storage File

M: Monitor SP: Specificat. Procurements ITWP: Inspection & Test Witness / Hold Points RAM: Req. Approval of Mater.
W: Witness MDD: Max. Dry Density A: Approval of Document / Material RID: Req. Inpection of Drain.

T: Test PTL: Permission to Load RIW : Request for Inspection of Works Proforma RIC: Req. Inspection of Chamb.

Ensure cold/hot weather precautions are taken where necessary


Pre pour concrete inspection


Before placing concrete, check delivery ticket for correct grade, quantity and location. Carry out visual
16 examination of concrete

17 Before placing concrete, check compaction equipment (people, pokers, generator, pump, ...)

18 During placing concrete, check compaction equipment, max drop vertically (2m), placed rate, cold joints,...

Laboratory test: ensure all test will be made (cubes, slamp, ...)

20 Environmental Managament: wahsout area, chemical products, water pumped, ...

21 Strike Formwork: hours/days after, curing agent, weather conditions, test results (where applicable),...

22 Verify surface finish, cover, dimensions

23 Waterproofing system: quality materials, cover, aplication method,

Joint sealing: quality materials, withd, aplication method,


27 Settelment control & Pre Backfilling inspection

Icon: Concession Ldt

PPP: Concession Ldt

RPS: Authority Rep.

NRA: Authority

CJV: Construction Ldt.

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