Failure Analysis and Optimization of Reheater and Super Heater Tubes
Failure Analysis and Optimization of Reheater and Super Heater Tubes
Failure Analysis and Optimization of Reheater and Super Heater Tubes
Power generation plays an important role in the development of the nation. In India the difference
between power demand and power supply is always increasing. The total installed capacity of existing
power sources are from renewable and non renewable energy resources such as wind mills, thermal power
plants, nuclear plants, etc. were more, But still the demand could not be met out due to various factors such
as power loss during transmission, poor maintenance, inefficient planning, etc.
In India major source of power is generated from thermal power stations. Hence the thermal power
stations should function effectively and efficiently for meeting out the demand
The detailed study on the performance of boiler mountings and accessories should be carried out and
optimized for the efficient and effective operations of the unit. The failure of Re-heater and Super heater
tubes are the major problem caused in the thermal power stations. Hence an analysis on the re-heater and
super heater tube failures and optimization of Boiler tubes were carried out in ordered to reduce the
failures caused in thermal power plant and to keep continuous running of units. All the above factors made
us to conduct a computational fluid dynamics analysis on the boiler re-heater and super heater tubes and its
optimization in 210MW Boiler unit at mettur thermal power station.
Key Words: performance of boiler, Re-heater and Super heater tubes, computational fluid dynamics
super heater tubes are heated with temperature of Computer simulations and non-destructive
about 530-1000˚C. Exposure of tubes to analysis may economically support the post-
temperatures at the outer surface due to flue gases, failure assessment method, i.e. visual inspections,
high pressure inside the tubes because of the liquid penetrant testing,metallurgical
steam flow, and flame contaminated with examinations and mechanical strength
corrosive residues for a long period of time measurements.To prevent the reheater and super
usually causes reheater and super heater tube heater tube failures, which causes temporary
failures. shutdown of the power plant, inspection of the
tubes are always conducted according to standard
The boiler tubes in thermal power plant are power plant preventive maintenance practices at
exposed to high internal pressure and high regular intervals.
temperature of steam and flue gas. Failure of
reheater tubes in some coal-fired boilers are
encountered very frequently. The main cause for 2. RELATED WORK
any metallurgical failure of a reheater tube is due
to the tube metal temperature higher than that as Khalil Ranjbar (2007) [1] made analysis of
originally specified. Tube metal temperature may the failure and shut down of boiler cold and hot
increase gradually over many years due to the reheater tubes by chemical analysis of sediments,
growing oxide scales inside tube or elevate rapidly metallographic examinations, XRD, SEM and
caused by loss of internal steam or water-coolant EDX studies. The mode of operation,
flow. Therefore, boiler tubes in power plants have maintenance, and feed water chemistry were also
finite life because of long exposure to high checked. It is concluded that the bad maintenance
temperature, stress, aggressive environment, and feed water chemistry are the main causes of
corrosive degradation, etc. However, use of the failure, leading to various types of corrosion
suitable boiler tube material according to the mechanisms, which are identified.
temperature produced in thermal power plants are
required to ensure that the tube materials are Purbolaksono.J et al (2010) [2] made an
safely used under higher temperatures and analysis and stated that Increased temperature and
pressures for a long period of operation [1]. decreased hardness values of the tube metal and
development of oxide scale on the inner surface of
The pressure In reheater tube is about 25 boiler tubes over a prolonged period of time are
Kg/cm2 and in super heater is 320 Kg/cm2. The typical problems in power plants. Appropriate life
main factor causing premature failure is the assessments or condition monitoring of boiler tube
overheating and consequently creep or hot should be carried out from time to time. Computer
corrosion failure. The reheaters begin to receive simulations may economically support the post-
steam only when the turbine is started up i.e., they failure assessment method, i.e. visual inspections,
are not cooled at all for appreciably long time metallurgical examinations and mechanical
during boiler start up. The same is true in an strength measurements. However, estimations
emergency shut-down of the boiler. In order to obtained from the simulations may provide an
avoid overheating, reheaters are usually designed advanced warning to take preventive actions prior
of convective type and compared to platen type. to failure. In this work two failure cases of the
They are arranged in the zone of moderate heating reheater and super heater tubes made of a typical
where the flue gas temperature is around 850°C material of SA213-T22 steel are evaluated. As the
[8]. In some places reheaters are cooled at a oxide scales are increasingly developed on the
startup (i.e. before the steam enters in tubes) and inner surface, the increasing of temperature and
shut down by fresh steam supplied through an at decreasing of hardness value in tube metal for
temperature. Increased temperature and reduced both cases is determined. The remnant life
hardness values of the material of tube metal and estimations are then made in the form of creep
development of oxide scale on the inner surface of cumulative damages.
reheater tubes over a long period of time are
typical problems in power plants. Appropriate Hajee Mohamed.M et al (2014) [3] studied
inspection and condition of boiler tube should be that most of the fossil fuel & Cement Plant waste
monitored and carried out from time to time. heat based thermal power plants are facing the
problem of Boiler Super Heater tube leakage due wall thickness, by metal consumption. In addition,
to high flue gas Temperature. This will affect the it seems that it has been worsened by occurrence
working of power plant and income in general. of long-term overheating. Coagulation of carbides
The research is to study boiler super heater tube at both outer and inner regions of tube was
leakage problem and find the causes of tube observed that could prove the occurrence of
leakages with the help of Computational Fluid overheating during the service. In addition, the
Dynamics simulation. An Auto CADD 2-D formation of sigma-phase particles was revealed
modelling of super heater is performed and Import because of being in the susceptible temperature
to Computational Fluid Analysis software where after 20 years in service.
the temperature of flue gases over the Super
Heater Tubes using the actual boundary Shokouhmand.H et al (2015) [6] done the
conditions has been studied. The Computational failure analysis in super heater tubes and studied
Fluid Dynamics results will be useful for to avoid that the extreme spray water mass flow rate
the same in future projects and can be avoided the deviation was observed to occur in the middle
leakage in running Thermal Power plants with temperature super heater of Sahand 325MW
providing the Shield arrangement over the critical Power Plant utility boiler, which severely affected
zone of super heater tubes to reduce the erosion its economic performance and safe operation.
and restricting Super heater tubes. Boilers operating in these conditions led to failure
in super heater tubes at the same place for two
Azad Sohail.M et al (2007) [4] made an consecutive times in a three year span. Thus, the
investigation on the damages in the alloyed super failure analysis of super heater tubes by
heater and reheater tube materials for natural investigating the visual inspection, chemical, scale
circulation water wall tubes (NCWWTs) high and creep analysis was carried out. The Brittle
pressure drum boiler units of the ghorasal thermal failure occurred in the super heater tubes after the
power station, Bangladesh, have been carried out fuel was changed from natural gas to heavy oil.
at different schedule maintenances. Extensive Failure analysis showed that tubes were suffering
analysis of different chemical parameters of the from long term overheating which was instigated
boiler water regime and generated steam quality at by high spray water flow rate. In order to rectify
rated operating steam pressure and temperature, the boiler operating conditions, some
revealed carry over in steam during cold startup modifications were applied in the boiler unit 1 and
and abrupt increase in thermal load of the boiler. operating parameters on this boiler were
The micro and macro structural examinations of compared with boiler unit 2. The results showed
super heater tube materials, scale composition, that the 8.33% reduction in heating surface area
scale thickness and composition of super heater corresponds to 52.84% and 17.80% reduction in
tube materials have been monitored very spray water mass flow rate for capacities equal to
carefully. silica is found to be the major 300 MW and 260 MW, respectively.
component for the super heater scaling which has
strong affinity to the chromium containing steel
reheater tube materials. 3. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
Movahedi-Rad.A et al (2015) [5] made an The Mettur Thermal Power Station (MTPS)
failure analysis of a ruptured super heater tube was designed to generate 700 T/Hr/Unit of
after 20 years service in the oil-fueled boiler, as superheated steam with rated pressure of 1
the typical problems in power plants, was kg and 0 C. units already clocked
investigated. A thin-lipped rupture at failed region more than 1,00,000 Hrs of operation. After about
was observed in super heater tube. By measuring 90,000 Hrs tube failure in reheater and super
the tube’s wall thicknesses far from failed region, heater were reported. Since already 15 times the
non-uniformity was seen. The suggested main root boiler had to face forced SD due to RH tube
cause of failure was fireside corrosion of the tube failure. Since the situation was becoming critical,
during the service. Because of low grade of used M/S TNEB wanted some proactive action for
fuel, sodium, sulfur, and vanadium elements were checking the condition/replacement of
observed at the outer surface, which caused deteriorated RH and SH coils so that the forced
continuously scale formation and reduction of outage during the operation is avoided/minimized.
So , M/S TNEB wanted to find the actual causes of the steam inside the tube walls and also high
of tube failure for taking corrective action to avoid flue gas temperature on the outer walls slowly
the failure. deteriorates the properties of the re-heater and
super heater tubes. This can be overcome by
The main causes for the above failures of covering the weldings by a ring over the outer
the boiler tubes are over heating of reheater and surface of the tubes. This ring over the weldings
super heater tubes and also the improper welding protects the weld from the excess flue gas
of boiler tubes. The overheating problems are temperature and also from the impurities in flue
caused due to the continuous exposure of the gases.
reheater and super heater tubes to high The below figure 1 shows the proposed
temperature exhaust gases. The exhaust gases design of the reheater and super heater tubes with
consists of various types of impurities and harmful ring over the weld material. The ring material is
gases because of improper combustion of the coal. made of SA213 T22, which covers over the
This impurities leads to the corrosion of the tube welded part to protect it from the impurities
walls which in later leads to failure. affecting the welded portion of the tubes.
The ring over the welded material doesn’t
affect the temperature and pressure of the steam
3.1. Over heating flowing inside the tubes and thus it doesn’t reduce
the efficiency of the boiler and also increases the
The overheating of reheater and super heater life of the boiler tubes.
tubes are one of the most causative for the
reheater tube failures. The overheating is also one
of the less avoidable problem caused in boilers.
Due to the improper combustion of the coal in the
furnace and excess amount of impurities present
in the air to lead the production of unwanted
harmful gases which leads to the deterioration of
the super heater and reheater tubes. The
overheating of the reheater tubes mainly caused in
the outer diameter of the tubes. The overheating
reduces the properties of the reheater tubes and
leads to failure.
The Reheater and super heater tubes are not The problem of scale formation can be
available in a single set so, it should be bought for overcome by using the upgraded steel alloy of SA
the required length and it is joined together by 213 T91 material. This material decreases the
using welding process. Two layers of welding are formation of scaling inside the tubes and thus
done for withstanding high pressure and high reduces the failure of the boiler tubes.
temperature. First layer is done by using electric
arc welding and the second layer is done by using
gas welding. Due to the insufficient training of 5. CFD ANALYSIS
labours and other factors leads to improper
welding of reheater and super heater tubes. Computational fluid dynamics is used in
order to analyse the system with the combined
effect of temperature and pressure , Ansys multi
4.PROPOSED METHODOLOGY physics environment is used. Also to find the
temperature distribution, thermal stress , thermal
The main causes of welding defects are due strain, velocity of the moving fluid and its
to the improper welding done during the onsite pressure differences in a pipe the flow analysis
welding. This problem reduces the quality of needed to be carried out. It helps to predict the
welding which in turn due to the high temperature various parameters in order to test the efficiency
P.Praveen Page 458
IJETST- Vol.||03||Issue||05||Pages 455-460||May||ISSN 2348-9480 2016
HEAT FLUX 3.8742e
Figure 2 CFD Analysis of SA 213 T22
(W/sq.m) 4.456 6
The SA213 T91 material with ring around 7e6
the weld material has also been analysed by using
Ansys Fluent software and the pressure,
temperature distribution and deformation of the
tubes has been found out. The figure 3 represents
the Analysis carried out in the SA 213 t91 DEFORMAT 0.033 0.0068
material with rings around the weld tubes. ION(m) 12 34
STRESS (Pa) 1.65e 1.55e6
temperatures will result in excessive metal [5] Failure Analysis of Super heater tube,
temperature. Hence it is recommended to replace Movahedi-
the outlet section in total with higher chromium Rad.M,Plasseyed.S.S,Attarian.M.Engineering
contained steel SA 213 T91 to ensure trouble free Failure Analysis 48 (2015) 94–104.
[6] Failure Analysis and Retrofitting of Super
It also recommended to use the rings heater Tubes in Utility Boiler
around the weldings in order to increase the life of Shokouhmand.H, Ghadimi.B,
the boiler tubes by reducing the cracks caused due Espanani.R.Engineering Failure Analysis 50
to improper welding. (2015) 20–28.