Information Professionals in The Promotion of Information Literacy in Nigeria Challenges and Prospects PDF
Information Professionals in The Promotion of Information Literacy in Nigeria Challenges and Prospects PDF
Information Professionals in The Promotion of Information Literacy in Nigeria Challenges and Prospects PDF
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The need for information and the value of political instability, misconceptions, fake news and hate
information to both society and individuals is a fact speech, which is bedevilling the human societies.
which is widely accepted. For information to be
effectively utilized the need for information literacy Somi and De Jager (2005) averred that it is beyond the
becomes more imperative. This study looked at borders of controversy that no nation can strive and survive
librarians and information professionals in promotion without relevant information to guide its aims and
of information literacy in Nigeria through different objectives. In corroboration, Haberle (2002) asserts that
ways such as library orientation, readers’ advisory society requires multi-skilled learners, who are able to think
services, bibliographies, library week, etc. Data analysis critically, pose and solve problems, and become
was done using frequency count, percentages, Likert independent and lifelong learners. If people are unable to
Scale presented in tabular format, mean and standard access information, observes Fahey (2003), they will be
deviation. Using the four-point Likert type scale, a faced with information poverty, which is a form of poverty
midpoint mean (criterion Mean) of 2.5 was established that leads to disadvantage due to a lack of access to all
and accepted as a positive response point. Inadequate types of information.
funding, inadequate ICT infrastructure and resistance
to change were some of the challenges faced by Libraries and librarians are changing their ways of
information professionals in the promotion of service delivery as most recently libraries are termed as
information literacy, while data cost reduction and digital or hybrid which uses electronic devices and with a
continuous training of information professionals, were click on a mouse of connected systems to the World Wide
some of the prospects found out. The study concluded Web, one can communicate with other globally. Libraries
and recommended that government should strive to and librarians offer proactive services with the aims of
adequately fund libraries and provide required ICT drawing the attention of their users to resources of general
infrastructures to boost the promotion of information interest that assist in learning and research. The term
literacy in Nigeria effectively. librarian is most frequently used interchangeably with the
term Information Professionals.
Keywords:- Library, Librarians, Information Professionals,
Information Literacy, Information Centres, Funding, Wikipedia (nd) defined an information professional as
Internet Connectivity, Information and Communication someone who collects, records, organises, stores, preserves,
Technology, Readers Advisory Services, Library Week, retrieves, and disseminates printed or digital information.
Resistance to Change. Going further Wikipedia (nd) stated that the versatile term
'information professional' is also used to describe other
I. INTRODUCTION similar professions, such as archivists, information
managers, information systems specialists, and records
Information technology revolution which led to the managers. Wikipedia (nd) also noted that Information
present information society has greatly showcased the professionals work in a variety of private, public, and
importance of being able to access and utilize information academic institutions. Wikipedia (nd) concluded that
from a variety of sources, including electronically moreover, an information professional should be skilled in
published information. Technological changes inherent in planning and using relevant systems, in capturing and
the world currently make for information societies to securing information, and in accessing it to deliver service
possess certain skillsets to optimize use ability of whenever the information is required. An 'information
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional' will not be one type of role or skill set, but
resources. As it stands, information is widely needed by will in fact have a number of specializations". Thus, an
society to douse the tension of social unrest, ignorance, information professional can possess a variety of different
Table 1 show the number of the respondents (188) form the 20 different libraries and information centres that partook in the
Table 2 shows that majority of the respondents 138 (73.40%) agreed that Library Orientation with a mean score of 4.00 is
one of the ways of promoting IL. Majority 138 (73.40%) with a mean score of 4.00 also indicated Exhibition/Displays as a way of
IL promotion. Library User Education 99 (52.66%) with mean score of 3.00, Cataloguing & Classification 135 (71.80%) with
mean score of 4.00, Readers Advisory Service 99 (52.66%) 3.00, Bibliographies 138 (73.40%) with mean score of 4.00,
Abstracting and indexing 121 (63.36%) with mean score of 4.00, Library Week 109 (57.98%) with mean score of 4.00 and
Readership Promotion 109 (57.98%) with mean score of 4.00 are all items whose mean score were above the criterion mean
of 2.5, showing the extent of agreement to the statements of ways to promote information literacy.
Table 3 gives a picture that Inadequate funding 138 (73.40%) with mean score of 4.00, Inadequate professional staff 121
(63.36%) with mean score of 4.00, Inadequate capacity building opportunity 135 (71.80%) with mean score of 4.00, Temporary
accommodations 156 (82.98%) with mean score of 3.00, Inadequate staff motivation 109 (57.98%) with mean score of 3.00,
Inadequate ICT infrastructure 99 (52.66%) with a means score of 3.00, Resistance to Change 121 (63.36%) with mean score
of 4.00 and Inadequate Internet connectivity 188 (100%) with mean score of 4.00. The mean scores of all the items postulated
as challenges to IL promotion in Nigeria were above the criterion mean of 2.5, indicating that the respondents agreed that these
items are actually challenges hindering the effective promotion of IL.
Table 4 show that Adequate funding 128 (68.09%) allocated to the programme as some of the challenges
with mean score of 4.00, Adequate staffing 97 (51.60%) facing the programme.
with mean score of 3.00, Adequate training of staff 166
(88.30%) with mean score of 4.00, Permanent Inadequate capacity building opportunity: it was
buildings 167 (88.83%) with mean score of 4.00, Proper revealed by the study that inadequate capacity building
staff motivation 171 (90.96%) with mean score of 4.00, opportunity is a major challenge in IL promotion by
Adequate provision of required ICT facilities 154 (81.91%) librarians and information professionals in Nigeria. This
with mean score of 4.00, Continuous orientation finding corroborates that of Oladipo (2007) that
programmes 121 (63.36%) with mean score of 4.00, information professionals worldwide are not adequately
Adequate Internet connectivity 188 (100%) with mean given opportunities to attend workshops, seminars,
score of 4.00 and Data cost reduction 154 (81.91%) with conferences, book fares, etc., that would eventually
mean score of 4.00. Since all the items mean scores are acquaint them with the knowledge and skills of how to
above the criterion mean of 2.5, this simply means that the impact information literacy among their user.
respondents agreed that all the stated items are prospects to
effective IL promotion in Nigeria. Temporary accommodations: it was revealed by the
study that temporary accommodations for some libraries
VI. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS and information centres is a major challenge in IL
promotion by librarians and information professionals
A. Challenges to Information Literacy promotion in Nigeria. This finding confirmed that of Mishra and
Inadequate funding: it was revealed by the study that Mishra (2010) which stated that many libraries and
inadequate funding is a major challenge in IL promotion information centres especially in Nigeria are still
by librarians and information professionals in Nigeria. occupying rooms, stores or offices that are just
This finding is in line with that of Sheme et al, (2017) converted into libraries and information centres
which stated that activities for efficient and effective probably because of the need to keep ‘some books’
information literacy programmes are tied around somewhere. Inappropriate library buildings impact
financial capabilities of an organization to acquire negatively on information literacy.
needed resources. It is important to stress that most
libraries especially in Nigeria depends on aids from Inadequate staff motivation: it was revealed by the
NGOs or international organizations. It is sad to noted study that inadequate staff motivation is a major
that corruption, embezzlement and mismanagement etc., challenge in IL promotion by librarians and information
have often diverted funds that are meant for library and professionals in Nigeria. Many information
information professionals development. professionals rely heavily on their employers for
everything, which is in line with their terms of
Inadequate professional staff: it was revealed by the employment which in most cases in neglected or flouted
study that inadequate professional staff is a major by the employers. This finding supports that of Sheme
challenge in IL promotion by librarians and information et al (2017) which averred that information
professionals in Nigeria. Some libraries are managed by professionals are not adequately taken care of in terms
non-professionals and para-professionals. In some of fringe benefits and other incentives which would
University libraries especially in the Niger Delta region, motivate them to discharge their duties diligently.
people without library science background are
employed into academic librarians’ cadre. This is an Inadequate ICT infrastructure: it was revealed by the
anomaly. This finding is supported by Dennis (2004) study that inadequate ICT infrastructure is a major
which identified inadequate number of qualified staff to challenge in IL promotion by librarians and information
instruct students during orientation, and inadequate time professionals in Nigeria. Many Nigerian University’
libraries are not computerized, and are not Internet