BE-wis Lab Manual

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Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College

Laboratory Manual

Web Information System


Final Year Students

Dept: Information Technology

It is my great pleasure to present this laboratory manual for Final Year engineering
students for the subject of Web Information System keeping in view the vast coverage required
for Programming with Java Language

As a student, many of you may be wondering with some of the questions in your mind
regarding the subject and exactly what has been tried is to answer through this manual.

As you may be aware that MGM has already been awarded with ISO 9000 certification
and it is our endure to technically equip our students taking the advantage of the procedural
aspects of ISO 9000 Certification.

Faculty members are also advised that covering these aspects in initial stage itself, will
greatly relived them in future as much of the load will be taken care by the enthusiasm energies
of the students once they are conceptually clear.

Dr. S.D.Deshmukh
Vision of JNEC
College seeks to be the engineering college of choice in Maharashtra that
can provide the best learning experience, the most productive learning
community, and the most creative learning environment in Engineering
Education and will be recognized as one of the best Engineering Colleges
in India.
Mission of JNEC
To develop innovative engineers with human values, well equipped to
solve complex technical problems, address the needs of modern society
and pursue lifelong learning, by providing them competent, caring and
committed faculty.
IT Vision:
IT department is committed to ensure the quality education to students’
by providing innovative resources & continuous up-gradation of the
department. To achieve “Heights of Excellence” in the world we strive to
organize regular interaction with Industry and Alumni.
IT Mission:
To impart core technical competency & knowledge in students through
curriculum and certification programs to fulfill the industry requirements
which ultimately benefits society at large.

Program Educational Objectives:

I. Preparation: To prepare students to excel in PG program or to

succeed in Industry /Technical profession through global, rigorous
II. Core Competence: To provide students with a solid foundation in
mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals required to
solve engineering problems and also to pursue higher studies.
III. Breadth: To train students with good scientific and engineering
breadth so as to comprehend, analyze, design and create novel
product and solution for the real life problems.
IV. Professionalism: To inculcate in students’ professional and ethical
attitude, effective communication skills, team work skills, multi-
disciplinary approach and an ability to relate engineering issues to
broader social context.
V. Learning Environment: To provide students with academic
environment aware of excellence, leadership, written ethical codes
and guidelines and lifelong learning needed for successful
professional career.

This manual is intended for the Final Year students of Information Technology in the
subject of Web Information System. This manual typically contains practical/Lab Sessions
related advanced Programming in Java covering various aspects related the subject to enhanced

As per the syllabus along with Study of Java Language, we have made the efforts to
cover various aspects of Web Information System covering different Techniques used to
construct and understand concepts of advance Java Programming.

Students are advised to thoroughly go through this manual rather than only topics
mentioned in the syllabus as practical aspects are the key to understanding and conceptual
visualization of theoretical aspects covered in the books.

Good Luck for your Enjoyable Laboratory Sessions

Prof. S.N. Jaiswal

Head IT Dept.
DOs and DON’Ts in Laboratory:

1. Make entry in the Log Book as soon as you enter the Laboratory.

2. All the students should sit according to their roll numbers starting from their left to right.

3. All the students are supposed to enter the terminal number in the log book.

4. Do not change the terminal on which you are working.

5. All the students are expected to get at least the algorithm of the program/concept
to be implemented.

6. Strictly observe the instructions given by the teacher/Lab Instructor.

Instruction for Laboratory Teachers::

1. Submission related to whatever lab work has been completed should be done during the next
lab session. The immediate arrangements for printouts related to submission on the day of
practical assignments.

2. Students should be taught for taking the printouts under the observation of lab teacher.

3. The promptness of submission should be encouraged by way of marking and evaluation

patterns that will benefit the sincere students.

1. Study of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.

2. Introduction to Servlet.

3. Program to display request header information.

4. Program to perform database operations.

5. Study of cookies.

6. Program for session tracking.

7. Program to design an application using JSP, Servlet, and My-SQL.

8. Program to create custom tags.

9. Program to apply validations using Java Script.

10. Mini project using JSP, Servlet, Ajax, and My-SQL.

1. Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition

Aim: Study of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.


J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition)

J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a Java platform designed for the
mainframe-scale computing typical of large enterprises. Sun Microsystems (together with
industry partners such as IBM) designed J2EE to simplify application development in a
thin client tiered environment. J2EE simplifies application development and decreases
the need for programming and programmer training by creating standardized, reusable
modular components and by enabling the tier to handle many aspects of programming

J2EE includes many components of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE):

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is included as the core language package.
Write Once Run Anywhere technology is included to ensure portability.
Support is provided for Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA),
a predecessor of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), so that Java objects can
communicate with CORBA objects both locally and over a network through its
interface broker.
Java Database Connectivity 2.0 (JDBC), the Java equivalent to Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC), is included as the standard interface for Java databases.
A security model is included to protect data both locally and in Web-based

J2EE also includes a number of components added to the J2SE model, such as the

Full support is included for Enterprise JavaBeans. EJB is a server-based

technology for the delivery of program components in an enterprise environment.
It supports the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and has enhanced deployment
and security features.
The Java servlet API (application programming interface) enhances consistency
for developers without requiring a graphical user interface (GUI).
Java Server Pages (JSP) is the Java equivalent to Microsoft's Active Server Pages
(ASP) and is used for dynamic Web-enabled data access and manipulation.

The J2EE architecture consists of four major elements:

The J2EE Application Programming Model is the standard programming model

used to facilitate the development of multi-tier, thin client applications.
The J2EE Platform includes necessary policies and APIs such as the Java servlets
and Java Message Service (JMS).
The J2EE Compatibility Test Suite ensures that J2EE products are compatible
with the platform standards.
The J2EE Reference Implementation explains J2EE capabilities and provides its
operational definition.

Container Types

The deployment process installs J2EE application components in the J2EE

containers illustrated in following fig.

Figure: J2EE Server and Containers

J2EE server
The runtime portion of a J2EE product. A J2EE server provides EJB and Web
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container
Manages the execution of enterprise beans for J2EE applications. Enterprise beans
and their container run on the J2EE server.

Web container
Manages the execution of JSP page and servlet components for J2EE applications.
Web components and their container run on the J2EE server.
Application client container
Manages the execution of application client components. Application clients and
their container run on the client.
Applet container
Manages the execution of applets. Consists of a Web browser and Java Plug-in
running on the client together.

Conclusion : Hence we have studied Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.

Journal Write Up:

- Introduction to Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
- Web servers
- J2EE Architecture
- J2EE Containers
2. Introduction to Servlet

Aim: Write a program to demonstrate Basic Servlet.

As we know that the servlet extends the HttpServlet and overrides the doGet ()
method which it inherits from the HttpServlet class. The server invokes doGet () method
whenever web server receives the GET request from the servlet. The doGet() method
takes two arguments first is HttpServletRequest object and the second one is
HttpServletResponse object and this method throws the ServletException.
Whenever the user sends the request to the server then server generates two
objects’ first is HttpServletRequest object and the second one is HttpServletResponse
object. HttpServletRequest object represents the client's request and the
HttpServletResponse represents the servlet's response.
Inside the doGet() method our servlet has first used the setContentType() method
of the response object which sets the content type of the response to text/html It is the
standard MIME content type for the html pages.After that it has used the method
getWriter () of the response object to retrieve a PrintWriter object. To display the output
on the browser we use the println () method of the PrintWriter class.


import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
public class hello extends HttpServlet
{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
response) throws ServletException, IOException
{ PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

out.println("<h1 align=center>Basic servlet program</h1>");

Hence we studied how to create a sample servlet to display date and the time.

Journal Write-up:
- HTTP protocol & its methods
- Introduction to servlet
- Servlet configuration
- Life cycle of servlet
- Requests and Responses

Additional List of Programs :

1. WAP to display the username using servlet
2. WAP to design the login form using servlet.
3. Write a servlet program for customer registration.
4. WAP to design Tech Support Application which involves:
- Collecting a technical support request
- Storing the support request in a database
- Generating a confirmation page
3. Request Header

Aim:- Display request header information.


Reading Request Headers

Reading headers is straightforward; just call the getHeader method of Http-
ServletRequest with the name of the header. This call returns a String if the specified
header was supplied in the current request, null otherwise. In HTTP 1.0, all request
headers are optional; in HTTP 1.1, only Host is required. So, always check for null before
using a request header.
Header names are not case sensitive. So, for example, request.get-
Header("Connection") i s interchangeable with request.get-Header("connection").
Although getHeader is the general-purpose way to read incoming headers, a few
headers are so commonly used that they have special access methods in Http-
ServletRequest. Following is a summary.
• getCookies
The getCookies method returns the contents of the Cookie header, parsed
and stored in an array of Cookie objects. This method is discussed in more detail
in Chapter 8 (Handling Cookies).

• getAuthType and getRemoteUser

The getAuthType and getRemoteUser methods break the Authorization
header into its component pieces.
• getContentLength
The getContentLength method returns the value of the Content-Length
header (as an int).
• getContentType
The getContentType method returns the value of the Content-Type header
(as a String).
• getDateHeader and getIntHeader
The getDateHeader and getIntHeader methods read the specified headers
and then convert them to Date and int values, respectively.

• getHeaderNames
Rather than looking up one particular header, you can use the
getHeaderNames method to get an Enumeration of all header names received on
this particular request.

• getHeaders
In most cases, each header name appears only once in the request.
Occasionally, however, a header can appear multiple times, with each occurrence
listing a separate value. Accept-Language is one such example. You can use
getHeaders to obtain an Enumeration of the values of all occurrences of the


<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Request Header</title>
<body >

<font size="+2" color="green">Information about request header</font>

<table style="background-color: white; border-color: black; width: 50%"
border="2" >
<th> Method used to send request </th>
<td> <%=request.getMethod()%> </td>

<% java.util.Enumeration names=request.getHeaderNames();

String hname=(String)names.nextElement();
<th> <%= hname %> </th>
<td> <%= request.getHeader(hname)%> </td>


Conclusion: Hence we have performed program for request header.

Journal Write-up:
- Introduction to request header
- Understanding request header
1. Accept
2. Accept-Charset
3. Accept-Encoding
4. Accept-Language
5. Authorization
6. Connection
7. Content-Length
8. Cookie 9. Host 10. User-Agent

4. Database operations

Aim: WAP to design web application.


Inserting Data in Database table using Statement

In this program we are going to insert the data in the database from our java program
in the table stored in the database.

To accomplish our goal we first have to make a class named as

ServletInsertingData, which must extends the abstract HttpServlet class, the name of
the class should be such that other person can understand what this program is going to
perform. The logic of the program will be written inside the doGet() method that takes
two arguments, first is HttpServletRequest interface and the second one is the
HttpServletResponse interface and this method can throw ServletException.

Inside this method call the getWriter() method of the PrintWriter class. We can
insert the data in the database only and only if there is a connectivity between our
database and the java program. To establish the connection between our database and the
java program we first need to call the method forName(), which is static in nature of the
class Class. It takes one argument which tells about the database driver we are going to
use. Now use the static method getConnection() of the DriverManager class. This
method takes three arguments and returns the Connection object. SQL statements are
executed and results are returned within the context of a connection. Now your
connection has been established. Now use the method createStatement() of the
Connection object which will return the Statement object. This object is used for
executing a static SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it. We have to
insert a values into the table so we need to write a query for inserting the values into the
table. This query we will write inside the executeUpdate() method of the Statement
object. This method returns int value.

If the record will get inserted in the table then output will show "record has been
inserted" otherwise "sorry! Failure".

import java.sql.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class DataInsertion extends HttpServlet

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/zulfiqar?user=root&password=admin";
Connection conn;
ResultSet rs;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
String query = "insert into emp_sal values('Rajesh', 15000)";
int i = statement.executeUpdate(query);

out.println("The record has been inserted");
out.println("Sorry! Failure");
rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from emp_sal");

out.println("<p><table>" + rs.getString(1) + " "
+ rs.getInt(2) + "</p></table>");
catch (Exception e)

Table in the database before Insertion:

mysql> select * from emp_sal;

Empty set (0.02 sec)

The output of the program is given below:


Table in the database after Insertion:

mysql> select * from emp_sal;

| EmpName | salary |
| Rajesh | 15000 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Conclusion: Hence we have designed web application using My Sql.

Journal Write up:

5. Study of Cookies

Aim: WAP for cookies.



Also known as browser cookies or tracking cookies, cookies are small, often
encrypted text files, located in browser directories. They are used by web developers to
help users navigate their websites efficiently and perform certain functions. Due to their
core role of enhancing/enabling usability or site processes, disabling cookies may prevent
users from using certain websites.

Cookies are created when a user's browser loads a particular website. The website
sends information to the browser which then creates a text file. Every time the user goes
back to the same website, the browser retrieves and sends this file to the website's server.
Computer Cookies are created not just by the website the user is browsing but also by
other websites that run ads, widgets, or other elements on the page being loaded. These
cookies regulate how the ads appear or how the widgets and other elements function on
the page.

Cookie Class

In JSP cookie is the object of the class javax.servlet.http.Cookie. This class is

used to create a cookie, a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a Web
browser, saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server. A cookie's value can
uniquely identify a client, so cookies are commonly used for session management. A
cookie has a name, a single value, and optional attributes such as a comment, path and
domain qualifiers, a maximum age, and a version number.

The getCookies() method of the request object returns an array of Cookie objects.
Cookies can be constructed using the following code:

Cookie (java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)

Cookie objects have the following methods.

Method Description
Returns the comment describing the purpose of this
cookie, or null if no such comment has been defined.
getMaxAge() Returns the maximum specified age of the cookie.
getName() Returns the name of the cookie.
Returns the prefix of all URLs for which this cookie is
getValue() Returns the value of the cookie.
If a web browser presents this cookie to a user, the
cookie's purpose will be described using this comment.
Sets the maximum age of the cookie. The cookie will
expire after that many seconds have passed. Negative
values indicate the default behavior: the cookie is not
stored persistently, and will be deleted when the user web
browser exits. A zero value causes the cookie to be
This cookie should be presented only with requests
beginning with this URL.
Sets the value of the cookie. Values with various special
characters (white space, brackets and parentheses, the
equals sign, comma, double quote, slashes, question
marks, the "at" sign, colon, and semicolon) should be
avoided. Empty values may not behave the same way on
all browsers.

Program: /* Display path of the cookie */

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class ReadCookies extends HttpServlet

{ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException,
Cookie cookie = null;
boolean newCookie = false;
if (cookie == null)
{ newCookie = true;
cookie = new Cookie("Cookies", "" + getNextCookieValue());
response.setContentType("text/html"); out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<title>Read Cookie</title>");
out.println("<h2> Our Cookie named \"Cookies\"information</h2>");

if (newCookie)
{ out.println("Cookie Path: " + cookie.getPath() + "<br>");
private long getNextCookieValue()
{ return new java.util.Date().getTime();
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException,
{ doGet(request, response);

Cookie Path: /Cookies11

Conclusion: Hence we have performed the program for cookies.

Journal Write-up:
- Introduction to cookies
- Types of cookie
- Different methods used to perform operations on cookies

Additional List of Programs :

1. WAP to display cookie value, cookie age and cookie path.
2. WAP in JSP file to set and then display the cookie.
3. WAP to create and store value of cookie.
6. Session Tracking

Aim: Study of session tracking


A session is a conversation between the server and a client. A conversation
consists of series of continuous request and response.

When there is a series of continuous request and response from a same client to a
server, the server cannot identify from which client it is getting requests. Because HTTP
is a stateless protocol.

When there is a need to maintain the conversational state, session tracking is

needed. For example, in a shopping cart application a client keeps on adding items into
his cart using multiple requests. When every request is made, the server should identify in
which client’s cart the item is to be added. So in this scenario, there is a certain need for
session tracking.

Solution is, when a client makes a request it should introduce itself by providing
unique identifier every time. There are five different methods to achieve this.

Session tracking methods:

1. User authorization
2. Hidden fields
3. URL rewriting
4. Cookies
5. Session tracking API

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class SessionTracker extends HttpServlet
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();
HttpSession session=request.getSession(true);
Integer count=(Integer)session.getValue("tracker.getCount");
count=new Integer(1);
count=new Integer(count.intValue()+1);
out.println("<html><head><title>Session Tracker</title></head>");
out.println("<body><h1>Session tracking demo</h1>");
out.println("you have visited this page"+count+((count.intValue()==1)?
out.println("<h2>Here is your session data:</h2>");
String[] names=session.getValueNames();
for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++)

Conclusion: Hence we have performed program for session tracking.

Journal Write-up:
- Introduction to session
- Session tracking methods
- The session life cycle

Additional List of Programs :

- Demonstrate session life cycle with cookies.
- WAP to demonstrate the methods for managing the state in the HttpSession.
- WAP to design simple shopping cart using sessions.
8. Custom Tags

Aim: - WAP to create Custom tags


Custom Tag
A custom tag is a user-defined JSP language element. When a JSP page containing
a custom tag is translated into a servlet, the tag is converted to operations on an object
called a tag handler. The Web container then invokes those operations when the JSP
page's servlet is executed.

Custom tags have a rich set of features. They can

Be customized via attributes passed from the calling page.

Access all the objects available to JSP pages.
Modify the response generated by the calling page.
Communicate with each other. You can create and initialize a JavaBeans
component, create a variable that refers to that bean in one tag, and then use the
bean in another tag.
Be nested within one another, allowing for complex interactions within a JSP
The technique for reducing the amount of Java code in a JSP is to use custom tags. A
custom tag is really considered a JSP action element, because it uses the same syntax.
They perform some type of action that you define. The benefit of custom tags is that you
can provide powerful features in your JSP without exposing the page to a lot of Java
code. Custom tags facilitate the separation of business logic from presentation logic.

The Java code that actually does the work of the custom tag is contained in a tag
library that you create. The tag library contains what some refer to as "tag handlers,"
which are simply Java programs that use some special servlet tag classes. The JSP
developer doesn't have to deal with the code, but instead deals with an easy-to-understand
XML-formatted tag statement.

The Custom Tag Library Architecture

To help you understand how custom tags work, examine the illustration in Fig.1.
Fig 1: Custom tags include the JSP, the tag library descriptor, and the tag

package custompkg;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
@WebServlet(name = "CustomTag", urlPatterns = {"/CustomTag"})
public class CustomTag extends TagSupport
/* Invokes when the start tag of the custom tag is encountered */
public int doStartTag() throws JspException
JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
out.println("<BR><B>Copyright RoseIndia Technologies<B>");
catch (Exception IOException)
System.err.println("IO Exception");
/* Returning the SKIP_BODY, as the body content is not be evaluated */
return SKIP_BODY;
/* Invokes when the end tag of the custom tag is encountered */
public int doEndTag() throws JspException
/* Skip the processing of the rest of the page */
return SKIP_PAGE;

2. newtag_library.tld

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<taglib version="2.1" xmlns=""

<short-name>Copyright Info</short-name>
Developing First Custom Tags


<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>JSP Page</title>
<h1 align="center"> <font color="blue">Web Information System </font></h1>
<font color="red"><h2 align="center"> JSP custom tags</h2>

<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/newtag_library1" prefix="CTag" %>

<chrt:CustomTag />


Hence we have performed program to create custom tags.
Journal Write-up:
- Introduction to custom tags
- The taglib Directive
- The Tag Library
- The Tag Library Descriptor
- Tag Library Deployment

9. Java Script Validations

Aim: - WAP for Java script validation.

Java Server Pages

Java Server Pages (JSP) is a java technology that allows software developer to
dynamically generate a HTML, XML or other types of the documents in response to a
web client request. The technology allows java code and certain predefined actions to be
embedded into static content.
The jsp syntax adds additional XMLlike tags, called JSP action, to be used to
invoke built in functionality dynamically generate .Additionally the technology allows us
for the creation of the jsp tags libraries that acts as a extension to the standard HTML or
XML tags. Tag libraries provide the platform independent way of extending the
capabilities of a web server.
JSP are compiled into the java servlet by the java compiler. A jsp compiler may
generate a servlet in java code that is then compiled by the java compiler. JSP technology
may enable the web developer and designers to rapidly develops and easily maintain,
information rich, dynamic web pages that leverage existing business system.
This simple page contains plain HTML, except for couple of the JSP directives
and tags. The first one in the HelloWorld.jsp is a page directive that defines the content
type and character set of the entire page. Java method println () to print output. By this
example we are going to learn that how can you write a jsp program on your browser.
This program also contains HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) code for
designing the page and the contents. Following code of the program prints the string
"Hello World!" by using <%="Hello World!" %> while you can also print the string by
using out.println ().

Java Script Validations

The idea behind JavaScript form validation is to provide a method to check the
user entered information before they can even submit it. JavaScript also lets you display
helpful alerts to inform the user what information they have entered incorrectly and how
they can fix it. In this lesson we will be reviewing some basic form validation, showing
you how to check for the following:
• If a text input is empty or not
• If a text input is all numbers
• If a text input is all letters
• If a text input is all alphanumeric characters (numbers & letters)
• If a text input has the correct number of characters in it (useful when restricting
the length of a username and/or password)
• If a selection has been made from an HTML select input (the drop down selector)
• If an email address is valid

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<script type="text/javascript">

function validate(field,alerttxt)
return false;
return true;

function validate_form(thisform)
if(validate(email,"email must be filled out!")==false)
return false;

<h1>Required Field Validation</h1><br/>
<form name="form1" action="valid.html" onsubmit="return validate_form(this) "
Email: <input type="text" name="email" size="30">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">


Conclusion: Hence we have performed the program for java script validations.

Journal Write-up:
- Introduction to JSP
- Java script form validations

Additional List of Programs :

1. WAP to design an application and apply all java script form validations.

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