Qualification of Analytical Columns Paphomcl 12 128 5r
Qualification of Analytical Columns Paphomcl 12 128 5r
Qualification of Analytical Columns Paphomcl 12 128 5r
Legislative basis
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references / last valid
The present document outlines the general principles for the qualification of analytical
columns used within OMCLs. It has been agreed that analytical columns represent
consumables, but are also an essential part of the chromatographic equipment (Ph. Eur.
2.2.28, 2.2.29).
For this reason, qualification of analytical columns is considered necessary. The purpose
of this document is to give general requirements for the qualification of different types of
analytical columns. Actually, due to the great variety of analytical columns, it is not
possible to provide specific requirements for all of them. The levels of qualification
mentioned in this document refer to the definitions given in OMCL Guideline
PA/PH/OMCL (08) 73 2R.
This document may be used as a guide to OMCLs for planning, performing and
documenting the qualification process upon receipt and usage of analytical columns. It
represents a recommendation document.
This document describes the requirements for the qualification of analytical columns used
in LC and GC. The aim is to provide general criteria for qualification and examples for
testing the most commonly used analytical columns. Other approaches may be used.
Although there is no need for a formal level I procedure, criteria used for the ordering of
columns should comply with the special needs of the intended test procedure.
The analytical column may be appropriately tested before use by the OMCL according to
a pre-defined procedure. This testing procedure may be performed on receipt or, at the
latest, prior to first use and should be documented in a suitable qualification record (see
Annex 2).
After the qualification, the laboratory should record the results.
The OMCL should implement a system for identification of available columns and should
maintain a list of all columns in the laboratory.
The type of qualification depends on the intended use of the column and can follow
different approaches. Future re-qualifications should follow the same test procedures as
used in level II qualification.
Verification of column performance can be done by one or more of the following
a) By testing the column under the same conditions given in the original quality control
chromatogram of the manufacturer. The same parameters have to be checked and the
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results have to be compared with the results of the manufacturer. Alternatively, other test
mixtures may be used.
b) If the column will be used only for specific test methods, it might be appropriate to
perform the qualification with an appropriate system suitability test that is specific for the
test procedure.
c) Alternatively, a common test mixture for columns with similar stationary phases may
be used.
The OMCL should ensure that the column is under quality control and column
verification may be performed periodically using the same test compounds. A systematic
record of the results has to be maintained in the laboratory. The qualification may be done
as described in Chapter 4. At least one of the approaches chosen for level II qualification
should be followed in level III qualification.
The first chromatogram obtained on a new column in the laboratory may serve as a
reference and defines column performance at time t = 0 in the OMCL. It should be used
as the base criterion for subsequent verifications. Slight variation may be obtained on
different LC or GC systems due to the quality of the connections, operating environment,
system electronics, etc. These can be reflected in the acceptance criteria used in the
A record of the results helps the user to monitor column performance and to know when a
column should be replaced. A column should be replaced whenever its performance falls
outside expectations.
The type and number of samples analysed contributes to column degradation. The
number and type of analyses performed should be traceable for each column. A typical
example for recording could be the following form:
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Qualification parameters:
It is the responsibility of the OMCL to choose the appropriate quality parameters and
corresponding acceptance criteria. These should be appropriate to the intended use of the
column. These parameters could include resolution, symmetry factor, theoretical plates,
etc. Examples are given in chapters 6 and 7.
Frequency of qualification:
The laboratory should define and document the frequency of qualification depending on
the use of the column. For instance, a qualification according to section 4.a (above) could
be performed based on fixed time intervals (e.g. once a year) or, more individually, based
on the frequency of use of a column, e.g. after a defined number of injections.
Level IV qualification corresponds to the system suitability test of the individual test
The height of a theoretical plate of a component may by calculated using the following
H= , where
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because their band broadening by extra-column volumes (dead volumes) is lower than for
the early eluted peaks. The plate number is a function of the column’s dimensions
(diameter, length and film thickness), the compound and its retention.
Qualification is performed to assure that a given system, premises, equipment and column
is able to meet pre-determined acceptance criteria.
h= , where
Selectivity (α)
The chromatographic ability of the system to separate two compounds represents its
α= , where
k2 and k1 are retention factors of two compounds with k2 > k1.
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The chromatographic conditions in the next test examples are for columns with different
stationary phases and dimensions of 250 mm x 4.6 mm. When a column with other
dimensions is tested, acceptance criteria and chromatographic conditions have to be
adapted according to the requirements of Ph. Eur. 2.2.46. Most of the examples given
below have been recommended by column manufacturers.
The characteristics of the stationary phase are fundamentally dependent on their physico-
chemical and chemical properties. Important properties include particle diameter, metal
content, pore size, surface, the type of functional group on the surface, and also the
density of the surface modifier (e.g. carbon load). In addition to these parameters, the
various stationary phases available can also be differentiated based on their
chromatographic properties.
Silanol activity – silanol groups have a large influence on the selectivity of an RP-HPLC.
On the one hand, undesired secondary interactions result from the silanol groups,
whereby the basic substances display tailing through interactions with the acidic silanol
groups. On the other hand, such secondary interaction is actually required in some
separations to get the desired selectivity. To minimise silanophilic activity, many
stationary phases are end-capped.
Polar selectivity – refers to the property of a phase to undergo polar interaction with
analytes. RP with alkyl groups shows weak polar selectivity.
The following test is appropriate for qualification of this type of column using a mixture
of four compounds (uracil, toluene, phenol and N,N-Diethyl–m-toluamide), with a UV-
Vis detector:
Chromatographic settings:
Mobile phase: acetonitrile:water = 58:42 v/v %
Flow: 1.0 ml/min
Detection: 254 nm
Temperature: room temperature
Injection volume: 5 µl
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Prepare a mixture of four compounds in solvent acetonitrile:water = 58:42 v/v % with the
following concentrations:
- Uracil – 0.005 mg/ml
- Toluene – 4.0 mg/ml
- Phenol – 0.7 mg/ml
- N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide – 0.6 mg/ml
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. The retention
time, plate number and symmetry factor have to be recorded for all peaks. Calculate the
retention factor (k), resolution between the adjacent peaks and reduced plate height (h).
Calculate the selectivity for the two compound pairs phenol/toluene and N,N-diethyl-m-
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- Rs > 1.5 (between adjacent peaks)
- The number of plates N for toluene > 3000
- αphenol/toluene and αN,N-diethyl-m-toluamide/toluene ≥ 1.5
- Reduced peak heights and retention factors are necessary for comparisons between
columns from different manufacturers.
The conditions described above for testing C-8 and C-18 column are also appropriate for
C-4 columns.
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Chromatographic settings:
Mobile phase: methanol:water = 70:30 v/v %
Flow: 1.0 ml/min
Detection: 254 nm
Temperature: room temperature
Injection volume: 5 µl
Prepare a mixture of five compounds in solvent methanol:water = 70:30 v/v % with the
following concentrations:
- Uracil – 10 µg/ml
- Phenol – 200 µg/ml
- Toluene – 800 µg/ml
- 4-Cl-nitrobenzene – 25 µg/ml
- Naphthalene – 40 µg/ml
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. The retention
time, plate number, asymmetry and resolution between the adjacent peaks have to be
recorded for all peaks. Calculate the retention factor (k) and reduced plate height (h).
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- The number of plates N for Naphthalene > 3000
- Rs ≥ 1.5 (between adjacent peaks)
- Reduced peak heights and retention factors are necessary for comparisons between
columns from different manufacturers
The retention characteristics are similar to those of C-8 columns, but with different
selectivity for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Phenyl phases are π-basic (electron donating) and are similar in overall retention to alkyl
phases. The alternate selectivity of phenyl phases is often explained by the π-π
interactions available through the phenyl ring. Compounds that appear to exhibit
differential selectivity on the phenyl phase include: small, water soluble molecules and
peptides; π-acceptors; nitroaromatics; polar compounds; dipoles; heterocyclics; etc.
The following test is appropriate for qualification of this type of column, using a mixture
of four compounds (uracil, acetophenone, toluene and naphthalene), with a UV-Vis
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Chromatographic settings:
Mobile phase: acetonitrile:water = 65:35 v/v %
Flow: 1.0 ml/min
Detection: 254 nm
Temperature: room temperature
Injection volume: 1 µl
Prepare a mixture of four compounds in solvent acetonitrile:water = 65:35 v/v % with the
following concentrations:
- Uracil – 0.01 mg/ml
- Acetophenone – 0.22 mg/ml
- Toluene – 9.42 mg/ml
- Naphthalene – 9.42 mg/ml
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. The retention
time, plate number, asymmetry and resolution between the adjacent peaks have to be
recorded for all peaks. Calculate the retention factor (k) and reduced plate height (h).
Calculate the selectivity for the two compound pairs acetophenone/toluene and
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- Rs > 1.5 (between adjacent peaks)
- The number of plates N for Naphthalen > 3000
- αacetophenone/toluene and αtoluene/naphtalen ≥ 1.5
- Reduced peak heights and retention factors are necessary for comparisons between
columns from different manufacturers.
The following test is appropriate for qualification of this type of column, using a mixture
of three compounds (Toluene, Diethyl phthalate and Dimethyl phthalate), with a UV-Vis
Chromatographic settings:
Mobile phase: hexane:ethanol R = 95:5 v/v %
Flow: 1.0 ml/min
Detection: 254 nm
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Prepare a mixture of three compounds in solvent hexane:ethanol R = 95:5 v/v %, with the
following concentrations:
- Toluene – 1.0 mg/ml
- Diethyl phthalate – 1.0 mg/ml
- Dimethyl phthalate – 1.0 mg/ml
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. The retention
time, plate number, asymmetry and resolution between the adjacent peaks have to be
recorded for all peaks. Calculate the retention factor (k) and reduced plate height (h).
Calculate the selectivity for the compound pair diethyl phthalate/dimethyl phthalate.
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- Rs > 1.5 (between adjacent peaks)
- The number of plates N > 3000
- αdiethyl phthalate/dimethyl phthalate ≥ 1.5
- Reduced peak heights and retention factors are necessary for comparisons between
columns from different manufacturers.
The stationary phase has electric charges on its surface. A resin with SO32- groups is a
strong cation exchanger and a COO- resin is a weak cation exchanger. An anion
exchanger contains NR3+ (strong) or NR2H+ or NH3+ (weak) groups and forms bonds with
negatively-charged anions.
Chromatographic settings:
Mobile phase: 0.15 M di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate buffer pH=6.0
Flow: 1.0 ml/min
Detection: 254 nm
Temperature: room temperature
Injection volume: 10 µl
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Prepare a mixture of two compounds in solvent water with the following concentrations:
- Uracil – 7 µg/ml
- Cytosine – 7 µg/ml
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. Record the
retention time, symmetry, plate number, resolution and selectivity for the two peaks.
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- The number of plates N > 3000
- Rs > 1.5
- αuracil/cytosine ≥ 1.5
- Reduced peak heights are necessary for comparisons between columns from different
Chromatographic settings:
Mobile phase: 0.05 M sodium di-hydrogen phosphate buffer pH=3.0
Flow: 1.0 ml/min
Detection: 254 nm
Temperature: room temperature
Injection volume: 10 µl
Prepare a mixture of two compounds in solvent water, with the following concentrations:
- Uridine – 7 µg/ml
- Uridine monophosphate – 7 µg/ml
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. Record the
retention time, symmetry, plate number, resolution and selectivity for the two peaks.
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- The number of plates N > 3000
- Rs > 1.5
- αuridine/uridine monophosphate ≥ 1.5
- Reduced peak heights are necessary for comparisons of columns from different
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It is recommended to test this column type with a test mixture according to the quality
control certificate accompanying the column. After the test is completed, results should
be compared with those in the QC chromatogram of the manufacturer.
Due to their different pore-sizes, size-exclusion columns differ widely with respect to
their fractionation range. It is therefore not possible to cover all types of size-exclusion
columns with one set of test conditions and specifications. The qualification of a typical
column type is presented here only as an example. A very widely-used column in the
quality control of therapeutic proteins (e.g. immunoglobulin monographs 0338 and 0918
and albumin monograph 0255) is based on hydrophilic silica gel for chromatography R
with a fractionation range for protein of 10000 to 500000.
Chromatographic settings:
Mobile phase: dissolve 4.873 g disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate R, 1.741 g
sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate R and 11.688 g sodium chloride R in 1 L of
water R.
Column dimensions:
- 10 µm particle size: l = 600mm, i.D. : 7.5 mm
- 5 µm particle size: l = 300mm, i.D. : 7.5 mm
Dissolve the following compounds in the mobile phase:
- Thyroglobulin (bovine, MW 670,000) 5.0 g/L
- -Globulin (bovine, MW 158,000) 5.0 g/L
- Ovalbumin (chicken, MW 44,000) 5.0 g/L
- Myoglobin (horse, MW 17,000) 2.5 g/L
- Vitamin B12 (MW 1,350) 0.5 g/L
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. The retention
time, plate number, resolution and symmetry factor should be calculated and used as
acceptance criteria.
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Test mixtures and conditions can be used for several other stationary phases. Limits,
however, have to be individually defined for every column type.
Background Information:
The separation of the components of the test mixture and its peak shapes serve to monitor
column efficiency and as diagnostic probes for adverse adsorptive effects and the
acid/base properties of a column.
Alcohols and diols are commonly used to detect the presence of active silanol groups in
the capillary column. Ketones and aldehydes show the presence of sites that interact with
Lewis acids. A group of acidic or basic compounds is frequently used to determine how
neutral a column is. Esters and n-paraffins are used to determine column efficiency.
Functional groups of the stationary phases are related to the polarity of the stationary
phases. Polarity is a useful tool because it influences component separation. The
components that co-elute on a non-polar column might separate on a polar column, or
vice versa.
Most of the examples given below have been recommended by column manufacturers.
The following test is proposed for qualification of this type of column, using a mixture of
ten compounds and an FID detector:
Prepare a mixture of the eight compounds in solvent methylene chloride, with the
following concentrations:
- 2-octanone – 0.5 mg/ml
- Decane – 0.5 mg/ml
- 1-octanol – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2,6-dimethylphenole – 0.5 mg/ml
- Undecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2,6-dimethylaniline – 0.5 mg/ml
- Dodecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- Tridecane – 0.5 mg/ml
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After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. The
components in the test mixture provide important information about the column and
system performance. Calculate the retention factor, selectivity for the adjacent peaks and
plates per meter. Calculate the percentage of the peak height of n-alkanes by drawing a
line connecting the peak maxima of these non-adsorbing peaks.
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- The last eluting hydrocarbons (with k between 5 and 7) are used for the
calculation of the column plate number. Tailing of these peaks indicates dead
volume, which can be caused by: broken columns, ferrule or glass fragments in
columns, leaky connections, incomplete sweeping of the column outlet by the
make-up gas or a damaged phase. A leading peak edge indicates overload, which
can be caused by: too high a sample concentration, too low a split ratio, too low an
oven temperature and too low a carrier gas velocity.
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- The number of plates per meter for the peak with k between 5 and 7: the requirements
are given in Table 1 (see Chapter 7 above) according to the internal diameter and polarity
- α between adjacent peaks ≥ 1.5
- % response for active component ≥ 70%.
The following test is proposed for qualification of this type of column, using a mixture of
nine compounds and an FID detector:
Prepare a mixture of the nine compounds in solvent methylene chloride, with the
following concentrations:
- N-decane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-dodecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-tetradecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-tridecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-undecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- 1-octanol – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2-octanone – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2,6-dimethylaniline – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2.6-dimethylphenole – 0.5 mg/ml
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After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. Calculate the
retention factor, selectivity for the adjacent peaks and plates per meter. Calculate the
percentage of the peak height of n-alkanes by drawing a line connecting the peak maxima
of these non-adsorbing peaks and calculate the % response for active compounds using
the equation given above in the test for non-polar columns.
- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- The number of plates per meter for the peak with k between 5 and 7: the requirements
are given in Table 1 (see Chapter 7 above) according to the internal diameter and polarity
- α between adjacent peaks ≥ 1.5
- % response for active component ≥ 70%.
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The following test is proposed for qualification of this type of column, using a mixture of
nine compounds and an FID detector:
Prepare a mixture of the nine compounds in solvent methylene chloride, with the
following concentrations:
- N-eicosane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-heptadecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-hexadecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-octadecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- N-pentadecane – 0.5 mg/ml
- 1-octanol – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2-octanone – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2,6-dimethylaniline – 0.5 mg/ml
- 2,6-dimethylphenole – 0.5 mg/ml
After the system is equilibrated, inject the prepared mixture at least twice. Calculate the
retention factor, selectivity for the adjacent peaks and plates per meter. Calculate the
percentage of the peak height of n-alkanes by drawing a line connecting the peak maxima
of these non-adsorbing peaks and calculate the % response for active compounds using
the equation given above in the test for non-polar columns.
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- As = 0.8 to 1.5
- The number of plates per meter for the peak with k between 5 and 7: the requirements
are given in Table 1 (see Chapter 7 above) according to the internal diameter and polarity
- α between adjacent peaks ≥ 1.5
- % response for active component ≥ 70%.
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Following the qualification, the OMCL should issue a qualification record including the
following information:
- Title and identification of the record
- Page numbers
- Date of qualification
- Reference to the procedure for qualification
- Reference material or reagents used
- Results
- Chromatographic equipment used
- Conclusion (PASS/FAIL)
- Name and signature of the person who performed the qualification