Comm 244L Honors Speaking Lab Syllabus Spring 2011
Comm 244L Honors Speaking Lab Syllabus Spring 2011
Comm 244L Honors Speaking Lab Syllabus Spring 2011
This course is designed to introduce you to the study and application of principles and practices of
public speaking. Because public speaking is a primary form of information sharing in our society,
you will have several opportunities to produce and consume public speeches. Most of you will be
called upon to give public speeches in your careers, both during and after your collegiate
experience. This course offers a great opportunity for you to apply your learning now and in the
future. With that in mind, consider this syllabus as a guide for class activities, including the subjects
to be addressed and the assignments for which you are responsible.
Sprague, J., & Stuart, D. (2011). The speaker’s compact handbook (3rd ed.). Boston: Wadsworth
Cengage Learning.
(NOTE: Our campus bookstore has the 2 edition in stock. While I prefer that you have the more recent version, the
older one is acceptable.)
*See syllabus for Prof. Kirk’s COMM 2443 class for the objectives+
Each assignment counts differently toward your final grade. Outlines typically count as 25% of each
speech’s total grade. Your final grade in this course will be determined according to the following
percentages for each assignment:
1. Self-Introduction (Favorite Quotation) Speech: What is your favorite quotation or line from a
song? Share with the class the quotation and what makes it meaningful for you. Be creative and
thoughtful in your choice and in your explanation. This assignment should last between 2 and 3
minutes. Each speaker is permitted to take any number of 4x6 note cards to the podium with a key-
word outline. Do not read the speech to the class! PRACTICE the speech several times ALOUD before
coming to class.
2. Informative Speech on Culture: For this speech, you can either discuss a time you felt culture
shock OR discuss the customs/culture of another country. The information should be presented in
a way that is interesting to your audience, easy for them to understand, memorable, and include
some type of visual aid. You have 5-7 minutes for this speech. Along with your outline, you must
submit a bibliography with no fewer than three (3) outside and documented sources, and you must
cite those sources orally in the speech. Your visual aid should be used to support and explain an
idea in your speech; it should not be a mere prop such as a photo of the person or a collage. The
speech should be between 4 and 6 minutes.
3. Persuasive Speech Outline: The purpose of this speech is to demonstrate your ability to use
reasoning and cognitive skills to persuade individuals in a course of action, opinion, value, etc. You
should choose an area, issue, or problem of significance to you. (Consider choosing a topic that is
related to your major or one that you are writing about in the other part of this Honors Speaking &
Writing course.) All students will use Monroe’s Motivated Sequence as the format for their
speeches. Along with your outline, you must submit a bibliography with no fewer than three (3)
outside and documented sources, and you must cite those sources orally in the speech. The speech
outline should be designed for a speech between 5 and 7 minutes. The speech will be presented in
Prof. Kirk’s class.
5. Readiness Assessment Tests (RATS): Readings are designed to provide you with knowledge
regarding public relations basics. Readiness assessment tests will be given over each reading
assignment from the Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics textbook. The open-book, multiple-
choice RATS will be administered via BlackBoard prior to you coming to class, so that our class time
can be more focused on discussion and application, rather than lectures. You may take each of the
RATS twice, and the higher of the two scores will count. Most RATS will have 20 or fewer questions.
RATS grades will be averaged and will comprise 15% of your grade in the class.
6. Learning Journal: Your Learning Journal for this class will consist of several items: responses to
selected discussion questions, peer evaluations, speech-related information (outlines,
bibliographies, instructor evaluation forms) and your final self-evaluation. More details on the
Learning Journal will be discussed during the second week of class.
You may be wondering what factors determine your grades on your speaking assignments. The
following explains, in general terms, the differences between an A, B, and C speech.
1. THE C SPEECH: To earn a grade of C, a speech must be basically COMPETENT. The C speech is one in which
nothing major goes wrong. The introduction gets the speech started appropriately—capturing your audience’s
attention and directing the audience toward your speech’s theme; it relates the topic to the audience in some
clear way. Establishes your credibility on the topic, and leads smoothly to the body of the speech. The body of
the C speech is divided in a way that is appropriate to the topic, is developed with appropriate supporting
materials, and is cast into language that accurately and clearly expresses your ideas. The conclusion fulfills the
minimum essentials—summarizing either your main theme or major points, and giving the speech a definite
sense of conclusion.
The delivery of the C speech is one in which you do not look visibly nervous, nor do you have distracting posture,
gestures, or movements (such as slouching over the lectern or rocking while you speak). Furthermore, to receive
a grade of C you should at least maintain more eye contact with your audience than with your notes, the walls,
the floor, or the ceiling. Your voice should be relatively flowing, loud enough to be heard without the audience
having to strain, and virtually free of vocalized pauses such as “ums,” “uhs,” “you knows,’ etc. Finally, the C
speech keeps the audience at least politely attentive. The topic must be interesting and significant enough to be
worthy of their time.
The vast majority of the speeches in a beginning public speaking class fall into this category. For most students,
being able to present their ideas in a coherent and reasonably well-developed manner, while looking poised and
confident in front of your classmates and your professor, is an important and significant accomplishment for a
single semester. A grade of C on your speech is an indication that you have achieved this level of competence.
Delivery in the B speech has you more animated and fluid; not only do you NOT look uncomfortable, but you
actually begin to look comfortable and at ease. Your posture remains good, you are beginning to gesture
naturally and expressively, and your movement on the platform begins to serve the conveyance of your speech’s
content instead of merely using up excess adrenaline. Your voice is becoming more expressive and empathic and
your audience shows signs of active interest in your speech.
3. THE A SPEECH: To earn a grade of A, your speech must be more than interesting; it must also be
MEMORABLE. The introduction actively involves us with your topic in some way and makes us want to hear
more, starting the speech out with a bang. Your analysis of the subject is unusual, insightful, novel, or
unexpected. Your examples are especially apt and well-adapted to your particular audience. Your language
choices are vivid (perhaps employing some effective imagery or sustained metaphor that unifies the entire
speech); the statements of your main points are memorable (they alliterate, or are grammatically parallel, and
so on). Transitions between points are varied and appropriate; the audience knows at all times precisely where
you are in your speech and how the parts relate to the whole. The conclusion of the A speech not only rounds
the speech out by giving it a sense of completeness, it actually gives the speech a sense of IMPACT or
Delivery in an A speech goes beyond general poise and a sense of looking comfortable in front of your audience;
in the A speech you are actively projecting your personality to your audience, actively employing good posture,
effective gestures, and smooth movements to engage your audience’s attention to your speech, and taking
advantage of the natural ebb and flow of their attention as you present the speech—adapting your presentation
to the audience as you progress through the speech. Your voice becomes more than simply a means for
conveying your ideas; instead, it becomes more like a musical instrument which you control for tempo, volume,
rhythm, and rate building crescendos, climaxes, and decrescendos to heighten the impact of your ideas. Finally,
the A speech has the audience actively listening— responsive and eagerly awaiting what comes next.
a. Preparation—the class discussion will mean little if text material is not read and the
assignments are not prepared in advance.
b. Presence—unique thoughts and insights cannot be contributed to group discussions, or to
student learning, if you are not present. The SEU attendance policy should be your
guide and is a minimum attendance policy.
c. Promptness—late arrivals disrupt the class and adversely impact the decorum of the
process. This is unprofessional. Note: Three times late equals one absence for evaluation
d. Participation—as part owner of the discussion, it is each student’s responsibility to share in
the advancement of the group’s collective skills and knowledge
e. Academic Honesty—Any instance of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, will be
handled in accordance with the Student Handbook.
f. Specific Policies—If you cannot be present for a class, you are responsible for contacting a
fellow student by using email in order to find out what was covered in class the day you
were absent and what will be covered in the next class.
2. Material will be covered in class that is not presented in the textbook. This material may include
information included in lectures, additional readings, and in-class exercises. Exams will include this
material as well as material assigned in the textbook.
3. Material not turned in when due will NOT be accepted and will earn a grade of zero. Unless
otherwise specified, all assignments must be submitted using either a Microsoft Office product (Word,
PowerPoint, etc.) or Adobe PDF; if I cannot open an assignment or the file is corrupt, you cannot earn
credit on the assignment.
4. Attendance is important. Any absences in excess of what is allowed by the SEU policy set forth
above will result in an appropriate grade reduction. It is your job to keep track of your total absences; I
am not responsible for reminding you about your total absences. On speech days, if you are tardy you
must wait to enter the class until the speaker has completed her or his speech; you will be able to tell
when speeches end by listening for the applause. Under no circumstances should you enter the class
during a student speech. This is distracting to the speaker and is considered a violation of violation of
the statements regarding classroom decorum and speech day behavior found below.
5. Failure to take an exam or quiz on the assigned date will result in a ZERO for that exam unless the
absence is approved in advance by the instructor or is an emergency that is excused by the Dean of
the College of Fine Arts. If you travel with an athletic team or are a member of another SEU approved
club or group, you are responsible for submitting assigned material prior to your departure or via email
while traveling.
Speech Outlines: At least one week before each speech round, I will collect outlines and
references for your upcoming speech. Submit your outline and references in the appropriate
area of BlackBoard. NOTE: No outline = No speech. Outlines must be full-sentence or full-
content outlines. This means that each point on the outline must be worded as a complete,
declarative sentence. Incomplete sentences, commands, and questions are unacceptable
outline points. References must be in APA or MLA format.
Outline grades are incorporated into your speech grade; typically, they will count as 25% of
your grade on a speech. Due dates are noted on the tentative schedule; outlines will be
returned to you with my comments before your scheduled speech. I reserve the right to
compare topics, outlines, and bibliographies with other professors.
Speech Topics: In this class each student has the right to select a speech topic of her or his
choice. While topic selection is covered in your text, it is important to remind you to avoid trite,
trivial, frivolous, or inappropriate topics. Remember that you have a captive audience, in that
attendance is required. Offensive or insensitive speech topics demonstrate a failure to adapt to
your audience. If you have any questions, consult me prior to the deadline for submitting
speech outlines. Additionally, animals (other than service/guide animals), firearms, alcohol, and
illegal drugs are not permitted in the classroom. Sample speech topics will be discussed in class.
Speech Sources: For the Informative & Persuasive speeches, you will be required to do some
research and use supporting materials from multiple, outside sources in your speech. The
number of sources for each speech is noted below in the assignment descriptions. Personal
knowledge and experience may be used but do not count as an outside source. All sources must
be documented, retrievable sources (that means they are in print or available on the internet).
Dictionaries and encyclopedias, in print or on-line, may be used as sources, but do not count
toward the minimum number of sources required for any given speech assignment. Sources
must be orally identified during the speech; not citing your sources during a speech is a form of
Speech Day Behavior: You are expected to show respect for speakers by being attentive and
non-disruptive. This means that you should not be sleeping, reading, text messaging, engaging
in conversation or any other potentially distracting behavior while others are delivering their
speeches. Any inappropriate behavior observed by me will adversely affect your own speech
7. Cell Phones and Electronic Devices: Because your friends and family may not know your class
schedule, turn off your cell phones in class. Ringing cell phones are annoying and disruptive, especially
during speeches. Furthermore, because of the advance technology of text messaging and digital
imaging, the use of any personal electronic devices (cell phones, PDAs, iPods, headphones, etc) is
prohibited during examinations. The use of any such item during an examination will result in
immediate dismissal from the classroom and the examination.
Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Tests are administered for each department at
the request of each professor to provide special accommodations for those affected by learning
disabilities, vision and physical impairments, attention deficit disorder, and testing anxiety/phobias.
These accommodations are provided on a daily basis for the student and professors.
Students are both expected and encouraged to attend classes regularly. The lack of attendance may
affect a student’s grade.
For traditional fall and spring semesters, a student may miss a class without penalty equal to the
number of times a class meets per week as follows:
If the class meets once a week a student may miss one class.
If the class meets two times a week a student may miss two classes.
If the class meets three times a week a student may miss three classes.
If a student’s absences exceed the number of times a class meets per week, a professor may:
Subject the student to a penalty of not more than one letter grade based on attendance
Recommend to the Vice President for Academic Affairs that a student with excessive
absences be withdrawn from the course.
For a summer term, a student may miss two days without penalty. A professor may take the same
actions described above if a student misses more than two days in a summer term.
Working within the framework of the above guidelines, faculty will clearly articulate their attendance
policy in the course syllabus.
Prolonged and/or unusual absences not covered by the policy may be appealed to the Vice President
of Academic Affairs by either the professor or the student. Appeals must be submitted in writing.
Final Exam
Every professor is obligated to administer a final exam or hold an appropriate class during the regularly
scheduled exam period. Every student is obligated to take the final exam or attend that appropriate
class during the regularly scheduled exam period. Please plan accordingly and carefully for final exams.
You must not plan vacations, ministry appointments, weddings, airline flights, or any other similar
activity or engagement that will conflict with the final exam schedule. Also, do not schedule any of
these activities so close to your final exam that the commute to the activity conflicts with the final exam
Final exams will be administered in the room where the class normally meets. Students with more than
3 exams scheduled on one day can petition the instructor and department chair/college dean to take
one of the exams another day.
Communication Statement
Southeastern University requires all faculty, staff and students to use their Southeastern email address
for official university communication. Students are required to check Southeastern email daily as they
will be held accountable for all communications sent through this medium.
Course Evaluations
In order to help us to assess the effectiveness of our courses and instructors, if you receive a course
evaluation for this course, you are required to complete it.
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to
deal with a world that no longer exists.”
This quotation struck a chord with me. Put simply, my overarching goal in teaching is to ensure that our world
has more learners than learned. I am fortunate to be in a role in life where I can have an impact on our future
world leaders.
Students should be fully read on all of the chapters (or other reading assignments) and to be ready to
discuss any part of the readings.
Students should raise questions when they are uncertain of the material we are discussing, including
questions that I will have no easy (“pat”) answer for.
Students should make every effort to gain the most value that they can from the class. They should want
to become independent learners.
Students should become aware of not only how what happens in the world (current events) impacts
them, but also how what they do impacts the world. Campus is not a cocoon.
Because I am aware that students learn in many different ways, I will not lecture at my students daily
from behind a raised podium. Instead, I will provide instruction to them in an interactive manner, even in
online courses. In a typical week, students will experience partner discussions, small group discussions,
Internet scavenger hunts, and even crossword puzzles, in addition to short (less than 20 minute)
lecturettes. “Death by PowerPoint” will not happen in my class.
I will provide them with the most current information I have available. I stay current on topics and trends
in the industry.
I will stay abreast of current technology and apply it in the classroom whenever it adds to the learning
experience. (Examples include current software, podcasts and blogging, to name a few.)
I will make every effort to help guide students through the issues that they raise, and we will seek
resolution together.
I will make every effort I can to make sure that students understand the issues and concepts my courses
When I have positive feedback to share, I will share it openly in the classroom and call attention to
students by name in the process. My goal in this is to enhance or maintain the students’ self-esteem, not
to break it down. There are plenty of other places in the world where their self-esteem may be
diminished. Constructive criticism will still be provided to students, but not by name in front of a whole
I expect for us to have fun in class. Laughter and learning go hand in hand in my book. If we are not
enjoying ourselves in class, there’s something amiss.
And perhaps most importantly, I will listen to my students so that I can learn from them, too.
NOTE: For dates of RATS (Readiness Assessment Tests), see BlackBoard. Typically, RATS
are due on Thursdays by midnight, and they will cover the current week’s readings from
the textbook.
NOTE: The above schedule and procedures are subject to change in the event of
extenuating circumstances. When possible, you will be provided at least one class day of
advance notice of any changes. It’s always smart to check your e-mail before coming to
class each day.
I ______________________________________________
Student’s Name (print)
have read, understand, and will keep in my possession the Course Syllabus for COMM 244L,
Southeastern University, 2009/2011. I understand that in compliance with the syllabus and the Student
Handbook, for both instructional and evaluation purposes, I may be responsible for electronically
submitting my written work to Turnitin®. With the affixing of my signature below, I agree to comply to
the terms therein.
My Signature