Climate Refugees
Climate Refugees
Climate Refugees
International Law
Alasdair McKay
Sumudu Atapattu
12 September 2018
People rarely move solely for climate-related reasons. It is often the last
resort when all other efforts have failed. The term “climate refugees” is
increasingly being used to describe those who are being displaced due to
adverse consequences related to climate change. Although used by scholars
and laymen alike, it is not a legal term and its use in the legal context is
misleading. This piece discusses the current legal lacuna governing climate
refugees and the proposals that have been advanced to address the
protection gap. It concludes with some recommendations for future action.
We are living through a time when states are increasingly paranoid about
borders and threats to their national security. At the same time, displacement
associated with climate change could make current borders superfluous. Both
severe weather events and slow onset events such as sea level rise can give
rise to displacement. Inhabitants of small island states will be the hardest hit.
From islands in the Caribbean to those in the Pacific are all affected by severe
weather events as well as sea level rise. These populations will have to be
relocated eventually and some have already moved to safer grounds. Low-
lying and coastal cities are also affected. Sadly, many people will lose their
homes permanently.
Because climate change is not the only trigger that makes people move, it is
hard to find precise numbers of those who will be forced to move because of
climate change. Predictions range from 20 million to 200 million of
environmental refugees by 2050 but these figures are contested. A common
myth surrounding forcible displacement is that these hapless people will flock
to countries in the Global North in search of a better life. In fact, some
politicians in the Global North paint this picture to instill fear in their people
that refugees will take their resources away. The truth cannot be any further
from this. The countries that host the greatest number of refugees and
displaced persons are, in fact, in the Global South (Turkey, Pakistan and
Lebanon were the top three hosts of refugees in 2015) - countries that can
barely support their own populations.
For a long time, the UN Agency in charge of refugees, the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), refused to acknowledge that
environmental/climate refugees needed to be recognized as a distinct
category needing protection. In fact, former High Commissioner for Refugees,
Sadako Ogata, believed the term “environmental refugee” was a misnomer.
Since then, the UNHCR has changed its position drastically, presumably in
light of the increasing incidence of climate-related severe weather events and
the influx of climate refugees. It even established an Advisory Group on
Climate Change and Human Mobility. The International Organisation for
Migration, on the other hand, always addressed the issue of environmental
migrants and when it become a related agency of the UN in 2016, it provided
the organisation with the opportunity to work with the UNHCR to address the
plight of climate refugees. Despite the narrow definition of refugees, the
UNHCR has helped victims of disasters and those fleeing violence even
though they do not strictly fall within its mandate.
Recent developments
For the first time in the history of climate negotiations, climate displacement
was mentioned in climate documents at COP21. The Executive Committee
on Loss and Damage was instructed to establish a taskforce on climate
displacement and to develop recommendations for integrated approaches to
avert, minimize and address climate displacement.
The taskforce was established in March 2017 and a stakeholder meeting was
held in May 2018 to make recommendations for integrated approaches to
address climate displacement. Several organisations, including the Mary
Robinson Foundation-Climate Justice and Oxfam, made submissions.
According to a press release issued after the meeting the taskforce has
undertaken nine mapping exercises, covering policy, practice and data related
to human mobility in the context of climate change. The taskforce has
identified several gaps related to international law, operational
implementation, funding, and data collection and analysis. The taskforce plans
to present their report at COP24 in Poland.
The way forward
There are several simple steps that states can take to address the protection
gap relating to climate displacement. Since most of the displacement will
likely be internal, the easiest step is to expand the UN Guiding Principles on
Internal Displacement to cover situations other than disasters. While these are
non-binding guidelines (except for Africa which has adopted the Kampala
Convention based on the Guiding Principles), they enjoy wide support and will
trigger involvement of the UNHCR and the Red Cross. Second, states should
consider expanding the Nansen Initiative to cover slow onset events but the
reluctance to do so is understandable.
Published: 11 September, 2018
Author: Alasdair McKay
Three key terms are important in the context of migration and environmental and
climatic changes:
Environmental migrants are defined as “persons or groups of persons who,
predominantly for reasons of sudden or progressive changes in the environment
that adversely affect their lives or living conditions, are obliged to leave their
habitual homes, or choose to do so, either temporarily or permanently, and who
move within their country or abroad.” (IOM, 2011: 33 in IOM, 2014:13).
Environmentally displaced person refers to “persons who are displaced within
their country of habitual residence or who have crossed an international border and
for whom environmental degradation, deterioration or destruction is a major cause
of their displacement, although not necessarily the sole one” (IOM, 2011:34 in IOM,
2014:13). The term disaster displacement “refers to situations, where people are
forced or obliged to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular
as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of disasters triggered by natural
hazards. Such displacement may take the form of spontaneous flight or an
evacuation ordered or enforced by authorities. Such displacement can occur within
a country, or across international borders. ” (The Nansen Protection Agenda, 2015)
Planned relocation refers to persons whose livelihoods have been re-built in
another place (IOM, 2014a). Others have defined planned relocation as referring
solely to the collective movement of a community, the “permanent (or long-term)
movement of a community (or a significant part of it) from one location to another,
in which important characteristics of the original community, including its social
structures, legal and political systems, cultural characteristics and worldviews are
retained: the community stays together at the destination in a social form that is
similar to the community of origin” (Campbell, 2010:58–59).
Although the term “climate refugees” is often used in relation to forced migration in
the context of climate and environmental change, this is not a legally valid term as
the 1951 Refugee Convention does not recognize environmental factors as criteria
to define a refugee.
Recent trends
In 2018, 17.2 million people in 144 countries and territories were newly displaced in the
context of disasters within their own country (IDMC, 2019a). The first half of 2019 saw 7
million new internal displacements due to disaster (IDMC, 2019b). The Internal
Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) records that worldwide, over a period of
eleven years (2008-2018), about 265.3 million people were displaced internally as a
response to disasters. South and East Asia, and the Pacific were the most affected
regions. In particular, the Philippines, China and India recorded the highest numbers of
disaster displacements in 2018. Small island developing states (SIDS) continued to be
disproportionately affected by natural hazards. In 2018, displacement has been caused
primarily by extreme weather events, especially storms (9.3 million) and cyclones,
hurricanes and typhoons (7.9 million). Particularly devastating were the southwest
monsoons in India and Typhoon Mangkhut in China and the Philippines (IDMC, 2019a).
While the majority of mobility in the context of environmental and climate change more
generally, including disaster displacement, occurs within the borders of countries, some
people are forced to move abroad. Global data on cross-border movement in the
context of disasters are, however, limited, with only a few notable cases being examined
so far (Nansen Initiative, 2015; Ionesco, Mokhnacheva and Gemenne, 2017). In some
cases, official sources on humanitarian visas by countries such as the United States (US),
Brazil and Argentina for Haitians can be used.
Slow-onset processes such as droughts or sea level rise also increasingly affect people’s
mobility worldwide. Though specific data are not available, case studies are highlighted
by existing research, for example: Foresight, 2011; Piguet and Laczko, 2014; Ionesco,
Mokhnacheva and Gemenne, 2017.
Data sources
Several research projects have and are collecting new data on the links between
the environment and human mobility, but few with a comparative approach. There
are two notable exceptions. First, the Migration, Environment and Climate
Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) project, implemented by IOM and six
research partners in 2014-2017, and funded by the EU, conducted a comparative
quantitative and qualitative study of six countries (Dominican Republic, Haiti,
Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Mauritius and Viet Nam). The methodology developed
for the project could easily be applied to other countries.
Second, the Pacific Climate Change and Migration (PCCM) project by ILO,
UNESCAP and UNDP focused on Tuvalu, Nauru and Kiribati. The United Nations
University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
released findings detailing how climatic changes are impacting these Pacific island
Over the past decade, important advances on methodologies and data collection
have been made. Academic researchers and specialized agencies are working on
improved methodologies for comparative cross-country or cross-region studies,
agent-based models and multi-factor simulators designed to predict future trends
(such as drought-induced displacement modelling, Ginnetti and Franck, 2014,
or IDMC’s Global Displacement Risk Model focused on sudden-onset disasters
based on housing destructions), and hotspot identification triangulating
environmental and social data, all of which can contribute greatly to improving
current evidence and future projections of environmental migration trends so as to
better inform policies and action.
Innovative data sources: Big data can provide opportunities that can further be
strengthened in trying to estimate the extent of movements in contexts of disasters
and degrading environments. These new methods can fill gaps in time series data,
indicate where people have moved from and to and enhance the timeliness of this
information. In some cases, these new methods could be used to inform life-saving
early warnings. At the same time, privacy safeguards and ethical considerations
need to be adhered to.
Ginnetti J. and S. Ponserre
2019 (b) Mid-Year Figures: Internal Displacement from January to June 2019. IDMC, Geneva
2018 (a) GRID 2018: Global Report on Internal Displacement. IDMC, Geneva.
2018 (b) "Systematic data collection and monitoring of displacement and its impacts at local, national,
regional and international level to inform comprehensive needs and risk assessments for the
formulation of policy and plans.” Summary Report, Implementation of the Workplan of the Task
Force on Displacement under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), May
2011 Migration and Global Environmental Change. Final Project Report. The Government Office for
Science, London.
Melde, S.
2016 “Data on environmental migration: How much do we know?” Global Migration Data Analysis Centre
Data Briefing Series Issue 2. IOM, Geneva.
Global Migration Group (GMG)
2017 Handbook for Improving the Production and Use of Migration Data for
Development. KNOMAD, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Gemenne, F.
2011 “Why the numbers don’t add up: A review of estimates and predictions of people displaced by
environmental changes.” Global Environmental Change, 21S: 41‒49.
2017 A toolbox: Planning relocations to protect people from disasters and environmental
change. Georgetown University, UNHCR and IOM, Washington, D.C.
Beton, G.
2017 Planned Relocations: Annotated Bibliography Update. Georgetown University, Walsh School of
Foreign Service, Institute for the Study of International Migration.
2013 Compendium of IOM Activities on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience. IOM, Geneva.
2014 Glossary - Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP). IOM, Geneva.
2009 Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Assessing the Evidence. IOM, Geneva.
2014 People on the Move in a Changing Climate. The Regional Impact of Environmental Change on
Migration. Global Migration Issues 2. Springer, Dordrecht.
Campbell, J.
2010 “Climate-Induced Community Relocation in the Pacific: The Meaning and Importance of Land.” In:
Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (J. McAdam, ed.), pp. 57–79.
United Nations
Huggel, C., Raissig, A., Rohrer, M., Romero, G., Diaz, A. and Salzmann, N.
2015 "How useful and reliable are disaster databases in the context of climate and global change? A
comparative case study analysis in Peru." In: Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, pp. 475.
Last updated on
16 October 2019
Environmental migrant
Download PDF
2 Types
3 Enumeration
o 3.1 Global statistics
o 3.3 North America
3.3.1 Alaska
3.3.2 Louisiana
3.3.3 Washington state
o 3.4 South America
5 Popular culture
6 Documentary films
7 See also
8 Notes
9 References
o 9.1 Footnotes
o 9.2 Further reading
10 External links
11 External links
Climate refugees do not really fit into any of the legal definitions of a refugee. Not all
climate refugees migrate from their home country, on occasion they are just displaced
within their country of origin. Moreover, the refugees aren't leaving their homes
because of fear they will be persecuted, or because of "generalized violence or events
seriously disturbing public order."[6] Even though the definition of who is a refugee
was expanded since its first international and legally binding definition in 1951 people
who are forced to flee due to environmental change are still not offered the same legal
protection as refugees.[7]
The term "environmental refugee" was first proposed by Lester Brown in 1976.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) proposes the following
definition for environmental migrants:[9]
There have been a number of attempts over the decades to enumerate environmental
migrants and refugees. Jodi Jacobson (1988) is cited as the first researcher to
enumerate the issue, stating that there were already up to 10 million 'Environmental
Refugees'. Drawing on 'worst-case scenarios' about sea-level rise, she argued that all
forms of 'Environmental Refugees' would be six times as numerous as political
refugees.[17] By 1989, Mustafa Tolba, Executive Director of UNEP, was claiming that
'as many as 50 million people could become environmental refugees' if the world did
not act to support sustainable development.[18] In 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC 1990: 20) declared that the greatest single consequence of
climate change could be migration, 'with millions of people displaced by shoreline
erosion, coastal flooding and severe drought'.[19] In the mid-1990s, British
environmentalist, Norman Myers, became the most prominent proponent of this
'maximalist' school (Suhrke 1993). Noting, that "environmental refugees will soon
become the largest group of involuntary refugees".[20] Additionally, he stated that there
were 25 million environmental refugees in the mid-1990s, further claiming that this
figure could double by 2010, with an upper limit of 200 million by 2050 (Myers
1997).[21] Myers argued that the causes of environmental displacement would include
desertification, lack of water, salination of irrigated lands and the depletion of
biodiversity. He also hypothesised that displacement would amount to 30m in China,
30m in India, 15m in Bangladesh, 14m in Egypt, 10m in other delta areas and coastal
zones, 1m in island states, and with otherwise agriculturally displaced people totalling
50m by 2050.[22] More recently, Myers has suggested that the figure by 2050 might be
as high as 250 million.[23]
A map showing where natural disasters caused/aggravated by global warming may
occur, and thus where environmental refugees would be created [citation needed]
These claims have gained significant currency, with the most common projection
being that the world will have 150–200 million climate change refugees by 2050.
Variations of this claim have been made in influential reports on climate change by
the IPCC (Brown 2008: 11)[24] and the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate
Change (Stern et al. 2006: 3),[25] as well as by NGOs such as Friends of the Earth,
Greenpeace Germany (Jakobeit and Methmann 2007)[27] and Christian Aid;[23] and
inter-governmental organisations such as the Council of Europe,[28] UNESCO,[29] IOM
(Brown 2008) and UNHCR.[30]
Norman Myers is the most cited researcher in this field, who found that 25 million
environmental migrants existed in 1995 in his work (Myers & Kent 1995),[22] which
drew upon over 1000 sources.[31] However, Vikram Kolmannskog has stated that
Myers' work can be 'criticized for being inconsistent, impossible to check and failing
to take proper account of opportunities to adapt' (2008: 9).[32] Furthermore, Myers
himself has acknowledged that his figures are based upon 'heroic extrapolation'
(Brown 2008: 12).[24] More generally, Black has argued that there is 'surprisingly little
scientific evidence' that indicates that the world is 'filling-up with environmental
refugees' (1998: 23).[33] Indeed, Francois Gemenne has stated that: 'When it comes to
predictions, figures are usually based on the number of people living in regions at risk,
and not on the number of people actually expected to migrate. Estimates do not
account for adaptation strategies [or] different levels of vulnerability' (Gemenne 2009:
In the first half of the year 2019, 7 million people was internally (e.g. in their country)
displaced by events of extreme weather, according to the Internal Displacement
Monitoring Centre. This is a record and the number is 2 times bigger that the number
displaced by violence and conflicts. Large part of the displaced people were evacuated
when the storm came, what saved many lives, but the price for the economy was very
Additionally, it is maintained that the poor populate areas that are most at risk for
environmental destruction and climate change, including coastlines, flood-lines, and
steep slopes. As a result, climate change threatens areas already suffering from
extreme poverty. "The issue of equity is crucial. Climate affects us all, but does not
affect us all equally," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told delegates at a climate
conference in Indonesia.[39] Africa is also one of the world regions where
environmental displacement is critical largely due to droughts and other climate-
related eventualities.[40]
In Minqin county, Gansu Province, "10,000 people have left the area and have
become shengtai yimin, 'ecological migrants'".[41]
North AmericaEdit
There have been 178 Alaskan communities threatened by erosion of their land. The
annual temperature has steadily increased over the last fifty years, with Alaska seeing
it double (compared to the rate seen across the rest of the United States) to the rate of
3.4 degrees, with an alarming 6.3 degrees increase for the winters over the past fifty
years. Many of the communities residing in these areas have been living off the land
for generations. There is an eminent threat of loss of culture and loss of tribal identity
with these communities.[48]
Washington stateEdit
Some Kuna people, such as those in the settlement of Gardi Sugdub, have decided to
relocate from islands to the mainland of Panama due to sea level rise.[56]
The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) has argued that the people who will be
forced to move due to climate change currently have no adequate recognition in
international law.[61] The EJF contends that a new multilateral legal instrument is
required to specifically address the needs of "climate refugees" in order to confer
protection to those fleeing environmental degradation and climate change.[62] They
have also asserted that additional funding is needed to enable developing countries to
adapt to climate change. Sujatha Byravan and Sudhir Chella Rajan have argued for the
use of the term 'climate exiles' and for international agreements to provide them
political and legal rights, including citizenship in other countries, bearing in mind
those countries' responsibilities and capabilities.[2][3][4]
In some cases, climate change may lead to conflict arising between countries that as a
result of flooding or other conditions produce a large number of refugees, and
bordering countries that build fences to keep out these refugees. The Bangladesh–
India border is largely separated via a fence, and case studies suggest the possibility of
violent conflict arising due to people fleeing from areas suffering from the destruction
of arable land. Current migration has already resulted in low-scale conflicts.[63]
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that sea levels will
increase with up to 0.6 meters by 2100. This will cause populations to wipe out
entirely. Small areas may have nothing left. This could lead to the loss of millions of
refugees. Refugee organizations have taken on cases of many different refugees. The
Organization for Refugees Asylum and Migration (ORAM) is designed to help
refugees in seeking status and resettlement. They are designed to help refugees
overcome the Refugee process. ORAM's main goal is to protect the vulnerable
refugees for the laws put on refugee and help end the refugee asylum process. There is
a ton of legal action taken against refugees. Political laws are put on the refugees to
either harm or hurt the refugees.[64]
Asylum is the freedom of prosecution in the country the people want to be in.
Different countries have their own rules and laws of asylum. The United States, for
example, has a system recognized by federal and international laws. France was the
first country to constitute the right to asylum. So the right to asylum differs in
different nations. There is a still fight for the right to asylum in some areas of the
In the UK, research is being done on how climate change's impact on countries that
are emigrated to will vary due to the infrastructure of those countries. They want to
put into place policies so that those who have to migrate could go throughout Europe,
and have solid emergency planning in place so that the people being displaced would
have a swift and quick plan of escape once their environment can no longer handle
inhabitants-slow or sudden onset.[79] The end goal of this work is to determine the best
course of action in the event of various environmental catastrophes.
Popular cultureEdit
German artist Hermann Josef Hack's World Climate Refugee Camp in Hannover
displaying 600 small climate refugee tents.
The notion of 'environmental migrant', and particularly 'climate refugee', has gained
traction in popular culture. A documentary entitled Climate Refugees has been
released. "Climate Refugees" is an Official Selection for the 2010 Sundance Film
Festival.[80] More recently, Short Documentary Academy Award Nominee, Sun Come
Up (2011), tells the story of Carteret islanders who are forced to leave their ancestral
land in response to climate change and migrate to war-torn Bougainville[81]
Since 2007, German artist Hermann Josef Hack has shown his World Climate
Refugee Camp in the centers of various European cities. The model camp, made of
roughly 1000 miniature tents, is a public art intervention that depicts the social
impacts of climate change.[82]
Documentary filmsEdit
See alsoEdit
This paper proposes frameworks to analyze the gender dimensions of climate change-
induced migration. The experiences, needs and priorities of climate migrants will vary
by gender and these differences need to be accounted for if policies are to be inclusive.
Among the vulnerable groups, women are likely to be disproportionately affected due to
climate change because on average women tend to be poorer, less educated, have a
lower health status and have limited direct access to or ownership of natural resources.
Both the process (actual movement) and the outcomes (rural–rural or rural–urban
migration, out-migration mainly of men) of climate change-induced migration are also
likely to be highly gendered.
1. Introduction
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Parry et al 2007) argues that climate
change will affect human settlements through its impacts on human health, food
security and decrease in the viability of natural resource-based economic activity.
Realizing the gravity of this phenomenon, the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) included climate change-induced displacement,
migration, and planned relocation in the 2010 and 2011 Conference of the Parties. In
fact, paragraph 14(f) of the Cancun Adaptation Framework calls for deeper examination
of human impacts of climate change and incorporation of migration policies and
measures to address displacement in national adaptation strategies.
It is believed that the effects of climate change on population movements are likely to
adversely and disproportionately impact poor and vulnerable population groups,
especially women (CIDA 2002, Hunter and David 2009). While research on climate
change-induced migration in itself is scarce, its impact on women is under-explored.
Climate change may not only directly impact women through environmental changes
such as rise in sea level or increases in temperature, but also make them more
vulnerable because of its interaction with socio-cultural factors (The Government Office
for Science 2011). For instance, unequal gender relations and access to resources may
make women more vulnerable to climate change than men (Masika 2002, p 4).
Furthermore, adaptation, that is, the ability to adapt to and cope with changes due to
climate change, is also gendered. Adaptive capacities of individuals greatly depend on
income, education, health and access to natural resources. Given that women tend to be
poorer, less educated, have a lower health status and have limited direct access to or
ownership of natural resources, they will be disproportionately affected by climate
change (Masika 2002, p 5, Demetriades and Esplen 2010). For instance, it is predicted
that climate change will negatively impact food production and availability of natural
resources such as water. Scarcity of food can worsen women's nutritional status due to
their marginalization within households. Also, as women are mainly responsible for
gathering water for the household, paucity of water might increase the burden on
women. The impact on women is likely to be worse in developing countries because of
the deeper economic and social gender divide.
One aspect of gender and climate change that remains a huge gap and requires attention
is that of climate change-induced migration. A United Nations Population Fund UNFPA
(2009, p 35) report argues that migration requires economic and physical capacities
that are not available to everyone. Due to issues pertaining to opportunities, capabilities
as well as security, women, children and elderly are usually the ones left behind in the
face of an environmental crisis. However, a more thorough analysis of women's
vulnerability to climate change-induced migration is required to understand the gender
dimensions of factors that lead to climate change-induced migration and the differential
impacts that the process and outcomes of climate change-induced migration have on
women. The questions that need to be examined are:
How does gender influence the vulnerabilities that increase the probability of or lead to
climate change-induced migration?
What are the gender dimensions of the process of climate change-induced migration,
that is, actual movement of people; and outcomes of climate change-induced migration,
such as rural–rural or rural–urban migration, out-migration mainly of men?
Although studies on gender and climate change-induced migration are scarce, I draw
upon literature and studies on gender and climate change, gender and forced migration,
and gender and disasters from developing and developed countries to propose a
framework. Most literature deals with the impact of sudden climate disasters such as
floods, cyclones and hurricanes, and not with the gradual effects of climate change.
However, as the frequency and severity of sudden climate disasters is expected to
increase, the findings from these studies are pertinent. It should be emphasized that the
frameworks are intended to mainly examine the gendered nature of internal climate
change-induced migration. However, it may be applicable to cross-border climate
change-induced migration such as Nepal–India or Bangladesh–India, though there
would be additional legal and institutional constraints.
First, this paper reviews literature on how gender influences peoples' vulnerability to
climate change and subsequent migration, and proposes a framework which can be used
to conduct a gender-sensitive vulnerability assessment. Second, the paper reviews
literature to understand the gender dimensions of the actual process of climate change-
induced migration and specific migration outcomes, and proposes a framework to
examine gender and climate change-induced migration outcomes.
2.1. Review of literature
Recently, a few studies have examined the linkages between climate change, migration,
and gender using empirical evidence. Besides empirically supporting the theories, these
studies are also methodologically relevant.
A series of studies were conducted using a monthly panel data collected in the Chitwan
Valley of Nepal that covers a period of ten years. (Shrestha and Bhandari 2007,
Massey et al 2007, Bohra-Mishra and Massey 2010). Though the primary objective was
only to study the effects of environmental degradation on out-migration, all the studies
disaggregate the effect by gender. The methods and results of these studies somewhat
differ. However, a common conclusion is that for women in the Chitwan Valley, an
increase in the collection time for fodder and firewood, and decline in agricultural
productivity increases the probability of local (within district) out-migration. Climate
change-induced migration for women is therefore closely linked with deterioration of
natural resources as they are both the primary collectors and users.
In addition to environmental degradation and reduced access to natural resources,
climate variability and natural disasters also have an impact on women's likelihood of
migration. Using a cross-sectional survey of North Carolina coastal residents conducted
in 1999 following the disastrous Hurricane Bonnie, Bateman and Edwards (2002) argue
that women are more likely than men to evacuate in the wake of a natural disaster. Their
findings indicate that women are more likely to evacuate than men because of socially
constructed gender differences such as family obligations and caregiving; greater
response to evacuation incentives such as availability of a vehicle and neighbor
evacuation; higher exposure to risk due to their low economic status and special medical
needs; and higher perceived risk due to caregiving responsibilities (Bateman and
Edwards 2002 p 107). In contrast however, in developing countries where women's
mobility is highly restricted such as Bangladesh, women are more likely to not evacuate
and die due to natural disasters (Fothergill 1996, p 41). Therefore, even voluntary
migration of women due to climate change is highly correlated to social contexts.
Women's ability to cope is another aspect of their vulnerability to climate change-
induced migration. Lambrou and Piana (2006) argue that women's ability to adapt to
climate change depends on their control over land and money; access to credit and
safeguards; low dependency ratios; good health; personal mobility; and household
entitlements. These arguments are supported by ethnographic evidence which was
collected by ActionAid and the Institute for Development Studies (IDS) in a report on
the impacts of climate change on poor South Asian women (India, Bangladesh and
Nepal) and their adaptation needs and priorities (Mitchell et al 2007). The study, which
was conducted in the Ganga river basin in the aftermath of massive riparian flooding,
also finds that poor women particularly from Nepal were forced to migrate locally due to
their low adaptive capacity (Mitchell et al 2007, p 16). Furthermore, studies and surveys
conducted in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans find that poor women who lacked
home or renter's insurance were the ones who not only lost their shelter but also were
not re-housed during the post-disaster reconstruction process thus making it difficult
for them to return (Enarson 2006).
Though there is yet no research on this, a potential problem pertaining to security and
emergency relief is international climate change-induced migration and the debate over
whether climate migrants need to be given 'refugee' status. There is a clear division
amongst the development and human rights community. One side favors the inclusion
of climate migrants in the 1951 Refugee Convention in order to provide them with
protection similar to that provided to refugees. While the other side argues that the
existence of 'environmental migrants' itself is exaggerated and their need for refugee-
like protection is politically motivated (Stavropoulou 2008, p 11). This debate can have
serious repercussions for women who are already facing the adverse consequences of
climate change-induced migration and not receiving enough relief aid.
To understand the potential gravity of the problem let us take the example of the India–
Bangladesh migration corridor. A report by the US National Intelligence Council on
climate change and cross-border migration (US Office of the Director of National
Intelligence 2009) predicts that people affected by climate change in Bangladesh will
most likely migrate to India. Currently, there are about 15–20 million people who have
migrated to India from Bangladesh, most of them being illegal immigrants. India's anti-
immigration position and the fact that it has not ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention,
exposes the entire climate migrant population and particularly the women to high
personal security risks. There are numerous cases where illegal women migrants from
Bangladesh have been 'sold' as wives or trafficked because they were not provided any
protection due to their illegal status (Ramachandran 2005, p 7–8).
Thus, women are differentially impacted during the process of climate change-induced
migration. There are safety and security issues pertaining to internal as well as
international migration. Climate change policy aimed at climate migrants needs to be
sensitive to these issues and also incorporate legal and human rights frameworks
necessary to assist women climate migrants.
Hunter and David (2009, p 21) argue that migration outcomes are not uniform across
men and women. This is especially true when the effects of climate change are felt
gradually and a member of the family, usually a male member, migrates in search of
alternative livelihoods. Even when women are not the ones who are forced to migrate in
search of livelihoods, climate change-induced migration has an impact on them. In a
study conducted in the Sonora state of Mexico, where many communities are engaged in
processing fruits and vegetables, it was found that declines in water availability due to
climate change reduced the prospects in the food processing industry forcing a lot of
men in the community to migrate. However, this increased the workload of women, as
many of them had to care for their families in addition to working part time in the food
processing industry (Buechler 2009, p 51). Similarly, in Nepal, as more and more males
migrate from mountainous regions and rural areas to newly developed cities, more and
more women are becoming heads of households, remaining in areas prone to flooding
and are therefore most vulnerable to climate-related disasters (UNFPA 2009, p 33). A
study on climate change and migration in Somalia and Burundi by Kolmannskog (2009)
found that men in many pastoral families migrated in search of work due to severe
drought conditions. Consequently, women who were left behind faced increasing risks of
expulsion from their families and communities, and sexual violence. In contrast,
drawing upon the literature on gender and migration, Brown (2008, p 34) posits that
male out-migration due to climate change can also have positive impacts such as
increased autonomy and decision-making power for the female members of the family.
Women who are forced to migrate due to climate change with their families or by
themselves also face unique problems. It was found that women from poor families in
rural Bangladesh, who migrate to cities such as Dhaka are often forced into long hours
and low-paying jobs such as domestic servants and sweatshops due to their lack of
education and skills (Kakissis 2010). Similar observations were made in the Philippines
where women from the fishing communities, who were grappling with the harsh
impacts of climate change, migrated locally to work as domestic helps for affluent
families (UNFPA 2009, p 3). In a report titled Katrina and the Women of New
Orleans, Willinger (2008) combined data from the US Census and the American
Community Survey to find that post-Katrina there was a decrease of approximately 60%
in the number of female-headed households, especially of those who were African
American and had children under age 18. She further finds that the main reasons due to
which many of them could not return were affordability of housing and health care, and
lack of employment opportunities. Thus, climate change-induced migration can
potentially push women into a poverty trap or permanently displace them from their
Drawing upon the broader literature on gender and international or cross-border
migration, it can be said that overcoming cultural barriers while maintaining their
identities will be a significant problem for women climate migrants. Ramachandran
(2005, p 9) finds that many women who migrated to India from Bangladesh had to or
were forced to assume Hindu religious markers, such as vermillion on their forehead, to
evade detection and deportation. The increasing threat of climate change in Bangladesh
and tightening of the immigration policy in India will only intensify these problems.
Concerns regarding loss of culture and identity were also observed among women in
Kiribati, where inhabitants are increasingly facing the risk of resettlement due to sea-
level rise (UNFPA 2009, p 30).
Thus, migration outcomes of climate change are also gendered. On one hand they may
seem to be empowering women, while on the other they may actually exacerbate their
socio-economic status and make them worse off. Gender distinctions in vulnerabilities
not only determine who migrates, but also, for who is it easier to return and restore their
I would like to thank the Regional and Sustainable Development Department at the
Asian Development Bank for their support in conducting this research and their
valuable feedback.
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House Democrats set to introduce first-of-its-
kind climate refugee bill
By Alexander C. Kaufman on Oct 26, 2019
The bill, called the Climate Displaced Persons Act, would create a federal program
separate from the existing refugee program to take in a minimum of 50,000 climate
migrants starting next year.
The legislation, a copy of which HuffPost obtained, directs the White House to collect
data on people displaced by extreme weather, drought and sea level rise and submit an
annual report to Congress. It also requires the State Department to work with other
federal agencies to create a Global Climate Resilience Strategy that puts global
warming at the center of U.S. foreign policy.
The 21-page proposal looks unlikely to become law while Donald Trump, who rejects
climate science and slashed the country’s refugee cap to a historic low of 18,000 last
month, remains president.
But the bill lays the groundwork for how a future administration could deal with
what’s already forecast to be among the greatest upheavals global warming will cause.
Since 2008, catastrophic weather has displaced an average of 24 million people per
year, according to data from the Swiss-based nonprofit Internal Displacement
Monitoring Centre. That number could climb to anywhere from 140 million to 300
million to 1 billion by 2050. The World Bank estimated last year that climate change
effects in just three regions ― sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America ―
could force 143 million people to flee by the middle of the century.
Yet little to no legal infrastructure exists to classify and process climate refugees. Last
December, leaders from 164 countries formally adopted the U.N. Global Compact for
Migration, the first major international document to recognize the role of climate
change in causing displacement. But it’s a nonbinding and voluntary accord, and the
United States, Australia, and several European Union members refused to sign.
Meanwhile, the exodus is already underway. Within the United States, coastal
communities in Louisiana, Florida, and Alaska are abandoning their low-lying homes
in search of higher ground, albeit with limited federal support. The wave of foreign
migrants seeking safety in the world’s largest economy has begun lapping on U.S.
Thousands of Central American migrants making the treacherous journey to the U.S.
border with Mexico are farmers escaping lands so parched by drought crops won’t
grow. Last month, the Trump administration turned away at least 119 Bahamians
heading to Florida to flee the destruction Hurricane Dorian, the kind of Category 5
storm scientists project to be more frequent in a hotter world, left in its wake.
“America will continue to stand tall as a safe haven for immigrants,” Velázquez said
in a statement. “This legislation will not only reaffirm our nation’s longstanding role
as a home to those fleeing conflict and disasters, but it will also update it to reflect
changes to our world brought on by a changing climate.”
The nascent climate refugee crisis comes as the United Nations is already recording
more than 65 million people displaced worldwide ― a figure that, depending on how
it’s counted, amounts to the highest number of refugees ever. In Europe, the steady
stream of refugees escaping war, poverty, and drought in North Africa and the Middle
East has spurred a powerful new right-wing movement against immigrants, led by
some of the most brazenly ethnonationalist elected officials since the 1930s.
Absent any liberal alternatives, this European right is starting to pitch its hardline
immigration policies as a bulwark against climate disruption. Earlier this year, Marine
Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right National Rally, criticized “nomadic” people
who “do not care about the environment” as “they have no homeland,” harkening to
Nazi-era “blood and soil” rhetoric. A spokesman for her party proposed a solution:
“Borders are the environment’s greatest ally.”
Climate Displaced Persons Act by Alexander Kaufman on Scribd
Should the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change
recognize climate migrants?
Christine Gibb1 and James Ford2,3
Published 31 October 2012 • 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd
Environmental Research Letters, Volume 7, Number 4
Climate change is expected to increase migration flows, especially from socially and
environmentally vulnerable populations. These 'climate migrants' do not have any
official protection under international law, which has implications for the human
security of migrants. This work argues that the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) can and should recognize climate migrants, and is the
most relevant international framework for doing so. While not legally binding, the
acknowledgment of climate displacement, migration and planned relocation issues in
the UNFCCC's Cancun Adaptation Framework indicates a willingness to address the
issue through an adaptation lens. Herein, the paper proposes a framework for setting
the institutional groundwork for recognizing climate migrants, focusing on the most
vulnerable, promoting targeted research and policy agendas, and situating policies
within a comprehensive strategy.
1. Introduction
Increasing attention is being paid to climate change as a driver of migration and
displacement in both scientific and international policy arenas [1, 2]. Warner [3, p 1]
credits the coordinated efforts of research and operational organizations for the relative
speed with which 'the human face of climate change' entered into the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations, culminating in
Decision 14(f) in the Cancun Adaptation Framework [4]. Decision 14(f)/CP.16 'invite(s)
all parties (...) to undertake (...) measures to enhance understanding, coordination and
cooperation with regard to climate change induced displacement, migration and
planned relocation, where appropriate, at the national, regional and international
levels' [4, pp 4–5]. Although it neither obliges signatories to take action, nor specifies
how implementation should occur, this Decision is significant, representing a global
affirmation that climate change induced mobility takes on different forms and needs
diverse policy approaches [3, 5]. Moreover, it situates the UNFCCC as an appropriate
forum for pursuing climate displacement, migration and planned relocation (hereafter
climate migration) debates.
This letter investigates whether or not the UNFCCC should go a step further and
recognize climate migrants, whereby recognition entails a legal term or an
institutionalized mechanism in international law, a budget, identification of a
responsible agency, designation of persons to protect, and implementation of specific
measures to deal with the issue [6]. The letter does not imply that climate migration is
the most pressing, devastating or costly of all contemporary migration types, and thus
deserving of a special status vis-à-vis other migrants. Instead, it argues that recent
developments within the UNFCCC indicate that the international community is
receptive to addressing climate migration as an adaptation issue within the UNFCCC 4,
thereby providing an opportunity to address one component of the broader global
migration governance puzzle.
The letter begins by examining the complexity of defining climate migrants. It then
assesses the potential for the UNFCCC to officially recognize climate migrants, and
finishes by proposing a guiding framework that shows how the UNFCCC could achieve
process and
membership Implementation suffers from a lack of enforcement
Fit with
mandate of
UNFCCC The UNFCCC may not be the best place for adaptation policy
addresses an
cause of
migration Adaptation fallacya may marginalize the migration issue
debates are
underway in
processes Inherent weaknesses of the UNFCCC may limit progress
context is
supportive Risk of oversimplification
Ensure a
fairer cost
burden Inadvertent creation of unintended victims
The adaptation fallacy posits that acknowledging that climate change will induce migration
spurs policy makers to take adaptation measures, which then enables them to neglect migration
issues because adaptation will supposedly eliminate the projected migration [6].
groundwork • Clear mandate and objectives
focus • Focus on assisting the most vulnerable and the most poor
Research and
policy • Consideration for migration patterns and 'non-migration'
Comprehensive • Situation of efforts within the broader global migration issue and in concert with
strategy other processes
5. Conclusion
Policy intervention at a global level can prevent climate migration from escalating into a
humanitarian crisis by ensuring that people faced with climate change induced
environmental pressures have viable options. Such policy intervention, however, could
easily be stymied by political obstacles, notably competing national and international
priorities (e.g. resolving financial crises) that divert extensive political will and
resources. Until the world's most influential nations truly acknowledge climate change
as an urgent issue and commit to take action—be it within or outside UN processes—the
proposed strategy for recognition will likely fail.
The 2007 IPCC Assessment Report defines climate change adaptation as 'adjustments
in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climactic stimuli or their
effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities'.
Migration can also result from the failure of adaptation efforts. This letter focuses on
migration streams that can be addressed through adaptation policies.
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The Nansen Initiative (Disaster-Induced Cross-Border Displacement)
Southeast Asia is one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to natural hazards, experiencing numerous
disasters annually. Such disasters, including typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, floods, droughts forest
fires, and landslides, often trigger displacement and migration, primarily within national borders but also
abroad. Given many countries’ high exposure and current adaptive capacity, Southeast Asia is also
increasingly facing the negative impact of climate change through rising sea levels and rainfall variability that
threaten human settlements, infrastructure, natural resources and associated livelihoods. While recognizing that
natural hazards contribute to human mobility in Southeast Asia, in many circumstances such movements occur
within a complex environment impacted by wide variety of social, political and economic factors including
poverty, a growing demand for foreign labour, increased urbanization, violence, and conflict.
This background paper informs the Nansen Initiative Southeast Asian Regional Consultation to be
held in Manila, Philippines from 15-17 October 2014, which will explore the issue of human mobility
(displacement, migration and planned relocation) in the context of disasters and climate change in
the Southeast Asia. Launched by the Governments of Norway and Switzerland in October 2012, the
Nansen Initiative is a state-led, bottom-up consultative process intended to build consensus on the
development of a protection agenda addressing the needs of people displaced across international
borders in the context of natural hazards, including those linked to the effects of climate change. To
feed the Nansen Initiative process with practical experiences and build consensus, inter-
governmental Regional Consultations and Civil Society Meetings are taking place in the Pacific,
Central America, the Horn of Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia over the course of 2013 to
2015. The Southeast Asian Civil Society meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 30 June to 1
July 2014. Outcome documents from all of the Regional Consultations contain recommendations for
further action at the community, national, regional and international levels.
More than 100 participants representing governments of nine countries from Southeast Asia,
including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste,
and Viet Nam, as well as representatives from Australia, Germany, Haiti, Japan, the Nansen
Initiative and its Chairmanship, and representatives from regional and international organizations,
UN Agencies, civil society and research institutions, met in Manila, Philippines from 15-17 October
2014 for the fourth Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation under the theme “Human Mobility in the
Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Southeast Asia.” The participants expressed their
appreciation to the Government of the Philippines for hosting and the Chairmanship of the Nansen
Initiative for supporting this important consultation.
The overall objectives of the Nansen Initiative Southeast Asian Regional Consultation were to
identify specific challenges and opportunities that the region faces related to disasters, climate
change, and human mobility and to develop practical, policy and programmatic recommendations on
how to address these challenges at national, regional and international levels. The
Consultation brought together more than 100 participants representing governments of nine
countries from Southeast Asia, including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR,
Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam, as well as representatives from
Australia, Germany, Haiti, Japan, the Nansen Initiative and its Chairmanship, and representatives
from regional and international organizations, UN Agencies, civil society and research institutions.
On the third day, participants presented the Summary of Conclusions, which contains
recommendations that require action at the community, national, regional and international level
(Chapter I.2) to enhance regional and international efforts to address the needs and
challenges associated with human mobility in the context of disasters
and climate change.
A. Gero, Institute for Sustainable Futures,University of Technology, Sydney
As small island states in a vast ocean, Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are highly vulnerable to natural disasters,
including extreme weather events, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. There is mounting evidence
that climate change is altering the patterns of weather-related disasters globally, including slow onset events
like droughts, sea level rise and rapid onset events like tropical cyclones, flooding and severe storms (IPCC,
2012; IPCC, 2013; Knutson et al., 2010). The direct and indirect impacts of climate change, coupled with
ongoing development challenges, are becoming increasingly visible in particular parts of the Pacific region
Prof. Daniel Fitzpatrick, ANU College of Law, Australian National University
This report is a further output of the Pacific Regional Consultation. The consultation outcomes identified land
issues as a key challenge for measures to address disaster-related human mobility in the Pacific.
The Challenge
Every year around the world, millions of people are forcibly displaced by floods, windstorms, earthquakes or
droughts. Many find refuge within their own country but some have to go abroad. In the context of climate
change, such movements are likely to increase. National and international responses to this challenge are
insufficient and protection for affected people remains inadequate.
The Response
In view of this protection gap, there is a need for an intergovernmental process to address the challenges of
cross-border displacement in the context of disasters and climate change. Launched in 2012 by Switzerland
and Norway, the Nansen Initiative is a state-led consultative process to build consensus on a Protection
Agenda addressing the needs of people displaced across borders in the context of disasters and climate change.
The Approach
To feed the Nansen Initiative process with good practices and build a sound knowledge base, regional
consultations already took place in the Pacific, Central America, the Horn of Africa, Southeast Asia and South
Asia. The results of the consultations will be consolidated and discussed at a global intergovernmental
consultation in Geneva in October 2015.
Research Handbook on Climate Change, Migration and the Law
Research Handbooks in Climate Law series
Edited by Benoît Mayer and François Crépeau
This comprehensive Research Handbook provides an overview of the debates on
how the law does, and could, relate to migration exacerbated by climate change. It
contains conceptual chapters on the relationship between climate change, migration
and the law, as well as doctrinal and prospective discussions regarding legal
developments in different domestic contexts and in international governance.
Published in print: 27 Oct 2017
ISBN: 9781785366581
eISBN: 9781785366598
Pages: 512
27 October 2017
Handbook Chapter
Collection: Law 2017
Climate change may compel millions of people, largely in Africa and Asia, to leave their homes to
seek refuge in other places over the course of the century. Yet the current institutions, organizations
and funding mechanisms, including new soft law initiatives, are not sufficiently equipped to deal
with this. The situation calls for new governance. Following a review of academic and popular
debates focussed on defining this issue as climate ‘refugees’ or ‘migrants’, we advance in this
chapter a blueprint for a global governance architecture on the protection and voluntary
resettlement of climate migrants. We argue against the extension of the definition of refugees under
the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and discuss the limited use of soft
law mechanisms as these are largely focussed on state responsibility. Key elements of our proposal
are, instead, a new legal instrument that builds on the responsibility of the international community
and is specifically tailored for the needs of climate migrants—a Protocol on Recognition, Protection
and Resettlement of Climate Migrants to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change—as well as a separate funding mechanism, a Climate Migrant Protection and Resettlement