Pentaho BI Server Manual Deployment Guide
Pentaho BI Server Manual Deployment Guide
Pentaho BI Server Manual Deployment Guide
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the names and entities that own the trademarks or insert a trademark symbol with each mention of the trademarked
name, Pentaho states that it is using the names for editorial purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark
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Company Information
Pentaho Corporation
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Manual Deployment Overview...................................................................................................5
Installation Checklist.................................................................................................................. 6
Hardware Requirements...............................................................................................................................8
Software Requirements................................................................................................................................ 8
Important Note on Local User Accounts For Linux/Unix.................................................................... 9
How to Check Your Java Version.................................................................................................... 10
Setting the PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME Variable on Linux and Solaris..............................................10
Setting the PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME Variable on Windows...........................................................11
Setting the PENTAHO_INSTALLED_LICENSE_PATH Variable on Linux and Solaris................... 11
Setting the PENTAHO_INSTALLED_LICENSE_PATH Variable on Windows................................ 11
Preparing a Headless Linux or Solaris Server................................................................................. 12
Obtaining the Pentaho BI Server Build Materials.................................................................... 13
Building the BI Server.............................................................................................................. 14
Establishing a context.xml File For Tomcat................................................................................................ 14
Solution Repository JNDI Configuration Files for JBoss Deployments.......................................................14
Changing the Web Application Context and Default Port Number............................................................. 15
Changing the Web Application Name on Tomcat............................................................................ 15
Changing the Web Application Name on JBoss.............................................................................. 16
Creating a Pentaho Directory..................................................................................................................... 16
Copying the Oracle Quartz JAR Pre-Build..................................................................................................16
How to Build BI Server WARs with Apache Ant......................................................................................... 17
Ant Build Options............................................................................................................................. 17
Deploying the BI Server...........................................................................................................19
Copying Solution Database JDBC Drivers................................................................................................. 19
Moving the Pentaho Solutions Directory.....................................................................................................19
Initializing a PostgreSQL Database............................................................................................................ 19
PostgreSQL Solution Repository Configuration...............................................................................20
Configuring Quartz For PostgreSQL................................................................................................20
Initializing a MySQL Database....................................................................................................................20
Initializing an Oracle Database................................................................................................................... 21
Oracle Solution Repository Configuration........................................................................................21
Configuring Quartz For Oracle.........................................................................................................21
Deploying to Tomcat 6.0.............................................................................................................................22
Modifying on Linux and Solaris....................................................................................... 22
Modifying startup.bat on Windows................................................................................................... 22
Modifying server.xml To Work With Accented Characters...............................................................23
Deploying to JBoss 5.1............................................................................................................................... 23
Modifying run.conf on Linux and Solaris.......................................................................................... 23
Modifying run.bat on Windows.........................................................................................................24
Deploying a WAR to JBoss 5.1........................................................................................................24
Adding PDI Enterprise Repository Content Support to the BI Server......................................25
Installing Hadoop Hive Plugins................................................................................................ 26
Installing Pentaho User Console Plugins.................................................................................27
Installing the Pentaho Enterprise Console: Linux/OS X/Windows...........................................28
Installing the Pentaho Enterprise Console: Solaris..................................................................29
Initial Startup of the BI Server and Pentaho Enterprise Console.............................................30
Post-Install Configuration.........................................................................................................31
Testing and Using Your Server................................................................................................32
Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................... 33
Version Check............................................................................................................................................ 33
Examining Log Files................................................................................................................................... 33
File Names and Paths................................................................................................................................ 33
| TOC | 3
JDBC Driver Problems................................................................................................................................33
Licenses Not Found After Installation......................................................................................................... 33
Cannot Create Hibernate Tables in MySQL............................................................................................... 34
Unable to Use the Database Init Scripts for PostgreSQL........................................................................... 34
context.xml Changes Do Not Take Effect After Re-deploying a WAR........................................................34
vfs-provider.xml Duplicates.........................................................................................................................34
Library Conflicts.......................................................................................................................................... 34
Varying Context and Data Source Configuration Methods......................................................................... 34
Report Parameters That Include Accented Characters Fail to Validate..................................................... 35
JBoss Fails to Start When the Pentaho HSQLDB Sample Database Is Running...................................... 35
JBoss Fails to Start After Manually Unpacking pentaho.war...................................................................... 35
Web-App Path doesn't validate in Enterprise Console............................................................................... 35
Action Sequences That Call PDI Content Won't Run................................................................................. 35
Adding PDI Enterprise Repository Content Support to the BI Server.............................................. 35
4 | | TOC
Manual Deployment Overview
Pentaho provides several installation paths to meet a variety of customer needs. This guide contains advice and step-
by-step instructions for performing a complete custom installation of the Pentaho BI Server Enterprise Edition 3.8 into
a development or production environment that has an existing Java application server and relational database that you
want to store Pentaho content in.
Note: This is the only installation procedure that Pentaho will support for single sign-on (CAS) configuration.
Will Be Installed as Part of This Process You Must Supply On Your Own
A JBoss- or Tomcat-compatible J2EE application A supported operating system:
archive that contains the Pentaho BI Server
• Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, SUSE Linux
Archive packages containing BI Server plugins: Enterprise Linux 10)
• Pentaho Analyzer • Windows (XP, Vista, 2008, 7)
• Pentaho Dashboard Designer • Solaris 10
• OS X (10.5 or newer)
A Jetty application server running the Pentaho
Enterprise Console A Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.6.0 (6.0)
to build the Pentaho WAR with
A Sun JRE 1.6.0 on the server, and on each workstation
that you will install data preparation or design tools to
A supported application server:
• Tomcat 6.0
• JBoss 5.1
A supported database to store solutions:
• MySQL 5.0
• PostgreSQL 8.2
• Oracle 10g or 11g
One or more data sources:
• Any JDBC-compliant database
• A spreadsheet
• A flat file containing comma-separated values
This may not be the best installation path for you. This procedure expects you to provide a database to store your
BI Suite solutions, content, and schedules; and a Java application server to run the BI Server Web application. If you
would prefer not to build your own WAR file and install an application server, consult the Pentaho BI Suite Archive-
Based Installation Guide.
Are you installing on a Mac? There is an easier installation path for Mac users who don't want to provide their own
application server. This procedure is explained in the Pentaho BI Suite Mac Installation Guide.
Note: The example commands in this guide are relevant for Unix-like operating systems -- Linux, Solaris, OS
X, etc. -- except in sections where there are separate instructions for Windows. If you are deploying to Windows,
adjust the examples accordingly for your environment.
Hardware Requirements
The Pentaho BI Suite does not have strict limits on computer or network hardware. As long as you meet the minimum
software requirements (note that your operating system will have its own minimum hardware requirements), Pentaho is
hardware agnostic. There is, however, a recommended set of minimum system specifications:
It's possible to use less capable machines, but in most realistic scenarios, the too-limited system resources will result in
an undesirable level of performance.
Your environment does not have to be 64-bit, even if your processor architecture supports it; while all modern desktop,
workstation, and server machines have 64-bit processors, they often ship by default with 32-bit operating systems. If
you want to run the Pentaho BI Suite in a pure 64-bit environment, you will have to install a 64-bit operating system,
ensure that your solution database and Java Runtime Environment are 64-bit, and install the BI Suite via the archive-
based or manual deployment methods.
Note: A 32-bit JRE has a hard memory limit of 2GB (1.5GB on Windows), so if you have 2GB or more of RAM,
you must use a 64-bit JRE on a 64-bit operating system to take full advantage of it.
Software Requirements
Pentaho supports a variety of software platform configurations. You must have one of the following operating systems,
application servers, and repository databases installed, configured, remotely accessible if necessary, and its port and IP
address settings readily available to you:
Operating systems
• Windows XP SP2, 2003, Vista, 7, and Server 2008 (for Pentaho servers only; there is no client tool support for
Windows Server 2008)
• Modern Linux distributions (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 are officially
supported, but most others should work)
• Solaris 10
Application servers
• JBoss 5.1
• Tomcat 6.0 or 6.0
Note: Newer versions of these application servers may work, but were not part of Pentaho's quality assurance
process for this version of the BI Suite.
Repository databases
• MySQL version 5.0 or higher
• PostgreSQL version 8.2 or higher
• Oracle 10g
Operating environment
The Sun Java Runtime Environment (J2SE) version 1.5 or 1.6 (sometimes referenced as version 5.0 or 6.0,
respectively) is required for running the BI Server and the Pentaho client tools. Version 1.4.2 is known not to work.
Alternative JREs from IBM, Microsoft, Blackdown, or other companies and projects are not supported and may not work
In order to build a BI Server WAR or EAR package, you will need the Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) on your server.
The JDK includes a JRE, so if you have the JDK 1.5 or 1.6 installed on any client machines, you will not need to install
a separate JRE.
A recent version of Apache Ant is required. Your Ant installation must be in your execution path as well. If you
install Ant on Linux through a package manager, you should be all set. If you're installing on Windows, you may have to
edit your PATH variable to include the new Ant directory. Consult your IT manager or system administrator if you do not
know how to do this.
1. Open a local terminal on, or an OpenSSH session to the server you are hosting the BI Server on.
ssh [email protected]
2. With root permissions, create a new user account called pentaho.
Bash is not a requirement, but it is typically the shell that Linux users want to standardize on. On many Linux
distributions, the default new user shell is /bin/sh or some equivalent (such as Dash) that may not use the ~/.bashrc
configuration file that you will work with later. If you don't have or want to use Bash, adjust the instructions
throughout this guide accordingly.
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m pentaho
3. Set a password for the pentaho user (note that when using the sudo command, you must first supply the root
sudo passwd pentaho
4. Verify that you can log in using the credentials you specified.
su pentaho -
You now have a user account created specifically for running the BI Server and controlling Pentaho Enterprise Console
start and stop scripts. You should stay logged into this new account to create the pentaho directory in the next section,
and all other installation tasks that do not explicitly require root access.
You must use this new user account for starting and stopping the Pentaho Enterprise Console, and for installing and
updating licenses if you use the command line tool to manage them instead of the graphical interface in Pentaho
Enterprise Console. If you create any RC or init scripts to start Pentaho Enterprise Console automatically at boot time,
then you will have to fashion those scripts such that they start the service with the pentaho user credentials.
The PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME variable is now set, so all Java applications will be able to access the JRE binaries and
other resources.
The PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME variable is now set, so all Java applications will be able to access the JRE binaries and
other resources.
The packages you will need for a Windows server are:
• BI Server: /3.8.0-GA/developers/
• Pentaho User Console plugins: /3.8.0-GA/server/plugins/
• Pentaho Enterprise Console: /3.8.0-GA/server/windows/
Pentaho BI Suite Official Documentation | Obtaining the Pentaho BI Server Build Materials | 13
Building the BI Server
Building the Pentaho BI Server requires running Apache Ant from the command line interface, using special build
options that shape the application according to your specifications. All of the necessary build options are listed in this
section, followed by Ant build instructions.
In addition to specifying a database- and application server-specific build target, you will also be slipstreaming custom
configuration files into the build. This protects you from having to make a lot of surgical changes after the Pentaho WAR
and solutions directory have been deployed, as is the case with an "unpack and modify" archive-based installation.
1. Consult your database documentation to determine the JDBC class name and connection string for your Pentaho
solution database.
2. Navigate to the /biserver-manual-ee/build-resources/custom-pentaho-webapp/META-INF/ directory.
3. Create a file in this directory called context.xml, and paste the following text into it, replacing the Resource name,
username, password, driverClassName, and url parameters (or any relevant connection settings) to match your
solution repository configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/pentaho" docbase="webapps/pentaho/">
<Resource name="jdbc/Hibernate" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxActive="20"
maxWait="10000" username="hibuser" password="password"
driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
validationQuery="/* ping */ select 1"/>
You can now continue with the standard WAR build process.
You can now continue with the standard JBoss build process.
You can now continue with the standard WAR build process. Once the WAR is built, you must rename it to whatever
you just set the context name to.
You can now continue with the standard WAR or EAR build process. Once the WAR is built, you must rename it to
whatever you changed the context name to. You must also do this for the WAR contained in the EAR package, if that is
what you are building.
1. Navigate to the top-level directory where you want your solutions directory to reside. This must be accessible to the
application server and writable by the use account that runs the application server.
cd /home/pentaho/
2. Create a pentaho/server/biserver-ee/ directory.
mkdir -p pentaho/server/biserver-ee/
This directory structure is identical to the one laid down by the Pentaho BI Suite installation utility. Even though your
application server, Pentaho client tools, and other files are not stored here, replicating the exact BI Server directory
structure makes it easier to troubleshoot problems and follow instructions in documentation.
You now have a directory in which to install Pentaho Enterprise Console and the Pentaho solutions directory, where all
of your reports, analysis views, dashboards, and rendered content will be stored.
The pentaho-style.war, which contains style information for Pentaho content, has been created in the /biserver-
manual-ee/build/pentaho-wars/ directory: The application package, pentaho.war, is stored in the /biserver-
manual-ee/build/pentaho-wars/appserver/ directory, where appserver is the name of the Java application
server (JBoss or Tomcat) that you specified earlier.
The solution directory has also been created, and installed into the biserver-manual-ee/build/pentaho-
solutions/ directory.
Note: If you receive any Ant-related errors, check your Ant command syntax and the spelling of your
Here is an example Ant command that builds a WAR configured for the Tomcat application server
and a MySQL repository database, and dumps the build log to a text file:
ant -Ddb=mysql5 -logfile pentaho-
1. Find or retrieve a JDBC driver JAR from your database vendor or third-party driver developer.
Due to licensing restrictions, Pentaho is unable to provide the necessary JDBC driver JARs. You can retrieve a
JDBC driver from your database vendor. To that end, you may find these links helpful:
• Oracle:
• MySQL:
• PostgreSQL:
2. Copy the appropriate JDBC driver JAR file to the /tomcat/lib/ directory for Tomcat, or the /jboss/server/
default/lib/ directory for JBoss.
The BI Server now has the necessary driver to communicate with your solution repository database.
Your solutions directory has been properly created in a standard and application server-accessible location.
The BI Server's scheduling (quartz) database is now configured to work with PostgreSQL.
The BI Server's scheduling (quartz) database is now configured to work with Oracle.
All of the appropriate Pentaho files are now installed into your application server. If you are not going to implement
single sign-on (CAS) support in the BI Server, you can safely delete the biserver-manual-ee directory.
The Tomcat startup script is now properly modified to work with the Pentaho BI Server.
The Tomcat startup script is now properly modified to work with the Pentaho BI Server.
The JBoss startup script is now properly modified to work with the Pentaho BI Server.
All of the appropriate Pentaho files are now installed into your application server. If you are not going to implement
single sign-on (CAS) support in the BI Server, you can safely delete the biserver-manual-ee directory.
1. Download a PDI Enterprise Edition 4.1.3 client tool archive package from the Pentaho Knowledge Base or
Enterprise Edition FTP Site.
The package name (available in both tar.gz and zip formats) is: pdi-ee-client-4.1.3-GA
2. Unpack the archive to a temporary location.
3. Edit the /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/system/kettle/settings.xml file.
4. Change the value of the <repository.type> node from files to rdbms.
5. Enter your enterprise repository connection information in the proper nodes.
6. Enter the location of your local repositories.xml file in the <repositories.xml.file> node.
Note: This file is created on your PDI client workstation when you establish a connection to an
enterprise repository. Once you have made all of your repository connections on a workstation, copy the
repositories.xml file to the ~/.kettle/ directory on the BI Server and DI Server machines. If the client tool
and servers are all on the same machine, you do not have to copy the file. If you have not yet established
any repositories, you will have to revisit this procedure later when your PDI environment is fully configured.
7. Copy the contents of /data-integration/plugins/ to the /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-
solutions/system/kettle/plugins/ directory.
cp -r /tmp/data-integration/plugins/* /home/pentaho/pentaho/server/biserver-ee/
8. Remove the unpacked archive.
rm -rf /tmp/data-integration/
Pentaho BI Suite Official Documentation | Adding PDI Enterprise Repository Content Support to the BI Server | 25
Installing Hadoop Hive Plugins
In order to proceed with this task, you must have already purchased a Pentaho BI Suite For Hadoop support
entitlement. Skip this process if you do not have one.
The BI Server requires special Pentaho Data Integration plugins in order to use Hive metadata, and to use PDI
transformations in action sequences. Follow the instructions below to install these plugins in the BI Server.
1. If you have not already done so, download the plugin packages from the Pentaho Enterprise Edition FTP site, or the
Pentaho Knowledge Base.
The package names are:
• pdi-hadoop-plugin
• pdi-hadoop-plugin-ee
2. Unpack the plugin packages to the /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/system/
kettle/plugins/ directory.
The plugins you downloaded are now installed, though you will still need to register your license file in the Pentaho
Enterprise Console, or with the command line license management tool. There are instructions for that process later in
this guide. For now, continue on to the next section.
1. If you have not already done so, download the plugin packages from the Pentaho Enterprise Edition FTP site, or the
Pentaho Knowledge Base.
The Dashboard Designer package name always begins with pdd; the Pentaho Analyzer package always begins with
2. Unpack the plugin packages to the /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/system/
This will create a subdirectory for the plugin.
The plugins you downloaded are now installed, though you will still need to register your license files in the Pentaho
Enterprise Console, or with the command line license management tool. There are instructions for that process later in
this guide. For now, continue on to the next section.
1. If you have not already done so, download the pec-ee-3.8.0-GA (zip or tar.gz) archive file.
The only difference between the Windows zip and Linux/Solaris tar.gz files is the archive technology; tar.gz better
preserves file and directory permissions on Unix-like operating systems.
2. Unzip the file to the /pentaho/server/ directory.
This will create an /enterprise-console/ subdirectory there.
3. For Oracle users: You must copy the Oracle JDBC driver to the /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/
jdbc/ directory.
Typically this file is named ojdbc14.jar. This is the same file that you copied to your application server when you
deployed the WAR or EAR earlier.
4. Optional: The default Pentaho Enterprise Console start and stop port numbers are 8088 and 8033, respectively.
If you want to change them, navigate to the /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/resource/
config/ directory and edit the file. Change the console.start.port.number and
console.stop.port.number values to match the port numbers you want to run Enterprise Console on.
28 | Pentaho BI Suite Official Documentation | Installing the Pentaho Enterprise Console: Linux/OS X/Windows
Installing the Pentaho Enterprise Console: Solaris
You must have the GNU tar utility installed in order to proceed. The default behavior of the tar utility in Solaris 10 is
to truncate long file names when unpacking an archive created with GNU tar, as the Pentaho archives are. Therefore,
you must either install a GNU tar-compatible utility, or unpack the archives on a Linux or BSD machine before deploying
The Pentaho Enterprise Console is a necessary BI Server administration tool, but it is not included with the manual
deployment package. Follow the below instructions to install it.
1. If you have not already done so, download the pec-ee-3.8.0-GA (zip or tar.gz) archive file.
The only difference between the Windows zip and Linux/Solaris tar.gz files is the archive technology; tar.gz better
preserves file and directory permissions on Unix-like operating systems.
2. Unzip the file to the /pentaho/server/ directory.
This will create an /enterprise-console/ subdirectory there.
3. For Oracle users: You must copy the Oracle JDBC driver to the /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/
jdbc/ directory.
Typically this file is named ojdbc14.jar. This is the same file that you copied to your application server when you
deployed the WAR or EAR earlier.
4. Edit the /enterprise-console/ script and replace the #!/bin/sh line at the top of the file with #!/
5. Edit the /enterprise-console/ script and replace the #!/bin/sh line at the top of the file with #!/
6. Optional: The default Pentaho Enterprise Console start and stop port numbers are 8088 and 8033, respectively.
If you want to change them, navigate to the /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/resource/
config/ directory and edit the file. Change the console.start.port.number and
console.stop.port.number values to match the port numbers you want to run Enterprise Console on.
Pentaho BI Suite Official Documentation | Installing the Pentaho Enterprise Console: Solaris | 29
Initial Startup of the BI Server and Pentaho Enterprise Console
Linux, Solaris, and other Unix-like operating system users must perform the Pentaho Enterprise Console step below
while logged in as or using the pentaho user credentials established earlier in this guide.
The basic installation procedures are now complete, so it's time to start the BI Platform and Pentaho Enterprise Console
servers so that you can proceed with low-level system configuration.
Both the Pentaho BI Server and the Pentaho Enterprise Console server are now running and should be accessible via a
Web browser at and, respectively.
30 | Pentaho BI Suite Official Documentation | Initial Startup of the BI Server and Pentaho Enterprise Console
Post-Install Configuration
After you've successfully built and deployed the BI Server, you must set up your configuration information and other
details. All of this is done through the Pentaho Enterprise Console.
1. Open a Web browser and navigate to (change localhost to the IP address, hostname, or
domain name of your BI Platform).
2. Log in as admin, using password as the password.
3. Click the + (plus) button in the upper right corner of the Subscriptions section.
An Install License dialogue will appear.
4. Click Browse, then navigate to the location you saved your LIC files to, click on one of the LIC files, then click Open.
LIC files for each of your supported Pentaho products were emailed to you along with your Pentaho Welcome Kit. If
you did not receive this email, or if you have lost these files, contact your Pentaho support representative. If you do
not yet have a support representative, contact the Pentaho salesperson you were working with.
5. Click OK.
The Setup screen will change according to the LIC file you installed. Repeat the LIC file installation process for
each support entitlement you have purchased.
Note: After installing license files, Linux and Solaris users must restart the application server before they
can use any functions in the Pentaho User Console. The Pentaho Enterprise Console does not have to be
restarted, so you can continue configuring the system, but you must restart JBoss or Tomcat when you are
6. In the Solution Directory field, enter /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/, or whatever
the path to your pentaho-solutions directory is.
7. In the Backup Directory field, type in the location that you'd like to save Pentaho Enterprise Console backup data
This can be any local directory that your application server has permissions to write to. You cannot, however, use
relative paths in this or any other configuration field in this screen -- all paths must be absolute.
8. In the Pentaho Web-App Path field, enter /tomcat/webapps/pentaho/, or whatever the path to the unpacked
pentaho.war directory is for your application server.
9. In the Platform Administrator User Name field, type in admin, or if you already have Pentaho User Console
accounts established, type in the account name that you will use to manage reports and schedules.
This user account does not have to exist yet, and you can change this value later.
10.Click OK.
The rest of the settings in this screen do not need to change right now.
11.Click Configuration in the menu on the left side of Pentaho Enterprise Console.
12.Click the Web Settings tab at the top of the screen.
13.Change the Fully Qualified Server URL setting to match your server's hostname, domain name, or IP address. Do
not change the directory or port number.
If you need to change the port number, consult the Pentaho BI Suite Administrator's Guide.
Your Pentaho BI Server now has a minimal configuration. If you need to return to this screen, click on the wrench/
screwdriver icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Your administration work is only beginning; you should now consult the Pentaho BI Suite Administrator's Guide to learn
your way around the Pentaho Enterprise Console.
You won't be able to log into the Pentaho User Console until you've established user accounts and roles in the Pentaho
Enterprise Console.
When your system is properly configured, log in with your administrator account, then verify that you can do the
following, assuming your data has been prepared for reporting and analysis:
• Create a new analysis view.
• Create a new ad hoc report.
• If you are a Dashboards Enterprise Edition customer, create a new dashboard with the Dashboard Designer plugin.
• If you are a Pentaho Analysis Enterprise Edition customer, create a new analysis report with the Pentaho Analyzer
• Schedule a report to run at a regular interval.
• Using Pentaho Report Designer, publish a report to the BI Server.
Version Check
The instructions in this guide are specific to the Pentaho BI Server Enterprise Edition version 3.8.0-GA. The installation
process can change significantly between BI Server releases to address new features, updated requirements, and bug
workarounds, so the instructions in this guide should be assumed not to work with any other BI Server version, including
the open source BI Server Community Edition version 3.8-stable.
Many of the configuration files and paths in this guide are similar, and it is easy to confuse them, which could result in
modifying the wrong files or copying to the wrong locations. Double-check your file names and paths and ensure that
you've copied all of the right files to all of the correct directories.
Trailing slashes are important; both their inclusion and their absence, depending on the file and parameter or element
you are modifying. Follow the examples in this guide exactly unless otherwise directed.
vfs-provider.xml Duplicates
The above-referenced configuration file may be present in a number of JARs in other applications that you've deployed
to your Java application server. Having multiple instances of this file will cause classpath exceptions. You must merge
the multiple files into one canonical edition in order to solve the problem.
Library Conflicts
The BI Server relies on many third-party libraries that provide everything from database connectivity to specific Java
classes that add necessary features to the BI Server. If you have incompatible versions of any of these third-party
libraries in your application server's global lib directory, they can cause a variety of problems related to starting and
running the BI Server. You will have to discover and individually canonicalize these files according to your needs.
Some known-problematic JARs are:
• commons-collections-3.2.jar (from Pentaho)
• commons-collections.jar (from JBoss in /jboss/server/default/lib/)
• jettison-1.01.jar (from Pentaho)
• jettison.jar (from JBoss in /jboss/default/deploy/jbossws.sar)
JBoss Fails to Start When the Pentaho HSQLDB Sample Database Is Running
Note: This problem can also manifest as the Pentaho sample database refusing to start when the BI Server is
deployed to JBoss.
The Pentaho-supplied HSQLDB sample database operates on the default HSQLDB port of 9001. JBoss has its
own HSQLDB instance running on the same port; therefore, the port collision will prevent the JBoss version from
starting, and cause the startup process to halt. You can change the Pentaho sample database port by editing the
start_hypersonic script and adding the -port 9002 switch to the last line:
"$_PENTAHO_JAVA" -cp $THE_CLASSPATH org.hsqldb.Server -port 9002 -database.0 $DIR_REL/
hsqldb/sampledata -dbname.0 sampledata -database.1 $DIR_REL/hsqldb/hibernate -dbname.1
hibernate -database.2 $DIR_REL/hsqldb/quartz -dbname.2 quartz
1. Download a PDI Enterprise Edition 4.1.3 client tool archive package from the Pentaho Knowledge Base or
Enterprise Edition FTP Site.
The package name (available in both tar.gz and zip formats) is: pdi-ee-client-4.1.3-GA
Pentaho BI Suite Official Documentation | Troubleshooting | 35
2. Unpack the archive to a temporary location.
3. Edit the /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/system/kettle/settings.xml file.
4. Change the value of the <repository.type> node from files to rdbms.
5. Enter your enterprise repository connection information in the proper nodes.
6. Enter the location of your local repositories.xml file in the <repositories.xml.file> node.
Note: This file is created on your PDI client workstation when you establish a connection to an
enterprise repository. Once you have made all of your repository connections on a workstation, copy the
repositories.xml file to the ~/.kettle/ directory on the BI Server and DI Server machines. If the client tool
and servers are all on the same machine, you do not have to copy the file. If you have not yet established
any repositories, you will have to revisit this procedure later when your PDI environment is fully configured.
7. Copy the contents of /data-integration/plugins/ to the /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-
solutions/system/kettle/plugins/ directory.
cp -r /tmp/data-integration/plugins/* /home/pentaho/pentaho/server/biserver-ee/
8. Remove the unpacked archive.
rm -rf /tmp/data-integration/