Adama Science and Technology University School of Electrical Engineering and Computing Computer Science and Engineering Department
Adama Science and Technology University School of Electrical Engineering and Computing Computer Science and Engineering Department
Adama Science and Technology University School of Electrical Engineering and Computing Computer Science and Engineering Department
We are grateful to extend our deep and genuine appreciation to our advisor Inst.
Anteneh Alemu, for his guidance and constant supervision as well as his kind co-
operationand encouragement, whichhelpedusin completion of this project, whichis
a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document.
Our heartfelt thanks also goes to Mr. GichileBongase and Zerihun for the
informationthey provide and their contribution in the development of project.
Our thanks and an appreciation goesto all of those who have willingly supported
and helped usout with their abilities
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................IV
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background.......................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Statement of the project.....................................................................................................................1
1.4 Team Composition............................................................................................................................2
1.5 Objectives of the project...................................................................................................................3
1.5.1 General Objective.......................................................................................................................3
1.5.2 Specific Objective........................................................................................................................3
1.6 Feasibility..........................................................................................................................................3
1.6.1 Operational Feasibility................................................................................................................3
1.6.1 Economic Feasibility...................................................................................................................3
1.7 Scope and Limitations.......................................................................................................................4
1.7.1 Scope of the Project....................................................................................................................4
1.7.2 Limitations of the Project............................................................................................................4
1.8 Methodology.....................................................................................................................................4
1.8.2 Development method.................................................................................................................5
1.9 Significance of the system.................................................................................................................5
1.10 Development Tools..........................................................................................................................6
1.10.1 Software Tool............................................................................................................................6
1.11 Overview of the Project Phase.........................................................................................................6
1.12 Project Plan......................................................................................................................................7
1.12.1 Task and Schedules...................................................................................................................7
Chapter 2.....................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Description of the existing system.....................................................................................................8
2.2 Major Function of the system............................................................................................................8
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Figure 1. Actor Identification.....................................................................................................................21
Figure 2. Use Case Diagram.......................................................................................................................23
Figure 3.Sequence diagram for login.........................................................................................................35
Figure 4.Sequence diagram for register customer.....................................................................................36
Figure 5.Sequence diagram for update customer.....................................................................................37
Figure 6.Sequence diagram for delete customer.......................................................................................38
Figure 7.Sequence diagram for make payment.........................................................................................39
Figure 8.Sequence diagram for send request............................................................................................40
Figure 9.Sequence diagram for view history.............................................................................................41
Figure 11.Sequence diagram for meter reading........................................................................................42
Figure 12.Sequence diagram for approve maintenance............................................................................43
Figure 13.Sequence diagram for create employee account......................................................................44
Figure 14.Sequence diagram for update employee account.....................................................................45
Figure 15.Sequence diagram for delete employee account......................................................................46
Figure 16.Sequence diagram for view report............................................................................................47
Figure 17.Class diagram.............................................................................................................................48
Figure 18.Activity Diagram for customers.................................................................................................49
Figure 19.Activity Diagram for customer service expert............................................................................50
Figure 20.Activity Diagram for technician..................................................................................................51
Figure 21.Activity Diagram for manager....................................................................................................52
Figure 22.State diagram for pay bill...........................................................................................................53
Figure 23.state diagram for view history...................................................................................................54
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Table 1.TeamComposition..........................................................................................................................2
Table 2 Task and Schedules........................................................................................................................7
Table 3. Private customer tariff...................................................................................................................9
Table 4 Commercial Sectors tariff.............................................................................................................10
Table 5 Private government and NGO sectors tariff..................................................................................10
Table 6. Community sectors tariff.............................................................................................................10
Table 7. Hydrant tariff...............................................................................................................................10
Table 8. Use case description for register customer..................................................................................25
Table 9.Use case description for update customer...................................................................................26
Table 10.Use case description for delete customer...................................................................................27
Table 11.Use case description for assign technician..................................................................................28
Table 12.Use case description for record meter reading...........................................................................28
Table 13.Use case description for approve maintenance..........................................................................29
Table 14. Use case description for approve maintenance.........................................................................30
Table 15.Use case description for account update....................................................................................30
Table 16.Use case description for Delete Account....................................................................................31
Table 17.Use case description for View report..........................................................................................32
Table 18.Use case description for make payment.....................................................................................33
Table 19. Use case description for View history........................................................................................33
Table 20.Use case description for Send Report.........................................................................................34
Table 21.Data Dictionary...........................................................................................................................35
Table 22.Subsystem decomposition description.......................................................................................64
Table 23.Access control matrix table for login, manage account, assign technician, record, record meter
reading, manage customers, approve maintenance.................................................................................67
Table 24.Access control matrix table for register meter, view report, make payment, send request.......67
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
1.1 Introduction
Now days, clean water is one of human’s necessity to stay alive and many companies across the
world proved this necessity to their customers. And customers pay monthly bill for their
consumption. Paying a utility bill in Ethiopia and most developing nations is time consuming. It
takes more than a quarter a day or more, to pay a utility bill in most of these nations with queues
usually several meters long in any of water supply service office. On most days, the water supply
offices are filled with long queues of hundreds of individuals waiting to pay a range of these bills
in cash. A lot of unproductive hours are spent queuing up to pay and also to make simple
inquiries or receive responses. These reasons actually dominate the customers’ reasons for the
branch visits, making the whole payment process needlessly complicated. On the other hand,
the utility company is also tasked to a greater extent with receiving, reviewing, tracking and
manually clearing each bill, which is and continues to be a laborious time intensive undertaking.
1.2 Background
The water supply history of the Adama Town begins in early 1940’s EC and transferred to the
newly established WSSA, under the Military Government, in 1975 EC thereafter, the supply
system was in action by WSSA until it was run again by the new Federal Democratic
Government taking power from Guinbot 1983 EC.
Now WSSA provides water to about 67,392 customers where about 66,092 are active customers
and 1,300 who are not active. WSSA has now 6 branches in Adama.
1. Head office (Mebrat)
2. College (in front of ASTU main gate)
3. Amede
4. Genb
5. Dukete
6. Aba Geda
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
The main objective this project is to develop a mobile billing and full customer system for
1.6 Feasibility
This system brings better achievement for the operations performed in serving its customers. So
that one can say that the system is operationally feasible.
This project does not violate rules and regulations of the governments as well as the
organization (WSSA). The system being built is for the sake of productivity of the organization,
so that the project is legally feasible.
Here we have stated the costs related to the project and the benefits that are going to be gained
after the completion of the project by performing as a cost benefit analysis.
Increase accuracy
It minimizes the work load of the employee
Error reduction
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
1.8 Methodology
1.8.1 Data Collection Methodology
There are different methodologies available for collecting information (data gathering methods)
from the users and administrators of WSSA. During requirement collection methods we have
used some techniques among them:
1) Observation: we observed the existing systems (water billing systems) how it operate and
how customers communicate with the organization (WSSA).
2) Interview: In addition to observation we interview both the customers and the WSSA’s
administrators. We interview that the customers about the problems of the existing
systems and also, we interview the service administrators how they manage and store the
customers information and data. Based on the gathered data from the interview made in
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
the water supply service that has been organize and process, the existing problem has
been identified.
3) Document analysis: Internet and some researches will be used as source to collect
information related to this project.
The main Significance of this system is reduces the customers accessing time to get service from
the organization.
It minimizes the customers losing time when they want to access service from the
It provides timely information and also Process Customers request on time.
It can easily update customer’s record.
Reduce material loss
It increases performance of the organization
Enhance employee morale of the organization by providing quality service.
Improves the confidence of the system users.
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
2 Html 5 web-designing
3 MySQL Database
Requirements Analysis: This phase begins with analyzing what exactly the system
has to do.
Functional Specification: At this phase, determining what exactly the target system
must do and the premises for its implementation. All requirements should be
thoroughly defined and documented.
Software Architecture and Test Plan: In this phase, it is necessary to determine the
system components covering your requirements and the way these components will
work together.
Implementation (Coding) and Testing: In this phase, developing the mobile
application and making sure it is error free takes place.
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Release: after the development and testing process is completed the software will be
Maintenance: The task of this phase is the proper functioning of the software. To
improve a product or system, it should be continuously maintained. Software
maintenance involves detecting and correcting errors, as well as extending and
improving the software itself.
1 Requirements One week Combine elements of
planning system planning and
phase system analysis phases.
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Chapter 2
2.1 Description of the existing system
Currently WSSA uses a computerized system for giving service to its customers. And this
existing system currently performs different activities including registration of new customer,
bill generation, report generation. But the payment of the customers is not in timely manner and
hence the whole system is not properly organized. Even if the customers want to pay there is not
facility to payment method which can be achieved quickly. Paying utility bills for such basic
services like water still takes more than a quarter a day in Ethiopia and many other nations in
Africa. Customers to these utility companies have to spend very unproductive hours queuing to
pay bills in form of cash at the water supply service.
IT men
And other workers
Business rule is a rule in which the organization uses it to perform any activities or
invoice. Water meter is the property of the Authority therefore only the Authority has
the right to install, to remove, to change, transfer and to clean to inspect a water meter.
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
The customer shall notify the authority as soon as he is aware that the meter is broken or
has been damaged.
The Authority shall demand the payment of the water charge from the customer
According to its tariff and the consumption of water as show by the meter.
Unless it is proved that the meter is not making correct reading, or is broken, the reading
shall be accepted by the Authority and the customer.
Where the correctness of the meter is doubtful the customer may request the inspection
of the authority. The authority may also at any time inspect the meter as its own
Where the customer fails to pay the require water charge, the Authority shall give him
two consecutive periods of months within punishment and finally the water bill removes
from customers.
The following table shows current tariff of water consumption for private customers
Number Consumption Tariff/Birr
1 From 0 - 5 m3 5.25
2 From 6 - 10m3 6.30
3 From 11 - 30m3 7.90
4 From 30m3 and above 8.95
Table 3. Private customer tariff
The following table shows current tariff of water consumption for commercial sectors
Numbe Consumption Tariff/Birr
1 From 0 - 5 m3 6.25
Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
The following table shows current tariff of water consumption for private
government and NGO sectors
Numbe Consumption Tariff/Birr
1 From 0 - 5 m3 5.25
2 From 6 - 10m3 6.30
3 From 11 - 30m 7.90
4 From 30m and above 8.95
Table 5Privategovernment and NGO sectors tariff
The following table shows current tariff of water consumption for community
Numbe Consumption Tariff/Birr
1 From 0 m3 and above 4.25
Table 6. Community sectors tariff
The following table shows current tariff of water consumption for hydrant
Number Consumption Tariff/Birr
1 From 0 m3 and above 9.10
Table 7. Hydrant tariff
Finally, we expect from our project it saves time, money and energy for customers and
employees. Customers can get quick and fair access of WSSA water supply. Our system can
give satisfaction for employees and Customers because the system avoids fault activities.
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3. Proposed system
3.1 overview:
The proposed system solves the problem of the existing system. The main aim of the proposed
system is to implement web-based water billing and customer service management system for
WSSA which allows easily register customer, maintenance order request, search payment, and
generate report. So, the proposed system benefits both customers and the water supply service.
WSSA mobile bill payment and employee management system is an android and web-
based system for Adama city administration water supply and swage service enterprise.
The WSSA mobile bill payment application provides the amount of bill that a customer
expected to pay receiving the data from the WSSA server through the internet.
The WSSA mobile bill payment provides application the customer to make a
maintenance request to the enterprise through the internet from anywhere.
The WSSA mobile bill payment provides the customer with the history of the bill that the
customer paid.
The system calculates the consumption of water utility of the customer based on the type
of the customer and generate bill for every customer including the penalty.
The system provides access to the manager to register, update or remove employees from
the system. And also, the system enables the Customer service expert to register, update
or remove customers from the system.
1) Reliability:
The system shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
The system shall always provide real time information about bill availability
The system shall be robust enough to have a high degree of fault tolerance. For
example, if the customer enters an invalid customer Id, the system should not
crash and shall identify the invalid input and produce a suitable error message.
The system shall be able to recover from hardware failures, power failures and
other natural catastrophes and rollback the databases to their most recent valid
2) Usability:
The system shall provide an easy-to-use graphical interface similar to other
existing billing system so that the customers do not have to learn a new style of
The web interface should be intuitive and easily navigable Users should be able to
understand the menu and options provided by the system.
Any notification or error messages generated by ARS shall be clear, polite.
3) Authentication Requirement:
The system support user name and password to authentic.
Users need to be authenticated before having access to any personal data.
The system should be secure and must use encryption to protect the databases.
Response time of the WSSA System should be less than 2 second most of the
time. Response time refers to the waiting time while the system accesses, queries
and retrieves the information from the databases.
The WSSA system shall be able to handle at least 1000 transactions/inquiries per
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Scenario: 1
Name of scenario: Register customer
Participating actors: Customer service expert
Entry condition:
Internet connection should be available.
They have to navigate to organization’s URL
The user should have valid username and password and must login
Flow of events:
1. The customer service expert logs into his/her page
2. Chooses register new customer tab from the category
3. The customer service expert enters all the necessary information
4. The customer service expert fills the table and click ADD button
5. The system displays a success message to the customer service expert
Exceptional flow:
if the customer service enters wrong information or did not entered required information the
system will display wrong input message
Scenario: 2
Name of scenario: update customer
Participating actors: customer service expert
Entry condition:
Flow of events:
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Scenario: 3
Name of scenario: Delete Customer
participating actors: Customer Service expert
Entry condition:
Flow of events:
Scenario: 4
Name of scenario: assign technician
Participating actors: Customer Service expert
Entry condition:
Internet connection should be available.
They have to navigate to organization’s URL
The user should have valid username and password
Flow of events:
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Flow of events:
1. The technician logs into his page.
2. Chooses meter reading tab from the category.
3. The system displays query table to choose target.
4. The user chooses customers name.
5. The technician enters all the necessary information.
6. The system displays customer’s database for that specific target.
7. The system displays table of meter reading for that customer.
8. The technician fills the table and click SAVE button
Exceptional flow:
if the technician records incorrect meter reading, he/she can correct it by clicking EDIT button
Scenario: 6
Name of scenario: Approve maintenance
Participating actors: Technician
Entry condition:
Internet connection should be available.
They have to navigate to organization’s URL
The user should have valid username and password
The maintenance must be requested
Flow of events:
1. The technician logs into his page
2. Chooses approve maintenance tab from the category
3. The system displays the requested problem and customer information to the technician
4. The technician checks the problem and customers information
5. Technical takes the request from the customer.
6. The technician fills the information and click APPROVE button
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Scenario: 7
Name of scenario: Register meter
Participating actors: Technician
Entry condition:
Internet connection should be available.
They have to navigate to organization’s URL
The user should have valid username and password
Flow of events:
Scenario: 8
Name of scenario: Login
Participant actors: all users
Entry condition:
Flow of event:
1. The use opens the login page.
2. Enters username and password.
3. Clicks login button.
4. The user gets appropriate page.
5. If the user forgets his/her username/password, then click forgot password
6. Username link.
7. Password recovery page will be displayed.
Exceptional flow:
If the user enters invalid username and password, the system notifies to enter the correct one.
Name of scenario: create account.
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Exceptional condition:
If the manager did not fill all required fields or filled incorrect it will load the create tab with
error message.
Scenario: 10
Name of scenario: update account.
Participant actors: Manager
Entry condition:
If the manager did not fill all required fields or filled incorrect it will load the update
tab with error message.
Scenario: 11
Name of scenario: delete account.
Participant actors: Manager
Entry condition:
Internet connection should be available.
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Scenario: 12
Name of scenario: view report.
Participant actors: Manager
Entry condition:
Flow of condition:
1. Login page is presented.
2. Manager fills the required fields.
3. Click on the view report tab.
4. Report will be displayed.
Scenario: 13
Name of scenario: make payment
Participating actors: customer
Entry condition:
Flow of events:
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Exceptional flow:
If the user enters invalid customer_id or password the application will toast incorrect
customer_id or password message.
If the user does not have sufficient balance the application will toast insufficient balance
Scenario: 14
Name of scenario: view history
Participating actors: customer
Entry condition:
Flow of events:
1. The user opens the application.
2. Enter customer_id and password
3. Click history button
4. The application will display payment history of the customer.
Exceptional flow:
If the user enters invalid customer_id or password the application will toast incorrect
customer_id or password message.
Scenario: 15
Name of scenario: send request
Participating actors: customer
Entry condition:
Internet connection should be available.
The user should have the application.
The user should have valid customer_id and password.
Flow of event:
1. The user opens the application.
2. Enter customer_id and password
3. Click send request button
4. Write description of the problem
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5. Click submit
Exceptional flow:
If the user enters invalid customer_id or password the application will toast incorrect
customer_id or password message.3.2.2 Use case models
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
View payment
Maintenance Request
Payment record
Bill Calculate
Accept Maintenance
Generate Report
Maintenance approves
View history
Assign technician
Delete Customer
Update customer
Register customer
Register meter
Create Account
Account update
Delete Account
View report
Bill payment
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Basic course of action 1. Customer service expert open the Customer service page
(Flow of event): 2. Customer service expert inserts the login address on the page.
3. the Customer service expert finds the customer using the find button
4. the Customer service expert updates and saves the update
5.End use case
Exceptional flow - If the user enters invalid username or password the application will
toast incorrect username or password message.
-if the customer does not exist display no match found message and
return to step 3.
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Basic course of action 1. Customer service expert open the Customer service page
(Flow of event): 2. Customer service expert inserts the login address on the page.
3. the Customer service expert finds the customer using the find button
4. the Customer service expert removes the customer
5.End use case
Exceptional flow - If the user enters invalid username or password the application will
toast incorrect username or password message.
-if the customer does not exist display no match found message and
return to step 3.
Basic course of action 1. Customer service expert open the Customer service page
(Flow of event): 2. Customer service expert inserts the login address on the page.
4. Customer service expert clicks Request maintenance button
5. Enter the correct & all necessary information
5. clicks request button.
6.End use case
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Exceptional flow - If the user enters invalid username or password the application will
toast incorrect username or password message.
-if there is no request maintenance display no request message return
to step 3
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Mobile Billing and Employee Management system for WSSA
Exceptional flow - If the user enters invalid username or password the application will
toast incorrect username or password message.
-if the customer did not send any maintenance request the system
displays no request is detected message and return to step 1.
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Actor Manager
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Exceptional flow - If the user enters invalid username or password the application
will toast incorrect username or password message.
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3.7Dynamic Model
3.7.1 Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagrams in the UML are primarily used to model the interactions
between the actors and the objects in a system and the interactions between the
objects themselves. As the name implies, a sequence diagram shows the sequence
of interactions that take place during a particular use case or use case instance. The
objects and actors involved are listed along the top of the diagram, with a dotted
line drawn vertically from these. Interactions between objects are indicated by
annotated arrows. The rectangle on the dotted lines indicates the lifeline of the
object concerned. The annotations on the arrows indicate the calls to the objects,
their parameters, and the return values.
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The Class diagram captures the logical structure of the system; the classes and things that make
up the model. It is a static model, describing what exists and what attributes and behavior it has,
rather than how something is done. Class diagrams are most useful to illustrate relationships
between classes and interfaces.
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3.9Activity Diagram
Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions
with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. And show the overall flow of control.
Activity diagrams are constructed from a limited number of shapes, connected with arrows. The
most important shape types:
rounded rectangles represent actions;
diamonds represent decisions;
a black circle represents the start (initial node) of the workflow;
an encircled black circle represents the end (final node).
arrows run
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Figure 18.Activity Diagram for customer service expert
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Figure 19.Activity Diagram for technician
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Chapter 4
4. System design
4.1 Introduction
This System Design Document has been created to outline the proposed system design for new
WSSA. The WSSA is intended to create a user-friendly and powerful tool for customers and
employee of WSSA Corp. By designing, testing, and deploying the WSSA, WSSA Corp. will
improve its capabilities in maintenance management, tracking, and reporting efficiency in
serving customers. This document and the technical specifications listed herein comply with all
WSSA Corp. technical standards and infrastructure.
The purpose of this System Design Document is to provide a description for how the new WSSA
will be constructed. The Systems Design Document was created to ensure that the WSSA design
meets the requirements specified in the WSSA project requirements documentation. The System
Design Document provides a description of the system architecture, software, hardware, database
design, and security.
Integration of all maintenance data which allows for real-time report generation and
simplifies management of all maintenance activities.
Enhanced and additional user interfaces which provide users with much simpler data
entry, updates, queries, and other capabilities.
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We will make it as easy as possible by removing all unnecessary things, and it will be
straight forward.
Since the application is built directly for the aimed person it will be very flexible.
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Having identified and described the components of WSSA, it may be necessary to show the
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4.3.4Hardware/Software mapping
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Component diagrams show how the physical components of a system are organized. And also
shows which component or objects will be accessed by whom and what type of security
infrastructures it is using. Again
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Prentice Object Oriented Software Engineering Using UML Patterns and Java 3rd 2012
Last year documentations
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