Convolutional Neural Networks For Time Series Classification
Convolutional Neural Networks For Time Series Classification
Convolutional Neural Networks For Time Series Classification
Bendong Zhao* , Huanzhang Lu, Shangfeng Chen, Junliang Liu, and Dongya Wu
College of Electronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Abstract: Time series classification is an important task in time diagnosing cardiac disorders [8,9]. And in computer sci-
series data mining, and has attracted great interests and tremen- ence, time series classification can be used for signature
dous efforts during last decades. However, it remains a challenging verification and speech recognition [10]. There are many
problem due to the nature of time series data: high dimensionality,
approaches for time series classification, which can be
large in data size and updating continuously. The deep learning
techniques are explored to improve the performance of traditional
summarized in three large categories according to the clas-
feature-based approaches. Specifically, a novel convolutional neu- sification scheme: model based, distance based and feature
ral network (CNN) framework is proposed for time series classifica- based [7,11].
tion. Different from other feature-based classification approaches, The first category of time series classification ap-
CNN can discover and extract the suitable internal structure to proaches is based on models. Assume that the time se-
generate deep features of the input time series automatically by ries in a class is generated by an underlying model, and
using convolution and pooling operations. Two groups of experi-
then the model parameters are fitted and determined by the
ments are conducted on simulated data sets and eight groups of
training samples in this class. In this way, different mo-
experiments are conducted on real-world data sets from different
application domains. The final experimental results show that the
dels (different model parameters) are obtained for differ-
proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for time ent classes. Then a new time series is compared to the mo-
series classification in terms of the classification accuracy and dels to determine which class it belongs to. The autoregres-
noise tolerance. sive (AR) model is the simplest method and has been com-
monly used for time series analyses [12]. However, this
Keywords: time series, multivariate time series, classification,
method has a drawback that the time series must satisfy
convolutional neural network (CNN), data mining.
stationary assumption, which is always violated in prac-
DOI: 10.21629/JSEE.2017.01.18 tice. The Markov model (MM) and the hidden Markov
model (HMM) can be used to model non-stationarity time
series. They have been frequently used and have obtained
1. Introduction good performances in time series classification in recent
Time series is an important class of temporal data objects, years [13]. However, there is another serious drawback of
and can be easily obtained by recording a series of obser- these two models that the time series needs to be symbolic.
vations chronologically, e.g. price of stocks, electrocardio- As a matter of fact, most of time series cannot, or is very
gram (ECG), and brightness of a target star [1]. Recently, difficult to, be represented well and truly by a generative
time series data mining has attracted great interests and ini- model, which highly limits the application of these model
tiated various researches [2 – 6]. The main tasks of time se- based approaches.
ries data mining include, but are not limited to: pattern dis- The second category of time series classification ap-
covery and clustering, rule discovery, summarization and proaches is based on distance. After defining a distance
classification [1]. As an important task of time series data function to measure the similarity (or dissimilarity) be-
mining, time series classification is widely used in many tween two time series, many existing methods, e.g. K near-
areas. For instance, in astronomy, the brightness of a tar- est neighbor (KNN), support vector machines (SVM), can
get star can be classified with a set of references in or- be directly used for classification. Thus, the key point of
der to search for exoplanets [7]. In medical science, the these approaches is how to define the distance function.
blood pressure or ECG classification can be used to help For two time series x, y, the simplest distance function
may be Lp norm, which is defined as
Manuscript received December 09, 2015. p
*Corresponding author. Lp (x, y) = x − yp = ( |xi − yi | )1/p . (1)
Bendong Zhao et al.: Convolutional neural networks for time series classification 163
when p = 1, p = 2, p = ∞, it denotes Manhattan CNN can automatically mine and generate deep features
distance, Euclidean distance and maximum distance, re- of input images, and has a strong robustness against trans-
spectively. Lp norm has been widely used to measure the lation, scaling and rotation, owing to the three impor-
dissimilarity between two time series due to its simplicity. tant ideas different from traditional forward neural net-
However, there is a serious drawback of this method that works as follows: local receptive field, weights sharing and
the length of the two series must be equal and it is sen- pooling [26].
sitive to distortions in time dimension [11]. To overcome Inspired by the CNN for image recognition, we explore
this drawback, another distance function called dynamic a deep learning framework for time series classification.
time warping (DTW) distance is proposed. DTW has al- Specifically, a novel CNN framework for time series clas-
ways been a research hotspot in time series data mining and sification is proposed. Convolution and pooling operations
many achievements can be found in [4,14 – 16]. However, are alternatively used to generate deep features of the raw
the DTW distance does not satisfy the triangle inequality, data. Then the features are connected to a multilayer per-
and is computationally expensive. ceptron (MLP) to perform classification. Experimental re-
The third category of time series classification ap- sults on simulated and real data sets show that our method
proaches, also most widely used, is based on features. The outperforms state-of-the-art methods for time series clas-
main idea is to achieve dimension reduction by using a set sification in terms of the classification accuracy and noise
of features representing the time series. The earliest spec- tolerance. The remaining part of this paper is organized as
tral method of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) transforms follows. In Section 2, the architecture and training algo-
a time series from time domain to frequency domain, and rithm of CNN for time series classification are described.
then uses a few Fourier coefficients to represent the origi- The meanings and the determination methods of several
nal data. It can maintain most information of the time series CNN parameters are discussed in Section 3. Experiments
as well as highly reduce its dimension, because the energy and conclusions are shown in Sections 4 and 5 respectively.
of a signal is always concentrated on low-frequencies [7]. 2. The methodology
However, DFT is a global method and it will lose many
local features of the original data. To overcome the disad- In this section, the basic CNN architecture and its training
vantage, windowed Fourier transform (WFT), also called algorithm for time series classification are described.
short-time Fourier transform (STFT), is proposed, while
2.1 CNN architecture for time series classification
its drawback is that it is difficult to determine the window
size. And then discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is pro- CNN is usually composed of two parts. In part 1, con-
posed. DWT is a kind of time-frequency multi-resolution volution and pooling operations are alternatively used
analysis method and is widely used for time series analy- to generate deep features of the raw data. And in part
sis. However, it can only suit the time series with length 2, the features are connected to an MLP for classifi-
of 2k . Beside the spectral method, another category of the cation. In the previous work of CNN for multivariate
dimension reduction method is based on eigenvalue. The time series classification, Zheng et al. proposed a multi-
representative eigenvalue analysis methods include princi- channels deep convolution neural network [27]. They sep-
pal component analysis (PCA), singular value decomposi- arated multivariate time series into univariate ones for
tion (SVD) and sparse coding [17]. Recently, the shapelet feature learning individually and obtained good classifi-
has been studied as a new feature for time series data min- cation performance in experiments. However, there is a
ing and obtained good performance in classification tasks major limitation that this method cannot mine the inter-
[18 – 21]. As a matter of fact, the performance of all the relationship between different univariate time series. To
feature based methods highly depends on the feature de- overcome this defect, we modify the algorithm in this
signing. way: instead of feature learning individually, the mul-
In recent years, deep learning has gained incredible po- tivariate time series is jointly trained for feature extrac-
pularity and many achievements can be found in litera- tion. To be better understood, a typical CNN architecture
ture [17,22 – 25]. As one of deep networks, convolutional for three-variate time series classification with two con-
neural network (CNN) has been successfully used in ob- volutional layers and two pooling layers is illustrated in
ject recognition. German traffic sign recognition bench- Fig. 1.
mark (GTSRB) is a challenge match in 2011 International Here are some details for each layer:
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, with an accepted (i) Input layer. Input layer has N × k neurons, where
database included. And in this match, CNN obtained the k denotes the variate number of input time series and N
best performance. Instead of human-designed features, denotes the length of each univariate series.
164 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 28, No. 1, February 2017
(ii) Convolutional layer. Perform convolution operations Step 1 Initialize the network. Determine the CNN ar-
on the time series of preceding layer with convolution fil- chitecture, composed of two convolutional layers and two
ters. Here are some filter parameters to be determined pre- pooling layers, as shown in Fig. 1. Fix the neuron number
viously according to domain knowledge or just depending of input layer and output layer according to the classifi-
on experiments, such as, filter numbers m, convolution cation task. Set all the CNN parameters, as described in
stride s and the size of filter k × l, where k denotes the Section 2.1. Initialize the weights and bias with a small
variate number of the time series in the preceding layer random number. Select a learning rate η, and an activation
and l denotes the length of filter. A nonlinear transforma- function f , and the commonly used example is the sigmoid
tion function f also needs to be determined in this layer. function:
For instance, if the preceding layer contains k-variate time 1
series and the length of each univariate is N , after the con- f (x) = sigmoid(x) = . (2)
1 + e−x
volutional operation, we get m-variate time
series and the Step 2 Choose a training sample from the training set
N −l
length of each univariate is + 1 , where · de- randomly.
notes rounding down. Step 3 Calculate the output of each layer.
(iii) Pooling layer. A feature map is divided into N (i) The output of the convolutional layer can be written
equal-length segments, and then every segment is repre- as
sented by its average or maximum value. The advantage k
of pooling operation is down-sampling the convolutional Cr (t) = f ( x(i + s(t − 1), j)ωr (i, j) + b(r))
i=1 j=1
output bands, thus reducing variability in the hidden acti-
vations [26].
where x ∈ RN ×k denotes the input time series or the out-
(iv) Feature layer. After several convolution and pooling
put of the preceding layer, s denotes the convolution stride,
operations, the original time series is represented by a se-
Cr (t) refers to the tth component of the rth feature map,
ries of feature maps. Simply connect all the feature maps to
ωr ∈ Rl×k and b(r) refer to the weights and bias of the
generate a new long time series as the final representation
rth convolution filter.
of the original input in the feature layer.
(ii) The output of the pooling layer can be written as
(v) Output layer. The output layer has n neurons, corre-
sponding to n classes of time series. It is fully connected Pr (t) = g(Cr ((t − 1)l + 1), Cr ((t − 1)l + 2), . . . , Cr (tl))
to the feature layer. The most popular method is taking the (4)
maximum output neuron as the class label of the input time where the function g represents the pooling strategy, the
series in classification task. most popular used is averaging or max pooling. It is ob-
vious that pooling operation achieves reducing the point
data, while not changing the number of feature maps.
(iii) The output of the output layer can be written as
O(j) = f ( z(i)ωf (i, j) + bf (j)), j = 1, 2, . . . , n
where z denotes the final feature map in the feature layer,
bf is the bias of the output layer and ωf ∈ RM×n refers
to the connection weights between the feature layer and the
output layer.
Fig. 1 CNN architecture for three-variate time series classification So the mean-square error can be written as
n n
1 1
E= e(k)2 = (O(k) − y(k))2 . (6)
2.2 Training of CNN 2 2
k=1 k=1
The CNN is trained via a sequence of training exam- Step 4 Update the weights and bias by the gradient
ples ((x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), . . . , (xN sample , yN sample )) with descent method.
xt ∈ RN ×k , yt ∈ Rn for 1 t N sample. The multi- p=p−η
variate or univariate time series xt is given as input to the ∂p
network, while the vector yt denotes the target output. The where p is the value of the parameter, and p refers to ωr ,
network is trained according to the following several steps: ωf , b, or bf in this CNN.
Bendong Zhao et al.: Convolutional neural networks for time series classification 165
Step 5 Choose another training sample and go to Step 3 Table 2 Classification results for different pooling methods
until all the samples in the training set have been trained. Pooling size Pooling strategy Error/%
Step 6 Increase the iteration number. If the iteration 2 Mean-pooling 0.75
2 Max-pooling 0.75
number is equal to the maximum value which is set previ- 3 Mean-pooling 0.5
ously, terminate the algorithm. Otherwise, go to Step 2. 3 Max-pooling 0.63
4 Mean-pooling 0.75
3. Analysis of CNN parameters 5 Mean-pooling 1.5
In this section, the meaning of three important parame-
ters is discussed, including the convolutional filter size,
3.3 Number of convolution filters
the pooling method and the number of convolution filters.
And a set of experiments are designed to help determining The filters actually represent the local features of time se-
an appropriate CNN architecture for classification on the ries according to aforementioned analysis. Obviously too
simulated univariate time series which will be described in few filters cannot extract enough features to achieve clas-
Section 4.1. sification tasks. However, more filters are helpless when
3.1 Convolutional filter size the filters are already enough to represent the discrimina-
tive features to achieve classification. Moreover, more fil-
The convolutional filters actually represent the local fea- ters will make the training of CNN more computationally
tures of input time series or feature maps. If the filter size expensive. Table 3 shows the classification results for dif-
is too small, it cannot well represent the typical features ferent filter numbers of the two convolutional layers. The
of waveforms. However it will be difficult to reflect local results indicate that with the increasing of the filter number,
features conversely. Table 1 shows the classification results the classification performance gets better at first, and then
for different filter sizes. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of maintains steady, however the training time keeps rapid
test data is set as 5 dB, which is defined as (8). It is sug- growing all the time. A reasonable choice of the filter num-
gested that seven is the most reasonable filter size for both ber is 6 for the first convolutional layer and 12 for the sec-
of two convolutional layers. ond.
SNR = 10 lg (8)
PN Table 3 Classification results for different filter number
Filter number Filter number
where PS represents the signal power, and PN is the vari- of the first of the second
ance of Gaussian white noise. convolutional layer convolutional layer
2 4 196 8.5
Table 1 Classification results for different filter sizes
3 6 326 6.75
Filter size Filter size 6 9 742 1.25
of the first of the second Error/% 6 12 1096 0.5
convolutional layer convolutional layer 6 15 1328 0.5
5 5 5.75 9 12 1592 1.75
5 7 2.25
7 5 3.75
7 7 0.75
7 9 1.25 4. Experiments
9 7 1.75
In this section, to prove the advantage of our proposed
3.2 Pooling method method, we conduct several groups of experiments on si-
mulated univariate, simulated multivariate and real-world
The purpose of pooling operation is to achieve dimension time series data sets respectively. The experimental data
reduction of feature maps, while preserving most informa- sets are firstly described, then the evaluation and compari-
tion. The pooling size is an important parameter to be de- son methods are introduced, the results and discussion are
termined previously. The lager the pooling size is, the bet- presented finally.
ter performance it obtains in dimension reduction, however
the more information it loses. Besides, the pooling strategy 4.1 Experimental data
also needs to be designed before training, the commonly
4.1.1 Simulated univariate time series
used are max-pooling and mean-pooling. Table 2 shows the
classification results for different pooling sizes and pooling The following four kinds of waveforms are chosen as the
strategies. It is suggested that three is the most reasonable objects for classification: sine wave, square wave, saw-
pooling size with the mean-pooling strategy. tooth wave and triangular wave, as shown in Fig. 2.
166 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 28, No. 1, February 2017
x(t) = α sin(t + β) sin(2t)
Class 3 : (11)
y(t) = α cos(t + β) sin(2t)
4.3 Experimental results and 10 dB) to train different CNNs, DBNs and SVMs. And
on the other hand, we use the test set with different noise
4.3.1 Results on simulated time series
levels (0 dB to 10 dB, stepped by 0.5 dB) to test the CNN,
To verify the noise tolerance of CNN, two kinds of mea- DBN and SVM trained by the same training set. The clas-
sures are taken in the experiments. On the one hand, we sification results on simulated univariate and multivariate
use the training set with different noise levels (2 dB, 6 dB time series are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 respectively.
4.3.2 Results on real-world time series dicate that no matter for simulated univariate or multivari-
ate time series and no matter how much SNR of training set
To verify the classification ability of CNN, we conduct
is, CNN obtains the best classification performance com-
eight groups of experiments on real-world data sets origi-
nating from the “UCR Time Series Data Mining Archive”. paring to SVM and DBN. The main reason is that CNN can
And the main results are shown in Table 5. The number in discover and extract the suitable internal structure to ge-
parentheses after classification accuracy denotes the per- nerate deep features of the raw data automatically by using
formance rank of the five different methods. convolution and pooling operations. Moreover, the deep
Table 5 Classification results (and rank) on real-world time series
features are robust against translation and scaling. For the
four classes of simulated univariate time series, the vari-
Jeong’s Górecki’s
Data set SVM 1-NN CNN ation of frequency and initial phases can be seen as scal-
method method
Swedish Leaf 65.8(5) 82.6(3) 75.4(4) 88.2(2) 88.7(1) ing and translation of the time series respectively. And for
Wafer 98.6(3) 99.6(2) 89.0(5) 98.0(4) 99.7(1) the three classes of simulated multivariate time series, the
ECG200 79.0(5) 88.0(2) 84.0(3) 83.0(4) 89.0(1) variation of starting time and initial phase can be seen as
Two Patterns 84.5(5) 89.7(4) 98.3(2) 99.7(1) 96.5(3)
arbitrary translation of the curves. Therefore, CNN can ob-
Face All 58.7(5) 67.9(4) 74.4(3) 91.2(2) 91.5(1)
Synthetic Control 97.0(3) 77.0(5) 91.2(4) 99.3(1) 97.3(2)
tain the best classification performance beyond all doubt.
Yoga 57.1(5) 83.3(3) 82.0(4) 85.6(2) 86.2(1) Besides, the results also demonstrate that CNN obtains the
OSU Leaf 41.3(5) 54.1(4) 87.5(2) 87.6(1) 81.2(3) best anti-noise performance.
As shown in Table 5, in the eight groups of experiments
4.4 Discussion
on real-world data sets originating from the “UCR Time
As shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, the experimental results in- Series Data Mining Archive”, CNN obtains the best clas-
168 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics Vol. 28, No. 1, February 2017
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weighted dynamic time warping kernel function for time series Shangfeng Chen was born in 1978. He received his
classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015, 75(C): 184 – M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from National University of
191. Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, in
[30] T. Górecki, M. łuczak. Using derivatives in time series classi- 2004 and 2009 respectively. He is currently a lec-
fication. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2013, 26(2): turer at the Laboratory of Automatic Target Recog-
310 – 331. nition, NUDT. His research interests include auto-
matic target recognition and real time system.
E-mail: [email protected]
Bendong Zhao was born in 1991. He received his Junliang Liu was born in 1988. He received his
B.S. degree in science and technology of electronic M.S. degree in science and technology of electronic
information from National University of Defense information from National University of Defense
Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, in 2013. Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, in 2013. He
He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Labora- is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Laboratory of
tory of Automatic Target Recognition, NUDT. His Automatic Target Recognition, NUDT. His research
research interests include time series data mining, interests include optical guidance, target recognition
target recognition and machine learning. and signal processing.
E-mail: zhaobendong [email protected] E-mail: liujunliang [email protected]
Huanzhang Lu was born in 1963. He received his Dongya Wu was born in 1990. She received her
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from National University M.S. degree in science and technology of electronic
of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, information from National University of Defense
in 1990 and 1994 respectively. He is currently a Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, in 2014.
full professor at the Laboratory of Automatic Target She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Labora-
Recognition, NUDT. His research interests include tory of Automatic Target Recognition, NUDT. Her
automatic target recognition, precision and real time research interests include optical guidance, target
system. recognition and signal processing.
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]