Allied Autovent 2000 3000 Manual

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The document outlines the features and operating instructions of the Life Support Products AutoVent 2000/3000 ventilator, including its components, settings, use with different gas sources, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

The AutoVent 2000/3000 is a portable ventilator that provides controlled ventilation from 8-15 breaths per minute with a tidal volume of 400-1200mL. It can be powered by oxygen cylinders, wall outlets, or air/oxygen blenders. Its key components are the patient valve assembly and control module.

The instructions describe how to connect the AutoVent 2000/3000 to oxygen cylinders using a regulator, to a wall outlet using a quick connection adapter, and to an air/oxygen blender. It provides setup details for each gas source.


ST.LOUIS, WO, 63110
TEL. (314)771-2400, FAX; (314)771-3465 REV. A
TABLE O F CONTENTS Section P a g e Njimber




Explanation of Warnings/Cautions/Notes


Visual Indicator
Pressure Limit Alarm Module
Source G a s Inlets
Exhalation Valve

Source G a s Inlet
Patient Valve Outlets
Breaths Per Minute (BPM)
Tidal Volume (Vf)
Inspiratory Time {Til
Patient Valve Supply Tubing and Oxygen Line
Non-Rebreathing Vglve and Corrugated Hose

AUTOVENT 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0

Instructions for Use of the AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0
v/ith Oxygen Cylinders
Regulator Attachment
Control Module Attachment
Instructions for Use of the AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0
with a W a l l Outlet Employing a Quick Connection Adapter
Instructions for use of the AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0
with an A i r / O x y g e n Blender
Ventilator Check out



Cleaning and Disinfecting Equipment
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Control Module
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Patient Valve Assembly
Cleaning the Non-Rebreathing Valve

STORAGE O F THE LSP AUTOVENT 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 16


LSP AUTOVENT 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0


APPENDIX A: Support Equipment 20

B: Patient Valve Specifications
C: Control Module Specifications
D: Oxygen Pressure Regulator Specifications
E: AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 Altitude Conversion Chart
F: AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 Oxygen Cylinder Depletion Chart

INTRODUCTION Long an innovator in Specifications for the technology. Theyare

emergency and trauma LSP AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 , inlended for the ventilatory
medicine, Life Support including the Patient Valve ossistance of patients
Products has been a Assembly, Control Module, following cardiac arrest,
primary manufacturer of and Regulators intended near drowning, trauma,
oxygen delivery devices for for use with this device, ore paramedical transport, and
\field use in the Uniled included in the Appendix other circumstances
States and v/orldwide since of this manual. requiring ventilatory
1979. LSP is also a The Life Support Products assistance.
manufacturer of a wide AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0
range of trouma, burn and represent a major
rescue devices. breakthrough in pneumatic-


The LSP Automatic Both AutoVents deliver ventilatory pressures

Ventilator (AutoVent Peak Pressure up a p p r o a c h the preset
2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 ) time-cycled, to 60 ±5 cm H 2 O at pressure limit, alerting
constant-flow, gas-powered flow rates from 12 to 3 6 the operator. This
ventiialors offer controlled liters per minute (LPM). alarm will continue to
ventilation at rales from 8 They ore small, c o m p a c t sound until the a i r w a y
to 15 breaths per minute units ideally suited for pressure drops or the
(BPM) in the AutoVent emergency a n d transport system cycles to the
2 0 0 0 version, and 8 to 2 0 situations at temperature expiratory p h a s e .
breaths per minute in lhe extremes from 0°F to
AutoVent 3 0 0 0 version. 125°F. O p e r a t i n g W A R N I N G : Use only
The attached Patient Valve p o w e r is o b t a i n e d from O S directed. Improper
Assembly allows a patient standard 5 0 psi source usage or unauthorized
to draw supplemental gas g a s . They are simple to modification of this
flow (up to 36 LPM) with assemble a n d operate, product m a y result in
spontaneous effort. a n d their functions are user or patient injury.
Designed for transport and easily understood. The
emergency medical use, Ventilators meet or
the AutoVent 2 0 0 0 delivers e x c e e d the A m e r i c a n
from 4 0 0 ml to 1 2 0 0 ml Heart A s s o c i a t i o n ( A H A )
volume. The AutoVent guidelines for
3 0 0 0 delivers from 2 0 0 to resuscitation.
1200 ml in volume. A n A u d i b l e alarm
sounds whenever
FIGURE 1. A U T O V E N T 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0

USE OF THE Design This operaUng manual for the Life Support Products
OPERATING MANUAL AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 Automatic Ventilators has been
designed for ease of use in the paramedical and field
transport setting.

Illusfrations are provided throughout this manual to

provide the user with both a graphic and narrative
description of the ventilators' operating features.

Explanation of This operoting manual contains three (3) types of

Warnings/Caul tions/ statements with which the user should be aware, and are
Notes defined as followings:

W A R N I N G : Potential injury to the patient or

operator. These are a l w a y s in boxes throughout
the text of the manual.

CAUTION: Potential d a m a g e to the ventilator,

breathing circuit, a n d / o r other equipment may
result. These are a l w a y s in brackets throughout
the text of the m a n u a l .

**NOTE: An item of special interest concerning the use

and operation of tbe device(s) or feature (s) being discussed
is high-lighted to nofe ease of use or understanding. These
are always preceded and followed by asterisks throughout
the text of fhe manuai * *



CHARACTERISTICS The AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 are time cycled, constant
A N D FEATURES ^ l " ^ ^ ' 9°^ powered ventilators. This feature allows the
ventilators' automatic rate to be set by the operator from 8
to 15 breaths per minute (BPM), in the AutoVent 2 0 0 0
version, and 8 to 2 0 BPM in the AutoVent 3 0 0 0 version.
Should the patient require additional breaths, these can be
obtained on demand by making an Inspiratory effort on the
patient valve.

PATIENT VALVE The patient valve delivers compatible with masks and Figure 2 indicates the
ASSEMBLY both controlled and other airway devices. individual components
spontaneous breaths to the The patient valve allows which make up the Patient
patient. It consists of a spontaneous breothing Valve Assembly.
demand valve, a visual upon demand if the patient
Indicator, pressure limit makes an insplrotory effort **NOTE: Since fhe patient
alarm, and exhalation o f - 2 c m . H2O. (The BPM vaive and control module
valve. It has a standard control may be turned to are a matched sef wifh
15mm. inside the " 0 " position if desired identical serial numbers,
diameter/22mm. outside for this purpose.) do not separate. If used
diameter adopter, which is wifh other units, setting
may not be accurate. **







Visual Indicator The visual indicator is located on the top of the Patient VISUAL INDICATOR

Valve Assembly. This indicator displays bright green as

gas flows during Inspiration. During expiration, the
indicator dome is clear. The visual indicator does not
indicate on spontaneous breaths.

Pressure Limit A l a r m An audible pressure limif alarm is located in the Patient
Module Valve Assembly. This alarm sounds v/henever the patient
airv/ay pressure approaches the designed pressure limit.
The Pressure Limit Alarm v/ill p'phfmue to sound during the
inspiratory phase until either the airway pressure decreases
or the ventilator cycles off to begin the expiratory phase.

In addition to functioning as a high pressure alarm the

alarm module also provides additional air entroinment
during the Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (IMV} mode
should the patient's inspiratory flow rote exceed the flow
delivery from the control module. The entroinment of
ambient air occurs through the blue rubber diaphragm
located on the side of the alarm module.

W A R N I N G : If t h e i h a x i m u m pressure limit is
reached/ the pre-set tidal v o l u m e m a y not be
delivered to the patient. Inspiratory time will
remain constant, h o w e v e r , a n d a n inspiratory
hold will be maintained with no additional
volume being delivered until the venfilator cycles
to the expiratory phase. This waming also
appears under Tidal Volume in the Performance

W A R N I N G : Should the blue rubber d i a p h r a g m

b l o w o u t w a r d from the a l a r m module's air
entroinment ports, remove the AutoVent
immediately from service, a n d contact y o u r LSP

Source G a s Inlets Located on the side of the Patient Volve Assembly the
inlets connect the Patient Valve with the Control Module.
The top inlet: (1) Supplies the actuator assembly and is a
nippled connector. The bottom inlet; (2) Supplies source
gas to the patient and is a diameter index safety system
(DISS) oxygen connector.


Exhalation V a l v e The exhalation valve is on internal diaphragm locoted.on

the inside of the Patient Valve Assembly. The exhalation
valve allov/s the patient to exhale through the Patient Valve
Assembly once the inspiratory cycle is completed, whether
ventilator-controlled, or on demand. This valve can be
accessed by removing the outlet adopter on the Patient
Valve Assembly.



_ )
CONTROL MODULE The Control Modules for
the AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0
are designed to be
compact, durable ond easy
to use. The units are
constructed to perform in PATIENT V A L V E
the difficult environments of
paramedic or transport
operations. Their features
include an impact-resistant
case with shock absorbing
bumpers and easy to read
controls for independently
setting Breaths Per Minute
(BPM), Tidal Volume and
Inspiratory Time (AutoVent
3 0 0 0 only). The reverse
side of the case also has
simplified operating
instructions for ease of

Figure 7 indicotes the

^AUTOVENT 3 0 0 0
individual components
which make up the Control
Source G a s Inlet Located on the left side of the Control Module and
marked with an arrow, the source gas inlet is a standard
diameter index safety system (DISS) male oxygen connector.
When a high pressure line is attached to a 5 0 psi source
gas from a cylinder or bulk oxygen source, this gas is SOURCE G A S INLET
delivered to the Control Module and cycled for delivery to
the Patient Valve Assembly.
An Air/Oxygen Blender con also be inserted in line with
this system, between the source and the ventilator, to deliver
a specified oxygen concenfration.
**NOTE: Use ofan Oxygen Analyzer is recommended
prior to patient use in order to accurately measure the
desired oxygen concentration fo be delivered. **

Patient V a l v e Outlets
Located on the right side of the Control Module body
and marked with arrows, the patient valve outlets connect
the Control Module with the Patient Valve Assembly. The
top outlet (1) Supplies source gas to the Patient Valve
Assembly at a constant flow dnd is a diameter index safety
system (DISS) oxygen connector. The boftom outlet: (2}
Supplies the Patient Valve Actuator and is a unique 7 / 1 6
inch threaded female connector.

Breaths Per Minute This control sets the ventilator rate from 8 to 15 BPM In the
(BPM) AutoVent 2000 version, and from 8 to 20 BPM in the
AutoVent 3000 version. Adjusting the knob clockwise
decreases the breathing rate and adjusting counter clockwise
increases the rate. Source gas is available on demand, even
in the " 0 " position up to 36 LPM depending on Tidal Volume
setting, from the Patient Valve Assembly to allow the patient to
breathe spontaneously.

Tidal V o l u m e (VO This control adjusts the volume available to the patient
during a breath and is adjustable from 400 ml to 1200 ml in
the AutoVent 2000 version, and from 200 to 1200 mil in the
AutoVent 3000 version. Turning the knob clockwise increases
tidal volume. Turning the knob counter clockwise decreases
tidal volume. Foiiowing a volume adjustment change, the tidal FIGURE 11.

volume stabilizes after one breath and remains constant. AUTOVENT 2000 AUTOVENT 3000

WARNING; If the maximum pressure limit is reached,

the pre-set tidal volume may not be delivered to the
patient. Inspiratory time will remain constant,
however, and an inspiratory hold will be maintained
with no additional volume being delivered until the
ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase. Ihis
warning also appears under Pressure Limit Alarm
Module in the Performance Characteristics.
Tidal V o l u m e (Vf) * *NOTE: It is recommended that you periodically check the performance characteristics of
(Continued) fhe AutoVent 2000/3000 during maintenance by placing a pressure manometer in line
with fhe patient circuit near fhe outlet to verify inspiratory pressures and the accuracy of the
pressure alarm limit. **

Inspiratoiy Time (Ti) This control knob in the center position of the AutoVent 3000
allows adjustment of the potient's inspiratory time. The two
settings allow selection of Adult and Child inspiratory time
respectively. The inspiratory time for the circled orange child
setting is approximately 1 second and when selected corresponds
to the circled orange settings on the BPM and Tidal Volume
control knobs. The inspiratory time for the white Adult setting is
approximately 2 seconds and when selected corresponds to the FIGURE t i A .

white settings on the BPM and Tidal Volume contro! knobs. The
AutoVent 2000 has a pre-set inspiratory time of approximately 2

CAUTION: W h e n you select either .Adult or Child Setting, rotate the

center control knob to the appropriate setting a n d position it against
either of the end stops.

W A R N I N G : Should the inspiratory time control k n o b on the AutoVent

3 0 0 0 be adjusted after initial setup, it will alter the patient's B P M a n d
Tidal V o l u m e settings.

Patient V a l v e Supply The patient valve supply tubing is a specially

Tubing a n d O x y g e n constructed twin polyurethane hose enclosed in a
Line PVC jacket. It Is three feet in length and has one
portion with DISS fittings at both ends while the
other section is designed for nipple connection at
one end and for connection to the unique 7 / 1 6
inch female connector (on the Control Module) at
the other end. The oxygen line is standard oxygen
tubing with DISS fittings at both ends.


Non-Rebreothing Part number L496 Non-Rebreathing Valve is

V a l v e a n d Corrugated designed to allow a simple method for providing
Hose P.E.E.P. (posltlve-ehd-expiratory-pressure) to a
patient. Attach one end of the corrugated flex tube
to the patient valve assembly. Attach the opposite
end to the inlet port on the P / N L496 (see diagram) NON-REBREATHING
valve. Both these connections are friction fit, so be VALVE

sure to slide the flex tube over each connection as

far as possible. At this point, you ore set to install
your P.E.E.P. product in the appropriate port.

W A R N I N G : The P / N L496 Non-rebreathing CORRUGATED HOSE

valve is not for use in toxic atmospheres


UNPACKING A N D After opening your new LSP AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 ,

INSPECTION OF THE examine the shipping carton and contents. Lay out contents
AUTOVENT so that each component is identifiable, as displayed below
2000/3000 (Figure 13). If the carton is crushed, previously opened, or
shows ofher signs of damage, notify the carrier immediately
to file a claim. Do not use the unit on a patient until it has
been tested and performs as specified.

The complete LSP AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 , P / N L460, and

CONTROL MODULE AutoVent 3 0 0 0 Automatic Ventiiator, P / N L461, consists of
the following component parts: - ),
Descnption A V 2000 Port No. A V 3000 Part No.
One Control Module L462 L463
One Patient Valve Assy.
One Patient Valve
Supply Tubing L535114 L535114
One Oxygen Line L535026 L535026
Non-Rebreathing Valve L496 L496 NON-REBREATHING VALVE &
Corrugated Hose L535124-010 L535124-010
Operator Manual L909005-224 L909005-224 FIGURE 13

**NOTE: Appendix A provides a list of suggested equipment for use in conjunction

with or in support of the LSP AutoVent 2000/3000. * *

OPERATING **NOTE: Read all instructions carefully prior to set-up ond

INSTRUCTIONS operation ofthis unit. Particular attention should be paid to
all warnings, cautions and notes in order to assure proper
performance during use.**

W A R N I N G : Should a W A R N I N G : This CAUTION: In order to

mechanical problem device operates with provide optimal
develop or the patient medical gases under performance, check
appears to be pressure, including all source gas supplies
experiencing difficulty o x y g e n . Do not use to assure only clean,
while connected to this device while d r y gas is used, free
this unit, disconnect smoking or near open of contaminants
the unit immediately flames. Do not use a n d / o r liquids.
and ventilate by other oil on this device or
means. If unable to operate near
determine the cause flammable materials.
of the problem, the
unit should be
returned to a n W A R N I N G : This
authorized AutoVent device should only be
repair center. operated b y qualified
personnel under
a p p r o v e d medical

Instructions for Use Regulator Attachment

of the AutoVent
Remove plastic wrap When mounting a pin_ LSP P / N L28O-02O,
2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 with
from oxygen cylinder valve index regulator (LSP P / N i Ll 60-060, or other
O x y g e n Cylinders
outlet. L270-020, L270-030, V regulators complying with
Point the cylinder valve L735-060, or other Compressed Gas
in a safe direction before approved regulator) on a Associafion (CGA)
opening the valve. cylinder, make sure the guidelines, mount on
Remove all dirt and debris gasket is properly cylinders with C G A 5 4 0
from cylinder valve by positioned on the inlet connections.
"cracking" the cylinder stem to prevent oxygen or Connect the oxygen high
prior to attaching the source gas leakage. pressure line to fhe 5 0 psig
pressure regulator. Tighten the regulator gas ouflet on the regulator.
("Crocking" consists of yoke by hand using the
slowly opening the cylinder "T" handle assembly. (The
valve and allowing a brief use of tools may result in
flow of gos to occur prior damage to the regulator).
to attaching the regulator).

Control Module Attachment

Connect the ofher end of fhe oxygen supply line to the

source gas inlet on the Control Module.

Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing to fhe Patient

Valve outlets of the Confrol Module. Hand tighten the DISS
connector and the unique 7 / 1 6 inch actuator connector fo
the Confrol Module.

Connect fhe twin hose to the source gas inlets on the

Patient Valve Assembly. The fittings allow for proper
connecfion only. Hand tighten the DISS connector to the
Patient Valve Assembly.

Examine the cylinder pressure gauge. This can be used

to indicate cylinder contents since the pressure is
proportional to the amount of remaining oxygen. A
portable cylinder is essentially empty when the pressure has
fallen to 2 0 0 psig.


Instructions for Use of * *NOTE: Check ail line and tubing connections for leaks.
the AutoVent If a leak occurs, check that the previous fitting instructions
2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 with have been followed correctly. **
O x y g e n Cylinders
(Continued) CAUTION: Read all CAUTION: A l w a y s CAUTION: A l w a y s
instructions m a k e sure a n verify that the
thoroughly before adequate supply of cylinder valve is in the
opening the cylinder o x y g e n or source gas closed or off position
v a l v e . Connect all is available for patient (fully clockwise) prior
oxygen/source gas use a n d transport. It is tb disconnecting the
pressure lines to the advisable to have a tubing assembly or
LSP AutoVent back-up regulator removing the
2000/3000 and available to facilitate regulator from the
change-over in the o x y g e n cylinder.
Patient V a l v e
Assembly prior to use. event a cylinder
Assure all high transfer needs to be
pressure outlets ore made.
plugged and cylinders
turned off or closed
w h e n not in use.

Instructions for Use Use standard approved quick release connectors

of the AutoVent intended for use with cylinder banks or transport gas
2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 with a supplies, attached to 5 0 psig high pressure lines. Connect
W a l l Outlet Employing the other end of the oxygen supply high pressure line to the
a Quick Connection source gos inlet port of the Control Module.
Adapter Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing to the Patient
Valve outlets of the Control Module. Hand-tighten the DISS
connector and the unique 7 / 1 6 inch actuator connector to
the Control Module.
Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing and the actuator
supply tubing to fhe inlet ports on fhe Patient Valve
Assembly. The fittings allow for proper connection only.
Hand tighten fhe DISS connector to the Patient Valve
Insert the quick-release adapter into the corresponding
wall outlet and assure it is properly in place with an
audible snap or click. Pull firmly on the adapter to check
its proper insertion.

— JrTTT—
**NOTE: Immediately check all pressure lines and tubing
for leaks. If a leak occurs, check thaf fhe previous fitting
insfructions have been followed correctly. Check thaf all
line and tubing connections have been adequately hand
Insfructions for Use of Instructions for this apphcation ore essentially identical to
the AutoVent those for use wifh either cylinder or wall outlet systems.
2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 with a n
The high-flow blender system should be connected to the
A i r / O x y g e n Blender
source gases as per manufacturers instructions. The
blender then becomes the attachment site for the source
gas supply line to the Control Module.

CAUTION: Always follow the blender

manufacturer's instructions/ contained in the
blender product m a n u a l , for exact connection of
the blender to cylinders or w a l l sources. A l w a y s
use a high'flow blender (15 LPM to 150 LPM) for
ventilatory application.

* *NOTE: Make sure a compressed air source and oxygen

source are available prior to using a blender.**

Connect the other end of the oxygen supply high

pressure line (source gas supply line) to the source gas inlet
port of the Control Module.

Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing fo the Patient

Valve outlets of the Control Module. Hand-tighten the DISS
connector and the unique 7 / 1 6 inch actuator connector to
the Control Module.

Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing and the actuator

supply tubing to the inlet ports on the Patient Valve
Assembly. The fittings allow for proper connection only.
Hand tighten the DISS connector to the Patient Valve

**NOTE: Immediately check all pressure lines and tubing

for leaks. Ifo leak occurs, check that the previous fitting
instructions have been followed correctly. Check that all
line and tubing connections have been adequately hand

* *NOTE: Assure the delivery of precise oxygen

concentrations when using a blender by inserting an
oxygen monitor probe in the gas delivery system at the
patient valve ouflet prior to patient use. * *

W A R N I N G : A l w a y s check or change the source

g a s e s if a l o w pressure blender a l a r m sounds,
distinguished b y a continuous high-pitched h u m .
i4utoVent2000/300C= 12

Ventilator Check-Out 1. Check the ventilator system for proper function by

performing the following tests: >
• Set the BPM control knob to the setting marked " 1 2 " .
(Adult for AutoVent 3000)

• Set the Tidal Volume (Vt) control knob to 8 0 0 ml.

• Set the Inspiratory Time control knob to the adult setting ^ClO >
on the AutoVent 3 0 0 0 , (Inspiratory time is pre-set on
the AutoVent 2 0 0 0 ) . Rotate the control knob clockwise
FIGURE 1 6 .
until it is against the end stop on the adult setting.
• Count the number of complete ventilator cycles for a
fuil minute., At the checkout setting, there should be 12 I N S P I R A T O R Y TIME
BPM delivered, with a 2 second inspiration and 3 2 SEC.
12 B P M
second expiration per breath. E X P I R A T O R Y TIME
3 SEC.
2. Occlude the outlet of the patient Valve Assembly. An
FIGURE 1 7 .
audible pressure limit alarm should sound after the
ventilator cycles, indicating the designed pressure limit
has been reached.
**NOTE: The pressure limit alarm should sourid
throughout the latter portion of the breath after reaching fhe
pressure limif, and stop when the ventilator cycles to
**NOTE: AutoVents & patient Valves are serialized and
calibrated to work together and sfiould remain
together for the life of the products

3. Test the unit for proper function prior to each patient use. Refer to Maintenance section
for this procedure (page 14).

4. Should the unit fail to operate properly at any time, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide
(page 16.) Disconnect the patient from the ventilator any time the unit does not appear
to be operating properly. Ir unable to determine the cause of problem, contact Ufe
Support Products for service.

5. Clean the unit after each use (refer to the Maintenance section for detailed instructions
on page 14).

6. Always store the unit in a clean, dry place.

PATIENT USE **NOTE: ifthe LSP Automatic Ventilator is to be powered by a cylinder, be sure to turn on
the cylinder valve slowly. **

W A R N I N G : This device should only be operated b y qualified personnel

under a p p r o v e d medical direction.

Check for obstructions in the patient's throat or mouth (vomitus, foreign bodies, broken
dentures, etc.), and remove if present, in occordance with prevailing standards.

Set fhe volume to equal 8 to 10 ml. for every kg. of body weight; e.g., 7 0 kg. patient
equal 7 0 0 ml. volume.

W A R N I N G : The AutoVent 3 0 0 0 is not recommended for use with patients

less than 20 k g . The AutoVent 2 0 0 0 is not recommended for use with
patient less than 4 0 k g .

PATIENT USE Set the BPM control knob to the desired setting. Refer to the
(Continued) quick set-up insfructions on the bock of the Control Module for

Set the inspiratory time control knob to the desired adult or

child position. Rotate the control knob to either position unfil it
is against the end stop. (AutoVent 3000)

Set the Tidal Volume control knob to the desired volume. FIGURE 19.

Occlude the outlet port of fhe Potient Valve Assembly. Allow

the ventilator to cycle fo ensure proper operation of the valve
and pressure limit alarm.

Use with a standard resuscitation mask: of/er initial

Control Module settings have been mode and a patient
airway is established, install the mask on the outlet adopter of
the Patient Valve Assembly and place on the patient. FIGURE 2 0 .

* *NOTE: Follow established procedural guidelines for opening

and maintaining a patient ain,vay.**

Use on patients with on endotracheal tube or

tracheostomy tube in place: after initial control Module
settings have been made, connect the Patient Vdlve Assembly
directly to the endotracheal or tracheostomy tube adapter (15mm.
inside diameter/22mm. outside diameter aimensions allow this

**NOTE: A humidification device is recommended ifthe patient FIGURE 2 t .

has an endoctracheai iube or tracheostomy tube in place.**


Check the following parameters immediately after FIGURE 22. FIGURE 23.
connecting the patient to the ventilator.

(1) BPM - Usina fhe second hand on your watch, count the
number of breaths delivered to the patient for one full
minute. Ifyou need to increase or decrease fhe rate,
adjust the BPM confrol knob accordingly, checking the
rote again once the adjustment has been mode.

(2) Tidal Volume - Observe patient for adequate chest rise

and fall (chest excursion . Chest excursion should be
normal and equal on both sides. If the chest does not
rise, check the airway and evaluate for other injuries to
the thoracic area. Recheck the tidal volume setting.

(3) Inspiratory Time - With the AutoVent 3 0 0 0 ensure that

the Inspiratory Time control knob is set appropriately
and al the way against the appropriate end stop.
(AutoVent 3 0 0 0 only.)

**NOTE: If fhe pressure Increase the volume and attempt to ventilate via
limit alarm sounds during deiivered to the patient, other means if adjustments
the inspiratory phase and until adequate chest do not result in satisfactory
adequate chest movement movement occurs, by" ventilation ofthe patient.
does not occur, an rotating the Tidal Volume For additional information,
increase in airway control knob in a clockwise refer to fhe Troubleshooting
resistance, a blocked direction. Disconnect the Guide. * * (page 16)
airway and/or a stiff lung patient from the ventilator
is indicated.

If the patient is being repiacemenf, perform W A R N I N G : Monitor

ventilated by mask, check maneuver with minimal the patient closely
the patient frequently for interruption to ventilation of while using the
signs of vomiting. Should the patient. * * demand m o d e .
vomiting occur, remove the Should patient begin Should the patient's
mask to prevent aspiration breathing spontaneously respirations s l o w ,
which may cause airway (an effort of-2 cm.HjO will become shallow o r
obstruction. activate the demand valve) labored, return to
it may be desirable to initial automatic
Immediately clear the
decrease or turn the viehtilatbr settings
mask and Patient Volve
ventilator rate (BPM) to the immediately.
Assembly of any foreign
" 0 " position. This wiil
material, reestablish the
allow the patient to breathe TABLE I.
patient's airway, and
resume ventilation. TV SEHING F L O W (LPM)

If unable to resume The ventilator will deliver

ventilation with the Patient 100% source gas to the ADULT CHILD

Valve Assembly, use a patient on demand, up to 400 200 12

resuscitator bog or perform 3 6 LPM depending on the 600 300 18

mouth-to-mask tidal volume setting (See 800 400 24

resuscitation. Tablet.). Any volume 1000 500 30

**NOTE: If a compressed required by the patient in 1200 600 36

gas cylinder is used, check excess of the indicated

Source gos flow roles upon patieni tJemord.
the cylinder contents source gas flow rate (see
frequently; should the Table I.) will be supplied
cylinder require by ambient air.

MAINTENANCE OF THE **NOTE: Gloves and protective coverings are

W A R N I N G : Cleaning
LSP AUTOVENT recommended when performing maintenance and cleaning
procedures must b e
2000/3000 of patient care equipment. * *
p e r f o r m e d In a n
**NOTE: Clean and disinfect the ventilator after each use. environment free of
Re-certify calibration of AutoVent once a year.** oil a n d petroleum-
**Note: AutoVents should be checked b a s e d products.
for calibration annually.

Cleaning a n d 1 . Cleaning and Leave hoses connected so you d o not get water inside.
Disinfecting Disinfecting the Control
Follow established protocol regarding frequency of
Equipment Module

Do not submerge the Control Module when cleaning. Take

a clean cloth soaked in a detergent solution and wipe off
**NOTE: Water will not any residue from surface.
affect the operation of the
Control Module. * * W i p e thoroughly.

Take a clean cloth soaked in an 8 0 % isopropyl alcohol

solution or a cold chemical disinfecting solution, and wipe
entire surface of Control Module.

Rinse Thoroughly being careful not to get any liquid inside

the control module.

Take o clean cloth and dry surface of Control Module.

Test Control Module before use.

i4uto7ent2000/3OOC= 15

Cleaning q n d 2. Cleaning and W A R N I N G : Clean a n d disinfect the Patient V a l v e

Disinfecting Equipment Disinfecting the Patient A s s e m b l y after every use.
(Continued) Valve Assembly
Remove the outlet adapter qnd exhalation valve assembly
from the Patient Valve Assembly. Leave tubing assembly

Clean all foreign matter from the components with a mild

soap solution, being careful not to get any liquid inside the
Patient Valve Assembly. Rinse the parts thoroughly in clean

Immerse the outlet adapter and the exhalation valve

assembly from the Patient Valve in a disinfectant or
bacteriocidal solution for a rr\'m\n)urr\ of 10 minutes.

Remove the outlet adapter and the exhalation valve

assembly from the solution and rinse //loroug/i/y with water.
Rinse repeatedly to assure that all the solution is removed.

Place the Patient Valve, outlet side down, into a shallow

container with not more than 1 / 2 inch of disinfectant or
bacteriocidal solution. The Patient Valve should remain in
this solution for a minimum of 10 minutes. Leave tubing
assembly connected.

Remove the Patient Valve from the solution and rinse

thoroughly with water. Dry assembly using approved
stondord methods such as hot air drying.

After drying, carefully examine the ports of the Patient

Valve Assembly. Discard any cracked or damaged ports
and replace as necessary.

Prior to reassembling the entire unit, inspect all lines and

tubing filters for contaminants, replacing as necessary.

Reconnect the tubing

assembly to the fittings.

Check fhe exhalation valve

assembly to pssure the flapper
valve is not twisted and the
locating bosses are properly
positioned. (Figure 25)

AxiioVent, 16

•>','• —
Cleaning a n d LOCATING DRACKEtS CAUTION: If the flapper valve is twisted or the
Disinfecting Equipment locating bosses are not properly positioned, the
(Continued) Patient V a l v e Assembly will not function
properly. A l w a y s m a k e sure the valve is flat
a n d properly seated.

Immediately after cleaning, reassemble the Patient Valve

FIGURE 25. Assembly and connect to the Control Module. Turn on the
oxygen supply and allow the ventilator, to cycle several
times to blow out any liquid which may hove gotten inside
during the cleaning process.
Test the unit for proper function prior to each patient use.
Attach an inflatable test lung, P / N L109, to the Patient
Valve Assembly outlet and complete the test at different
rates and tidal volumes.

3. Cleaning ihe Non- Clean after each use. All components of the P / N L496
Rebreathing Valve Non-Rebreathing Valve ore autoclavable. To disassemble,
unscrew the valve inlet from the outlet and remove the
duckbill diaphragm. The individual components can now
be cleaned. If autoclaving systems are not available, you
may also sterilize via cidex or other bacteriocidal solution.
Be sure to rinse and dry all parts thoroughly before re-
assembling. After cleaning, inspect all ports for damage or
breakage. Replace any damaged or broken parts.

STORAGE OF THE Store the unit in a clean, dry area within a temperature
LSP A U T O V E N T range of-40°F to 160°F.
2000/3000 After long periods of storage, the unit should be fully
tested before use in accordance with the checkout
procedures in this manual.


LSP A U T O V E N T Decreased tidal volume or Leak around mask or Check all connections for
2000/3000 decreased chest expansion Patient Valve tubing leaks

Inappropriate volume Check Control Module

setting setting and adjust as
Inappropriate inspiratory Check Control Module
Time setting {AV 3000) setting and adjust as
Decreased lung Evaluate patient and
compliance a n d / o r correct as required by
increased airway adjusting Control Module
resistance settings

Ain/vay secretions Clear airway of secretions


TROUBLESHOOTING Increased tidal volume or Volume setting to high Check Control Module
increased chest expansion settings and adjust volume
OS required

Increased lung compliance Evaluate patient and correct

as required by adjusting
Control Module Settings

Inappropriate inspiratory Check Control Module

Time setting (AV 3000) sfetttng"and adjust as

Pressure limit olorm at Ain//ay blockage, kinked Clear airway of secretions

beginning of inspiratory tubing, and/or increased or foreign matter; check
phase airway resistance endotracheal tube; check
ventilator tubing

Pressure limit alarm during Increased airway resistance Evaluate patient and adjust
inspiratory phase ventilators as required

Decreased lung compliance Evaluate patient and correct

as required by adjusting
Control Module settings

Coughing Attempt to alleviate


Increased airway secretions Clear ain//ay secretions

Failure of the ventilator to Gos source failure Change oxygen cylinder if

cycle being used, or evaluate
and check gas source

Cylinder valve closed Open cylinder valve fully

BPM control knob in " 0 " Adjust BPM knob to desired

position rote

Loose connections Tighten connections

Disconnected actuator Reconnect tubing


Kinked oxygen supply line Straighten tubing

and/or actuator tubing

Regulator failure Change regulator

Malfunctioning Control Remove from potient and

Module ventilate by alternate

Failure of the pressure limi Alarm outlet is plugged with Remove and clean, or
alarm debris or has malfunctioned replace

WARRANTY W a r r a n t y Repair Please complete and return the Warranty Registration

iNFORMATiON Service card inclosed with your AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 as soon as

Please read the following limited warranty carefully:

in the event your LSP AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 Automatic

Ventilator needs servicing, fhe following steps will help to
ensure that the repair service is processed promptly.

Contact your authorized Life Support" Products distributor,

or Life Support Products before returning product for

Mailing Address: Shipping Address:

Life Support Products Life Support Products
1720 Sublette Avenue
St. Louis, M O 6 3 1 1 0
Telephone: (314) 771-2400
(800) 444-3954

Repackage the Control Module and Patient Valve

Assembly, providing adequate packaging material to
protect the module during shipment.

This warranty is not valid if the Confrol Module or Patient

Valve Assembly show signs of misuse, being opened,
altered or modified in any way other than its intended use.

**NO)'E: Some warnings and cautions appear more fhan once throughout the manuai.
They appear in this summary to help direct the user to the proper page and section ofthis

S U M M A R Y OF Page Number Warnings

WARNINGS A N D 4 If the maximum pressure limit is reached, the pre-set tidal
CAUTIONS volume may not be delivered to the patient, inspiratory
fime will remain constant, however, and an inspiratory hold
will be maintained with no additional volume being
delivered until the Ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase.
This waming also appears under Tidal Volume in
the Performance Characteristics,
Should the blue rubber diaphragm blow outward from
the alarm module's air entroinment ports, remove the
AutoVent immediately from service. And contact your LSP
If the maximum pressure limit is reached, the pre-set tidal
volume may not be delivered to the patient. Inspiratory
time will remain constant, however, and an inspiratory hold
will be maintained with no additional volume being
delivered until the ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase.
This warning also appears under the Pressure
Limit Alarm Module in the Performance
i4uto7ent2000/3C=C=0 19

S U M M A R Y OF Page Nuniber Warnings

7 Should the inspiratory time control knob on the AutoVent
CAUTIONS 3 0 0 0 be adjusted after initial setup, it will alter the
(Continued) patient's BPM and Tidal Volume.

7 The P / N L496 Non-Rebreathing valve is not for use in

toxic atmospheres.

8 Should a mechanical problem devejop or the patient

appears to be experiencing difficulty while connected to
this unit, disconnect the unit immediately and ventilate by
other means. If unable to determine the cause of the
problem, the unit should be returned to an authorized
AutoVent Support Center for service.

8 This device operates with medical gases under pressure,

including oxygen. Do not use oil on this device or operate
near flammable materials.

This device should only be operated by a qualified

8 personnel under approved medical direction.

Always check or change the source gases if a low

11 pressure blender alarm sounds distinguished by a
continuous high-pitched hum.

12 This device should only be operated by qualified

personnel under approved medical direction.

12 The AutoVent 3 0 0 0 is not recommended for use with

patients less than 20kg. The AutoVent 2 0 0 0 is not
recommended for use with patients less than 40kg.

14 Monitor the patients c/ose/y while using the demand

mode. Should the patient's respirations slow, become
shallow or labored, return to initial automatic ventilator
settings immediately.

14 Cleaning procedures must be performed in an

environment free of oil and petroleum-based products.

15 Clean and disinfect'the patient valve after every use.


In order to provide optimol performance, check all

source gas supplies to assure only clean, dry gas is used,
free of contaminations and/or liquids.

S U M M A R Y OF Page N u m b e r Cautions
10 Read all instructions f/ioroug/i/y before opening the
CAUTIONS cylinder valve. Connect all oxygen/source gos pressure
(Continued) lines to the LSP AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 . 0 0 0 and Patient Valve
Assenibly prior to use. Assure all high pressure outlets are
capped and cylinders turned off or closed when not in use.

10 Always make sure an adequate supply of oxygen or

source gas is available for patient use and transport. It is
advisalDle to hove a back-up regulator availoble to facilitate
change-over in the event a cylinder transfer needs to be

10 Always verify that the cylinder valve is in the closed or off

position (fully clockwise) prior to disconnecting the tubing
assembly or removing the regulator from the oxygen

11 Always follow the blender manufacturer's instructions,

contained in the blender product manual, for exact
connection of the blender to cylinders or wall sources.
Always use a high-flow blender (15 LPM to 150 LPM) for .
ventilatory application.

16 If the flapper valve is twisted or the locating bosses ore

not properly positioned, the Patient Valve Assembly will,not
function properly. Alwoys make sure the valve is flat and
properly seated.

APPENDIX A : Support Equipment For your ordering convenience, the following is a list of
adjunct equipment which may be used in conjunction with
or in support of the LSP AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 .

Description Model No.

Patient Valve Actuator L004006

Pressure Limit Alarm L535-fi)||

Pressure Limit Alarm L535-030 T<^^^

Oxygen Regulator L270-020 or L270-030

Non-Rebreathing Valve L496

Corrugated Hose L535124-010

Patient Valve Supply Tubing L535114

Oxygen Supply Hose L535026

AuioVenilOOO/ZOOO 21

APPENDIX A : Support Equipment Description Model No.

(Continued) L002768-030

Exhalation Valve L585045-030

Adapter Anti-lnhalotion L003571•

Diaphragm Anti-Inhalation 151.7643

Operator Manual 1909005-224

Aspirator L146

Infant Cuffed Mask L099-000

Child Cuffed Mask L099-002

Adult Cuffed Mask L099-005

Child Tru-Fit Mask 1.595060-020


Adult Tru-Fit Mask L595060-050


A i P A ' a y (Adult) L002882-050

Aln/zoy (Child) L0028B2-020

Kit 109 and Kit 002-983 LOI 0 0 9 0

Combined. Test Regulators,
Demand Valves and
Constant Flow Selector

Test Equipment for Demand L109

Valve and Constant Flow
Selector Valve

Test Kit for Oxygen L002983

Regulators Outlet Pressure
and High F ow}

Orange Molded Cose for L040088

" D " and Jumbo " D " Size

Child Bag Mask Kit, L238-210

Child Tru-Fit Mask,
Cardboard Box

Adult Bag Mask Kit, . L238-220

Adult Tru-Fit Mask,
Cardboard Box

Mouth to Mask L483-010

Resuscitator, Adult Tru-Fit
Mask (6/Box}

APPENDIX B: Patient V a l v e Flow: As required in demand

Assembly valve mode: 0-36 LPM at
Specifications 5 0 psig. Depends on
volume setting.
(All performance
specifications v/ere
Peak inspiratory Flow: 36 LPM at an airway
obtained by testing at
pressure drop of Jess than
normal temperature 2.5 cm.H20.
and pressure.
Delivery Pressure: .60.±5cm.H20 (44 mm.Hg.)

(Insp.) Crack Pressure: 0- to -2 cm.HjO

Exhalation Resistance: LPM cm.H20 (max)

0-10 1.5
11-70 3.8

G a s Consumption
Driving G a s : 0.4 LPM Maximum

Dead Space 8 ml. (excluding mask)

Supply Pressure: 4 0 to 6 0 psig.

Operating Temperature: OTto 125T

Storage Temperature: -40°F to 160°F

Inlet Fitting: Standard male oxygen


Filter: 2 5 Micron Stainless

Steel Mesh.

Outlet: 22 mm. outside diameter

X 15 mm. inside diameter
(fits standard medical
masks, endotracheal tubes
and tracheostomy tubes).

Weight: 16o2./450g.


Body: Anodized aluminum

Cover: Polycarbonate

Outlet; Polysulfone

Inlet Fitting: Plated brass


APPENDIX C: Control Module Supply Pressure Range: 4 0 to 6 0 psig

Specifications Storage Temperature: -40°F to 1 6 0 T
(All performance
specifications w e r e Operating Temperature: 0°F 10 1 2 5 ^
obtained b y testing at Frequency: (AV 2000) 8 to 15 BPM
standard temperature
Frequency: (AV 3000 Only) 8 to 20 BPM
a n d pressure
Tidal Volume: 4 0 0 to 1200 ml.

Tidal Volume: (AV 3000 Only) 2 0 0 to li200 ml.

Flow Rate; 12 to 3 6 LPM

Inspiratory Time; Approx. 2 seconds

Inspiratory Time: [AV 3000 Only) Approx. 1 second {(Md Selling)

Approx. 2 seconds [Adult Setting)

Expiratory Time; 2 to 5.0 seconds

l:E Ratio: 1:1 to 1:4

Dead Space in Patient

Valve Assembly: 8 ml.

Weight: 24 o z . / 6 8 0 g .

Expiratory Resistance; 5 cm.H20

Minute Volume: 1.8 to 2 4 A P M

Case Material: Polyester

Input Connection: Plated brass

Output Connectors: Plated brass
G a s Consumption
Driving G a s : 0.4 LPM Maximum

APPENDIX D: LSP O x y g e n Supply Pressure: 5 0 0 to 2 2 0 0 psig

Pressure Regulator
Proof Pressure: 8 0 0 0 psig
Outlet Pressure: High Flow Outlets;
(Model No.'s L270-020, 5 0 ± 10 psig at 2 2 0 0 psig
L270-030,L280-020and Flow Capacity: High Flow Outlets:
L280-030) 100 LPM minimum
Constant Flow Outlet:
1,2,4,6,10,15,25, LPM
or 0.5,1,2,3,4,8,15,LPM

Outlet Fitting; Stondord Male Oxygen DiSS.

Constant Flow Outtet;
1 / 4 " barb

Operating Temperature: -30"Fto 124°F

Storage Temperature; -40°F to 160°F

Outlet Pressure Relief

Point: 100 psig Maximum

Filter; 25 Micron Stainless

Steel Mesh
i4utorent20OO/300O 24

APPENDIX D: LSP O x y g e n Pressure Material

(Continued) Regulator
Body: Anodized Aluminum
Knob: Polycarbonate

Outlets: Plated Brass

M o d e l No.'s L735-060 Supply Pressure: 5 0 0 to 2 2 0 0 psig

a n d L l 06-060 8 0 0 0 psig
Proof Pressure:

Outlet Pressure: High Flow Outlets:

4 0 to 6 0 psig

Flow Capacity: High Flow Outlets:

100 LPM

Outlet Fitting: Standard Male Oxygen


Operafing Temperature: -30°F to 125°F

Storage Temperature: -40''F fo 160°F

Outlet Pressure Relief

Point: 100 psig maximum

Filter: 25 Micron Stainless

Steel Mesh

Body: Anodized Aluminum

Outlets: Plated Brass

APPENDIX E: The conversion chart values are calculations which approximate actual performance at
various altitudes, but do not represent guaranteed performance specifications.

AutoVent 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0
Life Altitude Conversion Chart
Products Tidal Volume Settings (ml.)

Altitude 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200


1000 3280 226 339 452 565 678 79] 904 1017 1130 1356

2000 I 6560 I 254 | 381 I 508 j 635 | 762 | 889 I 1016 I 1143 I 1270 1524

3000 9840 288 432 576 720 864 1008 1152 1296 1440 1728

4000 13120 328 492 656 820 984 1146 1312 1476 1640 1958

5000 16400 374 561 748 935 1122 1309 1496 1683 1870 2244

6000 19680 460 690 920 1 150 1380 1610 1840 2070 2300 2760
i4utoVent20C=0/3000 25

APPENDIX F: The values in this chart are calculations which approximate actual performance at
various settings, but do not represent guaranteed performance specifications.

AutoVent 2000/3000
Oxygen Cylinder Depielion Times*
Breaths per minute

12 14 16 18 20 Cyi.

66 62 52 45 40 36 32 E
1000 64 58 49 42 37 33 30 Jmb. D
41 38 32 28 24 22 20 D


83 72 64 58 52 E
600 78 68 60 54 49 Jmb. D
50 44 39 35 32 D


162 148 136 117 103 92 83 76 E

400 152 138 127 110 96 86 78 71 Jmb.D
99 90 83 71 63 56 50 46 D


262 243 227 200 179 162 148 136 y E

200 245 227 212 187 168 152 138 127' Jmb. D
159 148 138 122 109 99 90 82 D



Limited O n e (1) Y e a r W a r r a n t y

LSP worronls ihis producl to be free from defecls in maleriol ond Disclaimer of Other Warranties
workmonsliip for a period of one (1) year from lhe dole of manufaclure.
This Worfonly is expressly condilioned on connplionce wilh oii Inspeclion THiS W A R R A N T Y IS IN PLACE A N D IN UEU OF ALL OTHER
and prevenlalive mainlenance requirements os set by oppllcoble WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESSED O R IMPLIED,
governmenl agencies ond os specified by LSP. I N C L U D I N G , B U T N O T LIMITED T O , W A R R A N T I E S O F
This Warranty is extended by ISP only to the first purchaser of the OPERATION O F L A W OR OTHERWISE.

k product from either ISP or from an authorized distributor.

This Worronty does not opply lo malfunction or domoge resulting (rom
accident, ollerotion, misuse, abuse of the producl, improper prevenlotive
THIS W A R R A N T Y ARE LIMITED A S F O L L O W S : In lhe evenl of o mainlenance, storage ot exireme lemperatures or exireme environmenis
defecl, malfunclion or faiiure to conform to this Warranty, purchaser shall beyond design limils, or, where oppropriote, improper use of lhe product
k return Ihis producl lo LSP, with shipping chorges prepaid, wilhin a
reasonable lime after discovery of such defecl, malfunction or foilure to
by unlroinea persons. This Warranty does nol opply lo any plastic or
rubber components since Ihey con be affecled ooversely by undue

k conform. LSP shall repair or replace (at LSP's opiion) this product if II is
detective, molfunclions or foils to conform lo Ihis Worronljr, ond sholl return
exposures to heot, sun, water, ozone, or lo olher deleriorolive elemenls.

k il lo the purchaser wilh shipping charges prepaid ond without ony

odditionoi charges due to costs of repair or replacemenl.
LSP has nol authorized ony olher firm or person lo make any
representations concerning ihis producl nor to assume on LSP's behalf ony
liability in ony Way connecled wilh lhe sole or use of Ihis producl.
K In the evenl lhe producl returned by purchoser is nol defective, hos not
molfunclioned and does conform lo this Worronly, LSP shall nol be This Warranty becomes void immedialely. should ony repoirs of, or
K obligoted lo repair or replace the producl and shall nol be obligoled for
shipping chorges for relurn of the producl lo the purchoser.
olferotions lo ihis warranted producl be made wilhoul oulhorizotion by ISP.

K LSP shall In no event be liable for any consequentiol damages, nor for
loss, domages or expenses direclly or indirectly orising from lhe use of Ihis Producfs
1720 Sublelte Avenue • Sl. Louis, M O 63110
TEL: 314/771-2400 • FAX: 314/771-0650

^ '<'!ll

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