Syllabus For Inspiring Leadership Through Emotional - Intelligence
Syllabus For Inspiring Leadership Through Emotional - Intelligence
Syllabus For Inspiring Leadership Through Emotional - Intelligence
READINGS (see Recommended and Supplemental Readings list for additional reading, not
required but highly informative about these subjects), Required:
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2001). “Primal leadership: The hidden driver of
leadership. Harvard Business Review, December. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to
download the article for free. To get free access, you have to register with HBR, but that is free.
Annie McKee:
Discussion Forum: Have many leaders brought out the best in you or not? What did they
typically say or do? How did they make you and others feel?
Personal Learning Assignment (in video exercise; for details of the assignment see the
Personal Learning Assignment tab): Think of a leader you have worked with, or for, who
brought out the best in you – and a leader with whom you worked that you try to avoid. When
you remember the last few times you were around them, what did they typically say or do, and
how did this make you feel?
Module 1.2: Resonant Leaders Create Experiences with the People Around Them of Hope,
Compassion, Mindfulness, and Playfulness
READINGS Required:
P: Smith, M., Boyatzis, R.E. & Van Oosten, E. (2012). Coach with Compassion. Leadership
Excellence, 29:3, 10. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the article for free.
P: Boyatzis, R.E. & Yeganeh, B. (2012). Mindfulness. Leadership Excellence, 29:3, 4. Go to the
‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the article for free.
Additional Note: When we use the term compassion, we go beyond the typical Western
interpretation to one coming from Confucian philosophy. Compassion is the experience of
benevolence, of being open to others. It is caring for others who might be in pain (more hedonic)
or those in joy (more eudemonic) or those in search of growth (eudemonic). For more detail and
explanation of this, see the Boyatzis, Smith and Beveridge (in press) article listed in the
Recommended readings for Module 5.2.
Discussion Forum: How did the leaders who brought out the best in you make you feel about
what you were doing and why you were doing it?
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only): (1) Remember
being around a leader who brought out the best in you, how did you feel about what you were
doing and why you were doing it? (2) The litmus test of being an effective leader: When people
leave your office, do they feel inspired, lifted, excited? (3) Homework: Over the next two weeks,
in every meeting/group in which you are present, take a few notes about the leader’s behavior.
Then compare those in which you felt excited or inspired to those in which you felt
deflated or bored.
READINGS Required:
P: Boyatzis, R.E. (2012). Neuroscience And The Link Between Inspirational Leadership and
Resonant Relationships. Ivey Business Journal, on-line January/February, 2012. Go to the
‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the article for free.
Discussion Forum: How did the leaders who brought out the best in you make you feel about
what you were doing and why you were doing it? What about your observations of others?
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only): Observe leaders in
meetings, classes, and other settings over the next week or two. Are they inspirational? Did they
inspire hope, compassion, mindfulness or playfulness? If they did, how did they do it?
Week 1 Quiz
READINGS Required:
P: Boyatzis, R.E. & Smith, M. (2012). Positive renewal. Leadership Excellence, 29:3, 6. Go to
the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the article for free.
Discussion Forum: When have you experienced emotional contagion that was positive? When
have you experienced emotional contagion that was negative? Do you think social media can
spread emotional contagion even though people are not seeing each other?
READINGS Required:
A: Boyatzis, R.E., Smith, M. and Blaize, N. (2006). Sustaining leadership effectiveness through
coaching and compassion: It’s not what you think. Academy of Management Journal on
Learning and Education. 5(1): 8-24. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the
article for free.
Robert Sapolsky on stress:
Discussion Forum: What are the triggers that spark annoying stress for you? What happened
yesterday or today that did?
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only): Stress and renewal
reflection exercise. Think of someone who aggravates or frustrates you and reflect on a few of
those moments. What feelings or sensations were you having? Remember moments with one of
your children or a niece or nephew when they were 305 years old, or if you don’t have children,
a moment with a puppy playing in the grass or a kitten rolling around. What feelings and
sensations were you having? Compare and contrast these two experiences
READINGS Required:
P: McKee, A., Johnson, F. & Massimililan (2006). Mindfulness, hope and compassion: A
leader’s road map to renewal. Ivy Business Journal, May/June. Go to the ‘Required Readings’
course tab to download the article for free.
Discussion Forum: What kinds of activities or experiences are renewing for you? Remember,
rest is needed, but not always renewing.
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only): Make a chart for
each day of last week. On lines showing hour by hour, list moments in which you experienced
annoying stress. List moments of renewal (i.e., moments of mindfulness, hope, compassion or
playfulness) and what you did that was renewing (personal notes or journal reflection only, i.e.,
on how leaders who brought out the best in you made you feel.
Week 2 Quiz
READINGS Required:
A: Boyatzis, R.E. (2009). Competencies as a behavioral approach to emotional Intelligence.
Journal of Management Development. 28, 9, 749-770. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab
to download the article for free. To get free access, you have to register with SIPX, but that is
Dan Goleman:
Narayan Murthy interview (in particular, watch minutes 14:30-22:35):
Discussion Forum: Which emotional and social competencies did Narayan Murthy exhibit in
his interview? How do these compare with what you see demonstrated at work or school the
most often? Which are common and which do you seldom see?
Personal Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Personal
Learning Assignment tab): The objective of this exercise and assignment is to give you practice
observing competencies as they appear in real life. Our objective in this coding assignment is to
help you wrestle with the ideas and refine your understanding of them. For this assignment, we
will have to read critical incidents for Person A and Person B, which are transcripts from
audiotaped interviews about specific events at work or school. In these, you will see how
competencies are coded by experts (i.e., professionals with training and have achieved high inter-
rater reliability). Then you will practice identifying which competencies are being shown in the
transcripts of critical incidents from person C and Person D. Following this, you will code two
transcripts for person E and Person F and submit this coding for a grade. The competencies you
will be coding may include:
Emotional Self-Awareness Achievement Orientation Adaptability
Emotional Self-Control Positive Outlook Empathy
Organizational Awareness Conflict Management Coach and Mentor
Influence Inspirational Leadership Teamwork
Systems Thinking Pattern Recognition
Module 3.2: EI and SI in Various Fields of Work and They Can Be Developed
READINGS Required:
A: Summaries of Dissertation Research: Linda Pittenger, Joann Quinn, Badri Bajaj (the
dissertation summary is found at the end of the PDF). Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab
to download the articles for free.
Discussion Forum: What are the competencies that you have been able to use well, that are
your strengths?
Action Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Action Learning
Assignment tab): Interview 10-20 people in your life and work or school. Ask each one, “Tell
me about a time in which I was at my best.” Let them tell you the story of that moment. Write
notes about what they said. After you have collected 10-20, read them and look for patterns.
Which of the emotional and social intelligence competencies appear in many of them so that you
would consider them a strength? You will use the results of this action learning assignment for
determining your Real Self as others experience you assigned in module 9.1 as well.
The purpose of this exercise is for you to collect observations from others about your
strengths. By hearing the stories, or reading them if collected over email or Facebook, you are to
look for themes or patterns. If half or more of the people mention a story in which you used
humor, you can list “humor” as one of your strengths. There is no exact number needed for a
pattern or theme to emerge. Sometimes a skill or characteristics will appear from others in a
certain group, like family, that does not appear with others, like work colleagues. In such cases,
the skill or characteristic can be considered a strength even though you have used it primarily
with one type of person regardless of the number of people from whom you hear it. Although
interviewing people face to face is emotionally better for the exercises and learning (it uses
positive emotional contagion), you can do this over Skype, email or even Facebook. This
assignment is not due until week 8.
Week 3 Quiz
Module 4.1: Key People and Relationships Who Inspired You and Intentional Change Theory
READINGS Required:
A: Boyatzis, R.E. (2008). Leadership Development from a Complexity Perspective. Consulting
Psychology Journal. 60(4). 298-313. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the
article for free.
P: Boyatzis, R.E., Smith, M. & Van Oosten, E. (2010). Coaching for Change: Coaching with
Compassion versus Coaching for Compliance. People Matters, 68-71. Go to the ‘Required
Readings’ course tab to download the article for free.
Discussion Forum: How did it feel remembering these moments with people who helped you
the most? What did they say or do that was most helpful? How did they make you feel?
Personal Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Personal Learning
Assignment tab, “Who Helped Me the Most?”).
Module 4.2: The Positive (PEA) and Negative Emotional Attractors (NEA)
READINGS Required:
A: Boyatzis (in press). When Pulling to the Negative Emotional Attractor is Too Much or Not
Enough to Inspire and Sustain Outstanding Leadership. R. Burke, C. Cooper, and G. Woods
(eds.), The Fulfilling Workplace: the Organization’s Role in Achieving Individual and
Organizational Health, Gower Publishing, London. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to
download the article for free.
A: Summaries of Dissertation Research: Masud Khawaja. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course
tab to download the article for free.
Barbara Fredrickson on Positivity:
Discussion Forum: How do you and others respond when in the PEA? How is this different
than when you are in the NEA? Is your performance better when in the PEA? Are you more open
to others and new ideas in the PEA?
Week 4 Quiz
READINGS Required:
P: Boyatzis, R.E. & Foley, E. (2012). Freedom Fighters: Coaching to the Positive in Extreme
Negative Situations: Helping Defectors in Their New Home. Coaching at Work,7, (3), 26-29. Go
to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the article for free
Richard Boyatzis on Coaching, from ICF Harvard:
Discussion Forum: When someone is entering the PEA what are the signs you can see? What
are the signs that a person is slipping back into the NEA?
Module 5.2: Survive and Thrive – Balancing the PEA and NEA
Richard Boyatzis on Coaching, from ICF Harvard:
Discussion Forum: What do you think is the best ratio of PEA to NEA for you right now?
Why? When you engaged in the reflective exercise and thought about the list of things others
have told you that you should do or how you should change, how did it feel? When you thought
about the moments in which you were most proud of yourself, when you were at your best, how
did it feel?
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only):
Part 1. Think of things your boss, spouse, or others have told you that you should do and how
you should change. Think of those things that you do not necessarily think are important for you
to change, especially ones that either of them have said repeatedly to you. Make a list of these
behavior, attitudes, or perspectives you should change, from their perspective, to become more
effective and a better person.
Part 2. Think of times you were at your best, when you were excited and effective at home or
work. Make a list of the behavior, attitudes, or perspectives you used in those events. Make a list
of things people have said you should change to be better. How did it feel while you were
making this list? How did it feel while you were remembering these moments?
Richard Boyatzis on Coaching, from ICF Harvard:
For a humorous sense of what does NOT work: Bob Newhart, Stop It:
Discussion Forum: Which questions seem to help bring someone into the PEA? How did you
notice that?
Personal Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Personal Learning
Assignment tab): This will involve assessing two essays written by previous graduate students of
mine as to how well they did the coaching with compassion activity and analysis. This
assignment is previewed in Module 5.3 and will be explained again in detail in modules 6.1 and
6.2, with examples. To help prepare you for this assignment, we are including two examples (A
and B) with coding as discussed in the videos 6.1 and 6.2. We are also providing two sample
essays (C and D) for you to practice coding and see the correct answers. Then you will read and
code the two essays (E and F) to be evaluated for the assignment.
Action Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Action Learning
Assignment tab): Identify two people you know who are outstanding performers. Follow the
instructions to have a coaching to the PEA session with each person. Then write a brief essay (2-
3 pages) about each experience using concepts from the readings and class. DO NOT try this if
you are having difficulty in your relationships with a person. DO NOT do this with someone in
trouble. DO NOT do this with someone who you think you can fix.
Module 6.1: PEA Coaching – Instructions for Reviewing and Evaluating a Coaching with
Compassion Essay
Module 6.2: PEA Coaching – Reviewing and Evaluating Examples of Coaching with
Compassion Essays
Personal Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Personal Learning
Assignment tab): Use the two essays provided in this section, as mentioned in PLA for module
5.3, written by previous graduate students of mine, to assess how well they did the coaching with
compassion activity and analysis. The method for assessing the essays is explained in the video
lectures; for written directions go to the Personal Learning Assignment tab.
Action Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Action
Learning Assignment tab): Read the essays of 3 people assigned to you. Write a comment to the
author of the essay on each of the sessions and each of the criteria of the analysis. The method
for assessing the essays is explained in the video lectures; for written directions go to the Action
Learning Assignment tab.
Summary At a Glance Review of Assessment Criteria
Coaching with CWC Asked one of the Asked about high Asked about work,
Compassion, to four questions points in past or how things are going
the PEA present or how to get ahead_
Tipping points PEA/NEA Described the Coach never Coach says coachee
coachee’s verbal mentions PEA or was in the PEA or
or non- verbal the entire time with NEA with no
indicators of PEA evidence
or NEA______________________________________________
Elements of IS Each time coach Coachee said they Coachee says they
Ideal Self or mentions an element had a dream but does do not believe in
Personal Vision of the coachee’s not describe specifics thinking about the
Ideal Self future, lives only in
CLASS 7: Inspiring Change through Hope and Vision – Discovery #1 in ICT
Module 7.1: The Battle Between the Ideal Self and Ought Self
READINGS Required:
A: Boyatzis, R.E. & Akrivou, K. (2006). “The Ideal Self as a Driver of Change.” Journal of
Management Development. 25(7): 624-642. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to
download the article for free. To get free access, you have to register with SIPX, but that is free.
A: Summaries of Dissertation Research: Kathleen Buse. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course
tab to download the article for free.
Discussion Forum: Do you have a personal vision? If you have a family, do you have a shared
Discussion Forum: How did it feel when you were reflecting on the exercises in the video?
Personal Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Personal Learning
Assignment tab): Write the beginning of your personal vision. Write the answers to the three
questions posted in the lecture video (i.e., Module 7.2).
Module 7.3: Developing Your Personal Vision, Including Life and Career Stages
READINGS Required:
P: Boyatzis, R., McKee, A., and Goleman, D. (2002). Reawakening your passion for Work.
Harvard Business Review. 80(4). 86-94. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to download
the article for free. To get free access, you have to register with HBR, but that is free.
Discussion Forum: What are the number of years typically in your life cycle? Of your career
Personal Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Personal Learning
Assignment tab): Continuation of the Personal Learning Assignment from module 7.2. Write
your personal vision. It should be about 3-4 pages and address your dreamed about future in 10-
15 years, not a prediction. It should address your physical health, your spiritual health, your
romantic and family health, your contributions to the community, and your work.
Module 8.1: Multilevel Change – Resonant Leadership and Social Identity Groups
READINGS Required:
P: Van Oosten, E. & Boyatzis, R.E. (2003). Building the emotionally intelligent Organization.
The Ivey Business Journal. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the article for
free. To get free access, you have to register with SIPX, but that is free.
Discussion Forum: Were you surprised or not as to how complex your life system is?
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only): Using the
reflective exercise from the video about the relationships in multiple levels of your life system,
and without saying people’s names, are the key relationships in your life and work resonant or
dissonant? Do they invoke the PEA or NEA?
READINGS Required:
P: Boyatzis, R.E., Smith, M., Van Oosten, E. & Woolford, L. (2013). Developing Resonant
Leaders through Emotional Intelligence, Vision and Coaching. Organizational Dynamics, I42,
P: Van Oosten, E. (2006). Intentional Change Theory at the Organizational Level: A Case Study.
Journal of Management Development. 25(7), 707-717. Go to the ‘Required Readings’ course tab
to download the article for free. To get free access, you have to register with SIPX, but that is
A: Summaries of Dissertation Research: John Neff, Kathy Overbeke, Byron Clayton. Go to the
‘Required Readings’ course tab to download the articles for free.
Mrs. Zkihali and the Nkomo Primary School:
Discussion Forum: Think of one or two of the teams or groups in which you are a member.
Does the team have a shared vision? What is it?
READINGS Required:
A: Summaries of Dissertation Research: Ed Mahon, Joe Thornton. Go to the ‘Required
Readings’ course tab to download the article for free.
P: Boyatzis, R.E. (2010). Coaching teams to use emotional, social and cognitive intelligence for
sustainable, desired change. In Manfred Kets De Vries and Laura Guillen (eds.). Beyond
Coaching; Creating Better Leaders, Teams, and Organizations. 168-180. Go to the ‘Required
Readings’ course tab to download the article for free.
Discussion Forum: What could you try in one of your teams or groups to begin a discussion of
shared vision?
Action Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment see the Action
Learning Assignment tab): Ask many of your subordinates or team mates two questions:
o Think of a time when I was proud of this organization or team.
o Think of a time when we were at our best.
Then share the stories of these events. Patterns or themes emerging from the collective sharing of
stories will often constitute the elements of the shared vision you want for your team or
Module 8.4: Team Change (Beatles versus Rolling Stones) and Developing Social Identity
(Trekkers and Apple Users)
Discussion Forum: What are the social identity groups that help you move toward your
personal vision? What are the social identity groups that might be holding you back? Does your
work organization or school effectively build social identity groups?
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only):
Returning to your reflections and charting of the relationships in the multiple levels of your own
life system, add the social identity groups to which you belong or aspire. Does involvement with
or thinking about these groups invoke the PEA or NEA for you?
Week 7 Quiz
WEEK 8: CLASS 9: The Real Self and Learning Agenda – Discoveries #2, 3, 4 in ICT
Module 9.1: The Real Self versus the Faux Self and Learning Agenda (not a Performance
Improvement Plan)
Discussion Forum: What do you experience as the threat to an accurate image of your Real
Self? What blocks teams or organizations from seeing an accurate image of themselves? Can
planning be joyful or is it always an obligation?
Action Learning Assignment (for details of the assignment, see the Action Learning
Assignment tab): If you did the “Me at My Best” interviews for Module 3.2, review them to
develop an image of your Real Self. If you did not do this exercise earlier, do it now!
Discussion Forum: What settings are good for you to practice new behaviors, thoughts or
feelings? How to others help or hinder your practice?
Personal Learning Assignment (personal notes or journal reflection only): Try one new thing
next week. Pick one thing that you would like to try, either an action, a competency, or a new
way of thinking about things, a new way of feeling, etc. Do not make it a major or big thing. Just
try one small thing that is new or different but would bring you closer to your vision.
Final Exam