Egyptain Codes of Practice For Steel Construction (LRFD & Asd) in A Copmuter Program Form

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N. S. Mahmoud1, E. S. Aguib2, F. A. Salem3 & S. S. Abed-elaal3


Civil and structural engineers attempt to improve the analysis and design of structural
systems. On the way of development of codes, methods of design should be improved.
Development of codes increases equations, factors, parameters which are control the
design. More factors as (Lu, Fltb, Cb, Cm, M, Q, Steel grade, etc.) have effects on the
design [1], [2], [3]. [4]& [5]. Choice of sections by empirical methods or by
experience is possible but it dose not give the economic design. To obtain the
economic design, engineers should do many trails.
Steel -I- section may have a large inertia but it may be a slender section and its
properties must be reduced. On adverse the section may have a small inertia but it is a
compact section and it has a high allowable stress. Very important questions needed to
be answered; which section is more economic? Which factors have more effect on the
design? How designers can get economic design?
The main aim of the present paper is to get answer for the previous questions. This
research introduces a computer program to help designers to find economic designs for
different steel elements. This program has intelligent criteria to find the best design,
based on Egyptian Codes ASD [6] or LRFD [7], under different conditions and give a
complete calculation sheets in few minutes.

There are many programs used for analysis and design of steel structures such as;
COSMOS, STAAD, ANSYS, SAP and etc. These programs based on popular
international codes for countries such as Australia, People’s Republic of China,
Eastern Europe, Japan, Western Europe, USA and Canada [1], [8], [9] & [10]. It is
necessary to develop a program following the Egyptian codes; in this program we
achieve immediately the most economic design, making all the necessary checks. The
program based on Visual Basic [11] & [12]

1-Professor, 2- Associated Professor, 3- Assistant Professor

Str. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
e-mail : [email protected]
1. Elements which can be designed (ASD [6] or LRFD [7]) by the present
computer program:
1-1- I- beams
1-2- I-compression members
1-3- I- beam-column members
1-4- Plate girders
1-5- Truss members ( one angle, two angles, tee sections, channel, pipe)
1-6- Bolted connections with non-pretension bolts of the bearing type
1-7- High strength pretension bolted connections of the friction type
1-8- Bolted splices
1-9- Composite beams and shear connectors (stud type).
1-10- Cold formed sections

2. Elements which are not covered by the computer program

2-1- Plate girder stiffeners
2-2- Truss bridges
2-3- Composite columns
2-4- Composite beam-columns
2-5- Shear connectors except stud type
2-6- Built-up columns with lattice bar or batten plates

3. Main form in the program

Form in figure 1 is the main form in the program which leads to all internal forms and
using it, engineer can select the code (ASD [6] or LRFD [7]) and the elements which
will be designed.
The main form components (Figure 1) are:
3.1 Design of beams, columns & beam-columns.
3.2 Design of different connections
3.3 Design of composite beams.
3.4 Design of truss members.
3.5 Design of cold formed sections.

4. Charts for design of I-beams.

4.1. Introduction
Spacing of lateral bracing at distance greater than Lp creates a problem in which the
designer is confronted with a given laterally un-braced length (usually less than the
total span) along the compression flange, and a calculated required bending moment.
The beam cannot be selected from its plastic section modulus alone, since depth,
flange proportions, and other properties have an influence on its bending strength,
given charts solve these problems, these charts were prepared by the assistance of the
developed program.

4.2 Charts for design of rolled I-beams according to LRFD [7].
The charts give the design moments bMn for HEB, SIB and IPE shapes from ST37
(Fy=2.4t/cm2 ), ST44 (Fy=2.8t/cm2 )and ST52 ( Fy=3.6t/cm2 ), used as beams, with
respect to the maximum un-braced length for which this moment is permissible in
bending, (b = 0.85). Charts extend over varying un-braced length, depending upon
the flexural strengths of beams represented. The design moment (bMn m.t) is plotted
with respect to the un-braced length with no consideration of the moment due to
weight of the beam. These moments are shown for un-braced lengths starting at
spans less than Lp, for spans between Lp and Lr and for spans beyond Lr.
The un-braced length Lp in m, with the limit indicated by a solid symbol,, is the
maximum un-braced length of the compression flange, with Cb =1.0 and for which
the design moment is given by bMn.
Un-braced length Lp is computed using equation 5.4 [7]
80 r y
L P= 5.4
√ F yf
, and un-braced length Lr shall be computed using equation 5.7 [7]
1380 A f 1
L r=
dF L 2 √
( 1+ √ 1+ ( 2 XF L ) 2 ) 5.7
For compact sections with the un-braced length not greater than L p, in these cases Mn
is computed from equation 5.3[7], where Mp= FyZ≤ 1.5 My.
M n =M p 5. 3
For compact sections with the un-braced length greater than Lp and not exceed than Lr
, Mn is computed from equation 5.6 [7]
L b−L p
M n= M p−( M p−M r ) {
L r−L p }] C b≤M 5.6

For compact sections with the un-braced length greater than Lr, Mn is computed from
equation 5.12 [7]
1380 A f 2 20700 2
M cr=S x

√ ( dL b ) +
(( ) )
Lb 2
≤ 5.12

For non-compact sections with un-braced length not greater than L'p in these
cases Mn is computed from equation 5.16 [7]
λ−λ p
M n= M p−( M p−M r )
λ r −λ p {
≤M p }] 5.16

and L p is computed from equation 5.17 [7]

M p−M n
L' p= L p + ( L r−L p ) {
M p−M r
5.17 }]
For non-compact sections with un-braced length greater than L'p and not exceed
than Lr, in these cases Mn is the smaller of equation 5.6 [7]

and 5.16 [7]


For non-compact sections with the un-braced length greater than Lr, in these cases Mn
is computed from equation 5.16 [7]

The un-braced length Lr limit indicated by an open symbol o, is the maximum

untraced length.
The un-braced length in the charts (figure 2) may be either the total span or any part
of the total span between braced points, the plots shown in these charts were
computed for beams for which Cb=1.0. When a moment gradient exists between
point of bracing, Cb may be larger than unity. Using this larger value of Cb may
provide a more liberal flexural strength for the section chosen.
In computing the points for the curves, Cb in the above formulas was taken as unity,
E=2100 t/cm2 and G=810 t/cm2. The beam strength has been reduced by multiplying
the nominal flexural strength Mn by 0.85, the resistance factor b for flexural. Over a
limited range of length, a given beam is the lightest available for various
combinations of un-braced length and design moment. The charts are designed to
assist in the selection of the lightest available beam for the given combination. The
curves are plotted without regard to shear strength and deflection criteria, therefore
due care must be exercised in their use. The following examples illustrate the use of
the charts.

4.3 Example to explain using the charts

Given: A “fixed end” girder with a span of 18 m supports a concentrated load at the
centre. The compression flange is laterally supported at the concentrated
load point and at the inflection points. The factored load produced a
maximum calculated moment of 61.0 m.t. at the load point and supports.
Determine the size of the beam using ST52 (Fy = 3.6 t/cm2).

Solution: For this loading condition, Cb =1.67, with an un-braced length of 4.5 m.
With the total span equal to 18 m and Mu =61.0 m.t, assume approximate
weight of beam at 70 kg/m
0 .07 x(18)2
Total Mu=61.00 + 24
[ ]
x 1.2 =
62.13 m.t at the centre line and 63.268
m.t at the support. Compute Mequiv by dividing the required design moment
by Cb. Mequiv=63.268/1.67=37.9 m.t
Enter charts with un-braced length equal to 4.5 m and proceed upward to
37.9 m.t .Any beam listed above and to the right of the point satisfies the
design moment.
The lightest section satisfying the criteria of a design moment of 37.9 m.t at
an un-braced length of 4.5 m and bMp greater than 63.268 m.t is an IPE
500x90.7 as shown in (figure 3-a) and (figure 3-b). The design moment for
an IPE 500x90.7 with an un-braced length of 4.5m is 51.78 m.t and bMp is
69.4 m.t
Since (bMn = 51.78 m.t) > (Mequiv = 37.9 m.t) and
(bMp = 69.4 m.t)> (Mu = 63.268 m.t) then IPE 500 is o.k.


1. It is impressive in the present design program to let the program to achieve

immediately the most economic design using intelligent criteria where optimization is
considered, making all necessary checks needed to satisfy the E.C.P. [7]. The present
program makes operation of design of steel structure simpler, it helps the designers to
complete design in few seconds.
2. Putting code equations in form of computer programs is very important to find any
effect in these equations at any case of design.
3. It is very useful to making computer programs to compare between methods of
design for different codes.
4. The designers can use these programs to determine the best economic design in less
time, using these programs is a simple way to reach the best design.
5. Engineers can design -I- beam rolled sections and get the economic design using
simple charts.


Af Area of compression flange, cm2

Cb Bending coefficient depending on moment gradient.
Cm Coefficients applied to bending term in interaction formula
d Total depth of the beam, cm
FL Residual stress = 0.75 Fy for rolled sections, t/cm2
Fltb Allowable lateral torsional buckling stress, t/cm2
Fy Specified yield stress, t/cm2
G Shear modulus, t/cm2
Lb Distance between points braced against lateral displacement of the
compression flange, or between points braced to prevent twist of the
cross sections. cm
Lp Limiting laterally un-braced length for full plastic bending capacity, cm
Lr Limiting laterally un-braced length for inelastic lateral torsional
buckling, cm
Lu Effective lateral unsupported length of the compression flange, cm
M Bending moment, cm.t
Mn Nominal flexural strength, cm.t
Mp Plastic moment, cm.t
Mu Required flexural strength, cm.t
My Yield moment, cm.t
rT Radius of gyration about the minor axis of a section comprising the
compression flange plus one sixth of the web area, cm
ry Radius of gyration about minor principle axis, cm
S Elastic section modulus, cm3
Z Plastic section modulus, cm3
λ Controlling slenderness parameters

λp Limiting width-thickness ratio for compact flange
Limiting depth-thickness ratio for compact web
λr Limiting width-thickness ratio for non-compact flange
Limiting depth-thickness ratio for web non compact web
b Flexural resistance factor

Fig.1 Main form


[1] American Institutes of Steel Construction. (1999). "Load and Resistance Factor
Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings”, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
[2] Basic Wiring (Sunset New Basic) by Sunset Books (Paperback - Mar 1995).
Engineer, Middletown, Ohio

(Hons.), M.E. (Hons.), Ph. Formerly, PROFESSOR & HEAD, DEPARTMENT OF
Copy 1995,1998.
[5] Steel Designer Handbook “LRFD METHOD”. By AKBAR R.Tamboil P.E.
FASCE Consulting Engineer Princeton, New Jersey, copyright 1997 by The McGraw-
Hill Companies.
[6] Egyptian code of practice for steel construction and bridges (allowable stress
design) Code No. (205)- Ministerial Decree No. 279-2001- first edition 2001.
[7] Egyptian code of practice for steel construction (load and resistance factor design)
Code No. (205)- Ministerial Decree No. 359-2007- first edition 2008.
[8] Euro code 3,"Design of Steel Structures", ENV 1993 PART 1.1, and General Rules
for Buildings. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
DESIGN Volume I, Structural Members, Specifications, Codes. Copyright 1994.
[10] Ravindra, M. K. and Galambos, T. V. Load and resistance factor design for steel.
Proceedings American Society of Civil Engineers, 104 (ST9), September 1978. pp
[11] Programming with Visual Basic 6.0: An Object-Oriented Approach - Introductory
by Michael V. Ekedahl and William A. Newman (Paperback - Jan 29, 1999).
[12] Security for Microsoft Visual Basic .NET by Ed Robinson and Michael James
Bond (Paperback - May 28, 2003).

Fig.2 some charts for design of rolled I- beams according to LRFD [7]

Fig. (3-a)Chart for design of rolled I- beams according to LRFD [7]

Fig. (3-b)Chart for design of rolled I- beams according to LRFD [7]


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