Quality Control Manual For Prestressed Concrete Girder: April 2019

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The Project for

Capacity Development of Road and Bridge Technology

in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2016-2019)



(1st Edition)

April 2019

Ministry of Construction, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Japan International Cooperation Agency


The bridge construction technology has maintained in certain technological level since “Bridge
Engineering Training Center (BETC) Project (1979-1985: JICA), however, new technology has not
been transferred and bridge types that can be constructed in Myanmar are still limited. Besides,
insufficient training for national engineers has hampered sustainable transfer of technology in bridge
engineering. In this context, the Government of Myanmar requested “the Project for Capacity
Development of Road and Bridge Technology” (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) to the
Government of Japan. Through series of discussion, Ministry of Construction (MOC) and JICA
concluded the Record of Discussion (R/D) in January 2016 to implement the Project focusing on
capacity development on construction supervision of bridges and concrete structures.

The Project was implemented for 3 years since 2016 in corroboration with MOC staff officer and JICA
Experts aiming at improvement of quality as well as safety in construction of bridges and concrete

structures. As the achievement of the Project, the Manuals on Quality and Safety Control for Bridge
and Concrete Structure were developed in 2019 after several workshop and discussion.

Following technical documents were referred as references.

1) Specification for Highway Bridges (2012, Japan Road Association, Japan)

2) Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures (2012, Japan Society of Civil Engineering)
3) Manual for Construction of Bridge Foundation (2015, Japan Road Association)
4) AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications (3rd Edition, 2010)
5) The Guidance for the Management of Safety for Construction Works in Japanese ODA Projects
(2014, JICA)
6) Manual for Construction Supervision of Concrete Works. (2016, NEXCO)
7) Manual for Construction Supervision of Road and Bridge Structures. (2016, NEXCO)
8) Construction Contract MDB Harmonized Edition (Version 3, 2010 Harmonized Red Book)

* Form work Planning for Prestressing & Grouting

* Placement of Duck, Steel and Anchorage
* Concrete Casting
* Concrete Curing

Checking of Form &

Re-bar setting

(Concrete Manual) Calibration of Jack

Checking of
Duct & Tendon setting
Pre- Yes
(PC Manual 3.1, 3.2 & Chapter 10)
Test Prestressing
Checking of is required
Concrete Strength

(PC Manual 8.1.1 & Chapter 10) No

Setting of Operation Limit for Prestressing

Prestressing Report of Operation for Prestressing

(PC Manual Chapter 8 & Chapter 10)

Basic Test of Grouting

(PC Manual Chapter 7 & Chapter 10)


Inspection of Grout

(PC Manual 9.10 & Chapter 10)

Final Inspection

(PC Manual 10.1 & 10.10)



CHAPTER1. GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER2. THE MATERIALS ...................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER4. IDENTIFICATION AND TESTING......................................................................... 15
CHAPTER5. PROTECTION OF PRESTRESSING STEEL ......................................................... 15
CHAPTER6. DUCTS ...................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER7. GROUT ..................................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER8. TENSIONING ........................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER9. GROUTING .............................................................................................................. 35
CHAPTER10. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSPECTION ..................................................................... 48

APPENDIX A: METHOD FOR TENSIONING OPERATION ........................................................... 56
APPENDIX B INSPECTION SHEET .................................................................................................. 60
APPENDIX C INSPECTION EXAMPLE ON THE PILOT PROJECT .............................................. 70

AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials

JIS Japan Industrial Standard

PC Prestressed Concrete

MIL Military Specification in USA

Re-bar Reinforcing Bar


This Manual has been prepared with reference to LFRD Bridge Construction Specifications
(AASHTO), Specification for Highway Bridge (Japan Road Association), Construction Manual for
Structure (Japan’s Nippon Expressway Company Limited) among others.

Scope of application

This Manual shall be applied mainly to PC Girder (post-tensioning and pre-tensioning), basically the
span of which is less than 33m with regards to current situation of bridges constructed by MOC.

Some instructions in the Manual may not necessarily be adopted adequately. Hence, additional
references are provided, the site engineer could adopt the better method considering the current
situation of the bridge construction in Myanmar.

Implementation of Inspection:

Basically, implementation of all items mentioned in this Manual is important, but of utmost importance
is the constant implementation of key items for Quality Control at all construction sites.

Therefore, important inspection items shall be implemented, referring to “CHAPTER10 Instructions

for Inspection”.

Revision of the Manual

The Manual shall be revised in accordance with the improvement of bridge technology (new structure
type, continuous type, long span, etc.) in Myanmar.

Understanding of the Design

The current practice in Myanmar is that design and construction are considered as separate aspects;
so, it is common that at the project site, there is no Design Report (calculation sheets) and the site
engineers do not bother themselves with the design. But design and construction are intertwined, with
one affecting the other. Therefore, checking the design at the site is indispensable, and by doing so the
site engineers shall understand the design outline and will be able to check the calculation sheets


This work shall consist of prestressing precast or cast-in-place concrete by furnishing, placing, and
tensioning of prestressing steel in accordance with details shown in the contract documents, or in
documents indicated by MOC design section to the construction site and as specified in this Manual.
It includes prestressing by either the pre-tensioning or post-tensioning method or by a combination of
these methods. This work shall include the furnishing and installation of any appurtenant items
necessary for the particular prestressing system to be used, including but not limited to ducts,

anchorage assembles, and grout used for pressure grouting ducts.

Details of Design

Where the design for prestressing work is not fully detailed in the contract documents, the Contractor
shall determine the details or type of prestressing system to be used and select the materials and details
conforming to this Manual, as needed, to satisfy the prestressing requirement specified. The
prestressing may be performed by either pre-tensioning or post-tensioning method, unless the contract
documents only specify pre-tensioning details. If the contract documents only specify pre-tensioning
details, the use of post-tensioning system shall be allowed only if complete details of any necessary
modifications are approved by the Engineer or MOC Project Manager.

* Form work Planning for Prestressing

* Placement of Duct, Steel and
* Concrete Casting Calibration of Jack
* Concrete Curing

Prestressing Test Prestressing
Do or Not
Checking of
Concrete Strength

Setting of Operation Limit for Prestressing

Prestressing Report of Operation for Prestressing

Basic Test of Grouting


Figure 1.7-1 Post-Tensioning Flowchart

Machine for Prestressing Setting of reinforcing bars

Formwork Casting of concrete and Removal of form

Figure 1.7-2 Sequence of Pre-Tension Girder (At the Factory)

Strut Beam for Mold Construction of Strut Beam

Steel Reinforcement Fixing Pre-stressing of HT Wire

Concreting of Girder Placing of PC Girder

Figure 1.7-3 Sequence of Pre-Tension Girder (At the Site)

Setting of Re-bars and PC tendon Formwork

Casting of concrete Curing of concrete

Prestressing Grouting

Figure 1.7-4 Sequence of Post-Tension Girder

Prestressing Steel and Anchorage

Prestressing reinforcement shall be high-strength seven-wire strand, high-strength steel wire, or high-
strength alloy bars of the grade and type called for in the contract documents. Table 2.1-1 and Table
2.1-2 shall be use as references.

Table 2.1-1 Applicable Standards for Strength of Prestressing Steel (ASTM- A416/A416M (USA)
Breaking Strength Requirements
Minimum Breaking
Strand Designation Diameter of Strand, Steel Area of Strand, Weight of Strand
Strength of Strand,
No. mm mm² kg/1000 m
Grade 1725
6 6.4 40 23.2 182
8 7.9 64.5 37.4 294
9 9.5 89 51.6 405
11 11.1 120.1 69.7 548
13 12.7 160.1 92.9 730
15 15.2 240.2 139.4 1094
Grade 1800
9 9.53 102.3 54.8 432
11 11.11 137.9 74.2 582
13 12.7 183.7 98.7 775
13a 13.2 200.2 107.7 844
14 14.29 230 123.9 970
15 15.24 260.7 140 1102
18 17.78 353.2 189.7 1487

Table 2.1-2 Specifications for Highway Bridge (Japan Road Association)

Mechanical properties, nominal cross-sectional area and unit mass of steel wires and steel strands for prestressed
Loading at Relaxation
Nominal 0.2% Tensile load Elongation value (%) Nominal Unit mass
Symbol diameter permanent (kN) (%) cross-sectional (kg/m)
elongation (kN) N L area (mm²)
9.3mm 75.5 or over 88.8 or over
3.5 or over 8 or 2.5 or 51.61 0.405
7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over) less less
10.8mm 102 or over 120 or over 8 or 2.5 or
3.5 or over less less 69.68 0.546
SWPR7AN 7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over)
SWPR7AL 12.4mm 136 or over 160 or over 8 or 2.5 or
3.5 or over less less 92.9 0.729
7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over)
15.2mm 204 or over 240 or over
3.5 or over 8 or 2.5 or 138.7 1.101
7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over) less less
9.5mm 86.8 or over 102 or over 8 or 2.5 or
3.5 or over less less 54.84 0.432
7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over)
11.1mm 118 or over 138 or over 8 or 2.5 or
3.5 or over less less 74.19 0.58
SWPR7BN 7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over)
SWPR7BL 12.7mm 156 or over 183 or over
3.5 or over 8 or 2.5 or 98.71 0.774
7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over) less less
15.2mm 222 or over 261 or over 8 or 2.5 or
3.5 or over less less 138.7 1.101
7 strands (1.45 or over) (1.7 or over)
N: Normal products L: Low-relaxation products

Post-Tensioning Anchorages and Couplers

All anchorages and couplers shall be developed to at least 96 percent of the actual ultimate strength of
the prestressing steel, when tested in an unbonded state, without exceeding the anticipated set. The
coupling of tendons shall not be reduced to the elongation at rupture below the requirements of the
tendon itself. Couplers and/or coupler components shall be enclosed in housings long enough to permit
the necessary movements. Couplers for tendons shall be used only at locations specifically indicated
in the contract documents or in documents indicated by MOC design section to the construction site
and/or approved by the Engineer. Couplers shall not be used at points of sharp tendon curvature.

Figure 2.2-1, Figure 2.2-2 and Figure 2.2-3 shall be used as reference.

Point of sharp tendon curvature

Figure 2.2-1 Point of Sharp Tendon Curvature

Tendon: 12- 7*12.7mm

Figure 2.2-2 Typical Anchorage in Myanmar

Figure 2.2-3 Examples of Anchorage

Placement of Ducts


Ducts shall be rigidly supported at proper locations in the forms by ties to reinforcing steel which are
adequate to prevent displacement during concrete placement. Supplementary support bars shall be
used where needed to maintain proper alignment of the duct. Hold-down ties to the forms shall be used
when the buoyancy of the ducts in the fluid concrete would lift the reinforcing steel.

Polyethylene duct and metal duct for longitudinal or transverse post-tensioning in the flanges shall be
supported at intervals not to exceed 0.6m. Polyethylene duct in webs for longitudinal post-tensioning
shall be tied to stirrups at intervals not to exceed 0.6m, and metal duct for longitudinal post-tensioning
in webs shall be tied to stirrup at interval not to exceed 1.2m.

Joints between sections of duct shall be coupled with positive connections which do not result in angle
changes at the joints and will prevent the intrusion of cement paste.

After placing of ducts, and reinforcement and forming are complete, an inspection shall be made to
locate possible duct damage.

All unintentional holes or openings in the duct shall be repaired prior to concrete placing.

Grout openings and vents shall be securely anchored to the duct and to either the forms or to
reinforcing steel to prevent displacement during concrete placing operations.

After installation in the forms, the ends of ducts shall at all times be sealed as necessary to prevent the
entry of water or debris.

Duct Inlets and Outlets

All ducts for continuous structures shall be supplied with outlets at the high and low points of the duct
profile, except where the profile changes are small, as in continuous slabs, and at additional locations
as specified in the contract documents or in documents indicated by MOC design section to the
construction site. Low-point outlets (Figure 3.1-1 point F) shall remain open until grouting starts. and
Figure 3.1-2 shall be used as reference.

Figure 3.1-1 Example of Low-Point Outlet

1: Inlet 2: Outlet

Figure 3.1-2 Example of Setting Inlet and Outlet

Proving of Post-Tensioning Duct

Upon completion of concrete placement, the Contractor shall prove that the post-tensioning ducts are
free and clear of any obstructions or damage. The following is the method for checking the ducts in
the U.S; but nowadays this method is not popular in Japan, where the ducts are usually checked by
visual inspection.

Checking by using “Torpedo”

Ducts are able to accept the intended post-tensioning tendons by passing a torpedo through the ducts.
The torpedo shall have the same cross-sectional shape as the ducts, and 6mm smaller all around than
the clear nominal inside dimensions of the duct. No deductions shall be made to the torpedo section
dimensions for tolerances allowed in the manufacture or fixing of the ducts. For straight ducts, a
torpedo at least 60cm long shall be used. For curved ducts, the length shall be determined so that when
both ends touch the outermost wall of the duct, the torpedo is 6mm clear of the innermost wall. If the
torpedo will not travel completely through the duct, the Engineer shall reject the member, unless a
workable repair can be made to clear the duct, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Upon completion of
the repairs, the torpedo shall be made to pass through the duct easily, by hand, without resorting to
excessive effort or mechanical assistance.

Checking by using torpedo is not commonly done in Japan anymore.

Duct Pressure Field Test

Before stressing and grouting internal or external tendons, install all grout caps, inlets, and outlets then
test the tendon with compressed air to determine if duct connections require repair. In the presence of
the Engineer, pressurize the tendon 0.35N/mm2 and lock-off the outside air source. Record pressure
loss for 1 min. A pressure loss of 0.17N/mm2 is acceptable for tendons having a length of equal to or
less than 46m, and a pressure loss of 0.10N/mm2 is acceptable for tendons longer than 46m. If the
pressure loss exceeds the allowable, repair leaking connections using methods approved by the
Engineer or MOC Project Manager, and retest.

Placement of Prestressing Steel

Placement for Pre-tensioning

Prestressing steel shall be accurately installed in the forms and held in place by the stressing jack or
temporary anchors and, when tendons are to be draped, by hold-down devices. The hold-down devices
used at all points of change in slope of tendon trajectory shall be of an approved low-friction type.

Prestressing steel shall not be removed from its protective packaging until immediately prior to
installation in the forms and placement of concrete. Opening in the packaging shall be resealed as
necessary to protect the unused steel. While exposed, the steel shall be protected as needed to prevent

Placement for Post-tensioning

All prestressing, steel preassembled in ducts and installed prior to the placement of concrete shall be
accurately placed and held in position during concrete placement.

When the prestressing steel is installed after the concrete has been placed, the Contractor shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer or MOC Project Manager that the ducts are free of
water and debris immediately prior to installation of the prestressing steel. The total number of strands
in an individual tendon may be pulled into the duct as a unit, or the individual strand may be pulled or
pushed through the duct.

Anchorage devices or block-out templates for anchorages shall be set and held so that their axis
coincides with the axis of the tendon, and anchor plates are normal in all directions to the tendon.

The prestressing steel shall be distributed so that the force in each girder stem is equal or as required
by the contract documents or documents indicated by MOC design section to the construction site.
Figure 3.2-1, Figure 3.2-2, Figure 3.2-3, and Figure 3.2-4 shall be used as references.

Figure 3.2-1 Steel Wire Sock for Installing Multi-strand Tendon

Figure 3.2-2 Unacceptable Duct Connections and Mistakes

(Sometimes, it is necessary to check an alignment in three-dimension from a fixed surface or reference line.)

Figure 3.2-3 Anchor Recess and Checking of Duct Alignment

(In case of the example usually practiced in Myanmar, there is possibility of hardening the tendons by cutting the


Figure 3.2-4 Duct Setting to Anchor

Protection of Steel After Installation

Prestressing steel used in post tensioned concrete members that is not grouted within the time limit
specified below, shall be continuously protected against rust or other corrosion by means of a corrosion
inhibitor placed in the ducts or directly applied to the steel. The prestressing steel shall be protected
until grouted or encased in concrete. Prestressing steel installed and tensioned in members after placing

and curing of the concrete and grouted within the time limit specified below will not require the use
of a corrosion inhibitor, and rust that may form during the interval between tendon installation and
grouting will not be caused for rejection of the steel.

The permissible interval between tendon installation and grouting without use of a corrosion inhibitor
for various exposure conditions shall be taken as follows:

• Very Damp Atmosphere or over Saltwater (Humidity > 70%) ; 7 days

• Moderate Atmosphere (Humidity from 40% to 70%) ; 15 days

• Very Dry Atmosphere (Humidity < 40%) ; 20 days

After tendons are placed in ducts, the openings at the ends of the ducts shall be sealed to prevent entry
of moisture. When steam curing is used, unless anchorage systems mandate its installation, steel for
post-tensioning shall not be installed until the steam curing is completed.

Such tendons shall be protected against corrosion by means of a corrosion inhibitor placed in the ducts
or on the steel, or shall be stressed and grouted within seven days after steam curing.

Placement of Anchorage Hardware

The Contractor is responsible for the proper placement of all materials according to the design
documents of the Engineer-of-Record and the requirements stipulated by the anchorage device
supplier. The Contractor shall exercise all due care and attention in the placement of anchorage
hardware, reinforcement, concrete, and consolidation of concrete in anchorage zones.

When a strand has been jacked to the required force and jack is released, the wedges are drawn into
the wedge plate until they bite and secure the stand. Typically, the amount of anchor set is between
6.4mm and 9.5mm.

Figure 3.3-1 Anchor Set or Wedge Set

All wires, strands, or bars to be shipped to the site shall each be assigned a lot number and tagged for
identification purposes. Anchorage assemblies to be shipped shall be likewise identified.

Each lot of wires or bars and each reel of strand reinforcement shall be accompanied by a
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance, a mill certificate, and a test report. The mill certificate and
test report shall include:

• chemical composition (not required for strand),

• cross-sectional area,

• yield and ultimate strength,

• elongation at rupture,

• modulus of elasticity, and

• stress strain curve for the actual prestressing steel intend for use.


All prestressing steel shall be protected against physical damage and rust or other results of corrosion
at all times from manufacture to grouting. Prestressing steel shall also be free of deleterious material,
such as grease, oil, wax, or paint. Prestressing steel that has sustained physical damage at any time
shall be rejected. The development of pitting or other results of corrosion, other than rust stain, shall
be cause for rejection.

Prestressing steel shall be packaged in containers or shipping forms for the protection of the strand
against physical damage and corrosion during shipping and storage. A corrosion inhibitor (MIL-P-
3420F-87 shall be used as references) which prevents rust or other results of corrosion shall be placed
in the package or form or shall be incorporated in a corrosion inhibitor carrier-type packaging material,
or when permitted by the Engineer, may be applied directly to the steel. The corrosion inhibitor shall
have no deleterious effect on the steel or concrete or bond strength of steel to concrete or grout.
Packaging or forms damaged from any cause shall be immediately replaced or restored to original

The shipping package or form shall be clearly marked with a statement that the package contains high-
strength prestressing steel, and the type of corrosion inhibitor used, including the date packaged.

All anchorages, end fittings, couplers, and exposed tendons, which will not be encased in concrete or
grout in the completed work, shall be permanently protected against corrosion.

Metal Ducts

Sheathing for ducts shall be metal, except as provided herein. Such ducts shall be galvanized ferrous
metal and fabricated with either welded or interlocked seams. Galvanizing of welded seams will

not be required. Right (rigid) ducts shall have

smooth inner walls and capable of being

curved to the proper configuration without

crimping or flattening. Semi-right (semi-
rigid) ducts shall be corrugated and, when
tendons are to be inserted after the concrete
has been placed, their minimum wall
thickness shall be as follows: 0.45mm for
ducts less than or equal to 67mm diameter, Figure 6.1-1 Corrugated Metal Duct from the

and 0.60mm for ducts greater than 67mm USA


Plastic Ducts

For locations in saltwater environment or exposure to deicing chemicals, plastic duct material shall be
considered and the one recommended. In Japan, plastic ducts are popular. Corrugated plastic duct to
be completely embedded in concrete shall be constructed from either polyethylene or polypropylene.
Ducts shall have a white coating on the
outside or shall be of white material with
ultraviolet stabilizers added as protection
from ultraviolet rays. Rigid smooth black
polyethylene ducts for use where the tendon
is not embedded in concrete shall be rigid pipe
manufactured from 100 percent virgin
polyethylene resin. Figure 6.2-1,Figure
6.2-2,Table 6.2-1 and Table 6.2-2 shall be
used as references.
Figure 6.2-1Corrugated Plastic Ducts from the

Polyethylene Ducts Type-A Dimension Table

Nominal Dia.

PC Cable Correspondence Table

Nominal Dia.



Figure 6.2-2 Plastic Ducts (Polyethylene Ducts) in Japan

Table 6.2-1 Plastic Duct Thickness (AASHOTO)

Duct Diameter Duct Thickness
Duct Shape
mm mm
Flat any size 2.032
Round 22.86 2.032
Round 60.325 2.032
Round 76.2 2.54
Round 85.09 2.54
Round 101.6 3.048
Round 114.3 3.556
Round 130.175 4.064
Round 145.034 4.064

Table 6.2-2 Quality of PE Ducts: Construction Manual for Structure
(Nippon Expressway Company Limited in Japan)
Test Item Required Quality Test Method
1. Resistance against uniform external Buckling pressure shall be over JPCI-A001-2015
pressure 0.075MPa
2. Resistance against local external No damage in appearance, and JSCE-E 704
pressure No water leak
3. Flexibility No water leak JSCE-E 706
4. Check of connection parts No water leak JSCE-E 707
5. Characteristic of bending Calculated supporting span JPCI-A002-2015
shall be over designated span
6. Resistance against abrasion Residual thickness shall be over JPCI-A003-2015
7. Adhesiveness Adhesive strength shall be over JSCE-E 710
8. Leak of Coupler Segment No water leak in test of testing JPCI-A004-2015

Duct Fittings

Coupling and transition fittings for ducts formed by sheathing shall be of either ferrous metal
polyolefin (polyethylene or polypropylene), and shall be airtight and watertight, and of sufficient
strength to prevent distortion or displacement of the ducts during concrete placement and/or tendon

All ducts or anchorage assemblies shall be provided with pipes or other suitable connections at each
end of the duct for the injection of grout after prestressing. As specified in 3.1.2, “Duct Inlets and
Outlets”, ducts shall also be provided with ports for venting or grouting at high points and for draining
at intermediate low points.

Vent and drain pipes shall be at least 19mm diameter for strand and at least 13mm diameter for single-
bar tendons and three or four strand flat duct tendons. Connection to ducts shall be made with metallic
or plastic structural fasteners. The vents and drains shall be mortar tight, taped as necessary, and
constructed with either mechanical or shrink wrap connections. Vents and drains shall provide means
for injection of grout through the vents and for sealing to prevent leakage of grout.


Post-set female screw After-set male screw Post-set female screw

Figure 6.3-1 Example of connection duct

Figure 3.2.2-2 Example of connection duct

Figure 6.3-2 Recommendation for connection of duct

Post-tensioning grout shall meet the grout physical properties stated in Article 7.3, “Grout Physical
Properties.” Grouts may be either a unique design for the project or supplied in a prebagged form by
a grout manufacturer. For uniquely designed grouts, the cement and admixtures utilized in the
laboratory trial batches of the proposed grout shall not be changed during the construction without
testing. Freshness of the cement should be in accordance with AASHTO M 85 (ASTM C150) or JIS
R5210, except as specified herein. Daily field testing of the grout for the following properties shall be

• fluidity,

• bleed at 3 h, and

• expansion (volume changing).

A preapproved, prebagged grout supplied by a grout manufacturer may be used as an alternative to the
required field testing. These grouts shall be prebagged in plastic lined or coated containers, stamped with
date of manufacture, lot number, and mixing instructions. Any change of materials or material sources shall
require retesting and certification of the conformance of the grout with the physical property requirements.
A copy of the Quality Control Data Sheet for each lot number and shipment sent to the job site shall be
provided to the Contractor by the grout supplier and shall be submitted to the Engineer or MOC Project
Manager. Materials with a total time from manufacture to usage in excess of six months shall be retested and
certified by the supplier before use, or shall be removed from the job site and replaced.

Seven wire strands in a cylinder

with a height of 1,000 mm and
diameter of 80 mm, filled with
900 mm of carefully prepared
grout, and record the bleed water
above the grout. A bleed of
0.0% after 3 hours at normal
ambient room temperature of 20
ºC is acceptable.
Measured bleed for Insert 100mm of either13 Measured bleed for
up to 3 hours mm or 15 mm diameter up to 3 hours

Figure 7-1 Wick-Induced Bleed Test

The efflux time should be between 9 and 20 seconds immediately after
mixing. After allowing the grout to stand for 30 minutes without
agitation and then remixing for 30 seconds, the efflux time should be
less than 30 seconds.

Figure 7-2 Flow Cone Testing (Modified ASTM C939)


Manufacturers of post-tensioning grout shall submit for approval certified test report from an audited
and independent Cement Concrete Research Laboratory which shows that the material meets all the
requirements specified herein.


The material shall be mixed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendation. The water used
in the grout shall be portable, clean, and free of injurious quantities of substances known to be harmful
to Portland cement or prestressing steel. The water used in the grout shall meet the physical properties
stated in “Concrete Structure Manual”.

Grout Physical Properties

Grouts shall achieve a nonbleeding characteristic. Grout shall contain no aluminum powder or gas-
generating system that produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, or oxygen. Cementitious grout shall meet
or exceed the specified physical properties stated herein.

Grout classes and grout properties are shown in Table 7.3-1Table 7.3-2Table 7.3-3Table 7.3-4.

Table 7.3-1 Grout Physical Properties (AASHTO)
Constituent Materials
Silica Water/
Fly Ash Water Calcium Required
Class Exposure Cement Slag , Fume Cementitious Other
(Type F) , Reducer Nitrite, Testing
kg % (dry), Material ratio Admixtures
% (Type F or G), kg/m³
% {W/(c+m)]
Indoor or
A nonaggressive 99.8 0 0 0 0.45 max. 0 0 _ 3.7.3

0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Subject to As per
B wet/dry 99.8 Manufacturer's 3.7.3
cycles,marine recommendation
25max. 55max. 15max. 0.45max. 28.8max. 27.2 max.
eicing salts
C Aggressive or _ _ _ _ 0.45 max. _ _ _
Prepackaged nonaggressive
Special Determined by the Specifying Designer

Table 7.3-2 Grout Physical Properties (AASHTO)

Property Test Value Test Method
Total Chloride irons ASTM
Max. 0.08% by weight of cementitious material C1152/C1152M

Fine Aggregate (if utilized) Max. Size ≤No. 50 Sieve ASTM C33
Volume Change at 28 days 0.0 % to+ 0.2 % at 24h and 28 days ASTM C1090
Expansion ≤2.0% for up to 3h ASTM C940
Compressive Strength
≥ 41 Mpa
28day (average of 3 cubes) ASTM C942
Initial Set of Grout Min. 3h ASTM C953
Max. 12h
Fluidity Test**
Efflux Time from Flow Cone ASTM C939
Max.30s or
a)Immediately after Mixing
Min. 9s
ASTM C939***
Max. 20s
b) 30 min after Mixing with Remixing for 30s ASTM C939
Max. 30s
ASTM C939***
Max. 30s
Bleeding at 3h Max. 0.0% ASTM C940****
Premeability at 28 days Max. 2500 coulombs at 30 volts for 6h (ASTM C1202)

Table 7.3-3 Grout Physical Properties

(Construction Manual for Structure (Nippon Expressway Company Limited in Japan)
1. Grout shall be non-bleeding and non-expansion type.
2. Cement shall be non-weathered one suitable to JIS R 5210.
3. Water shall be suitable to JIS A 5308.
4. Admixture or premix material shall be suitable to Test Method 419.
5. Water-binder ratio shall be under 45%.
6. Volume of chloride ion in non-hardened grout shall be under 0.08% of cement volume (kg/m3).
7. Compressive strength 28 days of grout shall be over 30N/mm2.
8. Quality control method shall be confirmed.

Table 7.3-4 Comparison between AASHTO and Japanese Manual
Properties AASHTO Japanese Manual Purpose
Water/Cementitious 0.45 max 0.45 max
Materials Ratio
Fluidity Test Efflux Time Depend on factory Workability
0 Min: Min 9s High-viscosity: Min 14s
Max 20s Low-viscosity :6~14s
30 Min: Max 30s Super low-viscosity
Bleeding Max 0.0% (At 3hr) Max 0.3% Beginning To avoid the cause
0.0% Final of air remaining
Volume Change 0.2%(28days) ±0.5% To avoid shrinkage
of volume, then
avoid air remaining
Compressive Strength >41N/mm2 >30N/mm2
Total Chloride Ions <0.08 by weight of <0.08 by weight of
cementitious materials cementitious materials

Table 7.3-5 Examples of Grout Materials in Myanmar

Unit 9 Belu Chaung Saing Du Br. Saing Du Br.
Bridge First Stage Second Stage
Materials for Grout Sika214-11 Mortar Mortar Mortar
+Non-Shrink + Expandfluid + Intraplast
Grout ZX(Sika)
+ Intraplast 1 + 2%
ZX(Sika) 1 + 2%

Water/Cementitious 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Materials Ratio
Compressive Strength

Table 7.3-6 Examples of Testing by Material Company in Myanmar

Bleeding 1.6% at 3 Hours Expansion 9% at 3 Hours

Total chloride ions test shall be explained in “Concrete Structure Manual”.

Figure 7.3-1 Example of Method for Checking Chloride Ions

General Tension Requirements

Prestressing steel shall be tensioned by hydraulic jacks so as to produce the forces specified in the
contract documents or on the approved working drawing with appropriate allowances for all losses.
For post-tensioned work, the losses shall also include the anchor set loss appropriate for the anchorage
system employed.

For pre-tensioned members, the standard stress prior to seating (jacking stress) shall not exceed 80%
of the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the prestressing steel.

For post-tensioned members, the strand stress prior to seating (jacking stress) and the stress in the steel
immediately after seating shall not exceed allowable values.

Tensioning may be accomplished by pre-tensioning, post-tensioning, or the combined method; as

specified in the contract documents, approved working drawings, or approved in writing by the
Engineer or MOC Project Manager.

During stressing of strand, individual wire failures may be accepted by the Engineer or MOC Project
Manager, provided not more than one wire in any strand is broken and the area of broken wires does
not exceed 2% of the total area of the prestressing steel in the member.

Concrete Strength

Prestressing forces shall not be applied or transferred to the concrete until the concrete has attained
the strength specified for initial stressing. In addition, cast-in-place concrete for other than segmentally
constructed bridges shall not be post-tensioned until at least ten days after the last concrete has been
placed in the member to be post-tensioned.

Table 8.1-1 Concrete Strength for Initial Stressing (N/mm2)

[Construction Manual for Structure (Nippon Expressway Company Limited in Japan)]
Concrete design strength 36 40 50
Concrete strength for initial stressing 30 32.5 36

Prestressing Equipment

Hydraulic jacks used to stress tendons shall be capable of providing and sustaining the necessary forces
and shall be equipped with either a pressure gauge or a load cell for determining the jacking stress.
The jacking system shall provide an independent means by which the tendon elongation can be
measured. The pressure gauge shall have an accurately reading dial of at least 150mm in diameter or
a digital display, and each jack and its gauge shall be calibrated as a unit with the cylinder extension
in the approximate position that it will be at final jacking force, and shall be accompanied by a certified
calibration chart or curve.

The load cell shall be calibrated and shall be provided with an indicator by means of which the

prestressing force in the tendon may be determined. The range of the load cell shall be such that the
lower 10% of the Manufacturer’s rated capacity will not be used in determining the jacking stress.
When approved by the Engineer, calibrated proving rings may be used instead of load cells.

Recalibration of gauges shall be conducted at least annually and whenever gauge pressures and
elongations indicate materially different stresses.

Only oxygen flame or mechanical cutting devices shall be used to cut strand after installation in the
member or after stressing. Electric arc welders shall not be used. In case of Pretension Girder (Site
Product), sometimes the End Anchorage Beam is diverted. In that case, the End Anchorage Beam shall
be inspected carefully for presence of fatal deformation.

Figure 8.1-1 Prestressing Equipment for Pre- Figure 8.1-2 Prestressing Equipment (Strut
tension Girder (At the Factory) Beam) for Post-Tension Girder (At the Site)

Pressure Gauge and Jack

Figure 8.1-3 Prestressing Equipment for Post-Tension Girder

Figure 8.1-4 Typical Multi-Strand, Center Hole, Stressing Jack

Figure 8.1-5 K-RANGE JACK TYPES (Used in Myanmar)

Jack Calibration

Jack calibration is usually done by the supplier of the system or by a local, approved laboratory.

At the site, it is done by using Master Gauge supplied by maker.

Figure 8.1-6 shows the set-up for jack calibration. In addition to the normal set-up for stressing, two
instruments are added: the load cell between the jack and the anchorage and a master gauge attached
to the pressure gauge to be calibrated. The load cell is normally placed in front of the jack, as shown.
The load cell allows an accurate readout of the force applied to the prestressing tendon.

Figure 8.1-6 Jack Calibration

Table 8.1-2 Timing of Calibration for Jacks and Gauges

Construction Manual for Structure (Nippon Expressway Company Limited in Japan)
Timing of calibration for jacks and gauges is as follows:
1. Just before the initial prestressing of first tendon

2. After prestressing about 50 tendons

3.After repair of jacks or pumps

4.In case of changing of combination of jack and pump

5. An occurring of abnormal condition of cable tension Strength Control Chart

6. At the restarting of prestressing works after long interruption of prestressing works

Measurement of Stress

Tensioning is especially important for PC bridge because tensioning will affect the safety of girder
directly. In general, an error should occur between design prestressing and actual prestressing because

of the following reasons:

• A scatter of friction between tendon and duct

• A scatter of friction of jack or anchorage
• A scatter of elastic modulus of tendon
• An error of jacks
As mentioned above, the tensioning should be controlled to keep the tension force of the tendon not
to be under Design stage.

A record of gauge pressures and tendon elongation for each tendon shall be provided by the Contractor
for review and approval by the Engineer or MOC Project Manager. Elongation shall be measured to
an accuracy of 1. 5mm. Stressing tails of post-tensioned tendons shall not be cut off until the stressing
records have been approved.

The stress in tendons during tensioning shall be determined by the gauge or load-cell readings and
shall be verified with the measured elongations. Calculations of anticipated elongations shall utilize
the modulus of elasticity, based on nominal area, as furnished by the Manufacturer for the lot of steel
being tensioned, or as determined by a bench test of strands used in the work.

All tendons shall be tensioned to a preliminary force as necessary to eliminate any take-up in the
tensioning system before elongation readings are stated. This preliminary force shall be between 5 and
25% of the final jacking force. The initial force shall be measured by a dynamometer or by other
approved method, so that its amount can be used as a check against elongation as computed and as
measured. Each strand shall be marked prior to final stressing to permit measurement of elongation
and to ensure that all anchor wedges are set properly.

It is anticipated that there may be discrepancy in indicated stress between jack gauge pressure and
elongation. In such event, the load used as indicated by the gauge pressure shall produce a slight
overstress rather than under-stress. When a discrepancy between gauge pressure and elongation of
more than 5% in tendons over 15.3m long or 7% in tendons of 15.3m or less in length occurs, the
entire operation shall be carefully checked and the source of error determined and corrected before
proceeding further.

Recommended method for Tensioning operation shall be shown in Appendix A.

Figure 8.1-7 Measurement of Elongation Figure 8.1-8 Measurement of Camber

Pre-tensioning Requirements (Factory Product)

Stressing shall be accomplished by either single-strand stressing or multiple-strand stressing. The

amount of stress to be given to each strand shall be as shown in the contract documents or in the
approved working drawings.

All strands to be stressed in a group (multiple-strand stressing) shall be brought to a uniform initial
tension prior to being given their full pre-tensioning. The amount of the initial tensioning force shall
be within the range specified in Article 8.1.4 “Measurement of Stress,” and shall be the minimum
required to eliminate all slack and to equalize the stresses in the tendons as determined by the Engineer
or MOC Project Manager. The amount of this force will be influenced by the length of the casting bed
and the size and number of tendons in the group to be tensioned.

Draped pretensioned tendons shall either be tensioned partially by jacking at the end of the bed and
partially by uplifting or depressing the tendons, or they shall be tensioned entirely by jacking, with the
tendons being held in their draped positions by means of rollers, pins, or other approved method during
the jacking operation.

Approved low-friction devices shall be used at all points of change in slope of tendon trajectory when
tensioning draped pretensioned strands, regardless of the tensioning method used.

If the load for a draped strand, as determined by elongation measurements, is more than 5% less than
that indicated by the jack gauges, the strand shall be tensioned from both ends of the bed, and the load
as computed from the sum of elongation at both ends shall agree within 5% of that indicated by the
jack gauges.

When ordered by the Engineer or MOC Project Manager, prestressing steel strands in pretensioned
members, if tensioned individually, shall be checked by the Contractor for loss of prestress not more
than 3 hours prior to placing concrete for the members. The method and equipment for checking the
loss of prestress shall be subject to approved by the Engineer or MOC Project Manager. All strands
that show a loss of prestress in excess of 3% shall be re-tensioned to the original computed jacking

Stress on all strands shall be maintained between anchorages until the concrete has reached the
compressive strength required at time of transfer of stress to concrete.

Figure 8.2-1 Draped Pretensioned Tendons
When prestressing steel in pretensioned members is tensioned at a temperature of more than -4◦C
lower than the estimated temperature of the concrete and the prestressing steel at the time of initial set
of the concrete, the calculated elongation of the prestressing steel shall be increased to compensate for
the loss in stress due to the change in temperature, but in no case shall the jacking stress exceed 80%
of the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the prestressing steel.

Strand splicing methods and devices shall be approved by the Engineer or MOC Project Manager.
When single-strand jacking is used, only one splice per strand will be permitted. When multi-strand
jacking is used, either all strands shall be spliced or no more than 10% of the strands shall be spliced.
Spliced strands shall be similar in physical properties, from the same source, and shall have the same
“twist” or “lay.” All splices shall be located outside of the prestressed units.

Side and flange forms that restrain deflection shall be removed before release of pre-tensioning

Except when otherwise shown in the contract documents, all pretensioned prestressing strands shall
be cut off flush with the end of the member, and the exposed ends of the strand and a 2.54cm strip of
adjoining concrete shall be cleaned and painted. Cleaning shall be by wire brushing or abrasive blast
cleaning to remove all dirt and residue that are not firmly bonded to the metal or concrete surfaces.
The surfaces shall be coated with one thick coat of zinc-rich paint. The paint shall be thoroughly mixed
at the time of application, and shall be worked into any voids in the strands.

Pre-tensioning Requirements (Site Product)


The basic important points are the same as in Factory Product (8.2). But circumstances at the site could

be worse than at the factory, so quality control shall be implemented more carefully.

And the quality and durability shall not be estimated to be the same as factory product, the quality
shall be estimated same as post-tension girder.

Figure 8.3-1 Tensioning of Pre-tensioning Material (Site Product)

Protection for End of Girder

Figure 8.3-2 shall be used as a reference.

Figure 8.3-2 Example of Girder End Protection

Post-Tensioning Requirements

Prior to post-tensioning any member, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Engineer or MOC Project Manager that the prestressing steel is free and unbonded in the duct.

All strands in each tendon, except for those in flat ducts with not more than four strands, shall be
stressed simultaneously with a multi-strand jack.

Tensioning shall be accomplished so as to provide the forces and elongation specified in AASHTO M

Except as provided herein or when specified in the contract documents or in the approved working
drawings, tendons in continuous post-tensioned members shall be tensioned by jacking at each end

of the tendon. For straight tendons and when one stressing is shown in the contract documents,
tensioning may be performed by jacking from one end or both ends of the tendon at the option of the

The planning report for tensioning, where the calibration of jacks, calculation of tensioning, procedure
of tensioning, and inspection of tensioning are reported, shall be submitted to the Engineer or MOC
Project Manager before tensioning.

Tensioning shall be implemented under supervision by a skilled engineer, who shall confirm also that
the appropriate tension is installed. Inspection sheets shall be kept permanently.

Tendons shall be
protected until
tensioning work

Avoid ends for safety

Figure 8.4-1 Protection for Tendons Figure 8.4-2 Post-tensioning Work

Figure 8.4-3 Insertion of Bearing Plate Figure 8.4-4 Setting of Jack

Record of Stressing Operation

A record of the following post-tensioning operations shall be kept for each tendon installed:

• Project name, number,

• Contractor and /or subcontractor,

• Tendon location, size and type,

• Date tendon was first installed in ducts,

• Coil/reel number for strands or wires and heat number for bars and wire,

• Assumed and actual cross-sectional area,

• Assumed and actual modulus of elasticity,

• Date stressed,

• Jack and gauge numbers per end of tendons,

• Required jacking force,

• Gauge pressures,

• Elongations (anticipated and actual),

• Anchor sets (anticipated and actual),

• Stressing sequence

• Stressing mode (one end/two ends/simultaneous),

• Witnesses to stressing operation (Contractor and Inspector)

• Date grouted, days from stressing to grouting, grouting pressure applied, and injection end,

• Record of any other relevant information including pour back.

The Engineer or MOC Project Manager shall be provided with a complete copy of all stressing
operations and the jack calibration forms.

Protection of Tendon

Within 4 hours after stressing and prior to grouting, tendons shall be protected against corrosion or
harmful effects of debris by temporarily plugging or sealing all openings and vents; cleaning rust and
other debris from all metal surfaces which will be covered by the grout cap; and placing the grout cap,
including a seal, over the wedge plate until the tendon is grouted.


When the post-tensioning method is used, the prestressing steel shall be provided with permanent
protection and shall be bonded to the concrete by completely filling the void space between the duct
and the tendon with grout. Grout should be injected from low points pumping toward the high-point

All grouting operation shall be carried out by experienced superintendents and foremen that have
received instructional training and have at least 3 years of experience on previous project involving
grouting of similar type and magnitude.

A grouting operation plan shall be submitted for approval. Written approval of the grouting operation
plan by the Engineer or MOC Project Manager shall be required before any grouting of the permanent
tendons in the structure takes place.

At a minimum, the following items shall be provided in the grouting operation plan.

• Provide names and proof of training and experience record for the grouting crew and the crew
supervisor in conformance with this Specifications;

• Type, quality, and brand of materials used in grouting including all required certifications;

• Type of equipment furnished, including capacity in relation to demand and working condition,
as well as back-up equipment and spare parts;

• General grouting procedure;

• Duct pressure test and repair procedures;

• Method to be used to control the rate of flow within ducts;

• Theoretical grout volume calculations;

• Mixing and pumping procedures;

• Direction of grouting;

• Sequence of use of the inlets and outlet pipes;

• Procedures for handling blockages and for possible post grouting repair;

Before grouting operations begin, a joint meeting of the Contractor, grouting crew, and the Engineer
or MOC Project Managers shall be conducted. At the meeting, the grouting operation plan, required
testing, corrective procedure, and any other relevant issues shall be discussed.

Preparation of Ducts

Each duct shall be air-pressure tested prior to the installation of the prestressing steel into the ducts. If
leaks are indicated during the test, the duct shall be repaired to eliminate the leakage or minimize the
consequences of the leakage.

All ducts shall be clean and free of deleterious materials that would impair bonding or interfere with

grouting procedures.

Metal ducts shall be flushed if necessary, to remove deleterious material.

After flushing, all water shall be blown out of the duct with oil-free compressed air.


The pump shall be a positive displacement type and be able to produce an outlet pressure of at least
1.04 N/mm2. The pump should have seals adequate to prevent introduction of oil, air, or other foreign
substance into the grout, and to prevent loss of grout or water.

A pressure gauge having a full-scale reading of no greater than 2.07N/mm2 shall be placed at some
point in the grout line between the pump outlet and the duct inlet.

The grouting equipment shall contain a screen having clear openings of 0.32cm maximum size to
screen the grout prior to its introduction into the grout pump. If a grout with a thixotropic additive is
used, and a screen opening of 0.48cm is satisfactory. This screen shall be easily accessible for
inspection and cleaning.

Under normal conditions, the grouting equipment shall be capable of continuously grouting the
largest tendon on the project in no more than 20 minutes.

Mixing of Grout

Water shall be added to the mixer first, followed by cement grout.

Grout shall be mixed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions using a colloidal mixer to
obtain homogeneous mixture. A fluidity test shall be performed on the mixed grout prior to beginning
the injection process. Target flow rates as a function of mixer type used and ambient temperatures
shall be obtained from the grout Manufacturer. The grouting process shall not be started until the
proper grout properties have been obtained.

Mixing shall be of such duration as to obtain a uniform, thoroughly blended grout, without excessive
temperature increase or loss of expansive properties of the admixture. The grout shall be continuously
agitated until it is pumped.

Water shall not be added to increase grout flowability which has been decreased by delayed use of the

The mixing time for grout should be in accordance with the qualification trials and generally not more
than 4 minutes for a vane mixer or 3 minutes for a high-speed shear mixer.

According to the pilot project mentioned in Appendix-C, high-speed mixer is better to keep the quality.

In Japan, generally high-speed mixer (over 1000rmp) is used.

Figure 9.4-1 Example of Mixing Grout in Myanmar

Figure 9.4-2 Example of Grout Mixing and Pumping Equipment

Injection Grout

All grout vents shall be opened before grouting starts. Injection and ejection vents with positive shut-
offs shall be provided. Grout shall be allowed to flow from the first injection vent until any residual
flushing water or entrapped air has been removed prior to closing that same manner. A continuous
flow of grout at a rate between 10.7m and 15.3m of duct per minute shall be maintained.

The pumping pressure at the injection vent should not exceed 1.04N/mm2. Normal operations shall be
performed at approximately 0.52N/mm2. If the actual grouting pressure exceeds the maximum allowed,
the injection vent shall be closed and the grout shall be injected at the next vent that has been, or is
ready to be closed, as long as one-way flow is maintained. Grout shall not be injected into a succeeding
vent from which grout has not yet flowed.

Grout shall be pumped through the duct and continuously wasted at the ejection vent until no visible
slugs of water or air are ejected. A fluidity test shall be performed on each tendon in accordance with
Article 7.3, “Grout Physical Properties,” measuring the grout fluidity from the discharge outlet. The
measured grout efflux time shall not be faster than the efflux time measured at the inlet or the minimum
efflux time established in CHAPTER7. If the grout efflux time is not acceptable, additional grout shall
be discharged from the discharge outlet. Grout efflux time shall be tested. This cycle shall be continued
until acceptable grout fluidity is achieved. To ensure that the tendon remains filled with grout, the
ejection and injection vents shall be closed in sequence, respectively, under pressure when the tendon
duct is completely filled with grout. The positive shut-offs at the injection and ejection vents shall not
be removed or vents opened until the grout has set.

Figure 9.5-1, Figure 9.5-2 and Figure 9.5-3 shall be used as a reference.

Figure 9.5-1 Example of Setting of Grout Inlet and Outlet, and Air Outlet

Middle Air Outlet Connection of Duct to anchorage

Figure 9.5-2 Example of Air Outlet

Figure 9.5-3 Example of Treatment of Injection Grout

Temperature Consideration

In temperatures below 0℃, ducts shall be kept free of water to avoid damage due to freezing. The
temperature of the concrete shall be 1.7℃ or higher from the time of grouting until job cured 51mm
cubes of grout, reaching a minimum compressive strength of 5.5N/mm2. Grout shall not be above 32℃
during mixing or pumping. If necessary, cool the mixing water.

Post-Grouting Inspection

In AASHTO, Post-Grouting Inspection shall be implemented as specified below. Another method for
Post-Grouting Inspection is shown in Article 9.10.

Where possible, all anchorages and high-point vents shall be drilled and probed 48 hours after grouting,
until the Engineer or MOC Project Manager is assured that no bleed water or subsidence (settlement)
voids exist. After the Engineer or MOC Project Manager is assured that voids do not exist, only one
or two anchorages per span shall be drilled and probed to ensure quality grouting. Any voids
discovered should be filled immediately with the approved grout.


The following requirements apply.

• Valves, caps, and vent pipes shall not be removed or opened until grout has set.

• The ends of vents shall be removed at least 25mm below the concrete surface after the grout
has set.

• The void shall be filled with epoxy grout. All miscellaneous materials used for sealing grout
caps shall be removed before carrying out further work to protect end anchorages.

Protection of End Anchorages

In Myanmar, the surrounding of anchorages is usually filled by cast-concrete directory.

Figure 9.9-1 Protection of End Anchorage in Myanmar

In AASHTO, protection of end anchorages is specified as follows:

Figure 9.9-2 Anchorage with permanent Figure 9.9-3 Permanent Plastic Grout
grout cap, grout inlet, and cap vent (Steel) Cap (Courtesy of VSL)
Permanent grout caps constructed from either stainless steel or polymer shall be specified. The
following requirements apply:

• The correct grout is properly installed to completely fill the tendon and anchor.

• The permanent grout cap is fully filled with grout.

• Surfaces of pour-back substrates are thoroughly cleaned and roughened prior to casting pour

• Anchors and grout caps are encased in pour back of an approved, high-strength, high-bond,
low-shrink, sand-filled epoxy grout.

• Pour back provides a minimum cover over cap and edges of anchor plate of 2.54cm – 1.27cm.

Ends of precast beam-type members are encased in a diaphragm that provides additional
(reinforced) concrete over the end of the beam and that at expansion joints, reinforced
diaphragms are properly formed and cast. (Only approved joint spacer forming materials should
be used between continuous units where one diaphragm is cast against the other.)


Figure 9.9-4 Example of Anchor Protection Detail at End Anchorage

Confirming of Grouting

The following shall be used as reference for confirming of grouting.

An appropriate probe method shall be selected and the probe shall be carried out adequately.
Any voids discovered should be filled immediately with the approved grout.

Visual Inspection of Outlet and Calculation of Grout Volume

Visual inspection of grout outlet and estimated calculation of grout volume shall be implemented at

Total grout volume is calculated by measuring the material volume and water volume. Estimated grout
volume shall be obtained as follows:

Total Grout Volume – Remained Grout Volume

Grout surface

If remaining air, bleeding water, or shortage of grout

happen, the grout surface will be down. In that case, re-
grouting shall be implemented.

Figure 9.10-1 Visual Inspection of Grout Outlet

Checking of Grout Volume by Digital Volumeter

Actual volume of grout shall be calculated using a digital volumeter.

Figure 9.10-2 Digital Volumeter

Method for Confirming of Grouting in Japan

During and after grouting

A. Vibration device sensor

Setting the vibration device sensor at the target spot.

The remaining air will be searched by the difference
in vibration characteristics.

Figure 9.10-3 Vibration device sensor

B. Thermocouple heat radiation sensor (MS sensor)

Setting the sensor on the surface inside the duct. The remaining air will be detected by the difference
of ratio of heat radiation.

Figure 9.10-4 MS sensor system Figure 9.10-5 Indicator

Figure 9.10-6 Result of Measuring Figure 9.10-7 MS Sensor

After hardening (non-destructive inspection)

A. Broadband ultrasonic wave method

The remaining air will be detected by the difference of characteristics of electric waves.

Receiving Prove

Outgoing Probe

Figure 9.10-8 Normal Result Figure 9.10-9 Air-Remaining Area

B. Multipath array electromagnetic wave method

The remaining air will be detected by the difference of electric characteristics.


Figure 9.10-10 Indicator Figure 9.10-11 Checking by Multipath Array

Electromagnetic Wave Method

Grouting Problems and Solutions

Interruption of Grout Flow

If there is a breakdown, then use the available standby equipment. Standby equipment should be
periodically checked to make sure it is in working order. Standby equipment may be a second set of
production grouting equipment in operation nearby. In any event, standby equipment should be
mobilized as soon as possible.

Standby equipment should be brought into operation within 15 to 30 minutes or else grout may be
begin to solidify and it will be too difficult to mobilize the grout, especially on long tendons.

If standby equipment cannot be brought into operation, then the grouting should be terminated.

Too High Grouting Pressure

If it requires an excessive pressure to inject the grout, there may be a blockage. Excessive pressure
would be any pressure about 50% more than the limiting pressure in Article 9.5. In any circumstances
no attempt should be made to force the grout through. Excessive pressure can lead to failure of ducts
or cracking of concrete, depending upon circumstances and details.

If grout cannot be injected at an intermediate outlet from which it has already flowed, grouting should

Production Grout Fluidity Interruption of Grout Flow

Prior to grouting, if the flow-cone time exceeds the allowable limits, perform another test. If the flow
time still exceeds allowable limits, check the source, date, storage, and mixing of grout materials.
Abandon the batch and begin again with new material.

Do not add water or any high-range water reducer to improve fluidity. If necessary, abandon the batch
and begin again with new material.

Vacuum Grouting

Vacuum grouting is used for more reliable grouting; it is normally used in the U.S.

Figure 9.11-1 Vacuum Grout System

Figure 9.11-2 Grout Pump Figure 9.11-3 Vacuum Grout Injection

Outline for PC girder inspection is shown as follows.


Form, Re-bar
Duct setting
Cable Install



①Filling out of List of

Checking Items

②Basic Tests for Concrete

③Checking of Form, RE-bar

⑤Concrete Casting
④Checking of Duct & Tendon & Strength of Concrete
* All ducts shall be cleaned * Concrete strength for initial
with oil-free compressed air. stressing shall be confirmed
* All prestressing steel shall be being enough for tensioning.
protected. * Vibration work shall be done
without hurting the ducts.
* Checking of Duct Alignment
* The setting of ducts shall be
done without hurting the ⑥Tensioning Control
tendons. * Calibration for jacks &
* Cutting of duct shall be guages shall be implemented.
implemented carefully not to * Tensionning control shall
harden tendons. be implemented by adequate
method using checking sheets.

⑦Basic Tests for Grout

* Flow cone testing * Bleeding & Expansion test
* Compressive strength * Total chloride ions

⑧Dairy Tests for Grout

* Flow cone testing * Bleeding & Expansion testing

⑨Inspection for Grouting

* Grouting speed, time
* Visual inspection of grout outlet and estimated calculation of grout volume

* Protection of anchorage * Total visual inspection around the girder

Figure 10-1 Inspection Outline for PC girder

Recording to the List of Checking Items List of checking items that should be implemented
Test piece (At Transfer) yes no
The Supervisor shall record “Yes” or “No” in Concrete Strength
Test piece (28 days) yes no
Schmidt hammer (At Transfer) yes no
the checking sheet (Appendix B-1) to
Requred tests shall be in accordance with
indicate whether the inspection has been "2 Concrete Structure"

done or not throughout the whole process of

Checking of Manufacturer's certificate & a test yes no
PC girder construction. Steel
Implementation of Protection of Prostressing Steel yes no

Compressive Strength yes no

Materials shall be stored under good Content of Chloride yes no
Basic Test Fluidity yes no
condition; especially, prestressed steel shall Ratio of Bleeding yes no
Rate variability of volume yes no
Compressive Strength yes no
be stored so as to avoid the occurrence of Content of Chloride yes no
Daily Test Fluidity yes no
corrosion. Ratio of Bleeding yes no
Rate variability of volume yes no
Yield & ultimate strength, Modulus of elasticity yes no
Thickness Steel yes no
Duct (By Manual) Plastic yes no

Checking of Duct Position yes no

Duct setting
Cable Tension Checking of Pressure & Elongation yes no
Visual Inspection yes no
Volume of grouting yes no
Mechanical checking (MS sensor etc.) yes no

Figure 10.1-1 Checking Sheet Sample

Basic Tests for Concrete

Basic required tests shall be implemented in accordance with “Concrete Structure Manual”.

Checking of Form and Re-bar Arrangement

Checking of form and re-bar arrangement shall be implemented in accordance with “2 Concrete

Checking of Duct and Prestressing Steel


All ducts shall be cleaned with oil-free

compressed air.

Alignment of duct shall be checked in

accordance with drawings.

In case when the prestressing steel materials

are already inserted in the duct, the setting of
duct shall be done without hurting the
prestressing steel.
Checking of Duct Alignment

Figure 10.4-1 Checking of Duct Alignment

From manufacture to grouting, all prestressing steel shall be protected against physical damage and
rust or other results of corrosion at all times.

Cutting of duct shall be implemented carefully so as not to harden the tendons.

Figure 10.4-2 Detailed of Duct at Anchorage

Setting of Air Outlet: It is better to set the air outlet in the grout inlet side.

Grout inlet side Air Outlet

In Myanmar, there is only one

inlet and outlet in the anchor. It is
better to set air out let in grout inlet
side to avoid the air remaining.

Figure 10.4-3 Setting of air outlet

Checking of the Casting of Concrete and Concrete Strength

Basic required tests shall be implemented in accordance with “2 Concrete Structure”.

Concrete strength for initial stressing shall be confirmed as being enough for tensioning (Manual 8.1.1).

Casting work shall be implemented according to “Concrete Structure Manual”, especially the vibration
work shall be done without hurting the ducts.

Tensioning Control

Calibration for jacks and gauges shall be implemented as follows:

• Just before the initial prestressing of first tendons

• After prestressing about 50 tendons

• After repair of jacks or pumps, etc.

Tensioning is especially important for PC bridge because tensioning will affect the safety of the girder.
Tensioning control shall be implemented by adequate method using the checking sheet as follows
(Manual: Appendix B-2):

150 75

140 70

130 65

120 60

110 55

100 50
Reading Value of Gauge Presure (N/mm2)

90 45
80 40

70 35

60 30

50 25
40 20

30 15

20 10

10 5

0 0
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
-80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Elongation (mm)

Figure 10.6-1 Example of Cable Tension Strength Control

Basic Tests for Grout

For basic field testing of grout, referring to “Appendix B-3, 1/3 & 2/3” shall be required.

Observed Elapsed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531

Time (hr.min.) Time (min.) Flow time(sec.) Test value Flow time(sec.) Test value
0 9~20
30 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)
Testing 60

Observed Elapsed Hight of Grout Hight of Bleed Bleeding

Test value
Time (hr.min.) Time (hr.) (mm) water (mm) (%)
0.5 ASTM C940
1.0 0.0%(At 3hr)
Bleeding 2.0
Test 3.0 JSCE-F535
5.0 0.0%(Final)

Observed Elapsed Hight of Grout Amout of Expansion

Test value
Time (hr.min.) Time (hr.) (mm) change (mm) (%)
0.5 ASTM C940
1.0 <2.0%(up to 3hr)

Expansion 2.0
Test 3.0 JSCE-F535
5.0 ±0.5%

Compressive strength (N/mm^2)

No. Dimnsionsof mortar cube
24 hrs. 3 days 7 days 28 days

Compressive 1 Diameter
Strength (mm)
(28 days) 2
3 (mm)

Unit value Chloride Ions

No. on the numbered getting from the Chloride Ions(%) Test value
scale chart(mg/L)
Total Chloride < 0.08%
Ions 1
(In case of
using 2

Figure 10.7-1 Inspection Sheets for Grouting

Daily Tests for Grout

Daily field testing of the grout at least for the following properties shall be required:

• Fluidity,

• Bleed at 3 h, and

• Expansion (volume changing)

Seven wire strands in a cylinder

with a height of 1,000 mm and
diameter of 80 mm, filled with
900 mm of carefully prepared
grout and record the bleed water
above the grout. A bleed of 0.0%
after 3 hours at normal ambient
room temperature of 20ºC is

900 mm of Insert 100mm of Measured

grout in 80mm either13 mm or bleed for up to
diameter 15 mm diameter 3 hours
cylinder strand

Figure 10.8-1 Wick-Induced Bleed Test

The efflux time should be between 9 to 20 seconds
immediately after mixing. After allowing the grout to
stand for 30 minutes without agitation and then
remixing for 30 seconds, the efflux time should be less
than 30 seconds.

Figure 10.8-2 Flow Cone Testing (Modified ASTM C939)

Inspection for Grouting

Grout shall be mixed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions using a colloidal mixer to
obtain homogeneous mixture.

Water shall not be added to increase grout flowability which has been decreased by delayed use of the

Visual inspection of grout outlet and estimated calculation of grout volume at least shall be

Grout surface

If air remained, bleeding water, or shortage of grout

happened, the grout surface will be down. In that case,
re-grouting shall be implemented.

Figure 10.9-1 Visual Inspection of Grout Outlet


Before casting of concrete, the anchorages shall be cleaned. Concrete shall be casted fully around the
anchorages. Finally, inspector shall check visually all around the girder carefully.


Appendix A: Method for Tensioning Operation
A-1: Using record of gauge pressure and elongation of Tendon
(1) Procedure of the revision correction for operation line
• Tendons shall be tensioned to a preliminary force (about 20% of final jacking force). In this
example, a preliminary force is 100 N/mm2.

• Before final jacking force, gauge pressure and elongation shall be plotted step-by-step (Line A).

• Then slide the Line A to revision correction line (Operation Line B).

• Tendons shall be tensioned to a final jacking force, and a final elongation shall be measured.

(2) Allowable error

Operation Line B shall be inside between upper allowable error line and lower allowable error line.
The following shows an example of allowable error.

Number of Tendons for 1 set 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Over 10

Allowable error (%) 10 7.1 5.8 5.0 4.5 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.2
Source: Construction Manual for Concrete Road Bridge (Japan Road Association)

(3) Elongation
Total Elongation is as follows:

• Single pulling: Total Elongation = “Elongation of Stressing” - “Pull in at Fix Side Tendon Grip”

• Double pulling: Total Elongation = “Elongation of Stressing A” + “Elongation of Stressing B”

(4) Treatment for various cases
1) CASE A: Actual Elongation is almost the same as Calculated Elongation
Operation of prestressing is acceptable.


Calculated Pressure : 500N/mm2

Calculated Elongation : 200mm

Allowable error 10%
of Gage pressure
Reading Values of Gage Presure (N/mm2 )


Lin e A
Allowable error 10%
of Elongation
Allowable Operation Line

Operation Line B


-40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240


2) CASE B: Actual Elongation is bigger than Calculated Elongation, but inside of allowable error
Operation of prestressing is acceptable.


Calculated Pressure : 500N/mm2

Calculated Elongation : 200mm

Reading Values of Gage Presure (N/mm2 )





100 Elongation
at th e point of

-40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240


3) CASE C: Actual Elongation is smaller than Calculated Elongation, but inside of allowable error line.
Tendons shall be re-tensioned to the Pressure (523 N/mm2 in this example) where the
elongation will be to a calculated elongation.


Calculated Pressure : 500N/mm2

Targeted Pressure
Calculated Elongation : 200mm
Aju sted Pressure
ag ainst
Reading Values of Gage Presure (N/mm2 )

523 Caluculated




Actual Elongation
100 at th e point of

-40 0 40 80 120 160 192 200 240


4) CASE D: Actual Elongation is outside of allowable error line.

The reason shall be investigated immediately, and the countermeasure shall be discussed.

Appendix B Inspection Sheet
B-1 List of Checking Items

PC 01
Checking items that should be implemented
Test piece (At Transfer) yes no
Concrete Test piece (28 days) yes no
Strength Schmidt hammer (At yes no

Requred tests shall be in accordance with
"2 Concrete Structure"

Checking of Manufacturer's certificate & a yes no

Implementation of Protection of Prostressing yes no
Compressive Strength yes no
Content of Chloride yes no
Basic Test Fluidity yes no
Ratio of Bleeding yes no
Rate variability of volume yes no
Grout Compressive Strength yes no
Content of Chloride yes no
Daily Test Fluidity yes no
Ratio of Bleeding yes no
Rate variability of volume yes no
Yield & ultimate strength, Modulus of yes no
Thickness Steel yes no
Duct (By Manual) Plastic yes no

Checking of Duct Position yes no

Duct setting

Cable Tension Checking of Pressure & Elongation yes no

Visual Inspection yes no
Volume of grouting yes no
Mechanical checking (MS sensor etc.) yes no

B-2 Stressing Record
B-2-1 Example 1 (MOC Inspection Sheets)

B-2-2 Example 2 (Federal Highway Administration: Post-Tensioning Tendon Installation and
Grouting Manual)

Project Name Cable Tension Strength Control Chart
PC 02
Bridge Name

Span Number (A)Calculated Tension Strength(N/mm2) Concrete Strength σc(N/mm2)

Girder Number Jack Plate Area Aj(cm2) σc(N/mm2) at Transfer (N/mm2)

Total Cable Area/tendon At(cm2)

Cable Number (B).Calculated Gauge Pressure(N/mm2) Final Gauge Pressure(N/mm2)


Calculated Elongation (mm) Adjustment Total Elongation (mm) Name of Inspector

Elongation (mm) 150 75

Stressing side B(or
(N/mm2) Total 140 70
side A Pulling at
Fix side)
B-2-3 Example 33 (Recommended Format)

130 65

120 60

110 55

100 50

90 45

80 40

70 35

60 30

50 25

40 20


Reading Value of Gauge Presure (N/mm2)

30 15
Adjustment Total Elongation

20 10

10 5

0 0
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

-80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Elomgation (mm)
Project Name Cable Tension Strength Control Chart
Bridge Name Saing Du Bridge
PC 02
Span Number 6 (A)C alc u lat e d T e n sio n St r e n gt h (N/ m m 2 ) 1397 Concrete Strength σc(N/mm2)

Girder Number 5 Jac k Plat e Ar e a Aj(c m 2 ) 459.4 σc(N/mm2) at Transfer (N/mm2)

T o t al C able Ar e a/ t e n do n At (c m 2 ) 98.8*12

Cable Number 4 (B). C alc u lat e d Gau ge Pr e ssu r e (N/ m m 2 ) 36.1 Fin al Gau ge Pr e ssu r e (N/ m m 2 ) 38.5

Tendon Numer T2 B=(A*At/Aj)

Calculated Elongation (mm) 218.0 Adjustment Total Elongation (mm) 215 Name of Inspector

Elongation (mm) 150 75

Pressure Stressing
Stressing side B(or
(N/mm2) Total 140 70
side A Pulling at
Fix side)
130 65

120 60

110 55

38.5 189 14 175 100 50

38 182 14 168
90 45
37 177 13 164
36 170 13 157
80 40
35 162 12 150

30 130 10 120 70 35

25 102 8 94
60 30
20 85 6 79

14 49 3 46
50 25
7 0 0 0 218*1.05=229
40 20

30 15
Adjustment Total Elongation

Reading Value of Gauge Presure (N/mm2)

20 10

10 5

0 0
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

-80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Elongation (mm)
B-3 Testing for Grout
PC 03

Testing Report for Grout 1/3 (Basic Physical Properties)

Report No. Date
Project Name Name of Project Manager
Name of Contructor or Unit
Bridge Name
Span No. Name of Grout Operator
Place of Test Batch No.
Name of
Type & Bland name Manufacturer Date Sheet No by supplier
Cement No.
Basic data of
materials Admixture No.
Premixed One No.
Water No.
Cementitious material
Water (kg) Admixture
Combination ious Material Date
ratio (%)
(kg) (kg)
Cement Premixed One

1 m^3

Number of
Volume Capacity & form of Mixing time Number of Revolutions is
Revolutions required over 1000rpm.
(m^3) Mixer (min)
Mixing The mix time should be
generally not more than 4
minutes for a vane mixer.

Compressive strength (N/mm^2)

No. Dimnsionsof mortar cube
24 hrs. 3 days 7 days 28 days

Giredr No1 Diameter

Compressive Giredr No2
(28 days) Giredr No3
Giredr No4

Giredr No5

Unit value Chloride Ions Chloride

No. on the getting from Ions(%)
Test value
numbered the chart(%) Ave
Total < 0.08% or
Chloride Ions <
(In case of 0.30kg/m^3
using Ave of 3


PC 04

Testing Report for Grout 2/3 (Fluidity, Bleeding, Expansion)

Report No. Date
Project Name Name of Project Manager
Name of Contructor or Unit
Bridge Name
Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.

Observed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time (min.) Flow time(sec.) Test value Flow time(sec.) Test value
0 9~20
30 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)
Testing 60

Observed Height of Height of Bleeding

Elapsed Bleeding
Time Grout Surface water Test value
Time (hr.) (B-A)/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) B (ml) B-A (ml
0.0 A0
0.5 ASTM C940
1.0 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 2.0
(Measure by 3.0 JSCE-F535
5.0 0.0%(Final)

Observed Height of Amout of

Elapsed Expansion
Time Grout change Test value
Time (hr.) C/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) C=Ai-A0
0.0 A0
0.5 ASTM C940
1.0 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 2.0
(Measure by 3.0 Ai JSCE-F535
5.0 ±0.5%

PC 05

Testing Report for Grout 3/3 (Checking of Grouting Volume & Grouting Pressure)
Report No. Date
Project Name Name of Project Manager
Bridge Name Name of Contractor or Unit No.

Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.

Conversion to Grouting Pump Meter Pressure : < 2.0 Mp

Grouting Conversion to Grouting Hose Pressure : < 0.6 Mp

Target Re-pressurize : over Final Grouting Pressure < 2.0 Mp

Inner sectional area of Duct ( B ) Sectional area of Tendon ( C ) (B-C)

Factor of

Design  Gd = ΣLi * ( B - C ) : liter

Volume Li : length of Duct (m) B-C : Empty Area (mm^2)
Gd= litter

 Ga = B/ρ + W (litre) - R : liter

Grouting B : Weight of Cementitious materials (kg) ρ: Density of Cementitious materials
Volume (Ga) (kg/liter)
W : Volume of water (liter) R : Volume of remained mixed grout (liter)

Actual Grouting Volume Actual

No. of Duct (Ga) Grouting
Remainning Volume (Liter) (liter) Volume (Liter)

Ga = B/ρ + W (litre) - R

B= (kg)
Outle: (liter) 1 Girder
ρ= (kg/liter)
In hopper Pump & hose For testing Total R B/ρ+W-R
Girder No1
B/ρ= (liter)
Girder No2
Girder No3 W= %
Girder No4 =158or135 (liter)

R= Remainning (liter)

Total Ga= B/ρ+W - R(liter)

Appendix C Inspection Example on the Pilot Project
1. Pretesting of Grout Materials
1.1 Outline
Pretesting of grout for Taung Bway Bridge was implemented at Unit 9 on 27th February and 7th March

(A-1) Sika ZX (A-2) Sika ZX (A-3) Sika ZX (A-4) Sika ZX Test Value
(1%) (2%) (1%) (0.75%)
El a ps ed T(mi n) AASHTO
Flow Cone Test
0 38 21 59 56 9~20
Flow time (sec)
30 91 24 43 43 <30
El a ps ed T(mi n) AASHTO
0.83& 1.94&
Bleeding Test
3.0 1.09(with 2.78(with 1.38 2.22 0.00%
Bleed ratio(%)
steel) steel)
10.0 0 0 0
El a ps ed T(mi n) AASHTO
5.83& 8.06&
3.0 5.43(with 7.78(with 3.88 1.94 2.00%
Expansion Test
steel) steel)
Expand Ratio(%) 8.89&
10.0 7.78(With 3.88 1.94
El a ps ed T(da y) AASHTO
Compressive Strength
7 10.53 10.58 16.18 4.05
28 9.04 10.80 41Mpa
Chloride ions
Average 0.29 0.30kg/m^3
Mi xed by ha nd
onl y
Comment Some wa ter over 32degree
fl owed out from

Regarding workability, Sika 2% shall be selected.

But bleeding and expansion did not satisfy the standard value of AASHTO, so more suitable admixture
shall be studied.

APT admixture cannot be tested because of its stiffness.

MAPEI admixture cannot be tested because that material was not imported.

Bleeding Expansion
2.5 10
2 8
1.5 6 2%

1% 1%
1 4
0.75% 3 0.75%

0.5 2
0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10hr 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10hr

1.1-1 Mixing by hand 1.1-2 Mixing by hand-mixer

1.1-3 Slow mixing hopper to pump 1.1-4 Bad mixing of APT (not available for testing)

1.1-5 Flow cone testing 1.1-6 Bleeding and expansion testing

1.1-7 Chloride ion testing 1.1-8 Compressive strength testing
1.2 Design of grout

1000(l=m^3) = C/W*C + (1/3.16)(l/kg)*C

= C/W*C + 0.316*C
C : Cement(kg) W : Water(kg=l) 3.16 : Unit weight of Cement(kg/l)

(A-1) Sika ZX (A-2) Sika ZX (A-3) Sika ZX (A-4) Sika ZX

(1%) (2%) (1%) (0.75%)
Cement (kg) 50kg 50kg 50kg 50kg
Admixture(%, kg) (1%) 0.5kg (2%) 1.0kg (1%) 0.5kg (0.75%) 0.375
W/C 42.5% 45% 45% 45%
Water (kg) 21.25kg 22.5kg 22.5kg 22.5kg
Cement 1000=0.425C+ 1000=0.45C+ 1000=0.45C+ 1000=0.45C+
C(kg/m^3) 0.316C 0.316C 0.316C 0.316C
C=1350kg/m^3 C=1305kg/m^3 C=1305kg/m^3 C=1305kg/m^3
W(kg/m^3) W=574kg/m^3 W=587kg/m^3 W=587kg/m^3 W=587kg/m^3


1.3 Basic date and chloride ions test

Testing Report for Grout 1/3 (Basic Physical Properties) PC 03

Report No. Date
Project Name Name of Project Manager
Name of Contructor or Unit
Bridge Name
Span No. Name of Grout Operator
Place of Test Batch No.
Name of
Type & Bland name Manufacturer Date Sheet No by supplier

Basic data of Cement No.

materials Admixture No.
Premixed One No.
Water No.
Watet/Cementi Cementitious material
Water (kg) Admixture
Combination tious Material Date
ratio (%)
(kg) Cement Premixed One (kg)

1 m^3 42.5 574 1350 13.5 27.02.2018
ZX(1% )

1 m^3 45 587 1305 26.1 27.02.2018
ZX(2% )

1 m^3 45 587 1305 13.1 08.03.2018
ZX(1% )

1 m^3 45 587 1305 9.79 08.03.2018
ZX(0.75% )
Number of
Volume Mixing time Number of Revolutions is
Capacity & form of Mixer Revolutions required over 1000rpm.
(m^3) (min)
Mixing The mix time should be
generally not more than 4
minutes for a vane mixer.

Compressive strength (N/mm^2)

No. Dimnsionsof mortar cube
24 hrs. 3 days 7 days 28 days
Sika Diameter 50
8.52 10.53 (mm)
ZX(1% )
Strength 9.06 10.58
ZX(2% )
(28 days)
13.1 16.18 Hight
ZX(1% )
13.7 4.05
ZX(0.75% )
Unit value Chloride Ions Chloride
No. on the getting from Ions(%)
Test value
numbered the chart(%) Ave
Total < 0.08%
Chloride 1 2.7 0.048 <
Ions 0.30kg/m^3
(In case of (0.052/100)*
using 2 2.8 0.052 0.052 0.0298

3 2.9 0.056 574:Water

1.4 Flow Cone Testing

Report No. Sika ZX(1%) Date 27.02.2018

Project Name Name of Project Manager

Bridge Name Name of Contructor or Unit No.

Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.

Observed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time Flow time Flow time
Time (min.) Test value Test value
(hr.min.) (sec.) (sec.)
9:42 0 38 9~20
9:57 15 74
10:12 30 91 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)

Report No. Sika ZX(2%) Date 27.02.2018

Project Name Name of Project Manager
Bridge Name Name of Contructor or Unit No.

Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.

Observed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time Flow time Flow time
Time (min.) Test value Test value
(hr.min.) (sec.) (sec.)
11:15 0 21 9~20
11:30 15 25
11:45 30 24 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)

Report No. Sika ZX(1%) Date 08.03.2018
Project Name Name of Project Manager
Name of Contructor or Unit
Bridge Name No.
Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.

Observed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time Flow time Flow time
Time (min.) Test value Test value
(hr.min.) (sec.) (sec.)
11:15 0 21 9~20
11:30 15 25
11:45 30 24 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)
Testing 60

Report No. Sika ZX(0.75%) Date 08.03.2018

Project Name Name of Project Manager
Name of Contructor or Unit
Bridge Name No.
Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.

Observed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time Flow time Flow time
Time (min.) Test value Test value
(hr.min.) (sec.) (sec.)
11:15 0 21 9~20
11:30 15 25
11:45 30 24 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)

1.5 Bleeding and expansion test
(A-1) Sika ZX (1%) without steel
Observed Height of Height of Bleeding
Elapsed Bleeding
Time Grout Surface water Test value
Time (hr.) (B-A)/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) B (ml) B-A (ml
9:45 0.0 A0 1800
10:15 0.5 1820 1825 5 0.28 ASTM C940
10:45 1.0 1860 1865 5 0.28 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 11:45 2.0 1905 1930 25 1.39
(Measure by 12:45 3.0 1905 1920 15 0.83 JSCE-F535
5.0 0.0%(Final)

Observed Height of Amout of

Elapsed Expansion
Time Grout change Test value
Time (hr.) C/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) C=Ai-A0
9:45 0.0 A0 1800
10:15 0.5 1820 20 1.11 ASTM C940
10:45 1.0 1860 60 3.33 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 11:45 2.0 1905 105 5.83
(Measure by 12:45 3.0 1905 105 5.83 JSCE-F535
5.0 ±0.5%

(A-1) Sika ZX (1%) with steel

Observed Height of Height of Bleeding
Elapsed Bleeding
Time Grout Surface water Test value
Time (hr.) (B-A)/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) B (ml) B-A (ml
9:45 0.0 A0 1840
10:15 0.5 1855 1860 5 0.27 ASTM C940
10:45 1.0 1880 1900 20 1.09 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 11:45 2.0 1930 1960 30 1.63
(Measure by 12:45 3.0 1940 1960 20 1.09 JSCE-F535
5.0 0.0%(Final)

Observed Height of Amout of

Elapsed Expansion
Time Grout change Test value
Time (hr.) C/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) C=Ai-A0
9:45 0.0 A0 1840
10:15 0.5 1855 15 0.82 ASTM C940
10:45 1.0 1880 40 2.17 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 11:45 2.0 1930 90 4.89
(Measure by 12:45 3.0 1940 100 5.43 JSCE-F535
5.0 ±0.5%

(A-2) Sika ZX (2%) without steel
Observed Height of Height of Bleeding
Elapsed Bleeding
Time Grout Surface water Test value
Time (hr.) (B-A)/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) B (ml) B-A (ml
11:15 0.0 A0 1800
11:45 0.5 1835 1840 5 0.28 ASTM C940

Bleeding 12:15 1.0 1850 1860 10 0.56 0.0%(At 3hr)

Test 1:15 2.0 1920 1935 15 0.83
(Measure by
2:15 3.0 1945 1980 35 1.94 JSCE-F535
5.0 1950 1990 40 2.22 0.0%(Final)
10.0 1960 1960 0 0

Observed Height of Amout of

Elapsed Expansion
Time Grout change Test value
Time (hr.) C/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) C=Ai-A0
11:15 0.0 A0 1800
11:45 0.5 1835 35 1.94 ASTM C940
12:15 1.0 1850 50 2.78 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 1:15 2.0 1920 120 6.67
(Measure by 2:15 3.0 1945 145 8.06 JSCE-F535
5.0 1950 150 8.33 ±0.5%
10.0 1960 160 8.89

(A-2) Sika ZX (2%) with steel

Observed Height of Height of Bleeding

Elapsed Bleeding
Time Grout Surface water Test value
Time (hr.) (B-A)/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) B (ml) B-A (ml
11:15 0.0 A0 1800
11:45 0.5 1830 1840 10 0.56 ASTM C940
12:15 1.0 1850 1870 20 1.11 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 1:15 2.0 1910 1945 35 1.94
(Measure by 2:15 3.0 1940 1990 50 2.78 JSCE-F535
5.0 1940 2000 60 3.33 0.0%(Final)
10.0 1940 1940 0 0

Observed Height of Amout of

Elapsed Expansion
Time Grout change Test value
Time (hr.) C/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) C=Ai-A0
11:15 0.0 A0 1800
11:45 0.5 1830 30 1.67 ASTM C940
12:15 1.0 1850 50 2.78 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 1:15 2.0 1910 110 5.56
(Measure by 2:15 3.0 1940 140 7.78 JSCE-F535
5.0 1940 140 7.78 ±0.5%
10.0 1940 140 7.78

(A-3) Sika ZX (1%)
Observed Height of Height of Bleeding
Elapsed Bleeding
Time Grout Surface water Test value
Time (hr.) (B-A)/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) B (ml) B-A (ml
11:44 0.0 A0 1805
12:11 0.5 1820 1840 10 0.55 ASTM C940
12:44 1.0 1840 1870 20 1.10 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 1:44 2.0 1875 1945 25 1.38
(Measure by 2:44 3.0 1875 1990 25 1.38 JSCE-F535
4:44 5.0 1875 1875 0 0 0.0%(Final)
9:44 10.0 1875 1875 0 0

Observed Height of Amout of

Elapsed Expansion
Time Grout change Test value
Time (hr.) C/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) C=Ai-A0
11:15 0.0 A0 1805
11:45 0.5 1820 15 0.83 ASTM C940
12:15 1.0 1840 35 1.94 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 1:15 2.0 1875 70 3.88
(Measure by 2:15 3.0 1875 70 3.88 JSCE-F535
5.0 1875 70 3.88 ±0.5%
10.0 1875 70 3.88

(A-4) Sika ZX (0.75%)

Observed Height of Height of Bleeding
Elapsed Bleeding
Time Grout Surface water Test value
Time (hr.) (B-A)/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) B (ml) B-A (ml
12:40 0.0 A0 1800
1:10 0.5 1802 1810 8 0.44 ASTM C940
1:40 1.0 1823 1840 17 0.94 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 2:40 2.0 1830 1855 25 1.39
(Measure by 3:40 3.0 1835 1875 40 2.22 JSCE-F535
5:40 5.0 1835 1835 0 0 0.0%(Final)
10:40 10.0 1835 1835 0 0

Observed Height of Amout of

Elapsed Expansion
Time Grout change Test value
Time (hr.) C/A0 (%)
(hr.min.) A (ml) C=Ai-A0
12:40 0.0 A0 1800
1:10 0.5 1802 2 0.11 ASTM C940
1:40 1.0 1823 23 1.28 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 2:40 2.0 1830 30 1.67
(Measure by 3:40 3.0 1835 35 1.94 JSCE-F535
5:40 5.0 1835 35 1.94 ±0.5%
10:40 10.0 1835 35 1.94

2 Inspection at the Site
2.1 Basic Inspection
The PC Manual team conducted an inspection in the pilot project Taung Bway Bridge (Unit 9) in 2018.

C/T and JICA engineer visited the site for inspection of forms, rebars, ducts, and PC steel (6th, 7th
March 2018).

2.1-1 Tendons and duct

Tendons were installed in the duct before setting, and the ducts with tendons were kept on the ground
until setting time. Setting the duct with tendons was implemented manually. So, the hurting of tendons
may not be a cause of worry. But in the tendons, some rusts are happened, so it is better to keep the
tendons in good condition until the installing to the ducts that are set in the girder position without

Connection part of ducts was not sufficient to protect the tendons. It is better to use the connection
duct mentioned in the Manual.

2.1-2 Anchorage
Sealing around the duct at the anchorage was some kind of rubber pad, a material not good for grouting
work. It is better to use the special connecting duct mentioned in the Manual between the anchorage
and standard part duct.

Reinforcing by rebars around the anchorage was not sufficient.

2.1-3 Rein forcing bars and concrete casting of concrete

Mixing work was not uniform and insufficient, so the results of slump testing for each batch were so

The strength of PC concrete was almost sufficient for design strength.

The setting of rebars for the crossbeam is bad. The connection of rebars for the crossbeam was done
by spot welding, and that was the problem.

2.1-4 Others
Scaffolding and stationary were not sufficient with regards to work safety.

Figure shows
placing of PC ducts
on the ground that
are already installed
with PC steel. This
situation should be
avoided in order to
prevent corrosion.

2.1-1 View of the work site 2.1-2 Storage of ducts and PC steel

2.1-3 Setting of rebar and ducts 2.1-4 Setting of duct

2.1-5 Connection part of ducts 2.1-6 Connection part of ducts

2.1-7 Division number of ducts shall be odd 2.1-8 Checking of duct setting

Reinforced bars are not enough around the

anchorage. (See in photo).
2.1-9 Spacer for rebar 2.1-10 Duct and anchorage

2.1-11 Sealing between duct and anchorage 2.1-12 End duct at anchorage (after casting

2.1-13 End duct at anchorage (before casting 2.1-14 Concrete casting (1): Vibration work for
concrete) bottom of girder was not enough

2.1-15 Concrete casting (2) 2.1-16 Curing of concrete

2.2 Inspection for Tensioning
C/T and JICA engineer visited the site for inspection of tensioning (24th, 25th March 2018).

Prestressing work was controlled by the skilled engineer at the site. There were no severe problems
observed, but the following aspects should be improved:

• Design final pressure and elongation were not checked by the site engineer, so feedbacks on some
errors on design were not provided.

• Final elongation was calculated using only preliminary force stage and final prestressing stage
figures. It will be better to use the plotting method, or μ-method, mentioned in the Manual. Also,
the fix side pulling shall be considered.

• Checking of the final pressure and elongation were not clear. Checking of allowable error shall be
set and implemented.

2.2-1 Pressure gauge 2.2-2 Anchor head before prestressing

2.2-3 Setting of grips (wedge) 2.2-4 Prestressing

Difference between final elongation values calculated by C/T and the site engineer was 3.0% on the
average and 7.5% at maximum.

Final elongation value was over the designed elongation value in most cases, and only “Girder 5-
Tendon 3” is under the designed elongation. This shall be checked.

7 tendons were sufficient for the allowable error of 5%; 8 tendons were not sufficient for allowable

Calculated Gauge Pressure 36.0 Calculated Elongation 196.5

(N/mm2) (mm)

Actual Final Final Elongation Final Elongation

Pressure(N/mm2) (by C/T) (by Site Engineer)
Girder 1-Tendon 1 36.5 207 211
Girder 1-Tendon 2 36.5 212 205
Girder 1-Tendon 3 36.5 200 205
Girder 2-Tendon 1 36.0 200 195
Girder 2-Tendon 2 36.0 205 193
Girder 2-Tendon 3 36.0 208 199
Girder 3-Tendon 1 36.0 216 213
Girder 3-Tendon 2 36.5 198 200
Girder 3-Tendon 3 36.5 201 201
Girder 4-Tendon 1 36.0 210 204
Girder 4-Tendon 2 35.0 206 205
Girder 4-Tendon 3 35.5 213 200
Girder 5-Tendon 1 36.0 202 203
Girder 5-Tendon 2 35.5 214 199
Girder 5-Tendon 3 36.5 182 189

Girder 1-Tendon1 Girder 1-Tendon2

Girder 1-Tendon3 Girder 2-Tendon1

Girder 2-Tendon2 Girder 2-Tendon3

Girder 3-Tendon1 Girder 3-Tendon2

Girder 3-Tendon3 Girder 4-Tendon1

Girder 4-Tendon2 Girder 4-Tendon3

Girder 5-Tendon1 Girder 5-Tendon2

Girder 5-Tendon3

2.3 Inspection for Grouting
C/T and JICA engineer visited the site for inspection of tensioning (26th, 27th March 2018).

In this pilot project, MOC selected Sika Intraplast ZX as grouting admixture based on the result of
pretesting. Main targets for the quality control test for grouting are listed below. All of these test items
were not sufficient against AASHTO.

• Flow Cone Testing

• Bleed Testing

• Expansion Testing

• Compressive Strength

According to the Sika company test report, each test result was sufficient for AASHTO. But the test
result at the site was so different. MOC shall test and study the grouting materials, including those
from another company.

Girder-1 Girder-3 Girder-2 & 4 Girder-5 Test Value

Elapsed T(min) AASHTO

Flow Cone Test
0 33 34 40 65 9~20
Flow time (sec)
30 40 37 49 91 <30
Elapsed T(min) AASHTO
Bleeding Test
3.0 0.8 - - 0.8 0.00%
Bleed ratio(%)
Elapsed T(min) AASHTO
Expansion Test
3.0 9.2 - - 8.9 2.00%
Expand Ratio(%)
10.0 8.9
Elapsed T(day) AASHTO
Compressive Strength
28 4.6~33.7 41Mpa
Chloride ions
Average 0.38 0.30kg/m^3

Mixing by hand mixer Grout pressing pump (strong type)

Grouting work Outlet of grouting mortal

2.3-1 Basic physical testing

1. Compressive strength
All results of testing were not sufficient against AASHTO, especially the result on cylinder strength
which was so small. These results shall be checked by BRL and Sika company.

2. Total chloride ions

The result was not sufficient for test value.

River water was used for concrete and grout concrete in this site, in which case total chloride ions
test shall be implemented before construction in every project.

Testing Report for Grout 1/3 (Basic Physical Properties) PC 03
Report No. Date
Project Name Name of Project Manager
Bridge Name Name of Contructor or Unit No.

Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.
Name of
Type & Bland name Manufacturer Date Sheet No by supplier

Basic data of Cement No.

materials Admixture No.
Premixed One No.
Water No.
Watet/Cementiti Cementitious material (kg)
Water Admixture
Combination ous Material Date
ratio (%)
(kg) Cement Premixed One (kg)

1 m^3 45 587 1305 26.1 Sika ZX(2% ) 27.02.2018

Number of Number of Revolutions is

Volume Mixing time
Capacity & form of Mixer Revolutions required over 1000rpm.
(m^3) (min)
Mixing The mix time should be
generally not more than 4
minutes for a vane mixer.

Compressive strength (N/mm^2)

No. Dimnsionsof mortar cube
24 hrs. 3 days 7 days 28 days
See Another Diameter 50
Giredr No1
sheet (mm)
Compressive Giredr No2
(28 days) Giredr No3
Hight (mm)
Giredr No4

Giredr No5

Unit value Chloride Ions

Chloride Ions(%) Chloride
No. on the numbered getting from the
Ave Ions(kg/m^3)
Test value
scale chart(%)
Total Chloride < 0.08%
Ions < 0.30kg/m^3
(In case of
using (0.065/100)*
Ave of 3 0.065 0.38
"Quantab") 587=


Cube Strength

Spe cime n Size

Date (Mo ulde d) Date (Te ste d) Age Com pressive Strength
No Le ngth Width H e ight

(Days) (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa)

52 50 52 16.325
1 25.3.2018 28.3.2018 3
52 51 52 20.399

50 50 50 24.151
2 25.3.2018 2.4.2018 7
50 50 50 20.566

51 51 51 21.325
3 25.3.2018 22.4.2018 28
51 51 51 33.659

Cylinder Strength

Spe cime n Size

Date (Mo ulde d) Date (Te ste d) Age Com pressive Strength Re mark
No Le ngth H e ight

(Days) (mm) (mm) (MPa)

50 105 6.731
1 25.3.2018 28.3.2018 3
50 105 6.638

50 100 6.676 Capping

2 25.3.2018 2.4.2018 7
50 100 6.558

50 100 9.68 Capping

3 25.3.2018 22.4.2018 28
50 100 4.558 Capping

Allowable Compressive strength (28 days) is over 41MPa (cube strength) in AASHTO.

2.3-2 Flow cone Testing
Report No. Date 25.03.2018
Project Name Name of Project Manager U Kyaw Myo(DD)
Bridge Name Taung Bway Bridge Name of Contructor or Unit No. 9
Span No. Girder 1 Name of Grout Operator U Zaw Myo Thant(SAE)

Place of Test Admixture Sika ZX(2%)

Observed Elapsed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time (hr.min.) Time (min.) Flow time(sec.) Test value Flow time(sec.) Test value
8:40 0 33 9~20
13:12 15 38
9:10 30 40 <30
Flow cone 9:25 45 (Remixing 30s)
Testing 60

Report No. Date 25.03.2018

Project Name Name of Project Manager U Kyaw Myo(DD)
Bridge Name Taung Bway Bridge Name of Contructor or Unit No. 9
Span No. Girder 3 Name of Grout Operator U Zaw Myo Thant(SAE)

Place of Test Admixture Sika ZX(2%)

Observed Elapsed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time (hr.min.) Time (min.) Flow time(sec.) Test value Flow time(sec.) Test value
7:47 0 34 9~20
8:02 15 36
8:32 30 37 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)
Testing 60

Report No. Date 24.03.2018
Project Name Name of Project Manager U Kyaw Myo(DD)
Bridge Name Taung Bway Bridge Name of Contructor or Unit No. 9
Span No. Girder 2 & 4 Name of Grout Operator U Zaw Myo Thant(SAE)

Place of Test Admixture Sika ZX(2%)

Observed Elapsed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time (hr.min.) Time (min.) Flow time(sec.) Test value Flow time(sec.) Test value
9:50 0 40 9~20
10:05 15 47
10:20 30 49 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)
Testing 60

Report No. Date 24.03.2018

Project Name Name of Project Manager U Kyaw Myo(DD)
Bridge Name Taung Bway Bridge Name of Contructor or Unit No. 9
Span No. Girder 5 Name of Grout Operator U Zaw Myo Thant(SAE)

Place of Test Admixture Sika ZX(2%)

Observed Elapsed ASTM C939 JSCE-F531
Time (hr.min.) Time (min.) Flow time(sec.) Test value Flow time(sec.) Test value
7:44 0 65 9~20
7:59 15
8:14 30 91 <30
Flow cone 45 (Remixing 30s)
Testing 60

2.3-3 Bleeding Test
Hight of Bleeding
Observed Elapsed Hight of Grout Bleeding
Surface water Test value
Time (hr.min.) Time (hr.) A (ml) (B-A)/A0 (%)
B (ml) B-A (ml
8:45 0.0 A0 1780
9:15 0.5 1820 1825 5 0.3 ASTM C940
9:45 1.0 1865 1880 25 1.4 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 10:45 2.0 1950 1965 15 0.8
(Measure by 11:45 3.0 1960 1975 15 0.8 JSCE-F535
5.0 0.0%(Final)

Hight of Bleeding
Observed Elapsed Hight of Grout Bleeding
Surface water Test value
Time (hr.min.) Time (hr.) A (ml) (B-A)/A0 (%)
B (ml) B-A (ml
7:44 0.0 A0 1800
8:14 0.5 1840 1845 5 0.3 ASTM C940
9:45 1.0 1880 1900 20 1.4 0.0%(At 3hr)
Test 10:45 2.0 1960 1975 15 0.8
(Measure by 11:45 3.0 1960 1960 0 0.8 JSCE-F535
5.0 1960 1960 0 0.0%(Final)
10.0 1960

2.3-4 Expansion Test
Amout of
Observed Elapsed Hight of Grout Expansion
change Test value
Time (hr.min.) Time (hr.) A (ml) C/A0 (%)
C=Ai-A0 (ml)
8:45 0.0 A0 1780
9:15 0.5 1820 40 2.2 ASTM C940
9:45 1.0 1865 85 4.8 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 10:45 2.0 1950 170 8.7
(Measure by 11:45 3.0 1960 180 9.2 JSCE-F535
5.0 ±0.5%

Amout of
Observed Elapsed Hight of Grout Expansion
change Test value
Time (hr.min.) Time (hr.) A (ml) C/A0 (%)
C=Ai-A0 (ml)
8:45 0.0 A0 1800
9:15 0.5 1840 40 2.2 ASTM C940
9:45 1.0 1880 80 4.4 <2.0%(up to 3hr)
Test 10:45 2.0 1960 160 8.9
(Measure by 11:45 3.0 1960 160 8.9 JSCE-F535
5.0 1960 160 8.9 ±0.5%
10.0 1960 160 8.9

2.3-5 Volume Checking
Some of the dates were a bit doubtful, but checking of volume by this method is useful for evaluating
the grouting work.

Testing Report for Grout 3/3 (Checking of Grouting Volume & Grouting Pressure) PC 05
Report No. Date
Project Name Name of Project Manager
Bridge Name Name of Contractor or Unit No.

Span No. Name of Grout Operator

Place of Test Batch No.

Conversion to Grouting Pump Meter Pressure : < 2.0 Mp

Grouting Conversion to Grouting Hose Pressure : < 0.6 Mp

Target Re-pressurize : over Final Grouting Pressure < 2.0 Mp

Inner sectional area of Duct ( B ) Sectional area of Tendon ( C ) (B-C)

Factor of
Tendon (66~68)*((66~68)*3.1416/4=(3419~3632)
98.7*12=1184mm^2 (2236~2448)mm^2

Design  Gd = ΣLi * ( B - C ) : liter

Volume Li : length of Duct (m) B-C : Empty Area (mm^2)
Gd= 27.38*3*(2236~2448)*(10^-6)*(10^3) =(183.7~201.1) litter

Actual  Ga = B/ρ + W (litre) - R : liter

Volume (Ga) B : Weight of Cementitious materials (kg) ρ: Density of Cementitious materials (kg/liter)
W : Volume of water (liter) R : Volume of remained mixed grout (liter)

Actual Grouting Volume (Ga) Actual Grouting

No. of Duct
(liter) Volume (Liter)
Remainning Volume (Liter)

Ga = B/ρ + W (litre) - R

B= 350or 300 (kg)

Outle:12(liter) 1 Gierder 350:N03 300:Others

ρ= 3.16 (kg/liter)
In hopper Pump & hose For testing Total
Girder No3 16 8 36 268-36=232
B/ρ= 110.8 or 94.9 (liter)
Girder No1 2 8 22 230-22=208
Girder No2&4 3 13 40(20:1Girder) W= 45% 230-20=210
Girder No5 11 13 8 44 (liter) 230-44=186

R= Remainning (liter)

Total Ga= 268or230 - R(liter)


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