Parametric Rolling at Main Resonance: Dan Obreja Radoslav NABERGOJ Liviu CRUDU Sandita PACURARU (Popoiu)
Parametric Rolling at Main Resonance: Dan Obreja Radoslav NABERGOJ Liviu CRUDU Sandita PACURARU (Popoiu)
Parametric Rolling at Main Resonance: Dan Obreja Radoslav NABERGOJ Liviu CRUDU Sandita PACURARU (Popoiu)
Radoslav NABERGOJ2 Parametric Rolling at Main
Liviu CRUDU1
Sandita PACURARU Resonance
Original scientific paper
The parametric resonance of the induced rolling is a typical dangerous situation for the trans-
versal stability of ships operating in longitudinal waves. This paper presents the results of experi-
mental tests regarding the seakeeping performances of a 2700 dwt cargo model at full loading, in
regular longitudinal waves. The induced roll motion, in the second instability domain, both at zero
and design speed was observed. The conditions for occurrence of the parametric resonance were
analysed and the instability domains of motion were identified. The theoretical analysis of the heave
and pitch motions in longitudinal waves, in frequency domain, was performed by using a computer
code based on the Frank-close fit method. A satisfactory correlation between the theoretical and
Authors’ addresses: experimental results was found for heave and pitch motions. In order to simulate the induced roll-
“Dunarea de Jos” University of ing a typical differential coupled equations system for heave, induced roll and pitch motions was
Galati, Romania used. The numerical solution was obtained using the Runge-Kutta method. The simulation results
Naval Architecture Faculty for the ship motions at zero speed, in following regular waves, are presented. A good agreement
Domneasca Str., no. 47, Zip code was obtained between the numerical and experimental results in time domain.
800008 Keywords: experimental tests, parametric rolling, time domain simulation
Tel/fax: (+40) 0236-495 400
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Trieste, Italy
Parametersko ljuljanje pri glavnoj rezonanciji
Department of Naval Architecture, Izvorni znanstveni rad
Ocean and Environmental Engineer-
Parametarska rezonancija ljuljanja tipična je opasnost za poprečni stabilitet broda na uzdužnim
ing valovima. Članak prikazuje rezultate pokusa ponašanja 2700 dwt modela teretnog broda pod
Via A. Valerio 10, Zip code 34127 punim opterećenjem na pravilnim uzdužnim valovima. Opažene su pojave induciranog ljuljanja u
Fax: (+39) 405583443 drugoj domeni nestabilnosti pri nultoj i projektnoj brzini. Analizirani su uvjeti za pojavu paramet-
Phone: (+39) 405583407 arske rezonancije te su određena područja nestabilnosti njihanja. Teorijska analiza u frekventnoj
E-mail: [email protected] domeni poniranja i posrtanja na uzdužnim valovima je provedena na računalu primjenom Frankove
metode prilagođavanja. Za poniranja i posrtanje teorijski i eksperimentalni rezultati su u suglasju.
Received (Primljeno): 2008-04-29 Za numeričko rješenje korišten je postupak Runge-Kutta. Prikazani su rezultati njihanja broda
Accepted (Prihvaćeno): 2008-06-08 na harmonijskim valovima pri nultoj brzini. U vremenskoj se domeni rezultati pokusa i numerički
Open for ciscussion (Otvoreno za rezultati dobro slažu.
raspravu): 2009-31-12 Ključne riječi: parametarsko ljuljanja, pokusi, simulacija u vremenskoj domeni
1 Introduction The main causes of the induced roll motion are considered
to be:
When the ship runs in longitudinal waves, the representative - the energetic “saturation” phenomena of heave and pitch
ship motions are the heave and pitch ones. Due to the ship-waves motion [2];
interaction the transversal metacentre position has a dynamic - the nonlinear coupling of the heave or pitch motions with the
modification in time domain, the excitation period being equal induced roll one [3].
to the incident wave one [1]. As an effect of lateral perturbations, Nayfeh considers that the energy put into the pitch and heave
an induced roll motion may occur. The amplitude of the roll mo- motions by the wave excitations may be partially transferred into
tion can increase, in parametric resonance conditions, according the roll motions by means of nonlinear coupling among these
to the relation modes; consequently roll motion can be indirectly excited. The
Te n ship will spontaneously develop large amplitude roll motions at
= (1) parametric resonance.
Tφ 2
The first instability domain (n=1) is the most dangerous one
for the ship’s transverse stability, but large amplitude roll mo-
where, Te is the incident wave period and Tφ the roll natural tions can occur in the main resonance domain, when n=2. The
period. seakeeping tests in longitudinal waves of a cargo ship model
The roll parametric resonance is known as a typical danger- [4] revealed the occurrence of parametric rolling, both at zero
ous situation for the transversal stability of ships operating in and design speed. The induced roll motion has occurred in a
longitudinal waves. narrow frequency domain of the incident waves. The body plan
of the cargo ship is shown in Figure 1. The main particulars and is the restoring moment in longitudinal waves, φ is the roll angle
characteristics of the ship and the scaled model, at full loading and t is the time variable.
condition, are listed in Table 1. The dependency of the damping moment on the roll angle
may be synthetically written as
GM (t ) = GM m − GM a cos ω t (5)
where, GMm and GMa are the mean value and the amplitude of
Figure 1 The body plan of the cargo ship the metacentric height and ω is the wave circular frequency.
Slika 1 Linije teretnog broda The excitation coefficient for the induced roll motion has the
Table 1 Main particulars at full loading condition
Tablica 1 Glavne izmjere za potpuno nakrcani brod μ = 0.5GM a / GM m (6)
T or 2T periodical solutions of the equation. By imposing Math- values of the excitation coefficient. The data from Figure 2 are
ieu’s equation to have 2T period solutions, the frontiers of the obtained neglecting the damping moment contribution. If the
odd instability domain can be obtained. In the second instability influence of the damping term is considered, the area between
domain, Mathieu’s equation must have T period solution. the frontiers of the instability domains becomes smaller.
Figure 2 shows the diagram of the first three instability do- The excitation coefficient is not the only parameter that has an
mains of the induced roll motion for the cargo ship. The vertical influence on induced roll motions. Another necessary condition
axis is the 2ωφ/ ω ratio, where ωφ, is the roll natural circular fre- may be mathematically written as follows
quency and the horizontal axis is the excitation coefficient μ. One 1 4π
can observe that the first instability domain may lead to occur- Tφ = ⋅ , n ∈N*
n 2π g U
rence of the induced roll motion for small values of the excitation − 2π cos α i (7)
coefficient μ. The instability domains become larger for increased λ λ
Figure 3 The necessary conditions for induced roll motions in Figure 4 The necessary conditions for induced roll motions in
the first instability domain the second instability domain (main resonance)
Slika 3 Potrebni uvjeti za induciranje ljuljanja u prvom području Slika 4 Potrebni uvjeti za induciranje ljuljanja u drugom području
nestabilnosti nestabilnosti (glavna rezonancija)
Figure 8 Non-dimensional transfer functions of pitch motion in Figure 10 Experimental test in regular head waves
regular following waves Slika 10 Pokusi na pravilnim valovima u pramac
Slika 8 Bezdimenzionalna prijenosna funkcija posrtanja na
pravilnim valovima u krmu
Aij and Bij (i, j = 3, 4, 5) represent the added masses and the
damping coefficients, respectively, Cij are the restoring coef-
ficients and Fia (i=3, 4, 5) represent the amplitudes of excitation
forces and moments generated by the incident waves.
The evaluation of Aij components is based on theoretical and
experimental approach of the radiation problem [8], where the
coupled coefficients A34, D34, A45, B45 are considered as linear
functions of small heeling angle.
Solving the diffraction problem, the amplitudes of Fia force
were theoretically and experimentally determined [8]. Moreover,
the amplitude of the excitation moment at induced rolling is a plitude slowly increases and becomes close to the experimental
linear function depending on the heeling angle measured value. The induced rolling amplitude depends on the
unit amplitude of roll excitation moment f4a, thus the excitation
F4 a = f4 aφ (10) coefficient of the induced roll motion can be defined as
f4 a
The damping coefficients of induced roll motion in longitu- μ= (11)
dinal waves, D01 and D02 were estimated based on experimental 2 ⋅ ω ⋅ ( I 4 + A44 )
roll decay tests [4], analysed through energetic method proposed where, ωφ is the natural circular frequency.
by J.B. Roberts [9].
The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic values of the cargo ship 5 Conclusions
model are presented in Table 2.
The induced roll motion at parametric resonance represents a
Table 2 The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic values of the cargo complex physical process. The occurrence of induced roll motions
ship model
Tablica 2 Hidrostatički i hidrodinamički podaci za teretni brod Figure 11 Numerical and experimental results of the behaviour of
the ship model at zero speed, in regular following waves,
Ship model values at main resonance condition
Symbol Slika 11 Numerički i eksperimentalni rezultat ponašanja modela
(model scale 1:30)
broda pri nultoj brzini na pravilnim valovima u uvjetima
A33 170.97 kg glavne rezonancije
B33 682.3 kg/s
A55 64.582 kg⋅m2
B55 271.632 kg⋅m2/s
A44 0.71 kg⋅m2
D01 0.7848 kg⋅m2/s
D02 0.00592 kg⋅m2
A34 3.6325 ⋅˜ φÔ kg⋅m
B34 -13.853 ⋅˜ φÔ kg⋅m/s
A45 -0.2913 ⋅˜ φÔ kg⋅m2
B45 -2.142 ⋅˜ φÔ kg⋅m2/s
A35 -4.965 kg⋅m
B35 -30.082 kg⋅m/s
C33 10592.65 kg/s2
C44 85.122 kg⋅m2/s2
C55 4690.35 kg⋅m2/s2
C35 26.13 kg⋅m/s2
F3a 33.42 kg⋅m/s2
F4a 36.95 ⋅ φ kg⋅m2/s2
F5a 62.16 kg⋅m2/s2
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