Microservices Architecture Using Spring Boot and Netflix Infrastructure
Microservices Architecture Using Spring Boot and Netflix Infrastructure
Microservices Architecture Using Spring Boot and Netflix Infrastructure
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Micro services - Overview
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What is Micro Service?
API Gateway
Service registry
Service discovery
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Patterns in Micro services Architecture
We have used the Netflix components to accomplish the above micro services architecture patterns. T
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Major Components of Netflix
Zuul is (of course) our gatekeeper to the outside world, not allowing any
unauthorized external requests pass through. Zulu also provides a well-
known entry point to the micro services in the system landscape. Using
dynamically allocated ports is convenient to avoid port conflicts and to
minimize administration but it makes it of course harder for any given
service consumer. Zuul uses Ribbon to look up available services and routes
the external request to an appropriate service instance.
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Spring Boot & Spring Cloud Netflix OSS – Micro Service Architecture
Spring Boot is a brand new framework from the team at Pivotal, designed to simplify the bootstrapping and
development of a new spring application. The framework takes an opinionated approach to configuration,
freeing developers from the need to define boilerplate configuration.
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Spring Cloud Netflix
Spring cloud Netflix provides Netflix OSS integrations for spring boot apps through auto configuration and
binding to the spring environment and other spring programming models. With a few simple annotations
we can quickly enable and configure common patterns inside application and to build large distributed
systems with Netflix components. There are lot of features available with spring cloud Netflix. Here, we
have listed some of the common features we have implemented with micro services with spring boot and
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