Dual Stator Winding Induction Machine Drive PDF
Dual Stator Winding Induction Machine Drive PDF
Dual Stator Winding Induction Machine Drive PDF
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 20,2020 at 00:45:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
- I
I a) Medium and high speed operation
I , ,
chine. This includes both scalar constant volts per hertz 0 uniform airgap,
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-Y : 'X The magnetizing inductance Lmsi is known to be: [12]
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A z -x Y C z -x Y B z -x Y
-z x -Y -B -z x -Y -A -z x -Y -C
A similar reasoning yields the slot leakage inductance ma- Labc =(LI,~+ $ ~ + ~ L~m s l~e j ( )e ~ +ii r6l ) ~*(15)~
trix of the q z winding
-1 where n is the number of rotor bars, 6 is 112 the angle
Ls12 = -LlTB2 1 km2 1 km2 1 km2
1 +-l
km2 1 + k m z 1 +-l
km2 and irl are defined by
isl = $ (ius + gibs + a2i,,)
i 1 []
0 (16)
LIT2 +
LlBZ -3km~L1~~2
LlB2 -3kmZLlTB2 O
LIT2 -k LlB2 (9) *
ITl = ;2;[ 1 4 42 a * . -bn-l ] (17)
The slot factor kml must be zero when p l = 1 and one
when p l = 213. Hence when 213 < p l < 1 ZTn
kml = 3 - 3 p l (10) with = and 4 = e j 2 r / n .
ej2r/3 The vector
Similarly, km2 must be zero when p2 = 1 and one when [irl i r 2 .- -&IT
represents the instantaneous rotor cur-
p2 = 819. Hence when 819 < p2 < 1 rents defined according to Fig. 6.
km2 = 9 - 9Pz (11) A similar analysis for the q z winding yields [13]
If the winding distribution of Fig. 5-b is considered in-
stead, the results are similar and the structure of (8) and XsZy+ = (L1s2 + t ~ m s 2i )s 2
(9) remain unchanged [13]. 2n sin E6 (18)
rN*l~ , , z e j f (ep+6-c)ir2
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Rotor lcmv tor flux is defined by the vector transformation
TXri 1
referred to the P pole xyz winding, is now $er instead of where Lb and Le represent the bar and end-ring segment
8,. Also note that the actual rotor bar currents in (17) inductance respectively and g is the airgap length.
and (20) are the same. The last term of (24) represents the contribution due
Finally, the stator voltage equations for both stator to the secondary stator winding currents. Following the
windings are obtained by differentiating the flux linkages same technique, it can be shown that
(15) and (18) and adding the resistive voltage drops. This
procedure yields
vsl = T S l L + (Lis1 + & w 1 ) P L
+-2n sin d Lmalej(er+a)(p + j wr ) -rl
However, for P > 2, both summations in (28) are identi-
for the abc winding and cally zero, hence ArS2is identically zero, regardless of the
v,, = TS2iS2 + (Lls2 + 4Lms2) PL2 value of L2, and the total rotor flux, in the 2 pole winding
subspace, corresponds to the sum of (26) and (27).
+=~,,~ej+(er+a-t) (P+ j + r ) ir2 Finally, taking the time derivative of the rotor flux vec-
tor and adding the resistive voltage drop gives the rotor
for the xyz winding. The complex vector voltages y,, and voltage equation in the subspace defined by the 2 pole
vs2 are winding. This yields
5 1 = 5 (vas +
avbs -k a2'%s) -0 = rrllrl+ LrlPir1
(23) (29)
L 2 = 5 (vm + a v y s +
a2vz,) + w L m s l e - i ( e r + 4 (p - j w r ) -si
with rrl = 2Re -I-2% (1 - cosa,).
It is important to notice that the stator current islde- A similar analysis for the P pole winding reveals that,
pends only on the applied voltage and the rotor cur- in this case, the contribution of the second term in (24)
rent irl. Similarly the current ia2depends only on the is zero and the rotor voltage equation in the subspace
applied voltage s2 and the rotor current This result defined by the P pole winding is
verifies the known fact that, for a sinusoidally distributed
winding, there only exists coupling between current dis- - +
0 = rr2ir2 Lr2~ir2
tributions of the same number of poles.
where rr2 represents the equivalent rotor resistance and
C. Rotor Flux Lr2 is the equivalent rotor inductance in the P pole sub-
The rotor flux can be divided into three components, space, yielding
one due to the rotor currents i, and two due to the stator Tr2 = 2Re +
2% [1 - cos ( $ a r ) ] (31)
currents isabc and iszyz.In matrix form
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J isdrl I m
2 pole winding (uk)
Y qh2
not only in an average basis but also instantaneously. It Fig. 8. Proposed control scheme for constant V/f operation.
is well known that sinusoidally distributed windings only
couple with fields wound for the same number of poles, controlled by adjusting the frequency of the 6 pole wind-
however the rotor cage is clearly not a sinusoidal wind- ing. By keeping the frequency above this pre-set limit the
ing and one might expect that the presence of two su- influence of the stator resistance is minimized, hence sim-
perimposed flux distributions would give rise to pulsating plifying the control. In this mode the two MMF's rotate
torques. However, this is not the case for the proposed asynchronously but because of the reduced frequency the
dual stator winding machine. An equivalent circuit, using additional losses caused by saturation should be minimal.
d-q notation, is shown in Fig. 7 In the medium to high speed range the negative effect
Neglecting saturation, the electromagnetic torque can of the stator resistance is not a concern and the frequen-
be expressed as the partial variation of the co-energy with cies are kept in the ratio 1:3. This constraint guarantees a
respect to position [9] nearly trapezoidal flux distribution and the torque is con-
trolled by adjusting the magnitude of the applied voltages.
The trapezoidal shape, in turn, allows for slightly greater
two pole flux than when only the two pole winding is ex-
which can be written as the separate sum of the torques cited thereby producing slightly more torque per ampere.
produced by each set of stator currents
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B. Vector Control
A simplified block diagram of the proposed control
scheme is given in Fig. 9. As in the constant V/f method
-E - I I I
2 pole toque I
the vector control is divided into two operating regions: i-i
a high speed range defined by frequencies above a mini-
mum frequency fmin and a low speed range for frequencies
below f m i n . For the high speed region the proposed con-
trol method is quite straight forward dividing the output
torque among the two windings as to yield similar stator Y
low speed range a negative torque command is given to 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time (sec)
the secondary winding hence increasing the torque pro-
duced by the primary winding which yields an increased Fig. 10. Full matrix and complex vector model simulation
stator frequency. The goal is to maintain the primary results for a free acceleration run at 60 Hz (fz = 180
stator frequency at a constant value equal to fmin. Hz). Complex vector and full matrix model traces are
To prove the correctness of the complex space vector
model of the dual stator machine a complete set of simu- A new type of dual stator winding induction machine
lations has been carried out. The results from the space has been presented. The most relevant characteristic
vector model are compared to those obtained from a full of the new machine is that the two stator windings are
matrix model of the machine. Fig. 10 shows both set of wound for a dissimilar number of poles. This feature
results superimposed. It is clear that both simulations yields two independent torques that can be controlled as
are identical hence proving the validity of the complex desired to produce the net output torque. In addition, the
vector model. As shown in Fig. 10 the rotor currents con- problem of high circulating harmonic currents common to
tain two different frequencies dictated by the frequency of dual stator induction drives is also eliminated. The ma-
each of the stator currents and the rotor mechanical speed. chine is especially well suited for both constant V/f and
Although the rotor currents simultaneously produce two sensorless FO control.
field distributions that rotate at different speeds, because By implementing an adequate torque control scheme it
of the different number of poles and the sinusoidal char- is possible to operate at stand still and, at the same time,
acteristic of the stator windings, they do not give rise to limit the minimum frequency at which the 2 pole stator
harmonic torques. winding operates. This is an important feature since it
Simulation results using the control techniques pro- reduces the impact of the stator resistance voltage drop at
posed in the previous section are shown in figures 11 and low frequencies and greatly simplifies the implementation
12, hence proving the feasibility of the method. of sensorless control algorithms.
[l] P. L. Alger, E. H. Freiburghouse and D. D. Chase, "Double wind-
A 5 Hp prototype is currently under construction and ings for turbine alternators", AIEE Transactions, Vol.49, January
the experimental results will be reported shortly. 1930, pp. 226-244.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 20,2020 at 00:45:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
’ 1.0 1.8 2.6 3.4 4.2 5.0
Time (sec)
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE. Downloaded on May 20,2020 at 00:45:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.