User Manual: LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced
User Manual: LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced
User Manual: LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
1 CONTENTS...........................................................................................................................1
2 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................3
1. QUICK INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................4
2. SET-UP YOUR PRODUCT ......................................................................................................5
2.1. Manual network configuration ....................................................................................5
2.2. Output card configuration...........................................................................................5
3 FULL SETUP ........................................................................................................................7
1. NETWORK CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................7
1.1. Default configuration ..................................................................................................7
1.2. Changing network parameters ...................................................................................8
1.3. Integration in your network.........................................................................................9
2. OUTPUT CARD CONFIGURATION.........................................................................................10
2.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................10
2.2. Default configuration ................................................................................................10
2.3. Change the settings .................................................................................................10
4 FRONT DISPLAY INTERFACE..........................................................................................11
1. START-UP CONDITIONS .....................................................................................................11
2. TIME DISPLAY ...................................................................................................................12
3. MINOR ALARM CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................13
4. MAJOR ALARM CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................13
5 WEB INTERFACE ..............................................................................................................15
1. PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................15
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE WEB INTERFACE .............................................................................16
2.1. Main screen..............................................................................................................16
2.2. Standard setup.........................................................................................................17
2.3. SNMP setup .............................................................................................................20
2.4. Output and display setup .........................................................................................22
2.5. Input setup ...............................................................................................................27
6 SNMP INTERFACE ............................................................................................................30
1. PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................30
1.1. Software information MIB for the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced .......................................31
1.2. Hardware information MIB for the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced......................................34
1.3. Description of the SNMP traps.................................................................................35
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
7 APPENDIX A – CONNECTIONS........................................................................................38
1. CONNECTION FOR ALL PRODUCTS .....................................................................................38
1.1. 230V and 115V AC product (type ‘0’).......................................................................38
1.2. 18/72V DC product (type ‘9’)....................................................................................38
3. AFNOR NFS87500/ IRIG-B DCLS SYNCHRONIZATION INPUT...........................................39
4. GPS SYNCHRONIZATION INPUT .........................................................................................40
5. DUAL AFNOR/IRIG-B NFS87500 OUTPUT (‘B’ TYPE) .......................................................40
6. DUAL AFNOR/IRIG-B NFS87500 DCLS RS422 AND TTL OUTPUT (‘T’ TYPE) ..................41
7. RS232 AND 485/422 ASCII+TOP (‘A’ AND ‘R’ TYPE)........................................................42
8. TOP / ALARM OUTPUT (‘A’, ‘R’ TYPE AND ‘G’ TYPE) .........................................................43
8.1. Pin-out......................................................................................................................43
9. SMPTE OUTPUT (‘S’ TYPE)............................................................................................44
10. 4/6 TOPS 1000HZ AND FLAIX 861HZ OUTPUT (‘H’ TYPE)............................................44
11. 10MHZ TTL OUTPUT (GPS SYNCHRONIZATION AND OCXO ONLY)................................45
8 APPENDIX B – OUTPUT CODE FORMAT........................................................................46
1. ‘A’ AND ‘R’ TYPE CARDS (ASCII+TOP OUTPUT).................................................................46
2. ‘B’ AND ‘T’ TYPE CARDS (AFNOR/IRIG-B NFS87500) ......................................................53
2.1. Frame format............................................................................................................53
2.2. Bit encoding .............................................................................................................54
3. DCF AND TDF TIME CODE DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................55
4. SMPTE MESSAGE DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................56
9 APPENDIX C – TROUBLESHOOTING..............................................................................58
10 APPENDIX D – MAINTENANCE......................................................................................62
1. PROCEDURE TO FOLLOW TO CHANGE THE BATTERY ...........................................................62
2. OUTPUT CARD SWITCHES VERIFICATION ............................................................................63
3. UPDATING FIRMWARE .......................................................................................................64
3.1. Obtaining Firmware..................................................................................................64
3.2. Reloading Firmware .................................................................................................64
11 APPENDIX E – DATA.......................................................................................................66
1. MEASUREMENTS ..............................................................................................................66
2. SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................66
3. STAMP CONTENTS ............................................................................................................67
12 APPENDIX F – ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS ..................................................................70
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This document is a user’s guide for the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced. This device can be
synchronized either by GPS, either by AFNOR NFS87500, or TDF / DCF radio signal.
Optional synchronization outputs are available (alarm, ASCII+TOP, AFNOR NFS87500,
Using the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced provides you with several advantages:
• You can use the installed network architecture with the well-known protocols
• Simplified set-up;
• Easy remote configuration and diagnostic;
• The product is a 19” 1U rack that can be easily installed on your installation;
• It provides configurable synchronization outputs.
By using Gorgy Timing clients in combination with the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced you greatly
improve the ease of installation and use.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
1. Quick installation
This part contains the minimum information for the set-up of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced. You
can found additional information in part 3.
p A network cable;
* Contact your dealer if one of the items above isn’t in the package
p Connect the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced to your network using the network cable;
q Connect the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced to a power supply using the power
supply cable when it is present.
Your system should work immediately if there is a DHCP server on your network. After a
few seconds, the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced activates its outputs.
However, Gorgy Timing recommends you to fill-in for each product its physical localization.
This is possible using the GTNetMng tool localized on the CD-ROM. For more information,
see part 1.2.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Gorgy Timing Network products are configured in factory to automatically get an IP address.
Two mechanisms are used:
1. If a DHCP server is present on your network, our products get an address
automatically. This ensures that the IP address is compatible with your network;
2. If no DHCP server is present, the product automatically takes an IP address using the
AutoIP mechanism. In this case, the address is in the range 169.254.x.y (where x and
y are in the 0..255 range). If both server and client have started in this mode, they
should work correctly together but their IP addresses may be incompatible with other
devices on the network.1
The default DHCP identifier is LEnnnnnn (nnnnnn is the serial number of the product).2 You
can change this identifier with the GTNetMng tool or through the WEB interface as described
in part 1.2 and 2.2.
If you don’t have a DHCP server or you want to configure yourself the network parameters,
use the GTNetMng tool on the CDROM to change the network parameter. Please refer to
part 1.2 for more information.
* Don’t hesitate to contact your network administrator for the configuration of the
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced. He can help you to optimize your network installation
The default configuration for all the output cards is to deliver UTC time. The time received
from the synchronization input is directly sent to the output in UTC format.
Each card can be configured to output several local times. This configuration is done through
a WEB browser (see part 2).
For example, you may not have the possibility to configure the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced from a WEB
Some DHCP servers have the ability to copy the DHCP name into the DNS. In this case, you can
access the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced directly by its DHCP name instead of its IP address.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This part contains information for a full configuration of the product. It should be used for fine
network configuration and output cards set-up.
1. Network configuration
1.1. Default configuration
The LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced is configured to automatically take an IP address from a DHCP
server. At startup, the product broadcast a DHCP query to get an IP address. This query
contains a DHCP name. There are two cases:
• If a DHCP server is installed on the network, it record the DHCP name and return an
IP address. The LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced starts working with this address;
• If no DHCP server is installed, the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced automatically use a default
IP address in the range 169.254.x.y (where x and y are between 0 and 255).
The default DHCP identifier of the product is LEnnnnnn with nnnnnn, the serial number on
6 digits. The serial number is written on the identification stamp on the top or on the bottom
of the product.
The default SNMP name of the product (that can be seen from a SNMP browser (see part 6)
or from a WEB browser) is LediNetEnhnnnnnn with nnnnnn, the serial number on 6 digits.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Use the GTNetMng tool provided on the CDROM to configure your device:
n Insert the CDROM in the drive. Start the GTNetMng tool that is localized in
the directory Common\Configuration3
p Double-click on the line related to the product you want to configure. The
following panel is displayed:
q Set the network parameters and physical localization and click the Set!
For example, if your CD reader has letter E:, the GTNetMng tool is localized in
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
You don’t have to change any network setting for the following cases:
• You have a DHCP server and enough reserved IP address for the product;
• You don’t have a DHCP server but you don’t need to access to the device through its
WEB or SNMP interface. In this case, the AutoIP mechanism will automatically affect
an IP address but this address will probably be incompatible with your network.
Anyway if several devices work with AutoIP, they could works together.
Some DHCP servers have the capacity to register the device in the DNS. In this case, the
registered name is the DHCP identifier. Then, you can access to the device from your WEB
or SNMP browser. For example if you give the DHCP name ntpsrv1 to your LEDI 1/S/RK
Enhanced, you can simply type ntpsrv1 in the address field of your WEB browser.
If you have several products to install on your installation, it is highly recommended to follow
the following steps:
• Use the document provided in Appendix F – Additional documents (Summarized
installation view) and note the serial number and physical localization of each product
during the installation and connection;
• On a PC connected on the same network that the products and start GTNetMng. All
the GT products should appear with their serial number. Set the network parameter
and localization using the document filled at previous step.
• You can keep this document for further reference.
You can found the summarized installation view document in a WORD format on the
CD-ROM. Its full path is English\LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced\docs\installation.doc.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Your LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced is provided with up to 4 output cards. Each card acts as a kind
of translator that receives time from the synchronization input and generates specific time
You can freely use and copy the table Devices configuration in Appendix F – Additional
When you receive this product from Gorgy Timing, all the output cards are configured to
output UTC time and time is constant all along the year (no Day Saving Time correction).
The display is managed as an output cards and can be configured in the same way.
Open the WEB site of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced (see part 5). Click on the
button. The current configuration of your product appears at the screen:
In this screen you can tune each card independently (see page 22). When you have changed
the settings, click on the button. The modification should appear immediately at
the outputs or on the display.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
The front display interface can display up to 16 characters. Two buttons provides you with
display configuration and global reset. The LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced uses the front display to
show current time and different alarm condition.
1. Start-up conditions
During start-up, the time and date of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced are not valid and are not
displayed. Then, you can see the following texts:
• When the device start, all the dots of the displays are lightened;
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
• If there is no time code at the input, the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced displays the following
2. Time display
When no alarm is present and time code is present at the input of the LEDI 1/S/RK
Enhanced, the current time of the server is permanently displayed. The display alternatively
shows time and date as shown below:
• When display is configured to show UTC time, the following information are
alternatively displayed:
• When display is configured to show local time, the following information are
alternatively displayed:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
• When the time difference is too important, the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced try to rescale
its clock and display Rescaling.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
1. Presentation
The LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced can be configured and supervised through a WEB interface.
This interface provides you with the following features:
• Management of network parameters;
• Management of SNMP parameters;
• Management and diagnostic of output cards.
Each LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced has its own WEB server that delivers WEB pages. The WEB
site is a JAVA applet; if needed, you can find a JVM on the CDROM in the directory
To access the WEB site, type-in the address of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced in the address
field of your WEB browser (as shown below) and validate the input.4
It takes about 20 seconds to load of the JAVA applet. If the load fails, it can be for one of the
following reasons:
1. The IP address is invalid;
2. A network problem5 prevent your computer to contact the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced;
3. You don’t have a JVM engine installed on your computer.
For the first two reasons, you have to check for the IP address of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced
and your network configuration. For the last reason, you have to install the JVM (see
directory Common\JAVA on the CDROM).
If you have configured your LEDI Network Enhanced in DHCP mode and that your server
automatically register DHCP name in the DNS, you can also use the DHCP name instead of the IP
Try to “ping” the LEDI Network Enhanced. If the ping works correctly but you cannot open the WEB
site, check especially the configuration of your Internet Explorer.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This is the screen that appears when accessing the WEB site of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced.
The first four buttons at the left of the screen provide an access to the following panels:
1. Standard: information about the product and configuration of network parameters.
See part 2.2;
2. SNMP: configuration of SNMP parameters;
3. Output: diagnostic and configuration of output cards and display;
4. Input: offset from input time code, autonomy and autonomous running mode
The Set Up! button updates immediately the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced configuration. The
configuration is stored permanently in an EEPROM.
# Warning!
Some parameters cannot be modified without restarting the LEDI 1/S/RK
Enhanced. If you change these kind of parameters and click on the Set Up! button,
the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced restarts with the new parameters and needs some
seconds before re-enable its output and generate time code
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
When you click the Standard button, the network parameters and product information are
displayed as shown below:
In the top of the panel, you can control the network parameters and the WEB access
password. In the bottom of the panel, you have information about the product.
Network parameters
# Warning!
If you click on the Set Up! button after changing one or several network
parameter(s), the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced must restart to use the network
parameters. During the reset and a few seconds after, the output cards are
• IP mode
Indicate if the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced works with a fixed IP (set in the field IP
address) or use DHCP protocol (the DHCP identifier is set in the field DHCP
• IP address
Indicate the network address affected to the device. An IP address is made of four
numbers separated by a dot. Each number range from 0 to 255;
• DHCP identifier
Identifier to be used when the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced is configured in DHCP mode.
This identifier has 8 letters maximum. The default value is LEnnnnnn (where
nnnnnn is the serial number on 6 digits);
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
• Network submask
Indicate the width of the network you use. For example, a network submask indicates that only the last number change (in the example above,
address in the network can change between to;
• Gateway address
If you want the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced to communicate with devices outside the local
network, you must indicate a gateway;
• Without gateway
Check this box when you don’t have a gateway on your network (or don’t want to
use it);
Product information
• Firmware Î Description
Short text that describes which software is running on your product
If you configure several devices to communicate on the same network, you must have the same
network submask.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
If you want to protect access to the parameters of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced, you can
specify a password. This is done by enter the password twice in the area Enter password
and Confirm password (the same password in the two areas).
If you don’t want to protect the parameters, check the box Without password.
When a password is set, it will be asked to the user at the next connection. In this case, the
main screen looks like follows:
Status bar
The status bar is positioned on bottom of the WEB page. It gives information about the
server software. It contains the following information:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
When you click the SNMP button, the SNMP parameters are displayed as shown below:
The very standardized SNMP protocol provides a means to get information and alarms from
the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced.7 Access to this information (the MIB) can be “protected” by a
keyword that is the Community Name.
Alarms are sent to a SNMP browser localized on a computer identified by its IP address. Up
to 5 IP Trap address can be specified that allows the alarm monitoring from 5 different
Last, the SNMP related name, location and contact can be configured in this screen. This
information is stored in the system branch of the MIB and can be displayed in a SNMP
browser or in the GTNetMng tool (see part 1.2).
For convenience, alarms can be notified through the SYSLOG protocol that is more often
implemented under UNIX®.
See part 6 for more information about SNMP
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
• SYSLOG File Id
Identify the file to use on remote computer for SYSLOG protocol;
• Community name
A simple keyword that is needed in a SNMP browser to access SNMP information.
This keyword must have 8 letter at the most;
• System name
A text that you can use to give a name to the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced. This name
appears in the sysName variable of the system branch of the MIB. The initial value is
LediNetEnhnnnnnn (where nnnnnn is the serial number of the product);
• System location
A text that you can use to indicate the physical localization of the LEDI 1/S/RK
Enhanced. This name appears in the sysLocation variable of the system branch in
the MIB. There is no initial value.
• System contact
A text that you can use to indicate the person to contact for any problem related to
this LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced. This name appears in the sysContact variable of the
system branch in the MIB. There is no initial value.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
When you click on the Output button, the configuration of the output of the LEDI 1/S/RK
Enhanced is displayed as shown below:
This panel shows a synthetic view of the outputs of the product. The display is considered as
an output and is driven by a display card. A LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced can contain up to 4
output cards plus the display card.
The display and each output cards can be configured independently using the right cyan box.
When an output card is not present or in failure, its box doesn’t appear.
You can freely use and copy the table Devices configuration in Appendix F – Additional
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
The previous picture shows the configuration panel for an AFNOR/IRIG-B. In addition, the
description contains identification and version of the program embedded in the output card
(there, it’s the program NTPSAFN1, version 0252).
Each output card can be configured independently through the following parameters :
• Output deactivation
Except for the display, all the output cards can be deactivated. The deactivation has
the following effects :
o For ASCII+TOP card, the time frame is not generated and the TOP outputs
are in the open state;
o For AFNOR output, the carrier is not modulated.
o The ALARM output doesn’t generate warning signal.
o The 1000Hz output is not generated
• Time Zone
The “Time Zone” is a time offset that can be added or subtracted from the time
received through the synchronization input (which is converted into UTC time) to
generate local time. For example in France, local time is GMT + 1:00.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
You can configure here the period and the width of the TOP.
To configure the different alarm signals, choose an alarm type (no alarm,
synchronization failure, power failure or synchronization + power failure) then
set the period and width of the signal. You must do the same for each alarm
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
• SMPTE configuration :
- Select « Invert phase bit » if you want to invert the phase bit.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
If you select « Rescale everyday at… », you can choose the rescaling hour and
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
When you click on the Input button, the input configuration of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced is
displayed as shown below:
• Run autonomously
Check this box if you want that your LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced works autonomously,
independently of the time on input. Then press “Set Up!” : the device reboots, and
you can set the actual date like shown below. Validate your date by pressing “Set the
date” :
Note: this mode is useful for synchronization tests, or if you don’t have a
synchronization source. However, the date is not exact, and the accuracy is not
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
In some cases, the device is not synchronized on an UTC time source but on a local
time source for example. Then you need to configure the time zone from the
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and the Day Saving Time policy of the source.
For example in France, the local time is UTC+1 hour in winter and UTC+2 in summer.
Here is the needed configuration:
If you use an UTC time source, keep the “Local time on input” checkbox unchecked.
• Autonomy
If the time source is lost, the device can work in autonomous mode. When the
autonomy time end is reached, the device stops to provide time on his outputs. You
can choose the autonomous duration :
User defined : define yourself the autonomy duration. You can choose an infinite
autonomy to avoid synchronization losses in your installation.
Note: don’t forget to press the “Set Up!” button after each change you make!
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
1. Presentation
The LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced provides a SNMP v1 interface for fine monitoring and
diagnostic. The SNMP protocol allows the supervision of a device through the network. Two
kind of information are available through a SNMP interface:
• A set of variables that can be read. These variables are stored together in a database
(MIB) organized in a hierarchical way. The variables are set by the software to reflect
its internal states;
• Some traps that can be generated by the software to indicate important state
Private MIBs are described with .MIB files. A .MIB file is provided on the CDROM in the
directory English\LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced\MIB:
• The file GtNtpOutBus.mib contains the description of the information related to the
output cards and the display – Localization in the MIB:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
General information
General information
Short description of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced device.
Version and release date of the NTP server firmware
Serial number of the Ethernet interface (unique for each device)
Address of the Ethernet interface (MAC address)
A text bound with each generated trap. It contains the text bound to the last generated
A text that gives the reason of the last RESET.
true(1) if there is no time code and that the NTP output is deactivated
false(0) if the time code is present or the NTP server software can guarantee the
accuracy; NTP output is activated
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
true(1) if a time difference too important has been detected between the NTP software
clock and the time returned by the hardware ; for security reasons, the NTP
server is currently locked
false(0) if no significant time difference has been detected
true(1) if the software has been locked by a user
false(0) if the software is not locked by a user
A text that gives the amount of the difference between NTP software clock and
hardware time that leads to a security lock
unit: second
true(1) if the NTP server software is currently rescaling on the hardware. During
rescaling stage, the NTP server don’t reply to clients
false(0) if no rescaling in progress
A text that gives the required accuracy for this NTP software (related to the time
provided by the hardware)
unit: seconds
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced: this accuracy is fixed to 0.24414 ms (4096-1 s)
A text that gives the maximum accepted difference between software clock and
hardware time before locking the server
unit: seconds
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced: this value is initialised to 65535.0 seconds
Total number of received NTP requests (in fact all the requests received on port 123).
When this counter reaches 32767, it reloops to 0.
Number of rejected NTP requests. A request can be rejected if it bad-formed, encryption
is invalid or the NTP server is locked. When this counter reaches 32767, it reloops to 0.
Shows an approximation of the average number of requests per seconds.
Total number of received TCP Time requests. When this counter reaches 32767, it
reloops to 0.
Total number of received UDP Time requests. When this counter reaches 32767, it
reloops to 0.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
It gives information on an external time reference used by the hardware (for example an
notapplicable(2) if there is no information on external time reference
true(1) if the hardware is correctly synchronized on its external time reference
false(0) if the hardware is not synchronized on its external time reference (out of radio
Number of seconds since beginning of synchronisation lose or duration of last
synchronisation lose
Current stratum level. This is the value returned to the NTP client.
This value can change when the synchronisation is lost depending on the policy
defined in the setup.
Moreover, the default value can be changed through the setup.
Current LI value. This is the value returned to the NTP client.
This value can change when the synchronisation is lost depending on the policy
defined in the setup.
true(1) if the NTP software is using its own clock to deliver time through the NTP
false(0) if the NTP software is using time code from its synchronisation input
If ntpSrvAutonomous=false, give number of seconds that the server can works
without time code at its input
If ntpSrvAutonomous=true, give number of remaining seconds before stopping
synchronizing equipment through NTP
Other texts are possible (for example when there is no possible autonomy)
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
The MIB describes which card is detected and what is the configuration for the cards. All the
output cards and the display are connected to a same output bus.
o ntpOutBusCardIndex:
Index of this entry (i.e card address). This value can have a value from 1 to 8
(for output cards) or 9 (for display);
o ntpOutBusCardState:
The state of the card. It can be detected that indicate that the card works
correctly, failure if the card don’t reply or scrambled if the reply from the card
is incorrect;
o ntpOutBusCardType:
Type of the card (see Appendix E – Data - Stamp contents for a list of the
possible output cards types);
o ntpOutBusCardDescription:
A textual description of the card;
o ntpOutBusCardActivation:
Indicate if the output of the card activated or deactivated (this feature can be
controlled from the WEB interface). If the card cannot be deactivated, this field
has the value notapplicable;8
o ntpOutBusCardTimeZone:
Time-zone for this output. This is displayed as an offset from universal time.
This setting can be changed from the WEB interface;
for example the display cannot be deactivated
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
o ntpOutBusCardDayLightSavingPolicy:
Indicate which day saving time policy is used. If there is no DST, this field has
the value <none>. This setting can be changed from the WEB interface;
o ntpOutBusCardDayLighSavingCurrent:
Indicate if Day Saving Time is in effect (value summertime) or not (value
wintertime). If Day Saving Time is not activated, this field has the value
o ntpOutBusCardTotalOffset:
Indicate current total offset from UTC.
Here is an example of the description of the output cards displayed in a SNMP browser:
7 ntpSrvFailure Failure: no more time code and the time base has
no more autonomy
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This appendix contains a description of the different connectors of the LEDI 1/S/RK
Enhanced. All the plugs are localized on the backside of the product.
The backside of the product has a standard power supply plug, the Ethernet RJ45 plug and a
RESET button as shown below:
The Ethernet connector and the RESET button are the same. Only the
power supply plug is different.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Connector pins for TTL input : Connector pins for RS422 input :
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
The output connector is localized on the back side of the rack and is shown below:
Here is the pin-out of the connector (the same signal is generated on outputs ½ and ¾) :
Output 1 Output 2
1 2 3 4
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This card has its outputs on a 4 points plug and a BNC connector. The RS422 AFNOR code
is available on the 4 points output :
Tx/Rx + Tx/Rx -
1 2 3 4
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
RS-232 line
driver RS-232 output
RS-485 line RS-485 output
driver TX-
The ASCII DB9 connector is localized on the backside of the rack and is shown below.
Connector pin-out for RS232 : Connector pin-out for RS485 and RS422 :
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6
The pulse (TOP) output is described below :
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
8.1. Pin-out
The 4 points plug on the ASCII and ALARM cards can provide a configurable time pulse or
synch/power alarm pulse.
1 2 3 4
1 +
Power V max = 60 Volts
- Supply
pulse 2
WARNING : You must ensure that i = < 130mA
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
2 Hot
Located on the output card, this switch is used to set the rising and falling edges to the
desired standard.
Level output:
Using the P1 potentiometer located on the output card, adjust the output code to the desired
This card has its output on a 4 points plug and a BNC socket:
- The 4 points plug provides a low impedance output available for a 4/8 Ohms
4 – 8 Ohms
1 2 3 4
- The BNC socket provides a 50 Ohms sinusoidal output (Level 6,6 dBm)
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This appendix contains a description of the time code used for the different kind of outputs.
By using the WEB interface, you can choose another protocol and set the transmission
parameters as you want.
Gorgy Uni:
- Uni-directional mode
- The ASCII frame is generated every second at the same time than the PPS.
- The size of this frame is 24 characters with following format:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Gorgy Bi:
- Bi-directional mode
- The ASCII frame is generated on receipt of ‘D’ ASCII character.
- The size of this frame is 27 characters with following format:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
- Uni-directional mode
- The ASCII frame is generated every second at the same time than the PPS.
- The size of this frame is 32 characters with following format:
STX ‘D’ : 10D D . 10M M . 10Y Y ; ‘T’ : W ; ‘U’ : 10H H . 10m m . 10S S ; # * EH ! ETX
- Uni-directional mode
- The ASCII frame is generated every second at the same time than the PPS.
- The size of this frame is 15 characters with following format:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
- Uni-directional mode
- The hexadecimal frame is generated at the end of the second number two of each minute
- The parameters must be set to “1200,8,E,2” in RS232 mode only, so that the last
character of the frame is synchronized with the PPS.
- A RS232 level pulse (DPE) is generated at the same time than the frame
- A specific pin-out of the DB9 connector is defined for this protocol: 1, 3 = GND; 6 = TXD;
7 = DPE; Other pins are not connected.
- The size of this frame is 12 characters with following format:
EH90- FF:
- The same protocol as above with an additional character (value = $FF) which is added at
the beginning of the frame.
- The size of this frame is 13 character with the following format:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
- Bi-directional mode
- After the receipt of one ‘C’ ASCII character, the ASCII frame is generated every second at
the same time than the PPS. This size of this frame is 16 characters with following format:
- Uni-directional mode
- The ASCII frame is generated every second at the same time than the PPS.
- A RS232 level pulse is generated at the same time than the PPS on the pin number 7 of
the DB9 connector.
- The size of this frame is 16 characters with following format:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
‘H’ CR
- The returned frame is exactly the same as the “OLD BHL Uni” protocol.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
The signal is modulated only on ‘B’ card. The ‘T’ card output signal has TTL level.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
P3 M
year 40 80
20 control bits
8 0
month 8 50 10
2 J+1 =JF
1 JF
4 ES
day of week
2 E/H
(1= monday ; 7= sunday)
1 HE
20 40 20 HH
10 "0"
8 "1"
4 1
2 2
day of month 30 4
1 P2
20 10
10 8 40 20
4 2 1 P1 minutes
J Current day
JF State holiday
ES Standby transmitter used
E/H Indicates a seasonal changeover on the next hour
HE Summer time
HH Winter time
P1, P2, P3 Parity bits
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This section tries to answer to most frequent question concerning the use of your device.
First, ensure that the GTNetManager software and a SUN JAVA Virtual Machine 1.4.2_X
minimum are installed on your computer.
1. At least one LED above the Ethernet plug must be set or blinking. Otherwise, there is a
network connexion problem, or a power problem.
2. If you use several VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network), verify that the device is on the
same VLAN than your computer.
3. Verify that the IP address of your computer and the one of the server are in the same
range. The network mask should be identical.
The default IP configuration of the server is in DHCP mode. If DHCP is set, see below.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
The server asks the DHCP server for an IP address at start-up. Maybe the server
started before being connected to the network. Start-up again the server and try
You can eventually download a DHCP server on Internet (
Otherwise see below to continue without DHCP.
5. When no DHCP server is reachable, the server takes automatically an IP address in the
range 169.254.x.y. You need to change your computer IP to the same range (for
example and a network mask You can eventually use a cross
You can now configure your server through the WEB page.
The server is maybe in fixed IP address mode.
The physical address (MAC) of the Ethernet interface is written on the bottom. It is a 12-
hexadecimal number (for example 00-20-4a-82-8c-1d).
The server is fixed temporarily at the IP address You can now configure its IP
address through the WEB page or GtNetManager.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Your computer and the server should have the same IP range and the same network
See previous question.
3. Has the page been found by the browser (the loading begins but fails after a while) ?
WEB page is reachable, but the browser is unable to load it. Open a TELNET
Proceed to a “Factory Default”, then “Quit and save”. Refresh the WEB page.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
1. Press ‘F5’ to refresh the WEB page, and go back to output panel. If the output is still
missing, see next point.
Proceed to a “Factory Default”, then “Quit and save”. Refresh the WEB page.
3. If the output is still missing, open the device. Check the black cables connections and the
switches configurations (see Appendix D – MAINTENANCE / Output card switches
Notice : in case of GPS synchronization and OCXO oscillator, wait 20 minutes during the
warm up of the OCXO and the satellites discovery.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Battery checking
Open the product with the screw driver, the battery is located between the power supply card
and the display card
Synch. input
Output N
Output 2
Output 1
… Supply
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
If you need to add an output card or if an output seems to be in failure (do not appear in the
WEB page), open the device and verify the switch configuration on the output cards:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 outputs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 outputs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 outputs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The 8th switch of each card allows you to test the card by forcing the signal on output. Don’t
forget to put it OFF again after testing!
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
3. Updating Firmware
Firmware updates and releases notes for GORGY TIMING devices can be downloaded
directly from GORGY TIMING WEB site (
This tool only runs on a PC running Windows 98, NT, 2000 or XP.
The upgrade is an auto-extractable executable. The name of this tool has the following
For example, for an update of the LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced from any version 2 to the version
2.11, the update file shall have the name ledinetwork_upgrade_2xx_211.exe.
Download the update executable and run it from your computer or execute it directly from the
WEB site. The following window appears at the screen :
Click on the Start button to extract all the files needed for the update. When the extraction is
terminated, the tool GTNetMng is automatically started.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
When all the files have been extracted correctly, the tool start automatically.
More information
about the update
Click on this
button to see a
description of the
To really start the update, enter the IP address of the product in the field IP address and
click on the UPDATE ! button. The update process start immediately.
When a problem occurs, an error message is displayed. Check the following points:
• The product to update must be accessible through your network from the PC used to
run GTUpdate ;
• check that the IP address is valid, compatible with those of your PC and that it’s really
the address of a Gorgy Timing product;
• Check that the product to update is powered.
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
1. Measurements
The rack is a standard 19” 1U rack. Here are its dimensions:
424 mm
1U = 44 mm
482 mm
263 mm
2. Specifications
Power requirement 230 V AC Maximum: 0,1 A max,
Typical : 20 mA plus 2mA per output
115V AC Maximum : 0,2 A max,
Typical : 40 mA plus 4mA per output
18-72V DC Maximum : 0,6-0,15 A max
Typical : 250mA plus 25 mA per output (18V)
62mA plus 7 mA per output (72V)
Environmental Operating Temperature: 5 to 50°C (41 to 122°F)
Storage Temperature: -40 to 66°C (-40 to 151°F)
Electrical autonomy 4 hours on internal battery
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
Protocols supported ARP, UDP, TCP, Telnet, ICMP, SNMP, DHCP, TFTP, HTTP,
Network interface 10Base-T with RJ-45 interface
Management SNMP, WEB server, Telnet, ENDMI
Upgrade Possible through a TFTP server
Memory ROM: 512K, RAM: 128K, EEPROM: 2K
3. Stamp contents
The stamp that identifies the product is localized on the top or on the backside of the product.
It contains the following information :
CODE 9213/optX
N° SERIE nnnnnn
The third line contains the serial number on 6 digits (nnnnnn). The second line contains a
description of the product:
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
9213 /
TDF (France Inter) receiver signal 8 F
DCF 77 (Germany) receiver signal 8 D
1 KHz modulated AFNOR NFS 87500/IRIG B input clock 8 8
DCLS AFNOR NFS 87500/IRIG B (TTL or RS422) 8 T
GPS receiver – TCXO oscillator (Fit with option antenna) µ 9 N
230 VAC/50-60Hz 0
115 VAC/50-60Hz 1
18-72 VDC µ 9
None µ 0
GPS Bullet active antenna 35 dB + 25m of cable µ Q
GPS Bullet active antenna 35 dB + 40m of cable µ R
GPS Bullet active antenna 35 dB + 60m of cable µ S
GPS Bullet active antenna 35 dB + 80m of cable µ V
Dry contact alarm in case of absence of input signal or mains cut G
4 Beeps audio 1000 Hz H
SMPTE-EBU time code (LTC 12M-1999 format) (EBU/UER LTC
3097 format) with GENLOCK/Blackburst input
For example, the 92138/890A code identifies a LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced with 18/72V Direct
Current power supply, an IRIG-B/AFNOR synchronization input, and an ASCII RS232 +TOP
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
LEDI 1/S/RK Enhanced FOR19/A/466N
This appendix contains some documents that can be useful to manage a set of GT products
in your installation. Each document is a table that you can freely copy and distribute:
• Installation description: you can use this table to make a synthetic view of all your
• Device configuration: you can use this table to record for each device what is the
standard configuration of outputs and display.
Summarized installation view
Installation description
Installation date
Installation description
Installation date