Mfelab PDF
Mfelab PDF
Mfelab PDF
To empower the students with fundamentals for successful
career in the field of Mechanical Engineering
To continue their education through post-graduation,
research & development
To provide service to the society
Study of a FEA package and analysis of;
a) Trusses
b) Bars of constant cross section area, tapered cross section area and stepped bar.
c) Beams -Simply supported, cantilever, beams with UDL, and beams with varying load etc.
d) Stress analysis of a rectangular plate with a circular hole, axisymmetric problems.
e) Dynamic Analysis
1) Fixed -fixed beam for natural frequency determination
2) Bar subjected to forcing function
3) Fixed -fixed beam subjected to forcing function
a) Thermal Analysis -2D problem with conduction and convection boundary conditions
b) Fluid flow Analysis -Potential distribution in the 2 -D bodies
1.ANSYS Workbench Tutorial Release 14, Structural and Thermal Analysis Using Ansys
Mechanical APDL Release 14 Environment, Kent Lawrence, Schroff Development Corporation,
2.Practical Finite Element Analysis,Nitin S. Gokhale, Sanjay S. Despande, Dr. Anand N. Thite,
Finite To Infinite, ISBN 978-81-906195-0-9, E-mail: [email protected], Website:
3. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS USING ANSYS®, SrinivasPaleti, Sambana, Krishna
Chaitanya, Datti, Rajesh Kumar, PHI Publication, ISBN: 978-81-203-4108-1
Online course:
1.‘A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations’ by Cornell University.Learn how to
analyze real-world engineering problems using ANSYS simulation software and gain important
professional skills sought by employers.
danger in using computer programs without proper understanding of the theory behind
them, and that is one of the reactions to have a thorough understanding of tile theory
behind the Finite Element Method.
• Easily applied to complex, irregular shaped objects composed of several different
materials and having complex boundary conditions.
• Applied to steady state time dependent, Eigen Value problems.
• Applicable to linear and non-linear problems.
• Number of general-purpose FEM packages are available.
• FEM can be coupled to CAD programs to facilitate Solid modeling and mesh
• Many FEM software packages feature GUI interfaces, automeshers and
sophisticated post processors and graphics to speed the analysis and makes Pre
and post processing more user friendly.
Structural Analysis involves determining the stresses and strains in a structure, when
subjected to a variety of loading conditions, under static or dynamic conditions. The term structural
(or structure) implies not only naval, aeronautical and mechanical structures such as ship hulls,
aircraft bodies and machine housings, as well as mechanical components such as pistons, machine
parts, and tools but also civil engineering structures such as bridges and buildings.
The primary unknowns (nodal degrees of freedom) calculated in a structural analysis are
displacements. Other quantities, such as strains, stresses, and reaction forces are then derived from
the nodal displacement
The large size problems handled by modern digital computers connected with static and
dynamic analysis of complicated structures are generally of the form
•• •
M u + C u + K u = F (t )
Where [M] is the global mass matrix, [C] the global damping matrix and [K] the global stiffness
matrix. {F(t)} is a given forcing function vector in time, { } is the resultant acceleration vector,
and {u} represent its velocity and displacement vectors respectively. Generally, [M], [C] and [K] are
banded. Depending upon the nature of these coefficients, the problems are classified as static,
dynamic, linear and non-linear. The following are some of the specific classifications:
• When [C] = 0, [M] = 0, [K] and {F (t)} are constants, the result is a static linear problem.
• When [M] and [C] are absent, and [K] is a function of {u} and {F (t)} a constant the result is
a non-linear static problem.
• If {F (t)} and [C] are absent, and [M] and [K] are constants, it is an Eigen value problem.
• If [M], [C] and [K] are constants and {F(t)} is a periodic forcing function, the result is a
multi-degree of freedom steady state vibration problem
• If [M], [C] and [K] are constants and {F(t)} is a function of time, the result is a transient
vibration problem.
Static structural Analysis - Used to determine displacements, stresses, etc. under static loading
conditions which includes both linear and nonlinear characteristics. Nonlinearities can include
plasticity, stress stiffening, large deflection, large strain, hyper-elasticity, contact surfaces, and creep.
External excitations as well as the response of the system are time invariant. Inertial forces and
dissipative forces are neglected. If the highest frequency component of excitation is less than about
one-third the lowest fundamental frequency of the system, a static analysis is usually assumed to be
Dynamic Analysis
In dynamic analysis, external excitation and the response are time dependent. The different
types of dynamic are:
Modal Analysis - Used to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure. Different
mode extraction methods are available.
Transient Dynamic Analysis - Used to determine the response of a structure to arbitrarily time-
varying loads. All nonlinearities mentioned under Static Analysis are allowed.
Harmonic Analysis - Used to determine the response of a structure to harmonically time-varying
Spectrum Analysis - An extension of the modal analysis, used to calculate stresses and strains due
to a response spectrum or a PSD input (random vibrations).
In this approach, the entire solution domain is divided into small finite segments
(hence the name ‘finites elements’). Over each element, the behavior is described by
the differential governing equations. All these small elements are assembled together
and the requirements of continuity and equilibrium are satisfied between neighboring
elements. Provided that the boundary conditions of the actual problem are satisfied, a
unique solution can be obtained to the overall system of linear algebraic equations
(with a sparsely populated solution matrix).
The FE method is very suitable for practical engineering problem of complex
geometries. To obtain good accuracy in regions of rapidly changing variables, a large
number of finite elements must be used.
requirements. In general, the solution or the interpolation model is taken in the form
of a polynomial.
(I.e. define the behavior of variables in each element by suitable shape function.
Choose the displacement at each nodal point as the unknown variable and use the
shape functions to describe how the geometry and variables change across each
element. For example; linear or quadratic. Higher the order of the shape function,
more nodal points are assigned to the element. Accuracy of the solutions can be
improved either by using large number of simple elements – H convergence or
increasing the order of the shape functions - P convergence).
Step 8: Computation of element strains and stress
From the known nodal displacements {Q}, if required, the element strains and
stresses can be computed by using the necessary equations of solid or structural
mechanics. Also the reactions can be computed.
The terminology used in the above steps has to be modified if we want to extend
the concept to other fields. For example, we have to use the term continuum or domain
in the place of structure, field variable in place of displacement, characteristic matrix in
place of stiffness matrix, and element resultants in place of element strains.
In general, a finite element solution may be broken into the following three stages.
This is a general guideline that can be used for setting up any finite element analysis:
➢ Plasticity
➢ Creep
➢ Swelling
• Special geometric effects can be modeled
➢ Large displacements
➢ Large Rotations
Errors in FEM analysis can come at any of the following stages of the process:
• Error during conversion of mathematical model to solid model
• Descretization error
• Solution error
• There are three main component products derived from ANSYS Multiphysics:
– ANSYS Mechanical – structural & thermal capabilities
– ANSYS Emag – electromagnetics
– ANSYS FLOTRAN – CFD capabilities
• Other product lines:
– ANSYS LS-DYNA – for highly nonlinear structural problems
– ANSYS Professional – linear structural and thermal analyses, a subset of
ANSYS Mechanical capabilities
ANSYSDesign Space – linear structural and steady state thermal analyses, a subset of
ANSYS Mechanical capabilities in the Workbench Environment.
• Structural analysis: is used to determine deformations, strains, stresses, and
Reaction forces.
• Static analysis:
–Used for static loading conditions.
–Nonlinear behavior such as large deflections, large strain, contact, plasticity,
hyper elasticity, and creep can be simulated.
• Dynamic analysis:
–Includes mass and damping effects.
–Modal analysis calculates natural frequencies and mode shapes.
–Harmonic analysis determines a structure’s response to sinusoidal loads of
known amplitude and frequency.
–Transient Dynamic analysis determines a structure’s response to time-varying
loads and can include nonlinear behavior.
• Other structural capabilities
–Spectrum analysis
–Random vibrations
–Eigen value buckling
–Substructuring, submodeling
• Explicit Dynamics with ANSYS/LS-DYNA:
–Intended for very large deformation simulations where inertia forces are
–Used to simulate Impact, crushing, rapid forming, etc.
• Thermal analysis: is used to determine the temperature distribution in an object.
Other quantities of interest include amount of heat lost or gained, thermal gradients,
and thermal flux. All three primary heat transfer modes can be simulated:
Conduction, convection, radiation.
• Steady-State – Time dependent effects are ignored.
• Transient - To determine temperatures, etc. as a function of time.
–Allows phase change (melting or freezing) to be simulated.
• Electromagnetic analysis: is used to calculate magnetic fields in electromagnetic
• Static and low-frequency electromagnetics:
–To simulate devices operating with DC power sources, low-frequency AC, or
low-frequency transient signals.
–Example: solenoid actuators, motors, transformers
–Quantities of interest include magnetic flux density, field intensity, magnetic
forces and torques, impedance, inductance, eddy currents, power loss, and flux
• Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD):–To determine the flow distributions and
temperatures in a fluid.
–ANSYS/FLOTRAN can simulate laminar and turbulent flow, compressible and
incompressible flow, and multiple species.
–Applications: aerospace, electronic packaging, automotive design.
–Typical quantities of interest are velocities, pressures, temperatures, and film
CHAPTER 3: Working in ANSYS
3.1 Opening ANSYS SESSION:
Ansys can be opened in Windows Operating System through
❖ Start>programs>Ansys18>Interactive
❖ Start>programs>Ansys18>Run Interactive
❖ Start>programs>Ansys18>Batch
The Interactive Option is used in the very beginning of Ansys Session to set
➢ Working Directory
➢ Default File Name
➢ Graphics driver
➢ Data Space
➢ Workspace
➢ Menus to be visible
➢ Command Line Arguments
Run-Interactive directly opens the Ansys Graphical user Interface (GUI)
Batch Utility is used to run the Programs Background.
3.2 ANSYS Menu:
1. This menu contains all important options as follows
The file contains
• Clear & Start: To clear the database &Start a new job
• Resume from: To resume the previously stored job
• Save as: Save the database as filename.db
• Read Input from: if input is taken from Outside
programmed file
• Switch Output: To external file or by default files in *.iges
format is supported without any additional software. BY
CATIA,UG,PRO-E you can import the geometry
• Export: To export to use in other software’s.
• Exit: To close the Ansys Session.
b) Select: This is very important option for viewing the results or applying the
boundary conditions. The parts of the model can be selected and can
manipulate for data. This option contains
➢ Entities: Entities to be selected like key points, lines, nodes, elements,
areas, volumes, etc
➢ Components: Naming and grouping the selected components.
➢ Everything: Selecting only that part
➢ Everything below: Selecting the entities below that.
c) List: This option can be used to listing the elements, nodes, volumes, forces,
displacements etc.
d) Plot: This option is used to plot the areas, volumes, nodes, elements etc.
e) Plot Controls: This option is very important and contains
➢ Pan Zoom Rotate: It opens another menu through which zooming and
rotation of the model is possible.
➢ View Setting: By default Z plane is perpendicular to the viewer. By this
view option, view settings can be changed.
➢ Numbering: this is useful for setting on/off the entity numbering
➢ Symbols: to view the applied translations, forces, pressures, etc. this
option should be used to set them on.
➢ Style: Sectioning, vector arrow sizing and real structural appearances is
possible through this.
➢ Window Controls: Window positioning 9 Layout) is possible with this.
➢ Animate: Animation can be done for the output data using this.
➢ Device Options: Wireframe models can be observed through this.
➢ Hard Copy: data can be sent either to printer or any external file.
➢ Capture Image: To capture the graphics window output to a *.bmp
➢ Multiplot Window Layout: To view the results in more than one
f) Work plane: By default Z Plane is perpendicular for data input. For any changes
in the global X,Y & Z planes, the workplane should be rotated to
create the model or view the results.
g) Parameters: These are the scalar parameters represented with values.
Eg: b=10
h) Macros: These are grouping of Ansys commands to fulfill particular work. These
can be taken equivalent to C, C++ & Java Functions.
i) Menu Controls: This can be used to set on/off the menus.
j) Help: For all the help files related to commands and topics
2. Main Menu:
This menu contains
➢ Pre-processor: This sub option can be used to build and mesh the model
through proper element selection and boundary conditions.
➢ Solution: this option can be used solve the matrix equation through proper
➢ Post Processor: This option is used to interpret the results.
➢ Design Optimization: This option is used to optimize the structure.
➢ Time History Processor: For dynamic problems, results can be viewed
through this option.
➢ Run Stats: This option can be used to find the status of the model, time it
take s for execution, computer processor capabilities, wave front size etc.
4. Tool Bar: This contains options like saving the file, resuming the file database,
Quitting the Ansys session and Graphics Type.
5. Graphics Window: This is where the model creation and plotting of results carried
6. Output Window: This shows the status of the work being carried out.
Although the cursor appears as a point on the screen,
it actually represents a line through space, normal to the
screen. In order to define an imaginary plane that, when
intersected by the normal line of the cursor, will yield a
unique point in space. This imaginary plane is called a
working plane.
Working plane is an infinite plane with an origin, a 2d
Coordinate system, a snap increment and a display grid. You
can define only one working plane at a time. (Creating a new
working plane eliminates the existing working plane). The
working plane is separate from the co-ordinate systems; for
example; the working plane can have a different plane of
origin and rotation than the active coordinate system. Work
plane can be positioned wherever required and model can be
The ANSYS program has several types of coordinate systems, each used for a different
➢ Global and local coordinate systems are used to locate geometry items (nodes, key
points, etc.) in space.
➢ The display coordinate system determines the system in which geometry items are
listed or displayed.
➢ The nodal coordinate system defines the degree of freedom directions at each node
and the orientation of nodal results data.
➢ The element coordinate system determines the orientation of material properties
and element results data.
➢ The results coordinate system is used to transform nodal or element results data to
a particular coordinate system for listings, displays, or general postprocessing
operations (POST1).
SCALAR PARAMETERS: These are useful to change the model dimensions at any
time. These are useful when macros or batch programs are coded. For example in b
= 10, b is considered as scalar parameter. For optimization the model should be
represented in scalar parameters. There is another way t set parameters is *b = 10
and can be changed any time.
MACROS: These are grouping of commands for particular purpose. These are
equivalent to functions in C and sub-routines in FORTRAN. They are very powerful and
are based on APDL (Ansys Parametric Design Language). To get expertise with Ansys,
one should be through with usage of Macros.
MODELING: this is the important step of creating the physical object in the system.
They are two types of modeling in Ansys.
➢ Direct Modeling
➢ Solid Modeling
SOLID MODELING: Models are directly created either using Ansys Preprocessor or
imported from popular CAD software’s like Mechanical Desktop, ProE, CATIA, SOLID
WORKS, etc. Once the structural model is created, by using mesh tool, the model can
be meshed and problem can be solved by applying the boundary conditions. In Ansys
Solid Modeling is carried out using two methods:
Top Down Approach : A 3D Model can be created directly using the Volumes. Once
Volumes are created, all the entities below the volumes (areas, lines, key points) are
automatically created. This approach is easy but can be applied to simple problems.
GRAPHICS DISPLAY: There are two methods available for graphic displays.
➢ Full mode display: This option can be used with all the elements.
➢ Power Graphics: Power graphics method is the default when Ansys GUI is on.
This method is valid for all the element types except for circuit elements. Power
graphics method offers significantly faster performance than the full mode
ELEMENT TABLE: The primary data results are directly available for all elements in
post processor. The secondary data or derived data (stresses, strains, Von mises
stress, principal stress, etc.) is available only for solid elements. The problems where
solid model is created and meshed) directly through nodal solution results in the post
processor, but not available to line elements like (beam, link, etc.). To get the
secondary data for line elements, we need to define the element table for the
particular element to get the required data. For example to get axial stress for the link
element, you must go to Ansys help, type link180 and see the link180 definitions and
sequence no. for the link1. Through the post processor you have to create element
table > define > by sequence no. – LS1 and plot > element tables > LS1 gives the
axial stress for the problem.
Save Analysis Pan-Zoom-Rotate
Image Capture
New Analysis
Picking & Plotting
• In this course you will be using geometrical entities such as volumes, areas, lines
and keypoints as well as FEA entities such as nodes and elements. This chapter
introduces the following techniques used to display and manipulate those entities
within the GUI:
❖ Plotting
❖ Picking
❖ Select Logic
❖ Components and Assemblies
•It is often advantageous to plot only certain
entities in the model.
•Within the Utility Menu > Plot, you will see that
geometric, finite element and other entities
can be plotted.
•With Multi-Plots, a combination of entities
can be plotted.
The PlotCtrls menu is used to control how the plot is displayed:
–plot orientation
•Among these, changing the plot
orientation (/VIEW)and zooming
are the most commonly
used functions.
•The default view for a model is the front view: looking down the +Z axis of the
model. There are several methods to change the model view.
•Use dynamic mode — a way to orient the plot dynamically using the Control key
and mouse buttons.
–Ctrl + Left mouse button pans the model.
–Ctrl + Middle mouse button: zooms the model
spins the model (about screen Z)
–Ctrl + Right mouse button rotates the model:
about screen X
about screen Y
Note, the Shift-Right button on a two-button mouse is equivalent to the Middle
mouse button on a three-button mouse.
e the Model Control Toolbar Icons to change the view.
•The Model Control Toolbar also includes a dynamic rotate option.3.3 Picking
•Picking allows you to identify model entities or locations by
clicking in the Graphics Window.
•A picking operation typically involves the use of the mouse
and a picker menu. It is indicated by a + sign on the menu.
•For example, you can create keypoints by picking locations
in the Graphics Window and then pressing OK in the picker.
Two types of picking: Example of
•Retrieval picking Retrieval Exam
–Picking existing entities for a subsequent Picker
ple of
–Allows you to enter entity numbers in the Locat
Picker Window. ional
–Use the Pick All button to indicate all
entities. Picke
•Locational picking r
–Locating coordinates of a point, such as a
keypoint or node.
–Allows you to enter coordinates in the
Picker Window.
•Note, you must hit the <Enter>
•Why this is important: When you are required to “pick” an entity, you must pick on
the hotspot.
–Show locational picking by creating a few keypoints. Also show the use of middle and
right mouse buttons.
–Show retrieval picking by creating a few lines
–Show “Loop” by creating an AL area
–Show “Pick All” by deleting area only
–Do KPLOT, LPLOT, etc. with and without numbering. Type in a few of these
–Show the use of pan-zoom-rotate
•Suppose you wanted to do the following:
–Plot all areas located in the second quadrant
–Delete all arcs of radius 0.2 to 0.3 units
–Apply a convection load on all exterior lines
–Write out all nodes at Z=3.5 to a file
–View results only in elements made of steel
The common “theme” in these tasks is that they all operate on a subset of
the model.
•Select Logic allows you to select a subset of entities and operate only on those
•Three steps:
–Select a subset
–Perform operations on the subset
–Reactivate the full set
Selecting Subsets
•Most selecting tools are available
in the Select Entities dialog box: Entity to select
Utility Menu > Select > Entities...
Select None
Operations on the Subset
•Typical operations are applying loads, listing results
for the subset, or simply plotting the selected entities.
–The advantage of having a subset selected is that you can
use the [Pick All] button when the picker prompts you pick
desired entities.Or you can use the ALL label when using
–Note that most operations in ANSYS, including the
SOLVE command, act on the currently selected subset.
•Another “operation” is to assign a name to the selected
subset by creating a component (discussed in the
next section).
Reactivating the Full Set
•After all desired operations are done on the selected subset, you should
reactivate the full set of entities.
–y to reactivate the full set is to select “everything”:
–Utility Menu > Select > Everything–Or issue the command ALLSEL
You can also use the [Sele All] button in the Select Entities dialog box to
reactivate each entity set separately. (Or issue KSEL, ALL; LSEL,ALL; etc.)
•Components are user-named subsets of entities. The name can then be used in
dialog boxes or commands in place of entity numbers or the label ALL.
•A group of nodes, or elements, or keypoints, or lines, or areas, or volumes can be
defined as a component. Only one entity type is associated with a component.
•Components can be selected or unselected. When you select a component, you are
actually selecting all of the entities in that component.
•Component Manager is used to Create, Display, List and Select Components and
•Creating a component
–Utility Menu > Select > Component Manager–Click on the Create Component
•All of the currently selected entities will be included in the component, or you can
select (pick) the desired entities at this step.
•Enter a name
–Up to 32 characters - letters, numbers, and _ (underscore) - are allowed
–Beginning a component with _ (underscore) will make it a “hidden component” and it
cannot be picked from the list. This is NOT recommended.
–Suggestion: Use the first letter of the name to indicate the entity type. For example,
use N_HOLES for a node component.
•Creating an assembly
–Highlight the components for the assembly
–Click on the Create Assembly Icon and enter a name
–Checking the box next to a component under the assembly number will also put a
component in an assembly
In the Component Manager above, N_OUTER and N_INNER are in the ASSM_NODES
(ASM1) assembly. ASSM_NODES is in the ASSM_2 (ASM2) assembly.
Chapter 4: General Procedure in FEM
4.3 Which Element Type?
•What element type should be used for the model of the spherical tank?
–Axisymmetric model:•Axisymmetric since 2-D section can be revolved to created 3D
geometry. •Linear due to small displacement assumption.
–PLANE42 with KEYOPT (3) = 1
–Rotational symmetry model:
•Shell since radius/thickness ratio > 10
•Linear due to small displacement assumption.
•membrane stiffness only option since “membrane stresses” are required.
–SHELL63 with KEYOPT (1) = 1
•Since the meshing of this geometry will create SHELL63 elements with shape
warnings, a mid-side noded equation of the SHELL63 was used:
4.4 Create the Solid Model
•A typical solid model is defined by volumes, areas, lines, and keypoints.
–Volumes are bounded by areas. They represent solid objects.
–Areas are bounded by lines. They represent faces of solid objects, or planar or
shell objects.
–Lines are bounded by keypoints. They represent edges of objects.
–Keypoints are locations in 3-D space. They represent vertices of objects.
Volumes Areas
Solid FEA
model model
4.6 Define Material
Material Properties
•Every analysis requires some material property input: Young’s modulus EX for
structural elements, thermal conductivity KXX for thermal elements, etc.
•There are two ways to define material properties:
–Material library
–Individual properties
4.9 Verification
•It is always a good idea to do a “sanity check” and make sure that the solution
is acceptable.
•What you need to check depends on the type of problem you are solving, but
here are some typical questions to ask:
•Do the reaction forces balance the applied loads?
•Where is the maximum stress located?
–If it is at a singularity, such as a point load or a re-entrant corner, the value is
generally meaningless.
–Are the stress values beyond the elastic limit?
–If so, the load magnitudes may be wrong, or you may need to do a nonlinear
4.10 Elements Used in Structural Analysis
Most ANSYS element types are structural elements, ranging from simple
spars and beams to more complex layered shells and large strain solids. Most
types of structural analyses can use any of these elements.
Note: Explicit dynamics analysis can use only the explicit dynamic elements
(LINK160, BEAM161, PLANE162, SHELL163, SOLID164, COMBI165, MASS166,
and LINK167).
Structural Element Types: (NOTE - important elements normally and most
commonly used in ANSYS14 are all highlighted (Bold)
4.11 Types of Elements
Few important FEM elements are as follows
TRUSS: Slender element (Length>>area) which supports only tension or
compression along its length, essentially a ID spring
BEAM: Slender element whose length is much greater that its transverse
dimension which supports lateral loads, which cause flexural bending.
2D SOLID: Element whose geometry definition lies in a plane and applies loads
also lie in the same plane. Plane stress occurs for structures with small
thickness Compared with its in plane dimension- stress components associated
with the out of plane coordinate zero. Plane strain occurs for structures where
the thickness becomes large Compared to its in plane dimension-strain
component associated with the out of plane coordinate are zero.
PLATE: Element whose geometry lies in the plane with loads acting out of the
plane which cause flexural bending and with both in plane dimensions large in
coMParison to its thickness- two dimensional state of stress exists similar to
plane stress except that there is a variation of tension through the thickness.
SHELLS: Element similar in character to a plate but typically used on curved
surface and supports both in plane and out of planeloads. Numerous
formulations exist.
3D SOLID: Element classification that covers all elements – element obeys the
strain displacement and stress strain relationships.
Chapter5: Trusses
A truss structure consists of only two force members. Therefore every truss
element is in direct tension or compression. Loads are applied only at joints.
The joints are assumed to be frictionless. i.e., pin joints. FEM can easily handle
truss problems whether statically determinate and indeterminate. Also it can
provide joint deflection and handle temperature changes.
LINK180 Input Data: The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate
system for this element are shown in Figure 5.1 The element is defined by two
nodes, the cross-sectional area (AREA), added mass per unit length (ADDMAS),
and the material properties. The element X-axis is oriented along the length of
the element from node I toward node J.
You can apply an initial stress state to this element via the INISTATE command.
For more information, see "Initial State" in the Basic Analysis Guide.
The "LINK180 Input Summary" table summarizes the element input. Element
Input gives a general description of element input.
LINK180 Output Data:
The solution output associated with the element is in two forms:
• Nodal displacements included in the overall nodal solution
• Additional element output several items are illustrated in Figure 180.2. A
general description of solution output is given in Solution Output. Element
results can be viewed in POST1 with PRESOL, ELEM. See the Basic
Analysis Guide for details.
A colon (:) in the Name column indicates that the item can be accessed by the
Component Name method (ETABLE, ESOL). The O column indicates the
availability of the items in the file Jobname. OUT. The R column indicates the
availability of the items in the results file.
In either the O or R columns, “Y” indicates that the item is always available, a
number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally
available, and “-” indicates that the item is not available
Available only at the centroid as a *GET item.
Available only if the element has an appropriate nonlinear material.
Available only if the element temperatures differ from the reference
The element printout also includes 'INT, SEC PTS' (which are always '1, Y Z'
where Y and Z both have values of 0.0). These values are printed to maintain
formatting consistency with the output printouts of the BEAM188, BEAM189,
PIPE288, and PIPE289 elements.
Table 5.1: LINK180 Item and Sequence Numbers lists output available through
ETABLE using the Sequence Number method. See The General Postprocessor
(POST1) in the Basic Analysis Guide and The Item and Sequence Number Table
in this manual for more information. The following notation is used in
Table 5.2: LINK180 Item and Sequence Numbers: Name output quantity as
defined in Table 5.1: LINK180 Element Output Definitions Item predetermined
Item label for ETABLE and ESOLE sequence number for single-valued or
constant element data I,J sequence number for data at nodes I and J
Problem 1: Determine the nodal deflections, reaction forces, and
stress for the truss system shown below: Take Young’s modulus =
200GPa, cross section area = 3250mm2.
Enter the title and click 'OK'. This title will appear in the bottom left corner of
the 'Graphics' Window once you begin. Note: to get the title to appear
immediately, select Utility Menu > Plot > Replot
2. Enter Key points
The overall geometry is defined in ANSYS using key points, which specify
various principal coordinates to define the body. For this example, these
keypoints are the ends of each truss.We are going to define 7 keypoints for
the simplified structure as given in the following table.
x y z
1 0 0 0
2 1750 3000 0
3 3500 0 0
4 5250 3000 0
5 7000 0 0
6 8750 3000 0
7 10500 0 0
➢ (these keypoints are depicted by numbers in the above figure)
➢ From the 'ANSYS Main Menu' select:
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Key points > In Active
Note: When entering the final data point, click on 'OK' to indicate that you
are finished entering keypoints. If you first press 'Apply' and then 'OK' for the
final keypoint, you will have defined it twice!
If you did press 'Apply' for the final point, simply press 'Cancel' to close this
dialog box.
Units: Note the units of measure (ie mm) were not specified. It is the
responsibility of the user to ensure that consistent sets of units are used for the
problem; thus making any conversions where necessary.
Correcting Mistakes
When defining keypoints, lines, areas, volumes, elements, constraints and
loads you are bound to make mistakes. Fortunately these are easily corrected
so that you don't need to begin from scratch every time an error is made!
Every 'Create' menu for generating these various entities also has a
corresponding 'Delete' menu for fixing things up.
Form Lines
The keypoints must now be connected
We will use the mouse to select the keypoints to form the lines.
• In the main menu select:
• Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > In Active
Coord. The following window will then appear:
Use the mouse to pick keypoint #1 (i.e. click on it). It will now be marked by a
small yellow box. Now move the mouse toward keypoint #2.
A line will now show on the screen joining these two points. Left click and a
permanent line will appear. Connect the remaining keypoints using the same
When you're done, click on 'OK' in the 'Lines in Active Coord' window, minimize
the 'Lines' menu and the 'Create' menu. Your ANSYS Graphics window should
look similar to the following figure in next page.
Disappearing Lines:
Please note that any lines you have created may 'disappear' throughout your
analysis. However, they have most likely NOT been deleted. If this occurs at
any time from the Utility Menu select: Plot > Lines
For this example, we will use the 3D finit stn 180 element as selected in the
above figure. Select the element shown and click 'OK'. You should see 'Type 1
LINK180' in the 'Element Types' window.
Click on 'Close' in the 'Element Types' dialog box.
[In ANSYS18.0]:
Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add > Add Link section with ID=1, Section
Name= ‘rect’, Area=3250 > ok
NOTE: In ANSYS 18.0, real constants are not supported for LINK180 element.
Hence, in order to define the cross section, the given area is assumed to be
square for simplicity (Or It can be any other type of section).
In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Material Props > Material Models
We are going to give the properties of Steel. Enter the following field:
EX 200000
Set these properties and click on 'OK'. Note: You may obtain the note 'PRXY will
be set to 0.0'. This is poisson ratio and is not required for this element type.
Click 'OK' on the window to continue. Close the "Define Material Model
Behavior" by clicking on the 'X' box in the upper right hand corner.
Mesh Size
The last step before meshing is to tell ANSYS what size the elements should be.
There are a variety of ways to do this but we will just deal with one method for
• In the Preprocessor menu select Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize
> Lines > All Lines
• In the size 'NDIV' field, enter the desired number of divisions per line.
For trusses we want only 1 division per line, therefore, enter '1' and then
click 'OK'. Note that we have not yet meshed the geometry. We have simply
defined the element sizes.
5. Mesh
Now the frame can be meshed.
• In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Meshing > Mesh > Lines and click
'Pick All' in the 'Mesh Lines' Window
Your model should now appear as shown in the following window
Plot Numbering: To show the line numbers, keypoint numbers, node numbers...
• From the Utility Menu (top of screen) select PlotCtrls > Numbering...
Fill in the Window as shown below and click 'OK'
• Fill in the Window as shown below and click 'OK'
• Now you can turn numbering on or off at your discretion
Save the model at this time, so if you make some mistakes later on, you will at
least be able to come back to this point. To do this, on the Utility Menu select
File > Save as.... Select the name and location where you want to save your
It is a good idea to save your job at different times throughout the building and
analysis of the model to backup your work in case of a system crash or what
have you.
• Ensure that
'Static' is selected; i.e. you are going to do a static analysis on the truss as
opposed to a dynamic analysis, for example.
• Click 'OK'.
2. Apply Constraints
It is necessary to apply constraints to the model otherwise the model is not tied
down or grounded and a singular solution will result. In mechanical structures,
these constraints will typically be fixed, pinned and roller-type connections. As
shown above, the left end of the truss bridge is pinned while the right end has
a roller connection.
• In the Solution menu, select Define Loads > Apply > Structural >
Displacement > On Keypoints
• Select the left end of the bridge (Keypoint 1) by clicking on it in the
Graphics Window and click on 'OK' in the 'Apply All DOF on KPs' window.
• This location is fixed which means that all translational and rotational
degrees of freedom (DOFs) are constrained. Therefore, select 'All DOF' by
clicking on it and enter '0' in the Value field and click 'OK'.
You will see some blue triangles in the graphics window indicating the
displacement constraints.
• Using the same method, apply the roller connection to the right end (UY
and UZ=0). Note that more than one DOF constraint can be selected at a time
in the window. Therefore, you may need to 'deselect' the 'All DOF' option to
select just the 'UY, UZ’ option.
3. Apply Loads
As shown in the diagram, there are four downward loads of 280kN, 210kN,
280kN, and 360kN at keypoints 1, 3, 5, and 7 respectively.
• Select Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > on
• Select the first Keypoint (left end of the truss) and click 'OK' in the
'Apply F/M on KPs' window.
The above windows will appear. Ensure that your solution options are the same
as shown above and click 'OK'.
Once the solution is done the following window will pop up. Click 'Close' and
close the /STATUS Command Window.
➢ List deflection:
General Postproc > List Results > Nodal Solution select 'DOF Solution'
and 'Displacement vector sum' from the lists in the 'List Nodal Solution'
window and click 'OK'. This means that we want to see a listing of all degrees of
freedom from the solution.
Are these results what you expected? Note that all the degrees of freedom were
constrained to zero at node 1, while UY and UZ was constrained to zero at node
➢ Plot deformation
• In the General Postproc menu, select Plot Results > Deformed Shape.
The following window will appear.
• Select 'Def + undeformed' and click 'OK' to view both the deformed
and the undeformed object.
Observe the value of the maximum deflection in the upper left hand corner
(DMX=7.27045). One should also observe that the constrained degrees of
freedom appear to have a deflection of 0 (as expected!)
From the 'General Postproc' menu select Plot results > Contour Plot >
Nodal Solution. The following window will appear.
Looking at the scale, you may want to use more useful intervals. From the
Utility Menu select Plot Controls > Style > Contours > Uniform Contours...
Fill in the following window as shown and click 'OK'.
A list of the resulting reaction forces can be obtained.
• From the Main Menu select General Postproc > List Results >
Reaction Solution.
Select 'All struc forc F' as shown above and click 'OK'
Also try, From the Main Menu select General Postproc > List Results >
Nodal loads. To get forces at all nodes.
As shown above, enter 'Stress' in the 'Lab' box. This specifies the name of the
item you are defining. Next, in the 'Item,Comp' boxes, select 'By sequence
number' and 'LS,'. Then enter 1 after LS, in the selection box .
Click on 'Apply' and enter 'FORCE' in the 'Lab' box. This specifies the name of
the item you are defining. Next, in the 'Item,Comp' boxes, select 'By sequence
number' and 'SMISC,'. Then enter 1 after SMISC, in the selection box and close
the 'Element Table Data' window.
Plot the Stresses
Element Table > Plot Elem Table
The following window will appear. Ensure that 'Stress' is selected and click 'OK'
➢ Because you changed the contour intervals for the Displacement plot to
"User Specified" - you need to switch this back to "Auto calculated" to
obtain new values for VMIN/VMAX.
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Contours > Uniform Contours...
Again, you may wish to select more appropriate intervals for the contour plot
➢ Carryout plotting member force similarly
➢ Identify the critically loaded member.
➢ Prepare report in the format shown in the next page
Quitting ANSYS
To quit ANSYS, select 'QUIT' from the ANSYS Toolbar or select Utility
Menu/File/Exit.... In the dialog box that appears, click on 'Save Everything'
(assuming that you want to) and then click on 'OK'.
Observation and tabulation
Step1: Name and sketch the element to be used showing its degree of freedom
Ansys 3D-spar element
Sketch Element Name:
Degrees of Freedom:
Real Constants:
Material Properties:.
Step2 : Sketch of the given truss structure. Show the origin and XY axes.
Step3: If geometric modeling is done, create keypoint, else node number
Keypoint/node number
x y
Sl No. Element No. Cross section set no. and Material no. and value of
value of side lengths in mm E in MPa
Step 5: Sketch the figure showing Node number and Element number
Step 6: List
Step 7 Results
Node Ux in mm Uy in mm USUM Remark*
Total Value
Specify: ETABLE Item and sequence number for Stresses LS , 1
ETABLE Item and sequence number for Member force SMISC , 1
Stresses are in MPa and Forces in N
Stat Element Current Stress Current Force
Minimum Values
Maximum Values
• Identify the member/s which is/are yielding if the applied loads are increased 4
Problem 2: Figure shows a truss with an inclined roller support at node 4.
The area of cross section of the elements of the truss is 120 sq. mm. The
forces acting on the nodes are shown in the figure. It is supported at node 1
by a hinged joint. Node 4 is supported on a roller arrangement and this
support allows a freedom of movement at an angle of 30. Determine the
nodal displacement, reactions, and stresses in the truss member shown in
1. File>change job name > Enter “Truss2”
2. Ansys Main Menu > Preferences > structural > Ok
3. Preprocessor > ELEMENT type > Add/edit/delete >
add > Link,3D finit stn 180> OK
4. Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add > Add Link section with ID=1,
Section Name= ‘rect’, Area=120 > ok
5. Preprocessor > Material Properties > Material Models > Structural >
Linear > Elastic > Isotropic> EX = 2E5, PRXY = 0.3 > OK
6. Preprocessor >Modeling> Create > Nodes > In active CS >Set Node No:
= 1, X=0,Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: =2, X= 2000, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: =3, X= 4000, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: =4, X= 6000, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: = 5, X=1000, Y=1000, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: =6, X= 3000, Y=1000, Z=0 > Apply>
Set Node No: =7, X= 5000, Y=1000, Z=0 > OK
NOTE: For simple line structures, mesh (Nodes and Elements) can be
directly created without geometry (without Key points and Lines).
7. Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > elements > Auto Numbered > Thru
Nodes > Pick 1 & 2 nodes > Apply > Pick 2 & 3 nodes > Apply > Pick 3 &
4 nodes > Apply > Pick 1 & 5 nodes > Apply > Pick 5 & 6 nodes > Pick 5
& 2 nodes > Apply > Pick 2 & 6 nodes > Pick 6 & 3 nodes > Apply > Pick
6 & 7 nodes > Apply > Pick 3 & 7 nodes > Apply Pick 7 & 4 nodes > OK
8. Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement
> On Nodes > Pick node 1 >Ok >all DOF > OK
9. Preprocessor >Modeling > Create > Nodes > Rotate Cs By Angles>
Pick node 4> OK> Enter THXY(Z-axis)=30 > OK
10. Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural >
Displacement > On Nodes > Pick 4 > Ok > UY=0 >
11. Preprocessor >loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural >
Force/Moment > On Nodes > Pick 2nd Node > Ok > Select Fy – Apply as =
Constant Value , Value of Force/Moment = -3000N > Apply > Pick 3rd Node
>Fy =-4000N > Apply > Pick 7th Node > Fx = -6000N > Apply > Ok >
12. Solution >Solve Current LS >OK -Soln Done > Close
13. General Postproc > List Results > Nodal Solution select 'DOF Solution' and
'displacement vector sum' from the lists in the 'List Nodal Solution' window
and click 'OK'.
14. General Post Processor > Plot Results > Deformed Shape > Select Def
+Undeformed > OK (Blue line indicates deformed shape and white line
indicates original shape
15. Also animate and observe the moment right side roller on the inclined plane
16. General post processor > Element table > Define table > Add > set user
label for item = STRESS, select item, comp, results data item = by
sequence number- select LS, 1 (Type 1 after selecting LS) > OK > set user
label for item = FORCE, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence
number- select SMISC,1 >Close
17. General Post Processor > Element Table > List Element Table > Select
STRESS & FORCE > OK > Note the stress & Member Force in elements
18. General Post Processor > Plot Results > Contour Plots –Line Element
Results > Select LabI=FORCE and LABJ= FORCE > Ok (see the forcess in
the members)
19. File > Save as > Select the user directory > Truss2> OK
Node Displacement Reactions / Element Stresses FORCE
S.N Nos. In mm Forces in N No. MPa N
x y Z Fx Fy Fz 1.
1 2.
2 3.
3 4.
4 5.
5 6.
6 7.
7 8.
Problem 3: Consider a two dimensional structure shown in figure 3a. The
Geometry and loading are symmetrical about the centerline. Determine nodal
reactions and reactions as well as element stress and forces. A=100 mm2,
Aluminum=70x103 N/mm2, Steel =200x103 N/mm2
Use symmetry conditions (ref.fig. 3b)
➢ Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add > Add Link
section with ID=1, Section Name= ‘area1’, Area=50 > Apply > Add Link
section with ID= 2, Section Name= ‘area2’, Area=100 > ok
➢ Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Properties > Material Models
> Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic> EX= 70E3, PRXY = 0.3 > OK
> Material > New model > Define Material ID=2 OK > Isotropic> EX=
200E3, PRXY = 0.3 > OK > Close
Prioritize case a) or case b) by identifying
Sl. No. No. of Total no. of The size of Size of modified stiffness
elements DOFs in the global stiffness matrix
used mesh matrix Elimination Penalty
approach approach
Case a)
Case b)
Problem 4: A three bar steel truss is shown in figure. All bars have the same
area of cross section of 100 mm2. If the temperature of bar 1-2 is increased by
50°C. Find the displacement of joint and the axial force in the three bars.
Young’s modulus=200Gpa, =11.7X10-6 per °C. L=1000 mm
➢ Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Properties > Material
Models > Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic> Specify Material
No:= 1> OK> Thermal expansion>secant coefficient >Isotropic>
ALPX= 11.7X10-6 (and reference temperature if given, here it is not
given)> ok
➢ Ansys Main Menu > Solution >loads Define Loads > apply > Structural
>temp>on elements > pick the element at bar 1-2 > ok > Enter
VAL1= rise in temp+ reference temperature if given (Enter only VAL1
for a uniform body load across the element) > ok
Sl Node Displacement Reaction Forces in
No Nos. In mm N Element Stress
x y Z Fx Fy Fz No. MPa
1 1
2 2
3 3
NOTE: elements between nodes 2-3 and 3-4 are not required.
Problem 5: Consider the 4 Bar Truss Shown In fig. and solve the problem for
displacements stresses and Reaction Forces.
A = 100 mm2, Young’s modulus=2x105 N/mm2
Problem 6: Find the forces, stresses on each member of the following truss structure.
Data; A=100mm2 v= 0.3
Young’s modulus= 2e5 N/mm2.
Also find displacement field.
Displacement Reactions / Stresses
Sl Node Element MFORX
In mm Forces in N
No Nos. No.
x y Z Fx Fy Fz MPa N
1 1.
2 2.
3 3.
4 4.
5 5.
6 6.
Problem 8: For the two-bar truss shown in figure, determine the reaction
forces, nodal displacements, and element stresses. If Yield stress is 400MPa,
comment on the safety of the truss structure.
Problem 10: For the truss shown in figure, determine the reaction forces,
nodal displacements, and element stresses.
A = 100 mm2,
Young's modulus
= 200 GPa
Sl Displacement Reactions /
Node Element Stresses
No In mm Forces in N
Nos. No. MPa
x y Fx Fy
1 1
2 2
3 3
Problem 11: Determine the force in each member of the following truss using
ANSYS. Indicate if the member is in tension or compression the cross-sectional
area of each member is 0.02 m2, Young’s modulus is 200x109 N/m2 and
Poisson's ratio is 0.3.
Problem 12: Figure shows a truss loaded with 500 N at node 2. All horizontal
members have an area of 100 sq. mm and inclined members an area of 80 sq.
mm. E for element 3 = 80 Gpa, other elements E = 210 Gpa. Determine the
nodal displacement, reactions, and stresses in the truss member.
Sl Displacement Reactions /
N Node In mm Forces in N Element Stresses Force
Nos. No. MPa N
x y Fx Fy
1 1.
2 2.
3 3.
4 4.
5 5.
6 6.
7 7.
PROBLEM 13: For the truss shown in figure, determine the reaction forces,
nodal displacements, and element stresses. Young’s modulus =208GPa,
A=1000 mm2
Cordinates Displacement Reactions /
Sl Node In mm Forces in N Element Stresses
No Nos.
X Y No. MPa
Ux Uy Fx Fy
PROBLEM 14: Find the deflections, nodal reactions, element stresses for the
truss shown. A = 5000 mm2, Young’s modulus= 200 GPa
Displacement Reactions / Element Stresses Force
Sl Node
In mm Forces in N No. MPa N
No Nos.
x y Fx Fy
1 1.
2 2.
3 3.
4 4.
5 5.
6 6.
7 7.
8 8.
9 9.
10 10.
Problem 15: Find Nodal Displacements Stresses and reaction forces for the following
problem using Link Element. AAL = 2400 mm2, Young's modulus =70x103 N/mm2, AST = 600
mm2, Young's modulus 2 =200x103 N/mm2
300 mm 400 mm
1. File>change job name > Enter “axial15”
2. Ansys Main Menu > Preferences > structural > Ok
3. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > ELEMENT type > Add/edit/delete >
add > Link,3D finit stn 180> OK
4. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add > Add Link
section with ID=1, Section Name= ‘area1’, Area=2400 > Apply > Add
Link section with ID= 2, Section Name= ‘area2’, Area=600 > ok.
5. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Properties > Material Models
> Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic> Specify Material No: = 1>
OK> Young’s modulus= 70E3, Poisson’s ratio = 0.3 > apply > Specify
Material No: = 2> OK> Young’s modulus= 200E3, Poisson’s ratio= 0.3 >
apply > OK
6. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor >Modeling> Create > Nodes > In active
CS > Set Node No: = 1, X=0,Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: =2, X= 300, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: = 3, X=700, Y=0, Z=0 > OK
7. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create(Check Element
attributes ) > elements > Auto numbered > Thru Nodes > Pick 1 & 2
nodes > OK
8. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >elements
>Elements Attributes> Set Element Type No 1 LINK1,Set Material No. 2,
Set section with ID: = 2 > OK
9. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling> Create> elements > Thru
Nodes> Pick nodes 2& 3 node> OK
Utility menu>plot controls>style> size and shape >Display of element based
on real constant ON>ok. To visualize the stepped bar
10. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > apply >
Structural Displacement > On Nodes > Pick 1 and 3> Ok > all DOF > Ok
11. Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor >loads > Define Loads > apply >
Structural > Force/Moment > On Nodes > Pick 2nd Node > Ok > Select FX
– Apply as Constant Value and Select Value of Force/Moment = 200e3 >
12. Ansys Main Menu > solution >Solve Current LS >OK Soln Done > Close
13. Ansys main menu > general post processor > Element table > Define
table > Add > set user label for item = STRESS, select item, comp,
results data item = by sequence number- select LS,1(Type 1 after
selecting LS) > OK > set user label for item = Force, select item, comp,
results data item = by sequence number- select SMISC,1>Close
14. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Element Table > List
Element Table > Select STRESS and force> OK > Note the stress and
force in each element
15. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Nodal
Solution > Dof solution > x component of DOFs > Ok (Note the Nodal
displacement results)
16. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Reaction
Solutions > Select all items > OK > (Note the reaction solution)
17. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Plot Results > Deformed
Shape > Select Def +Unreformed > OK (Blue line indicates deformed
shape and white line indicates original shape
18. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Plot Results > Contour Plots
–Line Element Results > Select Lab1=stress > Ok (see the stress in the
19. File > Save as > Select the user directory > Axial2 > OK
Node No. Fx Fy Fz
Problem 16: case a) For the simple bar shown in the figure determine the
displacement strain, stress caused due to self-weight given length of the bar is
0.5m , cross-section area of the bar is 0.1m2 , ρ =7848 kg/m3 and Young’s
Modulus 2X1011 N/m2
10. Ansys Main Menu > Solver > loads> Define Loads > apply > Structural
Displacement > On keypoint > Pick 1 > Ok > all DoF > Ok
11. Ansys Main Menu > Solver >loads> Define Loads > apply > Structural
> Inertia >Gravity>Global >ACELY=9.81>OK
12. Ansys Main Menu > solution >Solve Current LS >OK> Soln Done >
13. Ansys main menu > general post processor > Element table > Define
table > Add > set user label for item = STRESS, select item, comp,
results data item = by sequence number- select LS,1(Type 1 after
selecting LS) > OK > set user label for item = Force, select item, comp,
results data item = by sequence number- select SMISC,1>Close
14. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Element Table > List
Element Table > Select STRESS and force> OK > Note the stress and
force in each element
15. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Nodal
Solution > Dof solution > x component of DOFs > Ok (Note the Nodal
displacement results)
16. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Reaction
Solutions > Select all items > OK > (Note the reaction solution)
17. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Plot Results > Deformed
Shape > Select Def +Unreformed > OK (Blue line indicates deformed
shape and white line indicates original shape
18. Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Plot Results > Contour
Plots –Line Element Results > Select Lab1=stress > Ok (see the stress in
the members)
19.File > Save as > Select the user directory > Axial 16> OK
Results: SOLUTION- DISPLACEMENTS: Element solution
Node No. Fx Fy
glx gl 2
ux = u max = =
2E 2E
Problem 16: case b) Solve the same problem by putting total weight at free end
and Compare:
Problem 17: Model the figure with 1D bar elements and find tip
displacement. Carry out convergence study (H - convergence) by increasing the
number of elements (1,2,4,8) and plot graph of displacement Vs number of
elements and Compare with theoretical value.
Displacements In mm
1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
2 0.21221 0.0000 0.0000 0.21221
STEP 2 Two elements
RC-1= * 352/4=962.113 mm2, Le=150 mm
RC-2= * 252/4=490.873 mm2 Le=150 mm
RC-1 RC-2
1 1 2 2 3
1 0.0000 0.0000
2 150.00 0.0000
3 300.00 0.0000
Connectivity table
1 1 2 962.113 1
2 2 3 490.873 1
Displacements in mm
1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
2 0.77953E-01 0.0000 0.0000 0.77953E-01
3 0.23074 0.0000 0.0000 0.23074
1 10.394
2 20.372
STEP 3 Four elements
RC-1= * 37.52/4=1105.64 mm2, Le=75 mm
RC-2= * 32.52/4=829.577 mm2 Le=75 mm
RC-3= * 27.52/4=593.95 mm2, Le=75 mm
RC-4= * 22.52/4=397.6 mm2 Le=75 mm
RC-1 RC-2 RC-3 RC-4
1 2 2 3 3 4 5
1 4
Convergence of Tip Displacement with increase in
Number of Elements
0 1 2 3 4 5
No.of Elements
Graph of H Convergence
Question: Check whether displacement or stress converges faster. What are its
Problem18: Model the figure with 1D bar elements and find tip displacement
carry out convergence study (H - convergence) by increasing the number of
elements (1,2,4,8) and plot graph of Vtip displacement Vs number of elements
and Compare with theoretical value. P = 15kN, t = 15 mm, d1 = 100 mm, d2
= 40 mm, l = 300mm, Young’s modulus E = 200 Gpa, poison's ratio = 0.3
D1 = (d1+d2) / 2
d3 = (d1+d2) / 2
D1 = (d1+d3) / 2
D2 = (d3+d2) / 2
Displacement ux at node 3 =
No. of elements : Four
Discretisation (connectivity) and material properties
Displacement ux at node 5 =
Answer - Tip deflection
Tip Displacement
0 1 2 3 4 5
No.of Elements
Graph of H Convergence
Problem 19: A copper bar of Length 160mm is placed on rigid support in vertical
position .Clearance between the upper support and top surface of the member is 0.1mm as
shown. Determine Stress and reactions for 1) when the temperature is raised by 34.7 0C. 2)
when the temperature is raised by 810C. 3) when the temperature is raised by 900C and
upper support yields by 0.12mm and 4) when the temperature is raised by 30 0C and there
is no clearance between upper support and top surface of the bar. E c=120 GPa and =
18 x 10-6 per C. A=10mm2
➢ Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Properties > Material
Models > Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic> Specify Material
No:= 1> OK> Thermal expansion>secant coefficient >Isotropic>
ALPX= 18 e-6
(and reference temperature if given)> ok
➢ Ansys Main Menu > Solver >loads Define Loads > apply > Structural
>temp>uniform temp=(rise in temp+ reference temperature if
given)> ok
Problem 20: Find Nodal Displacements Stresses and reaction forces for the following
problem using Link1 Element. Given data: A1 = 40mm2,
A2 = 20mm2, Young's modulus =2x105 N/mm2
40mm2 A2=20mm2
20 mm 40 mm
Node No. Fx Fy
Problem21: Consider the bar shown in figure. An axial load p=200 x 103 N is applied as
shown. Determine 1) the nodal displacements and the reaction forces & 2) Element
Sl. No. Node No. Deflection. Load / Element No Stress MPa Force (N)
mm Reaction N
1 ➢
2 ➢
Check R1+R3+P = 0
Problem 22: Determine the displacement field, support reactions & stress in the
body shown as loaded. Use 1D bar elements.
Young's modulus = 20 Gpa A = 250 mm2 P = 60 kN
Case B : g =1.2 mm
Case C : g = 2 mm
Problem 23: (a) An axial load P=300 x 103 N is applied at 20C to the rod as shown
in figure. Determine the nodal displacements, reactions and stresses.
Aluminium Steel
Area = 900 mm2 A rea= 1200 mm2
Young's modulus = 70 x 109 N/m2 Young's modulus = 200 x 109 N/m2
= 23 x 10-6 perC = 11.7 x 10-6 perC
Discretization (connectivity) and material properties
Problem 24: An axial load P=300 x 103 N is applied at 20C to the rod as shown in
figure. Determine the nodal displacements, reaction and element stresses.
Problem 25: Consider the bar in figure. Determine the nodal displacements, element
stresses and support reactions. a) At room temperature b) The temperature is then
raised to 60C
Answer: Part A
Sl. No. Node No. Deflection. Load / Element No Stress MPa
mm Reaction N
Answer:Part B
Sl. No. Node No. Deflection. Load / Element No Stress MPa
mm Reaction N
Problem 26: For the structure shown
Case a-without temperature rise , Case b-with temperature rise of 80oC
1) Specify the type of element to be used.
2) Create finite element model showing element numbers & node numbers.
3) Specify the displacement and force boundary condition s
4) Obtain nodal reaction s.
5) Displacement of various nodes. Identify maximum displacement with location
6) Stresses and force along each element.
1 0.0000 0.0000
2 800.00 0.0000
3 1400.0 0.0000
4 1800.0 0.0000
80 deg.C
In mm 1 0.0000 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.0000
2 -0.24347 0.24347 2 0.22124 0.22124
3 -0.24792 0.24792 3 -0.40603E-02 0.40603E-02
4 0.0000 0.0000 4 0.0000 0.0000
Problem 27: Three equidistant vertical rods, each of 20mm dia, support a load as
shown taking Es=205GPa and Ec=100GPa determine the final stresses
Given Data:
2.8 m
3.6 m
a a
Hint : Horizontal bar remains horizontal. Hence the upper ends of all the vertical bars
move together vertically. So we need to couple them in Uy. Assume a=1000mm.
Ansys Main Menu > Preferences > Structural > Ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Element type > Add/edit/delete > add >LINK > 3D Finite Stn>
OK > close
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add > Add Link section with
ID=1, Section Name= ‘area1’, Area=3.142*20**2/4 > ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Properties > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic >Isotropic> EX= 205E3, PRXY= 0.3, OK> Material>New Model> Specify Material No: =
2> OK> EX= 100E3, PRXY= 0.3, OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor >Modeling> Create > Nodes > in active CS >
Set Node No: = 1, X=0, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply > Set Node No: =2, X= 0, Y=3600, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: =3, X= 1000, Y=800, Z=0 > Apply > Set Node No: =4, X= 1000, Y=3600, Z=0 >
Apply >Set Node No: =5, X= 2000, Y=0, Z=0 >Apply > set Node No:=6, X= 2000, Y = 3600, Z=0
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > elements > Element Attributes > Material
no. = 1, Real constant set no. = 1 > ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > elements > Auto numbered > Thru Nodes
> Pick nodes 1 and 2 > Apply > pick nodes 5 and 6 > ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > elements > Element Attributes > Material
no. = 2, Real constant set no. = 1 > ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > elements > Auto numbered > Thru Nodes
> Pick nodes 3 and 4 > ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Coupling/Ceqn > Couple DOFs > pick nodes 2, 4 and 6, ok >
set reference no. = 1, Degree of freedom label = Uy > ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement >
On Nodes > Pick nodes 1, 3 and 5, Ok> DOFs to be constrained= All DOF, ok.
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor >loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural >Force/Moment > On
Nodes > Pick node 4 > Ok > Select Fy= –25e3, ok
Ansys main menu > general post processor > Element table > Define table > Add > set user label for
item = STRESS, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence number- select LS, 1 (Type 1
after selecting LS) > OK > set user label for item = FORCE, select item, comp, results data item =
by sequence number- select SMISC,1>Close
Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Element Table > List Element Table > Select
STRESS & FORCE > OK > Note the stress & Force in elements
Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Nodal Solution >Dof solution > x
component of DOFs > Ok (Note the Nodal displacement results)
Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Reaction Solutions > Select all items >
OK > (Note the reaction solution)
Node No. Fx Fy Fz
Problem 28: Three equally spaced rods in the same vertical are Brasses, each 600mm
long and of 25mm in dia, The central rod is of steel that is 800mm long and 30mm in dia,
determine the forces in each rods due to an applied load of 120kN downwards through the
midpoint of the bar, The bar remains horizontal after the application of load. Take
Es=200GPA and Eb=105GPa.
Ø 30mm
800 mm
Ø 25mm
600 mm
a a
Node No. Fx Fy Fz
Problem 29: A rigid horizontal bar AB hinged at A is supported by a 1.2m long steel rod
and a 2.4m long bronze rod, both rigidly fixed at the upper ends, A load of 48kN is applied
at a point that is 3.2m from the hinge point A, the areas of cross-section of steel and bronze
rods are 850mm2 and 650mm2 respectively. Find stress in each rod.
Given Data:
As=850mm2 Ab=650mm2
Es=205GPa Eb=82GPA
Ansys Main Menu > Preferences > Structural > Ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > ELEMENT type > Add/edit/delete > add >LINK > 3D Finite
Stn> OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > ELEMENT type > Add/edit/delete > add >Constraint >Non
linear MPC184>OK>Options>K1 Rigid Beam>K2 Lagrange Multiplier>OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add > Add Link section with ID=1, Section
Name= ‘area1’, Area=850 > Apply > Add Link section with ID= 2, Section Name= ‘area2’,
Area=650 > ok.
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Properties > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic >Isotropic> EXX= 205E3, PRXY= 0.3, OK> Material>New Model> Specify Material No: =
2> OK> EXX= 82E3, PRXY= 0.3, OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor >Modeling> Create > Nodes > in active CS >
Set Node No: = 1, X=0, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply > Set Node No: =2, X= 800, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
Set Node No: =3, X= 800, Y=1200, Z=0 > Apply > Set Node No: =4, X= 2400, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply
>Set Node No: =5, X= 2400, Y=2400, Z=0 >Apply > set Node No:=6, X= 3200, Y = 0, Z=0 >OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create (Check Element attributes) > elements >
Auto numbered > Thru Nodes > Pick 2&3 nodes > OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >elements >Elements Attributes> Set
Element Type No 1 LINK1, Set Material No. 2, Set real constant set No: = 2> OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling> Create> elements> Thru Nodes> Pick nodes 4&5
node> OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >elements >Elements Attributes> Set
Element Type No 1MPC184, > OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling> Create> elements> Thru Nodes> Pick nodes
1&2,2&4, and 4&6> OK
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural Displacement > On
Nodes > Pick 1 Ok >Select UX,UY,UZ,ROTX,ROTY> Ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural Displacement > On
Nodes > Pick 3 &5 Ok>Select All Dof> Ok
Ansys Main Menu > Preprocessor >loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural >Force/Moment > On
Nodes > Pick 6th Node > Ok > Select Fy= –48000
Ansys Main Menu > solution >Solve Current LS >OK Soln Done > Close
Ansys main menu > general post processor > Element table > Define table > Add > set user label for
item = STRESS, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence number- select LS, 1 (Type 1
after selecting LS) > OK > set user label for item = FORCE, select item, comp, results data item =
by sequence number- select SMISC,1>Close
Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > Element Table > List Element Table > Select
STRESS & FORCE > OK > Note the stress & Force in elements
Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Nodal Solution >Dof solution > x
component of DOFs > Ok (Note the Nodal displacement results)
Ansys Main Menu > General Post Processor > List Results > Reaction Solutions > Select all items >
OK > (Note the reaction solution)
Node No. Fx Fy Fz
Chapter7: Problems on Beams
3-D 2-Node Beam (beam188, beam189) geometry
Element Description:
BEAM188 is suitable for analyzing slender to moderately stubby/thick beam structures. The
element is based on Timoshenko beam theory which includes shear-deformation effects.
The element provides options for unrestrained warping and restrained warping of cross-
The element is a linear, quadratic, or cubic two-node beam element in 3-D. BEAM188 has
six or seven degrees of freedom at each node. These include translations in the x, y, and z
directions and rotations about the x, y, and z directions. A seventh degree of freedom
(warping magnitude) is optional. This element is well-suited for linear, large rotation, and/or
large strain nonlinear applications.
The element includes stress stiffness terms, by default, in any analysis with large
deflection. The provided stress-stiffness terms enable the elements to analyze flexural,
lateral, and torsional stability problems (using eigenvalue buckling, or collapse studies with
arc length methods or nonlinear stabilization).
Elasticity, plasticity, creep and other nonlinear material models are supported. A cross-
section associated with this element type can be a built-up section referencing more than
one material.
• Only moderately "thick" beams can be analyzed. See "BEAM188 Element
Technology and Usage Recommendations" for more information.
• Stress stiffening is always included in geometrically nonlinear analyses
(NLGEOM,ON). Prestress effects can be activated by the PSTRES command.
• When the element is associated with nonlinear general beam sections
(SECTYPE,,GENB), additional restrictions apply. For more information, see
Considerations for Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections.
• The element coordinate system (/PSYMB,ESYS) is not relevant.
• For a random vibration (PSD) analysis, equivalent stress is not calculated.
The geometry, node locations, coordinate system, and pressure directions for this element
are shown in Figure 7.1. BEAM188 is defined by nodes I and J in the global coordinate
Node K is a preferred way to define the orientation of the element. For information about
orientation nodes and beam meshing, see Generating a Beam Mesh With Orientation
Nodes in the Modeling and Meshing Guide. See the LMESH and LATT command
descriptions for details on generating the K node automatically.
BEAM188 can also be defined without the orientation node K. In this case, the element x-
axis is oriented from node I (end 1) toward node J (end 2). If no orientation node is used,
the default orientation of the element y-axis is automatically calculated to be parallel to the
global X-Y plane. For the case where the element is parallel to the global Z-axis (or within a
0.01 percent slope of it), the element y-axis is oriented parallel to the global Y-axis (as
shown). To control the element orientation about the element x-axis, use the orientation-
node option. If both are defined, the orientation-node option takes precedence. The
orientation node K, if used, defines a plane (with I and J) containing the element x and z-
axes (as shown). If using this element in a large-deflection analysis, be aware that the
location of the orientation node K is used only to initially orient the element.
The beam element is a one-dimensional line element in space. The cross-section details
are provided separately via the SECTYPE and SECDATA commands. (See Beam Analysis
and cross-sections in the Structural Analysis Guide for details). A section is associated with
the beam elements by specifying the section ID number (SECNUM). A section number is
an independent element attribute. In addition to a constant cross-section, you can also
define a tapered cross-section by using the TAPER option on the SECTYPE command
(see Defining a Tapered Beam).
BEAM188 Input Summary
Degrees of Freedom
Section Controls
(TXZ and TXY default to A*GXZ and A*GXY, respectively, where A = cross-sectional
Material Properties
Surface Loads
Pressure --
face 1 (I-J) (-z normal direction)
face 2 (I-J) (-y normal direction)
face 3 (I-J) (+x tangential direction)
face 4 (I) (+x axial direction)
face 5 (J) (-x axial direction)
I and J denote the end nodes.
Use a negative value for loading in the opposite direction.
Issue the SFBEAM command to specify surface loads.
For faces 1, 2, and 3, offsets apply only if you are using the cubic option
(KEYOPT(3) = 3).
Body Loads
Temperatures -- T(0,0), T(1,0), T(0,1) at each end node
Warping degree of freedom:
0 -- Six degrees of freedom per node, unrestrained warping (default)
1 -- Seven degrees of freedom per node (including warping). Bimoment and
bicurvature are output.
Cross-section scaling, applies only if NLGEOM,ON has been invoked:
0 -- Cross-section is scaled as a function of axial stretch (default)
1 -- Section is assumed to be rigid (classical beam theory)
Shape functions along the length:
0 -- Linear (default)
2 -- Quadratic
3 -- Cubic
Shear stress output:
0 -- Output only torsion-related shear stresses (default)
1 -- Output only flexure-related transverse-shear stresses
2 -- Output a combined state of the previous two types
active only when OUTPR,ESOL is active:
Output control for section forces/moments and strains/curvatures:
0 -- Output section forces/moments and strains/curvatures at integration points
along the length (default)
1 -- Same as KEYOPT(6) = 0 plus current section area
2 -- Same as KEYOPT(6) = 1 plus element basis directions (X,Y,Z)
3 -- Output section forces/moments and strains/curvatures extrapolated to the
element nodes
Output control at integration points (not available when section subtype = ASEC):
0 -- None (default)
1 -- Maximum and minimum stresses/strains
2 -- Same as KEYOPT(7) = 1 plus stresses and strains at each section point
Output control for values extrapolated to the element and section nodes (not
available when section subtype = ASEC):
0 -- None (default)
1 -- Maximum and minimum stresses/strains
2 -- Same as KEYOPT(9) = 1 plus stresses and strains along the exterior boundary
of the cross-section
3 -- Same as KEYOPT(9) = 1 plus stresses and strains at all section nodes
Set section properties:
0 -- Automatically determine if preintegrated section properties can be used (default)
1 -- Use numerical integration of section
Tapered section treatment:
0 -- Linear tapered section analysis; cross-section properties are evaluated at each
Gauss point (default). This is more accurate, but computationally intensive.
1 -- Average cross-section analysis; for elements with tapered sections, cross-
Section properties are evaluated at the centroid only. This is an approximation
of the order of the mesh size; however, it is faster.
Results file format:
0 -- Store averaged results at each section corner node (default).
1 -- Store non-averaged results at each section integration point. (The volume of
data may be excessive. This option is typically useful for built-up sections with
multiple materials only.)
BEAM188 Output Data
Additional element output as described in Table 7.1: BEAM188 Element Output Definitions
Linearized Stress
It is customary in beam design to employ components of axial stress that contribute to axial
loads and bending in each direction separately; therefore, BEAM188 provides a linearized
stress output as part of its SMISC output record, as indicated in the following definitions:
SDIR = Fx/A, where Fx is the axial load (SMISC quantities 1 and 14) and A is the area of
the cross-section.
where My, Mz are bending moments in the beam coordinate system (SMISC quantities
2,15,3,16), as shown in Figure 7.1. Coordinates ymax, ymin, zmax, and zmin are the
maximum and minimum y, z coordinates in the cross-section measured from the centroid.
Values Iyy and Izz are moments of inertia of the cross-section. Except for the ASEC type of
beam cross-section, the program uses the maximum and minimum cross-section
dimensions. For the ASEC type of cross-section, the maximum and minimum in each of y
and y direction is assumed to be +0.5 to -0.5, respectively.
EPELBzT = Kz * zmax
EPELBzB = Kz * zmin
where Ex, Ky, and Kz are generalized strains and curvatures (SMISC quantities 7,8,9,
20,21 and 22).
The reported stresses are strictly valid only for elastic behavior of members. BEAM188
always employs combined stresses in order to support nonlinear material behavior. When
the elements are associated with nonlinear materials, the component stresses can at best
be regarded as linearized approximations and should be interpreted with caution.
When using KEYOPT(7) with the cubic option (KEYOPT(3) = 3), the integration point at the
middle of the element is reported last in the integration-point printout.
A colon (:) in the Name column indicates that the item can be accessed by the Component
Name method (ETABLE, ESOL). The O column indicates the availability of the items in the
file Jobname.OUT. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.
In either the O or R columns, “Y” indicates that the item is always available, a number
refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and “-”
indicates that the item is not available.
Name Definition O R
EL Element number Y Y
NODES Element connectivity Y Y
MAT Material number Y Y
C.G.:X, Y, Z Element center of gravity Y 1
Area Area of cross-section 2 Y
SF:y, z Section shear forces 2 Y
SE:y, z Section shear strains 2 Y
S:xx, xy, xz Section point stresses 3 Y
TQ Torsional moment Y Y
Fx Axial force Y Y
My, Mz Bending moments Y Y
SDIR Axial direct stress - 2
SByT Bending stress on the element +Y side of the beam - Y
SByB Bending stress on the element -Y side of the beam - Y
SBzT Bending stress on the element +Z side of the beam - Y
SBzB Bending stress on the element -Z side of the beam - Y
1. Available only at the centroid as a *GET item.
2. See KEYOPT(6) description.
3. See KEYOPT(7) and KEYOPT(9) descriptions.
4. See KEYOPT(1) description.
5. Available if the element has a nonlinear material.
6. Available only if OUTRES,LOCI command is used.
7. Available only if the UserMat subroutine and TB,STATE command are used.
More output is described via the PRESOL and *GET,,SECR commands in POST1.
Table 7.2: BEAM188 Item and Sequence Numbers lists output available via ETABLE using the
Sequence Number method. See Creating an Element Table in the Basic Analysis Guide and The Item
and Sequence Number Table in this manual for more information. Table 7.2: BEAM188 Item and
Sequence Numbers uses the following notation:
Name output quantity as defined in the Table 7.1: BEAM188 Element Output Definitions
Item predetermined Item label for ETABLE
I,J sequence number for data at nodes I and J
Problem 30: Effect of Self Weight on a Cantilever Beam. The beam is to be
made of steel with a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa. L=1000mm, W=50mm,
h=10mm.Density= 7860 Kg/m3
8. Define Mesh Size: Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines >
All Lines
For this example we will use an SIZE element edge length=100mm.
9. Mesh the model: Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'
Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and Solving
1. Apply Constraints: Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural >
Displacement > On Keypoints > pick keypoint 1> ok > pick All DOF >ok
2. Define Gravity: It is necessary to define the direction and magnitude of
gravity for this problem as we need to account self weight of the beam.
o Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Inertia >
Gravity> Global. The following window will appear. Fill it in as
shown to define an acceleration of 9.81 (m/s2) in the y direction.
The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown in the figure
Postprocessing: Viewing the Results
1. Hand Calculations
Perform SOM calculations to verify the solution found using ANSYS:
As observed in the upper left hand corner, the maximum displacement was
found to be 5.777mm. This is in agreement with the theoretical value.
2. General Post Processor > List Results > Nodal Solutions> DOF
Solution>Displacement vector sum>OK > You will get a list of deflection results
3. General Post Processor > List Results > Reaction Solutions> all items >OK > note
down the values. Check for equilibrium
4. General Post Processor > List Results > Nodal Solutions> DOF Solution> Rotation
vector sum > OK > You will get a list of slope results (in terms of radians)
5. Carry out animation also: Plot Ctrls > Animate > Deformed Shape >
Def+undeformed > Ok
6. General post processor > Element table > Define table > Add > set user
label for item = SFD5, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence
number- select SMISC, 5 (Type 5 after selecting SMISC) > Apply > set user
label for item = SFD18, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence
number- select SMISC, 18 (Type 18 after selecting SMISC) > Apply > set
user label for item = BMD2, select item, comp, results data item = by
sequence number- select SMISC,2 (Type 2 after selecting SMISC) > Apply
> set user label for item = BMD15, select item, comp, results data item =
by sequence number- select SMISC, 15 (Type 15 after selecting SMISC) >
Apply > OK > Close
7. General Post Processor > Element Table > List Element Table > Select
SFD5, SFD18, BMD2, BMD15 > OK > Tabulate the shear Force and
Bending Moment values at each node.
(Similarly you can list the stresses also)
8. General Post Processor >Plot Results > contour plot > Line element res>
Select SFD5, SFD18, > OK > Note down the SFD displayed.
10 . General Post Processor >Plot Results > contour plot > Line element
res>Select BMD2, BMD15, > OK > Note down the BMD displayed.
11 . Plot Ctrls > Style > Size & Shape > Display of element= ON > ok. This will show
the beam with assigned element orientation and cross section.
Step1: Name and sketch the element to be used showing its degree of freedom
Step2: Sketch of the given beam. Show the origin and XYZ axes.
Step3: List the co-ordinates of key point / nodes in a table (specify units)
Keypoint/ Node number Coordinates
x y z
3 (orientation KP)
Step4: Tabulate section parameters (based on Beam std. sections) and material properties
Sl No. Element Section parameters Moment of inertia Material no. and
No. (ANSYS) value of E in MPa
Step 5: Sketch the FE model showing node numbers and element numbers
Step 6: List
a) Displacement boundary conditions to be incorporated
Node No. Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Step7: List Reaction solution
Node No. Rx Ry Rz RMx RMy RMz
Show them on the sketch and check for ΣFx= 0, ΣFy=0, ΣFz=0, ΣMx= 0, ΣMy=0, ΣMz=0,
Also calculate reactions from fundamentals and compare with the ANSYS values. Ensure that they are
same, else doesn’t proceed.
Nodal Displacements and rotations with units
Step10: List bending stress with units.
Specify: ETABLE Item and sequence number for bending stress:
Element Top Fiber Bottom Fiber
No. I - node J - node I - node J - node
Step11: Conclusion
1) Critical element/ location is …………. and the stress value is………….
2) Maximum displacement point / node is ……………… and value is……………
3) Maximum shear force is …………. and occurs at ………..
4) Maximum bending moment is ……… and occurs at……………
5) Sketch the followings, one below the other (must be written in a single page):
FE model with Node no.s, Element
No.s, BCs
Displacement plot
Solution from Strength of Materials:
* From SOM , calculate Theoretical Maximum, Bending stress Maximum. Also write SFD
&BMD diagram (SFD5, SFD18, BMD2, BMD15)
30. a) Effect of Self Weight on a Cantilever Beam. The beam is to be made of steel with a modulus
of elasticity of 200 GPa. L=1000mm, W=10mm, h=50mm. Density= 7860 Kg/m3.
Compare and explain the influence of moment of Inertia on deflection and stresses with that of
problem 30. Is there any change in SFD and BMD?
1 Moment of inertia
2 Deflection
3 Stress
4 Shear force
5 Bending moment
Problem 31: Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the
simply supported beam shown in figure. Also find maximum deflection and
location. The beam is of rectangular cross section with depth 200 mm and
width 120 mm. Find maximum bending stress and location. E=2e5 N/mm2,
Given sketch
1. Define the Type of Element: Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete
>Beam>3D Finite Strain>Ok>Options>K3>select Cubic Form. >Ok
2. Define Element Material Properties: Preprocessor > Material Props > Material
Models > Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic >EX=2e5, PRXY=0.3
3. Define cross sectional Area: Preprocessor > Sections > Beam >Common Sections>
Sub-type>Rectangle>B=120, H=200 > Ok
4. Create geometric model:
Preprocessor >Modeling> Create > Key points > In active CS >
X=0, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
X= 3000, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
X= 4500, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
X= 6000, Y=0, Z=0 > Apply >
X=0, Y=1000, Z=0 > OK (This KP is ORIENTATION KEYPOINT - for orienting
the beam cross section)
Plot Ctrls > Numbering > Tick “ON” Keypoint Numbers > OK
Plot > Multiplot (for plotting all entities together)
5. Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight line > Pick KPs 1
& 2 > Pick KPs 2 & 3 > Pick KPs 3 & 4 > OK
Plot Ctrls > Numbering > Tick “ON” Line Numbers > OK
6. Preprocessor> Meshing > Mesh Attributes > All lines > Tick ‘YES’ in Pick
Orientation Keypoint(s)> Ok > Pick KP 5 - Orientation Keypoint > OK
7. Preprocessor> Meshing > Size Cntrls > Manual size > Lines > Picked lines >
Pick line L1 > Set No. of element divisions = 6 > Apply > Pick the lines L2 and
L3 > OK > Set No. of element divisions = 1 > OK
8. Preprocessor > Mesh > Lines > Pick all
Plot Ctrls > Numbering > Tick “OFF” Line Numbers& Keypoint Numbers > OK
Plot Ctrls > Style > Size and Shape > Display of element = ON > OK
Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and Solving
9. Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural
Displacement > On Nodes > Pick staring node > Ok >Select UX,UY,UZ,
10. Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural
Displacement > On Nodes > Pick the last node > Ok >Select UY,UZ
11. Preprocessor >loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural >
Force/Moment > On Nodes > Pick Node no.2 > Ok > Select FY= -40000>
12. Preprocessor >loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural >
Force/Moment > On Nodes > Pick Node no.14 > Ok > Select MZ= -
120e6> OK
13. Preprocessor >loads > Define Loads > apply > Structural >
Pressure > On beams >Click Box option>Drag a window selecting
elements first 6 elements > Ok >LKEY=1, VALI=20> OK
14. Solution>Solve>Current LS>SOLVE> ‘Solution is Done’ > Close
15. General Post Processor > List Results > Nodal Solutions> DOF
Solution>Displacement vector sum>OK > You will get a list as shown below:
17. General Post Processor > Plot Results >Deformed Shape > Select Def +
Undeformed > OK (Blue line indicates deformed shape and white line indicates
original shape
Carry out animation also: Plot Ctrls > Animate > Deformed Shape >
Def+undeformed > Ok
18. General Post Processor > List Results > Reaction Solutions> all items >OK >
note down the values. Check for equilibrium
19. General post processor > Element table > Define table > Add > set user
label for item = SFD5, select item, comp, results data item = by
sequence number- select SMISC, 5 (Type 5 after selecting SMISC) >
Apply > set user label for item = SFD18, select item, comp, results data
item = by sequence number- select SMISC, 18 (Type 18 after selecting
SMISC) > Apply > set user label for item = BMD2, select item, comp,
results data item = by sequence number- select SMISC,2 (Type 2 after
selecting SMISC) > Apply > set user label for item = BMD15, select
item, comp, results data item = by sequence number- select SMISC, 15
(Type 15 after selecting SMISC) > Apply > OK > Close
20. General Post Processor > Element Table > List
Element Table > Select SFD5, SFD18, BMD2, BMD15 > OK > Note the
shear Forces and Note the Bending Moments
21. General Post Processor >Plot Results > contour plot > Line element
res> Select SFD5, SFD18, > OK > SFD will be displayed
22. General Post Processor >Plot Results > contour plot > Line element res>Select BMD2,
BMD15, > OK > BMD will be displayed
120 X 2003
SOM solution for Problem 31
Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam shown in figure. Also find
maximum deflection and location. The beam is of rectangular cross section with depth 200 mm and
width 120 mm. Find maximum bending stress and location.
Problem32: Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the following problem.
Also determine displacement field, Maximum bending stress, and reactions by taking it as a
Rectangular c/s with depth 20 mm and thickness 10mm. Take v= 0.3, E= 2x105N/mm2.
ELEMENTAL SOLUTION- Shear Force and Bending Moment(Mention the units also)
Element Shear Forces on Elements Bending Moment Values
Shear force diagram
Bending moment
Compare solutions from SOM. Also find deflections using SOM approach.
Problem33: Find the shear force and bending moments and draw diagrams for the
following problem. Data: Rectangular c/s depth 120 mm, thickness 10mm, v= 0.3, E=
2x105N/mm2 Also determine displacement field, Maximum bending stress, and reactions.
Results: ELEMENTAL SOLUTION- Bending stresses
Element No.
Bending stresses
Also obtain maximum stress, maximum deflection and locations
Problem 35:A long cantilever beam with 30 mm square cross-section and 1000 mm
length is subjected to an off-centered axial force of 1000 N (see figure below). The force is
offset by 100 mm. E=70GPa
Mz=1000 X 100N-mm
A= 50X50 sq
Result Node Deflection Node Bending Element Max. Max. Minimum
No. (mm) No. Moment No. Bending Stress Stress
(N-mm) Stress (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
1 rad
A= 50X50 sq
Problem 38: A beam of length L and height h is built-in at one end and loaded at free
end with (A) a shear force F, and (B) a moment M. Determine the deflection at the free end.
A = 50 X 50 Sq. E = 200 Gpa L=2m
Problem 39: The figure shows a loaded beam subjected to various types of loading E =
200 GPa , I = 4 X 106 mm4
Hint: Assume it as a square cross section; calculate the dimension from the given value of
moment of inertia
Problem 40: A long cantilever beam has an I cross section with a total depth of
150mm , flange width of 100mm , thickness of flange and web being 25mm. Length of the
beam is 1000 mm (see figure below) and is subjected to
(a) Concentrated tip force
(b) Concentrated tip moment
(c) Distributed pressure load.
Each loading is applied separately
Problem 41: Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam shown in
figure. Also find maximum deflection and location .The beam is of rectangular cross section
with depth 300 mm and width 200 mm. Find maximum stress and location. .E =200GPa.
Results: ELEMENTAL SOLUTION- Shear Force and Bending Moment,and Axial thrust
Shear Forces
on Elements
Moment Axial thrust
No. Values
SFD5 SFD18 BMD2 BMD15 Mforx1(SMISC,1) Mforx7(SMISC,14)
Problem 42: Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam shown in
figure. Also find maximum deflection and location. Cross section is I with a total depth of
150mm, flange width of 100mm, thickness of flange and web being 25mm. Find maximum
stress and location. .E =200GPa.
40 KN/m
Problems on TORSION of shafts
Problem 43: A Stepped shaft is subjected to torque as shown in fig. Determine the angle
of twist at the free end and twist in each portion in degrees. Also find the maximum shear
stress in each step. Young’s modulus=208GPa, poisons ratio=0.3
12. Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > elements >Element Attributes>Section
13. Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > elements Thru Nodes > Pick 3 & 4 nodes > OK
14. Utility Menu > PlotCtrls>Style>Size and Shape > On Size and Shape dialog box turn
ON [/ESHAPE] display of Element and click OK.
15. In the Utility Menu, select Plot> Elements.
16. Switch to isometric view using the pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog box.
17. Preprocessor>Loads>DefineLoads>Apply>Structural> Displacement> On
Nodes>select Node1>OK>ALLDOF>OK
18. Preprocessor>Loads>DefineLoads>Apply>Structural> Force/Moment> On
Nodes>select Node2>OK>Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= 3e6>Apply
19. Preprocessor>Loads>DefineLoads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment > On
Nodes>select Node3>OK>Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= -2e6>Apply
20. Preprocessor>Loads>DefineLoads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment >On
Nodes>select Node4>OK>Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= 1e6>OK
21. Solution>Solve>Current LS>OK, Close Solution Done Window.
Nodal solution:
22. General Postproc>Plot result>Contour Plot>NodalSolu.
On the Contour Nodal Solution Data dialog box, Nodal solution>DOF Solution> Select
Rotation vector sum>OK
23. General postprocessor>List Results>Nodal Solutions>OK>DOF Solution>Rotation
vector sum>OK (in radians)
Reaction solution:
Element Solution:
25. General post processor > Element table > Define table > Add > set user
label for item = TQ4, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence
number- select SMISC, 4 (Type 4 after selecting SMISC) > Apply > set user
label for item = TQ17, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence
number- select SMISC, 17 (Type 17 after selecting SMISC) > Apply > OK >
26. General Post Processor > Element Table > List Element Table > Select
TQ4, TQ17>OK > Note the Torsional Moments in N-mm
27. General Post Processor > Plot results >Contour plot> Element Table >
Select TQ4, TQ17>OK
NOTE: We can only find torsional moments as we are using BEAM element. We can get
shear stresses in each portion by using PIPE288 element
15. Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads> Apply> Structural> Displacement> On
Nodes>select Node1>OK>ALLDOF>OK
16. Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads> Apply> Structural> Force/Moment> On
Nodes>select Node2>OK>Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= 3e6>Apply
17. Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads> Apply> Structural>Force/Moment > On
Nodes>select Node3>OK>Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= -2e6>Apply
18. Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads> Apply> Structural>Force/Moment >On
Nodes>select Node4>OK>Direction of force/mom=MX, Value= 1e6>OK
19. Solution>Solve>Current LS>OK, Close Solution Done Window.
22. General post processor > Element table > Define table > Add > set user
label for item = TQ4, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence
number- select SMISC, 4 (Type 4 after selecting SMISC) > Apply > set user
label for item = TQ17, select item, comp, results data item = by sequence
number- select SMISC, 17 (Type 17 after selecting SMISC) > Apply > OK >
23. General Post Processor > Element Table > List Element Table > Select
TQ4, TQ17>OK > Note the Torsional Moments in N-mm
24. General Post Processor > Plot results >Contour plot> Elemental Solu >
Stress > XY shear stress >OK
Check with SOM solution:
Examples: Thin Plate with a hole subjected to in plane loading, rotating disk or
Plate with a hole: Can be solved as Bi-axial symmetry problem, as shown below
PLANE182 is used for 2-D modeling of solid structures. The element can be used as either
a plane element (plane stress, plane strain or generalized plane strain) or an axisymmetric
element. It is defined by four nodes having two degrees of freedom at each node:
translations in the nodal x and y directions. The element has plasticity, hyperelasticity,
stress stiffening, large deflection, and large strain capabilities. It also has mixed formulation
capability for simulating deformations of nearly incompressible elastoplastic materials, and
fully incompressible hyperelastic materials.
PLANE182 Geometry
Meshing – An important step:
Problem 44. Obtain Stress concretion factor for a Plate with hole under tension,
Young’s modulus=200GPa, PRXY=0.3
Step-1 Preprocessor Menu > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > add Solid and Quad 4node
182>Ok> Option>K3-Plane strs w/thk>Ok>Close
Step 3 Preprocessor > Material Props > Material models > Structural > Linear > Elastic >
Isotropic > EX20e4, PRXY 0.3>OK> Close
Step 4 Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners>X0,Y0 Width
100 and Height 50>OK
Step 5 Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Circle > Solid Circle > X0, Y0, R20 >Ok
Step 6 Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Booleans > Subtract > Areas
Therefore, select the base area (the rectangle) by clicking on it. Note: The selected area will turn
pink once it is selected. The following window may appear because there are 2 areas at the location
you clicked.
Ensure that the entire rectangular area is selected (otherwise click 'Next') and then click 'OK'. Click
'OK' on the 'Subtract Areas' window. Now you will be prompted to select the areas to be subtracted,
select the circle by clicking on it and then click 'OK'.
Step 7 Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > Manual Size > Areas > All Areas > 25>OK
NOTE: Deciding the mesh size/element size is based on the geometry, level of accuracy required and
type of element used. Here, element size must be such that mesh includes at least 2 elements at the
arc of the hole. Later, this number is increased to improve the accuracy of the solution (convergence
Step 8 Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Free> Pick the rectangle>Ok> li
Step 09 Define Analysis Type :Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis>Static> OK
Step 10 Apply Constraints :Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement >
Symmetric B.C> on Lines> Select Left side and bottom> OK
Step 11 Apply Loads :Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Pressure > On Lines>
Select the Right end of the plate and click on 'Apply’>Load PRES value = (-1) > OK
Note: a) Calculate the pressure on the plate end by dividing the distributed load by the
thickness of the plate (1 MPa).
b) The pressure is uniform along the surface of the plate, therefore the last field is left
c) The pressure is acting away from the surface of the plate, and is therefore defined as
a negative pressure
Step 12 Solving the System : Solution > Solve > Current LS> Ok
Step 13 ANSYS : Utility Menu > Plot > Nodes>Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering
(The plot should look similar to the one shown below. Make a note of the node closest to the top of
the circle (ie. #25)
Step 14 Postproc > List Results > Nodal Solution > Stress, von Mises stress>Ok
The Von Mises Stress was found to be 2.5494 MPa at this point. We will use smaller elements to try
to get a more accurate solution.
Step 15 Deformation: Genrl Postproc > Plot Results >Deformed Shape >Def + undeformd >Ok
Step16 Deflection : General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour plot>Nodal Solution> DOF >
Solution> Displacement vector sum>OK
Step17 Stresses: General Postproc > Plot Results > Nodal Solution> Stress> von Misesstress.
In applying the Von Mises yield criterion, yielding is predicted to occur when σmises_eq=σy where σy
is the yield stress measured under uniaxial tension.
Viewing results for the Mises Equivalent Stress can provide insight into the load causing initial
yielding and the initial shape of yielding zones.
MAIN MENU -> General Postproc -> Plot Results-> Contour Plot-nodal solu...
Note down the maximum stress and location .Predict Stress concentration factor
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Symmetry Expansion > periodic /cyclic symmetry > ¼
Dehydral sym OK
Convergence studies
Step18 Step 7> now decrease the element edge length (ie 20) and then >Ok, repeat the steps 8,12…
Step19 Step 7> now decrease the element edge length (ie 15) and then >Ok, repeat the steps 8,12…
As the number of elements in the mesh increases (i.e. the element edge length decreases), the values
converge towards a final solution.
Load, F=P x w x t =
nominal=F/[(w-a)t] =
Compare this value with that obtained from Data Hand Book.
The von Mises stress at the top of the hole in the plate was found to be approximately 3.8 MPa. This
is a mere 2.5% difference between the analytical solution and the solution found using ANSYS.
Problem 45 : Plate with a Hole
Material : The plate is made of steel with Modulus of elasticity E = 200 GPa, and Poisson's ratio =
Unit : SI Units ONLY. It is important to convert pressure to "Pa" and all dimensions to "meters".
Boundary Conditions : We will use symmetry conditions to solve this problem, by considering
only the top right quarter of the plate. Therefore, the boundary conditions for the plate are symmetry
conditions on the left and bottom parts of the plate.
Loading : Uniform tensile Load with magnitude 1 MPa acting on both left and right sides of the
plate (Since we're using symmetry, we will apply pressure to only the right side of the top right
quarter of the plate) Because we are performing a linear analysis, a uniform load/area of 1 MPa is
appropriate. Stresses, strains and displacements for any other magnitude of loading can be
determined by simply re-scaling the results from this model. (eg. To obtain results for a 100MPa
load, simply multiply results from this model by 100)
1. To use symmetry conditions to determine magnitudes of maximum stress, minimum stress and
their locations on the plate after the load is applied.
2. To model the plate using a default mesh (coarse mesh) and using mesh size control to increase
element resolution (fine mesh). You will then determine how element resolution affects the
maximum and minimum stresses.
# Things to hand in:
1. Contour plot
2. Query of maximum stress
3. Query of minimum stress
4. Plot of stress xx and stress yy Vs y along y=0
However, in order to see their numbers when creating keypoints, we will need to turn on the
keypoint numbers.
ANSYS UTILITY MENU -> PlotCtrls -> Numbering>on
check the box next to "Keypoint numbers" to turn it on. Then click OK to close the dialog box.
The First Method: Merging Areas
PREPROCESSOR -> -Modeling – Create -> -Area –Circle -> Partial Annulus.The Part Annular
Circ Area window should now appear on the screen. Fill in the fields Enter
Click OK.
click OK yet. Then click on another triangle. Now click OK. ANSYS will know that the two area is
the base area where the next input area will be subtracted from. Now pick the area to be subtracted
(Circular area) Click OK. You should now have a plate with a hole as shown :
PREPROCESSOR-> -Modeling – Create > -Keypoints -> In Active CS...Then, pick the following
8 points:
Keypoint number 1 : (0, 0, 0) -> Click Apply
Keypoint number 2 : (0.0025,0,0) ->Clicl Apply
Keypoint number 3(0.0125, 0, 0) -> Click Apply
Keypoint number 4 : (0.025, 0, 0) -> Click Apply
Keypoint number 5 : (0.025, 0.0125, 0) -> Click Apply
Keypoint number 6 : (0.0125, 0.0125, 0) -> Click Apply
Keypoint number 7 : (0, 0.0125, 0) -> Click Apply
Keypoint number 8 : (0, 0.0025, 0) -> Click OK
Then, you will see the figure which indicates every key points created with its label.
PREPROCESSOR -> Modeling -> Create -> Lines -> Arcs -> By End KPs & Radius
The window will prompt you to pick points which are the end points of your arc. So pick point 2 and
8. Then click OK. You will see the same window again. Now, you have to enter any point which is
inside the circle. In this case, you just pick point 1. You will then see the window.Enter 0.0025 for
radius. 8 and 2 for p1 and p2 and 1 for pc Click OK. Then you will get the connected lines needed
to define an area.We will move on to creating an area through lines.
PREPROCESSOR -> Modeling -> Create -> Areas > Arbitrary -> By Lines
Pick all lines by clicking on each of them. Remember that you can unpick the line. But we will not
need to do that since we have to select every line. After you selected a line, that line will be
highlighted. Click OK. Then, you will see the figure on screen
Now, we have defined an area that has the same shape as from the first method. However, when you
mesh the area using Free command, the result will be different because ANSYS freely meshed the
area which we have defined as the connected piece. If we look at the area created by the first
method, we will see that there were separated areas which will help the software determines the
boundary where the meshes start and end. After you mesh the area created by the second method,
you should get the following result.
STEP2 Specify Element Type and Material Properties From the drop down menu
Method 1
PREPROCESSOR -> Material Props -> Material Models >Structural -> Linear -> Elastic ->
After you double click on Isotropic, enter the value for Young Modulus and Poisson Ratio given in
this problem. Click OK
Method 2
PREPROCESSOR -> Material Props -> Material Library -> Import Library
Click on BIN and OK.
Following is the directory where the material property files for different types of materials are.
C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v70/ANSYS/Matlib/fileStl_AISI-304.BIN_MPL
Then, the following window should appear.
We will first have ANSYS automatically mesh the model for us (Free Mesh). Then later, we will
improve the mesh quality by specifying mesh sizes, which will help improving the accuracy of the
MAIN MENU -> Preprocessor -> -Meshing –Mesh > Area -Free
MESH AREAS WINDOW-> Click on Pick All. Then click OK.
Wait for the program to mesh the part - this may take several seconds. Your meshed plate should
PREPROCESSOR -> Loads > Apply-> Structural -Displacement -> Symmetry B.C. -On Lines
ANSYS GRAPHICS WINDOW -> Pick the line on the left edge and 2 lines on the bottom of the
plate. Click OK.
Then you will see the resulting figure. There will be letter S's appear beside the lines:
4B. Apply External Loads
In this step, we will apply the pressure load to the plate.
PREPROCESSOR -> Loads -> Define Loads -> Apply -> Structural -> Pressure> On Lines
ANSYS GRAPHICS WINDOW -> Pick the line on the right edge of the plate. Then click APPLY
in the APPLY PRES ON LINES Window.
APPLY PRES ON LINES -> Enter -1e6 for the Load PRES value. The value is negative, because it
is a tensile load (A negative pressure). Note that value of the pressure entered in this problem is in
Pa. (see Figure on screen)
Click OK.
The red arrows should now appear on the right side of the beam.
5. Generate a Solution
In the drop down menu, instead of clicking on "Preprocessor", click
SOLUTION > Analysis Type > New Analysis on Static Then,SOLUTION -> Solve -> Current LS
Click OK.
Then the Note window will appear. “Solution Done”
Click on Close.
This displays the results data as contoured lines across the model. You should now have a color
representation of the normal stress xx in your plate similar to the Figure below.
B. Contour Plot of Mises Equivalent
The Mises equivalent stress, stress_bar, is given by the equation :
In applying the Von Mises yield criterion, yielding is predicted to occur when σmises_eq=σy where σy
is the yield stress measured under uniaxial tension.
Viewing results for the Mises Equivalent Stress can provide insight into the load causing initial
yielding and the initial shape of yielding zones.
MAIN MENU -> General Postproc -> Plot Results-> Contour Plot-nodal solu...
Note down the maximum stress and location .Predict Stress concentration factor
C. Graph Stresses in Cross Section
MAIN MENU -> General Postproc -> Path Operations -> Define Path-By Nodes
DEFINE PATH -> Pick nodes along the left edge of the plate toward the hole.Click OK.
In the Define Path Name box, type: 1, click OK. PATH OPERATIONS -> Map Onto Path
MAP RESULTS ITEMS ONTO PATH -> Highlight X-Direction SX or whichever stress
component is relevant.
PATH OPERATIONS -> Plot Path Items -On Graph
A graph of the stresses along the chosen path will appear as shown in the figure below.
You can also get plots of Sigma yy vs. y by the steps similar to those listed above.
Close PLOT RESULTS window.
Enter 12 for number of element divisions per line and 1 for Spacing ratio.Then click APPLY.
NDIV = If positive, NDIV is the number of element divisions per line. If -1, NDIV is SPACE =
Spacing ratio. If positive, nominal ratio of last division size to first division size (if > 1.0, sizes
increase, if < 1.0, sizes decrease). If negative, |SPACE| is nominal ratio of center division(s) size to
end divisions size. Ratio defaults to 1.0 (uniform assumed to be zero element divisions per line
2) Pick the three lines that radiate from the hole. Then click APPLY.
Enter 16 for number of element divisions per line and 0.5 for Spacing ratio. Then click APPLY.
(More number of element divisions means more elements near the hole. Also, specifying a Spacing
ratio less than 1 means that the element sizes decrease as the hole is approached.)
3) Pick the line on the right most edge of the plate. (See Figure) Then click APPLY.
Enter 12 for number of element divisions per line and 1 for Spacing ratio. Then click APPLY.
4) Pick the remaining 2 lines. (See Figure) Then click APPLY.
Enter 16 for number of element divisions per line and 0.5 for Spacing ratio. Then click OK.
Note that the division sizes on the bottom line decrease as the hole is approached. This is because the
number of keypoints on the left of the bottom line is less than of the one on the right, when 0.5 was
input for the spacing ratio, ANSYS decreased the division sizes from the left to the right on the line.
But since we need the opposite result, the next step will lead you to flip the line division which is
what we will do next.
After meshing, you should see the figure below.
Note that after the lines are meshed, there will be letter M's located beside the lines indicate that they
are already meshed. Also notice that when the lines are picked, ANSYS shows the numbers of
keypoints of those lines in blue. These numbers are important when you assign the spacing ratio. If
the spacing ratio is less than one, element sizes decrease along the line from the former keypoint to
latter keypoint.
Now, we will flip the line division using the flip bias command.
SIZE CNTRLS -> Flip Bias
FLIP LINE BIAS -> Pick the bottom line that needs to be flipped.
Click OK. Now the plate is ready to be meshed.
PREPROCESSOR -> -Meshing –Mesh -> Areas –Mapped 3 or 4 sided
MESH AREAS -> Pick all areas.
Generate a solution, then obtain results as in steps 6a - 6e. Compare results with the ones previously
obtained from auto-meshed model. Observe how the results changed with mesh resolution.
<-----Contour Plot of Mises Equivalent
<-----Stress xx V.S. y
<-----Stress yy V.S. y
8. Interpreting Your Results
In this step, we will compare the results of the coarse-meshed plate with those of the fine-meshed
plate. The results we are going to consider are:
1. As shown in both figures above, the top point of the hole (The red area) has positive (tensile)
stress, while the point on the right edge of the hole has a compressive stress. This is consistent with
what is seen in the closed-form solution for a hole in an infinitely large plate under far-field uniform
tension. Note that the dash lines represent undeformed shape of the plate.
2. With higher mesh resolution, it is clear that the stress contour lines are smoother.
3. According to The Stress-concentration factor chart of a finite-width plate with a circular hole
(Peterson, 1974), K = 3.14, where K = Stress_max/P, where P = Pressure Load and a/w = 0.2. The
stress-concentration factors K for both cases obtained using maximum stresses obtained from the
contour plots are:
K_free = 2.65
K_map = 3.14
From these results, it is clear that the higher mesh resolution gives more accurate results.UP
This for a yield stress of 350 MPa, initial yielding will occur when the applied load equals :
=115 MPa
4. Note also that the initial yielded zone near the top edge of the hole will look like the Von Mises
contour lines. There will be some difference, though, because an actual yielded plate will experience
some load redistribution due to yielding. The only way to precisely track the boundary between
yielded and unyielded material as the load is increased is to perform a more complicated elastic-
plastic analysis.
P = Pressure Load
w = Width of the plate
a = Diameter of the hole
With values P=1000000 Pa, w = 0.025, a = 0.005, The average Stress is 1,250,000 Pa. This is also
the "average" stress in the plots of the stress xx VS y. The effect of the hole is to elevate the stress to
a value above the average for locations near the hole, and to reduce the stress to a value below the
average for locations away from the hole. Another way of thinking of this is that the area under the
stress xx VS y curve is the total load carried by the unit-thickness plate, i.e.
For a given applied load, introducing a stress concentration simply changes the distribution of the
stress xx, but the area under the curve is the same.
Exercise: Do the convergence study on Von Mises stress, for the
previous problem by increasing the number of elements (plot VM stress
vs no. of elements):
Problem46: Consider the square plate of uniform thickness with a circular hole
with dimensions shown in the figure below. The thickness of the plate is 1 mm.
The Young's modulus E =107 MPa and the Poisson ratio is 0.3. A uniform
pressure p=1 MPa acts on the boundary of the hole. Assume that plane stress
conditions prevail. The stress and displacement fields are to be determined
using ANSYS.
Step8 Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Circle >
Partial Annulus>
X=0, Y=0, Rad1=0, θ1=0, Rad2=r, θ2 =90> Ok
Step 8 Main Menu > Preprocessor >Modeling > Operate > Booleans > Subtract
> Areas> pick base areas from which to subtract > ok> pick areas to be
Toolbar > SAVE_DB
Mesh geometry:
Step 9 Main Menu > Preprocessor > Mesh Attributes> default Attributes>
ok>mesh tool>check smart size-5>mesh> Toolbar > SAVE_DB
Step 10 Main Menu > Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply >
Structural > Displacement > Symmetry B.C. > On Lines> Left end and bottom
Step 11 Main Menu > Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply >
Structural > Pressure > On Lines> Arc> Enter p for Value and click OK
ok>Toolbar > SAVE_DB
Step 12 Main Menu > Solution > Solve > Current LS>ok
Step 13 Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape>OK
Step 14 Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot results > Contour Plot > Nodal
Solution>stress> von mises Stress> ok
Stem 15 Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot results > Contour Plot >
Element Solu> stress> von mises Stress> ok
Step16 Main Menu > General Postproc > List Results > Reaction Solution>All
Struc forc F>ok
Refine Mesh
Let's repeat the calculations on a mesh with overall element size level under
SmartSize set to 4 instead of 5 and Compare the results on the two meshes.
Delete the current mesh:
Step17: Main Menu > Preprocessor > Mesh Attributes> default Attributes>
ok>mesh tool>check smart size-4>mesh> Toolbar > SAVE_DB
Step19; follow step10 to step 17 for better result
The two results Compare well with the finer mesh contours being smoother as
expected. Compare the maximum stress and displacement values:
The maximum displacement value and Maximum Von Mises Stress Value
changes by less than 1%. This indicates that the meshes used provide
adequate resolution.
Problem 47: Find the stress concentration for the steel plate subjected to
different load cases as mentioned in the table.
Assume the dimensions of the plate to be 100mm square and hole dia 25 mm
Load Max. stress
Sl. Load W a Concentratio
a/W h F in Stres nom
No case (mm) (mm) n Factor
(N) s F/(W-a)*h
Sx =
Sy =0
Sx =0 Sy
2 = 800 N/
Sx =
3 mm2
Sy = 800
N/ mm2
* Compare the stress concentration factor with the values mentioned in the design
data hand book
Problem 48: Find the stress concentration for the plate subjected to pure
shear. Equivalent loading is shown. Sx= -SY =S=100MPa
Assume the dimensions of the plate to be 100mm square and hole dia 25 mm
Load stress
Sl. W a Max. Concentration
a/W h F in nom =
No (mm) (mm) Stress Factor
(N) F/(W-a)*h
* Compare the stress concentration factor with the values mentioned in the design
data hand book
FE Model
VM Stress Plot
F 110 (50 5)
Nominal stress, nom = = = 161.765MPa
Amin (50 − 16) 5
K = max = = 2.023
nom 161.765
Problem 50:
Solve the following problem using symmetric model with mapped mesh approach. Determine the
maximum deformation and stress.
Chapter 09: Introduction to Axisymmetric Analysis
Problem 51: A pipe of 100mm external dia. And 20mm thickness carries water
at a pressure of 20MPa. Determine the maximum and minimum intensities of
hoop stresses in the section of pipe. Also plot the variation of hoop and radial
stresses across the thickness of pipe.
1. Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Solid > select Quad 4 Node 182 >
OK > Options (Element Behavior)> Axisymmetric > OK > Close
2. Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear > Elastic >
Isotropic >Enter Ex = 2.e5 and PRXY = 0.3 > OK > Close.
Note: In ANSYS the Y axis is always the axis of symmetry for axisymmetric problems.
4. Preprocessor -> Meshing -> mesh tool -> (Click on smart size and reduce to fine mesh-3)
>pick the rectangular area>ok
5. Solution -> Loads ->Apply ->Displacement -> On Lines (Pick the bottom line of the rectangle)
uy = 0 along this line. This simply prevents rigid body motion in the Y direction. No other
displacement boundary conditions are required. The radial movement is prevented by the 'hoop'
tension in the cylinder.
6. Solutions -> Loads ->Apply ->Pressure -> On Lines (Pick the left hand line of the rectangle).
Enter a pressure of 20
8. General Post Processor -> Plot Results -> Deformed Shape . . . ->Def +undeformed -> OK
9. General Postprocessor -> Plot Results ->Contour plot> Element Solu >Stress>X component
of stress>ok (Pick Sx, Sz and examine each).
Sx (Radial stresses)……………….
The SX stress is the radial stress that is equal to the pressure (20MPa) on the interior of the cylinder
and is zero on the exterior. We will need to examine the computed values more closely evaluate this
10. General Postprocessor -> Plot Results ->Contour plot> Element Solu >Stress>Z component
of stress>ok (Pick Sx, Sz and examine each).
Sz (hoop stresses)……………….
SZ is the 'hoop' stress perpendicular to the plane of this rectangle and varies from 22.5613
to 42.2178 MPa in the legend above.
11.Graph Stresses in Cross Section:
MAIN MENU: General Postproc > Path Operations > Define Path-By Nodes
DEFINE PATH: Pick nodes along the Radius (Horizontal ) from inner radius to outer radius. Click
In the Define Path Name box, type: Dist, click OK.
PATH OPERATIONS: Map Onto Path> Highlight Stress
MAP ONTO PATH: User Label Item >Hoop> StressHighlight Z-Direction SZ(Hoop) >OK
MAP ONTO PATH: User Label Item >Radial> StressHighlight X-Direction SX(Radial) >OK
PATH OPERATIONS: Plot Path Items -On Graph > Highlight SZ & SX > OK
A graph of the stresses along the chosen path will appear as shown in the figure below.
Ri Ro
We can calculate SX and SZ from solid mechanics formulas for thick walled cylinders. These
equations are given by
At the inside of the cylinder SX(Radial Stresses) = 20MPa and SZ(Hoop Stresses) = 42.2178
Thus the ANSYS calculated results agree pretty well with the theory. Here, radial stress is negative
and Hoop stress is positive.
Problem 52: A thick cylinder has inner and outer dia as 120mm and 180mm
respectively, it is subjected to an external pressure of 9MPa. Determine the
maximum and minimum intensities of Hoop stresses in the section of pipe also
plot the variation of hoop and radial stresses across the thickness of pipe.
Problem 53: A disk of uniform thickness and of dia 600mm rotates at
1800rpm, if a hole of dia 100mm is made at the center of the disk. Find the
Hoop stresses in the section of pipe also plot the variation of hoop and radial
stresses across the thickness of pipe for Case (a) and Case (b).
E=2e5 MPa, =0.3, Density= 7700Kg /m3
Case a) Solid Rotating Disc
➢ Preprocessor > Material props > Material models > Structural >
Density = 7700> OK
➢ Define loads > Apply > Structural > Inertia > Ang.velocity> Global >
Global Cartesian Y Comp = 60*3.142 (rad/s)
NOTE: Create axis symmetric model. For consistency it is better to keep all the
parameters in terms of meter.
Analytical equations:
Case b) Hollow Rotating Disc
Analytical equations:
Structural Analysis involves determining the stresses and strains in a structure, when subjected to a
variety of loading conditions, under static or dynamic conditions. The term structural (or structure)
implies not only naval, aeronautical and mechanical structures such as ship hulls, aircraft bodies and
machine housings, as well as mechanical components such as pistons, machine parts, and tools but
also civil engineering structures such as bridges and buildings.
The primary unknowns (nodal degrees of freedom) calculated in a structural analysis are
displacements. Other quantities, such as strains, stresses, and reaction forces are then derived from
the nodal displacement
The large size problems handled by modern digital computers connected with static and
dynamic analysis of complicated structures are generally of the form
M u + C u + K u = F (t )
•• •
Where [M] is the global mass matrix, [C] the global damping matrix and [K] the global stiffness
matrix. {F(t)} is a given forcing function vector in time,
{ } is the resultant acceleration vector, and {u} represent its velocity and displacement vectors
respectively. Generally, [M], [C] and [K] are banded. Depending upon the nature of these
coefficients, the problems are classified as static, dynamic, linear and non-linear. The following are
some of the specific classifications:
When [C] = 0, [M] = 0, [K] and {F (t)} are constants, the result is a static linear problem.
When [M] and [C] are absent, and [K] is a function of {u} and {F (t)} a constant the result is a non-
linear static problem.
If {F (t)} and [C] are absent, and [M] and [K] are constants, it is an Eigen value problem.
If [M], [C] and [K] are constants and {F(t)} is a periodic forcing function, the result is a multi-
degree of freedom steady state vibration problem
If [M], [C] and [K] are constants and {F(t)} is a function of time, the result is a transient vibration
are known as Eigen values and corresponding {u} are the Eigen vectors. Eigen value problems arise
in the following cases:
Buckling: [M] {ű} + [K] {u} = 0, ‘λi’ indicates critical/ buckling load and {ui} is the
corresponding buckling mode.
Heat Transfer [K] {φ} = λ [C] {φ}, where [K] is the heat conduction matrix, [C] is the heat
capacitance matrix, ‘λ’ is the thermal Eigen value and {φ} is the thermal mode shape.
Vibration {[K] – λ [M]} {Q} = 0, where √λi = ωi is the ith natural frequency and {Qi} the ith
vibration mode.
Eigen values and Eigen vectors can be estimated from the following methods
a. Determinant based methods :
In this method the standard Eigen equation is rewritten as:
[ A- λI ] {u} = 0,{u} = 0 is a trivial solution.
For non trivial solution, det (A- λI) = 0
If ‘λ’ is a known value and if RHS is replaced by a column vector {f} then this gets modified as
[A- λI] {u} ={f} ,The displacement vector {u} can be evaluated by Cramer’s rule.
b.Transformation based
All transformation methods use the same basic formulation. Given [A] {u} = λ[U], transform [A]
into diagonal matrix or tri-diagonal matrix, using a series of matrix transformations of the type [A] =
[T]T [A] [T], where [T] the transformation matrix, is usually an orthogonal matrix, i.e [T] T = [T]-1. If
we are able to transform [A] completely into a diagonal matrix, then the elements on the diagonal
themselves are the required Eigen values. Transformation methods include Jacobi’s method,Given’s
transformation ,Householder’s method
c.Vector integration based methods: Vector iteration methods are performed by assuming a trial
vector {X1}.Vector iteration methods include Inverse iteration, Subspace iteration, Power iteration
Free vibration takes place when a system oscillates under the action of forces integral in the system
itself due to initial deflection, and under the absence of externally applied forces. The system will
vibrate at one or more of its natural frequencies, which are properties of the system dynamics,
established by its stiffness and mass distribution. In case of continuous system the system properties
are functions of spatial coordinates. The system possesses infinite number of degrees of freedom and
infinite number of natural frequencies.
In actual practice there exists some damping (e.g., the internal molecular friction, viscous damping,
aero dynamical damping, etc.) inherent in the system which causes the gradual dissipation of
vibration energy, and it results in decay of amplitude of the free vibration. Damping has very little
influence on natural frequency of the system, and hence, the observations for natural frequencies are
generally made on the basis of no damping. Damping is of great significance in restraining the
amplitude of oscillation at resonance.
The comparative displacement alignment of the vibrating system for a particular natural frequency is
known as the Eigen function in continuous system. The mode shape of the lowest natural frequency
(i.e. the fundamental natural frequency) is termed as the fundamental (or the first) mode frequency.
The displacements at some points may be zero which are called the nodal points. Generally nth
mode has (n-1) nodes excluding the end points. The mode shape varies for different boundary
conditions of a beam.
Modal analysis has become a major technique to determine dynamic characteristics of engineering
structures and its components. It is a process by which the natural frequencies, mode shapes and
damping factor of structures can be determined with a relative ease. The modal analysis process has
two types of method to analysis the structures. First is theoretical modal analysis and second is
experimental modal analysis.
In the theoretical modal analysis method (fig.1) the spatial properties of the modal (mass, stiffness
and damping) are given and using them modal and response modal are obtained. In theoretical modal
analysis one cannot forecast accurate boundary conditions, actual rigidity and damping for complex
engineering structures and component. So the calculated results often have certain error with actual
result. The Numerical modal analysis method using the Finite element modeling softwares like
NASTRAN, ANSYS enables engineers to get a better understanding of dynamic properties of
The experimental modal analysis path from response modal (fig 2) and not so often ending with
spatial modal. Experimental modal analysis used to derive the modal of a linear time-invariant
vibratory system. Modal analysis using vibrometer is non- destructive testing, based on vibration
response of the structures. For excitation impact hammer is widely used in modal analysis. It is well
known that for structures falling under resonant conditions small force can result in large
deformation, and possibly, damage can be induced in the structure. The interaction between the
inertial and elastic properties of the materials causes resonant vibration in the structures. Modal is
frequently used to find mode of vibration of machine component in the structure.
In this exercise the modal parameters i.e. natural frequencies and mode shape for the beam are
determined using finite element modeling software ANSYS 14.5. The result of thus obtained natural
frequencies is then compared with theoretically calculated values.
For free vibrations the equation of motion of beam can be given as [6]
Note: Refer appendix on the page No 234
Steps in a Modal Analysis :
Modal analysis is to determine the vibration characteristics (natural frequencies and mode shapes) of
a structure or a Machine Component while it is being designed. Modal analysis outputs can be used
as input for the following analysis.Transient dynamic analysis,. Harmonic response analysis,
Spectrum analysis.
The procedure for a modal analysis consists of four main steps:
Build the model > Apply loads and obtain the solution > Expand the modes > Review the
Build the model
The geometry can either be created within ANSYS or imported. Only linear behavior is valid in a
modal analysis.Define both Young's modulus (EX) (or stiffness in some form) and density (DENS)
(or mass in some form) for a modal analysis
Apply Loads and Obtain the Solution
Define Analysis Type: Modal
Analysis option
Choose one of the extraction methods listed below.
Block Lanczos method (default) -used for large symmetric eigenvalue problems. It uses the sparse
matrix solver, overriding any solver specified already
Subspace method -used for large symmetric eigenvalue problems.
When doing a modal analysis with a large number of constraint equations, use the subspace method
with the frontal solver instead of the JCG solver.
The Power Dynamics method -used for very large models (100,000+DOFs), and is especially useful
to .obtain a solution for the first several modes to learn how the model will behave. You can then
choose the most appropriate extraction method (subspace or Block Lanczos) for running the final
Reduced method is faster than the subspace method because it uses reduced (condensed) system
matrices to calculate the solution. However, it is less accurate because the reduced mass matrix is
Unsymmetric method -used for problems with unsymmetrical matrices, such as fluid-structure
interaction problems.
Damped method -used for problems where damping cannot be ignored, such as bearing problems
QR Damped method -faster and achieves better calculation efficiency than the damped method. It
uses the reduced modal damped matrix to calculate complex damped frequencies in modal
For most applications, you will use the Block Lanczos, subspace, reduced, or Power Dynamics
method. The unsymmetric, damped, and QR damped methods are meant for special applications.
Apply Loads
The only "loads" valid in a typical modal analysis are zero-value displacement constraints. You can
specify forces, pressures, temperatures, accelerations, and so on in a modal analysis, but they are
ignored for the mode extraction. However, the program will calculate a load vector and write it to
the mode shape file (Jobname.MODE), so that it can be used in a subsequent mode-superposition
harmonic or transient analysis.
The output from the solution consists mainly of the natural frequencies, which are printed as part of
the printed output (Jobname.OUT) and also written to the mode shape file (Jobname.MODE).The
printed output may include reduced mode shapes and the Participation factor table, depending on
the analysis options and output controls. The mode shapes are not written to the database or to the
results file, so you need to expand the modes to post process the results.
Expand Mode
The term "expansion" means expanding the reduced solution to the full DOF set. The "reduced
solution" is usually in terms of master DOF. In a modal analysis, however, we use the term
"expansion" to mean writing mode shapes to the results file. That is, "expanding the modes" applies
not just to reduced mode shapes from the reduced mode extraction method, but to full mode shapes
from the other mode extraction methods as well. Thus, if you want to review mode shapes in the
postprocessor, you must expand them (that is, write them to the results file).Expanded modes are
also required for subsequent spectrum analyses Number of modes to expand can be defined in many
Choose Preprocessor > Loads>~ Analysis option. In the Modal Analysis dialog box, enter the "No.
of modes to expand" value;
Or Choose Solution > Load Step Opts > Expansion Pass > Single Expand > Expand Modes
Review the Results
Results from a modal analysis (that is, the model expansion pass) are written to the structural results
file, Job name, RST.
The Results consist of:
Natural frequencies
Expanded mode shapes
Relative stress and force distributions (if requested)
You can review these results in POST1, the general postprocessor. Some typical post processing
operations for a modal analysis are described below.
Listing All Frequencies
To list the frequencies of all modes expanded, choose General Postproc >List Results
Plotting deformed shape
To define mode shape (deformed shape), choose General Postproc>Plot Results>Deformed Shape
from the Main menu.
Problem 54: Obtain the first ten natural frequencies of the Fixed –Fixed beam shown in
figure and Compare them with theoretical values. Also plot their mode shapes
0.01 m
1.0 m
0.01 m
Modulus of elasticity, E = 2.068x1011 N/m2, Poisson’s ratio, = 0.3, Density, = 7830 kg/m3
M.I of I section = , C/S Area =
1. Define Element Types
Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delet >Beam>3D Finite Strain > Ok>
Options>K3>select Cubic Form. >Ok
2. Define Area: Preprocessor > Sections > Beam >Common Sections > B-0.01, H-0.01 >
3. Define Element Material Properties
Preprocessor >Material Props >Material Models >Structural > Linear >Elastic >
Isotropic, EX: 2.068e11, Poisson’s Ratio, PRXY: 0.3, Density: 7830
4. Preprocessor>Modeling>create>Keypoints>in Active CS
Create 2 Keypoints with the following coordinates
Keypoint X,Y,Z coord.
1 0,0,0
2 1,0,0
5. Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line
Click on Keypoint 1 and keypoint 2.
6. Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > Manual Size > Lines > All Lines. For this example
10 element divisions are specified along the line.
7. Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > Click ‘Pick All’ in the small window appears
8. Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Modal > Ok > Analysis Options
The following window will appear
Select the PGC lanczos method.
Enter 10 in the ‘No. of modes to extract’
Check the box beside ‘Expand modes shapes’
Enter 10 in the ‘No. of modes to expand’
Click ‘OK’.
The following window will then appear
The results are compared with theoretical values as shown
where, a =
fi = i Hz i = 1,2,3
12. View Mode Shapes: General Postproc > Read Results > First Set
This select the results for the first mode shape.
General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shapes > Select Def + Undef + edge
The first mode shape is now appear in the graphic window.
To view the next mode shapes, select
General Postproc > Read Results > Next set
General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shapes > Select Def + Undef +edge.
Repeat the above steps for the remaining mode shapes.
13. Animate Mode Shapes: Select Utility Menu (Menu at the top) > Plot Ctrls >Animate
>Mode Shapes. Then the following window will appear.
Keeps the default setting and click ‘OK’, animated window will appear
➢ Identify the mode of vibration like axial,bending or torsional
Problem 55: Obtain the first three natural frequencies of the Fixed –Fixed beam shown in
figure and Compare them with theoretical values. Also plot their mode shapes
Modulus of elasticity, E = 2.068x1011 N/m2, Poisson’s ratio, = 0.3, Density, = 7830 kg/m3
0.03 m
1.0 m
0.01 m
Problem 56: Obtain the first five natural frequencies of the Fixed –Fixed beam having an I cross
section with a total depth of 150mm, flange width of 100mm, thickness of flange and web being
25mm. Length of the beam is 1000 mm. Also compare with theoretical values
Modulus of elasticity, E = 0.7x1011 N/m2, Poisson’s ratio, = 0.3, Density, = 2700 kg/m3
Natural Frequencies in Hz Percent Mode Shape
Mode Theory ANSYS Error
Problem 57: Perform Modal Analysis and find first 3 natural frequencies and mode shapes of
the I –Section beam pinned at both ends. Compare the natural frequencies with theorictical ones
E =2.0684 x 105 MPa , = 7850 kg/ mm3 , ν = 0.32
Mode Natural Frequencies in Hz Percent Mode Shape
Theory ANSYS
In case of shafts and beams of negligible mass carrying concentrated mass, the force is proportional
to the deflection of the mass from the equilibrium position and the relation derived for natural
frequency of longitudinal vibrations holds good
mga 2 b 2
= for simply supported beams
mga 3 b 3
= for beams fixed at both ends
3EI 3
a b a b
L l l
Problem 58: A shaft fixed at the ends has a mass of 120kg placed 250 mm from one end.
Determine the frequency of the natural transverse vibrations if the length of the shaft is 700mm, E =
200GPa.and shaft diameter is 40mm. Also compare with theoretical value.
0.7 m
1. Creation of Fixed Beam used in Modal Analysis:
Give example a Title(optional):Utility Menu > File > Change Title - , Enter Fixed-Fixed Beam
with lumped mass for the title
Give example a Jobname(optional)::Utility Menu > File > Change Jobname - -, Enter Modal_5
for the jobname
2. Define Element Types: Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Beam – 3D
finite strain > Apply > Structural Mass-3D > mass 21> ok.
Pick Type2 MASS21 > options > Rotary inertia options=’2D w/o rot iner’ > ok > Close
3. Real Constants> Add/Edit/Delete > Add >Type 2 MASS21 > ok > 2-D mass = 120
4. Define shaft cross section: Preprocessor > Sections > Common sections > subtype=circular,
R=20, ok
5. Define Element Material Properties: Preprocessor >Material Props >Material Models >
Structural > Linear >Elastic >Isotropic
In the window that appears, enter the following material properties
Young’s Modulus, EX : 200e9
Poisson’s Ratio, PRXY: 0.3
6. Create Nodes:Preprocessor>Modeling>create>Nodes>in Active CS
Create 2 Keypoints with the following coordinates
Keypoint X,Y,Z coord.
1 0,0,0
2 0.25,0,0
3 0.7,0,0
7. Create Elements: Preprocessor>Modeling>create>elements>auto numbered >thru nodes>
pick1&2,2&3>ok> element attributes >element type number= 2Mass21> ok > auto numbered
> thru nodes> pick node 2
8. Solution > Analysis Type > new analysis > modal>ok>
Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis Options
The following window will appear
Select the Subspace method. Enter 1 in the ‘No. of modes to extract’ Check the box beside ‘Expand
modes shapes’Enter 1 in the ‘No. of modes to expand’
Click ‘OK’.
The following window will then appear
Problem 59: A shaft supported freely at the ends has a mass of 120kg placed 250 mm from one
end. Determine the frequency of the natural transverse vibrations if the length of the shaft is 700mm,
E = 200GPa and shaft diameter is 40mm. Also compare with theoretical value.
Mode Natural Frequencies in Hz Percent Mode Shape
Theory ANSYS
Problem 60: Obtain the first three natural frequencies of the Fixed –Fixed beam with a
central lumped mass as shown in figure and Compare them with theoretical values. Also plot their
mode shapes.Modulus of elasticity, E = 2.068x1011 N/m2, Poisson’s ratio, = 0.3, Density, = 7830
M 0.03 m
1.0 m
0.01 m
Problem 61: A shaft 40mm diameter and 2.5m long has a mass of 15 kg per meter is
simply supported at the ends and carries three masses 90kg, 140kg and 60kg at 0.8m,1.5m
respectively from the left support . Taking E=200GPa, find the frequency of the transverse
90 kg 140 kg 60 kg
0.8 m
1.5 m
2.5 m
Hint: In order to account the mass of the shaft, calculate the density of the shaft and use it in material
Analytical Solution:
D =40mm = 0.04m l = 2.5m
Xd 2 = X (0.04) = 0.1257 X 10 −6 m 4
64 64
0.4985 mg a 2 b 2
fn = 1 = f n =
s 3EIl
1 + 1 + 1 +
Problem 62: Carry out Harmonic analysis for the stepped bar subjected to a cyclic load as
shown below.
100. mm
50 mm2
0.5 m 0.5 m
1. Define Analysis Type : Solution > Analysis type > New analysis > Harmonic>ok
For the problem, the Link (3D Finite stn 180 )element is used. This element has 3 d.o.f (i.e.
translation along X and Y axes and rotation about Z axis)
6.Define Element Material Properties
Preprocessor > Material properties > Material Models >Structural >L1near>Elastic>Isotropic in the
that appears enter the following material properties of the bar ( here it is steel)
i. Young’s Modulus, EX : 2.069e11 kg/m2
ii. Poisson’s Ratio, PRXY :0.3
To Enter the density of material ,double click on the ‘Linear’ followed by ‘Density’in the Define
Material Model Behavior window and enter a density of 7830kg/m3 divided by 9.81
Note : If the material properties of two element, create another new model in main menu of the
window and enter the material properties of the second element .
7.Create Nodes
Since the real constant such as area and /or lengths of stepped bar different and number of elements
to be used are less, the creation of model through node points is simple as Compared to the creation
of model through key points. Hence the model, in this example, is created through nodes.
Preprocessor >Modeling >Create >Nodes>In Active CS
Define 3 node points for this structure along with the coordinates as given in the following table
8. Create Element
Preprocessor >Modeling >Create>Elements >Element Attributes.
Check the material No. and real constant set No. for element 1 in the window that appears (for
element 1, both should be 1)
Preprocessor > Modeling> Create>Elements>Auto Numbered >Thru Nodes
* click on node 1and 2 click ‘OK’ in small window.
Preprocessor >Modeling >Create>Elements >Element Attributes.
Change the material No. and real constant set No. for element 2 in the window that appears for
element 2,Material No.1 and Real Const.Set No.=2, in this case
Preprocessor > Modeling> Create>Elements>Auto Numbered >Thru Nodes
* click on node 2and 3 click ‘OK’ in small window.
1. Set Options for Analysis Type
Solution >Analysis Type > Analysis options………….
*As shown , Select the Full solution method, the Real +imaginary DOF printout Format and do not
use lumped mass approximation.
*Click ‘Ok’
The following widow will appear. Use the default setting (shown below)
3.Apply Loads: Solution >Define Loads>apply >structural >force/Moment>on Nodes
select the node at free-end of bar ( x = 1.0)
The following window will appear. Fill it as shown to apply a load with real value of 100and an
imaginary values of 0 in the positive ‘x’ direction
Note: By specifying a real and imaginary value of the load we are providing information on
magnitude and phase of the load. In this case the magnitude of the load is 100N and its phase is 00
Phase information is most important when we have two or more cyclic loads being applied to the
structure as these load could be in or out phase. For harmonic analysis, all loads must have the same
4.Set the Frequency Range Solution >Load Step option >Time/Frequency >Freq and Substps….
As shown in the window below, specify a frequency range of 0-4500Hz 100 Sub steps and stepped
2. Define Variables
Note: Here we have to define variables that we want to see plotted. By default. Variables 1 is
assigned either Time or Frequency. In this case it assigned frequency, we want to see the
displacement UX at the node at x= 0.5(To get a list of nodes and their attributes. Select Utility
Menu >List Nodes ). Time Hist PostPro >Variable Viewer ………..
The following window will pop up.
• Select Add (the green’+’ sign in the upper left corner)from this window and the following
window will appear.
• We are interested in the Nodal Solution >DOF Solution >X-Component. Click OK.
• Graphically select node 2 when promoted and click OK. The ‘Time History Variables
window should now look as follows.
3 List Stored Variables
In the ‘Time History Variable’ window, click the ‘List’ button (3buttons to left of ‘Add’ button).
The following window will appear listing the data:
4. Plot UX vs Frequency
* in the ‘Time Variable’ window click the ‘Plot’ button (2buttons to the left of ‘Add’ button).
The following graph will be plotted in the main ANSYS window.
Note that we get peaks at frequencies of approximately 1650 and 4250Hz This correspondence with
the predicated natural frequencies of 1627.7and 4220.5Hz respectively during model analysis of the
Same stepped bar.
Obtain the response with log scale of UX similar to the previous case. Then We will now see the
response at free-end of bar for the cyclic load with frequency range 0-5000 Hz as shown below.
Select Utility menu> Plot Ctrl> Style > Graphs > Modify Axes
Select Utility Menu > Plot > Replot
Problem 64: Conduct harmonic analysis of a given axial stepped bar.
Problem 65: Harmonic analysis of fixed fixed beam
0.5 m
0.01 m
1.0 m
0.01 m
1. Define Analysis Type: Solution > Analysis type > New analysis > Harmonic>ok
2. Define Element Types
Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete For this problem, the BEAM (3D
Finite strain) element is used.
3. Define area: Preprocessor > Sections > Beam >Common Sections B-0.01, H-0.01 > Ok
4. Define Element Material Properties: Preprocessor >Material Props >Material Models >
Structural > Linear >Elastic >Isotropic
In the window that appears, enter the following material properties
Young’s Modulus, EX : 2.068e11
Poisson’s Ratio, PRXY: 0.3
Density : 7830
5. Create Keypoints: Preprocessor>Modeling>create>Keypoints>in Active CS >Create Key points
with the following coordinates
Keypoint X,Y,Z coord.
1 0,0,0
2 1,0,0
6. Define Lines: Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line Click on
Keypoint 1 and keypoint 2.
7. Define Mesh Size: Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > Manual Size > Lines > All Lines .
For this example 10 element divisions are specified along the line.
8. Mesh the Frame: Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > Click ‘Pick All’ in the small
window appears
The following window will appear
• Select the Full solution method, the Real + imaginary DOF printout format
• Do not use lumped mass approximation.
• Click ‘OK’
Apply Load: Solution > Define Loads > apply > structural > Force/Moment > On Nodes
Select the node at mid-point of the beam (i.e. at x=0.5)
Then the following window will appear.
Fill it as shown to apply a load with real value of 100 and an imaginary value of 0 in the
positive ‘y’ direction.
Set the Frequency Range: Solution > Load Steo Opts > Time/Frequency > Freq and Substps
As shown in the window below, specify a frequency range of 0 – 300 Hz, 300 substeps and
stepped b.c . . .
11. Solve the System: Solution > Solve > Current LS
Select Add (the green ‘+’ sign in the upper left corner) from this window and the following window
will appear.
We are interested in the Nodal solution > DOF Solution > Y – Component.
Click OK.
Graphically select node 2 when prompted and click OK.
13. List Stored Variables: In the ‘Time History Variable’ window, click the ‘List’ button (3rd
buttons to the left of ‘Add’ button).
14. Plot UY vs Frequency: In the ‘Time Variable’ window click the ‘Plot’ button (2nd buttons to
the left of ‘Add’ button).
To get a better view of the response, view the log scale of UY. Select Utility Menu > PlotCtrl >
Style > Graphs > Modify Axis
As in the above window, change the Y – axis scale (LOGY) to ‘Logarithmic’.
Thermal Analysis:
Practical application: Engine, radiator, exhaust system , heat exchangers, power plants, satellite,design.etc…
General Steps to be followed while solving a problem by using FEM:
t1 L t2 t2
1 2
One –D element 1 2
Step 2. Choose a temperature function.
We choose, T (x) = N1 t1 + N2 t2 --------------------------- (1)
t1 is the temperature at node 1
t2 is the temperature at node 2
x x
N1 & N2 are shape functions given by, N1 = 1 − , N 2 = ------------------- (2)
In matrix form, we write,
N = 1 − x x
and t = 1 − − − − − (3)
L L t 2
Therefore one can express T as T = N
t − − − − − −(4)
Step 3. Define the temperature gradient / temperature and heat flux/ temperature gradient
The temperature gradient matrix g , similar to strain matrix used in structural analysis is given
by, g = dT = Bt − − − − − − − − − (5)
Where, B is obtained by substituting equation (1) for T(x) into equation (5) and differentiating
w.r.t x, that is,
B = dN1
dN 2 1 1
= − − − − − − − − − − (6)
dx dx L L
The heat flux /temperature gradient relationship is given by,
q x = −Dg− − − − − − − − − (7)
Where the material property matrix is now given by,
D = K xx − − − − − − − −(8)
Step 4. Derive the element conduction matrix and equations.
Consider the following equations.
d 2T
K xx + Q = 0 − − − − − − − −(I)
dx 2
q x = + q*x
T=TB qx=0
L S2
With T =TB on surface S1, q *x = −K xx = Constant on S 2
Where, Q is heat generated / unit volume and q *x is the heat flow / unit area
T T hP
And K xx + Q = ρC + (T − T ) − − − − − −(II)
x x t A
With the first boundary condition of above equation and /or second boundary condition and /or loss
of heat by convection from the ends of 1-D body.
We have,
= h (T − T ) on surface S3
− K xx
Above equations can be shown to be derivable by the minimization of the following functional
(analogous to the potential energy functional π)
Π h = U + Ω Q + Ω q + Ω h − − − − − − − − − − − III
1 dT
Ωq = − q * T dS
2 v
U= K xx dV , Ω Q = − Q T dV , and
dx V S2
( )
2 S3
Ωh = h T − T dS − − − − − − − − − −(9)
(q* and h on the same surface cannot be specified simultaneously because they cannot occur on the
same surface)
Πh = U + ΩQ + Ωq + Ωh
1 dT
= K xx dV − Q T dV − q * T dS + h (T − T ) dS − − − −(10)
2 v dx V S 2S 2 3
K xx dV =
gT Dg dV − − − − − − − − − (11)
2 v dx 2V
Consider the second term of equation (10),
Q T dV = t N Q dV - - - - - - - (12)
S2 S2
− t N q * dS + h t N − T dS
T T 1
T T 2
S 2 3 In equation (15), the
= t B DBdVt − t N Q dV − t N q * dS
1 T T T T T T
2 V V S 2
h t N N t − t N + N t T + T2 dS − − − (15) )
minimization is most easily accomplished by explicitly writing the surface integral S3 with t , left
inside the integral as shown.
On minimizing equation (15) w.r.t. t , we get
Π h
= B DB dV t − N Q dV − N q * dS
t V V S 2
S3 S3
On simplifying,
B DBdV + h N N dS t = f Q + f q + f h − − − −(17)
V S 3
Where K = BT DBdV + h N T N dS = K C + K h − − − − − − − (19)
V S3
The first term of the equation (19) represent conduction part of K and second term of the equation
(19) represent convection part of K.
Now consider the conduction part, K C = B DBdV - - - - - - - (20)
dx = − − − − − (22)
3S 0 x L
L 6 1 2
Where dS = P dx
1 − 1 hPL 2 1
Therefore K = A K +
− − − − − −(23)
L − 1 1 6 1 2
The force matrix terms will be,
1 −
f Q = N Q dV = QA L dx = QAL 1 ,
V 0 x 2 1
f q = N q * dS = q * P dx = q * PL 1
2S 0 x 2 1
f h = NT hT dS =
hT PL 1
2 1
Therefore adding we get,
f = f + f + f = QAL + q * PL + hT PL 1
1 1
Q q h
2 1 2 1 2 1
QAL + q * PL + hT PL 1
= − − − − − − − − − (24)
2 1
Consider the convection force from the end of the element as shown.
1 2
The additional convection term contribution to the stiffness matrix is given by,
h end
= h N N dS − − − − − − − (25)
0 0 0
h end = h 0 1dS = hA
− − − − − − − (26)
S 1
end 0 1
The convection force from the free end of the element is obtained from the application of equation of
f h with the shape function now evaluated at the right end and with S3 ( the surface over which
convection occurs) now equal to the c/s area A of the rod.
N1 ( x = L) 0
f = hT A = hT A − − − − − −(26)
h end
N ( x L ) 1
Step 5. Assemble the element equations to obtain the global equations and introduce boundary
The global structure conduction matrix is
K = K
e =1
The global force matrix is
F = f
e =1
and global equations are
F = K t
Step 6. Solve for the nodal temperatures
Step 7. Solve for the element temperature gradients and heat fluxes.
Equation representing one dimensional formulation of conduction with convection is given by,
d 2T hP
kx 2 + Q = (T − T ) − − − − − −(1)
dx A
To derive the finite element equations, a two-noded linear element with the temperature function T
(x) = N1 t1 + N2 t2 --------------------------- (2) is considered
The residual equations for the equation (I) are expressed as,
d 2T hP
dx 2
k x + Q − (T − T
) N i A dx = 0 − − − − − −(3) Where i = 1,2
d 2T x 2 x x 2 2
A k x 2 N i dx − hP T N i dx + A Q N i dx + hP T N i dx = 0 − − − − − −(4) Where i
x dx1 x 1 x x 1 1
= 1,2
Integrating the first term of equation (4) by parts and rearranging, we get
x2 x x x x2
dNi dT 2 2
dT 2
kxA dx + hP T N i dx = A Q N i dx + hP T N i dx + K x AN i − (5)
x dx dx 1 x x 1 x 1
dx 1 x2
Where i = 1,2
dNi dN1
dN 2 x
t 2 dx + hP N i N1 t 1 + N 2 t 2 dx
kxA t1 +
x dx dx 1
dx x 1
x2 x2 x2
= A Q N i dx + hP T N i dx + K x AN i − −(6)
x1 x1 dx x2
The two equations represented by the equation (6) are conveniently combined into a matrix form by
rewriting equation (1) as,
T(x) = N1 N 2 1 = N t − − − − − (7)
t 2
and substituting to obtain,
dN dN
x2 x
x dx dx
1 x 1
= A Q N
x2 x2 x2
dx + hP T N dx + K x AN dT
− −(8)
x1 x1 dx x2
The above equation now can be written in the desired finite element form as,
k t = f + f + f − − − − − −(9)
e e
Where k is the conductance matrix defined as
dN dN
k = k x A dx + hP NT N dx − − − −(10)
x2 x 2
x dx dx
1 x 1
First term of the above equation represents the conductance part where as the second term
convection part of the conduction matrix.
1 − 1 hPL 2 1
k = A k
e x
+ = k ec + k eh − − − − − −(12)
L − 1 1
6 1 2
The forcing function vectors on the right hand side of the equation (8) are given by
QN dx QAL 1
f Qe = A L0
QN dx 2 1
0 2
− dx
= kxA
= A
q x =0
= A
Where q1 and q2 are the boundary fluxes at
dT - q x = L - q 2
dx L
nodes 1 and 2 respectively.
N dx
hT PL 1
f h = hT P L0
= − − − − − − − (13)
N dx 2 1
LINK33: 3-D Conduction33 Bar
LINK33 is a uniaxial element with the ability to conduct heat between its nodes. The element has a
single degree of freedom, temperature, at each node point. The conducting bar is applicable to a
steady-state or transient thermal analysis. If the model containing the conducting bar element is also
to be analyzed structurally, the bar element should be replaced by an equivalent structural element
The conducting bar is applicable to a 3-D (plane or axisymmetric), steady-state or transient thermal
Element loads are described in Nodal Loading. Heat generation rates may be input as element body
loads at the nodes. The node J heat generation rate HG(J) defaults to the node I heat generation rate
Element loads are described in Node and Element Loads. Heat generation rates may be input as
element body loads at the nodes. The node J heat generation rate HG(J) defaults to the node I heat
generation rate HG(I).
Nodes I, J
Degrees of Freedom TEMP
Real Constants AREA - Cross-sectional area
Material Properties KXX, DENS, C, ENTH
Surface Loads None
Body Loads Heat Generation -- HG(I), HG(J)
A colon (:) in the Name column indicates the item can be accessed by the Component Name method
[ETABLE, ESOL]. The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file Jobname.OUT.
The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.
In either the O or R columns, Y indicates that the item is always available, a number refers to a table
footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and a - indicates that the item is not
Table LINK33 Element Output Definitions
Name Definition O R
EL Element Number Y Y
NODES Nodes - I, J Y Y
MAT Material Y Y
VOLU: Volume Y Y
XC, YC Location where results are reported Y 1
AREA Input area Y Y
TEMP(I, J) Temperatures - I, J Y Y
HEAT RATE Heat flow rate from node I to node J Y Y
THERMAL FLUX Thermal flux (heat flow rate/cross-sectional area) Y Y
Name output quantity as defined in the Table: "LINK33 Element Output Definitions"
predetermined Item label for ETABLE command
E sequence number for single-valued or constant element data
LINK34: Convection34
LINK34 is a uniaxial element with the ability to convect heat between its nodes. The element has a
single degree of freedom, temperature, at each node point. The convection element is applicable to a
2-D (plane or axisymmetric) or 3-D, steady-state or transient thermal analysis.
If the model containing the convection element is also to be analyzed structurally, the convection
element should be replaced by an equivalent (or null) structural element.
LINK34 Input Data
The geometry and node locations for this convection element are shown in Figure "LINK34
Geometry". The element is defined by two nodes, a convection surface area, two empirical terms,
and a film coefficient. In an axisymmetric analysis the convection area must be expressed on a full
360° basis. The empirical terms n (input as EN) and CC determine the form of the convection
equation in conjunction with KEYOPT(3).The convection function is defined as follows:
• Additional element output as shown in Table 34.1: "LINK34 Element Output Definitions"
The heat flow rate is in units of Heat/Time and is positive from node I to node J. In an axisymmetric
analysis, the heat flow is on a full 360° basis. A general description of solution output is given in
Solution Output. See the Basic Analysis Guide for ways to view results.
The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation:
A colon (:) in the Name column indicates the item can be accessed by the Component Name method
[ETABLE, ESOL]. The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file Jobname.OUT.
The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.
In either the O or R columns, Y indicates that the item is always available, a number refers to a table
footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and a - indicates that the item is not
Name Definition O R
EL Element Number Y Y
NODES Nodes - I, J Y Y
XC, YC Location where results are reported Y 1
H Film coefficient (includes empirical term) Y Y
AREA Input area Y Y
TEMP Temperature at node I and node J Y Y
HEAT RATE Heat flow rate from node I to node J Y Y
• If Tp(I) = Tp(J) and n are nonzero, the first term of E is defined to be zero.
• Since all unspecified nodal temperatures are initially set to the uniform temperature, a
nonzero value of n may result in no heat flowing through the element in the first substep of a
thermal solution.
• Nodes may or may not be coincident.
• The element is nonlinear if n is nonzero or KEYOPT(3) = 3. However, the solver always
assumes the element is nonlinear and, therefore, always performs an iterative solution. (Only
2 iterations are performed if the element is linear.)
Problem 66: For the composite wall idealized by the 1-D model shown in figure below,
determine the interface temperatures. For element 1, let K1 = 5 W / m 0C, for element 2, K2 = 10 W /
m 0C and for element 3, K3 = 15 W / m 0C. The left end has a constant temperature of 200 0C and the
right end has a constant temperature of 600 0C.
T= 200 0C T= 600 0C A= 0.1 m2
1 2 3
t1 = 200 0C t4 = 200 0C A = 0.1 m2
K1= 5 W / m 0C K2= 10 W / m 0C K3= 15 W / m 0C
Finite Element model:
t1 t2 t3 t4
1 2 3 4
Preprocessor-Modeling -Create -Nodes -in active CS -x,y,z location in CS-0,0,0 (x,y value w.r.t
first node)- apply ( first node is created )- 0.1,0,0 -apply ( second node is created) -0.2,0,0 –apply (
third node is created)- 0.3,0,0 -apply ( fourth node is created) -ok
Create –elements-element attributes-select material number-1-real constant set number -1-Auto
numbered – thru nodes – pick 1, 2 (element 1 is created)-ok - element attributes-select material
number-2-real constant set number -1-Auto numbered – thru nodes – pick 2, 3 (element 2 is
created)-ok- element attributes-select material number-3-real constant set number -1-Auto
numbered – thru nodes – pick 3, 4 (element 3 is created)-ok
Loads - Define Loads - Apply –thermal –select temperature –on nodes-pick node 1-apply-select –
TEMP- value -200-apply- pick node 2-apply-select –TEMP- value -600-ok
Step 6 -Ansys Main Menu –Solution: Solve -solve current LS -ok ( ;If everything is ok, -solution
is done is displayed) –close
Step 7 -Ansys Main Menu -General. Post Processor. Plot results- Contour Plots - Nodal solution –
DOF solution.-temp -ok (Temp distribution plot) List results -nodal solution -Dof solution -temp -
ok (Temperature at all the nodes will be displayed) Plotctrls- Animate – Deformed results – Dof
solution – Temperature – ok ( for animatiom )
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
Element conduction matrices are,
1C 2C
1 − 1 0.1X 5 1 − 1 5 − 5 1R
k = A K
1 1 1
− 1 1 = 0.1 − 1 1 = − 5
L1 5 2R
2C 3C
1 − 1 0.1X 10 1 − 1 10 − 10 2R
k = A K
2 2 2
− 1 1 = 0.1 − 1 1 = − 10 10 3R
3C 4C
1 − 1 0.1X 15 1 − 1 15 − 15 3R
k = A K
3 3 3
− 1 1 = 0.1 − 1 1 = − 15 15 4R
1C 2C 3C 4C 1C 2C 3C 4C
5 −5 0 0 1R 5 −5 0 0 1R
−5 5 + 10 − 10 0 2R −5 15 − 10 0 2R
K = =
0 − 10 10 + 15 − 15 3R 0 − 10 25 − 15 3R
0 0 − 15 15 4R 0 0 − 15 15 4R
Now the global equations are given by, K t = F That is,
5 −5 0 0 t 1 F1
−5 15 − 10 t 0
2 =
0 − 10 25 − 15 t 3 0
0 0 − 15 15 t 4 F2
Since the values of t1 and t4 are specified, the equations are modified as follows.
We have now two equations and two unknowns since t1 and t4 are specified.
15t 2 − 10t 3 = 1000
− 10t 2 + 25t 3 = 9000
On solving for t2 and t3 we get t3 = 527.3 0C and t2 = 418.2 0C
Therefore, t = 200 0 C 418.2 0 C 527.3 0 C 600 0 C
Prob1em 67: A furnace wall is made of inside silica brick (K=1.5 W /mK) and outside
magnesia brick (k=4.9W/mK), each 10cm thick. The inner and outer surfaces are exposed to fluids
at temperatures of 820oC and 110 oC respectively. The contact resistance is 0.001m2 K/W the heat
transfer co-efficient for inner and outer surfaces is equal to 35W/m2 K. Find the heat flow through
the wall per unit area per unit time and temperature distribution across the wall
k1 = 1.5 W /mK
k3 =4.9 W/mK
k1 k2 k3 L1 =L3 = 100mm
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T1 = 820 C
L1 L3 T6 = 110 0C 2
h1 h4 Rc =0.001m K/W
h1 = h4 =35W/m2K
L2 L2
Rc =
k2 A
Take L2 = 1mm,
k2 = 1 W/mK
A = 1m2
For FE model,
1 2 3 4 5
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Create –elements-element attributes-select element type number – LINK34- material number-4-
real constant set number -2-Auto numbered – thru nodes – pick 1, 2 (element 1 is created)-ok -
element attributes-select element type number – LINK33 - material number-2-real constant set
number -1-Auto numbered – thru nodes – pick 2, 3 (element 2 is created)-ok- element attributes-
select element type number – LINK33 - material number-3-real constant set number -1-Auto
numbered – thru nodes – pick 3, 4 (element 3 is created)-ok - element attributes-select element
type number – LINK33 - material number-4-real constant set number -1-Auto numbered – thru
nodes – pick 4, 5 (element 4 is created)-ok - element attributes-select element type number –
LINK34 - material number-4-real constant set number -2-Auto numbered – thru nodes – pick 5, 6
(element 5 is created)-ok.
Step 5 : Solution:- Analysis Type – New Analysis – pick Steady State – ok.
Loads - Define Loads - Apply –thermal –select temperature –on nodes-pick node 1-apply-select –
TEMP- value -820-apply- pick node 6-ok-select –TEMP- value -110-ok
Step 6 -Ansys Main Menu –Solution: Solve -solve current LS -ok (If everything is correct, -
solution is done is displayed) –close
Step 7 -Ansys Main Menu -General. Post Processor, Plot results- Contour Plots - Nodal solution –
DOF solution.-temp -ok (Temp distribution plot) Plotctrls- Animate – Deformed results – Dof
solution – Temperature – ok ( for animatiom ) List results -nodal solution -Dof solution -temp -ok
(Temperature at all the nodes will be displayed)
Element Table – Define Table – Add – enter Lab = Heat Flow – Select By Seqeunce Num -
SMISC – SMISC, 1 – ok.
Element Table – List Elem Table – Select Heat Flow – ok. (Heat flow is displayed).
1 4889.2
2 4889.2
3 4889.2
4 4889.2
5 4889.2
VALUE 4889.2
VALUE 4889.2
Note: Refer appendix on the page No 234
Problem 68: A composite wall consists of three materials as shown. The outer temperature is T0
= 20 0C. Convection heat transfer takes place on the inner surface of the wall with T = 800 C
T0 = 20 0C
K1 K2 K3
h, T∞
Element 3
1 Element 1 2 Element 2 3 4
h , T∞
0.3 m 0.15 m 0.15 m
Taking A = 1 m2, the element conduction matrices are,
For element 1, we must consider the convection from the free end (left end)
1 − 1 1 0 1X 20 1 − 1 1 0
k = A K
1 1 1
+ = +
L1 − 1 1 0 0 0.3 − 1 1 0 0
hA 25 X 1
1C 2C
91.67 − 66.67 1R
− 66.67 66.67 2R
2C 3C
1 − 1 1X 30 1 − 1 200 − 200 2R
k = A K
2 2 2
− 1 1 = 0.15 − 1 1 = − 200
L2 200 3R
3C 4C
1 − 1 1X 50 1 − 1 333 .33 − 333 .33 3R
k = A K
3 3 3
− 1 1 0.15 − 1 1 = − 333 .33
L3 333 .33 4R
1C 2C 3C 4C
91.67 − 66.67 0 0 1R
− 66.67 266 .67 − 200 0 2R
0 − 200 533 .33 − 333 .33 3R
0 0 − 333 .33 333 .33 4R
K t = F
And f h end (left end) is 1 hT A hT A 1R
f = hT
h A = =
0 0 0 2R
Since h, T∞ and t4 are specified, the above equations are modified as,
We now obtain three sets of simultaneous equations in which we have three unknown temperatures.
91.67t1 − 66.67t 2 = 20000
− 66.67t1 + 266 .67t 2 − 200 t 3 = 0
− 200t 2 + 533 .33t 3 = 6666 .6
On solving, we get t 1 = 304.76 0 C, t 2 = 119.05 0 C, t 3 = 57.14 0 C
The temperatures are,
tT = 304.76 0 C 119.05 0 C 57.14 0 C 20 0 C
Problem 69: The fin shown in figure is insulated on the perimeter. The left end has a constant
temperature of 100 0C. A positive heat flux q*= 5000 W / m2 acts on the right end. Let Kxx = 6 W/
L L 3L
m0C and cross sectional area A = 0.1 m2. Determine the temperatures at , , and L . Where
4 2 4
L = 0.4 m.
T= 100 0C
q = 5000 W/ m2
L = 0.4 m
Given: t1 = 100 0 C, Kxx = 6 W / m 0 C, A = 0.1 m2
L1 = L2 = L3 = L4 = 0.1 m
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
T= 100 0C
q = 5000 W/ m2
L = 0.1 m
L = 0.1 m L = 0.1 m L = 0.1 m
1C 2C
1 − 1 0.1X 6 1 − 1 6 − 6 1R
k = A K
1 1 1
− 1 1 = 0.1 − 1 1 = − 6 W/ 0 C
L1 6 2R
Similarly we have
2C 3C 3C 4C
− 6 2R 6 − 6 3R
k = 6
k =
−6 W/ 0 C
6 4R
−6 W/ 0 C , and
6 3R
4C 5C
6 − 6 4R
k =
−6 W/ 0 C
6 5R
1C 2C 3C 4C 5C
6 −6 0 0 0 1R
−6 12 −6 0 0 2R
= 0 −6 12 −6 0 3R W/ 0 C
0 0 −6 12 −6 4R
0 0 0 −6 6 5R
Since a positive heat flux q* = 5000 W / m2 acts on the right end we will have to calculate force term
f q at end of the element 4.
f q
= N
q * dS = q * dS = q * A 0 4R
Send Send
1 5R
Since N1 = 0 and N 2 = 1 at right end
Assemble the element equations to obtain the global equations and introduce the boundary
1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 1C
6 −6 0 0 0 1R t1 F1 1R
−6 12 −6 0 0 2R t 0 2R
0 −6 12 −6 0 3R t 3 = 0 3R
t 0 4R
0 0 −6 12 − 6 4R
0 0 0 −6 6 5R t 5 q * A 5R
1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 1C
1 0 0 0 0 1R t1 100 1R
0 12 −6 0 0 2R t 600 2R
0 −6 12 −6 0 3R t 3 = 0 3R
t 0 4R
0 0 −6 12 − 6 4R
0 0 0 −6 6 5R t 5 500 5R
t = 100
T 0
C 183.3 0 C 266.63 0 C 349.96 0 C 433.297 0 C
Hint: Model the problem using LINK element, Apply Heat flow instead of Heat flux at the right end
A metallic fin, with thermal conductivity Kxx = 360 W / m 0C, 0.1 cm thick, and 10 cm long, extends
from a plane wall whose temperature is 235 0C. Determine the temperature distribution and amount
of heat transferred from the fin to the air at 20 0C with h = 9 W / m2 0C. Take the width of fin to be 1
Hint: You may model 2D model (rectangle L x t)
h = 9 W/m2 0C,
L = 10 cm = 0.1 m T∞ = 20 0C
t = 0.1 cm = 1x 10-3 235 0C t
t1 t2 t3 t4
1 2 3 4
3 3 3
We have the element stiffness (conduction) matrices written as,
1 − 1 hP L 1 2 1 (t x W )K 1 1 − 1 h2t + 2W L 1 2 1
k = A K
1 1 1
− 1 1 + 6 1 = − 1 1 +
L1 2 L1 6 1
92x1x10 − 3 + 2x1
(1x10 −3 x 1)360 1 − 1
+ 30 2 1
1 − 1 1 6 1
1C 2C
11.0 − 10.7 1R
− 10.7 11.0 2R
Similarly we get,
2C 3C 3C 4C
− 10.7 2R − 10.7 2R
k == 11.0 , k 3 ==
− 1 0 .7 11.0 3R − 1 0.7 11.0 3R
1C 2C 3C 4C
11.0 − 10.7 0 0 1R
− 10.7 22 − 10.7 0 2R
i. e. K =
0 − 10.7 22 − 10.7 3R
0 0 − 10.7 11 4R
1C 1C
f =
2 6.006 2R
and f =
3 6.006 3R
6.006 3R 6.006 4R
11.0 − 10.7 0 0 t 1 F1 + 6.006 1R
− 10.7 22 − 10.7 0 t 2 6.006 + 6.006 2R
0 − 10.7 22 − 10.7 t 3 6.006 + 6.006 3R
The global equations are, 0 0 − 10.7 11 t 4 6.006 4R
11.0 − 10.7 0 0 t 1 F1 + 6.006 1R
− 10.7 22 − 10.7 0 t 2 12.012 2R
i.e. =
0 − 10.7 22 − 10.7 t 3 12.012 3R
0 0 − 10.7 11 t 4 6.006 4R
1 0 0 0 t 1 235 1R
0 22 − 10.7 0 t 2 12.012 + 2514 .52R
0 − 10.7 22 − 10.7 t 3 12.012 3R
0 0 − 10.7 11 t 4 6.006 4R
The total heat loss in the fin can be calculated as, Q total = Q element And Qelement = h As t avg − t
e =1
t + t
Q element 1= h A s t avg − t = h 2xL 1 xW 1 2 − t
1 235 + 209.77
= 9x 2x x1 − 20 = 121.431 W
30 2
1 209.77 + 195.17
Qelement 2 = 9x 2x x1 − 20 = 109.482 W
30 2
1 195.17 + 190.39
Qelement 3 = 9x 2x x1 − 20 = 103.668 W
30 2
Qtotal = Qelement = 121.431 + 109.482 + 103.668 = 334.581 W
2-D Thermal Analysis
Problem 71. Determine the temperature distribution and the rate of heat flow "q" per metre of
the height for a tall chimney whose cross section is shown below. Assume that the inside gas temp is
Tg = 311 K, the inside convection coefficient is hi, the surrounding air temp is Ta = 255 K and the
outside convection coefficient is ho.
Element type -Thermal solid element -PLANE 55
K = 1.7307 W / m K , hi = 68.14 w / m2 K, ho = 17.04 w / m2 K
Geometric properties-For solving the problem only 1/8 th of the model is considered.
( see 3-D view) a = 4 m and b = 2 m
g b
10 7
5 6
7 8 9
3 4
a /2 -b 4 6
1 2
1 2 3
File -Change title -Enter new title -yyy –ok
Step 2 -Ansys Main Menu -Preferences
Select -THERMAL -ok
Step 3 -Preprocessor
Element Type -Add/Edit/Delete -Add- SOLID -QUAD 4 NODE -55- ok -close
Real constants -No real constants
Material properties – Material models – thermal – conductivity –isotropic - conductivity for
material - thermal conductivity (Kxx) –1.7307 -ok- close
Modeling -Create -Nodes -in active CS -x,y,z location in CS-1,0 (x,y value w.r.t first node)- apply (
first node is created )- 1.5,0 -apply ( second node is created) -2,0 -apply ( third node is created) -
1,0.5 -apply ( fourth node is created )-1.5,0.5- apply ( fifth node is created )- 2, 0.5 -apply( sixth
node is created )- 1,1 -apply ( seventh node is created) -1.5,1 - apply ( eighth node is created) -2 , 1 -
apply ( ninth node is created )-1.5 ,1.5- apply (tenth node is created)- 2 , 1.5- apply (eleventh node is
created)-2 , 2 -apply ( twelfth node is created) –ok
Create –elements-Auto numbered – thru nodes – pick 1, 2,5 & 4 ( anticlockwise , element 1 )-apply-
pick 2, 3, 6 & 5 ( element 2 ) -apply- pick 4 , 5 , 8 & 7 (element 3 )- apply-pick 5 , 6 , 9 & 8
(element 4 ) -apply -pick 7, 8, 10 & 10 ( element 5 )- apply-pick 8, 9, 11 &10 ( element 6::.)- apply -
pick 10, 11, 12 & 12 ( element 7 )-ok ( total seven elements ate created through nodes ).
Step 5 –Preprocessor
Loads - Define Loads - Apply –thermal -Convection -: on nodes -pick inner surface by box option -
apply- Film coefficient ( inner) -68.14 - temperature (at inner surface)- 311 (value )-ok
Convection -on nodes -pick outer surface by box option -apply- Film coefficient (outer) -17.04-
Temperature (at inner surface) –(255) (value) ~Ok
Step 6 -Ansys Main Menu –Solution
Solve -solve current LS -ok ( ;If everything is ok, -solution is done is displayed) –close
Step 7 -Ansys Main Menu -General. Post Processor.
Plot results- Contour Plots - Nodal solution –DOF solution.-temp -ok (Temp distribution plot)
List results -nodal solution -Dof solution -temp -ok (Temperature at all the nodes will be
Plotctrls- Animate – Deformed results – Dof solution – Temperature – ok ( for animatiom )
Problem 72: For the body shown in figure, determine the temperature distribution. The body is
insulated along the top and bottom edges, Kxx = Kyy = 1.7307 W/m 0C. No internal heat generation
is present.
11 12 13 14 15
40 0C 6 7 8 9 10 -20 0C
5 cm
1 2 3 4 5
4.0 cm 4.0 cm
Step 4 Material properties – Material models – thermal – conductivity –isotropic - conductivity for
material - thermal conductivity (Kxx) –1.7307 -ok- close, Modeling -Create -Nodes -in active CS -
x,y,z location in CS-0,0 (x,y value w.r.t first node)- apply ( first node is created )- 2,0 -apply (
second node is created) -4,0 -apply ( third node is created) -6,0 -apply ( fourth node is created )-
8,0- apply ( fifth node is created )- 0, 2.5 -apply( sixth node is created )- 2, 2.5 -apply ( seventh node
is created) -4, 2.5 - apply ( eighth node is created) -6, 2.5 -apply ( ninth node is created )- 8, 2.5 -
apply (tenth node is created)- 0 , 5- apply (eleventh node is created)- 2, 5-apply ( twelfth node is
created) 4, 5-apply ( thirteenth node is created) 6, 5-apply ( fourteenth node is created) 8, 5-apply (
fifteenth node is created) –ok, Create –elements-Auto numbered – thru nodes – pick 1, 2,7 & 6 (
anticlockwise , element 1 )-apply- pick 2, 3, 8 & 7 ( element 2 ) -apply- pick 3 ,4 , 9 & 8 (element 3
)- apply-pick 4 ,5 , 10 & 9 (element 4 ) -apply -pick 6,7, 12 & 11 ( element 5 )- apply-pick 7, 8, 13
&12 ( element 6::.)- apply -pick 8, 9, 14 & 13 ( element 7 ) pick 9, 10, 15 & 14 ( element 8)-ok (
total eight elements are created through nodes ).
Step 5 –Preprocessor: Loads - Define Loads - Apply –thermal -temperature -: on nodes -pick
inner surface by box option - apply- - temperature (at inner surface)-40(value )-apply
temperature -on nodes -pick outer surface by box option -apply- Temperature (at inner surface) (-20)
(value) ~Ok, Loads - Define Loads - Apply –thermal-heat flux- on nodes- pick top surface by box
option - apply- - heat flux – 0 (value )-apply- heat flux- on nodes- pick bottom surface by box option
- apply- - heat flux – 0 (value )-apply
Step 6 -Ansys Main Menu –Solution: Solve -solve current LS -ok ( ;If everything is ok, -solution
is done is displayed) –close
Step 7 -Ansys Main Menu -General. Post Processor. Plot results- Contour Plots - Nodal solution –
DOF solution.-temp -ok (Temp distribution plot) List results -nodal solution -Dof solution -temp -
ok (Temperature at all the nodes will be displayed) Plotctrls- Animate – Deformed results – Dof
solution – Temperature – ok ( for animatiom )
Problem 73: Obtain the temperature distribution for the composite cylinder inside which a hot
fluid is flowing and the outer surface is exposed to surrounding atmospheric conditions as shown.
Assume perfect continuity between the layers. Capture the temperature values at the interface of
materials (Use an element size of 0.002m or less).
Temperature distribution
Problem 74:
Consider two dimensional heat flow over a L shaped body as shown in figure. The thermal
conductivity in both directions is the same kx = ky = 45 W/m o C. The bottom is maintained at a
temperature of To =110o C. Convection heat has taken place on the top where the ambient air
temperature is 20oC and the convection heat transfer coefficient is h = 55 W/m o C. The right end is
insulated. The left end is subjected to heat flux at a uniform rate of qo=8000 W/m 2. Heat is
generated in the body at a rate of Q = 5 X 106 W/m 3. Obtain the temperature distribution.
y (m)
0.015 q0
Q Insulated
x (m)
0 0.03 0.06
11. Solve > Current LS > OK
12. General Post Processor > Plot results > Contour Plots > Nodal solution > DOF solution > Temp -
ok (Temp distribution plot)
Temperature distribution
Problem 75:
The cross section of a 20 cm x 20 cm duct made of concrete walls 20 cm thick is shown in figure.
The inside surface of the duct is maintained at a temperature of 300oC due to hot gases flowing from
a furnace. On the outside the duct is exposed to air with an ambient temperature of 20oC. The heat
conduction coefficient of concrete is 1.4 W/m.oC. The average convection heat transfer coefficient
on the outside of the duct is 27 W/moC.
0.2 m
0.6 m
300 C
0.3 3
0.6 m 0.25
0.1 4 5 2
0 2
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD): A fluid is substance that continuously deforms under an
applied shear stress regardless of the magnitude of the applied stress. Gas and liquid both are fluid.
Fluid mechanics deals with study of fluid, its properties and behavior.
Ansys, Sinda, Flowtherm / Radtherm, MSC Nastran, Abaqus, I-deas Nx(TMG, ESC), Icepack
Airpack, Fluent (CFD solver), CFX (CFD solver), STAR-CD (CFD Solver)
Problem 76: Atmospheric air at 20oC flows with a velocity of 5mm/s over a long horizontal
cylinder of diameter 25cm. Compute and plot the velocity distribution of air over the cylinder.
The cylinder is 0.25m in diameter.Considering the symmetry about the horizontal, only the upper
half of the cylinder is computed. The results are assumed to be the same below the x axis (axis of
symmetry). The arbitrary flow area considered is 2m by 0.5m.
The velocity of the air at infinte distance from the plate is 5mm/sec (Laminar Flow)
Problem 77: Atmospheric air flows over a flat plate with a velocity of 0.5m/sec. Compute and
plot the velocity boundary layer for flow of air over the plate and find the velocity distribution at a
distance of 0.5m from the leading edge.
Atmospheric pressure is assumed on all faces except the face where velocity is input into the system
Step 1- Ansys Utility Menu
File -Clear and start new -Do not read file -ok
File -Change job name -Enter new job name –problem62 –ok
File -Change title -Enter new title -fluid –ok
Step 2 -Ansys Main Menu -Preferences
Select –FLOTRAN CFD -ok
Step 3 -Preprocessor
Element Type -Add/Edit/Delete -Add- FLOTRAN CFD – 2D FLOTRAN 141 – ok - close
Real constants - No need to Define
Material properties – No Need to Define here as we use standard atmospheric air.
Step 4: Modeling
Preprocessor-Modeling -Create –Area – Rectangle – By 2 corners - enter WP X =0, WP Y=0,
Width= 1, Height=0.25 – ok.
Meshing – Size controls – Manual Size – lines – picked lines – select top and bottom edges – ok -
enter No. of Element Divisions = 50 – apply – Select left and right edges – ok – Enter No. of
Element Divisions = 100 and Space Ratio = 10 – ok.
Meshing – Size controls – Manual Size – lines – Flip Bias – Select the left edge only – ok.
Step 5 : Solution
Loads - Define Loads - Apply –Fluid/CFD – Velocity – on lines – pick top and left lines – enter
Vx=0.5, Vy=0,Vz=0. – ok .
Define Loads - Apply –Fluid/CFD – Velocity – on lines – pick bottom line – enter Vx=0,
Vy=0,Vz=0. – ok
Define Loads - Apply –Fluid/CFD – pressure dof – on lines – pick right lines – enter P = 0 – ok
Solution – Flotran Set Up - Fluid Properties – Enter DENS = AIR SI & VISC = AIR SI – ok and
click ok in the following window.
Solution – Flotran Set Up - Execution Ctrl – Global Iterations – enter 400 – ok.
Solution – Run Flotran (problem is being solved, click ok when you get ‘Solution is done’
Post Processor
General Postproc - read results - Last Set
To Plot the velocity distribution,
General Postproc - plot results – Contour plot - Nodal Solution – DOF Solution- Fluid Velocity –
To plot the velocity distribution in vector form,
General Postproc - plot results – Vector plot - Predefined – DOF Solution- Velocity V– ok
Click Zoom button on the right side toolbar to show the enlarged view of the vector plot.
General Postproc – plot results – Defi Trace pt – Pick some nodes (at some location where you
want to animate the particle flow) – ok.
Utility Menu - Plot Ctrls – Animate – Particle Flow – DOF Solution – Velocity VX – Ok.
To Show the velocity distribution at a location of 0.5m from the leading edge.
Utility Menu – Select – Entities – Nodes – By Location – X Coordinates – Enter 0.5 – Ok.
General Postproc – Path Operations – Define Path – By Nodes – Pick any Two nodes – Ok – Enter
Path Name – Ok
General Postproc – Path Operations – Map onto Path – Enter Lab – DOF Solution – VelocityVX –
General Postproc – Path Operations - plot path item – on graph – velocity – ok.
General Postproc – List Results – Path Item – Velocity - ok
4. What is Poisson’s ratio? What are the typical valuess for metal and rubber?
5. What are the basic equations solved during:
a) Linear static analysis, b) non-linear analysis c) dynamic analysis, d) crash analysis
e) CFD, f) NVH
6. List few commercial FEA softwares.
7. Explain preprocessor, processor/solver and postprocessor as applied to a FE package.
8. Explain any one commercial FEA software.
9. Explain a typical commercial finite element package with respect to the following points
i. Its structure
ii. Typical elements available
iii. Field of application
10. Write briefly about library of elements available in FEM packages.
11. Illustrate the basic idea underlying FEM with an example of determining area of a circle using
triangular elements
12. Compare the continuum method with the finite element method, clearly bringing out the
differences, advantages and disadvantages
13. Compare features of finite element method with finite difference method.
14. Classify method of structural analysis.
15. List important types of structural analysis.
16. Explain static and dynamic analysis.
17. Explain types of dynamic analysis.
18. What are interpolation functions? Explain why polynomial types are widely used.
19. Write linear interpolation functions for 1D, 2D and 3D cases.
20. Write quadratic interpolation functions for 1D, 2D and 3D cases.
21. Write cubic interpolation functions for 1D, 2D and 3D cases.
22. Explain Simplex, Complex and multiplex elements.
23. Discuss the considerations to be taken into account while choosing/Selecting the order of
interpolation function.
24. Explain Convergence criteria.
25. Explain Pascal Triangle and Spatial Isotropy.
26. Explain the steps involved in F.E.A?
27. Explain with examples of bar and beam, Essential and Non essential boundary conditions.
28. Write expression for potential energy in a body under 3D state of stress and justify.
29. State principle of Minimum Potential Energy.
30. Explain Rayleigh-Ritz method applied to continuum. What are its disadvantages?
31. Explain Galarkin method applied to continuum.
32. Explain steps involved in Galarkin method.
33. Explain i) linear algebraic equations ii) homogenous and non homogeneous equations.
34. Classify the methods of solution to linear algebraic equations.
35. Write sketches of important types of Elements indicating its degree of freedom.
36. What is Degree of freedom (DOF), draw following elements with their DOF:
a) Quad 4 b) Tetra 10 c) Beam element
37. What is isoparametric element?
38. Write the Stiffness Matrix [k] for 2 noded 1-D elements.
39. Explain with example importance of node numbering and its effect on band width of Stiffness
40. Discuss Properties of stiffness matrix.
41. Explain the use of local coordinates and global coordinates in finite element method.
42. Explain C0, C1, C2 and Cr continuity.
43. Explain H convergence, P Convergence and R convergence.
44. Explain higher order elements.
45. What is a higher order element? Justify the need for higher order element.
46. Write the shape functions for Quadratic and Cubic one dimensional element in Global
47. Sketch Quadratic and cubic two dimensional triangular elements.
48. Sketch Quadratic and cubic two dimensional quadrilateral elements.
49. Describe two dimensional element – triangular, quadrilateral in shape and linear, quadratic and
cubic in order using neat sketches, clearly identify the nodes, degrees of freedom and polynomial
basis for each element.
50. What is Jacobian?
51. Distinguish between Lagrange and Serendipity family element.
52. Explain I so-, Sub- and Super-parametric elements.
53. Explain Simplex, complex and multiplex elements.
54. Explain LST element.
55. Explain CST element.
56. Explain Serpendity elements.
57. Write the following for 2 noded bar element. Shape functions, strain displacement matrix and
Element stiffness matrix. Stress recovery matrix.
58. Explain consistent load vector due to body force and surface traction for a 2 noded bar element.
59. Write element stiffness matrix for a truss element in 2D global coordinate system.
60. What are Hermitian functions?
61. Write the stiffness matrix for a 2 noded beam element.
62. What do you mean by plane stress and plane strain problem? Give examples and write stiffness
matrices for the same.
63. Explain why a three noded triangular element is called CST element.
64. Sketch four noded quadrilateral element indicating its DOF.
65. Write element matrices for one dimensional steady state heat conduction.
66. Write typical element equation for 1D element used in steady state conduction application.
Explain different terms used.
67. Explain Elimination and penalty approaches of handling boundary conditions.
68. Explain Harmonic analysis.
69. What is natural frequency? How many natural frequencies can any object have?
70. Is it possible to solve a structural analysis problem (say plate with hole subjected to tensile load)
via FEM, BEM, FVM and FDM all?i What is the typical range of damping for metallic c
71. Explain modal analysis.
72. What are Eigen value and Eigen vector? Explain its importance in structural analysis.
73. What is mass moment of inertia & area moment of inertia?