5.1. Diseases of Black Pepper: Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode-673 012, Kerala, India
5.1. Diseases of Black Pepper: Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode-673 012, Kerala, India
5.1. Diseases of Black Pepper: Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode-673 012, Kerala, India
Black pepper is affected by several diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, virus and
mycoplasma, besides nutritional disorders. Crop losses due to diseases and pests are
identified as major causes of low productivity of pepper in India (Sarma and
Anandaraj 1997). The earliest record of diseases of pepper in India was that of Barber
(1903, 1905). Butler (1906) also recorded the death of pepper and Rao (1929)
isolated Phytophthora from diseased pepper, but the etiology remained
inconclusive. Ridley (1912) referred to three important diseases of pepper namely,
canker, hyphae in vessels and wilt. The cause of wilt was not confirmed but assumed
to be due to fungi such as Nectria, Cephalosporium and Fusarium. Menon (1949),
while reviewing the diseases of pepper, reported that stump rot was due to Rosellinia
bunodes, “pollu” disease caused by Colletotrichum sp. and root disease or wilt due
to an unknown pathogen. From the diseased plants Nectria sp. was recorded, but
pathogenicity was not proved. Crop losses caused by diseases are a major production
constraints in all pepper producing countries. In Brazil root rot and stem blight
caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis and the mosaic disease caused by cucumber
mosaic virus are the major diseases (Duarte and Albuquerque 1991), whereas, in
India, Indonesia and Malaysia Phytophthora foot rot is the major disease (Sarma et al
1992c, Holliday and Mowat 1963, Kueh and Sim 1992d, Manohara et al. 1992).
Other diseases include slow decline, anthracnose, viral diseases which are referred to
as stunted disease (Sarma et al. 1991), stunted growth (Sitepu and Kasim 1991) and
wrinkled leaf disease (Kueh and Sim 1992b). In India, although wilt disease was the
major disease causing death of plants, Phytophthora as the causal organism was
reported only in 1966 by Samraj and Jose. Several diseases were recorded
subsequently and now 17 diseases are known to affect pepper (Sarma et al. 1991).The
diseases of pepper are reviewed recently (Sarma et al. 1991, 1994, Anandaraj and
Sarma 1995). Among these diseases, Phytophthora foot rot, slow decline which were
previously referred to as “quick wilt” and “slow wilt” respectively (Nambiar and
Sarma 1977, Nambiar 1978, Das and Cheeran 1986), anthracnose and stunted disease
cause severe crop losses. Phytophthora capsici occur both in the nursery as well as in
the main field affecting all parts of the plant while others are confined to specific
plant parts. Based on the severity of crop losses caused, pepper diseases are classified
into major and minor diseases. The major diseases are treated here with greater
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Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
pepper isolates are paired with isolates from cocoa and rubber (Sarma and Nambiar
1982). Oospores are produced when compatible types are inoculated on pepper and
incubated in dark at 20°C and also in the presence of Trichoderma viride but,
oospores are not produced at 30°C (Brasier 1969, 1978). The production of toxin was
studied by culturing the fungus in Bartnicki-Garcia’s liquid medium (Ribeiro 1978).
Cell free culture filtrate from pepper isolates are reported to cause vascular browning
and flaccidity of leaves in bioassay (Sarma and Nambiar 1982).
Crop loss
In India, pepper is traditionally grown in the Western Ghats, in the states of Kerala,
Karnataka and Tamilnadu, recently it is introduced to non-traditional areas of Andhra
pradesh and North Eastern States. Foot rot has been reported from the introduced
areas such as Tripura (Sarkar et al. 1985). The crop losses due to foot rot of pepper is
reported to range up to 30 per cent (Samraj and Jose 1966, Nambiar and Sarma 1977).
Crop loss surveys conducted during 1982–1986 in two major pepper growing
districts of Kerala (Calicut and Cannanore) has shown that 3.4 per cent and 9.4 per
cent of the plants respectively are lost annually amounting to a corresponding
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
production loss of 118 and 904 tons (Balakrishnan et al. 1986, Anandaraj et al.
1989a, 1989b). Every year farmers replant to compensate for the loss of plants, not
only due to disease but also due to drought. The annual crop-loss due to foot rot in
Cannanore district of Kerala remains the same as indicated by the recent survey
report, with an estimated loss of 9.2 per cent (Prabhakaran 1995). Foot rot takes a
heavy toll in all pepper growing countries and 5–10 per cent loss has been reported
in Malaysia and up to 95 per cent loss in individual gardens (Kueh and Sim 1992a),
similar situation prevails in India also.
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Figure 5.1.2. Proportion of new leaves to old leaves observed and expected for two-year
a) Karimunda first year b) Panniyur-1 first year
c) Karimunda second year d) Panniyur-1 second year
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Feeder root production was estimated by soil core method by collecting soil cores at
20, 40 and 60 cm away from the base of the vine and at 20, 40 and 60 cm depth at each
distance at monthly intervals. Highest feeder root production was in July and the
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
feeder roots were concentrated at 0–40 cm from the base of the vine upto 40 cm depth
(Fig. 5.1.3). A similar pattern of feeder root concentration was reported from
Indonesia. Ipor et al. (1993), while studying root architecture of pepper in Indonesia,
recorded 63.8 per cent of feeder roots in the top 0–50 cm. Thus, production of the
most susceptible tender tissues, both foliage and feeder roots, occur at the peak
monsoon season (Anandaraj 1997). The wet monsoon season in India, not only
activate the pathogen but also affects the growth of the host plant. Growth of host
indirectly influence the pathogen by the increased root exudation and availability of
more susceptible tissues for colonization.
In the soil phase contaminated soil is the main source of inoculum. The inoculum
survives in the soil up to 19 months in the absence of host plant (Kueh and Khew 1982,
CPCRI 1986). The soil inoculum was monitored by Ramachandran et al. (1986) in a
pepper plantation by collecting soil samples at various depths and distance from the
infected vine. The study has shown that the pathogen was concentrated on the surface
0–30 cm and it gets reduced as the distance and depth increase from the source of
diseased plant. The main survival structures of P. capsici in the soil are chlamydospores
and thickened mycelium (Anandaraj 1997). Soil moisture was found to have a positive
correlation on the activity of the fungus in soil. P. capsici has a low competitive
saprophytic ability, hence addition of organic amendments to soil promotes growth of
saprophytic organisms which in turn reduce the populations of P. capsici (Anandaraj
1997). Production of oospores under laboratory conditions and their possible role in
the disease have been suggested (Sastry 1982, Sastry and Hegde 1987a, 1987b, 1988,
Santhakumari 1987). Trichoderma viride stimulate oospore formation and also when
two compatible types are inoculated on to pepper (Brasier 1969, 1978, 1991). However,
oospores as resting structures in infected plant tissues has not been recorded from India.
Oospores as survival structures have been recorded in Sarawak and were found to be
viable after passing through the alimentary canal of snail (Kueh and Khew 1982). A
technique for germinating the oospores of Phytophthora by passing the oospores
through the guts of snail has been suggested (Dutta et al. 1984).
Disease resistance
Screening the germplasm of pepper is done adopting stem and root inoculation
techniques (Nambiar and Sarma 1979, Sarma et al. 1994). Root inoculation is done by
dipping the root system in zoospore suspension while the stem inoculation consists of
inoculating the fungus at the third internode of a pepper cutting with 4–5 leaves. The
fungus, in the form of 5 mm diameter mycelial disc cut from the edge of a 48 h old culture,
is placed at the third internode with a pin prick and covered with moist cotton wad and
incubated in humid chamber. Observations are recorded after 72 h on the lesion size and
depth of penetration. The lesion size range from 5 mm–120 mm, and depth of penetration
can confine to surface or can lead to the rotting of the entire internode. After 72 h of
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
incubation under humid conditions, those cuttings showing lesion size of less than 5 mm
and penetration restricted to the surface are rated as tolerant and preserved for future work.
In India, all the cultivated germplasm are susceptible to this disease. Among the cultivars,
Narayakkodi, Kalluvally, Balankotta, Neelamundi, Mundi and Uthirankotta have been
identified as tolerant (Sarma and Anandaraj 1997). Among other taxa, Piper colubrinum,
a distant South American species, is highly resistant to P. capsici. Several open pollinated
progenies of Perambramundi, Kalluvally Cholamundi and hybrids involving Panniyur
1×Karimunda, and Narayakkodi×Neelamundi have recorded tolerant reaction (Sarma et
al. 1994). In Malaysia, Cheriakaniakadan and Balankotta were less susceptible than
Kuching. Whereas in Indonesia cvs. Kalluvally, Palau Lauta, Belantung, Bangka, Natar
I, Merefin, Banjarmasin and Duanteber were rated as less susceptible (Sitepu and Kasim
1991, Manohara et al. 1992). In India, currently, researches are directed to understand the
mechanism of tolerance to P. capsici. Among the biochemical parameters, the ratio of total
phenols to orthodihydroxy phenol (OD phenols) was higher in susceptible cultivars than
in tolerant cultivars. Higher peroxidase activity was recorded in P. hirsutum, a
Phytophthora resistant line, and low levels in Daun Leber, a susceptible cultivar
(Rahayuningsih 1990). Regeneration protocol for pepper has already been developed so
as to attempt biotechnological methods for transferring resistance to the cultivated
varieties (Shaji et al. 1995a, 1995b, 1996, Sarma et al. 1996).
Disease Management
An integrated disease management involving cultural, chemical and biological
control is recommended (Ramachandran et al. 1991, Sarma et al. 1988, 1992b,
Anandaraj and Sarma 1995, Sarma and Anandaraj 1997).
Cultural control
Provision of drainage: Population build-up of P. capsici is dependent on weather and
is positively correlated with soil moisture (Anandaraj 1997). High precipitation
during rainy season leads to water logged conditions. Such conditions predispose
plants to Phytophthora infections. During water stagnation, temporary anaerobic
conditions result in low oxygen and together with increased root exudation
stimulates germination and growth of pathogen propagules. Such conditions
enhance host susceptibility due to decreased production of phenol oxidases, reduced
phytoalexin production, suppression of mycorrhiza and reduction in nitrogen
fixation (Drew and Lynch 1980). Thus adequate drainage is essential to reduce the
population build-up of P. capsici and subsequent infection of pepper plants.
Pepper Phytophthora is reported to survive up to 19 months in plant debris. The
initial occurrence and spread of the disease is also non-random and tend to cluster
around the previously infected plants (Anandaraj 1997), hence the infected plants
serve as the foci of infection (Zadocks and van den Bosch 1994). Removal of infected
plants would reduce the inoculum level and spread of the fungus.
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Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
Shade regulation
Pepper is trailed on live supports like Erythrina indica, Garuga pinnata, Glyricidia
sepium etc. During monsoon season the canopies of the support trees also grow and
generate a microclimate under their canopies with high humidity and low
temperature, which is ideal for P. capsici to multiply and infect. Lopping of the
branches during rainy season is essential to facilitate penetration of sunlight and
reduction of high humidity thereby altering the microclimate. The lopped branches
could be used as mulch to prevent soil splashes.
Cover crops
The main source of initial inoculum of P. capsici in pepper plantation is the
contaminated soil. Infection on the foliage occurs through soil splashes often
initially to the tender shoots trailing on the ground, and from these shoots to other
parts of the canopy through rain splashes (Ramachandran et al. 1990). To prevent soil
splashes live mulch in the form of legume and grass cover are suggested
(Ramachandran et al. 1991, Sarma et al. 1992c). But, recent studies have shown that
population of P. capsici increases under weed cover and death of plants is faster with
weeds than without weeds (Anandaraj 1997). Although weed cover reduces soil
splashes and restrict movement of propagules along with soil, it also supports the
population build-up of P. capsici. In Malaysia, studies with Desmodium trifolium as
cover crop for pepper has indicated that plants showed faster and better growth in
clean weeded plot than with cover crop and concluded that it was economical to
grow pepper in clean weeded plot (Ahmed 1993). In India, after the monsoon, there is
a prolonged drought from November to May. During this period weeds compete for
soil moisture and the population of P. capsici also survives longer. Hence, after the
rainy season it is better to remove the weeds in pepper plantations and rake up the top
soil. Removing weeds and turning the top soil would help to conserve soil moisture,
as the capillary pores are broken (Brady 1984, Russell 1973) and soil moisture
removal by weeds during summer is also reduced. Once weeds are removed the
saprophytic survival of P. capsici on weeds would also be reduced. In view of this, a
post monsoon clean cultivation is suggested (Anandaraj 1997). Root exudates of
some of the plants such as Allium spp. are inhibitory to zoospores of Phytophthora
(Manohara et al. 1992). Aqueous extracts of P. colubrinum, Azadirachta indica,
Strychnos nuxvomica, Lantana camera extract and Chromolaena odorata
(Eupatorium) were tried on P. capsici and C. odorata extract was found toxic to P.
capsici (Anandaraj and Leela 1996). Mulching with this plant has been reported to
increase the yield in Cambodia (Litzenberge and Lip 1961). Although the mulching
was done to reduce the nematode infestation on pepper, there was no reduction in the
nematode population but recovery of plants have been reported.
Chemical control
Although the disease occurs every year during rainy season, a fixed fungicide
scheduling is advocated against both aerial infection and collar infection. The control
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
measures include: spraying of Bordeaux mixture 1 per cent (BM), pasting the collar
with BM and drenching the basins with either BM or with copper oxychloride
(Ramachandran et al. 1991, Sasikumaran et al. 1981, Nair and Sasikumaran 1991,
Malebennur et al. 1991, Lokesh and Gangadarappa 1995). Based on the
epidemiological studies and nature of occurrence of collar infection, the practice of
pasting the collar with Bordeaux mixture is discouraged (Anandaraj et al. 1994, 1996a,
1996b, Sarma et al. 1992c). Among the systemic fungicides, several formulations of
metalaxyl such as Ridomil granules and Ridomil-ziram have been reported to be
effective against foot rot of pepper (Ramachandran and Sarma 1985, Ramachandran
1990, Ramachandran et al. 1988b, 1991, Sarma et al. 1992c, Kueh and Sim 1992a,
Kueh et al. 1993). In experiments with granular formulations of Metalaxyl, Ridomil 5G
at 50 g per plant gave protection up to seven weeks and granular formulations were
better than foliar spray (Kueh et al. 1992, 1993). However, owing to the cost of systemic
fungicides and the poor socioeconomic conditions farmers seldom use them. While
reviewing the control of four soil-borne Phytophthora diseases, doubts about the
success of chemical control of Phytophthora foot rot was expressed by Coffey (1991).
Studies with various concentrations and frequency of application revealed that it is
safe to apply the chemical six months prior to harvest to prevent the traces of metalaxyl
residues in the final product (Sarma et al. 1992c).
Organic amendments
Organic matter such as neem oil cake (Sadanandan et al. 1992, Nair et al. 1993)
soyabean meal, ground nut cake, coconut cake and chicken manure are added to the
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
soil to supplement nutrition and enhance the growth of saprophytes (Kueh and Sim
1992a). In soils amended with organic matter the saprophytic activity is enhanced
and P. capsici population drops to undetectable levels (Anandaraj 1997).
Biological control
Soil borne pathogens are amenable to biological control (Cook and Baker 1983). In
the rhizosphere of pepper several antagonistic microorganisms belonging to
Trichoderma and Gliocladium occur (Dutta 1984, Anandaraj and Sarma 1994b,
Anandaraj and Peter 1996). P. capsici being soilborne, and the main source of
inoculum is contaminated soil, growth of antagonistic fungi would prevent the
population build up. The competitive saprophytic ability of P. capsici is very low
and addition of organic matter to the soil containing P. capsici promotes the growth
of saprophytes and reduces the population of P. capsici (Anandaraj 1997). Several
strains of biological control agents effective in protecting pepper against P. capsici
have been isolated, screened and mass multiplied on inexpensive carrier media and
applied in the field with promising results (Anandaraj and Sarma 1995, Sarma et al.
1996). Mature coconut water, which is an agricultural waste, supports good growth of
Trichoderma and Gliocladium and could be used for the mass multiplication of these
antagonistic fungi (Anandaraj and Sarma 1997).
Thus integrated control involving phytosanitation, cultural, chemical and biological
controls are being followed to check Phytophthora infections in pepper (Ramachandran
et al. 1988a). Attempts are also being made to incorporate resistance in the cultivars by
adopting biotechnological means. For this the necessary regeneration protocols have
already been developed (Shaji et al. 1995a, 1995b, 1996).
Disease management
Phytosanitary measures like removing infected plants and burning and application
of 200 g calcium cyanamide per mound are practiced. Chemical control measures
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
with both systemic and contact fungicides are resorted to depending on the nature
of damage. Benomyl, carbendazim and thiobendazole at 0.5 and 0.6 per cent are
reported to be effective against Fusarium. Prophylactic application of fungicides
at fortnightly interval, systemic fungicide followed by contact fungicide to the
foliage and soil drenching with Benomyl (0.05%) and thiobendazole (0.06%) were
found effective in controlling the disease. In the nursery, benomyl or
thiobendazole at 500 ppm for Fusarium and metalaxyl at 500 ppm or Bordeaux
mixture at 10,000 ppm for Phytophthora infections, Pencycuron 500 ppm for
Thanatephorus cucumeris are followed. None of the cultivars was found resistant
whereas, Piper attenuatum, P. cariconnectivum, P. betle and P. colubrinum were
resistant (Duarte and Albuquerque 1991). Mutation breeding by irradiation of
seeds was found promising (Poltronieri et al. 1991). [Note: The etiology of this
disease is still not completely understood. Holliday informed that he has not come
across any proper evidence that any Fusarium sp. causes a wilt of any virulence
anywhere. More studies are needed to establish the Fusarium etiology beyond
doubt (Holliday, private communication, ed.]
Anthracnose of Pepper
Anthracnose in pepper is referred to as “pollu” disease in India, which means hollow
fruits and as black berry disease in Malaysia and Indonesia. This occurs both on the
leaves and on spikes. Although sporadic in nature in the major pepper growing state
of Kerala, this disease is becoming severe in parts of Karnataka where pepper is grown
on shade trees in coffee plantations.
The symptoms on fruits depend on the stage of maturity. On younger fruits infection
lead to blackening. On mature fruits brownish lesions are formed (Ayyar et al. 1918,
Sebastian 1982). If the infection occurs on the stalk end of spike, the entire spike is
shed prematurely, and brown lesions are produced on the leaves.
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Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
The fungus Colletotrichum necator is the cause of this disease (Rao 1926, Thomas
and Menon 1939). From India, Colletotrichum sp., C. gloeosporioides are also
recorded. The severity of the disease vary and a range of 28–34 per cent has been
reported causing a crop loss of 1.9–9.5 per cent (Nair et al. 1987). The fungus is
reported to survive on Dioscorea triphylla as an alternate host (Wilson 1960).
Disease Resistance
There is no report of resistance to this disease. In a mixed cropping system
experiment involving coconut and five cultivars of pepper, all five cultivars have
been reported to show disease incidence. Berry infections recorded were 9.3, 9.8,
16.3, 19 and 23.2 per cent in Karimunda, Kottanadan, Narayakkodi, Balankotta and
Panniyur-1 respectively (Radhakrishnan and Nair 1983). Panniyur-1 recorded
highest incidence followed by Balankotta.
Disease management
As the disease occurs during the rainy season, Bordeaux mixture (1%) spray is
recommended (Sundararaman 1928, Nair et al. 1987). Apart from Bordeaux mixture
spray, Difolatan at 0.2 per cent was also reported to give adequate control. In Sarawak,
Benomyl, Thiophanate ethyl, Thiophanate methyl, Carbendazim, Captofol and
Tridemefron were also effective in controlling this disease. Anthracnose is reported to
be reduced when 40 per cent shade is provided by using shade nets (Kueh et al. 1993).
Stunted Disease
This disease, also known as little leaf disease, was recorded during 1975 in Idukki
district of Kerala which is one of the major pepper producing areas (Pailey et al.
1981). Earlier it was sporadic, but now found in all major pepper growing tracts of
Kerala and Karnataka. A survey has indicated that number of plants affected in
Wynad district of Kerala ranged from 0.6 to 18.6 per cent (NRCS, 1994). This disease
is known as mosaic disease (Prakasam et al. 1990) and as “little leaf” in Sri Lanka
(Randombage and Bandara 1984), mosaic disease in India, (Prakasam et al. 1990)
“wrinkled leaf disease” in Malaysia (Kueh and Sim 1992b) and as “stunted disease”
in Indonesia (Sitepu and Kasim 1991, Firdausil et al. 1992).
In severely affected plants the symptoms are as follows. The leaves become narrow
and leathery in texture, with puckering and chlorotic streaks, internodes become
shortened and the branches appear as witches broom, at times the leaves show
narrowing and vein banding. The appearance of symptoms are pronounced in
neglected gardens and older plants recovering after slow decline infection. In the
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
nurseries, chlorotic streak and vein banding are more common. Kueh and Sim (1991)
differentiated four categories of symptoms namely, stunting, reduction in size of
internodes, narrowing of leaves, marginal necrosis and chlorosis. Detailed studies on
morphology of healthy and infected plants has shown reduced height, girth of
column, internode length and leaf area (Eng et al. 1993).
Transmission tests carried out in India has shown that the disease is graft
transmissible. ELISA tests indicated that the disease is caused by cucumber mosaic
virus (CMV). Recent electron microscopic studies showed CMV particles in the
infected tissues and it is concluded that the disease is caused by cucumber mosaic
virus (IISR 1995, 1997, Sarma et al. 1992a). In Malaysia, based on serology tests and
fluorescent microscopy the involvement of cucumber mosaic virus and chilli veinal
mottle virus were ruled out (Eng et al. 1993). Studies with immunosorbant electron
microscopy, transmission electron microscopy using ultra thin sections also did not
reveal the presence of virus in infected tissues. However, purified extracts have been
reported to contain bacilliform virus particles measuring 120×30 nm, isometric virus
of 30 nm and rod shaped virus related proteins. Gel electrophoresis also reported to
show the presence of ds RNA indicating plant viruses. Based on this study presence
of badna virus transmitted by mealy bugs and clostero virus are reported (Eng et al.
1993). Recently Lockhart et al. (1997) have shown that a previously undescribed
Badna virus is a causal agent of this disease. The virus named as Piper Yellow Mottled
Virus (PYMV) has non-enveloped bacilli-form virions, averaging 30×125 nm in size
and containing double stranded DNA genome. The virus is transmissible
mechanically as well as by citrus mealy bug.
Disease management
Presently, roguing of infected plants and following quarantine measures to prevent
introduction of this disease to disease free areas are recommended
This disease has been reported from Wynad district of Kerala which is a major pepper
growing area (Sarma et al. 1988, Sarma and Anandaraj 1992), this is also called as
antholysis (Remila and Neelakandan 1994).
The spikes and flowers are converted into leaf-like structures instead of normal
flowers and the stalk of the affected spikes are also elongated. The leaves of the
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
affected plants become smaller and shows chlorosis. In the same vine both normal
spikes and berries are also produced.
Based on electron microscopic studies, the disease is reported to be caused by
phytoplasma (Sarma et al. 1988, 1991).
Disease management
As the disease is confirmed to be caused by phytoplasma, removal of affected plants
and following of quarantine measures are suggested (Sarma and Anandaraj 1992).
Thread Blight
This disease occurs on pepper leaves and spikes (Ramakrishnan 1957). The fungus
grows underneath the leaves and on stem causing drying up of leaves and spikes.
Pellicularia filamentosa (Corticium solani) is reported as the causal organism.
Stump Rot
The occurrence of stump rot caused by Rosellina bunodes was recorded by Menon
(1949) in Wynad areas of Kerala. The fungus affects the root system which results in
drying up of plants. The fungus also affect Grevillea robusta on which pepper plants
are trailed. Isolation of affected plants by making trenches is recommended to
prevent the spread of the disease to adjacent plants.
Red Rust
Red rust caused by the alga Cephaleuras mycoidea occur on older leaves in certain
pockets. This was reported to cause black fruit in Malaysia (Menon 1949, Sarma et al.
1991). This occurs on the surface of leaves, there by cutting off light required for
photosynthesis. The exact nature of damage has not been assessed. When the growth
occcur on the spikes and fruits the appearance of the berries are affected and the
quality is reduced.
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Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
The occurrence of parasitic flowering plant (Cuscuta reflexa-Convolvulaceae) on
pepper is recorded in some pepper growing areas. Affected plants are fully covered by
the parasite and the productivity of the vine is affected. Removal of the affected
branches is the suggested control measure (Sarma et al. 1991).
Velvet Blight
The velvet blight is caused by Septobasidium sp. The fungus grows on the surface of
the fruits and forms a coating but does not penetrate the fruits. Whereas, when it
occurs on the branches it results in die back symptoms. Pruning of the affected
branches would prevent the spread of the fungus (Sarma et al. 1991).
White/Yellow spots
White/Yellow spots occurs on the stem and are caused by lichens. Brown spots
caused by unknown pathogen have been recorded on pepper (Sarma et al. 1991).
These diseases seldom occur and do not cause serious losses. No detailed information
is available on them.
Black pepper is propagated vegetatively through cuttings. Three types of planting
materials are used for propagation. In the first type orthotropic terminal shoots are
taken from the plants during rainy season and planted directly in the field. In the
second type, the runner shoots which are produced from the base of the vine during
rainy season, are allowed to trail on the ground or are kept coiled around the base of
plants and taken at the time of producing the cuttings. The third type, the cuttings are
allowed to trail on 1.2 m long bamboo splits filled with potting mixture and arranged
in an angle of 45°. As the vine grows, it is tied to the bamboo split to ensure contact
with the potting mixture. Roots are produced at each node and when the cutting has
grown to the length of the bamboo split, the plants are cut from the bottom leaving 2–
3 nodes and cut into bits, each node with a leaf and roots,and planted in individual
polythene bags (Sivaraman 1991). In the latter method cuttings are produced the year
round and the conditions are favourable for the diseases to develop. Depending on
the type of nursery the disease problems also vary.
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Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
cause greyish sunken spots on the leaves and infected leaves remain attached to one
another. The spots caused by Colletotrichum sp. are characterized by yellowish halo
surrounding the necrotic spots. (Mammootty et al. 1980, 1992; Mammootty and
Pillay 1981).
Basal Wilt
Invasion of Sclerotium rolfsi on pepper seedlings in the nursery causes rotting and
wilting of the cuttings. The affected plants show greyish lesions on stems and growth of
the fungus as whitish mycelium with numerous sclerotia. On the leaves greyish spots
with whitish mycelium at the advancing edges of lesion and sclerotia on lesions are
seen. Carbendazim and mercuric fungicides are reported to be effective in checking the
germination of sclerotia under in vitro tests (Choudhury 1943, Brahma et al. 1980).
Phytophthora Infections
Phytophthora infections are severe during rainy season when the cuttings are
exposed to rain. Infection occurs on leaves, stem and roots. Infection starts as spots on
the tender leaves with the characteristic fimbriate advancing margin and the leaves
are blighted within 2–3 days and spread to the adjacent cuttings through rain
splashes. Infection on the stem results in withering of the entire cutting. Root
infection results in sudden wilting of the cutting. The inoculum for the outbreak of
Phytophthora infections is carried from diseased gardens inadvertently to the
nursery in the form of incipient infection on the roots of runner shoots and passively
in the form of soil particles adhering to the runner shoots. In case of rapid
multiplication in nurseries, as the conditions are favourable year round infection can
Copyright © 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the
Harwood Academic Publishers imprint, part of The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
In pepper all the fungal diseases described above occur during the wet monsoon
season under Indian condition. In other pepper growing areas also Phytophthora
infections occur during the wet period. Although the weather requirement for
Phytophthora diseases are studied in detail, in the integrated management of
diseases a fixed fungicide schedule is followed as the favourable weather conditions
are attained during the monsoon period every year. The fungicide application to the
foliage at the onset of monsoon would protect the plants against the infections
caused by Phytophthora, Colletotriehum etc. The application of organic manures
along with biocontrol agents would prevent the population build-up of P. capsici in
soil and protect the roots against the damages. Present research efforts are
concentrated on host resistance, by understanding the mechanism of resistance and
incorporating the same through biotechnological means, so that host resistance
becomes an important component of integrated management of diseases of pepper.
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