Microbiology Question Bank
Microbiology Question Bank
Microbiology Question Bank
Unit I- Microscopy
Part- A
Part- B
Part- A
1. Differentiate prokaryotes and eukaryotes
2. What is flagellin?
3. What is glycocalyx?
4. Differentiate capsule and slime layer
5. What are babes ernest bodies?
6. What is chemotaxis?
7. What is the function of peptidoglycan?
8. What are teichoic acids?
9. What is endospore?
10. List out the function of mitochondria and chloroplast
11. What is bacteriophage?
12. What is a capsid?
13. What are prions?
14. Define virion
15. What are coenocytic hyphae?
16. Mention the economic importance of algae
Part- B
1. Explain in detail the cell wall of gram positive and gram negative bacteria
2. Describe in detail the functional anatomy of prokaryotic cells
3. Elaborate in detail the functional anatomy of eukaryotic cells
4. Give an account on the multiplication of bacteria
5. Give an account on lytic and lysogenic cycle
6. Explain in detail about the reproduction in Algae
7. Describe in detail the life cycle of basidiomycetes
8. Explain the life history of actinomycetes
9. Give an account on the life cycle of yeast
Unit III - Microbial Nutrition, Growth and metabolism
Part- A
Part- B
Part- A
1. Define sterilization
2. Differentiate bacteriostatic and bactericidal
3. What is incineration?
4. What is moist heat sterilization?
5. Define Thermal death time
6. What is ultrapasteurization?
7. Differentiate antiseptic and disinfectant
8. What are beta lactam antibiotics?
9. What is the action of foscarnet?
10. What are polyene antibiotics?
11. What is MRSA?
12. What is neuroaminidase?
13. What are protease inhibitors?
Part- B
1. Describe in detail the various physical methods used to control microorganisms
2. Describe in detail the various chemical methods used to control microorganisms
3. Give an account on the host microbe interactions
4. What is Chemotherapy? Explain the mode of action of different antibacterial
5. Discuss in detail the mode of action of various antifungal and antiviral agents,
and their mechanism of resistance to different agents.
6. Explain in detail the microbial diseases of skin and eyes
7. Give an account on the microbial diseases of nervous system
8. Describe in detail the microbial diseases of digestive system
9. Explain in detail the microbial diseases of respiratory system
10. Explain in detail the microbial diseases of urinary and reproductive systems and
their control measures
Unit V - Industrial and Environmental Microbiology
Part- A
1. What is a metabolite
2. What are primary metabolite?
3. What are secondary metabolites?
4. Define alkaloids
5. What are terpenoids?
6. Mention the mode of action of penicillin
7. Name the organism which produces alcohol
8. What is gobar gas?
9. What is the use of vitamin B12?
10. Name the organism which produces vitamin B12
11. What is Bioremediation?
12. What is Bioleaching?
13. Differentiate Biofertilizer and Biopesticide
14. What is Pollution?
15. What are biosensors?
Part- B
1. Give an account on Primary metabolites and their applications
2. Describe in detail secondary metabolites and their applications
3. Elaborate in detail the various techniques used in the preservation of food
4. With a neat flow diagram explain the production of penicillin
5. Give an account on the production of alcohol.
6. Give an account on the production of Vitamin B12
7. What is Biogas? Explain the production of biogas
8. Give an account on Bioremediation
9. What is Microbial Leaching? Explain in detail the leaching of ores by
10. Write short notes on Biofertilizer and Biopesticides
11. How microorganism can be used to control pollution? Elaborate
12. What are Biosensors? Explain the various types of biosensors and their