SSfHin Season2013 PDF
SSfHin Season2013 PDF
SSfHin Season2013 PDF
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1 author:
Abbas Asadi
Payame Noor University
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Received: 16 June 2013 / Accepted: 11 October 2013 / Published online: 29 October 2013
Ó Springer-Verlag Italia 2013
Abstract The purpose of this investigation was to Keywords Agility Plyometric exercise Jump
examine the effects of in-season plyometric training pro- Basketball
gram on power and agility performance in young male
basketball players. Twenty intermediate basketball players
(age 20.1 ± 1.3 years; height 181.1 ± 8.5 cm; body mass
78.8 ± 5 kg) from Division I province team volunteered to Introduction
participate in this study and were randomly divided into
two groups: plyometric training (PL; n = 10) and control In basketball, the ability to generate maximal strength
group (CG; n = 10). Plyometric training took place twice levels in the shortest period of time (muscular power) is
weekly for 6 weeks including three sets of 15 repetitions of necessary to gain high sport performance levels [1].
depth jump (from 45-cm box height), vertical jump, and Moreover, agility is a vital component for the success in
standing long jump, in addition to regular basketball basketball players [2]. Two methods, plyometric and
practice of the team. Vertical jump (VJ), standing long resistance training, are usually referred to in the literature
jump (SLJ), 4 9 9-m shuttle run, agility t test (ATT), as improving the most powerful strength characteristics
and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) were measured at pre- (explosive strength) in basketball players. Several studies
and post-training. The PL group showed significant have demonstrated the positive effects of plyometric and
improvement (P \ 0.05) in VJ (10.21 ± 2.72 cm), SLJ resistance training to increase the levels of strength and
(21.15 ± 8.10 cm), 4 9 9-m shuttle run (0.62 ± 0.28 s), power [3, 4].
ATT (1.16 ± 0.57 s), and IAT (1.17 ± 0.65 s) after a Plyometric exercise, such as jumping, bounding, and
6-week training period and compared to CG. It can be hopping, is a widely used training mode to improve muscle
concluded that a 6-week in-season plyometric training power [5]. Plyometrics consists of a rapid stretching of a
program has positive effects for improving power and muscle (eccentric phase) immediately followed by a con-
agility performance in young male basketball players and centric or shortening action of the same muscle and con-
this study provides support for coaches and basketball nective tissue, and this phenomenon is called stretch–
players who use this training method during competitive shortening cycle [5]. Plyometric training has been shown to
phase. improve jumping ability [4], agility [6], running economy
[7], and strength [8].
However, a large number of studies investigated the
effects of plyometric training efficacy on performance [2,
3, 6, 8–14]; only one study examined the effects of in-
season plyometric training in basketball players [11].
A. Asadi (&) Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Payame
the effects of a 6-week in-season plyometric training pro-
Noor University, Tehran, P.O. Box 19395-3697, Islamic
Republic of Iran gram on muscular power and agility performance in young
e-mail: [email protected] male basketball players.
Author's personal copy
134 Sport Sci Health (2013) 9:133–137
Materials and methods trained test leaders carried out the entire test procedure
using identical order and protocol. Before testing, subjects
Participants performed 10-min warm-up protocol consisting of sub-
maximal jogging, and active stretching. There was a 5-min
Twenty young basketball players volunteered to participate rest in between tests to ensure recovery.
in this study and were randomly assigned to plyometric
group (PL; n = 10; age 20.2 ± 1 years; height Vertical jump
182.1 ± 9.2 cm; and body mass 78.5 ± 5.5 kg) and con-
trol group (CG; n = 10; age 20.1 ± 1.5 years; height The vertical jump (VJ) was assessed using Vertec (Power
180.1 ± 7.2 cm; and body mass 79.5 ± 4.5 kg). The par- Systems, Knoxville, TN 22550, USA). The Vertec was
ticipants were Division I province team and trained tech- adjusted to match the height of the individual subject by
nical and tactical basketball practice three sessions a week having him stand with the dominant side to the base of the
for 90 min. The participants were healthy, free from any testing device. The dominant hand was raised and the
lower body injuries and they had no medical and ortho- Vertec was adjusted so that the hand was the appropriate
pedic problems. Before data collection, the participants distance away from the marker based on markings on the
were informed about the benefit and possible risk associ- device itself. On verbal ‘‘GO’’ command, the volunteers
ated with the study and provided written informed consent. flexed their knee joints (*90°) and jumped as high as
The research project was conducted in accordance with the possible. The difference between initial value and maximal
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Univer- jump height value was calculated to determine VJ height.
sity Review Board for use of Human Subjects. Each test was performed twice, and the best value of the
two measurements was used for the analysis [13, 14].
Plyometric training and design
Standing long jump
Plyometric training program was performed twice weekly
for 6 weeks (on Monday and Friday). The intensity and The standing long jump was used as a test of bilateral leg
volume of plyometric training was based on recommen- power. Arm movements were permitted for support during
dations of Chu [5] and Stemm and Jacobson [15]. Partici- the take-off movements. Trials were only evaluated when
pants in the PL group trained depth jump (from 45-cm box the subjects landed properly on their feet while not falling
height), vertical jump, and standing long jump, respec- back. The distance between the toes at start and the heels at
tively. The training protocol consisted of three sets of landing was used as a testing criterion. The best of the two
15-reps separated by a 2-min rest for each exercise. Plyo- SLJs was used for the statistical analysis [16].
metric training sessions were added with regular basketball
practice and lasted 55 min, and began with a standard 49 9-m shuttle run
10-min warm-up, including 5-min jogging, 5-min ballistic
exercises and stretching; 40-min main training, and 5-min The shuttle run test was included as a measure of the ability
cool down. Subjects in PL group were instructed to per- to sprint and change direction. With the 4 9 9-m shuttle
form exercises in each training session with maximal run, the subjects stood behind the starting line and on
effort. During the intervention of 6 weeks, PL and CG command, they started the 9-m run. At the end of the 9-m
continued their normal basketball training, and were not section, the subjects were asked to stop with one foot
allowed to perform any other training (such as: resistance beyond a marker, while reversing the running direction and
training and or plyometric training) that would impact the sprinting back to the start where the same reversing of
results. A week pre- and post-training period, vertical jump movement direction was required. After the fourth 9-m
(VJ), standing long jump (SLJ), 4 9 9-m shuttle run, section, when the subjects crossed the finish line, the time
agility t test (ATT), and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) were was stopped. A hand-held stopwatch was used to measure
measured. the sprint time to the nearest 0.01 s (Joerex, ST4610-2,
China). The best value of two consecutive trials was used
Dependent variables for the statistical analysis. Three minutes rest between
attempts was provided for each subject [16].
To evaluate the effects of plyometric training on agility,
and power, five tests including VJ, SLJ, 4 9 9-m shuttle Agility t test
run, ATT, and IAT were measured, respectively. Before
initial testing, each player was familiarized with the testing Subjects’ agility was evaluated using the ATT according to
protocol. To standardize testing procedures, the same the method of Miller et al. [6]. The t test was performed on
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136 Sport Sci Health (2013) 9:133–137
different types of plyometric exercise such as sagittal and differences between groups in the agility tests (t test and
frontal plane and added load during plyometric exercise on Illinois agility test). They reported 4.9 and 2.9 %
jump performance [2, 8–10], a few studies examined in- improvements in t test and Illinois agility test, respectively,
season plyometric training on muscular performance in but we found higher than 7 % improvement. The difference
basketball players [11]. In accordance with our findings, in percentage of improvements could be discrepancy in
Santos and Janeira [11] found that 10-week in-season training intensity and fitness level of participants or train-
plyometric training could improve explosive power in ing status [16]. Perhaps trained subjects gain greater
adolescent basketball players. The improvement in jump increase in agility performance with regard to their back-
height indicates that adaptations relating to increases in leg ground and familiarization with training. These findings
power have occurred. The adaptations of training are likely demonstrated the necessity of plyometric training program
to be neural because these predominate in the early stages for enhancing performance in activities which involve
of strength and power training [18] and have been shown to acceleration, deceleration, and a change of direction. In
be the main adaptation to plyometric exercise [19]. Many addition, the plyometric training program may improve the
authors suggested that muscular performance gains after eccentric strength of the lower limb and resulting increases
plyometric training are attributed to a neural adaptation in agility performance [25]. It has been well documented
located in the nervous system [20, 21]. With regard to these that agility requires development of muscle factors (e.g.,
authors, neuromuscular factors such as increasing the strength and power) to improve change of direction and it
degree of muscle coordination and maximizing the ability appears that, agility has high relationship with strength and
to use the muscles’ stretch–shortening cycle appear to be power [25]. Perhaps increases in the power performance
more important for the improvement in jump performance became one of the important variables for the enhancement
(VJ and SLJ) following high-intense plyometric training of agility. Also, neural adaptations and enhancement of
[20, 21]. motor unit recruitment are other mechanisms which can
The unique findings of the present study are positive lead to increase in agility tests [6]. However, we could not
effects of in-season plyometric training on agility perfor- exactly determine that neural adaptations occurred or better
mance (4 9 9-m shuttle run 6.7 %, t test 8.6 %, and Illi- facilitation of neural impulse to spinal cord; therefore,
nois agility test 7.1 %) in basketball players. These results further studies are necessary to determine mechanisms of
are in line with previous researchers who found increases agility improvement by plyometric training. Also, future
in quickness and agility via plyometric training [2, 6]. In a study should use subjects with differing training status for
study of tennis players, the authors used a t test and dot determining muscular performance responses to plyometric
drill test to determine speed and agility [22]. They found training.
that the players became quicker and more agile; enabling In conclusion, the result of this study highlights the
them to get to more balls and be more effective tennis potential of using in-season plyometric training to improve
players. Renfro [23] measured agility using the t test with power and agility, especially in young male basketball
plyometric training, while Robinson and Owens [24] used players (19–20 years old). It is recommended that, coaches
vertical, lateral, and horizontal plyometric jumps and design plyometrics in competitive phase for young athletes,
showed improvements in agility. Miller et al. [6] also because this type of training can be an effective method for
examined the effects of a 6-week plyometrics on agility. improving performance. Since coaches and athletes are often
They used PL and control groups, and found significant restricted to a short preseason, this is beneficial for coaches
differences in PL after training, but no significant or athletes during collegiate or logical competitions.
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