International Labour Standards - 345678
International Labour Standards - 345678
International Labour Standards - 345678
Decent Work
Social Dialogue
Dr. Rahul Suresh Sapkal (PhD)
Assistant Professor (Economics)
School of Management and Labour Studies
TISS Mumbai
• The ILO’s mandate to strive for a better future for all in the world of
work requires it […] to understand and anticipate the
transformational drivers of change which are already in operation;
and to be ready to respond rapidly to events and challenges which
cannot reasonably be predicted. […] it seems inconceivable that the
ILO’s quest for social justice could be carried out satisfactorily if the
Organization did not continue to reach out to the most vulnerable.
[…] the ILO […] will rightly be judged by what we do for the weakest
and most disadvantaged, for those in poverty, without work,
without opportunity, prospects or hope, for those suffering denial of
fundamental rights and freedoms….
-Guy Ryder, Director-General of the ILO, 2016
• Towards a fair globalization (ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair
Globalization, 2008)
• Vulnerability in the world of work
• The Future of Work at stake
• The energy transition as an opportunity?
A path to full and productive employment
and decent work for all: The 2030 goals
• At the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, decent
work and the four pillars of the Decent Work Agenda – employment
creation, social protection, rights at work and social dialogue –
became the central elements of the new Sustainable Development
Agenda 2030.
• An international legal framework for fair and stable globalization
• A level playing field for all
• A means of improving economic performance
• A safety net in times of economic crisis
• A strategy for reducing poverty
What are the ILS’s?
• International labour standards are the result of discussions among governments,
employers and workers, in consultation with experts from around the world.
• It represent the international consensus on how a particular labour problem
could be addressed at the global level and reflect knowledge and experience
from all corners of the world.
• Governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, international institutions,
multinational enterprises and non-governmental organizations can benefit from
this knowledge by incorporating the standards in their policies, operational
objectives and day-to-day action.
• The legal nature of the standards means that they can be used in legal systems
and administrations at the national level, and as part of the corpus of
international law which can bring about greater integration of the international
• Are they binding?
The eight fundamental Conventions are:
• the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise
Convention, 1948 (No. 87) •
• the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)
• • the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) (and its 2014 Protocol)
• • the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105)
• • the Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)
• • the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182)
• • the Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100)
• • the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No.
Governance (priority) Conventions For
promoting ILS’s
• • the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81) (and its Protocol
of 1995)
• • the Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention, 1969 (No. 129)
• • the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards)
Convention, 1976 (No. 144)
• • the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122)
Nature and constitutional basis of
Conventions and Recommendations
• Conventions are instruments which on ratification create legal
obligations. Recommendations are not open to ratification, but give
guidance as to policy, legislation and practice. Both kinds of instrument
are adopted by the International Labour Conference, and article 19 of the
Constitution provides:
• 1. When the Conference has decided on the adoption of proposals with
regard to an item on the agenda, it will rest with the Conference to
determine whether these proposals should take the form: (a) of an
international Convention, or (b) of a Recommendation to meet
circumstances where the subject, or aspect of it, dealt with is not considered
suitable or appropriate at that time for a Convention.
• 2. In either case a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by the delegates
present shall be necessary on the final vote for the adoption of the
Convention or Recommendation, as the case may be, by the Conference.
Placing an item on the Conference agenda
• The agenda of the Conference is settled by the Governing Body
(Constitution, article 14).
• In cases of special urgency or other special circumstances (this has been
the case, for example, where a draft Protocol is being considered) the
Governing Body may decide to refer a question to the Conference with a
view to a single discussion (Standing Orders (SO) (Minimum 18 Months),
article 34(5)); but otherwise there will be a double discussion (i.e.
discussion at two sessions of the Conference) (SO, article 34(4)) (Between
11 to 26 Months).
• The Governing Body may also decide to refer a question to a preparatory
technical conference (Constitution, article 14(2); SO, articles 34(3) and 36).
The Conference itself may also, by two-thirds of the votes cast by the
delegates present, decide to include a subject on the agenda of the
following session (Constitution, article 16(3)).
• The development of international labour standards at the ILO is a unique legislative process
involving representatives of governments, workers and employers from throughout the world.
• As a first step, the Governing Body agrees to put an issue on the agenda of a future International
Labour Conference.
• Second:-The International Labour Office prepares a report that analyses the law and practice of
member States with regard to the issue at stake.
• Third-The report is communicated to member States and to workers’ and employers’
organizations for comments and is then submitted to the International Labour Conference for a
first discussion.
• Fourth: A second report is then prepared by the Office with a draft instrument, which is also sent
for comments and submitted for discussion at the following session of the Conference, where the
draft instrument is discussed, amended as necessary and proposed for adoption.
• Fifth:-This “double discussion” procedure gives Conference participants sufficient time to
examine the draft instrument and make comments on it.
• Sixth-- A two-thirds majority of votes is required for a standard to be adopted.
Ratification of Conventions and Protocols
• ILO member States are required to submit any Convention or Protocol
adopted by the International Labour Conference to their competent
national authority for the enactment of relevant legislation or other
action, including ratification.
• An adopted Convention or Protocol normally comes into force 12
months after being ratified by two member States.
• Ratification is a formal procedure whereby a State accepts the
Convention or Protocol as a legally binding instrument.
• Once it has ratified a Convention or Protocol, a country is subject to
the ILO regular supervisory system, which is responsible for ensuring
that the instrument is applied.
Universality and flexibility
• Standards are adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of ILO constituents
and are therefore an expression of universally acknowledged principles.
(Acknowledges Diversity)
• For example, standards on minimum wages do not require member States
to set a specific minimum wage, but to establish a system and the
machinery to fix minimum wage rates appropriate to their level of
economic development.
• Other standards contain so-called “flexibility clauses” allowing States to lay
down temporary standards that are lower than those normally prescribed,
to exclude certain categories of workers from the application of a
Convention, or to apply only certain parts of the instrument.
Updating international labour standards
• There are currently 189 Conventions and
• 205 Recommendation,
• some dating back as far as 1919, and
• six Protocols.
• Creating of SRM
Standards Review Mechanism (SRM)
• The SRM is a mechanism that is integral to the ILO’s standards policy with a
view to ensuring that the the ILO has a clear, robust and up-to date body
of standards that respond to the changing patterns of the world of work,
for the purpose of the protection of workers and taking into account the
needs of sustainable enterprises--- Linking the ILS’s with SDG’s
• Created in 2011 but it was formalized and established in 2015.
• The SRM a tripartite working group composed of 32 members (16
representing Governments, eight representing Employers and eight
representing Workers (Five Annual Meetings from 2015 to 2019)
• Conferred the power to abrogate outdated conventions, recommendations
and protocols
• Models and targets for labour law
• Primarily tools for governments which, in consultation with
employers and workers, are seeking to draft and implement labour
law and social policy in conformity with internationally accepted
• International labour standards thus serve as targets for harmonizing
national law and practice in a particular field.
Taxonomy of Reform Demands by
??? Governance
Employer Workers/TU
Inspection Procedural
Lab Bureaucratic
MW Rise Self-Certification, Randomised Simplification
Size Threshold Labour/Wage ESI Act etc. Inspection
Min. Assured Electronic/Online
Factories Flexibility???? Bonus Act (EPFO/ESI)
Pension, 1000
Act/CLRA (HARD) Gratuity Ceiling
MB Tenure Rise