Corrosion-Resistant Component For PEM Fuel Cells: Shuo-Jen Lee, Ching-Han Huang, Jian-Jang Lai, Yu-Pang Chen
Corrosion-Resistant Component For PEM Fuel Cells: Shuo-Jen Lee, Ching-Han Huang, Jian-Jang Lai, Yu-Pang Chen
Corrosion-Resistant Component For PEM Fuel Cells: Shuo-Jen Lee, Ching-Han Huang, Jian-Jang Lai, Yu-Pang Chen
Thin sheets of stainless steel are low-cost material for fuel cell components that can be easily formed to yield compact volume. But
corrosion of the stainless steel bipolar plates is a problem in the PEMFC. Corrosion affects the performance and cell life of a fuel cell. The
goal of this study is to find out appropriate surface treatment technology to protect the stainless steel bipolar plates against electrochemical
corrosion. The feasible surface treatment process should be able to make significant improvement on the corrosion-resistance and the
electrical resistance at a reasonable cost. After the treatment, the surface composition and/or the surface morphology may be modified.
The modification of the surface composition may improve the corrosion-resistance of the metallic bipolar plate. The corrosion rate is
determined by linear-polarization method from the polarization curve. The differences in polarization behaviors are attributed to a surface
treated layer. The electrical resistance is the other factor which may affect the performance of the fuel cell. A smoother surface may reduce
the interfacial resistance. The treated layer is a passive film. The thickness of the passive film after the surface treatment is thinner and the
surface resistance is reduced.
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S.-J. Lee et al. / Journal of Power Sources 131 (2004) 162–168 163
Specimen preparation
• Grinding
• Degreasing
• Ultrasonic cleaning
• De-ionization
Surface quality
• Electrochemical
surface treatment
Fig. 3. Typical uniform corrosion curve of linear polarization test.
Table 3
Results of the corrosion-resistance tests
Test number Uniform corrosion Result of corrosion test
(mmPy) improvement (%)
Original 1.0E-01 –
1 3.54E-02 62.852
2 2.78E-02 70.811
3 3.03E-02 68.232
4 3.99E-02 58.200
5 3.82E-02 59.968
6 2.10E-02 78.027
Average 3.21E-2 66.230
Fig. 6. Microscopy picture of original specimen (surface roughness: Ra
0.12 m, Rmax 1.1 m).
are listed in Table 3. This indicates that the corrosion rate 3.3. Results of contact resistance measurements
was improved by about 66%. It meant that the processed
plates may run longer without electrochemical corrosion un- In order to obtain optimal parameters for cell assembly,
der normal PEM fuel cell operation. tests were conducted to establish the relationship of the
The corrosion tests, shown in Fig. 8, indicates that the pressure versus contact resistance. Because of the sandwich
corrosion current, Icorr , of the treated specimen was smaller layered structure, the surface characteristics, and the sur-
than that of the original specimen due to the increased Cr face passive (oxide) film may affect the contact resistance
Fig. 9. Anodic behavior in 0.5 M H2 SO4 at 70 ◦ C-treated specimen (䊊)-Oh, (䊏)-24 h, ()-48 h.
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