Consistent Boundary Conditions For Integrated LES/RANS Simulations: LES Inflow Conditions
Consistent Boundary Conditions For Integrated LES/RANS Simulations: LES Inflow Conditions
Consistent Boundary Conditions For Integrated LES/RANS Simulations: LES Inflow Conditions
1. Motivation
Currently, a wide variety of flow phenomena are addressed with numerical simulations.
Many flow solvers are optimized to simulate a limited spectrum of flow effects effectively,
such as single parts of a flow system, but are either inadequate or too expensive to be
applied to a very complex problem.
As an example, the flow through a gas turbine can be considered. In the compressor
and the turbine section, the flow solver has to be able to handle the moving blades,
model the wall turbulence, and predict the pressure and density distribution properly.
This can be done by a flow solver based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)
approach. On the other hand, the flow in the combustion chamber is governed by large
scale turbulence, chemical reactions, and the presence of fuel spray. Experience shows that
these phenomena require an unsteady approach (Veynante and Poinsot, 1996). Hence,
the use of a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) flow solver is desirable.
While many design problems of a single flow passage can be addressed by separate
computations, only the simultaneous computation of all parts can guarantee the proper
prediction of multi-component phenomena, such as compressor/combustor instability and
combustor/turbine hot-streak migration. Therefore, a promising strategy to perform full
aero-thermal simulations of gas-turbine engines is the use of a RANS flow solver for the
compressor sections, an LES flow solver for the combustor, and again a RANS flow solver
for the turbine section (figure 1).
2. Interface
The simultaneous computation of the flow in all parts of a gas turbine with different
flow solvers requires an exchange of information at the interfaces of the computational
domains of each part. Previous work has established algorithms, which ensure, that two
or more simultaneously running flow solvers are able to exchange the information at the
interfaces efficiently (Shankaran et al, 2001, Schlüter et al, 2002).
The necessity of information exchange in the flow direction from the upstream to the
downstream flow solver is self-explanatory: the flow in a passage is strongly dependent
on mass flux, velocity vectors, and temperature at the inlet of the domain. However,
since the Navier-Stokes equations are elliptic in subsonic flows, the downstream flow
conditions can have a substantial influence on the upstream flow development. This can
easily be imagined by considering that, for instance, a flow blockage in the turbine section
of the gas turbine can determine and even stop the mass flow rate through the entire
engine. This means that the information exchange at each interface has to go in both,
downstream and upstream, directions.
Considering an LES flow solver computing the flow in the combustor, information on
the flow field has to be provided to the RANS flow solver computing the turbine as
144 J. U. Schlüter
Provide time
averaged data
Upstream influence
of pressure very
Create turbulent
Provide time
averaged data
Figure 2. Gas turbine combustor with interfaces. (LES of combustor from Mahesh et al, 2001)
well as to the RANS flow solver computing the compressor, while at the same time,
the LES solver has to obtain flow information from both RANS flow solvers (figure 2).
The coupling can be done using overlapping computational domains for the LES and
RANS simulations. For the example of the compressor/combustor interface this would
imply that inflow conditions for LES will be determined from the RANS solution at the
beginning of the overlap region, and correspondingly the outflow conditions for RANS
are determined from the LES solution at the end of the overlap region.
However, the different mathematical approaches of the different flow solvers make
the coupling of the flow solvers challenging. Since LES resolves large-scale turbulence
in space and time, the time step between two iterations is relatively small. RANS flow
solvers average all turbulent motions over time and predict ensemble averages of the
flow. Even when a so-called unsteady RANS approach is used, the time step between
two ensemble-averages of the RANS flow solver is usually larger by several orders of
magnitude than that for an LES flow solver.
The specification of boundary conditions for RANS from LES data is relatively straight-
LES inflow conditions 145
forward. The LES data can be averaged over time and used as boundary condition for
the RANS solver.
Since LES computations have shown to be sensitive to outflow conditions (Moin, 1997,
Pierce & Moin, 1998a), the adjustment of the LES solution near the outlet to the RANS
solution of the downstream computation is of importance. Previous work investigated in
detail LES outflow conditions (Schlüter and Pitsch, 2001, Schlüter et al, 2002). A virtual
body force is employed to drive the LES mean velocity field to the RANS solution in an
overlap region. The turbulent quantities and the pressure field adjusts accordingly to the
mean velocity field.
In the present study, the boundary conditions provided from an upstream RANS flow
solver to a downstream LES flow solver is investigated. The inflow conditions have to be
created such, that the time-averaged mean values of all computed quantities match the
RANS solution at a given plane and meaningful turbulent fluctuations are added. LES
computations of validation test cases are performed to assess the influence of the inflow
boundary conditions.
turbulent fluctuation. Since this scaling is linear, it is desirable, that the scaling factor
is close to unity. Hence, in the creation of the database it is important to reproduce the
expected inlet condition as closely as possible in order to keep scaling in the bounds of
the validity of a linear extrapolation.
In the following test cases, inlet conditions computed with eqn. 3.1 are using databases
with flow statistics strongly different from the desired values. This is solely to prove the
robustness of the method and not advisable for the final application.
where ux is the axial velocity component, uφ the azimuthal velocity component, and R
the radius of the nozzle.
For the first two cases measurements are available and LES predictions can be com-
pared with experimental data. For the last case, no measurements are available.
The computational meshes contain 1.58 million points (1.52 million cells) and are
identical for all LES computations.
0.0 1.0
0.00 0.25
Figure 4. LES results for a confined jet. Squares: experiment; Dots: LES with inflow entirely
from database (section 3.1); Dashed line: LES with no-fluctuations inflow (section 3.2); Solid
line: LES with mean-flow + fluctuations from data-base (section 3.4)
1998a) has been used. The flow solver solves the filtered momentum equations with
a low-Mach number assumption on an axisymmetric structured mesh. A second-order
finite-volume scheme on a staggered grid is used (Akselvoll & Moin, 1996).
The subgrid stresses are approximated with an eddy-viscosity approach. The eddy
viscosity is determined by a dynamic procedure (Germano et al, 1991; Moin et al, 1991).
6. Validation
6.1. Confined jet without swirl
The first test of the inlet boundary conditions is made for a confined jet without swirl. It
is well known, that the spreading rate of the jet is dependent on the turbulence present
in the jet flow.
Figure 4 shows the velocity fields obtained for this case. Experimental results are shown
as square symbols. The two velocity profiles on the left are taken upstream of the step,
and the leftmost profile defines the inlet conditions for the LES computations.
The first LES computation (black dots in figure 4) determines the inlet conditions
entirely from a database (compare section 3.1). The database was created by an auxiliary
computation with body forces driving the mean velocity field to the desired inlet velocity
profile on the left. The usage of this boundary condition is possible in this case, since
the time-averaged velocity field defining the inlet condition does not vary in time. It
LES inflow conditions 149
can be seen, that this LES computation reproduces the experimental data well in mean
values and turbulent fluctuations. The reattachment of the flow behind the step is well
The second LES computation uses no-fluctuations inflow conditions (compare section
3.2). Since the initial turbulence in the flow does not reach the desired level near the
step, the spreading rate of the jet is underestimated and the jet penetrates much further
into the chamber (dashed lines in figure 4). The reattachment length is overestimated.
As a result of the neglect of turbulence at the inlet, the axial turbulent fluctuations are
underestimated throughout the domain.
The third LES computation uses the mean velocity field and turbulent fluctuations
from a database (compare section 3.4). The database used is the database created for
a swirling flow (first LES computation of the following chapter, section 6.2) and hence,
is not adapted to this particular case. The correction of Eq. 3.1 is used to obtain the
desired mean statistics. The results of this computation (solid lines) show a good agree-
ment with the experiment and the first LES computation in the mean values. There are
some discrepancies in turbulent fluctuations between this LES computation and the LES
computation using a matching database due to the different description of turbulence at
the inlet. However, both LES results are reasonably close to the experimental data.
This test case shows, that the proposed inflow condition (Eq. 3.1) is capable of repro-
ducing the desired flow field, even when a low-quality database is used. The importance
of turbulent fluctuations at the inlet is underlined with the failure of the no-fluctuations
inlet condition to reproduce the flow field properly.
0.00 1.00
0.00 1.00
0.00 0.50
0.00 0.50
Figure 5. LES results for a jet with strong swirl (S = 0.6). Squares: experiment; Dots: LES
with inflow entirely from database (section 3.1); Dashed line: LES with no-fluctuations inflow
(section 3.2); Solid line: LES with mean-flow + fluctuations from data-base (section 3.4)
LES inflow conditions 151
6.3. Confined jet with weak swirl
While in the previous case the strong swirl ensured a certain universality of the extent of
the recirculation zone, weakly swirling flows are much more sensitive to inflow conditions
(Gupta et al, 1984). Since it is desirable for most flow applications, e.g for gas turbine
combustors, to keep the swirl number low in order to minimize the pressure drop over the
swirler, these kinds of flows are of particular interest for industrial applications. Hence, a
proper definition of LES inflow boundary conditions is crucial for the prediction of these
flows and the optimization of swirler geometries.
The third test case considered in this investigation is a weakly swirling flow at a
swirl number S = 0.3. The swirl number is just supercritical, meaning that an inner
recirculation zone develops. Unfortunately, no experimental measurements are available
for this case, but since the traditional method of generating inflow conditions by an
auxiliary LES computation was very successful in the previous two cases, the results of
this computation can be used as a reference.
Figure 6 shows the results of this series of LES computations. The LES computation
with a database with matching mean flow statistics (black dots) shows the onset of the
recirculation zone near the location of the expansion.
Using the no-fluctuations inflow condition (dashed lines), the location and extent of
the recirculation zone changes dramatically. As a result of that, the mean flow field differs
substantially from the previous LES computation. Due to the neglect of turbulence at
the inlet, the turbulent fluctuations are underestimated throughout the near field of the
expansion. As a result of the displacement of the zones of turbulence production, not
even the shape of the profiles of turbulent fluctuations is reproduced.
Using Eq. 3.1 and the non-swirling database from the test case in section 6.1 (solid
lines), all flow features are recovered. The origin and the extent of the recirculation zone
are identical to the LES with the matching database. As a result of that, the turbulence
production is also well represented and the prediction of turbulent fluctuations coincide.
This last test case shows most dramatically how the choice of LES inflow boundary
conditions may alter the results of a computation. While the previous test case of the
strongly swirling flow was remarkably robust to different inflow conditions, the present
case shows that only a little change in flow parameters, the decrease of the swirl number,
may result in flow configuration much more sensitive to inflow conditions.
7. Conclusions
The definition of LES inflow conditions from time-averaged statistical data has been
subject of research for some time. The current investigation focuses on LES inflow bound-
ary conditions for integrated RANS-LES computations, where the LES inflow conditions
are prescribed by the solution of an upstream RANS solver. Here, the flow statistics,
which have to be prescribed at the inlet of the LES domain, may vary in time.
A modification of the already widely used procedure, where an auxiliary LES compu-
tation creates a database for inflow conditions, was proposed. This inflow condition uses
the unsteady mean velocity profiles at the inlet and superposes turbulent fluctuations
from a database.
The proposed inflow condition was validated on three different flows. While one case,
a strongly swirling flow, was surprisingly robust against different inflow conditions, the
other two cases, a confined jet and a weakly swirling flow, underlined the necessity of a
proper turbulence description at the inlet.
152 J. U. Schlüter
x/D= −0.5 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5
x/D= −0.5 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5
Figure 6. LES results for a jet with weak swirl (S = 0.3). Dots: LES with inflow entirely from
database (section 3.1); Dashed line: LES with no-fluctuations inflow (section 3.2); Solid line:
LES with mean-flow + fluctuations from data-base (section 3.4), no experimental data available
LES inflow conditions 153
The inflow boundary condition proposed in the present study shows equivalent results
to the commonly applied procedure using a database from an auxiliary LES computation.
Its advantage over other methods is its flexibility to accommodate for time-dependent
flow statistics at the LES inlet.
The definition of LES inflow boundary conditions for integrated RANS-LES computa-
tions is an important step towards integrated flow computations.
8. Acknowledgments
Support by the US Department of Energy under the ASCI program is gratefully ac-
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