A Checklist of Weevils of The Tribe Mecysolobini (Coleoptera Curculionidae Molytinae) PDF

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Oriental Insects
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A checklist of weevils of the

tribe Mecysolobini (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae: Molytinae)
a a
J. P. Andrew & V. V. Ramamurthy
Division of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi, 110012, India

To cite this article: J. P. Andrew & V. V. Ramamurthy (2010) A checklist of weevils of the tribe
Mecysolobini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae), Oriental Insects, 44:1, 271-336, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00305316.2010.10417619


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Oriental Insects, Vol. 44: 271-336, 2010


Division of Entomology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012 India
Email: jon666jon @yahoo.co.in

ABSTRACT: An annotated checklist of the weevil tribe Mecysolobini (Molytinae: Curculionidae:

Coleoptera) comprising 597 species under 8 genera along with their up to date nomenclature, synonyms
and distribution is given. The analysis indicates that the tribe is almost exclusively tropical in distribution
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with 542 species known from Oriental and Ethiopian regions; of these 360 species are Oriental and 78
occur in India and the adjacent countries.

Key words: Mecysolobini, checklist, genera, subgenera, species, distribution


The genus Alcidodes Marshall is one of the largest, economically important weevils
of which the taxonomy needs to be worked out. The review of literature as a prelude
to undertaking the revisionary studies on this and allied genera revealed that there are
a large number of species known, especially from the Oriental region. The taxonomy
of these species has been poorly known and the problem is compounded with
changing concepts at the subfamily, tribes and the generic levels. Hence, efforts were
made to prepare an annotated checklist of the species known so far under the tribe
Mecysolobini Reitter as a result of which 597 species had been enlisted. While doing
so a review of the changes in the subfamily, tribe and generic concepts so far had also
been catalogued. The sole purpose of this checklist is to annotate the available details
so as to serve as a prelude to an impending revisionary study. Hence, it refrains from
assessing and commenting on the nomenclatural problems but presents them on as is
where basis. All the efforts have been made to confer with original publications and
brief review of these details presented herein.

The generic nomenclature in the molytine tribe Mecysolobini is confused, reflecting

both the large amount of convergence and parallelism that has undoubtedly occurred
in the group, and the occasionally weak grasp of the Rules of Zoological
Nomenclature of some of the taxonomists who have studied this tribe (Lyal and
Curran, 2000). There are twentytwo available genus group names in the tribe, their
present usage had been summarized (Fig.l).

The most recent revision on this group under the name Alcidodinae (Pajni and Dhir,
1987) has been observed to be erronaeus in many respects. A review of the literature,
both taxonomic and applied reveal that currently a vast majority use incorrect generic
names. Thus, the challenge for the taxonomist is to preserve nomenclatural stability
as far as possible, while trying to reflect some sort of evolutionary hypothesis and
conform with the rules (Lyal and Curran, 2000).

Some workers, particularly in applied fields, still incorrectly employ Alcides

Schoenherr (1825), but it is a junior homonym (and synonym) of Alcides Sahlberg
272 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

(1823), and a junior homonym of a lepidopteran Alcides Hubner (1822). This was
brought out by Marshall (1939), who proposed the replacement name Alcidodes.
Heller (1918) who divided the same into six subgenera viz. Cylindralcides Heller,
Sternuchopsis Heller, Robustalcides Heller, Granosalcides Heller, Ornatalcides
Heller and Metallalcides Heller, subsequently expressed the inadequacy of these.
Later, Voss (1953; 1956b; 1957; 1958; 1962) put fourth conflicting views over a
decade creating more confusion which led Haaf (1961d; 1964b) to ignore these
views. Pajni and Dhir (1987) while attempting to revise its species from India
proposed deploying generic names namely Brahmalcidodes Pajni and Dhir,
Mecysolobus Reitter, Neomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir, Tuberculomecyslobus Pajni and
Dhir, Cylindralcidodes Pajni and Dhir, Mesalcidodes Voss and Alcidodes. Likewise
the works of Voss (1953) and Haaf (1960-1964) led to more confusion than clarity as
brought out by Lyal and Curran (2000). Thus, the Mecysolobini needs a thorough
revision, as reliable limits to many of the genera remain uncertain. That is why until a
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cladistic analysis is done to determine relationships, the most stable approach

suggested is to the species groups retained in Alcidodes as generic names (Lyal and
Curran, 2000).

An analysis of the fauna of the tribe Mecysolobini indicates that most of its species
were known before 1970 and the descriptions are scattered, and the classification
unrealistic. An analysis of the faunistics reveal that, of the 597 species most had been
described between 1891-1950 and 1951-1970, with about 263 and 161 species
respectively. Contributions of Faust, Heller, Marshall, Fairmaire, Haaf and Voss had
been more significant. Except for a few isolated descriptions, no comprehensive
studies have been undertaken recently indicating that the revisionary studies are
imminent. This also reveals the fact that zoogeographically it is predominantly
tropical with 542 species known from Oriental and Ethiopian regions; of these 360
species are Oriental and 78 occur in India and the adjacent countries (Table 1).

Tribe Mecysolobini

1. Alcidodoplesius Voss
Alcidoplesius Voss, 1960c: 314; Voss, 1960d: 138
Type Alcidodoplesius tarsalis Voss, 1960d: 138
1. tarsalis Voss, 1960d: 138 Madagascar
2. parvulusVoss, 1961:111 Philippines
2. Brahmalcidodes Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 29
Type Alcidodes micronychus Pascoe, 1872: 483
1. micronychus (Pascoe) Myanmar, India,
Alcides micronychus Pascoe, 1872: 483; Faust, Thailand, Vietnam
1894a: 242, 258; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 30
2. nigromicronychus Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30 India
3. Cylindralcides Heller
Cylindralcides Heller, 1918: 211; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 32 (Cylindralcidodes); Alonzo-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 205
1. aemulus (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides aemulus Faust, 1894a: 231, 239; Marshall,
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 273

1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32

2. affaber (Aurivillius) Laos, India
Alcides affaber Aurivillius, 1892: 218; Heller,
1911:314; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 32
3. ashwanae Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32 India
4. barbicus (Haaf) India, Myanmar
Alcidodes barbicus Haaf, 1964b: 162; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 32
4a barbicus sub spfalsus Haaf, 1964b: 159 India, Myanmar
5. bicolorous Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32 India
6. bubo (Fabricius) Australia, India
Rhynchaenus bubo Fabricius, 1801: 474; Boheman
in Schoenherr, 1836: 612 (Alcides); Marshall,
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1939: 570 (Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32

Rhynchaenus ferox Olivier,l807:
Ale ides terraereginae Blackburn, 1900: 141 ;Klima,
1934: 52
7. castaneipennis (Hustache) Gabon
Alcides castaneipennis Hustache, 1922: 151;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Voss, 1959b: 413
8. corniculus (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides corniculus Faust, 1894a: 250, 259;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987:32
9. desertus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes desertus Haaf, 196la: 17; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 32
10. difficilis Heller, 1918: 220 Philippines
11. fervidus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes fervidus Haaf, 1961 a: 15; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 32
longirostris Heller, 1918: 211, 221 to
Sternuchopsis: Haaf, 1962: 153
12. ludificator (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides ludificator Faust, 1894a: 254, 260;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
13. major (Haaf) India
Alcidodes major Haaf, 1964b: 167; Pajni and Dhir,
14. mali (Marshall) India
Alcides mali Marshall, 1919: 276; 1939: 570; Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 32
15. miser Heller, 1918: 218 Philippines
16. mustela (Pascoe) Vietnam, Singapore,
Alcides mustela Pascoe, 1882: 446; Heller, 1911: Indonesia,
314; 1918: 219; Marshall, 1939: 570 Philippines
17. mysticus (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides mysticus Faust, 1894a: 246, 258; Heller,
274 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

1911: 314; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir,

1987: 32
18. obesus (Faust) Myanmar, India,
Alcides obesus Faust, 1894a: 248, 259; Heller, Cambodia, Laos,
1911: 314; Haaf, 1964b: 155; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: Vietnam, Malaysia,
32 Singapore
Alcides robustus Hustache, 1933: 83; Haaf, 1964b:
19. persegnis Heller, 1918: 222 Philippines
20. pius Heller, 1918: 219 Philippines
21. rufescens Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32 India
22. saundersi (Pascoe) Myanmar, Thailand,
Alcides carbonarius Pascoe, 1888: 412; Klima, Indonesia, India,
1934: 58; Marshall, 1939: 570 Philippines,
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Alcides lichen Faust, 1894a: 244, 258; Haaf, 1961e: Cambodia, Laos,
485 Vietnam, Malaysia,
Alcides luxuriosus Faust, 1894a: 244, 258; Heller, Singapore
1922a: 19; Haaf, 1961e: 485
Alcides saundersi Pascoe, 1870b: 459; Faust,
1894a: 244, 258; Marshall, 1930: 575; Haaf, 1961e:
485; Haaf, 1964b: 174; Pajni and Dhir, 1987:32
Alcides umenoi Kono, 1937b: 15; Haaf, 1964b: 174
23. separandus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes separandus Haaf, 1961 a: 16; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 32
24. serratidens Heller, 1918: 216 Philippines
25. tutus (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides tutus Faust, 1894a: 253, 259; Marshall,
1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
26. vafellus (Faust) India
Alcides vafellus Faust, 1898: 308; Marshall, 1939:
570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
4. Merus Gistel, 1857: 606
Type Lixus fasciatus Redtenbacher, 1848: 548
1. artivittis (Marshall) India, Myanmar
Alcidodes artivittis Marshall, 1948: 428; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 31 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal; 1999: 205
2. assamensis (Pajni and Dhir) India
Mecyslobus assamensis Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal; 1999: 205
3. butuanensis Schultze Philippines
Metallalcides butuanensis Schultze, 1922: 589;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal; 1999: 205
4. delicatulus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes delicatulus Haaf 1961: 23; Pajni and
Dhir, 1897: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal; 1999: 205
5. dentitibialis (Voss) Sri Lanka
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 275

Mecysolobus dentitibialis Voss, 1957: 103; Alonso-

Zarazaga and Lyal; 1999: 205
6. deremius (Kolbe) Tanzania, Uganda,
Alcides deremius Kolbe, 1898: 266; Marshall, Kenya
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
7. erro (Pascoe) China, Japan
Alcides erro Pascoe, 1871: 182; Roelofs, 1875:
151; Heller, 1911: 314; Marshall, 1939: 570; Zhou,
1998: 38 (Mecysolobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 205
8. fasciatus (Redtenbacher) India
Lixus fasciatus Redtenbacher in Hugel, 1848: 548;
Lacordiare, 1866: 16 (Alcides); Klima, 1934: 43;
Marshall, 1939: 570 (Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir,
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1987: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,

9. gubatanus (Schultze) Philippines
Metallalcides gubatanus Schultze, 1922: 590;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
10. josephus (Duvivier) Congo
Alcides josephus Duvivier, 1892: 312; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonzo-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
lOa josephus var compressus Hustache, 1934: 355 Congo
11. kilimanus (Aurivillius) Tanzania, Kenya
Alcides kilimanus Aurivillius, 1910: 427; Voss,
1962a: 8 (Alcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
lla kilimanus sub sp discedens Voss, 1962a: 8 Tanzania
llb kilimanus var. kenyae Hustache, 1829: 508 Kenya
12. lamprocolius (Heller) Philippines
Metallalcides lamprocolius Heller, 1924: 184;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
13. leopardus (Olivier) India
Lixus alboguttatus Wiedemann, 182: 162;
Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: 612 (Alcides);
Klima, 1934: 55; Marshall, 1939: 570 (Alcidodes);
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
Rhynchaenus leopardus Olivier, 1807: 190, 296;
Bovie, 1908a: 6 (Alcides); Marshall, 1939: 570
(Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
(Mesalcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999:
14. lixoides (Reitter) Japan, China,
Alcidesflavosignatus Roelofs, 1875: 151; Reitter, Russia, Mongolia,
1905: 248; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga India
and Lyal, 1999: 205
Mecysolobus lixoides Reitter, 1905: 248; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 205
276 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

15. mangyanicus (Schultze) Philippines

Metallalcides mangyanicus Schultze, 1922: 590;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
16. mervanoides (Voss) Congo
Mecysolobus mervanoides Voss, 1962b: 276;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
17. montanus (Haat) Cambodia, Laos,
Alcidodes montanus Haaf, 1964b: 160; Pajni and Vietnam, Malaysia,
Dhir, 1987: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and Myanmar, India
Lyal, 1999: 205 Singapore, Thailand
18. obfuscatus (Fabricius) Indonesia, India,
Alcides pavidus Faust, 1894a: 251, 259; Haaf, Myanmar
196lb: 434; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
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Alcides raptorius Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836:

610; 1844: 50; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
Lixus obfuscatus Fabricius, 1775: 138; 1801: 505;
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
19. obfuscatus Voss Congo
Mecysolobus obfuscatus Voss, 1962b: 275; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
20. semperi (Pascoe) Philippines
Metallalcides obsidianus Heller, 1918: 242; 1921:
197; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
Alcides opacimaculatus Heller, 1918: 242;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 205
Alcides semperi Pascoe, 1870b: 462; Roelofs,
1893: 34; Bovie, 1908a: 8; Heller, 1918: 242
(Metallalcides); Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
20a semperi sub sp ocellatus Roelofs Philippines
Alcides ocellatus Roelofs, 1893: 35; Heller, 1918:
216, 243; 1921: 197; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
21. scenicus (Faust) Japan, Myanmar,
Alcides scenicus Faust, 1894a: 256, 260; Bovie, India, Vietnam
1908a: 8; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 31 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
21a scenicus sub sp intrusomimus Heller, 1922a: 19 Japan, Myanmar,
India, Vietnam
22. siccus (Haat) India
Alcidodes siccus Haaf, 1964b: 163; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 205
23. smaragdinus (Roelofs) Philippines
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 277

Alcides smaragdinus Roelofs, 1893: 39; Heller,

1918: 216 (Metallalcides); Marshall, 1939: 570
24. tenuisignatus (Voss) Africa
Mecysolobus tenuisignatus Voss, 1956a: 180;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
25. trigonophorus (Marshall) India
Alcidodes trigonophorus Marshall, 1922: 394, 396;
1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30 (Mecyslobus);
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
26. tshibindanus (Voss) Congo
Mecysolobus tshibindanus Voss, 1962b: 275;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
26a tshibindanus sub sp lusingaensis Voss, 1962b: 275 Congo
27. westermanni (Boheman) India
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Alcides westermanni Boheman in Schoenherr,

1844: 51; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
5 Neomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
Type Alcidodes loratus Marshall, 1922: 394, 397
1. audax (Heller) India
Alcides audax Heller, 1908b: 164; Marshall, 1939:
570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
2. feae (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides feae Faust, 1894a: 245,258; Marshall,
1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
3. gardneri Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31 India
4. habenatus (Marshall) India
Alcidodes habenatus Marshall, 1922: 395;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
5. loratus (Marshall) India, Myanmar
Alcidodes loratus Marshall, 1922: 394, 397;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
6. mellitus (Faust) India
Alcides mellitus Faust, 1898: 308; Marshall, 1939:
570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
7. porrectirostris (Marshall) India
Alcidodes porrectirostris Marshall, 1913: 188;
Marshall, 1939:570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
8. saturnus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes saturnus Haaf, 1961a: 20; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 31
9. squamosus Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31 India
10. strobilanthesia Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31 India
11. vinculosus (Heller) India
Alcides vinculosus Heller, 1908b: 160, 161;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
6 Ornatalcides Heller, 1918: 214
Type Alcides decoratus Roelofs, 1893: 37
278 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

1. anamalaiensis (Pajni and Dhir) India

Mesalcidodes anamalaiensis Pajni and Dhir, 1987:
33; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
cuprinus Heller, 1918: 241 to Sternuchopsis: Haaf,
2. decoratus (Roelofs) Philippines
Alcides decoratus Roelofs, 1893: 37; Heller, 1918:
215 (Ornatalcides); Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
3. fuscocupreus Pajni and Dhir India
Mesalcidodesfuscocupreus Pajni and Dhir, 1987:
33; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
4. hypocritus (Boheman) Indonesia, India
Alcides hypocritus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844:
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47; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33

(Mesalcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999:
5. ignoratus Heller, 1918: 238 Philippines
6. improvidus (Faust) Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33 Myanmar, India
Alcides improvidus Faust, 1894a: 241, 257; Bovie,
1908a: 6; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33 (Mesalcidodes);
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
7. kalinganus Schultze, 1923: 604 Philippines
leopardus Olivier, 1807: 190, 296 to Merus:
Alonzo-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
8. leucospilus (Erichson) Philippines,
Alcides leucospilus Erichson, 1834: 264; Heller, Indonesia
1918: 240 (Ornatalcides); Haaf, 1961e: 493
(Alcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
Alcidodes leytensis Haaf, 1961e: 493
Alcides mindanaoensis Schultze, 1918: 271; Haaf,
1961e: 493 (Alcidodes)
8a leucospilus sub sp burmeisteri Boheman in Schoenherr
Alcides burmeisteri Boheman in Schoenherr, 1845:
448; Pascoe, 1885: 242; Heller, 1918: 237; Haaf,
1961e: 493; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
8b leucospilus var confluens Heller, 1918: 240
8c leucospilus var erichsoni Heller, 1918: 240
8d leucospilus var subaeneus Heller, 1918: 237
8e leucospilus var honestus Heller, 1918: 240
9. nocens (Heller) India
Alcides nocens Heller, 1908b:l62; Marshall, 1939:
570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33 (Mesalcidodes);
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
10. rutilans (Roelofs) Philippines
Alcides rutilans Roelofs, 1893: 38; Heller, 1918:
11. satelles (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides satelles Faust, 1894a: 240, 258; Bovie,
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 279

1908a:8; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir,

1987: 33 (Mesalcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 205
12. septentrionalis Heller, 1918: 243 Philippines
13. serotinus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes serotinus Haaf, 1961a: 48; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 33 (Mesalcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 205
14. trifidus (Pascoe) Taiwan, India,
trifidus sub sp taiwanus Kono, 1930: 139; Haaf, Japan, Korea, China
1964b: 199
Alcides trifidus Pascoe, 1870b: 459; Marshall,
1939: 570 (Alcidodes); Haaf, 1964b: 199; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 33 (Mesalcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga
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and Lyal, 1999: 205

15. vitalisi (Marshall) Cambodia, Laos,
Alcidodes vitalisi Marshall, 1922: 394, 409; 1939: Vietnam, Malaysia,
570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33 (Mesalcidodes); Myanmar,
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205 Singapore, Thailand,
16. waltoni (Boheman) Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33 Philippines,
Alcides albolineatus Roelofs, 1875: 152; Klima, Cambodia, India,
1934: 44; Marshall, 1939: 470 Japan, Indonesia,
Alcides roelofsi Lewis, 1879: 23; Kono, 1930: Taiwan, Sri Lanka,
138,142; Haaf, 1961b: 412 (Alcidodes) Myanmar
Alcides sexvittatus Faust, 1895a: 243,258; Klima,
Alcides waltoni Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 58;
Heller, 1918: 212, 223 (Sternuchopsis); Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 33 (Mesalcidodes); Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 205
7. Sternuchopsis Heller, 1918: 212
Type Alcides pectoralis Boheman in Schoenherr,
1836: 618
1. abbreviatus (Heller) Papua New Guinea
Alcides abbreviatus Heller, 1942: 211; Marshall,
1939: 570; A1onso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2 achteni (Hustache) Congo
Alcides achteni Hustache, 1934: 352; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2a achteni sub sp sobrinus Haaf, 1961c: 56 Congo
acutus Faust, 1898: 310 to Tuberculomecyslobus:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
3 adspersus (Boheman) Cape Colony
Alcides adspersus Boheman, 1859: 134; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
4 adustus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes adustus Haaf, 1961b: 392; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
280 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

5 adversarius (Schultze) Philippines

Alcides adversarius Schultze, 1919: 338; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
aemulus Faust, 1894a:231,239 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
6 aeratus (Heller) Philippines, Samoa
Alcides aeratus Heller, 1922b: 554; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
6a aeratus sub sp interpostitus Heller, 1924: 185 Samoa, Philippines
affaber Aurivillius, 1892: 218 to Cylindralcides:
Heller, 1911: 314
affinis Fahraeus, 1871: 256 see dentipes (Olivier)
7 agnatus (Haaf) Indonesia,Malaysia
Alcidodes agnatus Haaf, 1964a: 19; Alonso-
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Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

8 albocinctus (Blanchard) Indonesia
Alcides albocinctus Blanchard in Hombron and
Jacquinot, 1853: 246; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
9 alboguttatus (Schoenherr) Congo
Alcides alboguttatus Schoenherr, 1825: 581;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
alboguttatus Wiedemann, 1823: 162 see leopardus
10 albolineatus (Boheman) Gabon, Senegal,
Alcides albolineatus Boheman in Schoenherr, Congo, Tanzania,
1836: 612; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga Germany, South
and Lyal, 1999: 206 Africa
albolineatus Roelofs, 1875: 152 see waltoni
11 albolituratus (Blanchard) Indonesia
Alcides albolituratus Blanchard in Hombron and
Jacquinot, 1853: 246; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
12 albomaculatus (Kono) Taiwan
Alcides albomaculatus Kono, 1930: 140; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
13 albopictus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides albopictus Fairmaire, 1904: 247; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
14 alfkeni (Heller) Philippines
Alcides alfkeni Heller, 1934: 295; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
15 alienus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes alienus Haaf, 1961c: 50; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
amandus Haaf, 1961c: 102 see depressipennis sub
sp amandus
16 ambatoides (Voss) Congo
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 281

Alcidodes ambatoides Voss, 1962b: 267; Alonso-

Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
17 ambroensis (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides ambroensis Hustache, 1933: 82; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
18 amitinus (Kolbe) Kenya, Tanzania,
Alcides amitinus Kolbe, 1898: 264; Marshall, 1939: Uganda
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
19 amoenus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides amoenus Pascoe, 1882: 448; Haaf, 1963:
112; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides bellus Pascoe, 1882: 448; Haaf, 1963: 112
20 amplus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes amplus Haaf, 1961e: 479; Alonso-
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Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

analogus Heller, 1918: 244 see nitidus (Pascoe)
anceyi Bovie 1908b: 43 see humerosus (Ancey)
21 androycus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides androycus Fairmaire, 1902a: 367; Marshall,
1939: 470; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
22 anfractus (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides anfractus Heller, 1933: 101, 103; Marshall,
1939: 470; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
23 angolanus (Hustache) Angola
Alcides angolanus Hustache, 1932: 66; Marshall,
24 angulus (Fabricius) Indonesia, Malaysia,
Rhynchaenus angulus Fabricius, 1801: 464; Cambodia
Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 46 (Alcides); Haaf
1961b: 394; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides geometricus Pascoe, 1885: 243; Haaf
Alcides lacumsus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844:
47; Haaf 1961b: 394
25 angulus (Schoenherr) Congo
Alcides angulus Schoenherr, 1825: 581; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
26 angustus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes angustus Haaf, 1961b: 397; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
27 annulatus (Hustache) Senegal
Alcides annulatus Hustache, 1932: 65; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
28 antenna/is (Faust) Togo, West Africa
Alcides antenna/is Faust, 1894b: 535; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
29 apicalis (Heller) Papua New Guinea
Alcides apicalis Heller, 1914: 653; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
282 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

30 arcanus (Haaf) Indonesia

Alcidodes arcanus Haaf, 1964a: 44; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
31 arcicollis (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcides arcicollis Marshall, 1932: 341; 1939: 570;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
arcuatus Schultze, 1919: 559 see schultzei
32 arcuatus (Boheman) Germany, Cape
Alcides arcuatus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: Colony, Angola,
46; Haaf, 1961c: 79; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, Africa
32a arcuatus var maculiventris Hustache, 1924: 81
32b arcuatus sub sp stolzi Haaf, 1961c: 79
33 arenatus (Schultze) Philippines
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Alcides arenatus Schultze, 1919: 559; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
34 argutor (Pascoe) Srilank:a
Alcides argutor Pascoe, 1883: 126; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
35 armiger (Thunberg) Cape Colony
Ale ides armiger Thunberg, 1815: 114; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
artivittis Marshall, 1948: 428 to Merus: Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal; 1999: 205
aschanticus Faust, 1895a: 236 see guessfeldti
(Kolbe) ashinagazo Kono, 1930: 142 see yoshidai
36 asperatus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes asperatus Haaf, 1963: 141; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
aspericollis Heller, 1929: 114,115 see vestitus
37 asphaltinus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides asphaltinus Pascoe, 1870b: 461; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
atrocretosus Fairmaire, 1883b: 37 see elegans
audax Heller, 1908b: 164 to Neomecyslobus: Pajni
andDhir, 1987:31
38 auritus (Pascoe) Vietnam
Alcides auritus Pascoe, 1873: 182; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
39 australis (Boisduval) Indonesia, Papua
Alcides australis Boisduval, 1835: 423; Haaf, 1963: New Guinea
131; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides profluens Pascoe, 1885: 239; Klima, 1934:
39a australis sub sp rectus Haaf, 1963: 127 Indonesia
australis subsp. ternatensis see ternatensis
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 283

40 avidus (Haaf) Cambodia, Laos,

Alcidodes avidus Haaf, 1964b: 159; Alonso- Vietnam, Malaysia,
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Myanmar,
Singapore, Thailand
41 balachowskyi (Hoffmann) West Africa
Alcidodes balachowskyi Hoffmann, 1962: 124;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
barbicus Haaf, 1964b: 162 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
42 basipennis (Marshall) Myanmar
Alcidodes basipennis Marshall, 1948: 429; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
43 baueri (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes baueri Haaf, 1963: 100; Alonso-
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Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

44 beatus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes beatus Haaf, 1964a: 59; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
bellus Pascoe, 1882: 448 see amoenus (Pascoe)
biai Duvivier, 1890: 24 see olivaceus (Gerstacker)
45 biangulatus (Marshall) Kenya, Uganda,
Alcidodes biangulatus Marshall, 1928a: 407; 1939: Zimbabwe,
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Tanzania, Nigeria
46 bicinctus (Faust) Malaysia
Alcides bicinctus Faust, 1895c: 97; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
47 bifasciatus (Aurivillius) Kenya
Alcides bifasciatus Aurivillius, 1910: 428;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
bifasciatus Hustache, 1922: 152 see bivinculatus
48 bimaculatus (Faust) Myanmar
Alcides bimaculatus. Faust, 1894a: 253, 260;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
49 bimbiense (Hustache) Angola
Alcides bimbiense Hustache, 1935: 165; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
bioculatus Heller, 1933: 98 see bivinculatus
50 biornatus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides biornatus Fairmaire, 1903: 231; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
51 biplagiatus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes biplagiatus Haaf, 1961 a: 41; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
52 bipunctatus (Hustache) Zanzibar
Alcidodes bipunctatus Hustache, 1932: 60; Alonso-
284 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

53 bisignatus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcidodes bisignatus Pascoe, 1882: 447; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
54 bivinculatus (Heller) Kenya, Congo
Alcides bifasciatus Hustache, 1922: 152; Klima,
Alcides bivinculatus Heller, 1933: 98; Haaf, 1961c:
123; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides bioculatus Heller, 1933: 98; Klima, 1934:
54 a bivinculatus sub spjueundus Haaf, 1961c: 124
54b bivinculatus sub sp suratus Haaf, 1961c: 123
55 blanchardi (Faust) Togo
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Alcides blanchardi Faust, 1895a: 97; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
blanchardi Faust, 1899a: 45 see sturnus Haaf
56 blandus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes blandus Haaf, 1963: 116; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
57 bohemani (Heller) Philippines,
Alcides bohemani Heller, 1918: 233; Haaf, 1961e: Thailand(?)
496; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides catanduanensis Schulze, 1918: 273; Klima,
58 bonguensis (Hartmann) Ghana
Alcides bonguensis Hartmann, 1900: 276; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
59 brevicollis (Pascoe) Papua New Guinea,
Alcides brevicollis Pascoe, 1885: 243; Haaf, 1963: Indonesia
116; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
59 a brevicollis sub sp reductus Faust Papua New Guinea,
brevicollis sub sp reductus Faust, 1892b: 208; Indonesia
Haaf, 1963: 116
Alcides reductus Faust, 1892b: 208; Marshall,
1939: 570; Haaf, 1963: 116
60 brevior (Heller) Malaysia
Alcides brevior Heller, 1933: 101,102; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
61 brevirostris (Boheman) Equatorial Guinea,
Alcides brevirostris Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: SouthAfrica,
621; Haaf, 1962: 140; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, Tanzania,
1999:206 Madagascar
61a brevirostris sub sp curtirostris Fairmaire
brevirostris sub sp curtirostris Fairmaire, 1871: 50;
Haaf, 1962: 140
Alcides curtirostris Fairmaire, 1871: 50; Marshall,
1939: 570; Haaf, 1962: 140
61b brevirostris var obscurus Aurivillius
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 285

brevirostris var p Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844:

62; Aurivillius, 1910: 427
62 brevithorax (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides brevithorax Hustache, 1920b: 10; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
63 brunigueli (Roudier) Gabon, Congo,
Alcidodes brunigueli Roudier, 1957: 214; Alonso- Central African
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Republic, Chad
64 bryanti (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcidodes bryanti Marshall, 1922: 394,407; 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
65 bubulus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides bubulus Heller, 1918: 213, 227; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
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65a bubulus var. punctiger Heller

bubulus var punctiger Heller, 1918: 213; Klima,
bubulus var.an subsp? punctiger Heller, 1918: 228
bubo Fabricius, 1801: 474 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
66 burgeoni (Hustache) Congo
Alcides burgeoni Hustache, 1934: 349; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
burmeisteri Boheman in Schoenherr, 1845: 448 see
67 chaudoiri (Chevrolat) Armenia, Iran,
Alcides chaudoiri Chevrolat in Guerin-Meneville, Kazakhistan, Russia,
1844: 154; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga Turkmenistan
and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides karelinii Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 65;
Klima, 1934: 43; Marshall, 1939: 570
68 camerunus (Hustache) Cameroon
Alcides camerunus Hustache, 1932: 61; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
69 candidulatus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes candidulatus Haaf, 1961c: 62; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
carbonarius Pascoe, 1888: 412 see saundersi
70 carus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes carus Haaf, 1961c: 75; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
castaneipennis Hustache, 1922: 151 to
Cylindralcides: Voss, 1959b: 413
71 castus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes castus Haaf, 1961c: 64; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
catanduanensis Schulze, 1918: 273 see bohemani
286 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

72 caudatus (Hustache) Madagascar

Alcides caudatus Hustache, 1933: 80; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
73 caviventris Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1831 Indonesia
centroguttatus Marshall, 1926b: 357 see
hexamitosus (Heller)
74 censorius (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides censorius Pascoe, 1887: 355; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
75 ceramodelta (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcidodes ceramodelta Marshall, 1918a: 153, 156;
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
76 cervinus (Haaf) Indonesia, Papua
Alcidodes cervinus Haaf, 1963: 123; Alonso- New Guinea
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Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

77 ceylonensis (Heller) Sri Lanka
Alcides ceylonensis Heller, 1901: 344; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
78 chalcomorphus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides chalcomorphus Heller, 1922b: 553;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
79 chiliarchus (Boheman) Indonesia
Alcides chiliarchus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836:
609; Haaf, 1964a: 72; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
79a chiliarchus sub sp effertus Haaf, 1964a: 72 Indonesia
80 cinchonae (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcidodes cinchonae Marshall, 1923: 269; 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
81 circulifer (Heller) Philippines
Alcides circulifer Heller, 1924: 186; Marshall, Philippines
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides fraudator Heller, 1924: 186; Klima, 1934:
82 circumscutellatus (Hustache) Ethiopia
Alcides circumscutellatus Hustache, 1932: 62;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
clathratus Aurivillius, 1892: 219 seefrenatus Faust
83 clathratus (Bertolini) Mozambique
Alcides clathratus Bertolini, 1849: 426; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
84 clausus (Walker) Sri Lanka
Alcides clausus Walker, 1859: 264; Marshall, 1939:
570; Haaf, 1960: 663; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
Sternuchopsis keiseri Voss, 1957: 107; Haaf, 1960:
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 287

85 collaris (Pascoe) India

Alcides collaris Pascoe, 1887: 358; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
86 collarti (Hustache) Congo
Alcides collarti Hustache, 1934: 353; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
87 comiculus (Faust) Myanmar
Alcides comiculus Faust, 1895a: 250; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
88 comma (Kolbe) Tanzania, Kenya,
Alcides comma Kolbe, 1898: 264; Marshall, 1939: Uganda
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
89 comparabilis (Bovie) India
Alcides comparabilis Bovie, 1908a: 3; Marshall,
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1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

Alcides geminus Heller, 1908b: 159,161; Klima,
1934: 52; Marshall, 1939: 570
90 comptus (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes comptus Haaf, 1960: 655; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
91 congoanus (Faust) Congo
Alcides congoanus Faust, 1899b: 413,414;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
92 confusus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes confusus Haaf, 1963: 153; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206; Lyal in Lyal and
Curran, 2000: 1808
93 connexus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes connexus Haaf, 1964a: 39; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
94 conradti (Faust) Equatorial Guinea
Alcides conradti Faust, 1895a: 236; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
95 contemptus (Voss) China
Alcidodes contemptus Voss, 1937: 226; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
96 convexus (Olivier) Tanzania, Kenya,
Alcides convexus Olivier, 1790: 507; 1807: 176; Uganda, South
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, Africa, Madagascar,
1999:206 Cameroon, Gabon,
Alcides gibbus Fabricius, 1792: 431; 1801: 471; Zanzibar
Klima, 1934: 45; Marshall, 1939: 570
96a convexus var orienta/is Chevrolat, 1881b: 90
confluens Heller, 1918: 240 see leucospilus Erichson
97 coquereli (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides coquereli Fairmaire, 1871: 48; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides lixoides Hustache, 1925a: 346; Klima,
288 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

1934: 46; Marshall, 1939: 570

coquereli var lixoidalis Klima, 1934: 46
corniculus Faust, 1894a: 250, 259 to
Cylindralcidodes: Pajni and Dhir, 1987:32
98 costipennis (Fairmare) Mayotte
Alcides costipennis Fairmare, 1871: 49; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
99 costulatus (Heller) Cambodia
Alcides costulatus Heller, 1922a: 22; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
100 crassirostris (Thomson) Equatorial Guinea,
Alcides crassirostris Thomson, 1858: 133; Gabon
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
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101 crassus (Pascoe) India, Philippines

Alcides crassus Pascoe, 1882: 450; Heller, 1918:
212, 224 (Sternuchopsis); Marshall, 1939: 570;
Pajni and Dhir, 1987:34; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcidodes hoplomachus Heller, 1918: 224; Lyal in
Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1788
102 crenatidens (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides crenatidens Heller, 1908b: 168; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
103 cribrithorax (Kolbe) Tanzania, Kenya,
Alcides cribrithorax Kolbe, 1898: 265; Marshall, Uganda
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
crinalifer Marshall, 1922: 393 to
Tuberculomecyslobus: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
104 cultirostris (Thomson) Equatorial Guinea
Alcides cultirostris Thomson, 1858: 133; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
105 cultratus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes cultratus Haaf, 1964a: 29; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
cuprinus Heller, 1918: 241 see septemdecimnotatus
curialis Pascoe, 1883: 124 see transversus
106 curranae Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1794 Indonesia
curtirostris Fairmaire, 1871: 50 see brevirostris
107 curtus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes curtus Haaf, 1964a: 26; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
108 *curvirostris Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1833 Malaysia
109 cylindricus (Kolbe) Tanzania, Kenya,
Alcides cylindricus Kolbe, 1898: 263; Marshall, Uganda
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 289

cylindricus Hustache, 1920b: 10 see hustachei

cylindriformis Hustache, 1925a: 338,346 see
hustachei (Heller)
110 daedalus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides daedalus Pascoe, 1882: 449; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
111 dealbatus (Boisduval) Indonesia, Figi,
Alcides dealbatus Boisduval, 1835: 297; Marshall, Papua New Guinea,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Indonesia
112 daitoanus (Kono) Thailand
Alcidodes daitoanus Kono, 1942: 163; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
113 decemvittatus (Aurivillius) India, Myanmar,
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Alcides decemvittatus Aurivillius, 1892: 220; Cambodia

Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
decoratus Roelofs, 1893: 37 to Ornatalcides:
Heller, 1918: 215
114 decorsei (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides decorsei Hustache, 1920b: 10; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
decretus Haaf, 1961c: 151 see sparsus (Boheman)
115 decursus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides decursus Pascoe, 1885: 240; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
116 dejeani (Faust) Indonesia
Alcides dejeani Faust, 1896: 150; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
delicatulus Haaf 1961: 23 to Merus: Alonzo-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
117 delta (Pascoe) Myanmar,
Alcides delta Pascoe, 1870b: 460; Faust, 1894a: Cambodia, Laos,
243, 258; Marshall, 1918a: 153, 154; Heller, 1933: Indonesia, Sri Lanka
99; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
118 densus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes densus Haaf, 1963: 158; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
119 denticulatus (Kolbe) Kenya, Tanzania,
Alcides denticulatus Kolbe, 1898: 265; Marshall, Uganda
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
119a denticulatus sub sp vicinus Haaf, 1961c: 140
120 dentipes (Olivier) Equatorial Guinea,
Alcides affinis Fahraeus, 1871: 256; Marshall, South Africa,
1952: 268 Germany
Curculio dentipes Olivier, 1790: 504; Fabricius,
1792: 428 (Rhynchaenus); Herbst, 1795: 180
(Alcides); Marshall, 1952: 268 (Alcidodes);
290 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

121 dentirostris (Voss) China
Alcides dentirostris Voss, 1932a: 296; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
122 depressipennis (Hustache) Congo
Alcides depressipennis Hustache, 1924: 72;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
122a depressipennis sub sp amandus Haaf, 1961c: 102
deremius Kolbe, 1898: 266 to Merus: Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
desertus Haaf, 1961a: 17 to Cylindralcidodes: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 32
123 detectus (Heller) fudonesia
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Alcides detectus Heller, 1925: 231; Marshall, 1939:

570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides deturbatus Heller, 1925: 231; Marshall,
1939: 570; Haaf, 1964a: 58
124 detentus (Pascoe) fudonesia
Alcides detentus Pascoe, 1885: 240; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
125 detractus (Heller) Papua New Guinea,
Alcides detractus Heller, 1925: 232; Marshall, fudonesia
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
deturbatus Heller, 1925: 231 see detectus (Heller)
126 diabolicus (Haaf) fudonesia
Alcidodes diabolicus Haaf, 1961b: 430; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
127 diadema (Heller) fudia
Alcides diadema Heller, 1908b: 158, 161; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
128 dictyodes (Heller) Philippines
Alcides dictyodes Heller, 1918: 213, 230; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Ale ides tagalicus Schulze, 1918: 273; Klima, 1934:
129 didymus (Haaf) Malaysia
Alcidodes didymus Haaf, 1964a: 25; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
difficilis Heller, 1918: 220 to Cylindralcides:
Heller, 1918: 211
130 dignus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes dignus Haaf, 1961e: 477; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
131 dipterocarpi (Marshall) fudia
Alcides dipterocarpi Marshall, 1921: 166; 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
132 disceedens (Pascoe) Singapore, fudonesia
Alcides disceedens Pascoe, 1870b: 461; Marshall,
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 291

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

133 discrepans (Faust) India
Alcides discrepans Faust, 1898: 309; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
134 distigma (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides distigma Pascoe, 1882: 448; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
135 distinchus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes distinchus Haaf, 1961a: 27; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
136 divergens (Pascoe) Singapore, Indonesia
Alcides divergens Pascoe, 1882: 446; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
137 diversus (Haaf) Africa
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Alcidodes diversus Haaf, 1961c: 135; Alonso-

Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
138 drescheri (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes drescheri Haaf, 1964a: 50; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
139 duyagi (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides duyagi Schultze, 1934: 333; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
effertus Haaf, 1964a: 72 see chiliarchus sub sp
140 egregius (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes egregius Haaf, 196lc: 115; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
141 elegans (Boisduval) Indonesia
Alcides elegans Boisduval, 1835: 421; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
142 elegans (Guerin-Meneville) Papua New Guinea
Alcides elegans Guerin-Meneville, 1838: 124; Indonesia, England
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
142a elegans var albolituratus Blanchard, 1853: 245
142b elegans var atrocretosus Fairmaire, 1883b: 37
142c elegans var blanchardi (Faust)
Alcides blanchardi Faust, 1899a: 45; Marshall,
1952: 268
143 elongatus (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides elongatus Heller, 1929: 114; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
144 ephippiatus (Marshall) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes ephippiatus Marshall, 1918a: 153, 154;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
145 eremitus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes eremitus Haaf, 1963: 99; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
erichsoni Heller, 1918: 240 see leucospilus
292 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

146 erosus (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes erosus Haaf, 1960: 651; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
erro Pascoe, 1871: 182 to Merus: Alonzo-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 205
147 erroneous (Thomson) Congo, Gabon
Alcides erroneous Thomson, 1858: 132; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
148 eruditus (Duvivier) Congo
Alcides eruditus Duvivier, 1892: 312; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
149 erythropterus (Chevrolat) Zanzibar, Kenya,
Alcides erythropterus Chevrolat, 1881b: 90; Tanzania, Uganda,
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Marshall, 1952: 268 (Alcidodes); Voss, 1962b: 271; Congo

Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides otiosus Hartmann, 1899: 24; Marshall,
149a erythropterus sub sp paucifasciatus Voss, 1962b: 271 Congo
150 eugeniophilus (Lyal) Malaysia
Alcidodes eugeniophilus Lyal, 1996: 1702;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
eupidus Haaf, 1961c: 58 see guttulatus (Thomson)
151 evidens (Heller) Philippines
Alcides evidens Heller, 1918: 214, 231; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
152 excavatus (Olivier) Madagascar,
Rhynchaenus excavatus Olivier, 1807: 199; Cameroon
Schoenherr, 1836: 625 (Alcides); Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
153 excellens Haaf, 1961b: 423 Indonesia
154 exilis (Boheman) Cape Colony
Alcides exilis Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: 613;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
155 exornatus (Chevrolat) Papua New Guinea
Alcides exornatus Chevrolat, 1880: 333; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides gestroi Pascoe, 1885: 242; Klima, 1934: 54
156 expansitarsis (Lyal) Cambodia, India,
Alcidodes expansitarsis Lyal, 1996: 1694; Alonso- Indonesia, Laos,
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Myanmar
157 expansus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes expansus Haaf, 1964a: 22; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
158 eypocrite (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides eypocrite Heller, 1929: 114; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
159 fabricii (Fabricius) India
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 293

Curculiofabricii Fabricius, 1792: 169; 1801:471

(Rhynchaenus); Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: 623
(Alcides); Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 34; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
159a fabricii varfenestratus Olivier, 1807: 204 India
facetus Haaf, 1961c: 148 see obsoletus sub sp
160 fairmairei (Gemminger) Madagascar
Alcides fairmairei Gemminger, 1871: 123;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
Alcides olivaceus Fairmaire, 1871: 50; Klima,
161 fallax (Boheman) Madagascar
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Alcides fallax Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 62;

Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
162 fallerianus (Hustache) Ethiopia
Alcidesfallerianus Hustache, 1936a: 353; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
falsus Haaf 1964b: 159 see barbicus
163 farinosus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodesfarinosus Haaf, 1961c: 146; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
fasciatus Redtenbacher in Hugel, 1848: 548 to
Merus: Alonzo-Zaraza and Lyal, 1999: 205
164 fasciculatus (Boheman) Congo, Germany
Alcidesfasciculatus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836:
614; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
165 fasciger (Faust) Madagascar
Alcidesfasciger Faust, 1889: 101; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
166 fastuosus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcidesfastuosus Pascoe, 1873: 182; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
feae Faust, 1894a: 245,258 to Neomecyslobus:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
ferox Olivier, 1807: 189 see bubo (Fabricius)
167 ferrugineus (Cristofori and Jan) Germany(?)
Alcides ferrugineus Cristofori and Jan, 1832: 4;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
168 ferrugineus (Hartmann) Ghana
Alcidesferrugineus Hartmann, 1900: 274;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
fervidus Haaf, 1961a: 15 to Cylindralcidodes: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 32
294 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

169 figuratus (Schultze) Philippines

Alcides figuratus Schultze, 1919: 55 8; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
170 firmus (Haaf) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodesfirmus Haaf, 1963: 167; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
171 flanarantsoaensis (Hustache) Madagascar
Ale ides flanarantsoaensis Hustache, 1933: 84;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
flavofurcatus Voss, 1957: 107 see suspensus
172 flavoguttatus (Marshall) Kenya, Tanzania,
Alcidodesflavoguttatus Marshall, 1939: 570; Uganda
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Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

flavo-signatus Roelofs, 1875:151 see lixoides
173 formicatus (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodesformicatus Haaf, 1961d: 55; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
174 fossor (Haaf) Malaysia
Alcidodes foss or Haaf, 1964a: 33; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
175 franzi (Hoffmann) Tanzania
Alcidodes franzi Hoffmann, 1965: 405; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
176 frater (Hartmann) Ghana
Ale ides frater Hartmann, 1900: 276; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
fraudator Heller, 1924: 186 see circulifer Heller
177 frenatus (Faust) Myanmar
Alcidesfrenatus Faust, 1894a: 249, 259; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides clathratus Aurivillius, 1892: 219; Klima,
178 freudei (Haaf) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodesfreudei Haaf, 1963: 159; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
179 frigidus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodesfrigidus Haaf, 1961b: 389; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
frontalis Pascoe, 1871: 183 to Paipalephorus
mucoreus Jekel: Alonzo-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999:
180 fugitus Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1809 Indonesia
181 fulvocinctus (Marshall) Africa
Alcidodesfulvocinctus Marshall, 1958b: 715;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
182 funestus (Faust) Myanmar, India
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 295

Alcidesfunestus Faust, 1894a: 247, 258; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
gallarius Pascoe, 1888: 412 see gallus (Pascoe)
183 gallus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides gallus Pascoe, 1887: 354; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides gallarius Pascoe, 1888: 412; Haaf, 1963:
184 gmelinae (Marshall) India, Myanmar
Alcides gmelinae Marshall, 1922: 406; 1939: 570;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
185 geminatus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides geminatus Pascoe, 1887: 357; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
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geminus Heller, 1908b: 159,161 see comparabilis

186 geminus (Faust) Congo, Kenya,
Alcides geminus Faust, 1899b: 411; Marshall, Tanzania, Uganda,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Zanzibar
187 gemmatus (Harold) Angola
Alcides gemmatus Harold, 1879: 150,151;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
188 generosus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes generosus Haaf, 1964a: 20; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
189 geniculatus (Faust) Papua New Guinea
Alcides geniculatus Faust, 1897b: 182; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
geometricus Pascoe, 1885: 243 see angulus
gestroi Pascoe, 1885: 242 see exornatus
190 gibbipennis (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes gibbipennis Haaf, 1961b: 403; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
gibbus Fabricius, 1792: 431 see convexus (Olivier)
191 glabratus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes glabratus Haaf, 1962: 146; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
192 glanvillei (Peringuey) Cape Colony, South
Alcides glanvillei Peringuey, 1885: 143; Marshall, Africa
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides mouffleti Faust, 1899b: 411; Marshall, 1906:
193 gonzoi Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1813 Malaysia
194 gossypii (Hustache) Congo
Alcides gossypii Hustache, 1922: 150; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
296 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

195 granicollis (Fairmaire) Madagascar

Alcides granicollis Fairmaire, 1886: 79; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
graniger Haaf, 1961c: 81 see leucogrammus sub sp
196 granulipennis (Hustache) Gabon
Alcides granulipennis Hustache, 1932: 64;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lya1,
197 griseolineatus (Kolbe) Africa
Alcides griseolineatus Kolbe, 1883: 34; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
198 griseoniger (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides griseoniger Fairmaire, 1902b: 238;
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Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,

gubatanus Schultze, 1922: 590 to Merus: Schultze,
1922: 590
199 guessfeldti (Kolbe) Congo, West Africa
Alcides aschanticus Faust, 1895a: 236; Marshall,
Alcides guessfeldti Kolbe, 1883: 34; Marshall,
1939, 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
199a guessfeldti sub sp paucus Haaf, 1961c: 72
199b guessfeldti sub sp remotus Haaf, 1961c: 72
guttulatus Pascoe, 1883: 125 see pascoei Bovie
200 guttulatus (Thomson) Gabon
Alcides guttulatus Thomson, 1858: 134; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
200a guttulatus sub sp eupidus Haaf, 1961c: 58
200b guttulatus sub sp vividus Haaf, 1961c: 58
201 gymnasticus (Lyal) Malaysia, Myanmar
Alcidodes gymnasticus Lyal, 1996: 1696; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
202 habena (Heller) Philippines
Alcides habena Heller, 1918: 226; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
habena sub sp pangayensis Schultze, 1918: 275;
Haaf, 1961e: 478
Alcides pangayensis Schultze, 1918: 275; Marshall,
Alcides taylori Schultze, 1918: 275; Klima, 1934:
habenatus Marshall, 1922: 395 to Neomecyslobus:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
203 haddeni (Heller) Philippines
Alcides haddeni Heller, 1934: 296; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 297

204 haemopterus (Boheman) Ethiopia, Germany,

Alcides haemopterus Boheman in Schoenherr, Cape Colony, South
1836: 624; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga Africa, Tanzania,
and Lyal, 1999: 206 Gabon
204a haemopterus var abyssinicus Hustache, 1932: 67
204b haemopterus var ater Aurivillius, 1910: 427
204c haemopterus sub sp lautus Haaf, 1961c: 91
204d haemopterus sub sp ornatus Haaf, 196lc: 89
204e haemopterus sub sp tectus Haaf, 1961c: 91
205 harmonicus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes harmonicus Haaf, 1961a: 47; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
206 haruspax (Faust) Myanmar
Alcides haruspax Faust, 1894a: 243,258; Marshall,
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1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

207 heilipoides Pascoe Tanzania, Uganda,
Alcides heilipoides Pascoe, 1870d: 211; Marshall, Kenya
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
hemicyclus Marshall, 1922: 400 see pyrifer sub sp
208 herteli Haaf, 1963: 140 Papua New Guinea
209 hexamitosus (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides hexamitosus Heller, 1908b: 155; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides centroguttatus Marshall, 1926b: 357; Haaf,
210 hispidus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes hispidus Haaf, 1961c: 153; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
211 homeyeri (Harold) Congo
Alcides homeyeri Harold, 1879: 150, 151; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
212 hopeae (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcides hopeae Marshall, 1926a: 347; 1939: 570;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
213 hoplomachus Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1788 Philippines
hoplomachus Heller, 1918: 224 see crassus
214 hospitus (Haaf) Myanmar
Alcidodes hospitus Haaf, 1964b: 192; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
215 hovanus (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides hovanus Hustache, 1920b: 10; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
216 humeralis (Heller) India, Malaysia
Alcidodes humeralis Heller, 1940: 93; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
humerosus Ancey, 1881a: 461 see olivaceus
217 humerosus (Harold) Kenya, Tanzania,
298 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

Alcides humerosus Harold, 1880: 265; Marshall, Uganda

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
218 humatus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes humatus Haaf, 1961e: 482; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
219 humilis (Hustache) Congo
Alcides humilis Hustache, 1932: 67; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
220 hustachei (Heller) India, Malaysia,
Alcides hustachei Heller, 1933: 98; Marshall, 1939: Kenya, Tanzania,
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Uganda, Madagascar
Alcides cylindricus Hustache, 1920b: 10; Heller,
Alcides cylindriformis Hustache, 1925a: 338,346;
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Heller, 1933: 98
hypocrites Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 47 to
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
221 idenburgi (Heller) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes idenburgi Heller, 1942: 212; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
ignoratus Heller, 1918: 238 to Ornatalcides:
Heller, 1918: 214
222 imbellis (Thomson) Gabon
Alcides imbellis Thomson, 1858: 134; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
223 imitator (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes imitator Haaf, 1964a: 66; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
224 immixtus (Hustache) Congo
Alcides immixtus Hustache, 1934: 348; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
225 immutatus Haaf, 196lb: 409 Indonesia
226 impressus (Heller) India
Alcides impressus Heller, 1908b: 160, 161;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
improvidus Faust, 1894a: 241, 257 to Ornatalcides:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
incomptus Marshall, 1915: 516 see tenuistria
227 indigaceus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides indigaceus Pascoe, 1882: 447; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides parilis Pascoe, 1882: 448; Marshall, 1918a:
228 indubitus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes indubitus Haaf, 1961b: 425; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 299

229 inducens (Heller) Indonesia

Alcides inducens Heller, 1925: 230, 231; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
230 inermis (Heller) Sri Lanka
Alcides inermis Heller, 1901: 345; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
231 inops (Haaf) Tanzania
Alcidodes inops Haaf, 1964c: 291; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
232 inquietus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes inquietus Haaf, 1961a: 38; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
233 insularis (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides insularis Schultze, 1918: 271; Marshall,
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1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

234 intermedius (Ancey) Kenya, Tanzania,
Alcides intermedius Ancey, 1881a: 485; Marshall, Uganda
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
interpostitus Heller, 1924: 185 see aeratus sub sp
235 interruptolineatus (Faust) Sierra Leone, West
Alcides interruptolineatus Faust, 1894c: 554; Africa
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
236 interruptus (Boheman) Gabon, Congo,
Alcides interruptus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: Central African
622; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Republic, Chad,
Lyal, 1999: 206 Senegal, Germany
236a interruptus var. bilineellus Heller, 1904: 186
intrusomimus Heller, 1922a: 19 see scenicus
237 intrusus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides intrusus Pascoe, 1885: 240; Heller, 1918:
213; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
238 janetae (Lyal) Indonesia
Alcidodesjanetae Lyal, 1996: 1700; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
javanodelta Marshall, 1918a: 155 see perturbatus
josephus Duvivier, 1892: 312 to Merus: Alonzo-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
jueundus Haaf, 1961c: 124 see bivinculatus sub sp
239 jugalis (Marshall) Malaysia
Alcidodes jugalis Marshall, 1922: 394, 401;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
240 juglans (Chao and Chen) China
Alcidodes juglans Chao and Chen, 1980: 168;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
300 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

kalinganus Schultze, 1923: 604 to Ornatalcides:

Heller, 1918: 214
karelinii Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 65 see
chaudoiri (Chevrolat)
241 karnyi (Heller) Philippines
Alcides karnyi Heller, 1933: 102,103; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
kenyae Hustache, 1929: 508 see kilimanus
kuatunensis Voss, 1957: 104 see nipponicus (Kono)
242 kignonseranus (Hustache) Congo
Alcides kignonseranus Hustache, 1937: 221;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
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kilimanus Aurivillius, 1910: 427 to Merus:

Alonzo-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
243 kirschi (Pascoe) Labuan, Malaysia
Alcides kirschi Pascoe, 1882: 449; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
244 konoi (Voss) Taiwan
Alcides konoi Voss, 1932b: 296; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
245 korotyaevi (Egorov) Russia
Alcidodes korotyaevi Egorov, 1977: 39; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
246 kuvanguensis (Hustache) Angola
Alcides kuvanguensis Hustache,1938b: 74;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
lacumsus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 47 see
angulus (Fabricius)
247 lacunosus (Boheman) Indonesia,
Alcides lacunosus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: Cambodia, Laos
48; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
248 laetus (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides laetus Heller, 1908b: 165; 1918: 227;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
249 lagunensis (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides lagunensis Schultze, 1934: 335; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
250 lameerei (Faust) Congo, Benguela (?)
Alcides lameerei Faust, 1899b: 411; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides rubrirostris Pape, 1907: 326; Marshall,
1918a: 158
lamprocolius Heller, 1924: 184 to Merus: Heller,
1924: 184
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Mo1ytinae 301

251 lamprotrox (Heller) Philippines

Alcides lamprotrox Heller, 1924: 185; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
252 laniger (Sparrm) Congo, South
Curculio laniger Sparrm, 1785: 43; Boheman in Africa, Cape Colony
Schoenherr, 1836: 611 (Alcides); Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
253 laqueifer (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides laqueifer Heller, 1925: 232; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
254 larinoides (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides larinoides Fairmaire in Fleutiaux, 1899: 25;
Marshall, 1939: 570; A1onso-Zarazaga and Lya1,
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Alcides tomentosus Hustache, 1925a: 339,345;

Klima, 1934: 48
254a larinoides var modestus Klima, 1934: 48 Madagascar
255 lascivus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes lascivus Haaf, 1963: 144; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
256 latefasciatus (Chevrolat) Zanzibar
Alcides latefasciatus Chevrolat, 1881b: 89;
Marshall, 1930: 575; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
lautus Haaf, 1961c: 91 see haemopterus sub sp
257 lemniscatus (Haaf) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes lemniscatus Haaf, 1964c: 293; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
258 lepidus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes lepidus Haaf, 1963: 122; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
259 leechi (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes leechi Haaf, 1962: 147; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
260 leeuweni (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides leeuweni Heller, 1911: 312, 314; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
leopardus Olivier, 1807: 190, 296 to Ornatalcides:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
261 leucogrammus (Erichson) Congo, Angola,
Alcides leucogrammus Erichson, 1842: 260; Uganda
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
261a leucogrammus sub sp graniger Haaf, 1961c: 81
leucospilus Erichson, 1834: 264 to Ornatalcides
Heller, 1918: 215
262 lewisi (Pascoe) Sri Lanka
Alcides lewisi Pascoe, 1883: 124; Marshall, 1939:
302 Oriental fusects Vol. 44

570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

leytensis Heller, 1918: 239 see leucospilus
lichen Faust, 1894a: 245, 258 see saundersi
263 liciatus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes liciatus Haaf, 1962: 149; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
264 ligatus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides ligatus Pascoe, 1870b: 461; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
265 lineatus (Klug) Madagascar
Alcides lineatus Klug, 1833: 91; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
266 lineellus (Faust) Congo
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Alcides lineellus Faust, 1899b: 415; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
267 lituratus (Hustache) Congo, Tanzania
Alcides lituratus Hustache, 1932: 64; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
268 lividinasus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides lividinasus Heller, 1918: 225; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
269 lixiformis (Marshall) Zimbabwe, Congo
Alcides lixiformis Marshall, 1920: 391; 1939: 570;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides maynei Hustache, 1924: 70; Klima, 1934:
lixoides Reitter, 1905: 248 to Ornatalcides: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 30
lixoides Hustache, 1925a: 346 see coquereli
lobipennis Fairmaire, 1902a: 365 see malgassicus
270 lobipennis (Fairmaire) China
Alcides lobipennis Fairmaire, 1900: 634; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
271 longirostris (Heller) Philippines
Alcides longirostris Heller, 1918: 221; Haaf, 1962:
153; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
loratus Marshall, 1922: 394, 397 to
Neomecyslobus: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
ludificator Faust, 1894a: 254, 260 to
Cylindralcidodes: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
272 lugubris (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes lugubris Haaf, 1961d: 56; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
luxuriosus Faust, 1894a: 245, 258 see saundersi
273 luzonensis (Schultze) Philippines
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 303

Alcides luzonensis Schultze, 1918: 273; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
274 macellus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes macellus Haaf, 1962: 148; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
275 maculosus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides maculosus Fairmaire, 1902a: 366;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
276 magicus (Pascoe) Cambodia
Alcides magicus Pascoe, 1870b: 460; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
277 magister (Pascoe) Papua New Guinea,
Alcides magister Pascoe, 1873: 181; Marshall, Indonesia
Downloaded by [University of Windsor] at 10:20 24 July 2013

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

278 magnificus (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes magnificus Haaf, 1960: 657; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
major Haaf, 1964b: 167 to Cylindralcidodes: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 32
279 malgassicus (Bovie) Madagascar, China
Alcides malgassicus Bovie, 1907: 67; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Ale ides lobipennis Fairmaire, 1902a: 365; Klima,
mali Marshall, 1919: 276 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
280 mamilla (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides mamilla Heller, 1937: 60; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
mangyanicus Schultze, 1922: 590 to Merus:
Schultze, 1922: 590
281 maynei (Hustache) Congo
Alcides maynei Hustache, 1924: 43; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
mellitus Faust, 1898: 308 to Neomecyslobus: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 31
282 merrilli (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides merrilli Schultze, 1918: 272; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
283 meruanus (Aurivillius) Kenya
Alcides meruanus Aurivillius, 1910: 428; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
284 micranthiphilus Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1836 Indonesia
micronychus Pascoe, 1872: 483 to Brahmalcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30
285 mimus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides mimus Heller, 1934: 296; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
304 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

mindanaoensis Schultze, 1918: 271 see leucospilus

286 mindorensis (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides mindorensis Schultze, 1918: 272; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
287 minutepustulatus (Hustache) Africa
Alcides minutepustulatus Hustache, 1936b: 13;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
288 mirandus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes mirandus Haaf, 1961c: 127; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
miser Heller, 1918: 218 to Cylindralcides: Heller,
289 molitor (Heller) India
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Alcides molitor Heller, 1908b: 161; Marshall, 1939:

570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
290 monardi (Hustache) Angola
Alcides monardi Hustache, 1935: 165; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
291 monilifer (Pascoe) Sri Lanka
Alcides monilifer Pascoe, 1882: 450; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
292 monstratus (Haaf) Thailand
Alcidodes monstratus Haaf, 1964b: 189; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
montanus Haaf, 1964b: 160 to Ornatalcides: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 30
293 montivagus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides montivagus Heller, 1933: 101, 103;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
294 mario (Heller) India
Alcides mario Heller, 1908b: 171; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
295 morosus (Haaf) Malaysia
Alcidodes morosus Haaf, 1964a: 65; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
296 morulus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes morulus Haaf, 1961c: 102; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
mouffleti Faust, 1899b: 411 see glanvillei
297 muiri (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcidodes muiri Marshall, 1918a: 154; 1939: 570;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
298 murranus (Marshall) Ethiopia, Sudan
Alcidodes murranus Marshall, 1942: 238; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
299 musculus (Fairrnaire) Madagascar
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 305

Alcides musculus Fairmaire, 1902a: 367; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
mustela Pascoe, 1882: 446 to Cylindralcides:
Heller, 1918: 211, 219
300 muticus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes muticus Haaf, 1961c: 157; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
mysticus Faust, 1894a: 246, 258 to
Cylindralcidodes: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
301 nanus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes nanus Haaf, 1964a: 34; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
302 naso (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides naso Pascoe, 1885: 241; Marshall, 1939:
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570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

303 natalensis (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes natalensis Haaf, 1961c: 82; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
304 neavei (Marshall) Mosambique
Alcidodes neavei Marshall, 1935: 1; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
necopinus Faust, 1899b: 415 see obsoletus
305 neglectus (Cristofori and Jan) Germany(?)
Alcides neglectus Cristofori and Jan, 1832: 4;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
306 negrosensis (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides negrosensis Schultze, 1934: 333; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
307 nepalensis (Faust) Nepal
Alcides nepalensis Faust, 1894a: 253, 260; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
308 nero (Fabricius) Indonesia
Alcides nero Fabricius, 1801: 466; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides patruelis Faust, 1892b: 209; Haaf, 1961b:
nicopinus Faust, 1899b: 415 see obsoletus
309 niger (Hustache) Congo
Alcides niger Hustache, 1924: 71; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
310 nigricollis (Haaf) Vietnam
Alcidodes nigricollis Haaf, 1964b: 175; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
311 nigritus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes nigritus Haaf, 1963: 125; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lya1, 1999: 206
306 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

312 nigrofasciatus (Kono) Japan

Alcides nigrofasciatus Kono, 1928: 175; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
313 nigrovinculatus (Heller) India, Malaysia
Alcidodes nigrovinculatus Heller, 1940: 92;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
314 nipponicus (Kono) Japan
Alcides nipponicus Kono, 1930:138, 140; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Mecyslobus kuatunensis Voss, 1957: 104; Haaf,
1964b: 169
315 nitidus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides nitidus Pascoe, 1887: 356; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
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Alcides analogus Heller, 1918: 244; Haaf, 1963:

316 nivosus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides nivosus Fairmaire, 1899: 542; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
nocens Heller, 1908b:162 to Ornatalcides: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 33
317 notabilis (Haaf) Srilank:a
Alcidodes notabilis Haaf, 1961d: 58; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
318 notatus (Blanchard) Indonesia
Alcides notatus Blanchard in Hombron and
Jacquinot, 1853: 245; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
319 notatus (Klug) Madagascar
Alcides notatus Klug, 1833: 91; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
320 novellas (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes novellas Haaf, 1963: 157; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
321 nubilus (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcidodes nubilus Marshall, 1955: 278; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
322 nudiusculus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes nudiusculus Haaf, 1962: 144; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
323 nyamukubianus (Hustache) Congo
Alcides nyamukubianus Hustache, 1934: 350;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
324 oberthurii (Pascoe) India
Alcides oberthurii Pascoe, 1887: 357; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
obesus Faust, 1894a: 248, 259 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 307

obfuscatus Fabricius, 1775: 138 to Merus: Alonzo-

Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
325 obliquatus (Thomson) Gabon
Alcides obliquatus Thomson, 1858: 131; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
326 obliquus (Walker) Sri Lanka
Alcides obliquus Walker, 1859: 264; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
327 oblongulus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides oblongulus Fairmaire, 1902a: 368;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
obsidianus Heller, 1918: 242 to Merus: Heller,
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328 obsoletus (Gerstacker) Kenya, Congo

Alcides obsoletus Gerstacker, 1871: 74; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides necopinus Faust, 1899b: 415; Marshall,
1952: 268
328a obsoletus sub spfacetus Haaf, 1961c: 148
329 obsoletus (Klug) Madagascar
Alcides obsoletus Klug, 1833: 91; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
330 obtusus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides obtusus Pascoe, 1888: 412; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
ocellatus Roelofs, 1893: 35 see semperi (Pascoe)
331 ochraceus (Haaf) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes ochraceus Haaf, 1963: 155; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
332 octoguttatus (Redtenbacher) India
Alcides octoguttatus Redtenbacher in Hugel, 1848:
547; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
olivaceus Fairmaire, 1871: 50 seefairmairii
333 olivaceus (Gerstacker) Chad, Tanzania,
Alcides anceyi Bovie, 1908b: 43; Klima, 1934: 49 Congo, Gabon,
Alcides biai Duvivier, 1890: 24; Klima, 1934: 49 Zanzibar,
Alcides humerosus Ancey, 1881a: 461; Klima, Mosambique,
1934: 49 Alcides olivaceus Gerstacker, 1855: 85; Germany
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
Alcides wahlbergi Chevrolat, 1881b: 90; Klima,
olivieri Bovie, 1908b: 43 see pectoralis
334 olsufievi (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides olsufievi Hustache, 1938b: 26; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
308 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

335 omissus (Haaf) Philippines

Alcidodes omissus Haaf, 1963: 160; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
opacimaculatus Heller, 1918: 242 see obsidianus
336 opacus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes opacus Haaf, 1963: 126; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
337 opulentus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes opulentus Haaf, 1961b: 419; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
orientalis Chevrolat, 1881b: 90 see convexus
ornatus Haaf, 1961c: 89 see haemopterus sub sp
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338 ostentatus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes ostentatus Haaf, 1964a: 72; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
339 otiosus (Hartmann) Chad, Tanzania,
Alcides otiosus Hartmann, 1899: 24; Marshall, Congo, Gabon
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
340 oxyomus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides oxyomus Fairmaire, 1902a: 365; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
341 paetus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes paetus Haaf, 1961: 29; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206 panayensis Schultze, 1918:
275 see taylori Schultze
342 paradictodes (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes paradictodes Haaf, 1961e: 498; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
343 parcus (Faust) Equatorial Guinea
Alcides parcus Faust, 1895a: 235; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
344 parentheticus (Marshall) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes parentheticus Marshall, 1915: 515; 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
parilis Pascoe, 1882: 448 see indigaceus (Pascoe)
345 parnassius (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes parnassius Haaf, 1964a: 67; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
346 pascoei (Bovie) Sri Lanka
Alcides pascoei Bovie, 1908b: 43; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides guttulatus Pascoe, 1883: 125; Klima, 1934:
patruelis Faust, 1892b: 209 see nero (Fabricius)
paucifasciatus Voss, 1962b: 271 see erythropterus
sub sp paucifasciatus
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 309

paucus Haaf, 1961c: 72 see guessfeldti sub sp

347 pauper (Boheman) India, Myanmar
Alcides pauper Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 61;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
348 pauxillus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes pauxillus Haaf, 1962: 154; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
pavidus Faust, 1894a: 251, 259; Haaf, 1961b: 434
see obfuscatus (Fabricius)
349 paykulli (Boheman) Sierra Leone
Alcides paykulli Boheman in Schoenherr 1836:
620; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Downloaded by [University of Windsor] at 10:20 24 July 2013

Lyal, 1999: 206

350 pectoralis (Boheman) Myanmar, Thailand,
Alcides pectoralis Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: Indonesia,
618; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Philippines
Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides olivieri Bovie, 1908b: 43; Klima, 1934: 57
Rhynchaenus sulcatulus Olivier, 1807: 203; Klima,
1934: 57
351 pentastictus (Ancey) Australia
Alcides pentastictus Ancey, 1881a: 372; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
352 perditor (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes perditor Haaf, 1963: 137; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
353 peregrinus (Haat) Indonesia
Alcidodes peregrinus Haaf, 1961b: 424; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
354 perinetensis (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides perinetensis Hustache, 1938a: 27; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
persegnis Heller, 1918: 222 to Cylindralcides:
Heller, 1918: 222
355 personatus (Haat) Indonesia
Alcidodes personatus Haaf, 1964a: 43; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
356 perturbatus (Faust) Indonesia
Alcidesjavanodelta Marshall, 1918a: 155; Klima,
Alcides perturbatus Faust, 1896: 149; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
357 pervicax (Faust) Papua New Guinea
Alcides pervicax Faust, 1892b: 207; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
358 piceus (Roelofs) Japan
Alcides piceus Roelofs, 1875: 152; Marshall, 1939:
310 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

359 picturatus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides picturatus Fairmaire, 1897: 174; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
360 pictus (Fabricius) India
Alcides pictus Fabricius, 1798: 168; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
361 pindicus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes pindicus Haaf, 1961c: 59; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
pius Heller, 1918: 219 to Cylindralcides: Heller,
362 plagiatus (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides plagiatus Schultze, 1919: 559; Marshall,
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1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

363 platysomus (Haaf) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes platysomus Haaf, 1963: 132; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
364 plurilineatus (Hustache) Congo
Alcides plurilineatus Hustache, 1934: 356;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
365 porosus (Faust) Myanmar
Alcides porosus Faust, 1894a: 255, 260; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
porrectirostris Marshall, 1913: 188 to
Neomecyslobus: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
366 posticus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes posticus Haaf, 1961b: 390; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
367 praeustus (Guerin-Meneville) Indonesia
Alcides praeustus Guerin-Meneville, 1833: 36;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
368 praeustus (Guerin-Meneville) Papua New Guinea,
Alcides praeustus Guerin-Meneville, 1838: 123; Indonesia
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
369 praevius (Haaf) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes praevius Haaf, 1963: 156; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
370 pretiosus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes pretiosus Haaf, 1963: 162; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
profluens Pascoe, 1885: 239 see australis
371 prolixus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes prolixus Haaf, 1963: 124; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 311

372 prominens (Hustache) Madagascar

Alcides prominens Hustache, 1933: 81; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
373 proximus (Faust) Equatorial Guinea,
Alcides proximus Faust, 1894c: 552; Marshall, Congo
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
374 pseudomellitus (Heller) Cambodia
Alcides pseudomellitus Heller, 1922a: 22; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
375 pubicollis (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides pubicollis Fairmaire, 1902a: 365; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
376 pulchellus (Haaf) Malaysia, Indonesia
Alcidodes pulchellus Haaf, 1964a: 31; Alonso-
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Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

376a pulchellus sub sp sejugatus Haaf, 1964a: 33
377 pullus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes pullus Haaf, 1961b: 393; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
378 pumilus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes pumilus Haaf, 1962: 151; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
379 puncticollis (Hustache) Africa
Alcides puncticollis Hustache, 1935: 165; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
380 puntaticollis (Voss) Namibia
Alcidodes puntaticollis Voss, 1960b: 5; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
381 pusillus (Pascoe) Papua New Guinea
Alcides pusillus Pascoe, 1885: 243; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
382 pustulatus (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides pustulatus Heller, 1929: 113-115; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
383 putus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes putus Haaf, 1964a: 70; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
384 pyrifer (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcidodes pyrifer Marshall, 1922: 394, 399;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
384a pyrifer sub sp hemicyclus Marshall, 1922: 400 Indonesia
385 quindecimspilotus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides quindecimspilotus Heller, 1923: 9;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
386 quinquesignatus (Aurivillius) Kenya
Alcides quinquesignatus Aurivillius, 1912: 367;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
312 Oriental fusects Vol. 44

387 ramezei Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1797 Thailand

388 ramosus (Haa:f) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes ramosus Haaf, 1963: 132; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lya1, 1999: 206
raptorius Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: 610 see
obfuscatus (Fabricius)
rectus Haaf, 1963: 127 see australis sub sp rectus
reductus Faust, 1892b: 208 see brevicollis (Pascoe)
389 relictus (Haaf) Africa
Alcidodes relictus Haaf, 1961a: 43; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
remotus Haaf, 1961c: 72 see guessfeldti sub sp
390 reticulatus (Schoenherr) Philippines
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Alcides reticulatus Schoenherr, 1844: 46; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
391 rhomboidalis (Faust) Congo
Alcides rhomboidalis Faust, 1894c: 553; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lya1, 1999: 206
392 richteri (Faust) Papua New Guinea
Alcides richteri Faust, 1892b: 207; Marshall, 1939:
570; A1onso-Zarazaga and Lya1, 1999: 206
robustus Hustache, 1933: 83 see obesus (Faust)
roelofsi Lewis, 1879: 23 see waltoni
393 rostratus (Pascoe) Papua New Guinea
Alcides rostratus Pascoe, 1885: 241; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
394 rotundulus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes rotundulus Haaf, 1961b: 402; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
395 ruandanus (Hustache) Congo
Alcides ruandanus Hustache, 1934: 351; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
396 rubiginosus (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides rubiginosus Hustache, 1920b: 10; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
397 rubripennis (Ancey) Tanzania
Alcides rubripennis Ancey, 1881a: 461; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
rubrirostris Marshall, 1918a: 158 see lameerei
398 rufipennis (Montrouzier) Samoa
Alcides rufipennis Montrouzier, 1855: 49;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
399 rufus (Boheman) Cape Colony,
Alcides rufus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: 615; Germany
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 313

400 ruptus (Pascoe) Sri Lanka

Alcides ruptus Pascoe, 1883: 124; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
rutilans Roelofs, 1893: 38 to Ornatalcides: Heller,
401 ryoichii (Kono) Thailand
Alcides ryoichii Kono, 1942: 162; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
402 sagonai (Hustache) Congo
Alcides sagonai Hustache, 1924: 71; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
403 saitoi (Kono) Korea
Alcides saitoi Kono, 1937a: 6; Marshall, 1939: 570;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
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404 salebrosus (Haat) Indonesia

Alcidodes salebrosus Haaf, 1961b: 408; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
405 sanctus (Haat) Africa
Alcidodes sanctus Haaf, 1961c: 108; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
satelles Faust, 1894a: 240, 258 to Ornatalcides:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
saturnus Haaf, 1961a: 20 to Neomecyslobus: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 31
saundersi Pascoe, 1870b: 459 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
406 sauteri (Heller) Taiwan, Cambodia,
Alcides sauteri Heller, 1922a: 19; Marshall, 1939: Vietnam
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
scenicus Faust, 1894a: 256 to Ornatalcides: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 31
407 schereri (Haat) Malaysia,Indonesia
Alcidodes schereri Haaf, 1964b: 210; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
408 schuetzei (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides schuetzei Schultze, 1918: 274; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
409 schultzei (Klima) Philippines
Alcides schultzei Klima, 1934: 59; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides arcuatus Schultze, 1919: 559; Klima, 1934:
410 scitus (Haat) Indonesia
Alcidodes scitus Haaf, 1963: 147; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
411 sedi (Marshall) South Africa,
Alcidodes sedi Marshall, 1938: 194; Alonso- Australia
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
412 sedulus (Haat) Indonesia
314 Oriental fusects Vol. 44

Alcidodes sedulus Haaf, 1964a: 61; Alonso-

Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
413 segnis (Faust) Papua New Guinea,
Alcides segnis Faust, 1897b: 180; Marshall, 1939: Indonesia
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
segnis var. ternatensis Faust see ternatensis
sejugatus Haaf, 1964a: 33 see pulchellus sub sp
414 sellatus (Faust) Indonesia,
Alcides sellatus Faust, 1892b: 208; Marshall, 1939: Philippines
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
415 semiochraceus (Faust) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes semiochraceus Faust, 1897b: 179;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
Downloaded by [University of Windsor] at 10:20 24 July 2013

1999: 206
416 semiroseus (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcidodes semiroseus Hustache, 1956: 119;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
semperi Pascoe, 1870b: 462 to Merus: Heller,
417 senex (Sahlberg) Sierra Leone, Congo
Alcides senex Sahlberg, 1823: 47; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
418 senex (Schoenherr) Congo
Alcides senex Schoenherr, 1825: 581; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
separandus Haaf, 1961a: 16 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
419 septemdecimnotatus (Roelofs) Philippines
Alcides cuprinus Heller, 1918: 241; Haaf, 1961e:
Alcides septemdecimnotatus Roelofs, 1893: 36;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
Alcides septemdecimprolatus Bertkau, 1894: 221;
Klima, 1934: 59
septemdecimprolatus Bertkau, 1894: 221 see
septemdecimnotatus (Roelofs)
420 septemmaculatus (Faust) Papua New Guinea
Alcides septemmaculatus Faust, 1897b: 181;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
septentrionalis Heller, 1918: 243 to Ornatalcides:
Heller, 1918: 243
421 serius (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes serius Haaf, 1961b: 391; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
serotinus Haaf, 1961a: 48 to Ornatalcides: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 33
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 315

sexvittatus Faust, 1895a: 243,258 see waltoni

422 shoreaphilus Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1828 Malaysia
423 siamodelta (Marshall) Cambodia, Laos,
Alcidodes siamodelta Marshall, 1918a: 154, 155; Vietnam,Malaysia,
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Myanmar ,Singapore,
siccus Haaf, 1964b: 163 to Merus: Alonzo- India, Thailand
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 205
424 signatus (Boheman) India, Uganda,
Alcides signatus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: Congo(?), South
617; Marshall, 1918a: 158; Alonso-Zarazaga and Africa(?)
Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides trilineatus Faust, 1891: 284; Klima, 1934:
425 signifer (Boheman) West Africa
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Alcides signifer Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 52;

Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
serratidens Heller, 1918: 216 to Cylindralcides:
Heller, 1918: 211
426 simplex (Fahraeus) Germany, Indonesia
Alcides simplex Fahraeus, 1871: 256; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
426a simplex sub sp vernicatus Haaf, 1961a: 34
427 simus (Chevrolat) Congo, Zanzibar,
Alcides simus Chevrolat, 1881b: 91; Marshall, Tanzania
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
428 similatus (Boheman) Indonesia
Alcides similatus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836:
619; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
429 simmondsi (Haaf) Fiji Islands
Alcidodessimmondsi Haaf, 1963: 154; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
smaragdinus Roelofs, 1893: 39 to Merus: Heller,
1918: 216 sobrinus Haaf, 1961c: 56 see achteni sub
sp sobrinus
430 solitarius (Haaf) Indonesia, Malaysia
Alcidodes solitarius Haaf, 1964a: 30; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
431 sordidus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes sordidus Haaf, 1961e: 476; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
432 sparsus (Boheman) Cape Colony
Alcides sparsus Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 53;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
432a sparsus subsp. decretus Haaf, 1961c: 151 Cape Colony
433 speciosus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes speciosus Haaf, 1964a: 27; Alonso-
316 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

434 speculator (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes speculator Haaf, 1963: 148; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
435 XV-spilotus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides XV-spilotus Heller, 1923: 9; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
436 sterryorum Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1815 Indonesia
437 stevensi (Marshall) India
Alcidodes stevensi Marshall, 1922: 405; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
stolzi Haaf, 1961c: 79 see arcuatus sub sp stolzi
438 sturnus (Haaf)
Alcidodes sturnus Haaf, 1963: 152; Alonso-
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Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

Alcides blanchardi Faust, 1899a: 45; Marshall,
1939: 570; Haaf, 1963: 152
439 subcuprinus (Schultze) Philippines
Alcides subcuprinus Schultze, 1934: 334; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
440 subfasciatus (Boheman) Madagascar
Alcides subfasciatus Boheman in Schoenherr,
1844: 67; Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
441 subhumerosus (Marshall) India
Alcidodes subhumerosus Marshall, 1922: 402;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
442 subsellatus (Marshall) Indonesia
Alcidodes subsellatus Marshall, 1922: 402; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
443 subtilis (Fahraeus) Germany
Alcides subtilis Fahraeus, 1871: 255; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
444 subvillosus (Fahraeus) Germany
Alcides subvillosus Fahraeus, 1871: 254; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
445 subvirens (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides subvirens Heller, 1908b: 169; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
446 sulcatulus (Fabricius) Myanmar, Indonesia
Rhynchaenus sulcatulus Fabricius, 1801: 474;
Boheman in Schoenherr, 1836: 616 (Alcides);
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
sulcatulus Olivier, 1807: 203 see pectoralis
447 sulcicollis (Hustache) Congo
Alcides sulcicollis Hustache, 1934: 356; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 317

448 sumatranus (Heller) Indonesia

Alcides sumatranus Heller, 1933: 102; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
449 supernus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes supernus Haaf, 1964a: 63; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
suratus Haaf, 1961c: 123 see bivinculatus sub sp
450 suspensus (Pascoe) Sri Lanka
Alcides suspensus Pascoe, 1883: 125; Marshall,
1939: 570; Haaf, 1960: 649; Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 206
Sternuchopsis flavofurcatus Voss, 1957: 107; Haaf,
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451 sycophanta (Thomson) Gabon

Alcides sycophanta Thomson, 1858: 132; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
taeniatus Heller, 1908b: 156 to
Tuberculomecyslobus: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
tagalicus Schulze, 1918: 273 see dictyodes Heller
taiwanus Haaf, 1964b: 199 see trifidus (Pascoe)
452 takahashii (Kono) Taiwan
Alcides takahashii Kono, 1930: 140; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
453 tamsi (Marshall) Equatorial Guinea
Alcidodes tamsi Marshall, 1954: 216; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
454 tanalaensis (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcides tanalaensis Hustache, 1933: 81; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
455 tapirus (Heller) Indonesia
Alcides tapirus Heller, 1908b: 167; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
456 tarsus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes tarsus Haaf, 1963: 133; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
taylori Schultze, 1918: 275 see habena
457 tchadenses (Hustache) Congo
Alcides tchadenses Hustache, 1922: 154; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
tectus Haaf, 1961c: 91 see haemopterus sub sp
458 tenellus (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes tenellus Haaf, 1962: 152; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
459 tentus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes tentus Haaf, 1961b: 387; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
460 tenuistria (Heller) Papua New Guinea
318 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

Alcides tenuistria Heller 1914: 654; Marshall,

1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides incomptus Marshall, 1915: 516; Klima,
1934: 60
461 ternatensis (Faust) Indonesia, Papua
Alcides ternatensis Heller, 1929: 116; Marshall, New Guinea
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
australis sub sp ternatensis Faust, 1897b: 181;
Heller, 1929: 116
segnis var. ternatensis Faust, 1897b: 180; 1899: 46;
Heller, 1929: 116
462 termentosus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides termentosus Fairmaire, 1902a: 368; Haaf,
1962: 138; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
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terraereginae Blackburn, 1900: 141 see bubo

463 terrosus (Haaf) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes terrosus Haaf, 1963: 149; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
464 tersus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes tersus Haaf, 1963: 133; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
465 tetanicus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides tetanicus Pascoe, 1887: 355; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
466 tetragrammus (Chevrolat) Zanzibar
Alcides tetragrammus Chevrolat, 1881b: 90;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
467 texatus (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes texatus Haaf, 1960: 659; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
468 themus Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1792 Malaysia,
469 theobromae (Marshall) Congo
Alcidodes theobromae Marshall, 1917: 115;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
470 thompsoni (Haaf) South Africa
Alcidodes thompsoni Haaf, 1962: 142; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
471 tomentosus (Fairmaire) Singapore
Alcides tomentosus Fairmaire, 1902a: 365;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
tomentosus Hustache, 1925a: 339,345 see
larinoides (Fairmaire)
472 *toyi Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1799 Malaysia
473 transversus (Walker) Sri Lanka
Alcides curialis Pascoe, 1883: 124; Klima, 1934:
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 319

Alcides transversus Walker, 1859: 264; Marshall,
1918a: 157; 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
474 transversoguttatus (Voss) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes transversoguttatus Voss, 1957: 106;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
475 triangulifer (Kirsch) Myanmar,
Alcides triangulifer Kirsch, 1875: 40; Marshall, Indonesia, India
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
476 tricolor (Heller) Malaysia, India
Alcidodes tricolor Heller, 1940: 92; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
477 trifasciculatus (Hustache) Congo
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Alcides trifasciculatus Hustache, 1924: 73;

Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
trifidus Pascoe, 1870b: 459 to Ornatalcides: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 33
trifidus sub sp taiwanus Kono, 1930:139 see
trigonophorus Marshall, 1922: 394, 396 to
Ornatalcides: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30
trilineatus Faust, 1891: 284 see signatus
478 trilobus (Fabricius) Congo, Gabon, West
Lixus trilobus Fabricius, 1801: 505; Boheman in Africa, Kenya,
Schoenherr, 1844: 60 (Alcides); Marshall, 1939: Tanzania, South
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206 Africa
479 trinotatus (Fischer) Uzbekistan
Cionus trinotatus Fischer, 1821: 14; Motschulsky,
1845: 100 (Alcides); Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
480 tristis (Haaf) China
Alcidodes tristis Haaf, 1974: 177; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
481 tshibindanus (Hustache) Congo
Alcides tshibindanus Hustache, 1934: 354;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
tshibindanus Voss, 1962b: 275 to Merus: Voss,
482 tumidus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes tumidus Haaf, 1961a: 28; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
483 turpis (Heller) Philippines
Alcides turpis Heller, 1918: 235; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
tutus Faust, 1894a: 253, 259 to Cylindralcidodes:
320 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32

484 typicus (Haaf) Malaysia
Alcidodes typicus Haaf, 1964a: 49; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
485 umbrifer (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes umbrifer Haaf, 1963: 120; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
umenoi Kono, 1937b: 15 see saundersi (Pascoe)
486 undulatus (Heller) Philippines
Alcides undulatus Heller, 1918: 223; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
487 vacillans (Heller) Philippines
Alcides vacillans Heller, 1918: 236; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
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488 vadoni (Hustache) Madagascar

Alcidodes vadoni Hustache, 1956: 120; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
vafellus Faust, 1898: 308 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
489 vafer (Marshall) Ruanda
Alcidodes vafer Marshall, 1955: 277; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
490 variabilis (Heller) Philippines
Alcides variabilis Heller, 1918: 234; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
491 vaticus Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1834 Malaysia
492 venosus (Faust) Myanmar
Alcides venosus Faust, 1894a: 239, 257; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
493 venustus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes venustus Haaf, 1964a: 62; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
vernicatus Haaf, 1961a: 34 see simplex sub sp
494 vestitus (Cristofori and Jan) Germany(?)
Alcides vestitus Cristofori and Jan, 1832: 4;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
495 vestitus (Pascoe) Ghana
Alcides vestitus Pascoe, 1887: 356; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides aspericollis Heller, 1929: 114,115; Haaf,
1963: 136
496 viator (Heller) Philippines,Taiwan
Alcides viator Heller, 1918: 229; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
497 vicarius (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes vicarius Haaf, 1961b: 390; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 321

vicinus Haaf, 1961c: 140 see denticulatus sub sp

498 vinaceomicans (Heller) Philippines
Alcides vinaceomicans Heller, 1923: 9; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
vinculosus Heller, 1908b: 160, 161 to
Neomecyslobus: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
499 virgatus (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes virgatus Haaf, 1960: 666; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
vitalisi Marshall, 1922: 394, 409 to Ornatalcides:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
500 vitellus (Haat) Africa
Alcidodes vitellus Haaf, 1961c: 67; Alonso-
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Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206

501 vitiosus (Haat) Indonesia
Alcidodes vitiosus Haaf, 1964a: 73; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
vividus Haaf, 1961c: 58 see guttulatus (Thomson)
502 vossi (Haat) Tanzania
Alcidodes vossi Haaf, 1962: 141; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206
wahlbergi Chevrolat, 1881b: 90 see olivaceus
503 *walliorum Lyal in Lyal and Curran, 2000: 1805 Malaysia, Indonesia
waltoni Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 58 to
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
westermanni Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 51 to
Ornatalcides: Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30
504 willcocksi (Pic) Egypt
Alcides willcocksi Pic, 1931a: 103; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides ab. testaceipes Pic, 1931a: 106; Klima,
505 wirthi (Haat) Tanzania
Alcidodes wirthi Haaf, 1964a: 292; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
506 yoshidai (Kono) Taiwan
Alcides yoshidai Kono, 1930: 138; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides ashinagazo Kono, 1930: 142; Klima, 1934:
507 zanzibaricus (Hustache) Zanzibar
Alcides zanzibaricus Hustache, 1932:62; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
508 zonatus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides zonatus Pascoe, 1885: 242; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
322 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

8 Tuberculomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31

Type Alcides acutus Faust, 1898: 310
1. acutus (Faust) India
Alcides acutus Faust, 1898: 310; Marshall, 1939:
570 (Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
2. crinalifer (Marshall) India
Alcidodes crinalifer Marshall, 1922: 393; 1939:
570 (Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
3. oberthuri (Pascoe) India
Alcides oberthuri Pascoe, 1887: 357; Marshall,
1939: 570 (Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
4. profanus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes profanus Haaf, 1961a: 43; Marshall,
1939: 570 (Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 31
Downloaded by [University of Windsor] at 10:20 24 July 2013

5. taeniatus (Heller) India

Alcides taeniatus Heller, 1908b: 156, 160;
Marshall, 1939: 570 (Alcidodes); Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 31


The help and suggestions of Dr. Christopher H.C. Lyal, The Natural History
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VOSS, E. 1960c. Die von Biro auf Neu Guinea aufgefundenen Russelkafer, III. (Coleoptera,
Curculionidae). Annales Historico Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 52: 313-
Downloaded by [University of Windsor] at 10:20 24 July 2013

VOSS, E. 1960d. Uber zwei madagassische Curculioniden (Col. Curc.).(l64. Beitrage zur
kenntnis der Curculioniden). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen
Staatinstitut und Zoologischen Museum Hamburg 28: 137-140.
VOSS, E. 1961. [Untitiled]. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Koniglichen Zoologischen und
Anthropologisch- Ethinographischen Museums zu Dresden 26: 111.
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Curculioniden (Col.). Opuscula Zoolgica, Munchen. 62: 1-14.
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WINKLER, A 1932. Catalogus Coleopterorum Regionis Palaearcticae. 13: 1521-1702.
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ZHOU, W. ZHANG, X. & XI, Y. 1998. Biological and ecological studies of long-leg weevil,
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Daxue-Xuebao 21 (2): 38-41.
336 Oriental Insects Vol. 44

Tribe Genus Subgenus

Alctdodoplesius Voss
- Brahmalcidodes Pajni and .Dhir

M--1_§ -----c
- Cylindralcides Heller Cylindralcides Reller
Paramecyslobus Voss
- MentsGistel
Exalcidodes Voss
Indomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir
Kismecyslobus Voss
Metallalcides Heller
Pseudalcidodes Voss
Mecysolobini Reitter

- Neomecyslobus P.ajni and Dhir
- Ornatalcides Heller Ornatalcides Heller
Mesalcidodes Voss
Pseudmesalcidodes Pajni and Dhir

Downloaded by [University of Windsor] at 10:20 24 July 2013

Sternuchopsis Heller Alcidodes Marshall

~ Granosalcides Heller
Robustalctdes Heller
Tuberculomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir

Fig. 1 Hierarchical list oftheMecysolobini (after Alonzo-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999)

Table 1 Species of Mecysolobini over periods, contributors and distribution

Genera Number of species described
Periods Contributing Coleopterists Distribution

- -- -- - -
0 0 0 0 0 00
0 l() a. l() r-- 0 Q)
§ u
00 a. :::::: 0
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<il ·a ·~

.;, ' ' ' '
'til ~ ~ ;;;
0 !:J 0

000 a. u Q)
r-- l() l() r-- g "' ·.:
r-- a. a.
"' "' ~ <il
00 00
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g, Q f!l g,
Alcidodoplesius 2 2 1
Brahmalcidodes 1 1 2
Cylindralcides 2 15 5 3 5 5 7 2 5 24
Merus 3 2 12 8 3 2 2 18 17 8 2
Neomecyslobus 7 3 2 2 3 3 11
Ornatalcides 3 9 2 3 2 1 8 16
Sternuchopsis * 5 45 78 217 143 20 128 59 45 33 35 39 169 284 31 172 21
Tubercul_bus 3 5
Total 6 52 85 263 161 30 139 72 46 46 43 45 206 360 32 182 23
* 15 species considered under Alcidodes in the original publications

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