A Checklist of Weevils of The Tribe Mecysolobini (Coleoptera Curculionidae Molytinae) PDF
A Checklist of Weevils of The Tribe Mecysolobini (Coleoptera Curculionidae Molytinae) PDF
A Checklist of Weevils of The Tribe Mecysolobini (Coleoptera Curculionidae Molytinae) PDF
Oriental Insects
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To cite this article: J. P. Andrew & V. V. Ramamurthy (2010) A checklist of weevils of the tribe
Mecysolobini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae), Oriental Insects, 44:1, 271-336, DOI:
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Oriental Insects, Vol. 44: 271-336, 2010
with 542 species known from Oriental and Ethiopian regions; of these 360 species are Oriental and 78
occur in India and the adjacent countries.
The genus Alcidodes Marshall is one of the largest, economically important weevils
of which the taxonomy needs to be worked out. The review of literature as a prelude
to undertaking the revisionary studies on this and allied genera revealed that there are
a large number of species known, especially from the Oriental region. The taxonomy
of these species has been poorly known and the problem is compounded with
changing concepts at the subfamily, tribes and the generic levels. Hence, efforts were
made to prepare an annotated checklist of the species known so far under the tribe
Mecysolobini Reitter as a result of which 597 species had been enlisted. While doing
so a review of the changes in the subfamily, tribe and generic concepts so far had also
been catalogued. The sole purpose of this checklist is to annotate the available details
so as to serve as a prelude to an impending revisionary study. Hence, it refrains from
assessing and commenting on the nomenclatural problems but presents them on as is
where basis. All the efforts have been made to confer with original publications and
brief review of these details presented herein.
The most recent revision on this group under the name Alcidodinae (Pajni and Dhir,
1987) has been observed to be erronaeus in many respects. A review of the literature,
both taxonomic and applied reveal that currently a vast majority use incorrect generic
names. Thus, the challenge for the taxonomist is to preserve nomenclatural stability
as far as possible, while trying to reflect some sort of evolutionary hypothesis and
conform with the rules (Lyal and Curran, 2000).
(1823), and a junior homonym of a lepidopteran Alcides Hubner (1822). This was
brought out by Marshall (1939), who proposed the replacement name Alcidodes.
Heller (1918) who divided the same into six subgenera viz. Cylindralcides Heller,
Sternuchopsis Heller, Robustalcides Heller, Granosalcides Heller, Ornatalcides
Heller and Metallalcides Heller, subsequently expressed the inadequacy of these.
Later, Voss (1953; 1956b; 1957; 1958; 1962) put fourth conflicting views over a
decade creating more confusion which led Haaf (1961d; 1964b) to ignore these
views. Pajni and Dhir (1987) while attempting to revise its species from India
proposed deploying generic names namely Brahmalcidodes Pajni and Dhir,
Mecysolobus Reitter, Neomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir, Tuberculomecyslobus Pajni and
Dhir, Cylindralcidodes Pajni and Dhir, Mesalcidodes Voss and Alcidodes. Likewise
the works of Voss (1953) and Haaf (1960-1964) led to more confusion than clarity as
brought out by Lyal and Curran (2000). Thus, the Mecysolobini needs a thorough
revision, as reliable limits to many of the genera remain uncertain. That is why until a
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An analysis of the fauna of the tribe Mecysolobini indicates that most of its species
were known before 1970 and the descriptions are scattered, and the classification
unrealistic. An analysis of the faunistics reveal that, of the 597 species most had been
described between 1891-1950 and 1951-1970, with about 263 and 161 species
respectively. Contributions of Faust, Heller, Marshall, Fairmaire, Haaf and Voss had
been more significant. Except for a few isolated descriptions, no comprehensive
studies have been undertaken recently indicating that the revisionary studies are
imminent. This also reveals the fact that zoogeographically it is predominantly
tropical with 542 species known from Oriental and Ethiopian regions; of these 360
species are Oriental and 78 occur in India and the adjacent countries (Table 1).
Tribe Mecysolobini
1. Alcidodoplesius Voss
Alcidoplesius Voss, 1960c: 314; Voss, 1960d: 138
Type Alcidodoplesius tarsalis Voss, 1960d: 138
1. tarsalis Voss, 1960d: 138 Madagascar
2. parvulusVoss, 1961:111 Philippines
2. Brahmalcidodes Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 29
Type Alcidodes micronychus Pascoe, 1872: 483
1. micronychus (Pascoe) Myanmar, India,
Alcides micronychus Pascoe, 1872: 483; Faust, Thailand, Vietnam
1894a: 242, 258; Marshall, 1939: 570; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 30
2. nigromicronychus Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30 India
3. Cylindralcides Heller
Cylindralcides Heller, 1918: 211; Pajni and Dhir,
1987: 32 (Cylindralcidodes); Alonzo-Zarazaga and
Lyal, 1999: 205
1. aemulus (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides aemulus Faust, 1894a: 231, 239; Marshall,
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 273
Alcides lichen Faust, 1894a: 244, 258; Haaf, 1961e: Cambodia, Laos,
485 Vietnam, Malaysia,
Alcides luxuriosus Faust, 1894a: 244, 258; Heller, Singapore
1922a: 19; Haaf, 1961e: 485
Alcides saundersi Pascoe, 1870b: 459; Faust,
1894a: 244, 258; Marshall, 1930: 575; Haaf, 1961e:
485; Haaf, 1964b: 174; Pajni and Dhir, 1987:32
Alcides umenoi Kono, 1937b: 15; Haaf, 1964b: 174
23. separandus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes separandus Haaf, 1961 a: 16; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 32
24. serratidens Heller, 1918: 216 Philippines
25. tutus (Faust) Myanmar, India
Alcides tutus Faust, 1894a: 253, 259; Marshall,
1939: 570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
26. vafellus (Faust) India
Alcides vafellus Faust, 1898: 308; Marshall, 1939:
570; Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
4. Merus Gistel, 1857: 606
Type Lixus fasciatus Redtenbacher, 1848: 548
1. artivittis (Marshall) India, Myanmar
Alcidodes artivittis Marshall, 1948: 428; Pajni and
Dhir, 1987: 31 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal; 1999: 205
2. assamensis (Pajni and Dhir) India
Mecyslobus assamensis Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 30;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal; 1999: 205
3. butuanensis Schultze Philippines
Metallalcides butuanensis Schultze, 1922: 589;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal; 1999: 205
4. delicatulus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes delicatulus Haaf 1961: 23; Pajni and
Dhir, 1897: 30 (Mecyslobus); Alonso-Zarazaga and
Lyal; 1999: 205
5. dentitibialis (Voss) Sri Lanka
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 275
146 erosus (Haaf) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes erosus Haaf, 1960: 651; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
erro Pascoe, 1871: 182 to Merus: Alonzo-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 205
147 erroneous (Thomson) Congo, Gabon
Alcides erroneous Thomson, 1858: 132; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
148 eruditus (Duvivier) Congo
Alcides eruditus Duvivier, 1892: 312; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
149 erythropterus (Chevrolat) Zanzibar, Kenya,
Alcides erythropterus Chevrolat, 1881b: 90; Tanzania, Uganda,
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Heller, 1933: 98
hypocrites Boheman in Schoenherr, 1844: 47 to
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
221 idenburgi (Heller) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes idenburgi Heller, 1942: 212; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
ignoratus Heller, 1918: 238 to Ornatalcides:
Heller, 1918: 214
222 imbellis (Thomson) Gabon
Alcides imbellis Thomson, 1858: 134; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
223 imitator (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes imitator Haaf, 1964a: 66; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
224 immixtus (Hustache) Congo
Alcides immixtus Hustache, 1934: 348; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
225 immutatus Haaf, 196lb: 409 Indonesia
226 impressus (Heller) India
Alcides impressus Heller, 1908b: 160, 161;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
improvidus Faust, 1894a: 241, 257 to Ornatalcides:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 33
incomptus Marshall, 1915: 516 see tenuistria
227 indigaceus (Pascoe) Indonesia
Alcides indigaceus Pascoe, 1882: 447; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides parilis Pascoe, 1882: 448; Marshall, 1918a:
228 indubitus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes indubitus Haaf, 1961b: 425; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 299
338 ostentatus (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes ostentatus Haaf, 1964a: 72; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
339 otiosus (Hartmann) Chad, Tanzania,
Alcides otiosus Hartmann, 1899: 24; Marshall, Congo, Gabon
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
340 oxyomus (Fairmaire) Madagascar
Alcides oxyomus Fairmaire, 1902a: 365; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
341 paetus (Haaf) India
Alcidodes paetus Haaf, 1961: 29; Alonso-Zarazaga
and Lyal, 1999: 206 panayensis Schultze, 1918:
275 see taylori Schultze
342 paradictodes (Haaf) Philippines
Alcidodes paradictodes Haaf, 1961e: 498; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
343 parcus (Faust) Equatorial Guinea
Alcides parcus Faust, 1895a: 235; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
344 parentheticus (Marshall) Papua New Guinea
Alcidodes parentheticus Marshall, 1915: 515; 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
parilis Pascoe, 1882: 448 see indigaceus (Pascoe)
345 parnassius (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes parnassius Haaf, 1964a: 67; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
346 pascoei (Bovie) Sri Lanka
Alcides pascoei Bovie, 1908b: 43; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
Alcides guttulatus Pascoe, 1883: 125; Klima, 1934:
patruelis Faust, 1892b: 209 see nero (Fabricius)
paucifasciatus Voss, 1962b: 271 see erythropterus
sub sp paucifasciatus
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 309
1999: 206
416 semiroseus (Hustache) Madagascar
Alcidodes semiroseus Hustache, 1956: 119;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
semperi Pascoe, 1870b: 462 to Merus: Heller,
417 senex (Sahlberg) Sierra Leone, Congo
Alcides senex Sahlberg, 1823: 47; Marshall, 1939:
570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
418 senex (Schoenherr) Congo
Alcides senex Schoenherr, 1825: 581; Marshall,
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
separandus Haaf, 1961a: 16 to Cylindralcidodes:
Pajni and Dhir, 1987: 32
419 septemdecimnotatus (Roelofs) Philippines
Alcides cuprinus Heller, 1918: 241; Haaf, 1961e:
Alcides septemdecimnotatus Roelofs, 1893: 36;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
Alcides septemdecimprolatus Bertkau, 1894: 221;
Klima, 1934: 59
septemdecimprolatus Bertkau, 1894: 221 see
septemdecimnotatus (Roelofs)
420 septemmaculatus (Faust) Papua New Guinea
Alcides septemmaculatus Faust, 1897b: 181;
Marshall, 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
septentrionalis Heller, 1918: 243 to Ornatalcides:
Heller, 1918: 243
421 serius (Haaf) Indonesia
Alcidodes serius Haaf, 1961b: 391; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
serotinus Haaf, 1961a: 48 to Ornatalcides: Pajni
and Dhir, 1987: 33
2010 Andrew & Ramamurthy: Checklist, Molytinae 315
Alcides transversus Walker, 1859: 264; Marshall,
1918a: 157; 1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal,
1999: 206
474 transversoguttatus (Voss) Sri Lanka
Alcidodes transversoguttatus Voss, 1957: 106;
Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
475 triangulifer (Kirsch) Myanmar,
Alcides triangulifer Kirsch, 1875: 40; Marshall, Indonesia, India
1939: 570; Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
476 tricolor (Heller) Malaysia, India
Alcidodes tricolor Heller, 1940: 92; Alonso-
Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999: 206
477 trifasciculatus (Hustache) Congo
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The help and suggestions of Dr. Christopher H.C. Lyal, The Natural History
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336 Oriental Insects Vol. 44
M--1_§ -----c
- Cylindralcides Heller Cylindralcides Reller
Paramecyslobus Voss
- MentsGistel
Exalcidodes Voss
Indomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir
Kismecyslobus Voss
Metallalcides Heller
Pseudalcidodes Voss
Mecysolobini Reitter
- Neomecyslobus P.ajni and Dhir
- Ornatalcides Heller Ornatalcides Heller
Mesalcidodes Voss
Pseudmesalcidodes Pajni and Dhir
Downloaded by [University of Windsor] at 10:20 24 July 2013
~ Granosalcides Heller
Robustalctdes Heller
Tuberculomecyslobus Pajni and Dhir
- -- -- - -
0 0 0 0 0 00
0 l() a. l() r-- 0 Q)
§ u
00 a. :::::: 0
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0 !:J 0
000 a. u Q)
r-- l() l() r-- g "' ·.:
r-- a. a.
"' "' ~ <il
00 00
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g, Q f!l g,
Alcidodoplesius 2 2 1
Brahmalcidodes 1 1 2
Cylindralcides 2 15 5 3 5 5 7 2 5 24
Merus 3 2 12 8 3 2 2 18 17 8 2
Neomecyslobus 7 3 2 2 3 3 11
Ornatalcides 3 9 2 3 2 1 8 16
Sternuchopsis * 5 45 78 217 143 20 128 59 45 33 35 39 169 284 31 172 21
Tubercul_bus 3 5
Total 6 52 85 263 161 30 139 72 46 46 43 45 206 360 32 182 23
* 15 species considered under Alcidodes in the original publications