Artificial Intelligence Marketing: Chatbots
Artificial Intelligence Marketing: Chatbots
Artificial Intelligence Marketing: Chatbots
Faculty of Organizational Sciences Faculty of Organizational Sciences
University of Belgrade University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia Belgrade, Serbia
[email protected] [email protected]
Artificial Intelligence is a tool that enables marketers to constructing smart machines." Smart machines in this case
create highly personalized customer experiences, increases signify the level of success of copying the human mindset
organization’s responsiveness and solve customers’ problems. In [1].
this paper, the chatbot is analyzed as an artificial intelligence tool
in marketing, its today’s application, as well as its future Artificial intelligence enables marketers to create highly
potential in the above-mentioned field. A survey of respondents' personalized customer experiences while costing less than
behaviors, habits, and expectations when using different expensive, traditional marketing campaigns. Any user
communication channels was conducted, with particular interaction with a product or service is used to optimize and
emphasis on chatbots, their advantages and disadvantages in personalize that product / service in the future.
relation to other communication channels, in total sum of 60
survey respondents. The results showed that the greatest Artificial intelligence has transitioned from a concept
advantage of using chatbots in the marketing service was when used in science fiction to today's technological reality.
providing simple, fast obtained information, but also showed According to a PwC survey [2], 72% of marketers
respondents' fear of chatbots giving them the wrong information. interviewed see the use of artificial intelligence as a business
Organizations should consider using chatbots, especially if advantage.
challenges in communication with customers are reality, but also
With customer data, companies can make their offer
if they intend to keep up with the growing number of consumers’
more relevant and gain a competitive edge:
1. They can produce more consumer-oriented
Keywords—chatbot, chatbots, artificial intelligence, products.
marketing, big data.
2. They can provide more consumer-oriented services.
3. They can more accurately determine the target
Artificial intelligence with the development of market, resulting in a higher conversion rate.
technology, and consequently development of technical
capabilities, is gaining increasing attention from both the 4. They can fully meet the needs of their customers.
scientific community and the general public. A growing Data becomes the most valuable capital of an
number of projects aim to incorporate artificial intelligence organization. With the increase in the amount of data, its
into business flows and potentially benefit from the usability for the purpose of artificial intelligence
aforementioned implementation. The goal of marketing, development through machine learning also increases. Large
from the perspective of the writer of this paper, is the resale amounts of data are necessary to build, test, and prepare
of good or service. Continuous sales i.e. a satisfied customer artificial intelligence.
who has an added value from the product or service
purchased, and then returns to make the purchase again. With Artificial intelligence has great potential when it comes
the entry of artificial intelligence into the marketing sphere, to improving industrial sectors. It has been used by financial
opportunities increase. Using a machine that can track firms, the automotive industry, law firms, etc. Owning data
customer behaviour, document observed behaviour, and and analysing it through the use of artificial intelligence has
notice patterns, it will be possible to create personalized become essential for businesses looking to outperform their
products and services, giving marketers far more competition. As already stated, artificial intelligence is not
opportunities. recently invented. However, long after its discovery, the
possibilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning
The role and potential of artificial intelligence in remained a mystery because we were unable to collect large
marketing will be explained in the following section, with a amounts of data but from different sources and across
focus on chatbots and conducted survey will be presented, categories in order to cross each other later. As large
which examined behaviour, habits and expectations of amounts of data were necessary to build and test artificial
respondents while using different communication channels, intelligence-based machines, no major leap was made in the
as well as the advantages and disadvantages that chat bots development of artificial intelligence at that time.
have compared to other channels of communication.
However, the situation has changed with time. Today, we
II. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MARKETING have the ability to collect and store large amounts of data,
There are many different expert definitions that explain but also to cross and analyse them to draw conclusions and
what artificial intelligence is. The definition of Demis connect them. Changing and developing BDs also results in
Hasibis, co-founder and CEO of Google DeepMind is widely the development of artificial intelligence and its tools.
accepted, he defines artificial intelligence as "the science of
Occupation? difficult access to the necessary information on the site and
the organization's non-responsiveness to user queries.
When asked on what they think a chatbot would use,
users overwhelmingly expect the chatbot to get a quick
Student response (89%), reserve a place in a restaurant, cafe (65%)
and product or service information (58%). Next question was
to answer in what situation they would not like to
communicate with the chatbot if they needed certain
information. The majority of respondents when asked for
information fear that the chatbot will give them wrong
information (almost 50% of respondents). The second most
common answer, with 47%, is that they would like to interact
with a real person. The third most commonly chosen option
(33%) is that they would not like it if the chat bot does not
The third question concerned the respondents´ communicate in a friendly way.
occupation. As expected, almost 64% of the respondents are
students, while the number of employees is as high as 32.8%. After that, they needed to connect the communication
channels with the expected speed of response. When it
comes to instant response, the chatbot is the most commonly
How have you communicated with organizations over the past 12 months? chosen channel of communication, followed by the phone
and the mobile application. However, when given a 24-hour
time period, about 40% of respondents expect a response via
email, website and social networks. As for the response after
Chat bot more than 24 hours, 20% of respondents think they will
Preko vebsajta respond to the email in that period, and 17% respond to the
Social networks
to face with
request via the website.
u lice sa
organisations employee
zaposlenima organizacije
Mobile application After that, they had to choose the predefined benefits
Other they expected when communicating with organizations.
Chatbot respondents expect a quick answer to simple
questions, 24/7 availability and easy communication. Chat
bot is not the preferred channel of communication when it
When asked: "How have you communicated with comes to complex questions as well as getting experts
organizations over the past 12 months?", 77% of respondents answers.
have communicated with organizations by phone, 56% by
email, 55% via social networks (not counting chatbots), 43% V. CONCLUSION
live with some of their employees given organizations and
21% communicated with the chat bot. Although After covering the topics of marketing, artificial intelligence
communication is not very common with the chat bot, it is and chatbots from the theoretical and side and their influence
still more extensive than communication via the site or on the marketing practice of today, one gets the impression
mobile application. that the given influence will be increasing. Chatbots,
although a rule-based type, are already widespread and
widely used by humans. With the further development of
Do you use an online chat to start a conversation with organisations?
technology, artificial intelligence will become more
accessible and further explored, so its practical application
will grow further and at some point much of the operational
communication will take place with machines based on
artificial intelligence. In the survey, the results showed that
the greatest advantage of using chatbots in marketing is the
provision of simple, fast information, but they also showed
the fear of respondents getting the wrong information from
chatbots, which is something that needs to be resolved in the
future. With the aforementioned increase in the availability
of artificial intelligence technology and its application to the
realm of chatbots, organizations should consider the benefits
they can have, especially in the face of challenges in
communicating with customers but also if they intend to
When asked if they use an online chat to start a keep up with the lifestyle of a growing consumer.
conversation, 62% of respondents said that they have a
custom to start a conversation through an online chat. Next VI. REFERENCES
few questions will be presented in textual manner. The next [1] BBC News. (2015). Misuse of artificial intelligence 'could do harm'. Assessed on August
question was to choose from the offered predefined problems 25th, 2019.
on the internet, the ones that they had experienced in the past
[2] PwC. (2017). PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study: Sizing the
month. The most common problems respondents have on the prize.
internet are the lack of functionality of the site search option,
analytics/publications/artificial-intelligence-study.html. Assessed on [4] Pew Research Center. (2018). Millennials stand out for their
August 14th, 2019. technology use.
[3] Intelligence, A. (2016). Chatbot Market Size, Share & Trends | tank/2018/05/02/millennials-stand-out-for-their-technology-use-but-
Industry Forecast 2022. Arizton Advisory & Intelligence. older-generations-also-embrace-digital-life. Assessed on August 5th, 2019.
Assessed on July 22nd, 2019.