Influence of Project Risk Management Practices On Performance of Telecommunication Network Modernisation Projects in Kenya
Influence of Project Risk Management Practices On Performance of Telecommunication Network Modernisation Projects in Kenya
Influence of Project Risk Management Practices On Performance of Telecommunication Network Modernisation Projects in Kenya
Purpose: Telecommunication operators around the world continue to upgrade their network
technologies to improve performance and increase capacity. Many of these firms are
confronted with the challenge of ensuring successful implementation of these projects. The
general objective of this study was to establish the influence of project risk management
practices on performance of Telecommunication Network Modernization projects in Kenya.
Methodology: This study adopted a case study research design. The target population for the
study was Network Modernization projects undertaken by Safaricom Plc in the past three
years. The unit of observation were the Project Managers and Technical Team leaders who
are responsible for the management of the selected Network modernization projects. A total
of sixty Network modernization projects were selected. Total number of 60 respondents was
reached, representing the entire population. Census was used in the study. Primary data was
collected using semi-structured questionnaire based on the objectives of the study. The data
was edited, coded for processing using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS
v.24) and presented in tabular and graphical format. A master codebook designed to ensure
that all the questionnaires are coded uniformly was used. Consequently, data was edited for
completeness and consistency before analysis. The study used multiple regression analysis
and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to analyze the degree of relationship between the
variables in the study at 5% level of significance.
Results: The study found that all the four aspects of risk management were practiced to a
high extent. Regression analysis yielded relationships between performance of network
modernization projects against project risk identification, project risk monitoring and project
risk response. Though these relationships were weak, they were found to be statistically
significant at the 5% significance level. Project risk analysis was found to have no
relationship with performance of network modernization projects.
Unique contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended that
telecommunication firms should pay great emphasis on the three aspects of risk management,
namely project risk identification, project risk monitoring and project risk response. Further it
was recommended that future studies should be done to establish other factors that influence
performance of Telecomm Network Modernization projects.
Key Words: Project Risk Management Practices, Performance and Telecommunication
Network Modernization Projects
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
Telecommunication industry is a very important sector in the economy of any country as it is
an enabler of economic and social transformation, improves access to basic services, and
enhances connectivity and creation of employment opportunities (World Economic Forum,
2015). The sector has been identified as one of the industries that is exposed to rapid
technological change (Nelson & Winter, 2008). Therefore, telecomm companies have to
continuously implement various projects in order to generate constant stream of product
innovation thereby sustaining their competitive advantage. Mobile communication has
experienced tremendous growth over the past decade due mainly to the availability,
affordability, advanced computing and communication capability of smart mobile computing
devices (Thapar & Karmakar, 2016). According to the International Telecommunications
Union, ITU (2015) more than 6 billion people, over 87% of the world, hold subscriptions for
mobile services. Furthermore, subscriptions for advanced services such as 3G mobile data are
growing at 37% annually, accelerating the construction of new wireless networks and high
speed wire line networks that carry wireless traffic to its ultimate destination.
Successful project management is the desirable outcome of Telecomm operators in carrying
out various modernization projects. Information Communication Technology (ICT) project
success or failure has long been of interest to researchers over the past 2 decades. High
failure rates of ICT projects were attributed to completion beyond budget, behind schedule,
and without meeting requirements. The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) reported that in
2012, on average, large IT projects ran 45 per cent over budget and 7 per cent over time,
while delivering 56 per cent less value than predicted. Standish group (2014) reported that
only 12% of projects had finished on time and within the budget. According to Taylor &
Artman (2012), 70% of software projects fail due to poor requirements with an associated
rework spends above $45 billion annually. Jenner (2015) elaborated on depressing project
failure rates between 50% and 70%. With these high failure rates, it is not surprising that
several studies have been done to understand the factors related to ICT project success.
Among several factors, risk management has been identified as one of the important factors
that affected project success. Levinson (2010) mentioned that risk management was a key
part of project management for any project size.
Indeed, the awareness of project risks and the need to manage them has become one of the
areas of interest to researchers and practitioners in the recent past and is one of the main areas
of the PMI project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) as well as the body of
knowledge of the Association of project management (APM) of the UK (Shenhar & RAZ,
2002). Project risk management includes the processes of conducting risk management
planning, identification, analysis, response planning, and controlling risk on a project, the
objectives of which are to increase the likelihood and impact of positive events, and decrease
the likelihood and impact of negative events in the project (PMI, 2013). According to Woods
(2011), the process of risk management involves five main steps: (1) Identification, (2)
Assessment, (3) Treatment or Response, (4) Reporting and (5) Controlling or Monitoring.
Risk management provides a framework for organizations to deal with and to react to
uncertainty. Whilst it is acknowledged that nothing in life is certain, the modern practice of
risk management is a systematic and comprehensive approach, drawing on transferable tools
and techniques (The Institute of Risk Management, 2010). Bakker et al. (2012) emphasize the
importance of risk identification as the most influential process in terms of numbers as well
as in the strength of communications effects, followed by risk reporting, risk registration and
risk allocation, risk analysis, and finally risk control. At the same time, the definition of
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
project success is evolving. The traditional measures of scope, time, and cost are no longer
sufficient in today’s competitive environment (PMI, 2017). The ability of projects to deliver
what they set out to do—the expected benefits—is just as important. Therefore, in
determining project success, benefits realization maturity is considered as well as the
traditional criteria.
Several research results indicate that poor risk management is a likely cause of project
problems and failures. Jun, Qiuzhen & Qingguo (2010) investigated the effects of project risk
planning on ICT project performance focusing on a case of China vendor firms. The study
sought to test the hypothesis; Project risk planning and control makes a greater significant
positive contribution to project performance at low levels of inherent uncertainty than at high
levels. The study used questionnaire to collect data from a sample of 181 software project
managers and other key informants from software houses in Hangzhou City, China, by mail
and email. The respondents were requested to provide information with respect to one or
more recently completed outsourced information system development projects. The study
found that there exists a significant positive relationship between project risk planning and
project performance. The results indicated that project risk planning and control led to
improve project performance ensuring project completion within schedule and budget thereby
improving vendor firm’s profitability. Some studies indicate that project risk management
approaches are not widely accepted in project management as a result of the time necessary
to use them, the difficulty of obtaining input estimates and assessment of risk probabilities,
human/organizational resistance to change, difficulty in understanding and interpreting
outcomes of the risk management process and finding suitable risk management methods.
Africa is rapidly growing, which increases the demand for infrastructure projects.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the sectors that has witnessed
tremendous growth in the last two decades and provides enormous benefits to economic
development. However, cost and time overruns are a worldwide phenomenon and pose a
serious threat to the development of telecommunication infrastructure, which is the platform
for ICT. Better risk management can help to improve the project outcomes (Ika & Saint-
Macary, 2012). De Wet & Visser (2013) investigated the success rate of software projects in
South Africa and whether risk management might improve project success rates. The results
indicate that the average success rate of software projects in South Africa is indeed very low,
and that software projects in South Africa often experience the same risks as in the developed
world. It was also found that, where risk management is applied, software projects produce
better results than software projects with no risk management. The majority of South African
software companies’ use ad hoc internally developed risk management procedures rather than
formalized procedures.
Telecommunication Network Modernization in Kenya
The Kenyan telecommunication industry has grown tremendously in the past two decades
and this can be traced to the liberation and privatization of the sector that followed the
restructuring of the defunct Kenya Posts and Telecommunications corporation (KPTC) and
subsequent establishment of Communication Commission of Kenya (predecessor of
Communication Authority of Kenya, CAK) as well as Telkom Kenya and Postal Corporation
of Kenya followed by commencement of Mobile services by Kencell (Now Airtel) and
Safaricom Plc. The types of mobile phone services available have also changed drastically to
include Mobile money transfer service, SMS, e-mail and internet services as well as video
conferencing on top of voice services offered by the operators. There are currently three main
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
players in this sector; Safaricom, Bharti Airtel and Telkom Kenya resulting in competitive
operating environment that drives innovation of new products and services. Currently, there
are over 41 million mobile subscribers in Kenya which is 90.42% mobile penetration level
with Safaricom controlling 71.2% of the market, Airtel Networks has 14.9% of the subscriber
base, with Orange Telkom having 7.2% (CAK, 2017).
Kenya has recognized the role played by mobile telecommunication technologies to provide
mobile services to its populace, and the sector continue to roll-out a mix of 2G, 3G and 4G (
Long Term Evolution, LTE) services. These services are supported by fiber optic
infrastructure that have been built by the public and private sector as backbone links, and last
mile solutions (ITU, 2017). The ultimate aim is to provide high-speed Internet services in
addition to voice services for use by the citizens and to enhance public services delivery in all
spheres of life in the country. Despite increased investment by the telecomm operators in the
network modernization projects in an attempt to improve the quality of service,
Communications Authority of Kenya (2015) quality of service report shows that the
telecomm operators have consistently failed to meet some of the Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) used to gauge the extent to which their services conform to the required standard,
achieving a score of 62.8% against a target of 80%.
With one player (Safaricom) controlling the bulk of Kenya’s telecomm market share, the
regulator has tried several strategies to spur competition. In 2011, Kenya launched the Mobile
Number portability program allowing subscribers to retain their mobile subscriber numbers
whenever they opt to change mobile service providers. Mobile Number portability was meant
to deepen the level of competition in the mobile telecommunications market and enhance
consumer choice. However, Mobile Number Portability failed to kick off and has continued
to decline from 36,000 subscribers ported between the various networks when the service was
started in 2011 to a paltry 295 in-ports carried out on first quarter of 2017 which is a
negligible 0.0007% of total subscribers (CAK, 2017).
Safaricom and Network Modernization Projects
Safaricom is the market leader in the Kenyan telecommunication sector and has consistently
invested in product innovation and rollout of new technologies making it one of the most
profitable companies in the region with net income of Kshs.48.4 Billion (Safaricom annual
report, 2017). Mobile money transfer and payment service (Mpesa) launched in 2007 is so far
the most successful product innovation by the company which has revolutionized money
transfer service and payments in the region. Major projects undertaken by Safaricom in the
recent past include Rollout of 4G (LTE) service, Mpesa server relocation to Kenya,
Government of Kenya Security project (CCTV) in Nairobi and Mombasa, rollout of Fiber to
the Home (FTTH) and Fiber to the Building (FTTB ), Radio Access Network modernization
(2G & 3G) amongst others. Based on Safaricom annual Report (2017), Mobile data business
remains the companies’ fastest growing revenue stream and the focus in growing it further
through accelerating smartphone penetration, growing 3G and 4G users informs its massive
investment in network modernization projects. Safaricom annual report (2017), shows the
company expenditure on network rollout and modernization was Kshs.38 billion in
2016/2017 financial year with most of it spend on 4G and 3G modernization projects.
Statement of the Problem
Many projects around the world keep failing, resulting in loss of millions of dollars for
organizations. The McKinsey Global Institute (2012) reported that, on average, large IT
projects ran 45% over budget and 7% over time, while delivering 56% less value than
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
predicted. Standish group (2014) reported that only 12% of projects had finished on time and
within the budget. Kenya faces similar performance challenges, despite the remarkable
growth of ICT sector witnessed in recent years.
A study carried by KPMG determined that 68% of organizations in ICT in Kenya experience
project failure (Kinyua et al, 2015). According to the quality of service report released by the
Communications Authority of Kenya (2015), the telecomm operators have consistently failed
on a number of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to gauge the extent to which
their services conform to the required standard, achieving a score of 62.8% against a target of
80%. This is despite increased investment by the telecomm operators in the network
modernization projects in an attempt to improve the quality of service and customer
satisfaction. This persistent challenge has led many researchers to attempt to identify the
influencing factors that need to be tackled to produce a successful project management
outcome (Mortensen, 2013).
Although project risk management has been identified as an important factor in the
performance of ICT projects, the adoption of these risk management practices in projects is
inconsistent (Taylor et al, 2012). On the PMI (2017) pulse of the profession survey, 40% of
the project managers surveyed acknowledged that they rarely or never use project risk
management practices on their projects. Previous studies in Kenya (Keraro, e tal 2015;
Alfayo & Namusonge, 2016) however, mainly concentrated on factors affecting performance
of ICT projects in general. This has left a knowledge gap in the key area of influence of risk
management on performance of Telecommunication projects in particular. The study
therefore sought to bridge this knowledge gap. Thus this study assessed the influence of
project risk management practices on performance of Telecommunication Network
Modernization projects in Kenya.
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
where there is sufficient data to adopt an actuarial approach. Because projects often involve a
technical, engineering, innovative or strategic content, a systematic process is preferable to an
intuitive approach. Project Risk Analysis and Management (PRAM) has been developed to
meet this requirement. PRAM model is suitable for this study as it helps to analyze various
risks that might be anticipated in the performance of Telecommunication network
modernization projects in Kenya.
Network theory
Network theory is the study of complex interacting systems that can be represented as graphs
equipped with extra structure. In the 1950’s, Howard Odum introduced networks to model
the flow of resources like energy through ecosystems. Since it is a generalized pattern, tools
developed for analyzing, modelling and understanding networks can theoretically be
implemented across disciplines. Network theory originality lies in the application of some
network theory indicators to the project risk management field (Olsson, 2008). By applying
network theory tools to risk assessment, computational limitations may be overcome and
result to a broader coverage of events with a narrower range of uncertainties. Risk assessment
is a very important tool to acquire a present and future risk status of the Telecommunication
network project. The study is based on network theory to deal with risk analysis and
interactions in Telecommunication projects. Indeed, such projects are exposed to numerous
and interdependent risks of various nature, which makes their management more difficult. In
this study network theory is presented with the aim of identifying key elements in the project
structure of interrelated risks potentially affecting the performance of a telecommunication
project. This analysis serves as a powerful complement to classical project risk analysis. The
construction of the risk network requires the involvement of the project manager and other
team members assigned to the risk management process.
Empirical Review
A study was conducted by Kinyua, Ogollah & Mburu (2015) to examine the effect of risk
management strategies on project performance of small and medium information
communication technology enterprises in Nairobi, Kenya. The study established that the level
of project risk identification as carried out in the enterprise was high, as it was found that
specific actions are identified to enhance the risk management activities on each significant
risk. Risk registration influenced identification and management of project risk, use of
checklist, risk controls and screening of project risks and taking measure enhance risk
identification in small and medium technology firms to a very great extent. The study also
established that there existed a significant positive relationship between project risk
identification and project performance of ICT Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya
where project risk identification through risk reporting, registration, allocation, control and
checklist would impact positively on ICT project performance.
Roque & de Carvalho (2013) conducted a study on understanding the impact of project risk
assessment on project performance in Brazilian companies. The objective of the study was to
comprehend the impact of risk assessment on performance of various projects in different
sectors and to investigate the degree of diffusion of project risk assessment in Brazilian
Vendor companies (project risk analysis being one of the processes of risk assessment). The
methodological approach involved a survey of 415 projects at different levels of complexity
undertaken by various companies in different sectors in Brazil. The results demonstrate that
adopting risk management techniques and keeping attention to uncertainties has a significant
positive impact on project success as project staff were able to identify and take measures to
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
mitigate occurrence of risks to a greater extent. The results demonstrated that the impact of
project risk analysis on project success was positive. However, results on a study by
Pimchangthong & Boonjing (2017) on the effects of risk management practices on
performance of IT projects in Thailand indicated that risk identification and risk response
planning were shown to influence the process performance and the total aspects of IT project
success while risk analysis negatively influences product performance.
A study by Juliane & Alexander (2013) was done to determine how portfolio risk
management (including monitoring as a process of management) influences ICT project
portfolio success in ICT enterprises in UK. The objective of the study was to determine
whether portfolio risk management influence ICT project performance. Project risk
monitoring as a process of risk management was also studied. Data was collected using a
questionnaire and cross industry sampling was adopted to select a sample of 176 firms. The
results indicated that portfolio risk management (including risk monitoring) shows a
significant positive relationship with project performance. The study concluded that ICT
project portfolio risk monitoring has a positive impact on ICT project performance.
Shenhar & Raz (2002) conducted a study on the Impact of Project risk management practices
such as risk identification, probabilistic risk analysis and trade-offs on project success. By
means of an empirical study of 100 projects performed in Israel in a variety of industries, the
study sought to examine the extent of usage of risk management practices, the difference in
application across different types of projects and their impact on various project success
dimensions. The findings suggest that risk management practices are still not widely used.
However, when applied, risk management practices appear to contribute to project success. It
was also found that risk management practices were mainly applied to higher risk projects
and the impact of risk management is mainly on better meeting time and budget objectives
and less on product and technical specification. Project risk identification and risk response
were shown to be statistically related to project success.
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables Dependent Variable
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
4.1 Background Information Results
4.1.1 Education Level
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
The respondents were asked to indicate their highest level of education. The table below
shows the distribution of respondents by education level.
Table 1: Distribution of respondents by education level
Frequency Percent
Postgraduate degree 31 51.7
Undergraduate degree 29 48.3
From Table 1 above, majority of the respondents (51.7%) had undergraduate degree,
followed by 48.3% who had Post graduate Degree. This result show that project management
was being undertaken by people with high level of education.
4.1.2 Age distribution
The study sought to find out the distribution of respondents by age. The respondents were
asked to indicate their age bracket. The following table shows the distribution of respondents
by age.
Table 2: Distribution of respondents by age
Frequency Percent
Above 50 2 3.3
41 - 50 years 18 30.0
31 - 40 years 23 38.3
21 - 30 years 17 28.3
From table 2 above, most of the respondents (38.3%) were aged between 31 to 40 years,
followed by 30% aged between 41 to 50 years, 28.3% aged between 21 and 30 years and
3.3% aged over 50 years. This result show that Safaricom plc has a high percentage of
youthful employees as 66.6% of the respondents are below 40 years. They therefore have the
energy to undertake the company projects and ability to adapt to change which is an
important factor since projects generally involve change.
4.1.3 Length of service
The study sought to establish how long the respondents had served the organization. The
table below shows the distribution of respondents by length of service.
Frequency Percent
16 - 20 years 3 5.0
11 - 15 years 17 28.3
6 - 10 years 25 41.7
Under 6 years 15 25.0
From table 3 above, majority of the respondents (41.7%) had worked for the organization for
between 6 – 10 years followed by 28% who had worked for between 11 – 15 years, 25% who
had worked for under 6 years and 5% who had worked for between 16 to 20 years. Therefore,
majority of the respondents (75%) have worked with the company for more than 6 years
hence have the relevant knowledge and experience to handle Network modernization projects
and were in a position to provide the required information for the study.
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
From table 4 above, majority of the respondents (80%) agreed that there is a documented
standardized risk identification process in place that is used by all projects. Similarly,
majority of the respondents (85%) agreed that the risk identification process is fully
integrated into other corporate processes and procedures. Further, a majority of the
respondents (68%) stated that they have sought expert judgment from engineers and
stakeholders during project implementation. A great majority (86.7%) of the respondents
indicated that the Delphi Technique is used in project risk identification. Majority of the
respondents (83.3%) indicated that the company has carried out a SWOT analysis on the
project with most of the respondents (78.3%) indicating that the strength and opportunities
are more than the weaknesses and threats. Similarly, majority (68.3%) of the respondents
stated that the company uses information from past successful projects to identify potential
project risks. Also, majority of the respondents (83.3%) indicated that brainstorming,
meetings and Interviewing of team members is used to identify potential project risks.
Finally, majority of the respondents (96.7%) responded that the information gathered is
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
helpful to the projects and helps in its modification. These findings show that all the major
risk identification measures are carried out by the company to a great extent.
y = 2.413 + 0.426x
(p<.05) (p<.05)
Where y = performance of network modernization projects; x = Risk identification
Thus, regression results yielded a positive relationship between risk identification and
performance of network modernization projects. Though the relationship was weak, it was
found to be statistically significant at the 5% level of significance (p<.05). These findings
conform to those of Addison & Vallabh (2002) who carried out a study on impact of project
risk identification performance of software projects in ICT enterprises in China. They found
that the relationship between project risk identification and performance was statistically
significant at 95% confidence level. Bakker et al. (2012) emphasized the importance of risk
identification as the most influential process in terms of numbers as well as in the strength of
communications effects.
Risk identification was shown to follow a standardized formal process where project
meetings, Delphi Technique, historical project data, checklists as well as SWOT analysis and
expert judgment were employed to identify potential project risks. This has positively
influenced the performance of modernization projects in Safaricom plc. Project risk
identification is usually done at the beginning of the project, therefore, it forms an important
part of project planning process. Studies have shown that the earlier project risk management
is adopted in a project, the greater chances of success the project, agreeing with the results of
this study which showed risk identification as having greater influence on project
performance of Telecommunication network modernization projects.
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
From table 7 above, the correlation coefficient (R = .016) indicating that Risk analysis has
very weak positive correlation with performance of network modernization projects. The R-
Square (.025) indicates that risk analysis explains 2.5% of the variability in performance of
network modernization projects. This implies that there’s almost no relationship between risk
analysis and performance of network modernization projects.
The resulting regression equation is of the form:
y = 3.854 + 0.078x
(p<.05) (p>.05)
Where y = performance of network modernization projects; x = Risk Analysis
Thus, regression results yielded no relationship between risk analysis and performance of
network modernization projects. These results contradict with those of Roque & de Carvalho
(2013) who conducted a study on the impact of project risk assessment on project
performance in Brazilian companies. They found that risk analysis has a positive relationship
with performance of projects. However, the findings are consistent with that of
Pimchangthong & Boonjing (2017) who studied the effects of risk management practices on
performance of IT projects. Their study showed that Project performance is positively
influenced by risk identification and risk response planning but is negatively influenced by
risk analysis. This means that the less risk analysis is performed, the more product
performance is expected, or that over analyzing is counterproductive. Project risk analysis
being quite a complicated process and since project managers are often unfamiliar with the
relevant tools and techniques, usually use historical information or unwritten past experience
to determine the chances of identified risks occurring. However, the likelihood of a risk
occurring is often derived from an “educated guess”. Most project managers also believe the
tedious process of risk analysis is time wasting and may not yield useful information.
4.4 Risk Monitoring and Performance of Network Modernization Projects
4.4.1 Respondents’ rating of Risk Monitoring indicators
The study utilized two indictors for risk monitoring. The respondents were asked to rate the
level of their agreement on a 5-point Likert scale where 1 was strongly disagree and 5 was
strongly agree. For purposes of analysis, the top two and bottom two levels were aggregated.
The table below shows the results.
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
From table 9 above, the correlation coefficient (R = .493) which indicates that Risk
Monitoring has a moderately strong positive correlation with performance of network
modernization projects. The R-Square (.243) indicates that risk monitoring accounts for
24.3% of the variability in performance of network modernization projects. This means that
the remaining 75.7% of the variability in performance of network modernization projects is
accounted for by other factors.
The resulting regression equation is of the form:
y = 2.865 + 0.323x
(p<.05) (p<.05)
Where y = performance of network modernization projects; x = Risk Monitoring
From the above regression analysis results, it was deduced that risk monitoring and
performance of network modernization projects have a moderately strong positive
relationship. Though the relationship was moderately weak as indicated by the low R square
(.243), it was found to be statistically significant at the 5% level of significance (p<.05).
These findings are consistent with those of Juliane &Alexander (2013) who found a positive
relationship between risk monitoring and performance of ICT project portfolio among ICT
enterprises in the UK.
Based on this findings, it is evident Safaricom plc has put in place risk monitoring process
that ensures project risks are continuously tracked as the project progresses and new risks are
identified and treated as well as reclassification of old risk based on potential impact on the
project. The effect of this is improved project performance due to increased project risk
visibility and tracking of the performance of risk responses against the plan as well as
managing any new risks that affect the project. This has been shown to have positive
influence on project performance.
4.5 Risk Response and Performance of Network Modernization Projects
4.5.1 Respondents’ rating of Risk Response indicators
The study used six indicators of risk response. For purposes of analysis, the top two and
bottom two levels were aggregated. The table below shows the results.
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
Table 11: Summary of regression results between Risk Response and Performance of
Network Modernization Projects
Measure Value t P-Value
Model Summary R 0.548
R Square 0.300
Coefficients Constant 2.369 6.587 .000
B1 .430 4.990 .000
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
From table 11 above, the correlation coefficient (R = .548) Indicating that Risk response has
a moderately strong positive correlation with performance of network modernization projects.
The R-Square (.300) indicates that risk response explains 30% of the variability in
performance of network modernization projects. This means that the remaining 70% of the
variability in performance of network modernization projects is accounted for by other
The resulting regression equation is of the form:
y = 2.369 + 0.43x
(p<.05) (p<.05)
Where y = performance of network modernization projects; x = Risk Response
Thus, regression results yielded a positive relationship between risk response and
performance of network modernization projects. Though the relationship was weak, it was
found to be statistically significant at the 5% level of significance (p<.05). The findings
conform to those of Shenhar and Raz (2002) who conducted a study on the Impact of Project
risk management practices such as risk identification, probabilistic risk analysis and trade-
offs on project success. By means of an empirical study of 100 projects performed in Israel in
a variety of industries, the study sought to examine the extent of usage of risk management
practices, the difference in application across different types of projects and their impact on
various project success dimensions. They found a positive relationship between risk treatment
and project performance.
These finding show that Safaricom plc utilizes various risk treatment strategies e.g. risk
transference, avoidance and mitigation to minimize the effect of risk on project performance
objectives e.g. project cost, schedule, quality and benefits realization. Risk transference tools
such as performance bonds, insurance, contracts are majorly used and this has been shown to
have positive influence on project performance. By contracting some of the highly technical
works to major technology companies, Safaricom is able to utilize the best available expertise
in execution of their projects while shifting the risk of project failure to their partners.
Penalties, contacts and performance bonds are often used to minimize financial loss by the
company in case of project failure due to operational or other project risks. These strategies
have been shown to have positive influence on project performance of the telecomm firm.
4.6 Joint Influence of Risk management factors and performance of network
Modernization projects
The study sought to establish the combined influence of all the risk management factors on
the performance of network modernization projects. Multivariate regression analysis was
used. The results obtained were as displayed in the two tables below.
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
Table 12: Regression Model Summary for the joint influence of risk management
factors on performance of network modernization projects
Error of
Adjusted R the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .651a .423 .381 .28072
a. Predictors:
(Constant), RISKRES,
From this result, regression analysis yielded an R-square value of .423 indicating that the
independent variables jointly explain 42.3% of the variability in the dependent variable.
However, despite the low goodness of fit, ANOVA results indicate that the relationship is
statistically significant at the 5% significance level. Thus, risk management factors have a
weak, positive statistically significant relationship with performance of network
modernization projects.
Table 13: Regression coefficients for the joint influence of risk management factors on
performance of network modernization projects
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .844 .641 1.318 .193
RISKID1 .309 .140 .229 2.200 .032
RISKANA .032 .051 .065 .625 .535
RISKMON .192 .077 .294 2.494 .016
RISKRES .280 .093 .357 3.008 .004
These results show that all but one of the predictors was found to be statistically significant
at the 5% level of significance (p<.05). The predictors that were found to be statistically
significant in the equation were Risk Identification (p=.032<.05), Risk Monitoring
(p=.016<05) and Risk Response (p=.004<.05). Risk analysis did not make any statistically
significant contribution to the equation (p>.05).
These findings agree with studies by various researchers. Zwikael & Ahn (2011) on a study
in three countries, (New Zealand, Israel and Japan), in different sectors suggest that risk
management even when moderate, has a relationship with levels of project success. A study
by Kululanga and Kuotcha (2010) indicated that implementation of project risk management
strategies in practice improves the projects performance such as meeting deadlines, cost
targets and quality performance.
The findings indicate that project risk identification, monitoring and response led to
improvement of project performance by ensuring project completion within schedule and
budget while delivering expected project benefits thereby improving Safaricom plc
profitability and customer satisfaction. Safaricom (2017) reported 30% reduction in Network
deployment cost and this can be attributed to among other factors prudent project risk
management. The company has continuously invested in various network modernization
projects resulting in competitive advantage and enhanced market share hence the firm’s
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
superior financial performance. Project risk management has therefore positively influenced
the outcome of these projects.
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management
ISSN 2518-265X (Online)
Vol.3, Issue 7, pp 101 - 124, 2018
on project performance followed by risk monitoring and risk response. However, risk
Analysis was shown to have no influence on the project performance. Therefore, all risk
management practices including risk identification, risk analysis, risk response planning, and
risk monitoring are necessary for success of telecomm projects. However, risk analysis
practices should be limited to avoid a negative impact on schedule and cost performance.
This study also show that integrating risk management into various corporate processes,
developing a documented standardized risk identification process, and discussing risks with
relevant team members and project stakeholders have positive influence on project
The study recommended it’s recommended that project managers should pay high attention to
risk management factors especially on risk identification, risk monitoring and risk response.
Project managers should continue improving their project risk management measures given
the dynamic nature of risk especially in a technology driven industry.
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