Book I
1. Yoga is the integration of the Mind, Body and Spirit of the Human Being, and
from the latter with it is Environment and the Universe.
2. Wellness Yoga is the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of the Human
being that has been achieved by the integration of these three planes.
3. The Self or Self of the Human Being must harmonically integrate the mind,
the body and the spirit through Yoga.
5. The suffering is Spiritual, the pain is Physical and the Confusion is Mental.
6. Anguish is only the Spirit that is revealed against the mind by the imposition
of the latter on what must be done in the Acts of Life.
7. Anguish is a great master; it tells your mind that you are forcing your true
10. The Truth is just the way that a human mind interprets reality.
11. The truths are many, the reality one. The Truth is not the Reality.
12. The Mind Control is achieved through the practice of Meditation without
attaching Thoughts, Emotions or Feelings.
13. If when you look at Reality, you don't judge it, that is when you learn it.
14. If when you look at Reality as it is, and you don't think: I like it or dislike it,
it's good or bad, it's fair or unfair,
15. The result is the Compression of reality as it is, without imposing your
16. This is the detachment of your desires.
18. There is a mental Wellness state called Harmony, when you enjoy your
19. This state favors Happiness that is only Spiritual and is obtained when you
feel in Fullness.
20. Happiness is the ideal state of the Yogi, but it is sentimental and never
21. The more you eliminate negative thoughts and feelings, the happier you will
22. The result obtained by Yogis for practicing Yoga Techniques is always well-
23. Do not believe in anything they tell or teach you, put everything to the test,
learn to know and never believe. Who believes does not know and who knows
does not believe.
24. No sacred book is better than the practice of Yoga Techniques to achieve
27. The appropriate place is the best space to apply the Techniques.
29. Introspection is going to the deepest part of your being through the Mind,
isolating you from the outside.
32. Stop thinking when you meditate and your spirit will show you what you
33. Be compassionate with all beings because you live thanks to all of them.
36. If you let the images that reach your mind pass by without wanting to catch
or compare them, or observe them, meditation begins.
37. If you do not join two images, the Idea is not established.
38. If you do not join two ideas together, Thought does not occur.
39. Without images or thoughts, meditation is established and the mind rests.
41. Then, the Yogi understands his Spirit by the expression of his feelings.
43. When you are happy to be integrated into Mother Earth and the Universe,
Yoga occurs.
44. The three things the human being has: Mental desires, Spiritual yearnings
and bodily needs.
45. Always distinguish between the need, that is what matters and avoid
imposing your desires.
46. Desires are mental and live in the world, needs are physical and live on
Mother Earth.
47. The Earth is this planet where you live physically, this planet is your Mother.
48. The World is the capricious way that human minds divide the Earth into
nations and wealth.
49. He who lives on earth is in contact with the Reality of all things.
50. He who lives in the world is in contact with the Truth, which is nothing other
than the individual interpretation of Reality. The Truths of human beings are
Interpretations, sometimes capricious, of Reality.
51. Do not seek to impose the truth on reality, because Reality always wins. Just
learn it.
Book II
1. The Self seems to be separated from the things that compose the Universe,
but this is not like this.
2. However, all things are united and integrated with each other, being
interdependent of each other.
6. If you are on it, here and now, you always gain time.
8. You are not what you think mentally, you are what you feel spiritually.
9. Your spirit is composed by your emotions, feelings and longings, they look
the same, but they are not.
10. Emotions are an energy that changes your body for a short period of time
and affects your mind.
11. Meditation is what you must do to remove negative emotions from Self so
remember that it is the Yoga postures which break the somatic shield and
eliminate the muscle contractures that harbor negative emotions. They, the
postures, are the most precious mechanism for the Yogi.
12. The more you change the emotions through the body postures, trunk,
hands, feet, arms, legs and especially face, more you will dominate your
13. If you don't cultivate negative emotions, life is happy. Only the whim and the
stubbornness are obstacles for a Yogi, because they lead to suffering. Do not
impose your wishes on your needs. Do not feel anger, anger or envy against
others, because they always turn, inside you, against yourself.
14. If you do not eat a healthy diet, the body resents. If you are creative and
have positive thoughts, the mind is active and productive. If you doubt
everything you will all have confusion and that will lead you to be unhappy. If
you are not with positive people or the ones you love the Spirit suffers.
15. You depend on all the things that exist. You are not alone in the Universe.
Learn to harmonize with them.
16. Misfortune is for the ones who does not understand the Law of the Earth,
which is the Nature.
17. If you live deceived by the Illusion of the truth and the lie, that are two
interpretations of reality, you accumulate Ignorance.
18. The reality changes because change is the only constant. Be intelligent
bodily, mentally and spiritually is to adapt to the reality of the environment
where you live. Wanting to change it totally is a mistake and the payment is the
waste of time, which is the only thing you really have in life.
19. Mind has six functions. Alaya which is the Subconscious Function, contains
the memory and the species instincts and also the indirect memory of all living
beings. Smriti which is the Preconscious Function, is composed by the memory
of your current life, which contains Images and Impressions. Chitta is the
Unconscious function and is in contact with your feelings and communicates
with the Spiritual, while it makes the corporal work function inmediate way.
Manas is the mind conscious function that leads the attention to a part of the
reality. Buddhi is the intellectual mental function, rational or discernitive, of
thought or reason, that compares images, impressions, build ideas, thoughts,
plans and mental projects, thus interpreting reality and producing truths.
The Ahamkara is the being mental function and it has many Selfs or Egos
within, and it is also the Self that feels that it is all these functions.
20. The self must be the observer of the existence, if you meditate you will stop
the time and you will observe the six functions of the mind.
21. Mind creates a world that separates itself from earth, and the theories only
interpretes them. Only the experience give you Wisdom.
22. Knowledge and theory are experiences of other people, but they are only a
guide for those who want to follow the path. But only you transit it. About the
knowledge that has been teach you, you must practice, because only your
experience will give you wisdom. Wisdom is superior to knowledge.
23. The ones who knows this are one with reality. Who only knows, on the
contrary, lives in the world, separated from the earth, so he lives exclusively in
his truth, but the truths of human beings always change accordingly to time,
because they lack of reality.
24. Whoever cultivates the truth wants to impose it on others and therefore
becomes a fanatic, he believes that his interpretation of reality and the universe
is the only one valid.
25. His self is associated with one of his Egos and believes that the same ego is
26. If you use reflection you can eliminate your ignorance and your false egos.
27. You do not have one personality within you, but many. Every day you choose
which one you will use.
28. You have an ego of happiness, another of unhappiness, one of joy and
another of sadness, one for father or mother, for friend and enemy, for boss, for
employee, for your career, for your vocation, its just that the egos that
everyones have, you have them also. Every day you can choose the ego with
which you dress in the eyes of others. You can play the role you want in the
Society. The ego should not be destroyed, but simply not attached to one and
be able to change it when necessary. There is no Ego, there are thousands.
30. Learn to be with beings that cultivate positive feelings. Don't run violence
against other beings, helps to be in harmony with them.
31. Exercising Tolerance and Respect for other beings is a state of Wisdom.
33. When you wake up with a feeling of gratitude to life, that is Yoga.
34. The obstructions to Yoga are the negative feelings, emotions and thoughts
towards others.
35. If you respect vegetables you will know that by not damaging them you
breathe better, because you are them.
36. If you dress with your true egos you will be happy and you will find your
Vocation that is not the same as your profession.
37. Do not try to change others, just accept them as they are or otherwise
reject them and go somewhere else.
39. If you learn to love, you learn to give, and gave without demand it means to
40. If you demand to someone, you don't love it, you just want it. And wanting a
person is not loving them, is to take possession of her.
41. If you love your children you should help them to be free and not depend on
you. So it is with all things.
43. Mortification and suffering have no virtue. They are the result of the
44. If you have a glass full in half remember that it is not half empty, on the
contrary it is half full and then be content because you have something, which
is better than nothing.
45. Leave your social position and titles for a moment and learn to be yourself.
46. For the Yoga practice, you must know the main Asanas or Postures of Yoga.
These are actually very few, but they have millions of variants. Each Asana has
10 padavis or positions of trunk, arms, hands, feet, face and neck. There are
full-bodied and partial asanas of trunk, arms, hands, feet, face and neck. Each
of them has 10 positions and 108 subpositions This leads to millions of postural
variants. All human postures has already been invented and all have a name.
47. The Yogi knows that the Asana is not equal to the Padavi, because the first
is based on the human figure and the second in its articular range. Each Asana
can be done in alignment or without alignment, lateral, double lateral, rotating
(torsion) or in contortion (lateral and rotation-torsion together). They can be
symmetric or asymmetric. The Asana is never badly done, but is usefull or not
to fullfil a particular objective.
49. Svasan Yoga is the Yoga of breathing, Swara Yoga is the Yoga of breathing
times. Pranayama Yoga are the retentions in the breathing. Control your energy,
do not waste it if you lack it and do not treasure it if you have it too much. Find
the balance, because the Multiverse is energy.
50. But remember that Yoga is first and foremost an Attitude. Can you do
anything while in Yoga. It all depends on your attitude. If you integrate your
spirit, mind and body you are always in Yoga.
51. If you do not believe in God, if you think that God is everything, if you
believe that God exists, it's doesn't matter. Yoga is the integration with the all
and you can name it as you decide.
52. Yoga uses the techniques for that every human being feels better without
giving a relevance to beliefs, so must be completely away from religions and
dogmatic philosophies.
53. Well-being is achieved by taking care of and harmonizing our body, mental
and spiritual intelligence.
55. Feeling Intelligence is step a side from the negative feelings that we have,
letting them die. Emotional Intelligence is to choose the better emotions and
train us to eliminate negatives ones. The Affective Intelligence is the ability to
adapt first and foremost, how they affect us Feelings of others, because they
don't feel like we want Feel If someone does not feel as you want, let him feel
what he pleases and just leave your surroundings.
Book III
1. If one can keep the mind on any particular object for 12 seconds, that is
2. If you can keep the mind without thoughts or images for 15 minutes that is
3. When you do not mentally see forms or images for half an hour, this is
6. When you cannot be happy, one must try to be calm. These states
complement to one and other because they are the contrary.
7. Harmony is the third state that Yoga produces, in which you are not quiet or
happy, but harmonized with all things in a state of indifference.
8. Happiness is achieved when you know what for and why for you are in this
life. The Life's sense.
9. If you do not guide yourself toward satisfying others, you can take care of be
10. If one has a negative emotion because of the behavior of others, to walk
helps to eliminate the excess of negative energy in our body, the mind that
generates negative images over and over again must be controled.
11. If you practice different Asanas every day the muscular tensions, that harbor
the energy called Emotion, disappear and emotion is eliminated.
13. We practice body and face Asanas to change emotions and overcome
negative emotions.
15. The succession of changes is the cause of the multiple evolution of all
things and yourself.
16. If you still your mind your spirit arises and if you learnt it you will always
know what to do.
17. If you master your body energy by spending energy when you have much of
it and by treasuring it when you are lack of, you always be healthy.
18. If you do not worry about the past, you will always live the present and the
future will be better.
19. What you were last year no longer exists, everything you knew has changed,
even the way you are.
20. Every person you meet within 7 years will be totally different, their body,
mental and spiritual components will be different. The Self is believed
permanent, but permanence does not exist.
21. Walk every day, have a dip every day, take a massage every day, do
postures every day, do exercises, cultivate the sauna, practice different
breathing techniques every day, reflect every day, focus, have contemplation,
meditate and pay attention to the now and relax. Watch your feelings without
repressing them and discover your Self.
22. The best form of Spirituality is Art, practice all the arts possible without
23. The true Yogi is an artist; Yoga is the art of knowing how to live.
24. When you are practicing all the arts you can make a mistakes, even you can
be clumsy at the execution of a certain Art, but the learning of performing an
art regardless of the others opinion is always a true liberation of Spirit.
25. A Yogi knows that Art is spiritually purer and higher than religion, because it
has no dogma.
26. Religion far from being spiritual is mental with its rules and dogmas. The
Yogi departs from fanaticism.
27. The most genuine Yoga is not a Darshana, it is before and after the
Hinduism, it is not Yoga Darshana, it is not Hindu, nor Buddhist, Jainist,
Christian, Jew, Sikh, Muslim, Shivaita, Vaishnava, is not Pantheistic, Deist or
Atheist, it is only Yoga and it must not be religious.
28. Get away from dogmas and you will find wisdom.
29. The whole universe is energy, all matter is energy, yourself are constantly
changing energy.
30. By practicing the different positions of the trunk, legs, arms, face, neck,
hands and feet, will allow you to unlock the energy.
31. If the body energy is blocked by a blow or a cut, you will have pain because
energy does not flow.
32. If the Spiritual Energy is blocked you will have suffering, leave your feelings
be free.
33. Remember that each energy center has a necessity contrary to another
energy center,
35. That the desires of the mind are sometimes opposed to the needs of
several organs.
36. Harmonize your organs and their motivations, your body and your mind,
that is
37. When you harmonize your body and your mind, you can harmonize your
38. The Yogi has his techniques as a practice and these are transmitted by his
Master to him.
39. The Yogi is trained by his Master; without the Master they cannot learn the
40. For thousands of years, Yoga Techniques are transmitted from Masters to
disciples in all cultures.
41. Many speak of the inner Master, but it is false. It is imagination and illusion,
a way of self-deceiving in wich you affirm that you know what you have never
42. Everything you know and everything that you have knowlege of is the work
of others, who have taught you to live. It is your elders and your masters who
have taught you everything you know.
45. Start singing, dancing and painting, take care of the plants and enjoy simple
things in life.
46. The Body is the temple of your Spirit, take care of it.
47. Body and mental health is important, but if you are not happy you are
spiritually sick.
48. Unhappiness is the cruelest of diseases. And the whim is the base of its
49. Thus as the mistakes are the bricks of the building of your knowledge and
the temple of your wisdom.
51. The Yogi must be in society, but every so often he must depart to retire to
contemplate and reflect on your social life.
52. The yogi when he lives from Yoga is a professional and must lead students
to wellness.
54. All Yoga Techniques can be adapted to follow the path to Wellness.
56. And Yoga is the integration of the three planes of Human Being: the Mind,
Body and the Spirit. And these three with the Self and the Universe, the All with
our environment, and that is Wellness.
Book IV
4. Universal Yoga as the science and art of life cannot be Hindu Dharshana. The
religious must depart from Yoga.
5. The porpuse of Yoga cannot and should not be Samadhi, but must be the
Bodhi. The Bodhi leads to spiritual wellness, which is achieved when you wake
up spiritually of your own ignorance through any technique.
6. In your Chitta or unconscious function are the motivations of your life, you
must look for the meaning of your life.
7. You can only do what you are prepared to execute. You must discover what is
your gift.
8. If you manage to adapt to your here and now, you are doing Yoga constantly.
9. Desires occur consecutively, if you dominate them and give them their time
you can train them,
11. Face postures are the most important, because they change thye emotions.
12. If you exercise by changing body and face postures, your body musculature,
emotions change.
13. If you change postures every day and exercises constantly, you can
eliminate each negative emotions.
16. Things do not depend on the perception of the mind and its truths, if not of
the reaction to the actions.
17. Change as an ego exercise, put on the ego of the friend, of the father, of the
son, of teacher, student, boss and employee and everyone you know so you
realized that you are not any of your egos.
18. You have egos or selfs that you don't know, you must know yourself, there
are many selves that you can use or may arise.
19. If you train to change them every day you can eliminate negative egos or
too many fictional.
20. If you understand that love is irrational, that friendship is irrational, you will
not be worry to find them a sense.
24. If you learn affective Intelligence, you will learn to understand the feelings
of others.
25. Others feel different from you and you should try to speak their sentimental
language to understand them.
27. When impressions or images arise you must let them go, without thinking
about them.
28. In total stillness, when you rest the mind, the unconscious mind will bring
you the solution to your doubts.
29. Yoga is to integrate yourself, in your three planes, that is the path to well-
31. If you are happy, or if you are in harmony with yourself, you are in Yoga.
34. The theory is important, but more important is the practice, the daily
training is the key, but the really important thing, more than the theory and
practice, is the result that is well-being. You must focus always in the result.